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For the month of August 2023


Commission File Number: 001-12568



BBVA Argentina Bank S.A.

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111 Córdoba Av, C1054AAA

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Banco BBVA Argentina S.A.







1. Banco BBVA Argentina S.A. reports consolidated second quarter earnings for fiscal year 2023.
















Banco BBVA Argentina S.A. announces Second Quarter 2023 results

Buenos Aires, August 23, 2023 – Banco BBVA Argentina S.A (NYSE; BYMA; MAE: BBAR; LATIBEX: XBBAR) (“BBVA Argentina” or “BBVA” or “the Bank”) announced today its consolidated results for the second quarter (2Q23), ended on June 30, 2023.

As of January 1, 2020, the Bank started to inform its inflation adjusted results pursuant to IAS 29 reporting. To facilitate comparison, figures of comparable quarters of 2022 and 2023 have been updated according to IAS 29 reporting to reflect the accumulated effect of inflation adjustment for each period up to June 30, 2023.

2Q23 Highlights

·BBVA Argentina’s inflation adjusted net income in 2Q23 was $30.4 billion, 63.3% greater than the $18.6 billion reported on the first quarter of 2023 (1Q23), and 11.4% lower than the $34.3 billion reported on the second quarter of 2022 (2Q22). BBVA Argentina’s inflation adjusted net income for the first half of 2023 (2H23) totaled $49.0 billion, 10.1% higher than the $44.5 billion reported in the first half of 2022 (2H22).
·In 2Q23, BBVA Argentina posted an inflation adjusted average return on assets (ROAA) of 3.9% and an inflation adjusted average return on equity (ROAE) of 21.3%. In 2H23, BBVA Argentina posted an inflation adjusted ROAA of 3.2% and an inflation adjusted ROAE of 17.7%.
·Operating income in 2Q23 was $125.3 billion, 28.6% above the $97.5 billion recorded in 1Q23 and 81.7% over the $69.0 billion recorded in 2Q22. In 2H23, operating income was $222.8 billion, 69.3% above the $131.6 billion recorded in 2H22.
·In terms of activity, total consolidated financing to the private sector in 2Q23 totaled $1.1 trillion, remaining practically stable with a mild fall of 0.3% in real terms compared to 1Q23, and contracting 3.5% compared to 2Q22. In the quarter, the variation was mainly driven by a decline in overdrafts by 37.5%, offset by an increase in discounted instruments and other loans by 18.3% and 9.0% respectively. BBVA’s consolidated market share of private sector loans reached 9.01% as of 2Q23.
·Total consolidated deposits in 2Q23 totaled $2.0 trillion, increasing 3.3% in real terms during the quarter, and falling 4.3% in the year. Quarterly increase was mainly explained by sight deposits, which grew 8.3%. The Bank’s consolidated market share of private deposits reached 7.03% as of 2Q23.
·As of 2Q23, the non-performing loan ratio (NPL) reached 1.38%, with a 218.44% coverage ratio.
·The accumulated efficiency ratio in 2Q23 was 56.6%, below 1Q23’s 62.4%, and 2Q22’s 71.3%.
·As of 2Q23, BBVA Argentina reached a regulatory capital ratio of 28.4%, entailing a $369.5 billion or 247.4% excess over minimum regulatory requirement. Tier I ratio was 28.0%.
·Total liquid assets represented 84.1% of the Bank’s total deposits as of 2Q23.


Message from the CFO

“On Sunday, August 13, Javier Milei, the candidate for “La Libertad Avanza”, was the most voted in the primary presidential elections, gaining 30.2% of total votes, quite above what surveys were estimating. In the second place were the sum of candidates running for “Juntos por el Cambio”, and in third place ended the sum of candidates for “Union por la Patria”. This implies a high uncertainty scenario facing the general elections in October, and it is expectable that high volatility will persist in financial indicators in an already deteriorated macroeconomic environment.

At the same time, the unfavorable macroeconomic conditions have continued to deteriorate, increasing the risk of economic and financial turbulence ahead of the presidential elections scheduled for the last quarter of the year. GDP is expected to fall by around 3.5% this year, 100 basis points more than previously forecast by BBVA Research (-2.5%), due to the impact of the negative weather shock on the production and export of agricultural goods, coupled with increasing exchange rate restrictions and political uncertainty. In this context, its impact on the external and fiscal accounts has contributed to accelerate the exchange rate depreciation and inflation, which in annual terms reached 113.4% in July.

In June 2023, private credit in pesos for the system grew 92% YoY, while BBVA Argentina increased its private loan portfolio in pesos by 113%. Neither the System, nor Bank’s YoY loan growth exceeded that of inflation (which reached 115.6% YoY as of June 2023). Consolidated market share increased 66bps from 8.35% to 9.01% YoY. Regarding consolidated private deposits, the system grew 108% while the Bank grew 105%, in both cases neither beating inflation in the year. Consolidated market share of deposits for BBVA Argentina was 7.03%, lower than the 7.16% recorded the prior year.

Referring to BBVA Argentina performance, a better operating income in the second quarter 2023 was a product of an improvement in interest income, boosted especially by government securities and liquidity instruments, and better fee income.

As of June 2023, BBVA Argentina reached an NPL ratio of 1.38%, way below the last available system NPL (June 2023) of 3.0%. Concerning liquidity and solvency indicators, the Bank ends the quarter with 84.1% and 28.4% respectively, levels which undoubtedly allow to address business growth in the case of an economic recovery.

As of the date of this report, BBVA Argentina has distributed 3 of the 6 installments scheduled on dividend payments, from $50.4 billion total to be paid, according to the plan published on June 7, 2023, on the terms agreed with the Central Bank.

On digitalization, our service offering has evolved in such way that by the end of June 2023, retail digital client penetration reached 62%, remaining stable versus a year back, while that of retail mobile clients reached 56% from 54% in the same period. In the quarter, new client acquisition through digital channels over traditional ones was 75%, while in 2Q22 it was 70%.

BBVA Argentina has a corporate responsibility with society, inherent to the Bank’s business model, which bolsters inclusion, financial education and supports scientific research and culture. The Bank works with the highest integrity, long-term vision and best practices, and is present through the BBVA Group in the main sustainability indexes.

Lastly, the Bank actively monitors its business, financial conditions and operating results, in the aim of keeping a competitive position to face contextual challenges in a decisive year for the Argentine Republic.”

Carmen Morillo Arroyo, CFO at BBVA Argentina

2Q23 Conference Call

Thursday, August 24 - 12:00 p.m. Buenos Aires time (11:00 a.m. EST)

To participate, please dial-in:

+ 54-11-3984-5677 (Argentina)

+ 1-844-450-3851 (United States)

+ 1-412-317-6373 (International)

Web Phone: click here

Conference ID: BBVA

Webcast & Replay: click here


Safe Harbor Statement

This press release contains certain forward-looking statements that reflect the current views and/or expectations of Banco BBVA Argentina and its management with respect to its performance, business and future events. We use words such as “believe,” “anticipate,” “plan,” “expect,” “intend,” “target,” “estimate,” “project,” “predict,” “forecast,” “guideline,” “seek,” “future,” “should” and other similar expressions to identify forward-looking statements, but they are not the only way we identify such statements. Such statements are subject to a number of risks, uncertainties and assumptions. We caution you that a number of important factors could cause actual results to differ materially from the plans, objectives, expectations, estimates and intentions expressed in this release. Actual results, performance or events may differ materially from those in such statements due to, without limitation, (i) changes in general economic, financial, business, political, legal, social or other conditions in Argentina or elsewhere in Latin America or changes in either developed or emerging markets, (ii) changes in regional, national and international business and economic conditions, including inflation, (iii) changes in interest rates and the cost of deposits, which may, among other things, affect margins, (iv) unanticipated increases in financing or other costs or the inability to obtain additional debt or equity financing on attractive terms, which may limit our ability to fund existing operations and to finance new activities, (v) changes in government regulation, including tax and banking regulations, (vi) changes in the policies of Argentine authorities, (vii) adverse legal or regulatory disputes or proceedings, (viii) competition in banking and financial services, (ix) changes in the financial condition, creditworthiness or solvency of the customers, debtors or counterparties of Banco BBVA Argentina, (x) increase in the allowances for loan losses, (xi) technological changes or an inability to implement new technologies, (xii) changes in consumer spending and saving habits, (xiii) the ability to implement our business strategy and (xiv) fluctuations in the exchange rate of the Peso. The matters discussed herein may also be affected by risks and uncertainties described from time to time in Banco BBVA Argentina’s filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and Comisión Nacional de Valores (CNV). Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements, which speak only as the date of this document. Banco BBVA Argentina is under no obligation and expressly disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.


This earnings release has been prepared in accordance with the accounting framework established by the Central Bank of Argentina (“BCRA”), based on International Financial Reporting Standards (“I.F.R.S.”) and the resolutions adopted by the International Accounting Standards Board (“I.A.S.B”) and by the Federación Argentina de Consejos Profesionales de Ciencias Económicas (“F.A.C.P.E.”), with the following exceptions:

a) The exclusion of the application of the IFRS 9 impairment model for non-financial public sector debt instruments.

b) In March 2022, the shares corresponding to the remaining participation in Prisma Medios de Pago S.A. (“Prisma”) were transferred, which were measured at fair value pursuant to April 29, 2019, and March 22, 2021 Memorandums received from the BCRA, and the income (loss) from their sale was recorded in the quarter ended March 31, 2022. Had IFRS rules been applied to determine the fair value mentioned, results for the quarter ended on June 30, 2022 would have been modified. Nonetheless, this does not generate differences regarding the value of equity as of December 31, 2022.

The information in this press release contains unaudited financial information that consolidates, line item by line item, all of the banking activities of BBVA Argentina, including: BBVA Asset Management Argentina S.A., Consolidar AFJP-undergoing liquidation proceeding, PSA Finance Argentina Compañía Financiera S.A. (“PSA”) and Volkswagen Financial Services Compañía Financiera S.A (“VWFS”).

BBVA Seguros Argentina S.A. is disclosed on a consolidated basis recorded as Investments in associates (reported under the proportional consolidation method), and the corresponding results are reported as “Income from associates”), same as Rombo Compañía Financiera S.A. (“Rombo”), Play Digital S.A. (“MODO”), Openpay Argentina S.A. and Interbanking S.A.

Financial statements of subsidiaries have been elaborated as of the same dates and periods as Banco BBVA Argentina S.A.’s. In the case of consolidated companies PSA and VWFS, financial statements were prepared considering the B.C.R.A. accounting framework for institutions belonging to “Group C”, considering the model established by the IFRS 9 5.5. “Impairment” section for periods starting as of January 1, 2022, excluding debt instruments from the non-financial public sector.


The information published by the BBVA Group for Argentina is prepared according to IFRS, without considering the temporary exceptions established by BCRA.


