Security Research Group plc 
               ("Security Research Group" or the "Company") 
            Interim Results for the six months ended 30 March 2013 
Security Research Group comprises Specialist Electronics, consisting of 
Audiotel International Limited (`Audiotel') and its subsidiary Security 
Research Limited, Property Information Services Businesses ('PSG') and Moore & 
Buckle (Flexible Packaging) Limited (`M&B'). 
Following completion in December 2012 of the GBP50 million order for Improvised 
Explosive Device (`IED') detectors from the Ministry of Defence (`MoD'), 
Specialist Electronics is now focussed on improving its existing range of 
products and on developing a range of completely new innovative products aimed 
at the commercial market. 
PSG is a major provider of both commercial and residential property searches 
and Energy Performance Certificates to the conveyancing marketplace in England 
and Wales. PSG trades both through its expanded wholly owned operation based in 
Yorkshire and its national network of PSG Brand Franchisees across England and 
M&B provides specialist, bespoke, flexible packaging solutions. 
  * Group profit before taxation GBP219,000 (2012: GBP8,587,000). 
  * Specialist Electronics operating profit GBP7,000 (2012: GBP8,609,000). 
  * Property Information Services operating profit GBP368,000 (2012: GBP62,000). 
  * M&B's operating profit GBP123,000 (2012: GBP146,000). 
For further information please visit www.srgroupplc.com 
Security Research Group plc 
Jonathan Mervis , Chairman              020 7881 0800 
John Warwick, Finance Director 
W H Ireland Limited 
Chris Fielding/ James Bavister          020 7220 1650 
chairman's statement 
for the six months ended 30 September 2013 
Specialist Electronics 
The fall in Group Profit before taxation from GBP8,587,000 to GBP219,000 reflects 
the completion of the GBP50 million MoD contract and the sea change in global 
markets for IED Detection equipment, which was responsible for a large 
proportion of the profits last year. Withdrawal of the great majority of ISAF 
forces from operational theatre in Afghanistan, as well as a change in 
strategic tactics, has curtailed the prospects for further orders for the 
foreseeable future. 
Shareholders have, however, already benefitted through share buy backs 
totalling over GBP15 million as a result of the MoD contract. 
The Annual Report highlighted our goal of developing new products based on 
proprietary applications of our technology for the global market place and a 
commensurate upgrade of the Specialist Electronics profile. There has been 
positive work in progress on all fronts. 
Guard Products 
The high profile and risk of danger and damage to government agencies, 
corporations and a range of their advisers to the consequences flowing from 
eavesdropping, bugging and covert videoing has become of increasing concern. 
To reduce the risk of exposure to these threats and to raise the protective bar 
even further than previously achieved Audiotel has upgraded its Guard Products 
and is planning a major re-launch early in the new year. Operating in real time 
on a 24/7 basis Meeting Guard displays unequivocally on a screen, either as an 
alert or alarm, evidence of eavesdropping, bugging or the operation of covert 
video. The meeting participants are, therefore, made aware immediately of 
possible breaches of security. 
The Enhanced Superbroom 
The Enhanced Superbroom is the latest lightweight Non-Linear Junction Detector 
(NLJD). Its variable power enables it, in the first instance, to identify the 
general area of the threat and then to follow up by identifying the threat with 
pin point accuracy. Since its launch five months ago in July 2013 Enhanced 
Superbrooms have been sold to customers in Italy, Portugal, Finland, Saudi 
Arabia, South Africa, Singapore and Taiwan as well as to The Foreign and 
Commonwealth Office. 
The result of a GBP1 million MoD tender for this product is expected before the 
calendar year end. 
The Archway 
The Archway detects a wide range of information storing devices, including SIM 
cards, USB memory sticks, hidden cameras and listening and recording devices. 
It also detects mobile phones. There is interest from an important Chinese 
customer and from a major global manufacturer of electronic consumer products. 
The outlook for PSG has improved substantially. The operating profit for the 
period was GBP368,000 (2012: GBP62,000). 
PSG is benefitting from, and will continue to benefit from, a variety of 
factors including:- 
  * Rising house sale transactions. 
  * All franchisees having signed up to a new agreement for five years with an 
    option to renew. 
  * Continued investment in IT, creating a national user friendly platform to 
    process and deliver an expanding range of products resulting in increases 
    in income with only minimal increases in costs. 
  * Investment in marketing of new products and regular CPD seminars for 
  * Development of ways of using the unique national network to deliver 
    services, other than property related services, to solicitor customers. 
PSG Energy continues to have high quality expertise and provides excellent 
service in this sector. 
M&B's operating profit of GBP123,000 (2012: GBP146,000) was marginally down from 
the first half of the previous financial year. 
Specialist Electronics is progressing with its plans for gaining wide 
commercial acceptance for its latest products. These counter the theft of 
information through the eavesdropping of confidential discussions and inhibit 
the smuggling of memory devices loaded with classified information. 
