RNS Number:2189K
Sutton & East Surrey Water PLC
19 December 2007

                         Sutton & East Surrey Water plc

The Company announces today its interim results for the six months ended 30
September 2007.

Chairman's Statement

During the period under review the Company experienced very different
weather conditions to those on which we reported last year. We had then
encountered both a severe winter drought and a very hot summer, yet still
managed to supply high quality water to our customers for all essential
purposes. In contrast we have in the past year benefited from wet weather 
throughout the winter and summer. These accounts reflect the unusually high 
levels of summer rainfall in May, June and July, which resulted in several 
flooding incidents in our area of supply, one of which affected our Cheam Works.

Water resources and leakage

Our ability to meet customers' demands depends upon the level of rainfall,
particularly in the winter months, which replenishes the aquifers and reservoir
for use in the summer. After two dry winters, leading to one of the severest
droughts in the Company's history, I commented in my June report that the winter
of 2006/07 was wetter than average, that our borehole resources had recovered
and that our surface reservoir at Bough Beech was full. We did not therefore
anticipate any problems with supplying water during the subsequent summer.

In fact, during last summer levels of rainfall were a healthy 7% above average
for the period. However the pattern was unusual, in that in April we received
only 4% of the monthly average, while May, June and July were significantly
above average. August meanwhile was average, but September well below. One
impact of the wet summer was that it reduced demand, especially peak demand, 
which was around 5% less than we would have expected in a "normal" year. The
good resource position with which we started the period, combined with the
higher than average level of rainfall and low demand, ensured that we were able
to meet all requirements for water during the summer. Unfortunately October
rainfall levels have proved disappointing, but we are hoping for a more normal
pattern during the remainder of the winter period, thereby enabling recharge of 
our resources.

One of the more notable aspects of the heavy rainfall in July was that it fell
in concentrated bursts that caused severe flooding across the country. In our
area, the Cheam works received a month's rainfall in three hours, while nearby
in Wallington the same event caused severe flooding in the town centre. A
localised flood at Cheam resulted in a very small amount of rainwater entering
our system and, as a result, some contaminated water going into supply. All the
Health Authorities agreed that there was no danger to public health, but it was
decided to issue a precautionary boil water notice to 50,000 properties supplied
by that works. I am pleased to report that the emergency planning procedures
that we have established worked very well. All affected customers were notified,
hospitals and the vulnerable were supplied with bottled water and supplies of
water were maintained. The result was that the precautionary boil water notice
was lifted after 60 hours and test results proved that water supplied throughout
the period met all quality standards and there was no risk to public health. Our 
staff responded magnificently to this very demanding situation.

Our environmental track record remains strong - indeed, we continue to be one of
the most successful companies in minimising water loss from the network. We have
met Ofwat's challenging leakage target of 24.5Mld during this period and expect
to continue this level of achievement during the remainder of the year.

We are extensively promoting the virtues of water efficiency among our
customers. We have adopted Ofwat's Good Practice Register in determining our
range of activities and policies in this area. These include the distribution of
cistern displacement devices, water audits for domestic and commercial consumers
and an extensive customer education programme. Our most innovative activity is
our joint venture with Reigate and Banstead Borough Council, Waterwise and the
Environment Agency to retrofit a local social housing estate with rainwater
harvesting and water efficient fittings, measuring the impact of these upon
consumption patterns and consumer behaviour.

Customer service

We continue to hold our position among the best performing companies in the
water industry, leading the way in distributing high quality water and achieving
99.95% mean zonal compliance with mandatory standards, supported at all times by
very high levels of service.

Capital expenditure

During the period the company has spent �11.1m on new plant and infrastructure,
a significant increase on last year.

Work continues on the second stage of refurbishing our Cheam works and
developing new resources at Outwood Lane and Mitcham, in order to improve
supplies. We have also invested �6.3m in our mains network for structural and
quality reasons, and a further �1.1m in installing customer meters. We are
currently in the process of preparing tenders for the refurbishment of our Bough
Beech works.

We fully expect to achieve our spending targets, as set by Ofwat, within this

Financial results

The results for the period have been adversely affected by the reduced level of
demand in the summer referred to above, resulting in measured revenues below
expected levels.

Turnover was �24.2m (�22.9m), benefiting from the 5.2% increase in prices
allowed by Ofwat in respect of inflation and the "K" factor. Revenues however
reflected the reduced demand from our measured customers, resulting in income
from this source falling �0.4m below our expectations for a typical year. There
was no change in our operating costs which, at �18.1m, have benefited from
avoiding the expenses associated with last year's drought (�0.8m), although we
have suffered increased depreciation (�0.3m) arising from our high levels of
capital expenditure, and the effects of inflation upon the remainder of our

Operating profits increased to �6.1m (�4.7m), and interest charges by �1.4m to
�3.8m as a result of higher indexation charges on our Bond and interest earned
on lower cash balances. Other finance income, arising from the good performance
of our pension fund investments, increased to �0.9m from the �0.7m achieved last
year. These factors led to the profit before tax increasing by �0.1m to �3.1m
for the period.

Our final salary pension scheme continues to remain in surplus, on an FRS 17
basis. The post-tax surplus increased during the period by �3.5m to �9.2m. Our
contributions of 30% of salary, together with the effective management of the
scheme have produced this satisfactory result.