Quarterly Results

In millions of AR$ - Inflation adjusted       ∆ %
  2Q23 1Q23 2Q22 QoQ YoY
Net Interest Income   185,505   162,387   117,082   14.2%   58.4%
Net Fee Income  23,739  14,020  22,219   69.3%  6.8%
Net income from measurement of financial instruments at fair value through P&L 7,414 8,637 2,895 (14.2%) 156.1%
Net income from write-down of assets at amortized cost and at fair value through OCI 2,290   48 1,223  n.m    87.2%
Foreign exchange and gold gains 3,231 1,306 3,356 147.4%   (3.7%)
Other operating income 7,014 6,798 7,150  3.2%   (1.9%)
Loan loss allowances (11,097) (10,123)   (5,293)   (9.6%)  (109.7%)
Net operating income   218,096   183,073   148,632   19.1%   46.7%
Personnel benefits (29,008) (27,297) (27,394)   (6.3%)   (5.9%)
Adminsitrative expenses (31,156) (29,682) (26,430)   (5.0%) (17.9%)
Depreciation and amortization   (3,493)   (3,491)   (3,712)   (0.1%)  5.9%
Other operating expenses (29,094) (25,117) (22,105) (15.8%) (31.6%)
Operarting expenses (92,751) (85,587) (79,641)   (8.4%) (16.5%)
Operating income   125,345  97,486  68,991   28.6%   81.7%
Income from associates 593  (74) 470  n.m    26.2%
Income from net monetary position (77,491) (70,303) (51,283) (10.2%) (51.1%)
Net income before income tax   48,447  27,109  18,178   78.7% 166.5%
Income tax (18,085)   (8,518)  16,072  (112.3%)  (212.5%)
Net income for the period  30,362  18,591  34,250   63.3% (11.4%)
Owners of the parent  30,058  18,603  34,523   61.6% (12.9%)
Non-controlling interests 304  (12)   (273)  n.m  211.4%
Other comprehensive Income (OCI) (1) 5,226   (797) (20,803)  n.m  125.1%
Total comprehensive income  35,588  17,794  13,447 100.0% 164.7%
(1) Net of Income Tax.          

BBVA Argentina 2Q23 net income was $30.4 billion, increasing 63.3% or $11.8 billion quarter-over-quarter (QoQ) and falling 11.4% or $3.9 billion year-over-year (YoY). This implied a quarterly ROAE of 21.3% and a quarterly ROAA of 3.9%.

Quarterly operating results are mainly explained by (i) better interest income results through public securities and liquidity instruments, (ii) better fee income, and (iii) higher income from write-down of assets at amortized cost and at fair value through Other Comprehensive Income (OCI), mainly due to the voluntary bond swap offered in June by the National Treasury.

This effect was partially offset by (i) an increase in other operating expenses, pushed by greater turnover tax due to a higher LELIQ position, (ii) an increase in personnel expenses, and (iii) an increase in administrative expenses.

Net Income for the period was highly impacted by income from net monetary position, as inflation increased from 21.7%1 in 1Q23 to 23.8%1 in 2Q23. 

1 Source: Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censos (INDEC).


Lastly, the OCI line totaled a positive result of $5,226 million, mainly due to results of financial instruments at fair value through OCI, particularly through the revaluation of inflation-linked (CER) National Treasury bond portfolio.

Income Statement – 6 month accumulated

In millions of AR$ - Inflation adjusted      
  2023 2022 ∆ %
Interest income   679,683   389,300   74.6%
Interest expense  (331,791)  (173,017) (91.8%)
Net interest income   347,892   216,283   60.9%
Fee income  60,561  63,787   (5.1%)
Fee expenses (22,802) (24,791)  8.0%
Net fee income  37,759  38,996   (3.2%)
Net income from financial instruments at fair value through P&L  16,051  13,227   21.4%
Net loss from write-down of assets at amortized cost and fair value through OCI 2,338 1,136 105.8%
Foreign exchange and gold gains 4,537 7,684 (41.0%)
Other operating income  13,812  15,684 (11.9%)
Loan loss allowances (21,220) (11,031) (92.4%)
Net operating income   401,169   281,979   42.3%
Personnel benefits (56,305) (50,316) (11.9%)
Administrative expenses (60,838) (50,491) (20.5%)
Depreciation and amortization   (6,984)   (7,846)   11.0%
Other operating expenses (54,211) (41,714) (30.0%)
Operating expenses  (178,338)  (150,367) (18.6%)
Operating income   222,831   131,612   69.3%
Income from associates and joint ventures 519   (206) 351.9%
Income from net monetary position  (147,794) (98,645) (49.8%)
Income before income tax  75,556  32,761 130.6%
Income tax (26,603)  11,690  (327.6%)
Income for the period  48,953  44,451   10.1%
Owners of the parent  48,661  45,110  7.9%
Non-controlling interests 292   (659) 144.3%
Other comprehensive Income (OCI) (1) 4,429 (17,454) 125.4%
Total comprehensive income  53,382  26,997   97.7%
(1) Net of Income Tax.      

During the first half of 2023, BBVA Argentina net income was $49.0 billion, 10.1% higher than the $45.0 billion reported in the first half of 2022. This implied an accumulated annualized ROAE of 17.7% and a ROAA of 3.2% in 2022, compared to an accumulated annualized ROAE of 18.9% and a ROAA of 3.0% in 2022.

The 69.3% increment in real terms of the Bank’s operating income is mainly explained by (i) an increase in interest income, mostly due to an increase in the position and yield of Central Bank instruments, and (ii) better net income from financial instruments at fair value through P&L, explained both by an increase in the position of BCRA liquidity bills (LELIQ) and CER bonds.

These effects were negatively offset by (i) greater expenses related to personnel benefits lead by collective agreements with the unions, (ii) other operating expenses, the latter affected by the increase in turnover tax derived from a greater income from LELIQ interests, and (iii) administrative expenses, mainly due to expenses related to software and licenses hired through the controlling company.


Another factor to consider is the income tax line, which had a positive result in 2H22 of $11.7 billion, explained by the implications of fiscal inflation adjustments in the determination of payable taxes and tax deferrals, recorded during the second quarter of 2022.

Additionally, net income is affected by income from net monetary position in a context of higher inflation (50.7% 2023 six month accumulated, versus 36.2% accumulated in the same period of 2022).

        ∆ %
  2Q23 1Q23 2Q22 QoQ YoY
Financial Statement information          
Net income for the period attributable to owners of the parent (in AR$ millions, inflation adjusted)  30,058  18,603  34,523   61.6% (12.9%)
Total shares outstanding (1)   612,710   612,710   612,710   -   -
Market information          
Closing price of ordinary share at BYMA (in AR$) 1,020.7 537.7 201.0   89.8% 407.8%
Closing price of ADS at NYSE (in USD)  6.1  3.9  2.4   56.4% 156.5%
Book value per share (in AR$)  925.42  928.84  823.17   (0.4%)   12.4%
Price-to-book ratio (BYMA price) (%)   1.10   0.58   0.24   90.5% 351.7%
Earnings per share (in AR$) 49.06 30.36 56.34   61.6% (12.9%)
Earnings per ADS(2) (in AR$)  147.17 91.09  169.03   61.6% (12.9%)
(1) In thousands of shares.          
(2) Each ADS accounts for 3 ordinary shares          



Net Interest Income

In millions of AR$ - Inflation adjusted       ∆ %
  2Q23 1Q23 2Q22 QoQ YoY
Net Interest Income   185,505   162,387   117,082   14.2%   58.4%
Interest Income   371,223   308,460   214,764   20.3%   72.9%
From government securities   152,135   130,495  90,255   16.6%   68.6%
From private securities 446 272 267   64.0%   67.0%
Interest from loans and other financing   127,273   117,822  75,211  8.0%   69.2%
Financial Sector 639 639 1,086  - (41.2%)
Overdrafts  20,230  21,400 8,939   (5.5%)   126.3%
Discounted Instruments  32,442  23,874  11,749  35.9%   176.1%
Mortgage loans 634 1,319 950 (51.9%) (33.3%)
Pledge loans 4,410 4,249 3,963 3.8%  11.3%
Consumer Loans  15,924  15,009  11,566 6.1%  37.7%
Credit Cards  32,995  32,510  20,487 1.5%  61.1%
Financial leases 1,052 1,089 561   (3.4%)  87.5%
Loans for the prefinancing and financing of exports 194 191 289 1.6% (32.9%)
Other loans  18,753  17,542  15,621 6.9%  20.0%
Premiums on reverse REPO transactions  31,647  21,688 2,535   45.9%  n.m 
CER/UVA clause adjustment  59,431  37,934  46,280   56.7%   28.4%
Other interest income 291 249 216   16.9%   34.7%
Interest expenses   185,718   146,073  97,682   27.1%   90.1%
Deposits   175,811   137,335  84,142   28.0% 108.9%
Checking accounts  30,736  15,709  15,868  95.7%  93.7%
Savings accounts 849 629 622  35.0%  36.5%
Time deposits and Investment accounts   144,226   120,997  67,652  19.2%   113.2%
Other liabilities from financial transactions 116 230 251 (49.6%) (53.8%)
Interfinancial loans received 3,069 2,586 3,243   18.7%   (5.4%)
CER/UVA clause adjustment 6,719 5,921  10,045   13.5% (33.1%)
Other interest expense  3  1  1 200.0% 200.0%

Net interest income for 2Q23 was $185.5 billion, increasing 14.2% or $23.1 billion QoQ, and 58.4% or $68.4 billion YoY. In 2Q23, interest income, in monetary terms, increased more than interest expense, mainly due to (i) an increase in income from CER/UVA adjustments, especially public securities with this adjustment, and (ii) a higher position and yield of public securities, in particular of LELIQ. Additionally, there is a positive effect from income from loans, mainly discounted instruments, and from premium from reverse REPOs.

In 2Q23, interest income totaled $371.2 billion, increasing 20.3% compared to 1Q23 and 72.9% compared to 2Q22. Quarterly increase is mainly driven by (i) an increase in CER/UVA adjustments, mainly public securities with this adjustment, and (ii) a higher position in public securities, especially LELIQ.

Income from government securities increased 16.1% compared to 1Q23, and 68.6% compared to 2Q22. This is partially due to the higher average position in LELIQ, added to a gradual increase in the monetary policy rate from 78% at the beginning of the quarter up to 97% at quarter end. 94% of these results are explained by government securities at fair value through OCI (of which 76% are BCRA securities) and 4% are securities at amortized cost (2027 National Treasury Bonds at fixed rate, National Treasury Bonds Private 0.70 Badlar Rate maturing on November 2027, and National Treasury Bonds CER 2025, used for reserve requirement integration).


Interest income from loans and other financing totaled $127.3 billion, increasing 8.0% QoQ and 69.2% YoY. Quarterly growth is mainly due to an increase in discounted instruments by 35.9%, both through an increase in activity and in rates.

Income from CER/UVA adjustments increased 56.7% QoQ and 28.4% YoY. Quarterly growth is explained by the delay with which the inflation adjustment effects are recorded, and impact on the subsequent financial statements, recording the increase in inflation in 1Q23 and part of the increment in 2Q23. 77% of income from interests from CER/UVA clause adjustments is explained by interests generated by bonds linked to such indexes.

Interest expenses totaled $185.7 billion, denoting a 27.1% increase QoQ and a 90.1% increase YoY. Quarterly increase is described by higher time deposit expenses.

Interests from time deposits (including investment accounts) explain 77.7% of interest expenses, versus 82.8% the previous quarter. These increased 19.2% QoQ and 113.2% YoY.


As of 2Q23, net interest margin (NIM) was 33.3%, above the 31.3% reported in 2Q23. In 2Q23, NIM in pesos was 34.9% and 1.4% in U.S. dollars.

In millions of AR$. Rates and spreads in annualized %                
  2Q23 1Q23 2Q22
  Average Balance Interest Earned/Paid Average Real Rate Average Balance Interest Earned/Paid Average Real Rate Average Balance Interest Earned/Paid Average Real Rate
Total interest-earning assets  2,234,651 371,223 66.6%  2,102,990 308,460 59.5%  2,128,816 214,764 40.5%
Debt securities  1,183,938 229,732 77.8%  1,054,117 179,646 69.1%  1,068,877 126,628 47.5%
Loans to customers/financial institutions  1,015,325 141,482 55.9%  1,013,783 128,803 51.5%  1,030,172   88,131 34.3%
Loans to the BCRA 3   7 935.9% 2 10 1622.2% 2   4 802.2%
Other assets 35,385   2 0.0% 35,087   1 0.0% 29,765  - 0.0%
Total non interest-earning assets  689,660  - 0.0%  722,911  - 0.0%  774,925  - 0.0%
Total Assets  2,924,311 371,223 50.9%  2,825,901 308,460 44.3%  2,903,740 214,764 29.7%
Total interest-bearing liabilities  1,489,400 185,718 50.0%  1,446,286 146,073 41.0%  1,515,149   97,682 25.9%
Savings accounts  513,673  849 0.7%  529,288  629 0.5%  558,096  621 0.4%
Time deposits and investment accounts  767,377 150,946 78.9%  775,233 126,918 66.4%  720,340   77,698 43.3%
Debt securities issued   - 24 0.0%  54 63 470.1%   545  181 133.2%
Other liabilities  208,350   33,899 65.3%  141,710   18,463 52.8%  236,168   19,182 32.6%
Total non-interest-bearing liabilities  1,434,911  - 0.0%  1,379,615  - 0.0%  1,388,591  - 0.0%
Total liabilities and equity  2,924,311 185,718 25.5%  2,825,901 146,073 21.0%  2,903,740   97,682 13.5%
NIM - Total     33.3%     31.3%     22.1%
Spread - Total     16.6%     18.5%     14.6%
Nominal rates are calculated over a 365-day year
Does not include Net income from measurement of financial instruments at fair value through P&L nor Net income from write-down of assets at amortized cost and at fair value through OCI
Interest-bearing checking accounts included in other interest-bearing liabilities. Non interest-bearing accounts are included in non-interest-bearing liabilities.

In millions of AR$. Rates and spreads in annualized %                
  2Q23 1Q23 2Q22
  Average Balance Interest Earned/Paid Average Real Rate Average Balance Interest Earned/Paid Average Real Rate Average Balance Interest Earned/Paid Average Real Rate
Total interest-earning assets  2,124,777 370,783 70.0%  2,027,944 308,030 61.6%  2,041,478 214,266 42.1%
Debt securities  1,134,396 229,667 81.2%  1,041,665 179,593 69.9%  1,060,719 126,618 47.9%
Loans to customers/financial institutions  955,027 141,109 59.3%  951,767 128,428 54.7%  962,186   87,644 36.5%
Loans to the BCRA 2   7 1403.8% 1 10 3244.4%   -   4 -
Other assets 35,352  - 0.0% 34,511  - 0.0% 18,572  - 0.0%
Total non interest-earning assets  338,202  - 0.0%  337,897  - 0.0%  388,941  - 0.0%
Total Assets  2,462,979 370,783 60.4%  2,365,841 308,030 52.8%  2,430,419 214,266 35.4%
Total interest-bearing liabilities  1,213,265 185,660 61.4%  1,140,060 146,013 51.9%  1,201,890   97,644 32.6%
Savings accounts  276,283  845 1.2%  263,565  624 1.0%  287,315  617 0.9%
Time deposits and Investment accounts  733,943 150,931 82.5%  737,560 126,900 69.8%  679,190   77,679 45.9%
Debt securities issued   - 24 -  54 63 470.1%   545  181 133.2%
Other liabilities  203,039   33,860 66.9%  138,880   18,426 53.8%  234,840   19,167 32.7%
Total non-interest-bearing liabilities  1,292,419  - 0.0%  1,223,280  - 0.0%  1,232,170  - 0.0%
Total liabilities and equity  2,505,684 185,660 29.7%  2,363,339 146,013 25.1%  2,434,060   97,644 16.1%
NIM - AR$     34.9%     32.4%     22.9%
Spread - AR$     8.6%     9.7%     9.5%
Nominal rates are calculated over a 365-day year
Does not include Net income from measurement of financial instruments at fair value through P&L nor Net income from write-down of assets at amortized cost and at fair value through OCI

Interest-bearing checking accounts included in other interest-bearing liabilities. Non interest-bearing accounts are included in non-interest-bearing liabilities.


In millions of AR$. Rates and spreads in annualized %                
  2Q23 1Q23 2Q22
  Average Balance Interest Earned/Paid Average Real Rate Average Balance Interest Earned/Paid Average Real Rate Average Balance Interest Earned/Paid Average Real Rate
Total interest-earning assets   109,874  440 1.6%  75,046  430 2.3%  87,338  498 2.3%
Debt securities  49,542 65 0.5%  12,452 53 1.7% 8,158 11 0.5%
Loans to customers/financial institutions  60,298  373 2.5%  62,017  375 2.5%  67,985  487 2.9%
Loans to the BCRA  1  - 0.0%  1  - 0.0%  2  - 0.0%
Other assets   33   2 24.3% 576   1 0.9%  11,193  - 0.0%
Total non interest-earning assets   351,458  - 0.0%   385,014  - 0.0%   385,983  - 0.0%
Total Assets   461,332  440 0.4%   460,060  430 0.4%   473,321  498 0.4%
Total interest-bearing liabilities   276,135 58 0.1%   306,226 59 0.1%   313,260 39 0.0%
Savings accounts   237,390   4 0.0%   265,723   5 0.0%   270,782   4 0.0%
Time deposits and Investment accounts  33,434 15 0.2%  37,673 17 0.2%  41,150 19 0.2%
Other liabilities 5,311 39 2.9% 2,831 37 5.3% 1,328 15 4.6%
Total non-interest-bearing liabilities   142,492  - 0.0%   156,335  - 0.0%   156,421  - 0.0%
Total liabilities and equity   418,627 58 0.1%   462,561 59 0.1%   469,680 39 0.0%
NIM - Foreign currency     1.4%     2.0%     2.1%
Spread - Foreign currency     1.5%     2.2%     2.2%
Nominal rates are calculated over a 365-day year
Does not include Net income from measurement of financial instruments at fair value through P&L nor Net income from write-down of assets at amortized cost and at fair value through OCI
Interest-bearing checking accounts included in other interest-bearing liabilities. Non interest-bearing accounts are included in non-interest-bearing liabilities.




Net Fee Income

In millions of AR$ - Inflation adjusted       ∆ %
  2Q23 1Q23 2Q22 QoQ YoY
Net Fee Income  23,739  14,020  22,219   69.3%  6.8%
Fee Income  33,357  27,204  31,029   22.6%  7.5%
Linked to liabilities  10,792  11,153  12,083   (3.2%) (10.7%)
From credit cards (1)  15,976  10,106  13,488   58.1%   18.4%
Linked to loans 3,319 3,013 2,453   10.2%   35.3%
From insurance 1,193 1,199 1,320   (0.5%)   (9.6%)
From foreign trade and foreign currency transactions 1,418 1,250 1,363   13.4%  4.0%
Other fee income 575 483 322   19.0%   78.6%
Linked to loan commitments   84 - -  N/A   N/A 
From guarantees granted   12  8  1   50.0%  n.m 
Linked to securities 563 475 321   18.5%   75.4%
Fee expenses 9,618  13,184 8,810 (27.0%)  9.2%
 (1) Includes results from Puntos BBVA royalty program pursuant to IFRS 15 regulation.

Net fee income as of 2Q23 totaled $23.7 billion, increasing 69.3% or $9.7 billion QoQ and 6.8% or $1.5 billion YoY.

In 2Q23, fee income totaled $33.4 billion, growing 22.6% QoQ and 7.50% YoY. The quarterly increase is mainly explained by an increment of fees from credit cards, considering that this line includes Puntos BBVA royalty program.

Regarding fee expenses, these totaled $9.6 billion, falling 27.0% QoQ and increasing 9.2% YoY.

Net Income from Measurement of Financial Instruments at Fair Value and Foreign Exchange and Gold Gains/Losses

In millions of AR$ - Inflation adjusted       ∆ %
  2Q23 1Q23 2Q22 QoQ YoY
Net Income from financial instruments at FV through P&L 7,414 8,637 2,895 (14.2%) 156.1%
Income from government securities 7,380 7,071 2,421  4.4% 204.8%
Income from private securities 476 793 402 (40.0%)   18.4%
Interest rate swaps  (59)   27 -  (318.5%)  N/A 
Income from foreign currency forward transactions   (298) 779   45  (138.3%)  n.m 
Income from put option long position  (85)  (33) -  (157.6%)  N/A 
Income from corporate bonds - -   27  N/A   (100.0%)

In 2Q23, net income from financial instruments at fair value (FV) through P&L was $7.4 billion, decreasing 14.2% or $1.2 million QoQ and increasing 156.1% or $4.5 billion YoY.

Quarterly results are mainly explained by a decrease in the income from foreign currency forward transactions line item.

In millions of AR$ - Inflation adjusted       ∆ %
  2Q23 1Q23 2Q22 QoQ YoY
Foreign exchange and gold gains/(losses) (1) 3,231 1,306 3,356 147.4%   (3.7%)
From foreign exchange position   (1,663)   (2,852)   (1,339)   41.7% (24.2%)
Income from purchase-sale of foreign currency 4,894 4,158 4,695   17.7%  4.2%
Net income from financial instruments at FV through P&L (2)   (298) 779   45  (138.3%)  n.m 
Income from foreign currency forward transactions   (298) 779   45  (138.3%)  n.m 
Total differences in quoted prices of gold & foreign currency (1) + (2) 2,933 2,085 3,401   40.7% (13.8%)

In 2Q23, the total differences in quoted prices of gold and foreign currency showed profit for $2.9 billion, increasing 40.7% or $848 million compared to 2Q22.

The quarterly increase in foreign exchange and gold gains is mainly explained by a lower loss contained in the From foreign exchange position line and a higher gain in income from purchase-sale of foreign currency, the latter mainly due to higher activity, especially in Chinese Yuan transactions. Increases have been partially offset by income from foreign currency forward transactions.


Other Operating Income

In millions of AR$ - Inflation adjusted       ∆ %
  2Q23 1Q23 2Q22 QoQ YoY
Operating Income 7,014 6,798 7,150  3.2%   (1.9%)
Rental of safe deposit boxes (1) 1,045 846 1,106   23.5%   (5.5%)
Adjustments and interest on miscellaneous receivables (1) 2,857 2,552 2,650   12.0%  7.8%
Punitive interest (1) 315 273 160   15.4%   96.9%
Loans recovered 565 807 1,088 (30.0%) (48.1%)
Non-current assets held for sale 542 589 612   (8.0%) (11.4%)
Fee income from credit and debit cards (1) - - 160  N/A   (100.0%)
Fee expenses recovery 271 272 298   (0.4%)   (9.1%)
Rents 290 304 300   (4.6%)   (3.3%)
Sindicated transaction fees   95 124   68 (23.4%)   39.7%
Disaffected provisions 178 100 293   78.0% (39.2%)
Other Operating Income(2) 856 931 415   (8.1%) 106.3%
(1) Included in the efficiency ratio calculation
(2) Includes some of the concepts used in the efficiency ratio calculation

In 2Q23 other operating income totaled $7.0 billion, growing 3.2% or $216 million QoQ, and falling 1.9% or $1.9 billion YoY. Quarterly increase is partially explained by a 12.0% growth in the Adjustments and interest on miscellaneous receivables line item, followed by a 23.5% increase in the Rental of safe deposit boxes.


