RNS Number : 4347Y

Ishaan Real Estate PLC

21 February 2013

21 February 2013

Ishaan Real Estate Plc ("Ishaan Real Estate" or the "Company)

Proposals for the sale of the Company's entire Property Interests and the amendment of the Company's investment strategy to facilitate the subsequent distribution of the Company's Estimated Net Cash Resources (estimated at 51 pence per Ordinary Share) to Shareholders

The Independent Committee of Ishaan Real Estate announces today the proposed sale of the Company's entire Property Interests, subject to Shareholder approval and other conditions, to Chalet Hotels Private Limited ("Chalet"), a member of the K Raheja Corp Group, and other entities connected with K Raheja Corp Group, for an aggregate consideration of approximately GBP70.3 million in cash (the "Disposal"). In the event that Shareholders approve the proposed Disposal and completion of the Disposal occurs, the Independent Committee intends to distribute to Shareholders the Group's Estimated Net Cash Resources (estimated at 51 pence per Ordinary Share) to Shareholders as soon as practically possible.

The Disposal constitutes a "related party transaction" under Rule 13 of the AIM Rules and also a "disposal resulting in a fundamental change of business" under Rule 15 of the AIM Rules. In accordance with the requirements of Rule 15 of the AIM Rules, completion of the Disposal is conditional, inter alia, on approval by Shareholders.

A circular (the "Circular") explaining the background to and reasons for the proposed Disposal and containing a notice convening an extraordinary general meeting at which the required resolutions to approve the Disposal and to implement the processes necessary to facilitate the subsequent distribution of the Group's Estimated Net Cash Resources to Shareholders will be considered will be posted to Shareholders shortly. A copy of the Circular will be made available on the Company's website: www.ishaanrealestate.com.

Deutsche Bank is acting as nominated adviser and broker to Ishaan Real Estate in relation to the Disposal. Rothschild is acting as financial adviser to Chalet Hotels Private Limited in relation to the Disposal.

The following text has been extracted from the letter from the Chairman of Ishaan Real Estate plc to be set out in Part 1 of the Circular (the "Letter"). Terms defined in the Letter are set out in Appendix 1 to this announcement.

1. Introduction

As Ishaan Real Estate has made progress in the development of the Projects held through its Property Interests, the Board has evaluated a number of options to realise cash from the Company's assets and to return this cash to Shareholders. Simultaneously, while there have been a number of views expressed by Shareholders as to the strategic direction the Company should take, a number of significant Shareholders (other than the K Raheja Entities) holding in aggregate a majority of the Company's Ordinary Shares have requested that any opportunity to realise cash in the near term through an orderly process should be progressed.

On 11 December 2012, as part of the Company's interim report for the six month period ended 30 September 2012, the Board reiterated this focus on the disposal of assets and the return of cash to Shareholders. This statement highlighted that the Board remained committed to pursuing all options to realise cash for Shareholders and would look to advance any disposal process in an orderly manner.

On 15 February 2012, the Company announced that it was in advanced discussions in relation to the disposal of the Group's entire Property Interests to entities associated with K Raheja which, if concluded, would allow for a cash distribution of 51 pence per Ordinary Share to Shareholders through a subsequent members' voluntary winding up of the Company.

The Independent Board Committee has now received a binding proposal from Chalet, a member of the K Raheja Group, and other K Raheja Entities to acquire all of Ishaan's Property Interests (the "Disposal") for an aggregate consideration of approximately GBP70.3 million. As set out in more detail in Section 4 below, the Independent Board Committee has decided, after careful consideration, to pursue the Disposal and is accordingly seeking to implement the processes necessary to complete the Disposal. In the event that Shareholders approve the Disposal and completion of the Disposal occurs, it is the Board's intention to distribute all of the Estimated Net Cash Resources to Shareholders as soon as practically possible. The Total Shareholder Distribution is expected to be approximately 51 pence per Ordinary Share. A second extraordinary general meeting will be required in due course to seek Shareholder approval for the members' voluntary winding up and cancellation of the Company's admission to trading on AIM. As such, the amounts of the Initial Distribution and Final Distribution may be affected by variables which are wholly or partly outside of the control of the Company including, but not limited to, the factors mentioned in Section 7 below.

Members of the Group have therefore entered into conditional agreements with the Purchasers to effect the Disposal, conditional on Shareholder approval and the obtaining of a nil withholding tax certificate from the Indian tax authorities. Under Rule 15 of the AIM Rules, the Disposal constitutes a disposal resulting in a fundamental change of business and therefore requires approval from Shareholders representing at least 50 per cent. of the votes cast at an extraordinary general meeting. Under Rule 13 of the AIM Rules, the Disposal also constitutes a related party transaction because the Purchasers are connected with Neel Raheja, a Director of the Company, and the Investment Adviser.