PSG, for the first time since 2007, stands to benefit from an upward trend in 
residential housing sales leading to an increased income with only a minimal 
increase in costs. 
Jonathan Mervis 
4 December 2013 
consolidated income statement 
for the six months ended 30 September 2013 
                                           Six months   Six months        Year 
                                                ended        ended       ended 
                                         30 September 30 September    31 March 
                                                 2013         2012        2013 
                                            Unaudited    Unaudited     Audited 
                                                 GBP000         GBP000        GBP000 
Revenue                                         4,799       25,781      29,364 
Cost of sales                                 (2,295)     (10,342)    (14,046) 
Gross profit                                    2,504       15,439      15,318 
Administrative expenses                       (2,294)      (6,900)     (8,715) 
Operating profit before exceptional               210        8,539       6,603 
Exceptional administrative expenses                 -            -     (1,704) 
Operating profit                                  210        8,539       4,899 
Finance costs                                       -            -        (11) 
Finance income                                      9           48          90 
Profit on ordinary activities before              219        8,587       4,978 
Income tax credit/(expense)                        25      (2,010)     (1,295) 
Profit on ordinary activities after               244        6,577       3,683 
Basic earnings per share                        1.26p       27.06p      15.89p 
Diluted earnings per share                      1.25p       26.56p      15.74p 
The consolidated income statement has been prepared on the basis that all 
operations are continuing operations. 
consolidated statement of comprehensive income 
for the six months ended 30 September 2013 
The profit on ordinary activities after taxation represents the Group's total 
comprehensive income for the period. 
consolidated statement of changes in equity 
for the six months ended 30 September 2013 
                                 Share     Share     Capital  Retained    Total 
                               Capital   Premium  Redemption  Earnings 
                                  GBP000      GBP000        GBP000      GBP000     GBP000 
At 1 April 2012                  5,148       438         626    12,955   19,167 
Purchase of ordinary share           -         -           -   (4,184)  (4,184) 
capital for treasury 
(including costs of GBP47,000) 
Cancellation of own shares       (368)         -         368         -        - 
Total comprehensive income for       -         -           -     6,577    6,577 
the period 
At 30 September 2012             4,780       438         994    15,348   21,560 
Issue of new ordinary shares        76       114           -         -      190 
on exercise of options 
Purchase of ordinary share           -         -           -  (11,008) (11,008) 
capital for treasury 
(including costs of GBP80,000) 
Cancellation of own shares       (971)         -         971         -        - 
Total comprehensive income for       -         -           -   (2,894)  (2,894) 
the period 
At 31 March 2013                 3,885       552       1,965     1,446    7,848 
Total comprehensive income for       -         -           -       244      244 
the period 
At 30 September 2013             3,885       552       1,965     1,690    8,092 
consolidated statement of financial position 
for the six months ended 30 September 2013 
                                        30 September  30 September     31 March 
                                                2013          2012         2013 
                                           Unaudited     Unaudited      Audited 
                                                GBP000          GBP000         GBP000 
Non-current assets 
Goodwill                                       3,273         4,977        3,273 
Other intangible assets                          597           668          628 
Property, plant and equipment                    365           743          411 
Deferred tax asset                               282           125          312 
                                               4,517         6,513        4,624 
Current assets 
Inventories                                    1,262         1,655        1,189 
Trade and other receivables                    2,502         4,413        2,721 
Current tax asset                                289             -            - 
Cash and cash equivalents                      2,849        17,822        5,398 
                                               6,902        23,890        9,308 
Current liabilities 
Trade and other payables                     (3,272)       (6,681)      (5,666) 
Current tax liability                           (55)       (2,162)        (418) 
                                             (3,327)       (8,843)      (6,084) 
Net current assets                             3,575        15,047        3,224 
Net assets                                     8,092        21,560        7,848 
Represented by: 
Capital and reserves attributable to 
equity holders 
Called up share capital                        3,885         4,780        3,885 
Share premium account                            552           438          552 
Capital redemption reserve                     1,965           994        1,965 
Retained earnings                              1,690        15,348        1,446 
Total equity                                   8,092        21,560        7,848 
consolidated statement of cash flows 
for the six months ended 30 September 2013 
                                           Six months   Six months        Year 
                                                ended        ended       ended 
                                         30 September 30 September    31 March 
                                                 2013         2012        2013 
                                            Unaudited    Unaudited     Audited 
                                                 GBP000         GBP000        GBP000 
Cash flows from operating activities 
Profit before taxation                            219        8,587       4,978 
Adjustments for: 
Depreciation of property, plant and                57        1,037       1,418 
Amortisation of goodwill                            -            -       1,704 
Amortisation of other intangible assets           256          278         533 
Profit on disposal of tangible assets            (16)          (2)         (7) 
Interest expense                                    -            -          11 
Interest receivable                               (9)         (49)        (90) 
Decrease in receivables                           219        2,810       4,501 
(Increase)/decrease in inventories               (73)        (342)         124 
Decrease in payables                          (2,394)      (4,490)     (5,505) 
Cash (used in)/generated from operations      (1,741)        7,829       7,667 
Interest paid                                       -            -        (11) 
Income tax paid                                 (597)      (2,685)     (3,902) 
Net cash (used in)/generated from             (2,338)        5,144       3,754 
operating activities 
Cash flows from investing activities 
Purchase of tangible assets                      (19)        (203)       (288) 
Purchase of other intangible assets             (225)        (258)       (472) 
Proceeds from sale of tangible assets              24            6          47 
Interest received                                   9           49          90 
Net cash used in investing activities           (211)        (406)       (623) 
Cash flows from financing activities 
Issue of share capital                              -            -         190 
Purchase of own shares                              -      (4,184)    (15,191) 
Net cash used in financing activities               -      (4,184)    (15,001) 
Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash      (2,549)          554    (11,870) 
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning          5,398       17,268      17,268 
of period 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of             2,849       17,822       5,398 
notes to the interim financial statements 
for the six months ended 30 September 2013 
1. general information 
The interim financial statements for the six months ended 30 September 2013 
were authorised for issue in accordance with a resolution of the Board of 
Directors on 3 December 2013. 