Operating Expenses

Personnel Benefits and Administrative Expenses

In millions of AR$ - Inflation adjusted       ∆ %
  2Q23 1Q23 2Q22 QoQ YoY
Total Personnel Benefits and Adminsitrative Expenses  60,164  56,979  53,824  5.6%   11.8%
Personnel Benefits (1)  29,008  27,297  27,394  6.3%  5.9%
Administrative expenses (1)  31,156  29,682  26,430  5.0%   17.9%
Travel expenses 191 148 150   29.1%   27.3%
Outsourced administrative expenses 3,722 3,286 1,909   13.3%   95.0%
Security services 709 679 688  4.4%  3.1%
Fees to Bank Directors and Supervisory Committee   37   30   59   23.3% (37.3%)
Other fees 1,028 805 868   27.7%   18.4%
Insurance 209 235 234 (11.1%) (10.7%)
Rent 4,838 4,328 4,723   11.8%  2.4%
Stationery and supplies   40   30 (1)   33.3%  n.m 
Electricity and communications 967 1,007 908   (4.0%)  6.5%
Advertising 1,697 1,917 1,297 (11.5%)   30.8%
Taxes 5,962 5,979 5,166   (0.3%)   15.4%
Maintenance costs 2,334 2,613 2,430 (10.7%)   (4.0%)
Armored transportation services 2,520 2,510 2,861  0.4% (11.9%)
Software 4,709 3,377 2,819   39.4%   67.0%
Document distribution 774 856 984   (9.6%) (21.3%)
Commercial reports 297 938 441 (68.3%) (32.7%)
Other administrative expenses 1,122 944 894   18.9%   25.5%
BBVA (Bank) 5,863 5,795 5,753   68 110
Subsidiaries (2)   94   93   99  1 (5)
Total employees* 5,978 5,957 5,839   21 139
In branches 1,947 1,919 1,948   28 (1)
At Main office 4,031 4,038 3,891 (7) 140
Total branches** 243 243 243 - -
Own 113 113 112 -  1
Rented 130 130 131 - (1)
Efficiency Ratio          
Efficiency ratio 52.0% 62.4% 70.4%   (1,039)bps   (1,843)bps
Accumulated Efficiency Ratio 56.6% 62.4% 71.3%   (579)bps   (1,467)bps
(1) Concept included in the efficiency ratio calculation
(2) Includes BBVA Asset Management, PSA & VWFS. Employees included in Main Office.
*corresponds to total effective employees, net of temporary contract employees
**excludes administrative branches

During 2Q23, personnel benefits and administrative expenses totaled $60.2 billion, increasing 5.6% or $3.2 billion compared to 1Q23, and 11.8% or $6.3 billion compared to 2Q22. 


Personnel benefits increased 6.3% QoQ, and 5.9% YoY. The quarterly increase is mainly explained by the inflation adjustment of vacation stock provisions. Increases were also generated by the effect of collective agreement on wages with the unions for 2Q23 by 25.8% (+56% accumulated year to date).

As of 2Q23, administrative expenses increased 5.0% QoQ, and 17.9% YoY. The quarterly increase is mainly explained by (i) outsourced administrative expenses, (ii) greater rent expenses and (iii) increase in software services, all of them related to software, licenses and services contracted with the Parent company.

The quarterly efficiency ratio as of 2Q23 was 52.0%, improving compared to the 62.4% reported in 1Q23, and versus the 70.4% reported in 2Q22. The quarterly improvement is explained by a lower increase in the numerator (expenses) than the denominator (income considering monetary position results), especially due to a significant increase in interest and fee income.

The accumulated efficiency ratio as of 2Q23 was 56.6%, improving compared to the 62.4% reported in 1Q23, and versus the 71.3% reported in 2Q22.

Other Operating Expenses

In millions of AR$ - Inflation adjusted       ∆ %
  2Q23 1Q23 2Q22 QoQ YoY
Other Operating Expenses  29,094  25,117  22,105   15.8%   31.6%
Turnover tax  22,718  19,359  13,696   17.4%   65.9%
Initial loss of loans below market rate 1,056 1,234 1,896 (14.4%) (44.3%)
Contribution to the Deposit Guarantee Fund (SEDESA) 719 725 784   (0.8%)   (8.3%)
Interest on liabilities from financial lease 176 212 235 (17.0%) (25.1%)
Other allowances 2,158 1,935 1,060   11.5% 103.6%
Other operating expenses 2,267 1,652 4,434   37.2% (48.9%)

In 2Q23, other operating expenses totaled $29.1 billion, increasing 15.8% or $4.0 billion QoQ, and increasing 31.6% or $7.0 billion YoY.

The key factor explaining the quarterly growth is in the turnover tax line item, especially due to an increased revenue from LELIQ.


Income from Associates

This line reflects the results from non-consolidated associate companies. During 2Q23, a profit of $593 million has been reported, mainly due to the Bank’s participation in BBVA Seguros Argentina S.A., Rombo Compañía Financiera S.A., Interbanking S.A. and Play Digital S.A. and Openpay Argentina S.A.

Income Tax

Accumulated income tax during the first six months of 2023 recorded a loss of $26.6 billion. As of 2Q23, income tax expense was $18.1 billion.

The accumulated effective tax rate in 2023 was 35%2.

Accumulated income tax during the first six months of 2022 recorded a profit of $11.7 billion. Regarding 2Q22, income tax expenses show a positive result, affected by the implications of inflation adjustments in the determination of payable taxes and tax deferrals.

2 Income tax, according to IAS 34, is recorded on interim financial periods over the best estimate of the weighted average tax rate expected for the fiscal year.


Balance sheet and activity

Loans and Other Financing

In millions of AR$ - Inflation adjusted       ∆ %
  2Q23 1Q23 2Q22 QoQ YoY
To the public sector 4 4 13  -  (69.2%)
To the financial sector   7,083   6,676   12,096 6.1%  (41.4%)
Non-financial private sector and residents abroad  1,079,724  1,083,479 1,119,412  (0.3%) (3.5%)
Non-financial private sector and residents abroad - AR$  1,012,265  1,023,319 1,029,133  (1.1%) (1.6%)
Overdrafts 83,296  133,236   79,463   (37.5%)  4.8%
Discounted instruments  210,066  178,393 130,414  17.8%   61.1%
Mortgage loans 52,438 54,119   63,165  (3.1%)  (17.0%)
Pledge loans 32,417 33,598   42,711  (3.5%)  (24.1%)
Consumer loans  105,927  113,704 115,155  (6.8%) (8.0%)
Credit cards  393,409  387,687 425,061 1.5% (7.4%)
Receivables from financial leases   9,069   8,794  7,196 3.1%   26.0%
Other loans  125,643  113,788 165,968  10.4%  (24.3%)
Non-financial private sector and residents abroad - Foreign Currency 67,459 60,160   90,279  12.1%  (25.3%)
Overdrafts 7  10   8   (30.0%)  (12.5%)
Discounted instruments   2,214   991 18   123.4%  n.m 
Credit cards 10,776   9,506   15,543  13.4%  (30.7%)
Receivables from financial leases   (85)   (14) -  n.m   N/A 
Loans for the prefinancing and financing of exports 46,060 40,426   48,993  13.9% (6.0%)
Other loans   8,487   9,241   25,717  (8.2%)  (67.0%)
% of total loans to Private sector in AR$ 93.8% 94.4% 91.9%   (70)bps 182 bps
% of total loans to Private sector in Foreign Currency 6.2% 5.6% 8.1% 70 bps   (182)bps
% of mortgage loans with UVA adjustments / Total mortgage loans (1) 55.3% 56.2% 61.7%   (92)bps   (635)bps
% of pledge loans with UVA adjustments / Total pledge loans (1) 1.3% 1.7% 3.7%   (41)bps   (244)bps
% of consumer loans with UVA adjustments / Total consumer loans (1) 0.2% 0.4% 1.7%   (17)bps   (141)bps
% of loans with UVA adjustments / Total loans and other financing(1) 0.1% 0.1% 0.4%  (4)bps  (31)bps
Total loans and other financing  1,086,811  1,090,159 1,131,521  (0.3%) (4.0%)
Allowances  (34,721)  (33,237) (28,302)  (4.5%)  (22.7%)
Total net loans and other financing  1,052,090  1,056,922 1,103,219  (0.5%) (4.6%)

(1) Excludes effect of accrued interests adjustments.


In millions of USD       ∆ %
  2Q23 1Q23 2Q22 QoQ YoY
FX rate*  256.68  208.99  125.22   22.8% 105.0%
Non-financial private sector and residents abroad - Foreign Currency (USD) 263 233 334   13.0% (21.4%)
*Wholesale U.S. dollar foreign exchange rates on BCRA’s Communication “A” 3500, as of the end of period.        


Private sector loans as of 2Q23 totaled $1.1 trillion, slightly decreasing 0.3% or $3.8 billion QoQ, and 3.5% or $39.7 billion YoY.

Loans to the private sector in pesos fell 1.1% in 2Q23, and 1.6% YoY. During the quarter, the decrease was especially driven by a 37.5% decline in overdrafts, followed by a 6.8% fall in consumer loans. The fall was partially offset by a 17.8% increase in discounted instruments and a 10.4% increase in other loans, the latter pushed by floorplanning.

Loans to the private sector denominated in foreign currency increased 12.1% QoQ and declined 25.3% YoY. Quarterly increase is mainly explained by a 13.9% growth in financing and prefinancing of exports. Loans to the private sector in foreign currency measured in U.S. dollars increased 13.0% QoQ and fell 21.4% YoY. The depreciation of the argentine peso versus the U.S. dollar was 18.6% QoQ and 51.2% YoY3.

In 2Q23, total loans and other financing totaled $1.1 trillion, remaining practically stable with a decline of 0.5% QoQ and falling 4.6% compared to 2Q22.

In millions of AR$ - Inflation adjusted       ∆ %
  2Q23 1Q23 2Q22 QoQ YoY
Non-financial private sector and residents abroad - Retail   594,967   598,614   661,635   (0.6%) (10.1%)
Mortgage loans  52,438  54,119  63,165   (3.1%) (17.0%)
Pledge loans  32,417  33,598  42,711   (3.5%) (24.1%)
Consumer loans   105,927   113,704   115,155   (6.8%)   (8.0%)
Credit cards   404,185   397,193   440,604  1.8%   (8.3%)
Non-financial private sector and residents abroad - Commercial   484,757   484,865   457,777   (0.0%)  5.9%
Overdrafts  83,303   133,246  79,471 (37.5%)  4.8%
Discounted instruments   212,280   179,384   130,432   18.3%   62.8%
Receivables from financial leases 8,984 8,780 7,196  2.3%   24.8%
Loans for the prefinancing and financing of exports  46,060  40,426  48,993   13.9%   (6.0%)
Other loans   134,130   123,029   191,685  9.0% (30.0%)
% of total loans to Retail sector 55.1% 55.2% 59.1% (15)bps  (400)bps
% of total loans to Commercial sector 44.9% 44.8% 40.9%   15 bps 400 bps

In real terms, retail loans (mortgage, pledge, consumer and credit cards) remained stable with a mild fall of 0.6% QoQ and 10.1% YoY in real terms. During the quarter, decline is mainly explained by a 6.8% decrease in consumer loans, offset by a 1.8% increase in credit cards.

Commercial loans (overdrafts, discounted instruments, receivables from financial leases, loans for the prefinancing and financing of exports, and other loans) remained practically stable in the quarter, and falling 5.9% YoY, both in real terms. This is justified by quarterly increases in discounted instruments and other loans by 18.3% and 9.0% respectively, and offset by a 37.5% decrease in overdrafts.

As observed in previous quarters, loan portfolios were impacted by the effect of inflation during the second quarter of 2023, which reached 23.8%. In nominal terms, BBVA Argentina managed to increase the retail, commercial and total loan portfolio by 23.0%, 23.8% and 23.4% respectively during the quarter, practically reaching quarterly inflation levels.