The Company has received indications from certain Shareholders (including those Directors who are Shareholders and the K Raheja Entities) that it is their intention to vote in favour of the Resolutions. These Shareholders hold in aggregate 79,682,743 Ordinary Shares, representing approximately 54.63 per cent. of the Company's current issued share capital.

A description of the Property Interests which are the subject of the Disposal will be provided in Part 2 of the Circular. In the 12 month period ended 31 March 2012, the Company generated a comprehensive loss of GBP10.1 million and in the six month period ended 30 September 2012, the Company generated a comprehensive profit of GBP0.4 million. The Property Interests were held at a value of GBP94.4 million as at 30 September 2012. Save as disclosed elsewhere in this announcement, the Board believes that there has been no significant change in the financial position of the Company since the release of the Company's results for the six month period ended 30 September 2012 on 11 December 2012.

The purpose of this announcement is to provide Shareholders:

   --      with the background to, and rationale for the Disposal; 
   --      to explain why the Independent Board Committee has decided to pursue the Disposal; 

-- to inform Shareholders of the Total Shareholder Distribution expected to be made following the Disposal; and

-- to provide details of the forthcoming Extraordinary General Meeting to approve the Disposal and to amend the Company's investment strategy, further details of which are set out in this announcement.

If the Resolutions as set out in the Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting are passed, the completion of the Disposal is expected to take place by 28 March 2013, subject to the timing of the satisfaction of the conditions precedent (see Section 2 below).

2. Summary of the Disposal

The Disposal will be effected by way of the Purchasers acquiring the Group's entire Property Interests for an aggregate consideration of approximately GBP70.3 million in cash.

Under the terms of the Share Purchase Agreements, the Purchasers will acquire the Group's:

-- 40 per cent. share of the entire issued ordinary share capital (and 100 per cent. of the entire issued preference share capital, where applicable) of each of (i) Trion Properties Private Limited; (ii) Serene Properties Private Limited; (iii) Magna Warehousing & Distribution Private Limited; (iv) Genext Hardware and Parks Private Limited; and (v) Newfound Properties and Leasing Private Limited; and

-- 38.98 per cent. share of the entire issued ordinary share capital (and 100 per cent. of the entire issued preference share capital, where applicable) of each of (i) Sundew Properties Limited; and (ii) Intime Properties Limited.

The Disposal, after allowing for all costs associated with the Disposal and the estimated Winding Up Costs, is expected to leave the Company with Estimated Net Cash Resources of approximately GBP74.5 million.

In the event that Shareholders approve the Disposal and completion of the Disposal occurs, the Board intends to distribute to Shareholders the Estimated Net Cash Resources as soon as practically possible. The Total Shareholder Distribution is expected to be approximately 51 pence per Ordinary Share, comprising an Initial Distribution of 50 pence per Ordinary Share, expected to be paid to Shareholders in May 2013, and a Final Distribution of approximately 1 pence per Ordinary Share, expected to be paid to Shareholders on the conclusion of the intended members' voluntary winding up of the Company. The timing and amount of the Initial Distribution and the Final Distribution are subject to a number of factors set out in Section 7 below.

The implied Total Shareholder Distribution represents:

-- a discount of approximately 33.7 per cent. to the Adjusted NAV of 76.9 pence per Ordinary Share as at 30 September 2012;

-- a premium of approximately 31.6 per cent. to the closing mid-market price per Ordinary Share of 38.75 pence on 14 February 2013 (being the last business day prior to the Company's announcement that it was in advanced discussions in relation to the disposal of the Group's entire Property Interests); and

-- a premium of approximately 57.4 per cent. to the volume weighted average closing mid-market price per Ordinary Share of 32.4 pence over the six month period ended 14 February 2013.

Further details on the calculation of the Estimated Net Cash Resources and the implied Total Shareholder Distribution are set out in Section 6 below. Further details on the tax implications of the receipt of the Total Shareholder Distribution are set out in Section 12 below.

The Disposal is conditional upon the obtaining of a nil withholding tax certificate from the Indian tax authorities confirming that no withholding tax is required to be deducted at source in relation to the consideration payable to the Group for the sale of the Property Interests. The Board has been advised that this condition precedent to the Disposal is expected to be satisfied by 28 March 2013. However, there can be no assurance that the obtaining of a nil withholding tax certificate from the Indian tax authorities will be obtained in the anticipated timeframe, or at all. If the Indian tax authorities deem that withholding tax on the Disposal is payable, the Share Purchase Agreements impose an obligation upon the parties to use their reasonable endeavours to renegotiate, for a period of 30 days, the terms of the Share Purchase Agreements.

The Disposal is also conditional upon Shareholder approval. Unless the parties agree otherwise in writing, if this condition precedent under the Share Purchase Agreements is not satisfied by 28 March 2013 the Share Purchase Agreements will lapse and the Disposal will not proceed.

The Purchasers, and certain of their associated entities, have agreed to certain restrictions on their ability to dispose, or commit to dispose, of any assets of or interests in the Projects for a period of 12 months following completion of the Disposal, as will be further detailed in Part 3 of the Circular.

