RNS Number:7264P
Oakhill Group PLC
15 September 2003

                               OAKHILL GROUP PLC

                 Unaudited Interim Results of Oakhill Group plc

                     for the six months ended 30 June, 2003


Oakhill Group plc announces its interim results for the six months ended 30 June

Financial summary
                                                                        2003            2002         Change
                                                                       Euro'000           Euro'000            %
Continuing operations
Managed services                                                      12,753          12,566           +1
Specialty print                                                       10,234          10,966           -7

                                                                      22,987          23,532           -2
Discontinued operations                                                1,423           9,339

                                                                      24,410          32,871

Operating profit *
Continuing operations
Managed services                                                       1,182           1,830           -35
Specialty print                                                        1,032            545            +89

                                                                       2,214           2,375
Centre costs                                                           (698)           (659)

                                                                       1,516           1,716           -12
Discontinued operations                                                  -              555

                                                                       1,516           2,271

Goodwill amortisation                                                  (676)          (1,293)
Interest                                                               (204)           (529)
Profit before tax                                                       636             449
Profit after tax                                                        328             40

Adjusted earnings per share (cent)*                                    1.78            2.36            -25

Net debt                                                               3,321          12,618

Shareholders' funds                                                   13,807          31,025

Debt / equity ratio                                                     24%             41%

* before goodwill amortisation

                              Chairman's Statement

Oakhill Group plc is a supplier of customer contact solutions and document
management services ("Managed Services") and maintains a strong presence in the
manufacture of academic books and journals and self-adhesive labels ("Specialty
Print"), with business units in Ireland and the United Kingdom.

The interim results for the Group for the six months to 30 June 2003 show sales
from continuing operations of Euro22.987 million, down 2% compared with the same
period in 2002 and operating profit before goodwill amortisation of Euro1.516
million, down 12% on the same period in 2002.

Adjusted earnings per share of 1.78 cent are 25% lower than the 2.36 cent
reported in 2002.

The sale of Meridian Printing was completed on 19 February 2003 and net cash
consideration of $5.7 million was used to repay bank debt. Net debt has been
reduced from Euro12.6 million at June 2002 to Euro3.3 million at June 2003.

A reduction of capital was approved by shareholders at the last annual general
meeting. This reduction is subject to the approval of the High Court and an
announcement will be made when the capital reduction is approved.

Operating profit and financial review

The reduction in sales of 2% and operating profit of 12% from continuing
operations in the current year relative to last year is due to the deterioration
of the #stg/Euro exchange rate. Excluding the effect of exchange rate movements
sales from continuing operations are up 6% on last year and operating profit is
up 1% on last year.

In Managed Services, in local currency, sales increased by 12% and operating
profit reduced by 29%. The sales mix in 2002 was such that a significant
proportion of higher margin business fell into the first half of the year with
lower margin business falling into the second half although turnover was similar
in both periods. This profile has been somewhat reversed in the current year
resulting in a lower operating profit on increased sales. This position was
anticipated and results are in line with expectations. The division has
continued to build on its strong performance last year. The card services side
of this business is developing in line with plans, while the marketing materials
side made progress in developing its services business in a difficult trading

In Specialty Print, in local currency, sales are in line with last year and
operating profit increased by 65%. The books and journals business performed
well with an increase in sales and operating profit. Sales in the labels
business decreased in the period and trading conditions remain very competitive.
The operating profit in labels benefited from a reduced depreciation charge as a
result of the impairment provision in 2002 and improved efficiencies in some of
our manufacturing processes.

The existing bank facilities mature within the next twelve months and the Group
is in the process of refinancing these facilities. One of the aims of this
process is to release appropriate financial resources to underpin the strategic
initiatives already underway in both operating divisions.

Trading Outlook

The trading environment is expected to remain competitive for the remainder of
the year.

