AQM Copper Inc. (TSX VENTURE:AQM)(BVL:AQM) ("AQM" or the "Company") is pleased
to announce the completion of a positive, independent Preliminary Economic
Assessment ("PEA") of the Company's Zafranal Project located in the Southern
Peru Porphyry Copper Belt. Using long-term forecasted copper and gold prices of
US$3.00/lb and US$1,274/oz respectively; the Project is projected to yield the
following financial results: 

                      Summary of Financial Results (1)                      
Description                                            Pre-tax   Post-tax(2)
Initial Capital Cost (US$ million)                       1,520         1,520
Net Cash Flow (US$ million)                              3,192         1,814
Net Present Value at 5% discount rate (US$ million)      1,852           927
Net Present Value at 8% discount rate (US$ million)      1,332           588
Net Present Value at 10% discount rate (US$ million)     1,062           414
Payback (years)(3)                                         1.9           2.6
Internal Rate of Return (%)                               26.7          17.4
(1) Valuation based on 100% Project and 100% Equity                         
(2) Includes mining royalty, special mining tax, corporate income tax and   
workers' profit sharing                                                     
(3) From the start of concentrator operations                               

The PEA was completed by Tetra Tech WEI Inc., ("Tetra Tech"), and contains
production parameters, capital costs, operating costs, pre-tax and post-tax
financial projections for an open pit mine processing 80,000 t/d of mill feed
and a leach operation based on the treatment of approximately 20,000 t/d of
oxide and secondary sulphide material. The reader should be aware that the
preliminary economic assessment is preliminary in nature, and includes inferred
mineral resources that are considered too speculative geologically to have the
economic considerations applied to them that would enable them to be categorized
as mineral reserves. The reader should also be aware that there is no certainty
that the results forecast in the preliminary economic assessment will be
realized. Mineral resources are not mineral reserves and do not have
demonstrated economic viability.


--  Measured and Indicated Resource is 557.2 Mt grading 0.36% Cu and 0.07
    g/t Au. 
--  The portion of the reported resource within an economic pit shell ("in-
    pit mineral resource") suitable as feed to a concentrator totals 425.3
    Mt grading 0.38%Cu and 0.07 g/t Au, and contains 3.5 billion pounds of
    copper and 977,000 ounces of gold. 
--  The in-pit mineral resource suitable as feed to a leach facility totals
    87.3 Mt grading 0.23%Cu and containing 443 million pounds of copper. 
--  Conventional open pit with mine life of approximately 15 years with a
    strip ratio of 1.06. 
--  Conventional porphyry copper concentrator rated at nominal 80,000 t/d
--  Thickened tailings disposal in a natural basin approximately 10 km
    downhill from the plant site. 
--  Permanent heap leach pad and solvent extraction and electrowinning (SX-
    EW) plant designed to produce a nominal 10,000 t/a of high quality
    copper cathodes from oxide and secondary sulphide feed material. 
--  Project development scenario considers fresh water supply from a
    desalination plant on the coast; however, the Company is actively
    talking with authorities and local communities to find alternative
    arrangements that would provide benefits for the communities in exchange
    for the use of local water sources by the Project. 
--  The Zafranal Property lies outside areas of agricultural activity and
    there are no communities located on the Property. 
--  AQM has undertaken an extensive stakeholder relations program in an
    effort to fully consult with local communities and regional authorities,
    address their concerns and reduce or mitigate the potential political
    and social risks that could affect the Project. 
--  Additional exploration targets have been identified and drilling is
    planned for the second quarter of 2013. 

Bruce Turner, President and Chief Executive Officer of AQM states, "We are very
pleased with the PEA for the Zafranal Project, as it indicates the economic
viability of the Project in a jurisdiction favourable to mining. In the
preparation of the PEA, we did not find any serious flaws in the selected
development scenario or any significant technical challenges in the proposed
design and construction of the facilities. We did identify alternative
approaches that could significantly enhance the feasibility of the Project's
development including a smaller, less capital-intensive project focused on the
higher-grade supergene zone, and the elimination of the desalination option for
water supply, which represents $275M in capital cost and $20M per year in
operating costs. These alternatives and other opportunities will be fully
explored in the next stage of engineering, which is already underway. Our
in-depth knowledge of the geology and mineralization on the Property has also
led us to identify other anomalous zones and these will be explored in our 2013
field program that is currently being permitted." 



--  The Zafranal Project is located in southern Peru about 150 km by road
    (90 km straight-line distance) northwest of the city of Arequipa, 80 km
    from tidewater and approximately 150 km by road from the Port of
--  The regional climate is dry, with average temperatures ranging between
    12 degrees C in winter and 28 degrees C in summer. The elevation of the
    Project ranges from 2,400 to 3,000 meters above sea level. Precipitation
    is scarce and agriculture is generally possible only in river valleys
    with accessible irrigation. 