In consideration of the provision of information and assistance to be rendered by the Investment Adviser in connection with the members' voluntary winding up of the Company and the deregistration of Mauritian Holdco and the Mauritian SPVs, any surplus cash remaining in the Company after payment by the Company's liquidator of all costs associated with the Disposal and the Winding Up Costs, and conditional on the Company achieving a Total Shareholder Distribution of 51 pence per Ordinary Share, will be distributed by the Company's liquidator to the Investment Adviser upon completion of the members' voluntary winding up.

The principal terms of the Transaction Documents under which the Disposal will be effected will be set out in Part 3 of the Circular.

It is important to note that, whilst each of the Purchasers have provided assurance that they will have access to sufficient resources to acquire the Property Interests, the purchase consideration is not held in escrow. As such, the Group is reliant on the Purchasers paying the purchase consideration upon completion of the Disposal. In the event that the conditions precedent to completion under the Share Purchase Agreements are satisfied, but the Purchasers do not pay the purchase consideration, the Purchasers are liable to pay in aggregate a GBP3,500,000 break fee. However, payment of the break fee requires exchange control approval under Indian law, and therefore the receipt of such payment is dependent on achieving this approval. The provisions relating to the break fee payment will be detailed further in Part 3 of the Circular.

It is also important to note that certain other provisions under the Transaction Documents may be difficult to enforce under Indian law and may be subject to additional regulatory approval including exchange control. These include the non-disposal undertakings by the Purchasers and certain of their associated entities and any payment by the Purchasers under the Tax Indemnities, as will be further detailed in Part 3 of the Circular.

3. Investment strategy following the Disposal

If the Disposal is approved by Shareholders and the Group completes its disposal of the Property Interests, the Group's operations will effectively cease. A second resolution will therefore also be proposed at the Extraordinary General Meeting in order to amend the Company's investment strategy so that it becomes the proposed members' voluntary winding up of the Company.

The Directors intend that, if Shareholders vote in favour of the Disposal and the amendment of the investment strategy, a subsequent extraordinary general meeting of the Company will be called following the completion of the Disposal in order to seek Shareholder approval for the members' voluntary winding up of the Company (including the Total Shareholder Distribution) and the rest of the Group in accordance with applicable law, and the cancellation of the admission of the Ordinary Shares to trading on AIM. The resolutions to approve the members' voluntary winding up of the Company and to cancel the admission of the Ordinary Shares to trading on AIM would both require 75 per cent. of the Shareholders attending and voting at the subsequent extraordinary general meeting to vote in favour.

4. Background to and reasons for the Disposal

The decision by the Independent Board Committee to pursue the Disposal has been taken after a review of the Group's strategic alternatives to the Disposal. The Independent Board Committee has in particular considered alternative strategies to realise cash for Shareholders and the time frame in which any such realisations may be achievable, considering the potential for the disposal of the Project Interests in the near term and the returns that might be achievable through waiting for the Projects to reach a more complete stage of development.

In deciding to pursue the Disposal, the Independent Board Committee has assessed the value of the proposal from the Purchasers against the Group's reported Adjusted NAV of 76.9 pence per Ordinary Share as at 31 September 2012 primarily on the following factors:

-- The Group will continue to incur investment advisory costs and administrative expenses pending completion of any disposal process: Group costs incurred directly within Ishaan Real Estate totalled GBP3.6 million in the year ended 31 March 2012 and GBP4.0 million in the year ended 31 March 2011. The Board expects to continue to incur similar levels of costs within Ishaan Real Estate absent any significant disposals. An appraisal of the present value of these costs has been taken into account in assessing the Disposal against the alternative of an asset by asset disposal process over the longer term.

-- The challenge of releasing cash from the Vivarea project: Whilst approximately 90 per cent. of the residential space currently under construction in connection with the first phase at the Vivarea project has been pre-sold (as at 30 September 2012) and the relevant Indian Investment Vehicle has partially recognised profits on the same since the year ended 31 March 2011, the sale of the remaining area of the first phase of the Vivarea project is not expected to be completed until the financial year ending 31 March 2014, and as such, recognition of the total profit for this phase of the Vivarea project is not expected to be concluded until the end of the financial year ending 31 March 2014. In the near term, the relevant Indian Investment Vehicle wishes to conserve part of the cash surplus to fund the approval and construction cost of the second phase. In view of the above, the Independent Board Committee only expects a dividend to be distributed from the Vivarea project during the years ending 31 March 2014 and 2015. Any dividend payable will also likely be subject to a distribution tax.