Martin Delany
15 September 2003


                     FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 30 JUNE 2003
                                                                              2003          2002
                                                                Notes        Euro'000         Euro'000

Continuing operations
Managed services                                                            12,753         12,566
Specialty print                                                             10,234         10,966

                                                                            22,987         23,532
Discontinued operations                                                      1,423         9,339

                                                                            24,410         32,871

Operating profit before goodwill amortisation
Continuing operations
Managed services                                                             1,182         1,830
Specialty print                                                              1,032          545

                                                                             2,214         2,375
Centre costs                                                                 (698)         (659)

                                                                             1,516         1,716
Discontinued operations                                                        -            555

                                                                             1,516         2,271

Goodwill amortisation                                             2          (676)        (1,293)

Profit on ordinary activities before interest
Continuing operations                                                         840           731
Discontinued operations                                                        -            247
                                                                              840           978

Interest                                                                     (204)         (529)

Profit on ordinary activities before taxation                                 636           449
Taxation                                                                     (308)         (409)

Profit on ordinary activities after taxation                                  328            40

Earnings per share
- Basic and diluted (cent)                                        3          0.58           0.07
Adjusted earnings per share
- Basic and diluted (cent)                                        3          1.78           2.36


                                                                      30 June           30 June
                                                                         2003              2002
                                                                        Euro'000             Euro'000

Fixed assets
Tangible fixed assets                                                   7,632            19,030
Intangible assets                                                       8,021            24,926

                                                                        15,653           43,956

Current assets
Stocks                                                                  1,373            3,065
Debtors and other current assets                                        9,001            13,027
Cash and bank balances                                                  2,538            4,618

                                                                        12,912           20,710

Creditors (amounts falling due within one year)
Trade and other creditors                                               7,351            11,875
Bank and other loans                                                    5,765            16,945
Taxation                                                                 793             1,351

                                                                        13,909           30,171

Net current (liabilities)                                               (997)           (9,461)

Total assets less current liabilities                                   14,656           34,495

Creditors (amounts falling due after one year)

Bank and other loans                                                      94              291
Provision for liabilities and charges                                    755             3,179

                                                                        13,807           31,025

Shareholders' funds
Share capital                                                           5,644            5,644
Share premium                                                           41,346           41,346
Other reserves                                                          1,885            2,552
Profit and loss account                                                (35,068)         (18,517)

                                                                        13,807           31,025

                          UNAUDITED SUMMARY CASH FLOW

                     FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 30 JUNE 2003

                                                                         30 June          30 June
                                                                            2003             2002
                                                                           Euro'000            Euro'000

Operating profit before goodwill amortisation                              1,516            2,271

Depreciation                                                                954             1,736

Net working assets                                                        (1,327)           (392)

Operating cash flow                                                        1,143            3,615

Net interest                                                               (226)            (662)

Taxation                                                                   (204)             53

Capital expenditure                                                        (698)           (1,479)

Disposal/closure of business units                                         5,069             898

                                                                           5,084            2,425

Opening net debt                                                          (8,748)         (16,225)

Currency                                                                    343             1,182

Closing net debt                                                          (3,321)         (12,618)


 1. Basis of Preparation

    The interim financial statements for the six months ended 30 June 2003 have
    been prepared in accordance with the accounting policies set out in the
    financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2002. Comparative
    amounts have been regrouped and restated, where necessary, on the same basis
    as the amounts for the current period.

 2. Goodwill amortisation
                                                                                2003              2002
                                                                               Euro'000             Euro'000

    Continuing operations                                                      (676)             (985)
    Discontinued operations                                                      -               (308)

                                                                               (676)            (1,293)

 3. Earnings Per Share

                                                                                2003             2002
                                                                               Euro'000            Euro'000

    Profit after taxation                                                       328               40
    Goodwill amortisation                                                       676             1,293

    Adjusted profit after tax                                                  1,004            1,333

    Basic and diluted earnings per share
    Earnings per share (cent)                                                   0.58             0.07
    Goodwill amortisation                                                       1.20             2.29

    Adjusted earnings per share (cent)                                          1.78             2.36

    Weighted average number of shares ('000)                                   56,439           56,439

 4. Exchange Rates

                                                                                2003             2002
    Average rate for the period (profit and loss and cash flow)
    US$                                                                        1.1049           0.8979
    Stg#                                                                       0.6857           0.6217
    Period-end rate (balance sheet)
    US$                                                                        1.1427           0.9975
    Stg#                                                                       0.6932           0.6498

 5. Interim statement

        The interim statement for the six months to 30 June 2003 and 30 June
        2002 is unaudited and does not constitute the Group's statutory

        A copy of the interim statement will be sent to shareholders and further
        copies are available from the Company's registered office at 2A
        Sandymount Green, Sandymount, Dublin 4.

Contacts :

Oakhill Group plc

Martin Delany

353 1 240 1400

Alan Jordan

353 1 240 1400

Copies of the Interim Announcement are available from the Company at its office:
2A Sandymount Green, Sandymount, Dublin 4, Telephone 353 1 240 1400

15 September 2003

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange