RNS Number : 8102Z
  ACC Limited
  24 July 2008

                         ACC LIMITED 
              Registered Office : Cement House, 
         121, Maharshi Karve Road, Mumbai - 400 020 

                 CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AFTER TAX FOR Q-2, 2008 DOWN BY 26.92 % AT Rs. 25,508 LAKHS
                 CONSOLIDATED SALES VOLUME FOR Q-2, 2008 DOWN BY 1.3%
                 CONSOLIDATED SALES VALUE FOR Q-2, 2008 UP
                 BY 1.52 %
                  INTERIM DIVIDEND 100%

       I.        The following unaudited accounts of the quarter ended June 30, 2008 which have been subjected to a limited review by the
auditors have been reviewed by
                 the audit committee and have been approved by the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on July 24,
2008.The text of this statement was
                 also taken on record.


                                                                QUARTER ENDED         QUARTER ENDED        SIX MONTHS ENDED      SIX MONTHS
                                                                 30-06- 2008            30-6- 2007            30-06-2008           
30-06-2007           31-12- 2007
                                                                  UNAUDITED             UNAUDITED             UNAUDITED            
                                                                  Rs. Lakhs             Rs. Lakhs             Rs. Lakhs             Rs.
Lakhs             Rs. Lakhs

       1          SALES / INCOME FROM OPERATIONS                                                                                            
                                                                      215,862.00            213,113.18            428,903.60           
                               LESS: EXCISE DUTY RECOVERED             23,850.88             23,985.36             47,244.63            
42,490.80             84,855.19 
                  NET SALES / INCOME FROM OPERATIONS                  192,011.12            189,127.82            381,658.97           
358,596.33            706,742.60 

       2          OTHER INCOME 

                                               i) Dividend                981.56                801.70              1,933.26             
1,693.96              3,542.69 
                 ii) Gain/(Loss) on foreign exchange (Net)                 57.89                357.12                (20.11)              
617.21                732.45 

                                      iii) Interest Income                965.11              1,468.61              2,506.92             
2,734.49              4,993.00 
                                           iv) Other items              2,654.58              2,564.28              5,767.34             
3,285.31               6,669.45
                          v) Profit on sale of investments                  0.39                  0.03                105.39             
1,226.99              1,238.11 

 3                          Share of Earnings of Associates                70.70                    -                  70.70                
17.55                 17.55 

 4                                    TOTAL INCOME (1+2+3)            196,741.35            194,319.56            392,022.47           
368,171.84            723,935.85 

       5           EXPENDITURE 
                  a) (Increase) /Decrease in stock in trade            (5,379.34)             4,345.71               (437.12)            
4,772.62                117.00 
                 and work in progress 
                  b) Consumption of Raw materials                      29,677.84             22,219.99             55,062.74            
41,758.49             84,851.85 
                  c) Purchase of traded Cement & Other                  3,038.90              2,847.21              6,754.85             
4,126.21              9,331.20 
                  d) Employee cost                                     10,493.20              9,199.68             19,216.53            
16,640.63             35,656.81 
                                           e) Power & Fuel             40,120.06             28,811.54             73,073.45            
55,289.60            119,863.00 
                  f) Outward Freight charges on Cement etc.            25,951.52             25,842.84             50,180.35            
50,789.96             93,790.39 
                                    g) Excise Duties (Net)              3,974.26              2,528.17              7,220.38             
6,534.59             12,924.52 
                                           h) Depreciation              7,724.18              7,355.86             15,546.31            
14,995.64             31,301.84 
                                      i) Other Expenditure             43,995.20             39,003.81             84,374.36            
72,660.23            157,092.50 

                                         Total Expenditure            159,595.82            142,154.81            310,991.85           
267,567.97            544,929.11 

                  Interest                                              1,082.01              1,308.43              1,639.06             
3,032.62              7,430.00 

                                          Minority Interest                (7.56)                33.91                (13.34)               
46.18                 18.92 

       8          Profit before Exceptional Items and Tax              36,071.08             50,822.41             79,404.90            
97,525.07            171,557.82 

       9          EXCEPTIONAL ITEMS (Refer Note 2) 
                        a) (Profit) / Loss on sale of land             (1,228.82)                   -              (1,228.82)               
   -             (20,143.00)
                  b) (Profit) / Loss on sale of divestment                    -                     -              (3,026.03)             
(590.71)              (841.71)
                 of subsidiary/associates  