A dividend of �2.8m was paid in the period. This is significantly less than the
�14.9m paid last year, but that included a �12.0m special dividend agreed with

Risks and Uncertainties

The principal risks and uncertainties facing the Company in the next six months
are largely associated with the weather and rainfall levels. We need winter
rainfall to recharge our resources, and if this is significantly below the
average we may have to implement restrictions next summer.

Finally I would like to thank all our staff for the invaluable contribution that
they continue to make on the Company's behalf.

Pat Barrett
19 December 2007

Sutton and East Surrey Water plc
Profit and Loss Account

                                                  6 months to     6 months to      Year to
                                                      30 Sept         30 Sept     31 March
                                                         2007            2006         2007
                                                   (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)
                                                        �'000           �'000        �'000

Turnover                                               24,233          22,920       46,739
Operating costs                                       (18,147)        (18,183)     (33,737)
Operating profit                                        6,086           4,737       13,002
Net interest payable and similar charges               (3,876)         (2,452)      (7,416)
Other finance income                                      862             676        1,257
Profit on ordinary activities before taxation           3,072           2,961        6,843
Taxation on profit on ordinary activities                 811            (393)      (1,894)
Profit on ordinary activities after taxation            3,883           2,568        4,949

Sutton and East Surrey Water plc
Statement of total Recognised Gains and Losses

                                                  6 months to     6 months to      Year to             
                                                      30 Sept         30 Sept     31 March
                                                         2007            2006         2007       
                                                   (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)        
                                                        �'000           �'000        �'000

Profit for the period                                   3,883           2,568        4,949
Actuarial gain recognised in the pension scheme         4,069             921        3,542
Deferred tax arising on gains in the pension scheme    (1,386)           (568)        (974)
Total recognised gains and losses relating              
to the period                                           6,566           2,921        7,517

Sutton and East Surrey Water plc
Balance Sheet

                                                   At 30 Sept      At 30 Sept  At 31 March
                                                         2007            2006         2007
                                                   (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)
                                                        �'000           �'000        �'000
Fixed assets
Intangible assets                                       8,268           9,241        8,754
Tangible assets                                       156,202         144,199      151,267
                                                      164,470         153,440      160,021
Current assets
Stocks                                                    877             894          868
Debtors                                                18,397           9,776       13,501
Cash at bank and in hand                                9,802          19,642       15,005
                                                       29,076          30,312       29,374
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year        (23,622)        (24,220)     (24,249)
Net current assets                                      5,454           6,092        5,125
Total assets less current liabilities and charges     169,924         159,532      165,146
Creditors: amounts falling due after more            (120,343)       (115,090)    (118,301)
than one year
Provisions for liabilities and charges                 (7,900)         (8,831)      (8,798)
Net assets                                             41,681          35,611       38,047
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                                 3,105           3,105        3,105
Profit and loss account                                38,576          32,506       34,942
Shareholders' funds - equity                           41,681          35,611       38,047

Sutton and East Surrey Water plc
Cash Flow Statement

                                                  6 months to     6 months to      Year to               
                                                      30 Sept         30 Sept     31 March
                                                         2007            2006         2007
                                                   (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)
                                                        �'000           �'000        �'000

Cash flow from operating activities                    10,416          12,334       25,236
Return on investment and servicing of finance:
Interest received                                         526             534        1,074
Interest paid                                          (1,742)         (1,691)      (3,296)
Interest element of finance lease rentals                   0             (21)           0
Preference dividends to shareholders                     (483)           (483)        (966)
Net cash outflow from returns on investments           
and servicing of finance                               (1,699)         (1,661)      (3,188)

UK corporation tax received                                 0              36           36

Capital expenditure and financial investment
Purchase of tangible fixed assets                     (11,113)         (9,247)     (22,395)
Sale of tangible fixed assets                              43              21           56

Dividends paid on shares classified in                 
shareholders' funds                                    (2,850)        (12,000)     (14,900)
Cash inflow before management of liquid                
resources and financing                                (5,203)        (10,517)     (15,155)
Management of liquid resources                          8,359          10,182       10,901
Increase/(Decrease) in cash in the period               3,156            (335)      (4,254)
Capital element of finance lease rental payments            0            (210)        (210)
Increase/(Decrease) in cash in the period               3,156            (545)      (4,464)

Note to the interim results

Basis of preparation

The unaudited interim financial statements for the half year ended 30 September 
2007 have been prepared in accordance with the historic cost convention.

These interim financial statements are consistent with the regulatory historic 
cost financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2007, which the Company 
prepares in accordance with Condition F of the Instrument of Appointment by the 
Secretary of State for the Environment as a water and sewerage undertaker under 
the Water Industry Act 1991. The effect of departures from applicable UK 
Accounting Standards, which are necessary to comply with regulatory reporting 
requirements laid down by the Water Services Regulation Authority (OFWAT), are 
set out in the regulatory financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2007. 

The statutory accounts for the year ended 31 March 2007 have been delivered to 
the Registrar of Companies. The auditors' report on these accounts was 
unqualified and did not contain a statement under s.237(2) or (3) of the 
Companies Act 1985. 

The regulatory accounts for the year ended 31 March 2007 have been delivered to 
OFWAT. The auditors' report on these accounts confirmed that they contained the 
information required to comply with Condition F of the Instrument of Appointment 
granted by the Secretary of State for the Environment to the Company as a water 
and sewerage undertaker under the Water Industry Act 1991. 

The financial information contained in this announcement does not constitute 
statutory accounts within the meaning of s.240 of the Companies Act 1985.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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