--  The occurrence of mineralized porphyries is structurally controlled by a
    northwest trending series of strike-slip faults belonging to the
    Incapuquio fault system, and regional east-west trending structures. The
    intersections of these two fault systems appear to be the main
    mineralization control on the Property. 
--  Additional exploration targets have been explored along both main
    structural trends, with new geophysical and geochemical anomalies found
    on several of them. The Ganchos anomaly that lies 3 km to the south of
    the Main Zone has a surface mapped alteration zone measuring
    approximately 1,000 m by 500 m. Drilling is planned on these targets in
    2013 to confirm the presence of additional mineralization. 


--  The Mineral Resource was calculated using ordinary kriging on 78,000
    samples from 134,000 m of drilling that resulted from 399 diamond and
    reverse circulation drill holes. 
--  The resource considered mineralized material greater than 0.2% Cu from
    four deposits on the Property: Main Zone, Victoria, Sicera Norte and
    Sicera Sur. 
--  Measured and Indicated Resource at a 0.2% Cu cut-off is 557.2 Mt grading
    0.36% Cu and 0.07 g/t Au. 
--  Inferred Resource is 57.3 million tonnes grading 0.27% Cu and 0.03 g/t
--  The Measured and Indicated Resource for the Main Zone at a 0.3% Cu cut-
    off is 210.7 Mt grading 0.55% Cu and 0.09 g/t Au. 


--  An in-pit mineral resource suitable as feed to a concentrator was
    identified in the Main Zone and Victoria porphyries totalling 425.3 Mt
    grading 0.38% Cu and 0.07 g/t Au, containing 3.5 billion pounds of
    copper and 977,000 ounces of gold. 
--  An in-pit mineral resource suitable as feed to a leach facility was
    identified in the Main Zone and Victoria porphyries totalling 87.3 Mt
    grading 0.23% Cu, containing 443 million pounds of copper. 
--  The in-pit mineral resources identified are amenable to open pit mining,
    generating two contiguous pits with a combined strike length of 3.4 km,
    an average width of 700 m, and a maximum depth of 555 m. 
--  Strip ratio (including pre-production tonnage) is equal to 1.06 t of
    waste to 1.0 t of mineralized material. 
--  Pre-production stripping of 117 Mt will be required to ensure sufficient
    mineral exposure prior to production. 
--  Conventional open pit with mine life of approximately 15 years. 
--  Pit slope design yielded an average overall slope angle of 41.5 degrees 
    for both pits. 
--  Peak daily movement reaches 215,000 t/d of material. 


--  The proposed flotation feed does not present any significant technical
    difficulties for beneficiation and the Zafranal mill facility will
    resemble other concentrators processing typical copper porphyry
--  Copper and gold recoveries are estimated to be 87.7% and 49%,
--  Copper concentrate grade is expected to average 28% Cu and contain an
    average of 3 g/t of gold. A total of 5,031,000 dmt of concentrate will
    be produced over the life of the Project. 
--  No deleterious elements in any significant concentration were found in
    the copper concentrate produced from the test work, and all the impurity
    elements were found to be below smelter penalty limits. 


--  A permanent heap leach pad and SX-EW plant have been designed to produce
    a nominal 10,000 t/a of high quality copper cathodes from oxide and
    secondary sulphide feed material grading in the range of 0.15 to 0.5%
    Cu, with an average grade of 0.23% total copper. 
--  The overall copper recovery is estimated to be 60% of total copper over
    a 541-day leach and wash cycle. 


--  The main access to the site will be via a new/upgraded 65 km paved road
    from the plant site to Pedregal de Majes on the Pan American Highway. 
--  Product will be transported approximately 150 km from the plant site to
    the Port of Matarani via truck. An alternative truck/rail system for
    transporting concentrate will be studied in the next phase of
    engineering design. 
--  A new 38 km gravel topped access road will also be constructed from
    Corire to the plant site for transporting personnel and supplies. 


--  Fresh water supply for the Project, as considered for this PEA, is from
    a desalination plant on the Pacific Coast, approximately 115 km from the
    plant site. 
--  The Company is actively talking with authorities and local communities
    to find alternative sources of water that would provide benefits for the
    local communities in exchange for the use of local water sources by the


--  The power delivery and site power distribution systems are based on a
    total installed power requirement of 140 MW and the peak demand of 135
--  Power will be delivered from the 220 kV Socabaya Substation located in
    Arequipa and will require the installation of an approximately 120 km
    transmission line to a new 220 kV substation adjacent to the proposed