The Company is a public limited company incorporated in the United Kingdom. The 
address of its registered office is 133 Ebury Street, London SW1W 9QU. 
The Company's ordinary shares are admitted to trading on the AIM market of the 
London Stock Exchange. 
The financial information for the six months ended 30 September 2013 set out in 
this interim report is unaudited and does not constitute statutory accounts 
within the meaning of Section 434 of the Companies Act 2006. The comparative 
figures for the year ended 31 March 2013 are extracted from the statutory 
financial statements which have been filed with the Registrar of Companies. The 
auditors' report on those financial statements was unqualified and did not 
contain statements under section 498(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 2006. 
2. basis of preparation 
The interim financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost 
convention and in accordance with applicable International Financial Reporting 
Standards (IFRSs), International Accounting Standards (IAS) and International 
Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee (IFRIC) interpretations adopted 
for use by the European Union and with those parts of the Companies Act 2006 
applicable to companies reporting under IFRSs. The information within these 
interim financial statements has been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 
"Interim Financial Reporting" as adopted by the European Union. 
3. accounting policies 
The principal accounting policies used in preparing the interim financial 
statements and those the group expects to apply in its financial statements for 
the year ending 31 March 2014 are unchanged from those disclosed in the 
statutory financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2013. 
4. segmental analysis 
                                    Six months       Six months            Year 
                                         ended            ended           ended 
                                  30 September     30 September        31 March 
                                          2013             2012            2013 
                                     Unaudited        Unaudited         Audited 
                                          GBP000             GBP000            GBP000 
Revenue - operating segment 
Specialist electronics                   1,440           22,801          23,566 
Property information services            2,606            2,190           4,234 
Packaging solutions                        753              790           1,564 
                                         4,799           25,781          29,364 
Revenue - geographical area 
United Kingdom                           4,608           25,579          28,833 
Asia and Middle East                       156               53             227 
Europe                                      20              115             242 
Other                                       15               34              62 
                                         4,799           25,781          29,364 
4. segmental analysis (continued) 
                                    Six months       Six months            Year 
                                         ended            ended           ended 
                                  30 September     30 September        31 March 
                                          2013             2012            2013 
                                     Unaudited        Unaudited         Audited 
                                          GBP000             GBP000            GBP000 
Operating profit/(loss) 
Specialist electronics                       7            8,609           6,765 
Property information services              368               62             152 
Packaging solutions                        123              146             302 
Head office                              (288)            (278)           (616) 
Exceptional items                            -                -         (1,704) 
                                           210            8,539           4,899 
Net operating assets 
Specialist electronics                     83          (2,773)          (1,512) 
Property information services           3,316            4,420            2,935 
Packaging solutions                     1,934            2,236            1,964 
Head office                              (89)            (145)            (937) 
                                        5,244            3,738            2,450 
Interest bearing assets                 2,849           17,822            5,398 
                                        8,093           21,560            7,848 
5. earnings per share 
Basic earnings per share calculations have been arrived at by reference to the 
following profit and weighted average number of shares in issue during the 
period. The actual number of shares in issue at 30 September 2013 was 
                                          Six months    Six months         Year 
                                               ended         ended        ended 
                                        30 September  30 September     31 March 
                                                2013          2012         2013 
Profit after tax                            GBP244,000    GBP6,577,000   GBP3,683,000 
Weighted average number of shares in      19,426,324    24,303,836   23,173,628 
Basic earnings per share                       1.26p        27.06p       15.89p 
Weighted average number of shares in      19,552,285    24,767,869   23,401,480 
issue adjusted to take account of 
shares under option 
Diluted earnings per share                     1.25p        26.56p       15.74p 

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