      10          Profit from ordinary activities before               37,299.90             50,822.41             83,659.75            
98,115.78            192,542.53 
                 tax (8-9) 

 11               Tax Expenses ( including Fringe Benefit              11,792.27             15,920.09             25,721.25            
28,195.94             49,808.88 

 12                      Net Profit for the period (10-11)             25,507.63             34,902.32             57,938.50            
69,919.84            142,733.65 


                                                                QUARTER ENDED         QUARTER ENDED        SIX MONTHS ENDED      SIX MONTHS
                                                                 30-06- 2008            30-6- 2007            30-06-2008           
30-06-2007           31-12- 2007
                                                                  UNAUDITED             UNAUDITED             UNAUDITED            
                                                                  Rs. Lakhs             Rs. Lakhs             Rs. Lakhs             Rs.
Lakhs             Rs. Lakhs

 13               Paid-up Equity Share Capital                         18,785.58             18,759.00             18,785.58            
18,759.00             18,783.00 
                 ( Face value per share Rs.10 ) 
      14         Reserves excluding Revaluation Reserves as per Balance Sheet of previous accounting year                                   

 15               Basic Earnings per Share Rs.                             13.59                 18.63                 30.88                
37.32                 76.16 
                            Diluted Earnings per Share Rs.                 13.56                 18.55                 30.81                
37.17                 75.85 
                  ( EPS for quarter and six months not annualised ) 
      16          Public shareholding 
                  Number of Shares                                   9,95,54,922          10,65,50,829                               
10,65,50,829           10,60,93,777
                  Percentage of Shareholding                               53.05%                56.86%                53.05%               
56.86%                56.55%

       1)        The Consolidated financial results are prepared in accordance with the Accounting Standard (AS) 21"Consolidated Financial
Statements" and (AS) 23 "
                 Accounting for Investments in Associates in Consolidated Financial Statements" issued by the Institute of Chartered
Accountants of India.
       2)        Exceptional Item 9 comprises:
                 (a) Profit on disposal of land of Rs. 1228.82 Lakhs for the quarter ended June 30, 2008, and
                 (b) Profit on disposal of the investment in the Company's wholly-owned subsidiary, ACC Machinery Company Ltd. of Rs. 3026
Lakhs for the Six months ended
                 June 30, 2008.
       3)        Company has acquired 41,75,620 shares of BCCI Limited @ 17.50/- per share from IDBI Bank on 25th March 2008 for a
consideration of Rs. 730.73 Lakhs.
                 After this acquisition ACC`s shareholding has increased to 94.65%.
       4)        During the quarter, the Company has purchased 4,08,001 equity shares- representing 40% of the equity of - Alcon Cement
Company Pvt. Ltd.(' ALCON' ) for
                 a consideration of Rs, 2,225 Lakhs. ALCON has a cement grinding facility situated at Goa. The Company has an arrangement
for trading cement produced by
                 ALCON since last several years.
       5)          The State of Uttar Pradesh introduced Value Added Tax (VAT) with effect from January 1, 2008 which resulted into net
sales being lower by Rs. 2,783.18
                    Lakhs for the quarter, and Rs. 5,539.19 Lakhs for the six months ended June 30, 2008. The Company had made a
representation to State of Uttar Pradesh
                                                                         for continuation of existing sales tax benefit instead of the
deferral scheme under the new law.
                 Subsequent to the quarter-end, on July 16, 2008 the State promulgated an Ordinance whereby the exemption is being restored
through a refund of VAT paid.
                       Further, the detailed rules and procedures for conditions and computation of the amount of VAT exempted have not been
prescribed. Accordingly, the
                                                                                          income in respect of refund of VAT will be
recognised in the ensuing quarter/s.