--  Environmental and social baseline studies for the Project have been
    conducted to compile a Semi-Detailed Environmental Impact Assessment
    (EIAsd) in order to obtain environmental certifications and permits for
    the exploration programs of the Project. A second modification to the
    EIAsd has been filed for the 2013 exploration campaign on the Property. 
--  Formal baseline studies for the Project will commence in the next phase
    of engineering and these will form the basis of the Environmental Impact
    Assessment (EIA) for the Project.  
--  A number of potential environmental impacts associated with the Project
    have been identified. However, the Company believes that proper design
    and operation of the planned facilities will mitigate or eliminate these


--  The initial capital cost for the Project is estimated at US$1,519.7
    million with an expected accuracy range of +/-35%. 
--  The capital cost summary and its distribution by area is shown below: 

                                Labour Manhour   Labour Cost   Material Cost
1 - Direct Costs                                                            
 15 Open Pit Mining                  3,264,828    33,853,935      89,652,778
 20 Process Plant                    2,265,690    19,575,564      57,581,043
 21 Leach area                         182,393     1,575,876      13,239,939
 30 Tailings and                                                            
  Water Management                      25,932       224,049      49,318,009
 35 Infrastructures                    606,387     5,239,184      58,021,637
 40 Fresh Water                                                             
  supply                               147,294     1,272,619      61,360,570
 50 Power Supply and                                                        
  Distribution                           8,978        77,566      49,675,910
                      Subtotal       6,501,502    61,818,794     378,849,887
2 - Indirect Costs                                                          
 91 Project                                                                 
  Indirects                             41,760     4,066,099     173,894,873
                      Subtotal          41,760     4,066,099     173,894,873
3 - Owner's Costs                                                           
 98 Owner's Costs                            0             0      67,777,915
                      Subtotal               0             0      67,777,915
4 - Project                                                                 
 99 Contingencies                            0             0     202,912,212
                      Subtotal               0             0     202,912,212
PEA Total                            6,543,262    65,884,893     823,434,887

                                  Construction      Mechanical    Total Cost
                                Equipment Cost  Equipment Cost         (USD)
1 - Direct Costs                                                            
 15 Open Pit Mining                 34,082,832     210,099,771   367,689,316
 20 Process Plant                   16,054,396     147,783,856   240,994,860
 21 Leach area                       3,705,163      18,578,436    37,099,415
 30 Tailings and                                                            
  Water Management                     164,128       5,402,184    55,108,370
 35 Infrastructures                 41,971,267      10,107,649   115,339,737
 40 Fresh Water                                                             
  supply                            20,453,523     121,448,522   204,535,234
 50 Power Supply and                                                        
  Distribution                          60,725         441,000    50,255,201
                      Subtotal     116,492,035     513,861,418 1,071,022,133
2 - Indirect Costs                                                          
 91 Project                                                                 
  Indirects                                  0               0   177,960,973
                      Subtotal               0               0   177,960,973
3 - Owner's Costs                                                           
 98 Owner's Costs                            0               0    67,777,915
                      Subtotal               0               0    67,777,915
4 - Project                                                                 
 99 Contingencies                            0               0   202,912,212
                      Subtotal               0               0   202,912,212
PEA Total                          116,492,035     513,861,418 1,519,673,233


--  The average life of project material tonnages, grades and metal
    production are shown below: 

                           Description                                 Value
Mine Life (Years)                                                      15(4)
Material Milled/Leached                                                     
Total Tonnes to Mill ('000)                                          425,310
Average Annual Tonnes to Mill ('000)                                  28,354
Total Tonnes to Leaching ('000)                                       87,256
Average Annual Tonnes to Leaching ('000)                               6,712
Average Grade                                                               
Copper (%) - Mill                                                      0.378
Gold (g/t) - Mill                                                      0.071
Copper (%) - Leaching                                                  0.230
Gold (g/t) - Leaching                                                  0.085
Total Production                                                            
Copper ('000 lb) - Mill                                            3,105,452
Gold ('000 oz) - Mill                                                    479
Copper ('000 lb) - Leaching                                          265,863
Average Annual Production                                                   
Copper ('000 lb) - Mill                                              207,030
Gold ('000 oz) - Mill                                                     32
Copper ('000 lb) - Leaching                                           20,451
Note: (4) Leaching is active for 13 years.                                 


--  Average life of mine operating cost is estimated to be $8.29/t of plant
    feed material processed, including mining, re-handling, milling and

                Area                             Unit Cost (US$/t processed)
Mining                                                                  2.56
Milling                                                                 4.23
Tailings and Water Management                                           0.07
G&A                                                                     0.49
Leaching                                                                0.94
Total Operating Cost                                                    8.29

--  Average life of mine operating cost is estimated to be $1.26/lb Cu
    produced from plant feed material processed, including mining, re-
    handling, milling and leaching as shown below: 

                 Cost Item                              Unit   Unit Cost ($)
Mining                                             $/t mined            1.40
Mining                                            $/t milled            3.08
Milling                                           $/t milled            5.10
Tailings Management                               $/t milled            0.08
G&A                                               $/t milled            0.60
Subtotal Flotation                                $/t milled            8.86
Subtotal Leach                                   $/t leached            5.54
Total Flotation & Leach                        $/t processed            8.29
Subtotal Flotation                          $/lb Cu Produced            1.21
Subtotal Leach                              $/lb Cu Produced            1.82
Total Flotation & Leach                     $/lb Cu Produced            1.26

--  The average C1 cash cost is estimated at $1.14 and $1.49 per payable
    pound of copper(5), for the first five years of production and for the
    life of mine, respectively (as defined by Wood Mackenzie). 