-- Limited interest from third party purchasers in acquiring the minority interests available in the Projects at the current time: Ishaan Real Estate has only limited rights as a minority investor in each of the assets comprising the Property Interests, with K Raheja entities exercising control in each project. The Board has made enquiries of K Raheja as to its interest in selling, in conjunction with the Group, a 100 per cent. interest in certain of the Projects, but given current market conditions, K Raheja has expressed limited interest to Ishaan Real Estate in disposing of its majority interests in the Projects. In addition, the obligation for the relevant K Raheja entity to sell up to 10 per cent. of the equity, in an individual Project where the Company has identified a third party willing to purchase 50 per cent. of a Project, only provides the ability to deliver joint control of a Project and is only enforceable six months after the completion of a Project. With completion timelines for five Projects extending to 2014 and beyond, this right has limited impact on the Company's ability to dispose of Projects at the current time.

As a consequence, and as shown by the pre-marketing process described in more detail below, there are a limited number of potential investors interested in acquiring such minority interests and any sale, even on an individual property basis, is likely to require a substantial discount against its appraised value to reflect minority ownership and be subject to an extended negotiation process, including extensive representations and warranties.

Outcome of the pre-marketing of the Company's Property Interests

During the second half of 2012, Mauritian Holdco appointed Jones Lang LaSalle to market the Company's Property Interests to determine interest in acquiring assets both on a whole portfolio basis and in respect of individual assets.

Jones Lang LaSalle prepared an information memorandum that was confidentially shared with a number of potential third party purchasers (both Indian and international), identified as having a significant existing or future interest in investing in Indian real estate. Jones Lang LaSalle obtained preliminary feedback on the terms under which these investors would be prepared to acquire the Company's Property Interests, either on a portfolio or asset by asset basis. In particular, feedback was obtained, at varying levels of detail, in the following areas:

   --      their interest in the whole Property Interests or selected assets; 
   --      preliminary pricing expectations; 
   --      the issues and conditionality in connection with any potential purchases; and 
   --      the envisaged time frame to complete a transaction. 

This pre-marketing process identified the following points relevant to the Independent Board Committee's consideration of the Disposal:

-- The level of interest in the Projects: Interest was expressed in certain Projects, particularly those assets at or nearing completion. However, some of the investors highlighted that, even for the Property Interests in Projects at or nearing completion, they would expect a reasonable level of discount to gross asset value;

-- The timeframe to complete an asset by asset disposal process for the Property Interests: Whilst it may be possible for certain Property Interests to be sold within a twelve month time frame, completion of an asset by asset disposal process could take several years to complete, primarily to allow for completion of the development of the Projects;

-- There is a limited pool of investors interested in a 'portfolio' acquisition: Little value was attributed to any asset that did not meet an individual investor's investment criteria (in particular the interests held by the Group in the greenfield projects at Juinagar and Pocharam); and

-- Potential investors raised a number of structural and governance concerns in respect of the Property Interests available for them to purchase:

o The Group's limited rights as a minority investor in the Property Interests, including a lack of control;

o The ability to achieve an exit in the future;

o The availability of drag rights to move to a joint control position where Projects were not completed;

o The insufficiency of drag rights to achieve joint control in respect of the Intime and Sundew projects, in which the Group's interest has been diluted to 38.98 per cent., following the restoration of APIIC's 11 per cent. shareholding in these project vehicles;

o The need for any intercompany loans to be replaced ahead of individual asset sales, where certain Projects have been financed through intercompany loans between project vehicles; and

o The potential for ongoing dispute between K Raheja and APIIC complicating any transaction for assets located in Hyderabad.

Given this response to the pre-marketing process, the Independent Board Committee believes at the current time pursuing a disposal process with third party purchasers would be unlikely to deliver superior value to Shareholders in comparison to the Disposal.

Benefits of the Disposal

A number of significant Shareholders (excluding K Raheja Entities), holding in aggregate a majority of the Company's Ordinary Shares, have expressed views that any opportunity to realise cash in the near term through an orderly process should be explored.

The Independent Board Committee believes that the Disposal has the following principal benefits:

-- The Disposal is a 'portfolio' deal which provides the opportunity to realise immediate value from all of the Company's Property Interests, and provides Shareholders with liquidity from their investment in the Company. The expected Total Shareholder Distribution represents a significant premium to the closing mid-market price per Ordinary Share of 38.75 pence on 14 February 2013 (being the last business day prior to the Company's announcement that it was in advanced discussions in relation to the disposal of the Group's entire Property Interests), albeit that it also represents a substantial discount to the Adjusted NAV per Ordinary Share as at 30 September 2012.

-- This immediate realisation of value should be compared against a much longer expected timeframe for any individual asset disposal process (and the additional execution risk such an alternative strategy would entail). Similarly, at the current time, the Independent Board Committee believes that a 'portfolio' deal with a third party purchaser is likely to require a similar or greater level of discount to the Adjusted NAV, will carry a significant level of execution risk and is likely to require an extended period to reach completion.

-- The Disposal is subject to limited conditionality and due diligence and contractual protection is therefore substantially lower than alternative disposal strategies. The Share Purchase Agreements only contain warranties from the Mauritian SPVs concerning capacity and title to the shares of the Indian Investment Vehicles (and no warranties as to the underlying Projects) which means fewer residual liabilities are expected to arise for the Group. Finally, there is no requirement for any amount of the Disposal proceeds to be placed into escrow to support any of the representations or warranties made by the Mauritian SPVs as part of the disposal process.

Accordingly, the Independent Board Committee believes that the Disposal would represent a cleaner break than a disposal to a third party other than the Purchasers and that the Disposal will allow Ishaan Real Estate to return funds to Shareholders faster than on a corresponding disposal to a third party other than K Raheja Entities.

Further considerations

The Independent Board Committee has also taken into account the following factors in considering the Disposal:

-- The Company's shares have persistently traded at a significant discount to Adjusted NAV:As at 14 February 2013 (being the last business day prior to the Company's announcement that it was in advanced discussions in relation to the disposal of the Group's entire Property Interests) the Company's shares traded at a discount of approximately 49.6 per cent. to the Adjusted NAV of 76.9 pence per Ordinary Share as at 30 September 2012, and have traded at an average discount of approximately 56.0 per cent. to the last reported Adjusted NAV over the 12 month period to 14 February 2013. Combined with the lack of trading liquidity described below, for a considerable period of time there has been little prospect of an improvement in the Company's share price absent an expectation of a significant cash return per Ordinary Share, which the Disposal is expected to provide.

-- There is a lack of liquidity in the Company's Ordinary Shares: There is only limited liquidity in the trading of the Company's Ordinary Shares, reflecting the Company's reduced market capitalisation and the Company's tightly held share register. This lack of liquidity causes even small transactions in the Ordinary Shares potentially to result in large price movements.

-- Foreign exchange impacts on the reported Sterling value of the Company's investments:The value of the Company's Property Interests in Sterling is impacted by the movement in the exchange rate of the Rupee. The reported value of the Company's Property Interests as at 28 September 2012 were impacted by negative movement in the exchange rate of the Rupee from INR 81.80 on 30 March 2012 to INR 85.71 on 28 September 2012. The exchange rate of the Rupee against Sterling has been volatile since 28 September 2012, weakening to a low of INR 89.54 on 21 December 2012, although it has recently recovered and, as at 20 February 2013, stood at INR 83.45.

-- The Indian economic outlook: Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth rates in India remain below the Government of India's target GDP growth rate of 8 per cent. (it was reported as 5 per cent. for the first quarter of 2013), albeit that the Government of India recently announced a series of measures to stimulate long-term economic growth and reduce fiscal deficits, including the opening up of the retail sector to FDI and the injection of liquidity into the Indian financial system. While the long-term prospects for economic growth in India remain attractive, in the short term the economy is expected to remain below the Government of India's target GDP growth rate.

-- The Indian real estate market: Occupier demand for commercial space in India continues to be impacted by the slowdown in global and domestic economic activity. Residential volumes in Mumbai have been affected by high property prices and weakening affordability. While it is likely that there will be an improvement in valuations over the medium term and increased investment demand as confidence in India increases and financing becomes more widely available, there remains uncertainty as to when any such improvements may occur.

-- Development status of the projects in the Property Interests: There has been continued progress in letting activity within the projects in the Property Portfolio. As at 30 September 2012, approximately 77 per cent. of the lettable area constructed or under construction in non-residential projects in the Property Portfolio was let or pre-sold. Approximately 90 per cent. of the area under construction at the Vivarea project was pre-sold as at 30 September 2012.

However, construction costs continue to be negatively impacted by inflation and the average rental levels currently being achieved in the commercial projects are approximately Rs. 35 per square foot per month of chargeable area. Timelines to complete the projects in the Property Portfolio have continued to require extension and occupier demand has been negatively impacted by delays in the completion of major infrastructure projects and the slowdown in Indian economic growth.


Taking account of all of the above, the Independent Board Committee believes that it is in the best interests of Shareholders to proceed with the Disposal and Shareholders should be afforded an opportunity to consider and vote on the Disposal. While ultimately it may be possible to realise a higher level of cash proceeds for Shareholders through an asset by asset disposal strategy over the longer term, there remains uncertainty:

-- that the proceeds achievable would materially exceed the net present value of estimated Total Shareholder Distribution achievable as a result of the Disposal; or

   --      over the timeframe within which such disposals could be achieved. 

5. Mechanics of the distributions and the de-registration / winding up processes of the Mauritian companies and the Company, and the cancellation of the Company's admission to trading on AIM

The Mauritian companies

Once the Mauritian SPVs have received the proceeds of the Disposal from the Purchasers, the Mauritian SPVs will repay any outstanding intercompany loans due to the Mauritian Holdco, clear their residual net liabilities, if any, and will then distribute the net resulting proceeds to Mauritian Holdco. Mauritian Holdco will then repay any outstanding intercompany loans due to the Company, clear their residual net liabilities, if any, and will then distribute the net resulting proceeds to the Company. This process is expected to take one to two weeks following receipt by the Mauritian SPVs of the proceeds of the Disposal.