       6)        Since the Company had opted to publish only standalone, quarterly and half yearly results for the period ended June 30,
2007, the consolidated results
                 provided above for those periods are based on the financial records of the Company and have not been reviewed by the
statutory auditors.
       7)        The Company has divested / invested in certain subsidiaries and associates as mentioned below:
                 i) Divestment of subsidiaries ACC Nihon Castings Limited w.e.f July 11, 2007, ACC Machinery Co. Limited w.e.f. March 10,
2008 and associate Almatis ACC
                 Limited w.e.f February 8, 2007and
                 ii) Investment in Lucky Minmat Limited w.e.f November 17, 2007 and Alcon Cement Company Pvt. Ltd. w.e.f April 1, 2008
                 Accordingly, the results for the quarter and six months ended June 30, 2008 are not comparable with the respective previous
       8)        Figures for the previous period have been restated / reclassified wherever necessary to conform to the current period's


                                                                QUARTER ENDED         QUARTER ENDED        SIX MONTHS ENDED      SIX MONTHS
                                                                 30-06- 2008            30-6- 2007            30-06-2008           
30-06-2007           31-12- 2007
                                                                  UNAUDITED             UNAUDITED             UNAUDITED            
                                                                  Rs. Lakhs             Rs. Lakhs             Rs. Lakhs             Rs.
Lakhs             Rs. Lakhs

         1        SALES / INCOME FROM OPERATIONS                      206,399.16            210,593.17            409,544.16           
396,421.17            784,831.68 
                   LESS: EXCISE DUTY RECOVERED                         24,217.00             23,811.01             47,787.00            
                  NET SALES / INCOME FROM OPERATIONS                  182,182.16            186,782.16            361,757.16           
354,278.16            700,716.24 

             2    OTHER INCOME 

                                               i) Dividend                981.56                800.70              2,658.56             
2,284.70              4,102.94 
                  ii) Gain/(Loss) on foreign exchange (Net)                57.89                411.94                (20.11)              
688.94                731.98 
                                      iii) Interest Income              1,046.46              1,506.00              2,622.46             
2,810.00              4,993.00 
                                           iv) Other items              2,635.35              1,636.03              5,917.35             
2,695.03              6,807.04 
                          v) Profit on sale of investments                  0.39                  0.03                105.39             
1,226.03              1,237.98 

         3        TOTAL INCOME (1+2)                                  186,903.81            191,136.86            373,040.81           
363,982.86            718,589.18 

             4     EXPENDITURE 
                  a) (Increase) /Decrease in stock in trade            (5,379.34)             4,040.26               (494.34)            
4,387.26               (692.96)
                 and work in progress 
                           b) Consumption of Raw materials             24,116.62             20,880.95             43,773.62            
39,330.95             81,673.78 
                  c) Purchase of traded Cement & Other                  2,179.19              2,847.21              4,941.19             
4,126.21              9,330.71 
                                          d) Employee cost              9,787.71              9,073.72             17,717.71            
16,400.72             35,272.85 
                                           e) Power & Fuel             40,047.05             28,652.05             72,920.05            
54,961.05            119,461.95 
                  f) Outward Freight charges on Cement etc.            26,051.58             26,033.05             50,400.58            
51,161.05             94,422.18 
                                    g) Excise Duties (Net)              3,608.14              2,528.89              6,549.14             
6,535.89             12,917.24 
                                           h) Depreciation              7,242.85              7,153.67             14,377.85            
14,592.67             30,506.90 
                                      i) Other Expenditure             40,408.25             38,305.06             77,531.25            
72,221.06            156,591.78 
                  Total Expenditure                                   148,062.05            139,514.86            287,717.05           
263,716.86            539,484.43 

                                                 Interest               1,081.94              1,278.67              1,638.94             
2,981.67              7,387.05 

             6    Profit before Exceptional Items and Tax              37,759.82             50,343.33             83,684.82            
97,284.33            171,717.70 
                 (3) - ( 4+5) 

             7    EXCEPTIONAL ITEMS (Refer Note 3) 
                  a) (Profit) / Loss on sale of land and               (1,228.82)                   -              (1,199.82)               
   -             (20,143.00)
                 undertakings / business 
                  b) Profit on sale of investments in                         -                     -              (3,686.42)             
(770.00)            (1,168.00)
                 subsidiary / associates  

             8    Profit from ordinary activities before               38,988.64             50,343.33             88,571.06            
98,054.33            193,028.70 
                 tax (6-7) 

         9        Tax Expenses (including Fringe Benefit               11,846.22             15,760.00             25,674.22            
27,906.00             49,170.00 

      10          Net Profit for the period (8-9)                      27,142.42             34,583.33             62,896.84            
70,148.33            143,858.70 