(5) Produced pounds of copper net of transport losses and smelter deductions. 


--  In addition to the Base Case pre-tax evaluation using a copper price of
    $3.00/lb, Initial Capital Cost of US$1,520 million and a discount rate
    of 8%, two alternate case scenarios were developed as a function of
    varying copper price. The following sensitivity table provides net
    present value, internal rate of return and payback period for the base
    case and two alternate case scenarios: 

        Item Description       Alternate Case 1  Base Case  Alternate Case 2
Copper Price (US$/lb)                      2.70       3.00              3.30
Gold Price (US$/oz)                       1,274      1,274             1,274
Net Present Value (US$ million)             814      1,332             1,849
Internal Rate of Return (%)                20.4       26.7              32.5
Payback (years)                             2.3        1.9               1.6

Qualified Persons

The NI 43-101 Technical Report is being prepared by an integrated engineering
team led by Tetra Tech in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The Technical
Report will be filed on SEDAR within 45 days. Further information regarding
geology, sampling methods, data verification, QA/QC and assay lab is provided in
the NI 43-101 Technical Report dated May 7, 2012, filed on SEDAR at or the Company's website at

The following Qualified Persons have reviewed and approved the technical
disclosure contained in this press release: 

--  Alvaro Fernandez-Baca, P.Geo., a Consulting Geologist, regarding the
    contents of this news release on behalf of the Company 
--  Gregory Z. Mosher, P.Geo., a Tetra Tech employee, regarding geological
    setting, deposit types, exploration, drilling data verification and
    mineral resource estimates 
--  Carlos Guzman, a NCL employee, regarding mining methods and mining
    capital and operating costs 
--  Marinus Andre De Ruijter, P.Eng., a Tetra Tech employee, regarding
    mineral processing and metallurgical testing, recovery methods and
    process capital and operating costs 
--  Hassan Ghaffari, P.Eng., a Tetra Tech employee, regarding
    infrastructure, and capital and operating cost estimate 
--  Sabry Abdel Hafez, Ph.D., P.Eng., a Tetra Tech employee, regarding the
    economic analysis 
--  Wilson Muir, P.Eng., a Knight Piesold employee, regarding tailings and
    water management design and TMF capital and operating costs 
--  Monica Danon-Schaffer, Ph.D., P.Eng., a Tetra Tech employee, regarding
    environmental studies and permitting. 

On Behalf of the Board


Bruce L. Turner, President and Chief Executive Officer

Forward-Looking Information

This release includes certain statements that may be deemed "forward-looking
statements". All statements in this release, other than statements of historical
facts, that address events or developments that AQM Copper Inc. (the "Company")
expects to occur, are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are
statements that are not historical facts and are generally, but not always,
identified by the words "expects", "plans", "anticipates", "believes",
"intends", "estimates", "projects", "potential" and similar expressions, or that
events or conditions "will", "would", "may", "could" or "should" occur. Although
the Company believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking
statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not
guarantees of future performance and actual results may differ materially from
those in the forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause the actual
results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements include
market prices, exploitation and exploration successes, and continued
availability of capital and financing, and general economic, market or business
conditions. Investors are cautioned that any such statements are not guarantees
of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially
from those projected in the forward-looking statements. Forward-looking
statements are based on the beliefs, estimates and opinions of the Company's
management on the date the statements are made. The Company undertakes no
obligation to update these forward-looking statements in the event that
management's beliefs, estimates or opinions, or other factors, should change.

About AQM Copper

AQM Copper Inc. is a Canadian based mineral exploration company exploring and
developing copper deposits in South America. Through its wholly owned Peruvian
subsidiary, Minera AQM Copper Peru S.A.C., the Company is developing the
Zafranal Copper-Gold Porphyry Project located in Southern Peru. Minera AQM
Copper Peru S.A.C. is the operator of a 50/50 JV with Teck Resources Limited
through a sole purpose Peruvian company formed for Zafranal as announced in its
press release on July 8, 2010. Management and directors have extensive
experience working for the world's largest mining copper producers. Please refer
to the Company's website at, for further information regarding
the Company and its projects.

To speak with an Investor Relations representative:
Pinnacle Capital Markets LTD.
Spyros P. Karellas
(416) 433-5696 or (416) 800-8921

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