The Mauritian SPVs and Mauritian Holdco will then notify the Financial Services Commission in Mauritius that they have ceased to carry on global business and are seeking de-registration. Mauritian Holdco and the Mauritian SPVs will also need to notify the Mauritian Revenue Authority of their intention to de-register, and will need to seek confirmation from both the Mauritian Revenue Authority and Financial Services Commission that they have no objection to such de-registration. There is then a 40 day public notice period that needs to be met before application forms for de-registration can be submitted to the Registrar for Companies. The Registrar of Companies will only process the application for de-registration after confirmation of non-objection to such de-registration from the Financial Services Commission and the Mauritius Revenue Authority. It is expected that the de-registration process of Mauritian Holdco and the Mauritian SPVs could take up to three months from the date that the application is submitted to the Registrar of Companies.

The Company

The members' voluntary winding up of the Company which will follow the completion of the Disposal will be initiated by separate statutory declarations made by Directors of the Company to the effect that they have made a full inquiry into the affairs of the Company and that having done so they have formed the opinion that the Company will be able to pay its debts in full within a period not exceeding twelve months from the commencement of the members' voluntary winding up. The Directors will then convene a further extraordinary general meeting of the Company to seek Shareholder approval for the members' voluntary winding up in accordance with the applicable laws. The resolution to approve the members' voluntary winding up is a special resolution requiring a majority of not less than 75 per cent. of the votes cast at the extraordinary general meeting. If the resolution is passed by the requisite majority, the members' voluntary winding up will commence immediately. The liquidator appointed by the Shareholders at the extraordinary general meeting will undertake the process of payment of creditors and collection and distribution of the Company's assets and, once this is complete, make up a final account. He must then call a further extraordinary general meeting of the Company to lay the account before the Shareholders; and, within one week of the final extraordinary general meeting, send to the Registrar of Companies a copy of the account together with a final return for registration. On the expiration of three months from the date of registration of the return, the Company is deemed to be dissolved.

The Directors consider that it is not in the interests of Shareholders that the Company continues to incur the costs associated with maintaining the admission of the Ordinary Shares to trading on AIM while the Company completes the members' voluntary winding up process.

Under the AIM Rules, it is a requirement that the cancellation of admission to trading on AIM must be approved by not less than 75 per cent. of votes cast by Shareholders in an extraordinary general meeting. Accordingly, the Directors will propose a further special resolution at the extraordinary general meeting called in connection with the members' voluntary winding up to approve the application to the London Stock Exchange for cancellation of the Company's admission to trading on AIM. The special resolution will be conditional upon the special resolution for members' voluntary winding-up of the Company being passed.

In any event, under the Isle of Man Companies Act 1931, any transfer of shares, not being a transfer made to or with the sanction of the liquidator and any alteration in the status of the Shareholders, made after the commencement of the members' voluntary winding up, would be void. As such, Shareholders should be aware that trading in the Ordinary Shares on AIM will be suspended from 7.00 am on the date of the further extraordinary general meeting, details of which will be circulated in due course, if appropriate.

No provision will be made for trading in the Ordinary Shares following cancellation to trading on AIM and the Ordinary Shares will not be transferable once the Company enters liquidation.

6. Calculation of the Estimated Net Cash Resources and the implied Total Shareholder Distribution

The estimated amounts of the Estimated Net Cash Resources and the implied Total Shareholder Distribution have been calculated as follows:

                                        GBP million         Pence per 
                                                       Ordinary Share 
-------------------------------------  ------------  ---------------- 
 Proposed transaction consideration            70.3              48.1 
-------------------------------------  ------------  ---------------- 
 Other current assets of the Company 
-------------------------------------  ------------  ---------------- 
 Cash and short term deposits                   7.8               5.3 
-------------------------------------  ------------  ---------------- 
 Trade and other receivables                    0.0               0.0 
-------------------------------------  ------------  ---------------- 
 Other current liabilities of the 
-------------------------------------  ------------  ---------------- 
 Trade and other payables                     (1.0)             (0.7) 
-------------------------------------  ------------  ---------------- 
 Costs of the Disposal                        (1.0)             (0.7) 
-------------------------------------  ------------  ---------------- 
 Retention for estimated Winding Up 
  Costs                                       (1.6)             (1.1) 
-------------------------------------  ------------  ---------------- 
 Estimated Net Cash Resources                  74.5              51.0 
-------------------------------------  ------------  ---------------- 
 Initial Distribution                          73.1              50.0 
-------------------------------------  ------------  ---------------- 
 Final Distribution                             1.5               1.0 
-------------------------------------  ------------  ---------------- 
 Total Shareholder Distribution                74.5              51.0 
-------------------------------------  ------------  ---------------- 


1. Unaudited

2. Assumes 146,110,450 Ordinary Shares in issue based on 145,854,133 Ordinary Shares in issue as at the date of this announcement and 256,317 Ordinary Shares to be issued pursuant to the exercise of share options held by the Directors as described in Section 10 below.