                                                                QUARTER ENDED         QUARTER ENDED        SIX MONTHS ENDED      SIX MONTHS
                                                                 30-06- 2008            30-6- 2007            30-06-2008           
30-06-2007           31-12- 2007
                                                                  UNAUDITED             UNAUDITED             UNAUDITED            
                                                                  Rs. Lakhs             Rs. Lakhs             Rs. Lakhs             Rs.
Lakhs             Rs. Lakhs

       11                     Paid-up Equity Share Capital             18,785.58             18,759.00             18,785.58            
18,759.00             18,783.00 
                  (Face value per share Rs.10) 
            12   Reserves excluding Revaluation Reserves as                   -                     -                     -                 
   -             396,478.00 
                 per Balance Sheet of previous accounting

            13    Basic Earnings per Share Rs.                              14.47                 18.43                 33.52               
 37.41                 76.75
                  Diluted Earnings per Share Rs.                            14.43                 18.36                 33.44               
 37.26                 76.45
                  ( EPS for quarter and six months not annualised ) 
            14    Public shareholding 
                  Number of Shares                                   9,95,54,922           10,65,50,829           9,95,54,922         
10,65,50,829          10,60,93,777
                  Percentage of Shareholding                               53.05%                56.86%                53.05%               
56.86%                56.55%


 1)                                    With effect from January 1, 2008 the Company transferred its Ready-Mix Concrete business to its
wholly-owned subsidiary- ACC
                                       Concrete Limited.- for a consideration of Rs.10,000.00 Lakhs. Consequent to the transfer of this
business, the Company has only a
                                       single segment comprising its cement operations. Further, the results for the quarter and six months
ended June 30, 2008 are not
                                       strictly comparable with those of the corresponding previous period.
 2)                                      The State of Uttar Pradesh introduced Value Added Tax (VAT) with effect from January 1, 2008 which
resulted into net sales being
                                       lower by Rs. 2,783.18 Lakhs for the quarter, and Rs. 5,539.19 Lakhs for the six months ended June 30,
2008. The Company had made a
                                         representation to State of Uttar Pradesh for continuation of existing sales tax benefit instead of
the deferral scheme under the
                    new law.
                                       Subsequent to the quarter-end, on July 16, 2008 the State promulgated an Ordinance whereby the
exemption is being restored through
                                       a refund of VAT paid. Further, the detailed rules and procedures for conditions and computation of
the amount of VAT exempted have
                                                    not been prescribed. Accordingly, the income in respect of refund of VAT will be
recognised in the ensuing quarter/s.

 3)                                    Exceptional Item 7 comprises:
                                       (a) Loss of Rs.29.00 Lakhs on divestment of Ready-Mix Concrete business for the six months ended June
30, 2008,
                                       (b) Profit on disposal of land of Rs. 1228.82 Lakhs for the quarter ended June 30, 2008, and
                                       (c) Profit on disposal of the investment in the Company's wholly-owned subsidiary, ACC Machinery
Company Ltd. of Rs. 3686.42 Lakhs
                                       for the Six months ended June 30, 2008.
 4)                                    For the year ended December 31, 2007 the Company had recognised an additional depreciation charge
arising from a change in the
                                       rates of depreciation for certain Cement Grinding plants. The depreciation and profit before tax for
the quarter are restated by
                                       Rs.819.67 Lakhs and Rs. 2046.67 Lakhs for the six months ended June 30, 2007 to reflect such
depreciation relating to those
 5)                                    Figures for the previous period have been restated / reclassified wherever necessary
                                       to conform to the current period's presentation.
 6)                                    At the beginning of the quarter ended June 30, 2008, there was one investor complaint pending. During
the quarter, thirty one
                                       complaints were received and twenty eight complaints were resolved. Four complaints were pending
disposal as on June 30, 2008.


                  IV                   CONSOLIDATED SEGMENT WISE REVENUE, RESULT
                                       AND CAPITAL EMPLOYED

                                                                QUARTER ENDED         QUARTER ENDED        SIX MONTHS ENDED      SIX MONTHS
                                                                 30-06- 2008            30-6- 2007            30-06-2008           
30-06-2007           31-12- 2007
                                                                  UNAUDITED             UNAUDITED             UNAUDITED            
                                                                  Rs. Lakhs             Rs. Lakhs             Rs. Lakhs             Rs.
Lakhs             Rs. Lakhs