3 Taking into consideration wholesale U.S. dollar foreign exchange rates on BCRA’s Communication “A” 3500.

In millions of AR$       ∆ %
  2Q23 1Q23 2Q22 QoQ YoY
Non-financial private sector and residents abroad - Retail   594,967   483,605   306,911   23.0%   93.9%
Non-financial private sector and residents abroad - Commercial   484,757   391,718   212,346   23.8% 128.3%
Total loans and other financing (1)   1,086,811   880,719   524,874   23.4% 107.1%
(1) Does not include allowances          

As of 2Q23, the total loans and other financing over deposits ratio was 54.1%, lower than the 56.0% recorded in 1Q23 and above the 53.9% in 2Q22. 

In %       ∆ bps
  2Q23 1Q23 2Q22 QoQ YoY
Private sector loans - Bank 8.14% 8.46% 7.44%  (32)bps   70 bps
Private sector loans - Consolidated* 9.01% 9.13% 8.35%  (12)bps   66 bps
Based on daily BCRA information. Capital balance as of the last day of each quarter.
 * Consolidates PSA, VWFS & Rombo


% over total gross loans and other financing       ∆ bps
  2Q23 1Q23 2Q22 QoQ YoY
Government services 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%  n.m.   n.m. 
Non-financial public sector 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%  n.m.   n.m. 
Financial Sector 0.65% 0.61% 1.07%  4 bps  (42)bps
Agricultural and Livestock 5.10% 4.68% 4.57%   41 bps   53 bps
Mining products 3.75% 2.91% 3.89%   83 bps  (14)bps
Other manufacturing 9.18% 11.22% 11.49%   (204)bps   (231)bps
Electricity, oil,water and sanitary services 0.35% 0.61% 0.23%  (26)bps   12 bps
Wholesale and retail trade 6.81% 6.15% 5.67%   66 bps 113 bps
Transport 1.77% 1.89% 1.27%  (12)bps   50 bps
Services 2.08% 2.47% 1.54%  (39)bps   54 bps
Others 17.04% 16.03% 15.78% 101 bps 126 bps
Construction 0.62% 0.72% 0.57%  (11)bps  5 bps
Consumer 52.66% 52.70% 53.91% (4)bps   (126)bps
Total gross loans and other financing 100% 100% 100%    



Asset Quality

In millions of AR$ - Inflation adjusted       ∆ %
  2Q23 1Q23 2Q22 QoQ YoY
Commercial non-performing portfolio (1) 658 1,691 1,923   (61.1%)   (65.8%)
Total commercial portfolio   417,232   423,730   399,218  (1.5%) 4.5%
Commercial non-performing portfolio / Total commercial portfolio 0.16% 0.40% 0.48%   (24)bps   (32)bps
Retail non-performing portfolio (1)  15,237  13,397  10,977  13.7%  38.8%
Total retail portfolio   735,493   725,559   791,184 1.4%  (7.0%)
Retail non-performing portfolio / Total retail portfolio 2.07% 1.85% 1.39% 23 pbs 68 pbs
Total non-performing portfolio (1)  15,895  15,088  12,900 5.3%  23.2%
Total portfolio   1,152,725   1,149,289   1,190,402 0.3%  (3.2%)
Total non-performing portfolio / Total portfolio 1.38% 1.31% 1.08%   7 bps 30 bps
Allowances  34,721  33,237  28,302 4.5%  22.7%
Allowances  /Total non-performing portfolio 218.44% 220.29% 219.40% (185)bps   (96)bps
Quarterly change in Write-offs 5,655 2,627 3,564   115.3%  58.7%
Write offs / Total portfolio 0.49% 0.23% 0.30% 26 bps 19 bps
Cost of Risk (CoR) 4.09% 3.73% 1.94% 36 bps  215 bps

(1) Non-performing loans include: all loans to borrowers classified as "Deficient Servicing (Stage 3)", "High Insolvency Risk (Stage 4)", "Irrecoverable" and/or "Irrecoverable for Technical Decision" (Stage 5) according to BCRA debtor classification system 


As of 2Q23, asset quality ratio or NPL (total non-performing portfolio / total portfolio) keeps a very good performance at 1.38%. The increase from 1Q23’s 1.31% is explained by a slight increase in the retail non-performing portfolio.

Coverage ratio (allowances / total non-performing portfolio) decreased from 220.29% to 218.44% in 2Q23 due to a greater increase in the non-performing portfolio compared to the increase in allowances.

Cost of risk (loan loss allowances / average total loans) reached 4.09% in 2Q23 compared to 3.73% in 1Q23. Even though the portfolio increased, it did so in a lower proportion than allowances.

In millions of AR$             
  Balance at 12/31/2022 Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Monetary result generated by allowances Balance at 06/30/2022
Other financial assets   696   53 -   84  (250) 583
Loans and other financing 31,477 3,100 3,447 9,846   (13,149)  34,721
Other debt securities  48   34 - - (21)   61
Eventual commitments   4,060 1,093 149   63  (1,558) 3,807
Total allowances 36,281 4,280 3,596 9,993   (14,978)  39,172
Note: to be consistent with Financial Statements, it must be recorded from the beginning of the year instead of the quarter

Allowances for the Bank in 2Q23 reflect expected losses driven by the adoption of the IFRS 9 standards as of January 1, 2020, except for debt instruments issued by the nonfinancial government sector which were excluded from the scope of such standard.


Public Sector Exposure

In millions of AR$ - Inflation adjusted       ∆ %
  2Q23 1Q23 2Q22 QoQ YoY
Treasury and Government securities   343,513   265,599   274,142   29.3%   25.3%
Treasury and National Government   343,513   265,599   274,142   29.3%   25.3%
National Treasury Public Debt in AR$   343,508   265,017   267,500   29.6%   28.4%
National Treasury Public Debt in USD  5   15 2,644 (64.9%) (99.8%)
National Treasury Public Debt in AR$ linked to US dollars - 567 3,997  (100.0%)  (100.0%)
Loans to theNon-financial Public Sector  4  4  6   - (33.3%)
AR$ Subtotal   343,512   265,021   267,506   29.6%   28.4%
USD Subtotal**  5 582 6,642 (99.1%) (99.9%)
Total Public Debt Exposure   343,517   265,603   274,148   29.3%   25.3%
B.C.R.A. Exposure   953,162   832,171   953,766   14.5%   (0.1%)
Instruments   777,431   657,403   704,076   18.3%   10.4%
Leliqs   745,603   654,350   599,724   13.9%   24.3%
Notaliqs - -   104,353  N/A   (100.0%)
Lediv***  31,828 3,053 -  n.m   N/A 
Loans to the B.C.R.A. - -  7  N/A   (100.0%)
Repo / Pases    175,731   174,768   249,689  0.6% (29.6%)
 % Public sector exposure (Excl. B.C.R.A.) / Total assets 11.0% 9.1% 9.0% 187 pbs 191 pbs
*Deposits at the Central Bank used to comply with reserve requirements not included. Includes assets used as collateral.
**Includes USD-linked Treasury public debt in AR$
***Securities denominated in foreign currency

2Q23 total public sector exposure (excluding BCRA) totaled $343.5 billion, increasing 29.3% or $77.9 billion QoQ, and 25.3% or $69.4 billion YoY. The quarterly increase is explained by an increment in the position of National Treasury bills in pesos, especially with CER adjustment.

Short-term liquidity is mostly allocated in BCRA instruments, which increased 18.3% QoQ and 10.4% YoY in real terms. Total exposure to the BCRA increased 14.5% in 2Q23. It is worth noting the increase in LEDIV (Central Bank USD bills settled in pesos through the Reference FX rate at 0% rate), due to greater activity from agro-exporters through the Government’s program “dólar soja III”.

Exposure to the public sector (excluding BCRA) represents 11.0% of total assets, above the 9.1% in 1Q23 and above the 9.0% in 2Q22.



In millions of AR$ - Inflation adjusted       ∆ %
  2Q23 1Q23 2Q22 QoQ YoY
Total deposits  2,009,719  1,945,662   2,099,959  3.3%   (4.3%)
Non-financial Public Sector 11,005 14,901  31,352 (26.1%) (64.9%)
Financial Sector   1,891   1,274 624   48.4% 203.0%
Non-financial private sector and residents abroad  1,996,823  1,929,487   2,067,983  3.5%   (3.4%)
Non-financial private sector and residents abroad - AR$  1,627,703  1,526,059   1,661,849  6.7%   (2.1%)
Checking accounts  457,154  398,380   512,782   14.8% (10.8%)
Savings accounts  379,466  316,900   391,373   19.7%   (3.0%)
Time deposits  637,692  623,765   544,613  2.2%   17.1%
Investment accounts   142,459  175,713   201,354 (18.9%) (29.2%)
Other 10,932 11,301  11,727   (3.3%)   (6.8%)
Non-financial private sector and res. abroad - Foreign Currency  369,120  403,428   406,134   (8.5%)   (9.1%)
Checking accounts   116   113   33  2.7% 251.5%
Savings accounts  332,055  362,694   360,401   (8.4%)   (7.9%)
Time deposits 33,325 36,990  41,056   (9.9%) (18.8%)
Other   3,624   3,631 4,644   (0.2%) (22.0%)
% of total portfolio in the private sector in AR$ 81.5% 79.1% 80.4% 242 bps 115 bps
% of total portfolio in the private sector in Foregin Currency 18.5% 20.9% 19.6%  (242)bps  (115)bps
% of UVA Time deposits & Investment accounts / Total AR$ Time deposits & Investment accounts 2.4% 2.4% 7.0%   (4)bps  (463)bps

In millions of USD       ∆ %
  2Q23 1Q23 2Q22 QoQ YoY
FX rate* 256.7 209.0 125.2   22.8% 105.0%
Non-financial private sector and residents abroad - Foreign Currency (USD) 1,438 1,560 1,505   (7.8%)   (4.4%)
*Wholesale U.S. dollar foreign exchange rates on BCRA’s Communication “A” 3500, as of the end of period.

As of 2Q23, total deposits reached $2.0 trillion, increasing 3.3% or $64.1 billion QoQ, and falling 4.3% or $90.2 billion YoY.

Private non-financial sector deposits in 2Q23 totaled $2.0 trillion, growing 3.5% QoQ, and falling 3.4% YoY.

Private non-financial sector deposits in pesos totaled $1.6 trillion, increasing 6.7% compared to 1Q23, and falling 2.1% compared to 2Q22. The quarterly change is mainly affected by a 19.7% increase in savings accounts (partially pushed by exporters’ and agricultural producers’ deposits linked to the “dolar soja III” program), and a 14.8% increase in checking accounts, partially offset by a fall in investment accounts by 18.9%.

Private non-financial sector deposits in foreign currency expressed in pesos fell 8.5% QoQ and 9.1% YoY. Measured in U.S. dollars, these deposits declined 7.8% QoQ, and 4.4% YoY.

In millions of AR$ - Inflation adjusted       ∆ %
  2Q23 1Q23 2Q22 QoQ YoY
Non-financial private sector and residents abroad  1,996,823   1,929,487  2,067,983  3.5%   (3.4%)
Sight deposits  1,183,347   1,093,019  1,280,960  8.3%   (7.6%)
Checking accounts  457,270   398,493  512,815   14.7% (10.8%)
Savings accounts  711,521   679,594  751,774  4.7%   (5.4%)
Other 14,556  14,932 16,371   (2.5%) (11.1%)
Time deposits  813,476   836,468  787,023   (2.7%)  3.4%
Time deposits  671,017   660,755  585,669  1.6%   14.6%
Investment accounts  142,459   175,713  201,354 (18.9%) (29.2%)
% of sight deposits over total private deposits 59.5% 57.0% 62.5% 251 bps  (300)bps
% of time deposits over total private deposits 40.5% 43.0% 37.5%  (251)bps 300 bps

As observed in previous quarters, deposits were impacted by the effect of inflation. In spite of this, in nominal terms, BBVA Argentina managed to increase the sight deposits, time deposits and total deposits by 34.0%, 20.4% and 27.9% respectively.