3. The implied Total Shareholder Distribution as set out above is an estimate based on the information available to the Board as at the date of this announcement and is based on a number of assumptions and estimates. As such, the amounts of the Initial Distribution and Final Distribution may be affected by variables which are wholly or partly outside of the control of the Company, including but not limited to the factors mentioned in Section 7 below.

7. Factors affecting the timing and amount of the Initial Distribution and the Final Distribution

The Company is a holding company which makes investments in FDI compliant projects in India through Mauritian Holdco, an intermediate holding company which invests in wholly owned Mauritian subsidiaries (the Mauritian SPVs).

The Group and the Indian Investment Vehicles are subject to the laws and rules and regulations of India, Mauritius and the Isle of Man, including local company laws, exchange controls and other regulations. The ability of Ishaan Real Estate to pay the Initial Distribution and the Final Distribution and the timing of such payments are therefore subject to variables and risk factors which are wholly or partly outside the control of Ishaan Real Estate. These include, but are not limited to:

-- Shareholders approving the members' voluntary winding up of the Company at the second extraordinary general meeting;

   --      differences between estimated costs and actual costs; 

-- the duration of the process to de-register the Mauritian SPVs and the Mauritian Holdco prior to the final liquidation of the Company;

-- a requirement by the directors of the Mauritian SPVs to increase the allowance for de-registration costs in respect of any unforeseen liabilities;

-- any requirement by the Company's liquidator to increase the Winding Up Costs allowance in respect of any unforeseen Group liabilities;

-- any changes to tax laws in India, Mauritius or the Isle of Man after the date of this announcement;

   --      the imposition of exchange controls in India on the proceeds of the Disposal; 

-- the imposition or retention of tax by the Indian tax authorities on the proceeds of the Disposal notwithstanding the obtaining of a nil withholding tax certificate;

-- the Company, the Mauritian Holdco or the Mauritian SPVs being deemed to be tax resident in countries other than their country of incorporation; and

-- any differences that may emerge between the unaudited pro forma balance sheet information presented in Section 6 and the audited financial information used to complete the members' voluntary winding up process.

8. Termination of the Investment Advisory Agreement

Conditional upon completion of the Disposal, the Investment Advisory Agreement between Mauritian Holdco and the Investment Adviser will automatically terminate in accordance with the terms of the Termination Agreement.

Under the Termination Agreement, an advisory fee will continue to be payable to the Investment Adviser until the earlier of 28 March 2013 or completion of the Disposal under the Share Purchase Agreements. No performance fee will be due to the Investment Adviser in connection with the Disposal.

In consideration of the provision of information and assistance to be rendered by the Investment Adviser in connection with the members' voluntary winding up of the Company and the deregistration of Mauritian Holdco and the Mauritian SPVs, any surplus cash remaining in the Company after payment by the Company's liquidator of all costs associated with the Disposal and the Winding Up Costs, and conditional on the Company achieving a Total Shareholder Distribution of 51 pence per Ordinary Share, will be distributed by the Company's liquidator to the Investment Adviser upon completion of the members' voluntary winding up.

9. K Raheja Entities' holdings of Ordinary Shares

As at the date of this announcement, K Raheja Entities held 7,493,811 Ordinary Shares, representing approximately 5.14 per cent. of the existing issued share capital of the Company. As such, they will receive a pro rata share of any Total Shareholder Distribution.

In addition, the Board understands that the K Raheja Entities intend to vote in favour of the Resolutions at the Extraordinary General Meeting as they are permitted to do under the AIM Rules.

10. Exercise of Directors' options

Certain Directors who are entitled to exercise share options which accrued in 2011 / 2012 in lieu of Directors' salaries intend to exercise those options following the announcement of the results of the Extraordinary General Meeting. The Directors entitled to exercise such share options and the number of Ordinary Shares to which they are entitled is as follows:

   --      Mr Stephen Vernon: 71,377 Ordinary Shares; 
   --      Mr Ian Henderson: 105,680 Ordinary Shares; and 
   --      Mr Vittorio Radice: 79,260 Ordinary Shares. 

The aforementioned Directors are also entitled to exercise share options in lieu of salary for the 2012 / 2013 period, but have agreed to waive such entitlement in exchange for a pro rated cash award as satisfaction of such share options instead.

11. Related Party Transaction under Rule 13 of the AIM Rules

Under Rule 13 of the AIM Rules, the Disposal constitutes a related party transaction. Chalet is a related party to the Company by virtue of it being a company of the K Raheja Group. In addition, Mr Neel Raheja, a director of the Company, is also a director of Chalet and other K Raheja Entities.

The Independent Board Committee of the Company (which excludes Mr Neel Raheja, who, given his relationship with the K Raheja Group as described above, did not participate in the Board's deliberations on this point) consider, having consulted with Deutsche Bank, the Company's nominated adviser, that the terms of the Disposal are fair and reasonable insofar as Shareholders are concerned.