                  1                    Segment Revenue (net
                                       sale / income from 
                                       each segment)
                                                                      182,182.16            179,698.16            361,757.16           
341,622.16            675,033.60 
                  a                    Cement
                                                                       12,981.68              9,971.00             25,413.55            
17,991.00             36,702.00 
                  b                    Ready Mix Concrete
                                                                              -               2,891.55                779.68             
5,353.81              6,027.00 
                  c                    Others
                                                                              -                     -                     -                 
22.00                 22.00 
                  d                    Unallocated
                                                                      195,163.84            192,560.71            387,950.39           
364,988.97            717,784.60 

                Less:                  Inter segment                    3,152.72              3,432.89              6,291.42             
6,392.64             11,042.00 

                                       Net sales / income             192,011.12            189,127.82            381,658.97           
358,596.33            706,742.60 
                                       from operations

                  2                    Segment Results ( Profit) (+)/ Loss (-)
                                       before tax and interest)
                                                                       43,686.66             53,555.62             90,960.63           
104,358.35            188,944.82 
                  a                    Cement
                                                                       (1,334.24)              (897.00)            (3,282.70)           
(1,379.00)            (6,071.00)
                  b                    Ready Mix Concrete
                                                                           (0.10)               433.92                266.57               
702.15                295.00 
                  c                    Others
                                                                       42,352.32             53,092.54             87,944.50           
103,681.50            183,168.82 

                                                                        1,082.01              1,308.43              1,639.06             
3,032.62              7,430.00 
                                       Less: i Interest
                                        ii Other
                                       Expenditure net 
                                                                        6,164.34              2,430.31              9,407.46             
5,858.30              9,174.00 
                                       Un-allocable income
                                                                          965.11              1,468.61              2,506.92             
2,734.49              4,993.00 
                                       Add: Interest Income
                                                                       36,071.08             50,822.41             79,404.90            
97,525.07            171,557.82 
                                       Total Profit Before
                                       Exceptional Items &

                                       Exceptional Items
                                                                       (1,228.82)                   -              (1,228.82)               
   -             (20,143.00)
                  a                     (Profit) / Loss on
                                       sale of land 
                  b                     (Profit) / Loss on                    -                     -              (3,026.03)             
(590.71)              (841.71)
                                       sale of divestment

                                        Total Profit Before            37,299.90             50,822.41             83,659.75            
98,115.78            192,542.53 

                  3                    Capital Employed (Segment Assets - Segment

 a                                                   Cement           312,180.74            293,374.86            312,180.74           
293,374.86            303,247.00 
 b                                       Ready Mix Concrete            10,743.43              6,150.00             10,743.43             
6,150.00              8,656.00 
 c                                                   Others                 1.64              4,750.73                  1.64             
4,750.73              3,213.00 
                                                  Sub-total           322,925.81            304,275.59            322,925.81           
304,275.59            315,116.00 
                                            Capital work in           121,204.26             50,140.40            121,204.26            
50,140.40             63,978.00 

                                       Capital Employed excludes assets and liabilities not allocable to specific segment & investments.
  1)             Exceptional Item comprises:
                 (a) Profit on disposal of land of Rs. 1228.82 Lakhs for the quarter ended June 30, 2008, and
                 (b) Profit on disposal of the investment in the Company's wholly-owned subsidiary, ACC Machinery Company Ltd. of Rs. 3026
Lakhs for the Six months ended
                 June 30, 2008.
  2)             The Company has divested / invested in certain subsidiaries and associates as mentioned below:
                 i) Divestment of subsidiaries ACC Nihon Castings Limited w.e.f July 11, 2007, ACC Machinery Co. Limited w.e.f. March 10,
2008 and associate Almatis ACC
                 Limited w.e.f February 8, 2007and
                 ii) Investment in Lucky Minmat Limited w.e.f November 17, 2007 and Alcon Cement Company Pvt. Ltd. w.e.f April 1, 2008
                 Accordingly, the results for the quarter and six months ended June 30, 2008 are not comparable with the respective previous
  3)             Since the Company had opted to publish only standalone, quarterly and half yearly segment for the period ended June 30,
2007, the consolidated segment
                 provided above for those periods are based on the financial records of the Company and have not been reviewed by the
statutory auditors.
  4)             Figures for the previous period have been restated / reclassified wherever necessary to conform to the current period's

                                                                                                          ( Sumi Banerjee )
                 Mumbai - July 24, 2008                                                                               MANAGING DIRECTOR


This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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