In millions of AR$       ∆ %
  2Q23 1Q23 2Q22 QoQ YoY
Sight deposits   1,183,347   883,030   594,196   34.0%   99.2%
Time deposits   813,476   675,766   365,073   20.4% 122.8%
Total deposits   2,009,719   1,571,863   974,101   27.9% 106.3%

As of 2Q23, the Bank’s transactional deposits (checking accounts and savings accounts) represented 58.2% of total non-financial private deposits, totaling $1.2 trillion, versus 55.4% in 1Q23.

In %       ∆ bps
  2Q23 1Q23 2Q22 QoQ YoY
Private sector Deposits - Consolidated* 7.03% 6.83% 7.16%   21 pbs  (33)pbs
Based on daily BCRA information. Capital balance as of the last day of each quarter.
 * Consolidates PSA, VWFS & Rombo

Other Sources of Funds

In millions of AR$ - Inflation adjusted       ∆ %
  2Q23 1Q23 2Q22 QoQ YoY
Other sources of funds   586,294   583,826   540,718  0.4%  8.4%
Central Bank   84   96 120 (12.5%) (30.0%)
Banks and international organizations 2,194 980   18 123.9%  n.m 
Financing received from local financial institutions  25,434  21,769  44,176   16.8% (42.4%)
Corporate bonds - - 851  N/A   (100.0%)
Equity   558,582   560,981   495,553   (0.4%)   12.7%



In 2Q23, other sources of funds totaled $586.3 billion, growing 0.4% or $2.5 billion QoQ, and 8.4% or $45.6 billion YoY.

The mild decrease in the quarter is mostly explained by the 0.4% decline in equity (explained by dividend payments), offset by a 16.8% increase in financing received from local financial institutions taken by consolidated companies, followed by a 123.9% increase in banks and international organizations.

Liquid Assets

In millions of AR$ - Inflation adjusted       ∆ %
  2Q23 1Q23 2Q22 QoQ YoY
Total liquid assets  1,690,753  1,531,130  1,610,150   10.4%  5.0%
Cash and deposits in banks  424,604  463,087  399,635   (8.3%)  6.2%
Debt securities at fair value through P&L 80,226 35,051 43,403 128.9%   84.8%
Government securities 56,369 10,550   8,650 434.3%  n.m 
Liquidity bills of B. C. R. A. 23,857 24,501 34,753   (2.6%) (31.4%)
Net REPO transactions  175,731  174,768  249,688  0.6% (29.6%)
Other debt securities  1,010,192  858,224  917,424   17.7%   10.1%
Government securities 256,125 225,011 247,750  13.8% 3.4%
Liquidity bills of B. C. R. A. 722,239 630,160 669,674  14.6% 7.8%
Internal bills of B.C.R.A.   31,828  3,053  -  n.m   N/A 
Liquid assets / Total Deposits 84.1% 78.7% 76.7% 543 bps 745 bps

In 2Q23, liquid assets were $1.7 trillion, increasing 10.4% or $159.6 billion versus 1Q23, and 5.0% or $80.6 billion compared to 2Q22.

In the quarter, the liquidity ratio (liquid assets / total deposits) reached 84.1%. Liquidity ratio in local and foreign currency reached 78.5% and 108.6% respectively.



In millions of AR$ - Inflation adjusted       ∆ %
  2Q23 1Q23 2Q22 QoQ YoY
Minimum capital requirement   149,327   151,079   149,282   (1.2%)  0.0%
Credit risk   105,317   106,934   107,216   (1.5%)   (1.8%)
Market risk 882 1,773 1,231 (50.2%) (28.3%)
Operational risk  43,128  42,373  40,835  1.8%  5.6%
Integrated Capital - RPC (1)*   518,782   515,895   418,090  0.6%   24.1%
Ordinary Capital Level 1 ( COn1)   560,326   563,235   498,236   (0.5%)   12.5%
Deductible items COn1 (48,605) (55,033) (82,912)   11.7%   41.4%
Additional Capital Level 2 (COn2) 7,061 7,693 2,766   (8.2%) 155.3%
Excess Capital          
Integration excess   369,455   364,816   268,808  1.3%   37.4%
Excess as  % of minimum capital requirement 247.4% 241.5% 180.1% 594 bps 6,735 bps
Risk-weighted assets (RWA, according to B.C.R.A. regulation) (2)   1,828,243   1,849,559   1,826,996   (1.2%)  0.1%
Regulatory Capital Ratio (1)/(2) 28.4% 27.9% 22.9%   48 pbs 549 pbs
TIER I Capital Ratio (Ordinary Capital Level 1/ RWA) 28.0% 27.5%  0 pbs   51 pbs 526 pbs
* RPC includes 100% of quarterly results

BBVA Argentina continues to show strong solvency indicators on 2Q23. Capital ratio reached 28.4%, above 1Q23’s 27.9%. Tier 1 ratio was 28.0% and capital excess over regulatory requirement was $369.5 billion or 247.4%.


BBVA Argentina Asset Management S.A.

In millions of AR$ - Inflation adjusted       ∆ %
  2Q23 1Q23 2Q22 QoQ YoY
FBA Renta Pesos   602,127   619,293   498,406   (2.8%)   20.8%
FBA Renta Fija Plus 5,538 9,675  33,109 (42.8%) (83.3%)
FBA Ahorro Pesos 4,016 7,531  13,219 (46.7%) (69.6%)
FBA Horizonte 409 468 811 (12.6%) (49.6%)
FBA Calificado 6,476 3,649 1,850   77.5% 250.1%
FBA Acciones Argentinas 6,500 3,881 1,574   67.5% 313.0%
FBA Acciones Latinoamericanas 2,045 1,548 1,246   32.1%   64.1%
FBA Bonos Argentina 1,104 1,381 2,229 (20.1%) (50.5%)
FBA Bonos Globales   24   32   78 (25.0%) (69.2%)
FBA Renta Mixta 1,729 1,008 496   71.5% 248.6%
FBA Gestión I   51   58   80 (12.1%) (36.3%)
FBA Horizonte Plus   10   14   26 (28.6%) (61.5%)
FBA Retorno Total I   14   25   41 (44.0%) (65.9%)
FBA Renta Publica I 569 562   65  1.2%  n.m 
FBA Renta Fija Local  3  4  4 (25.0%) (25.0%)
FBA Renta Publica II   -  - -   N/A     N/A  
Total assets   630,615   649,129   553,234   (2.9%)   14.0%
AMASAU Net Income 1,373 1,274 973  7.8%   41.1%


In %       ∆ bps
  2Q23 1Q23 2Q22 QoQ YoY
Mutual funds 5.77% 6.15% 5.60%  (38)bps   55 bps
Source: Cámara Argentina de Fondos Comunes de Inversión


Other Events

Main Relevant Events

·Dividend payment approval. As of June 1, 2023, the Bank published that, the prior day, the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic’s Superintendence of Exchange Institutions informed that it resolved to authorize Banco BBVA Argentina S.A. the distribution of profits for a total amount of $50.4 billion which shall be made in installments, in accordance with the provisions set forth in Communication "A" 7719 of the BCRA and whose payment schedule will be reported shortly. As established by the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held on April 28th, 2023, the Board of Directors shall determine the opportunity, modality, terms, and other conditions of dividends to shareholders. For further information click here.
·Payment of installment 1 and dividend payment schedule. As of June 7, 2023, the Board of Directors meeting held on June 7, 2023, the payment of a dividend in the amount of $50.4 billion to be paid in kind through the delivery of 49.5 billion in aggregate principal amount of the Argentine Treasury bill in pesos adjusted by CER at a discount due November 23, 2023 was approved and the following dividend payment schedule was resolved:
Installment n° Record date Payment date Argentine Treasury Bill in Pesos adjusted by CER at a discount due on November 21, 2023. Principal Amount:
1 June 22 June 27 8,254,072,169
2 July 17 July 20 8,254,072,169
3 August 3 August 8 8,254,072,169
4 September 5 September 8 8,254,072,169
5 October 2 October 5 8,254,072,169
6 October 27 November 1 8,254,072,169

For further information refer to the relevant event on the Investor Relations’ website on the Financial information > CNV filings section.

·As of June 27, 2023, the Board of Directors approved possible investment operations to its related part Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria S.A. The Audit Committee is in favor of such operation, considered generic and comprehensive for all transactions carried out since the date of the Committee’s report, which concluded that there were no objections to be raised in this respect and that they could be deemed reasonably adequate to usual and normal market conditions. For further information click here.
·As of July 5, 2023, it was notified in regards to installment 2 of dividend payments, that as of July 20, 2023 the Bank will proceed to make available and pay to its existing shareholders on the Bank's share register, as of July 17, 2023 a dividend, by means of the delivery of:
(i)Payment in Kind: Up to 8,254,072,169 par value of the National Treasury Bill in Pesos Adjusted by CER at a discount due November 23, 2023 at a ratio of par value 13.4714156856 of the above mentioned security for each Company share of $ 1 par value, which represents 1370.99 % of the capital stock of $612,710,079. Fractions of less than 1 will be settled in Pesos; or
(ii)Cash option: Up to $8,400,169,246.50 at a ratio of $13.7098597435 for each Company share of $1 par value.

Payments will be made in kind, except for those shareholders who expressly elect to receive their dividend in cash in Argentine pesos. The final amounts of the nominal values or pesos detailed in items (i) and (ii) above will depend on the exercise of the option of payment in pesos. For further information refer to the relevant event on the Investor Relations’ website on the Financial information > CNV filings section.

·As of July 24, 2023, it was notified in regards to installment 3 of dividend payments, that as of August 8, 2023 the Bank will proceed to make available and pay to its existing shareholders on the Bank's share register, as of August 3, 2023 a dividend, by means of the delivery of:
(i)Payment in Kind: Up to 8,254,072,169 par value of the National Treasury Bill in Pesos Adjusted by CER at a discount due November 23, 2023 (ISIN ARARGE520DT9) Ticker X23N3 (CV code 9197) at a ratio of par value 13.4714156856 of the above mentioned security for each Company share of Ps. 1 par value, which represents 1370.99 % of the capital stock of Ps. 612,710,079. Fractions of less than 1 will be settled in Pesos; or
(ii)Cash option: Up to $8,400,169,246.50 at a ratio of $13.7098597435 for each Company share of $1 par value.

Payments will be made in kind, except for those shareholders who expressly elect to receive their dividend in cash in Argentine pesos. The final amounts of the nominal values or pesos detailed in items (i) and (ii) above will depend on the exercise of the option of payment in pesos. For further information refer to the relevant event on the Investor Relations’ website on the Financial information > CNV filings section.

SMEs Productive investment financing credit lines – June 2023

As of June 30, 2023, total loans granted by the Ban complied with what was requested by the BCRA. The following table shows the evolution of disbursements:

Quota Minimum amount to be allocated (1) Simple average of daily balances (1) Disbursed amount (1)
2021/2022 Quota 32.447.048 43.434.402   62.449.414
2022 Quota 42.867.291 63.022.460   98.200.990
2022/2023 Quota 58.519.929 86.880.132   127.355.598
2023 Quota 58.558.806 (*)  (*)


(*)As of the date of these financial statements, the term reported by Communication “B” 12413 has not expired.

