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Sul Oman 32 U (35NP)

Sul Oman 32 U
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21/09/202302:29UK RegulatoryOman (Government of Sultanate of) Results of Tender OfferLSE:35NPSul Oman 32 U
20/09/202319:55UK RegulatoryOman (Government of Sultanate of) Tender Offer - Indicative ResultsLSE:35NPSul Oman 32 U
20/09/202301:47UK RegulatoryOman (Government of Sultanate of) Tender Offer - Pricing (Any and All Offer)LSE:35NPSul Oman 32 U
13/09/202319:34UK RegulatoryOman (Government of Sultanate of) Tender Offer - updated timetableLSE:35NPSul Oman 32 U
12/09/202321:08UK RegulatoryOman (Government of Sultanate of) Tender OfferLSE:35NPSul Oman 32 U
30/06/202218:58UK RegulatoryOman (Government of Sultanate of) Final Results of Tender OfferLSE:35NPSul Oman 32 U
30/06/202200:07UK RegulatoryOman (Government of Sultanate of) Indicative Results of Tender OfferLSE:35NPSul Oman 32 U
22/06/202220:12UK RegulatoryOman (Government of Sultanate of) Tender OfferLSE:35NPSul Oman 32 U
26/01/202118:00UK RegulatoryOman (Government of Sultanate of) Issue of DebtLSE:35NPSul Oman 32 U
08/12/202003:06UK RegulatoryOman (Government of Sultanate of) Publication of Final TermsLSE:35NPSul Oman 32 U
25/11/202020:13UK RegulatoryOman (Government of Sultanate of) Publication of Base Prospectus SupplementLSE:35NPSul Oman 32 U
28/10/202019:00UK RegulatoryOman (Government of Sultanate of) Publication of Base Prospectus and Final TermsLSE:35NPSul Oman 32 U
20/07/200620:51UK RegulatoryFull Early RedemptionsLSE:35NPSul Oman 32 U
15/06/200617:46UK RegulatoryFRN Variable Rate FixLSE:35NPSul Oman 32 U
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