(1) Numbers are expressed in nominal terms.




Main Regulatory Changes

Time deposit rate. LELIQ. (Press release, 04/20/2023). The BCRA increased 300bps the 28-day LELIQ monetary policy rate to 81% APR (prev. 78%), increasing by the same magnitude the minimum time deposit rate for deposits of up to $10 million.

Time deposit rate. LELIQ. (Press release, 04/27/2023). The BCRA increased 1000bps the 28-day LELIQ monetary policy rate to 91% APR (prev. 81%), increasing by the same magnitude the minimum time deposit rate for deposits of up to $10 million.

Time deposit rate. LELIQ. (Press release, 05/15/2023). The BCRA increased 600bps the 28-day LELIQ monetary policy rate to 97% APR (prev. 91%), increasing by the same magnitude the minimum time deposit rate for deposits of up to $10 million. Additionally, it increased the credit card financing rate for individuals as of June from 86% to 88% APR.

Saving deposits. (Communication “A” 7796, 06/29/2023). The BCRA includes the Chinese Yuan as an admitted currency for deposit receiving in savings accounts and especial checking accounts for legal entities.

Time deposit rate. LELIQ. Credit card rate. (Communication “A” 7822, 08/14/2023). The BCRA increased 2.100 bps the 28-day LELIQ monetary policy rate to118% APR (prev. 97%), increasing by the same magnitude the minimum time deposit rate for deposits of up to $30 million. For productive investment financing lines to SMEs it will be a 97% APR and 109% APR for working capital. Additionally, it increased the credit card financing rate for individuals as of June from 86% to 107% APR.



Active clients: holders of at least one active product. An active product is in most cases a product with at least “one movement” in the last 3 months, or a minimum balance.

APR: Annual Percentage Rate

APY: Annual Percentage Yield

Cost of Risk (accumulated): Year to date accumulated loan loss allowances / Average total loans.

Average total loans: average between previous year-end Total loans and other financing and current period Total loans and other financing.

Cost of Risk (quarterly): Current period Loan loss allowances / Average total loans. Average total loans: average between previous quarter-end Total loans and other financing and current period Total loans and other financing.

Coverage ratio: Quarterly allowances under the Expected Credit Loss model / total non-performing portfolio.

Digital clients: we consider a customer to be an active user of online banking when they have been logged at least once within the last three months using the internet or a cell phone and SMS banking.

Efficiency ratio (Excl. inflation adjustments, accumulated): Accumulated (Personnel benefits+ Administrative expenses + Depreciation & Amortization) / Accumulated (Net Interest Income + Net Fee Income + Net Income from measurement of Financial Instruments at Fair Value through P&L + Net income from write-down of assets at amortized cost and at fair value through OCI + Foreign exchange and gold gains + some concepts included in Other net operating income).

Efficiency ratio (Excl. inflation adjustments, quarterly): (Personnel benefits+ Administrative expenses + Depreciation & Amortization) / (Net Interest Income + Net Fee Income + Net Income from measurement of Financial Instruments at Fair Value through P&L + Net income from write-down of assets at amortized cost and at fair value through OCI + Foreign exchange and gold gains + some concepts included in Other net operating income).

Efficiency ratio (accumulated): Accumulated (Personnel benefits+ Administrative expenses + Depreciation & Amortization) / Accumulated (Net Interest Income + Net Fee Income + Net Income from measurement of Financial Instruments at Fair Value through P&L + Net income from write-down of assets at amortized cost and at fair value through OCI + Foreign exchange and gold gains + some concepts included in Other net operating income+ Income from net monetary position).

Efficiency ratio (quarterly): (Personnel benefits+ Administrative expenses + Depreciation & Amortization) / (Net Interest Income + Net Fee Income + Net Income from measurement of Financial Instruments at Fair Value through P&L + Net income from write-down of assets at amortized cost and at fair value through OCI + Foreign exchange and gold gains + some concepts included in Other net operating income+ Income from net monetary position).

Liquidity Ratio: (Cash and deposits in banks + Debt securities at fair value through P&L (Excl. Private securities) + Net REPO transactions + Other debt securities (Excl. Private securities) / Total Deposits.

Mobile clients: customers who have been active in online banking at least once in the last three months using a mobile device.

Net Interest Margin (NIM) – (quarterly): Quarterly Net Interest Income / Average quarterly interest earning assets.

Public Sector Exposure (excl. BCRA): (National and Provincial Government public debt + Loans to the public sector + REPO transactions) / Total Assets.


ROA (accumulated): Accumulated net Income of the period attributable to owners of the parent / Total Average Assets. Total Average Assets is calculated as the average between total assets on December of the previous year and total assets in the current period, expressed in local currency. Calculated over a 365-day year.

ROA (quarterly): Net Income of the period attributable to owners of the parent / Total Average Assets. Total Average Assets is calculated as the average between total assets on the previous quarter-end and total assets in the current period, expressed in local currency. Calculated over a 365-day year.

ROE (accumulated): Accumulated net Income of the period attributable to owners of the parent / Average Equity. Average Equity is calculated as the average between equity in December of the previous year and equity in the current period, expressed in local currency. Calculated over a 365-day year.

ROE (quarterly): Net Income of the period attributable to owners of the parent / Average Equity. Average Equity is calculated as the average between equity on the previous quarter end and equity in the current period, expressed in local currency. Calculated over a 365-day year.

Spread: (Quarterly Interest Income / Quarterly average Interest-earning Assets) – (Quarterly Interest Expenses / Quarterly average interest-bearing liabilities).


Other terms

n.m.: not meaningful. Implies an increase above 500% and a decrease below -500%.

N/A: not applicable.

Bps: basis points.



Balance Sheet

In millions of AR$ - Inflation adjusted       ∆ %
  2Q23 1Q23 2Q22 QoQ YoY
Cash and deposits in banks 424,604 463,087 399,635 (8.3%)   6.2%
Cash  141,091  148,608  164,230  (5.1%)   (14.1%)
 Financial institutions and correspondents  234,275  314,296  235,007   (25.5%)  (0.3%)
BCRA 225,278 302,652 208,919   (25.6%) 7.8%
Other local and foreign financial institutions  8,997   11,644   26,088   (22.7%)   (65.5%)
Other   49,238  183  398  n.m   n.m 
Debt securities at fair value through profit or loss   80,226   35,051   43,403  128.9% 84.8%
Derivatives  3,260  1,394  930  133.9%  250.5%
Repo transactions 175,731 174,768 249,688   0.6%  (29.6%)
Other financial assets   90,677   48,098   44,874 88.5%  102.1%
Loans and other financing 1,052,090 1,056,922 1,103,219 (0.5%) (4.6%)
Non-financial public sector 4 4 6  -   (33.3%)
B.C.R.A   -   - 7  N/A  (100.0%)
Other financial institutions   7,081   6,536 11,241 8.3%   (37.0%)
Non-financial private sector and residents abroad 1,045,005 1,050,382 1,091,965 (0.5%) (4.3%)
Other debt securities 1,016,551 864,161 922,176 17.6% 10.2%
Financial assets pledged as collateral   79,524   65,758   55,030 20.9% 44.5%
Current income tax assets 80 95  1,727  (15.8%)  (95.4%)
Investments in equity instruments  2,324  1,503  1,130 54.6%  105.7%
Investments in subsidiaries and associates  5,531  5,678  5,635 (2.6%) (1.8%)
Property and equipment 142,744 143,779 148,146 (0.7%) (3.6%)
Intangible assets   14,740   14,414   12,654   2.3% 16.5%
Deferred income tax assets  1,876  1,904  2,242 (1.5%)  (16.3%)
Other non-financial assets   42,941   44,000   38,201 (2.4%) 12.4%
Non-current assets held for sale  400  400  887 -  (54.9%)
Total Assets 3,133,299 2,921,012 3,029,577   7.3%   3.4%
Deposits 2,009,719 1,945,662 2,099,959   3.3% (4.3%)
Non-financial public sector 11,005 14,901 31,352   (26.1%)   (64.9%)
Financial sector   1,891   1,274   624  48.4%   203.0%
Non-financial private sector and residents abroad  1,996,823  1,929,487  2,067,983 3.5%  (3.4%)
Derivatives  472  645  317  (26.8%) 48.9%
Other financial liabilities 278,563 164,270 170,281 69.6% 63.6%
Financing received from the B.C.R.A. and other financial institutions   27,712   22,845   44,315 21.3%  (37.5%)
Corporate bonds issued  -  -  851  N/A    (100.0%)
Current income tax liabilities   27,441   19,771  528 38.8%  n.m 
Provisions   11,724   12,259   14,814 (4.4%)  (20.9%)
Deferred income tax liabilities   14,345  7,019   9  104.4%  n.m 
Other non-financial liabilities 196,307 179,430 194,140   9.4%   1.1%
Total Liabilities 2,566,283 2,351,901 2,525,214   9.1%   1.6%
Share Capital  613  613  613 - -
Non-capitalized contributions  6,745  6,745  6,745 - -
Capital adjustments 194,843 194,843 194,843 - -
Reserves 314,591 263,635 263,635 19.3% 19.3%
Retained earnings  -   88,639 16   (100.0%)   (100.0%)
Other accumulated comprehensive income (6,871)  (12,097)  (15,409) 43.2% 55.4%
Income for the period   48,661   18,603   45,110  161.6%   7.9%
Equity attributable to owners of the Parent  558,582  560,981  495,553  (0.4%)  12.7%
Equity attributable to non-controlling interests   8,434   8,130   8,810 3.7%  (4.3%)
Total Equity 567,016 569,111 504,363 (0.4%) 12.4%
Total Liabilities and Equity 3,133,299 2,921,012 3,029,577   7.3%   3.4%

Balance Sheet – Five quarters

In millions of AR$ - Inflation adjusted          
  2Q23 1Q23 4Q22 3Q22 2Q22
Cash and deposits in banks 424,604 463,087 446,456 359,254 399,635
Cash  141,091  148,608  176,984  168,122  164,230
 Financial institutions and correspondents  234,275  314,296  269,336  191,121  235,007
B.C.R.A   225,278   302,652   243,212   170,291   208,919
Other local and foreign financial institutions 8,997  11,644  26,124  20,830  26,088
Other  49,238 183 136   11 398
Debt securities at fair value through profit or loss   80,226   35,051   38,454   36,316   43,403
Derivatives  3,260  1,394  3,418  3,600  930
Repo transactions 175,731 174,768   79,205 168,408 249,688
Other financial assets   90,677   48,098   49,337   44,633   44,874
Loans and other financing 1,052,090 1,056,922 1,080,527 1,010,694 1,103,219
Non-financial public sector 4 4 2 4 6
B.C.R.A   -   -  14 5 7
Other financial institutions   7,081   6,536   6,376   8,257 11,241
Non-financial private sector and residents abroad  1,045,005  1,050,382  1,074,135  1,002,428  1,091,965
Other debt securities 1,016,551 864,161 972,047 917,542 922,176
Financial assets pledged as collateral   79,524   65,758   69,607   82,138   55,030
Current income tax assets 80 95 58  307  1,727
Investments in equity instruments  2,324  1,503  1,414  1,361  1,130
Investments in subsidiaries and associates  5,531  5,678  5,225  5,451  5,635
Property and equipment 142,744 143,779 144,811 143,177 148,146
Intangible assets   14,740   14,414   14,492   13,224   12,654
Deferred income tax assets  1,876  1,904  2,291  2,199  2,242
Other non-financial assets   42,941   44,000   43,912   41,592   38,201
Non-current assets held for sale  400  400  339  357  887
Total Assets 3,133,299 2,921,012 2,951,593 2,830,253 3,029,577
Deposits 2,009,719 1,945,662 1,979,676 1,879,947 2,099,959
Non-financial public sector 11,005 14,901 14,586 16,388 31,352
Financial sector   1,891   1,274   512   1,122   624
Non-financial private sector and residents abroad  1,996,823  1,929,487  1,964,578  1,862,437  2,067,983
Derivatives  472  645  504  980  317
Other financial liabilities 278,563 164,270 178,455 190,230 170,281
Financing received from the B.C.R.A. and other financial institutions   27,712   22,845   29,945   26,159   44,315
Corporate bonds issued  -  -  288  555  851
Current income tax liabilities   27,441   19,771   10,921  837  528
Provisions   11,724   12,259   13,063   12,465   14,814
Deferred income tax liabilities   14,345  7,019   10,083   12,764   9
Other non-financial liabilities 196,307 179,430 177,341 172,625 194,140
Total Liabilities 2,566,283 2,351,901 2,400,276 2,296,562 2,525,214
Share Capital  613  613  613  613  613
Non-capitalized contributions  6,745  6,745  6,745  6,745  6,745
Capital adjustments 194,843 194,843 194,843 194,843 194,843
Reserves 314,591 263,635 263,635 263,635 263,635
Retained earnings  -   88,639 16 16 16
Other accumulated comprehensive income   (6,871) (12,097) (11,299)   (3,160) (15,409)
Income for the period   48,661   18,603   88,623   62,499   45,110
Equity attributable to owners of the Parent  558,582  560,981  543,176  525,191  495,553
Equity attributable to non-controlling interests   8,434   8,130   8,141   8,500   8,810
Total Equity 567,016 569,111 551,317 533,691 504,363
Total Liabilities and Equity 3,133,299 2,921,012 2,951,593 2,830,253 3,029,577


Balance Sheet – Foreign Currency Exposure

In millions of AR$ - Inflation adjusted       ∆ %
  2Q23 1Q23 2Q22 QoQ YoY
Cash and deposits in banks 376,828 372,333 342,674   1.2% 10.0%
Debt securities at fair value through profit or loss   5  194  2,645   (97.4%)   (99.8%)
Other financial assets   11,850   12,114   12,758  (2.2%)  (7.1%)
Loans and other financing   59,625   52,388   81,933 13.8%   (27.2%)
Other financial institutions 5 1   -    400.0%  N/A 
  Non-financial private sector and residents abroad 59,618 52,386 81,929  13.8% (27.2%)
Other debt securities 36,067   7,323   7,293   392.5%   394.5%
Financial assets pledged as collateral  6,574  6,336   14,972   3.8%   (56.1%)
Investments in equity instruments  123 94 75 30.9% 64.0%
Total foreign currency assets 491,072 450,782 462,350   8.9%   6.2%
Deposits 376,405 413,328 420,261  (8.9%)   (10.4%)
  Non-Financial Public Sector   7,082   9,733 14,015 (27.2%) (49.5%)
  Financial Sector   205   151   114  35.8%  79.8%
  Non-financial private sector and residents abroad  369,118  403,444  406,132   (8.5%)   (9.1%)
Other financial liabilities   75,677   30,043   33,104  151.9%  128.6%
Financing received from the  B.C.R.A. and other financial institutions  2,757  1,664  1,106 65.7%  149.3%
Other non financial liabilities   13,859   20,237   13,034   (31.5%)   6.3%
Total foreign currency liabilities 468,698 465,272 467,505   0.7%   0.3%
  0 0 0    
Foreign Currency Net Position - AR$   22,374  (14,490) (5,155)  254.4%  n.m 
Foreign Currency Net Position - USD 87   (69)   (41)  225.7%  311.7%
*Wholesale U.S. dollar foreign exchange rates on BCRA’s Communication “A” 3500, as of the end of period.



Income Statement

In millions of AR$ - Inflation adjusted       ∆ %
  2Q23 1Q23 2Q22 QoQ YoY
Interest income   371,223   308,460   214,764   20.3%   72.9%
Interest expense  (185,718)  (146,073) (97,682) (27.1%) (90.1%)
Net interest income   185,505   162,387   117,082   14.2%   58.4%
Fee income  33,357  27,204  31,029   22.6%  7.5%
Fee expenses   (9,618) (13,184)   (8,810)   27.0%   (9.2%)
Net fee income  23,739  14,020  22,219   69.3%  6.8%
Net income from financial instruments at fair value through P&L 7,414 8,637 2,895 (14.2%) 156.1%
Net loss from write-down of assets at amortized cost and fair value through OCI 2,290   48 1,223  n.m    87.2%
Foreign exchange and gold gains 3,231 1,306 3,356 147.4%   (3.7%)
Other operating income 7,014 6,798 7,150  3.2%   (1.9%)
Loan loss allowances (11,097) (10,123)   (5,293)   (9.6%)  (109.7%)
Net operating income   218,096   183,073   148,632   19.1%   46.7%
Personnel benefits (29,008) (27,297) (27,394)   (6.3%)   (5.9%)
Administrative expenses (31,156) (29,682) (26,430)   (5.0%) (17.9%)
Depreciation and amortization   (3,493)   (3,491)   (3,712)   (0.1%)  5.9%
Other operating expenses (29,094) (25,117) (22,105) (15.8%) (31.6%)
Operating expenses (92,751) (85,587) (79,641)   (8.4%) (16.5%)
Operating income   125,345  97,486  68,991   28.6%   81.7%
Income from associates and joint ventures 593  (74) 470  n.m    26.2%
Income from net monetary position (77,491) (70,303) (51,283) (10.2%) (51.1%)
Income before income tax  48,447  27,109  18,178   78.7% 166.5%
Income tax (18,085)   (8,518)  16,072  (112.3%)  (212.5%)
Income for the period  30,362  18,591  34,250   63.3% (11.4%)
Owners of the parent  30,058  18,603  34,523   61.6% (12.9%)
Non-controlling interests 304  (12)   (273)  n.m  211.4%
Other comprehensive Income (1) 5,226   (797) (20,803)  n.m  125.1%
Total comprehensive income  35,588  17,794  13,447 100.0% 164.7%
(1) Net of Income Tax.




Income Statement – 5 quarters

In millions of AR$ - Inflation adjusted          
  2Q23 1Q23 4Q22 3Q22 2Q22
Interest income   371,223   308,460   303,950   255,060   214,764
Interest expense  (185,718)  (146,073)  (144,119)  (119,702) (97,682)
Net interest income   185,505   162,387   159,831   135,358   117,082
Fee income  33,357  27,204  29,799  29,188  31,029
Fee expenses   (9,618) (13,184) (14,480) (13,069)   (8,810)
Net fee income  23,739  14,020  15,319  16,119  22,219
Net income from financial instruments at fair value through P&L 7,414 8,637 7,531 6,631 2,895
Net loss from write-down of assets at amortized cost and fair value through OCI 2,290   48   (879) 180 1,223
Foreign exchange and gold gains 3,231 1,306 553 3,933 3,356
Other operating income 7,014 6,798 8,250 7,953 7,150
Loan loss allowances (11,097) (10,123) (11,072)   (7,250)   (5,293)
Net operating income   218,096   183,073   179,533   162,924   148,632
Personnel benefits (29,008) (27,297) (27,617) (24,496) (27,394)
Administrative expenses (31,156) (29,682) (26,226) (25,960) (26,430)
Depreciation and amortization   (3,493)   (3,491)   (5,049)   (3,641)   (3,712)
Other operating expenses (29,094) (25,117) (27,692) (23,242) (22,105)
Operating expenses (92,751) (85,587) (86,584) (77,339) (79,641)
Operating income   125,345  97,486  92,949  85,585  68,991
Income from associates and joint ventures 593  (74) 180   (677) 470
Income from net monetary position (77,491) (70,303) (55,058) (62,534) (51,283)
Income before income tax  48,447  27,109  38,071  22,374  18,178
Income tax (18,085)   (8,518) (12,308)   (5,293)  16,072
Income for the period  30,362  18,591  25,763  17,081  34,250
Owners of the parent  30,058  18,603  26,124  17,389  34,523
Non-controlling interests 304  (12)   (361)   (308)   (273)
Other comprehensive Income (OCI)(1) 5,226   (797)   (8,139)  12,249 (20,803)
Total comprehensive income  35,588  17,794  17,624  29,330  13,447
(1) Net of Income Tax.          




In %       ∆ bps
  2Q23 1Q23 2Q22 QoQ YoY
Efficiency Ratio 52.0% 62.4% 70.4%   (1,039)bps   (1,843)bps
ROA 3.9% 2.6% 4.6% 137 bps  (69)bps
ROE 21.3% 13.7% 28.3% 760 bps   (703)bps
Liquid assets / Total Deposits 84.1% 78.7% 76.7% 543 bps 745 bps
Regulatory Capital Ratio 28.38% 27.89% 22.88%   48 bps 549 bps
TIER I Capital Ratio (Ordinary Capital Level 1/ RWA) 27.99% 27.48% 22.73%   51 bps 526 bps
Asset Quality          
Total non-performing portfolio / Total portfolio 1.38% 1.31% 1.08%  7 bps   30 bps
Allowances  /Total non-performing portfolio  218.44% 220.29% 219.40%   (185)bps  (96)bps
Cost of Risk 4.09% 3.73% 1.94%   36 bps 215 bps


In %        ∆ bps
  2Q23 1Q23 2Q22 QoQ YoY
Efficiency Ratio 56.6% 62.4% 71.3%   (579)bps   (1,467)bps
ROA 3.2% 2.6% 3.0%   64 bps   20 bps
ROE 17.7% 13.7% 18.9% 402 bps   (117)bps
Liquid assets / Total Deposits 84.1% 78.7% 76.7% 543 bps 745 bps
Regulatory Capital Ratio 28.4% 27.9% 22.9%   48 bps 549 bps
TIER I Capital Ratio (Ordinary Capital Level 1/ RWA) 28.0% 27.5% 22.7%   51 bps 526 bps
Asset Quality          
Total non-performing portfolio / Total portfolio 1.38% 1.31% 1.08%  7 bps   30 bps
Allowances  /Total non-performing portfolio  218.44% 220.29% 219.40%   (185)bps  (96)bps
Cost of Risk 3.93% 3.73% 2.03%   20 bps 190 bps


About BBVA Argentina

BBVA Argentina (NYSE; BYMA; MAE: BBAR; LATIBEX: XBBAR) is a subsidiary of the BBVA Group, the main shareholder since 1996. In Argentina, it is one of the leading private financial institutions since 1886. Nationwide, BBVA Argentina offers retail and corporate banking to a broad customer base, including: individuals, SME’s, and large-sized companies.

BBVA Argentina’s purpose is to bring the age of opportunities to everyone, based on our customers’ real needs, providing the best solutions, and helping them make the best financial decisions through an easy and convenient experience. The institution relies on solid values: “The customer comes first, We think big and We are one team”. At the same time, its responsible banking model aspires to achieve a more inclusive and sustainable society.


Investor Relations Contact

Carmen Morillo Arroyo

Chief Financial Officer

Inés Lanusse

Investor Relations Officer

Belén Fourcade

Investor Relations






Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.


    Banco BBVA Argentina S.A.
Date: August 23, 2023   By: /s/ Carmen Morillo Arroyo
        Name: Carmen Morillo Arroyo
        Title: Chief Financial Officer



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