12. Taxation

Shareholders should seek their own advice on the tax implications of the receipt of the Total Shareholder Distribution. The following information is general information based on the law and practice currently in force in the United Kingdom. Investors should note that tax law and interpretation can change.

It is the intention of the Board that both the Initial Distribution and the Final Distribution will be made by the Company in cash through a members' voluntary winding up of the Company. For Shareholders in the UK, the receipt of each of the Initial Distributions and Final Distribution should, under current tax law, give rise to a capital gain or a capital loss (depending on the cost to each Shareholder of their Ordinary Shares).

Shareholders who are resident in the United Kingdom for tax purposes may be liable to capital gains tax (for individuals) or corporation tax (for companies) in respect of capital gains realised on the Total Shareholder Distribution which will be deemed in the case of the Initial Distribution to be a partial disposal of their shareholding. Individual Shareholders are entitled to an annual exemption from capital gains. For the 2012/13 tax year this is GBP10,600. Shareholders within the charge to corporation tax may claim indexation allowances to reduce any chargeable gain arising on the disposal of the Ordinary Shares. Any capital losses realised may, in certain circumstances, be available for offset against other capital gains.

Shareholders who, together with connected parties, own more than 10 per cent. of the Company should be aware that under section 13 of the Taxation of Chargeable Gains Act 1992, capital gains realised by the Company or its subsidiaries could be apportioned to UK resident Shareholders. (It should be noted that the draft Finance Bill 2013 amends the 10 per cent. limit to 25 per cent. for disposals made on or after 6 April 2012, and as such this higher percentage will apply subject to the Finance Bill being enacted in its current form).

Non-UK domiciled individual Shareholders (who are resident and ordinarily resident in the UK) who are being taxed on a remittance basis will only be liable to UK capital gains tax to the extent that any gains are remitted to the UK. Non-UK domiciled individual Shareholders who are not taxed on a remittance basis will be taxed as for other UK resident individuals.

13. Voting intentions

The Company has received undertakings from the Directors who are Shareholders to vote in favour of the Resolutions at the Extraordinary General Meeting in respect of their beneficial holdings of Ordinary Shares amounting, in aggregate, to 1,900,156 Ordinary Shares representing approximately 1.30 per cent. of the existing issued share capital of the Company.

The Company has also received undertakings from certain other Shareholders to vote in favour of the Resolutions at the Extraordinary General Meeting in respect of their beneficial holdings of Ordinary Shares amounting, in aggregate, to 70,288,776 Ordinary Shares, representing approximately 48.19 per cent. of the existing issued share capital of the Company.

In addition, the Board understands that the K Raheja Entities intend to vote in favour of the Resolutions at the Extraordinary General Meeting, as they are permitted to do under the AIM Rules, in respect of their holdings of 7,493,811 Ordinary Shares, representing approximately 5.14 per cent. of the existing issued share capital of the Company .

In aggregate, therefore, the Company has received undertakings or is aware of intentions to vote in favour of the Resolutions at the Extraordinary General Meeting in respect of a total of 79,682,743 Ordinary Shares, representing approximately 54.63 per cent. of the existing issued share capital of the Company.

14. Extraordinary General Meeting

Shareholders will find at the end of the Circular a notice convening an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company, to be held at Top Floor, 14 Athol Street, Douglas, Isle of Man IM1 1JA at 12.00 pm on 11 March 2013.

At the Extraordinary General Meeting, the Resolutions will be proposed to approve (a) the sale of the Property Interests to the Purchasers and (b) the Company's revised investment strategy.

15. Action to be taken

The Circular explaining the background to and reasons for the proposed Disposal and containing a notice convening the Extraordinary General Meeting at which Resolutions will be considered will be posted to Shareholders shortly.

Shareholders will find enclosed with the Circular a Form of Proxy for use at the Extraordinary General Meeting.

16. Recommendation

The Independent Board Committee, taking into account the factors set out in this announcement, conclude that the Disposal and the amendment to the Company's investment strategy are in the best interests of the Company and its Shareholders. Accordingly, the Independent Board Committee unanimously recommends that Shareholders vote in favour of the Resolutions.


 Deutsche Bank AG, London Branch (NOMAD and broker to the Company) 
  Ben Lawrence 
  John O'Driscoll 
  Tel: +44 20 7545 8000 
 College Hill (PR advisers to 
  the Company) 
  Mike Davies 
  Tel : +44 20 7457 2020 
  Email: mike.davies@collegehill.com 
 Rothschild (Financial adviser 
  to Chalet Hotels Private Limited) 
  Alex Midgen 
  Robert Waddingham 
  Tel: +44 20 7280 5000 

Deutsche Bank AG is authorised under German Banking Law (competent authority: BaFin - Federal Financial Supervising Authority) and authorised and subject to limited by the Financial Services Authority. Details about the extent of Deutsche Bank AG's authorisation and regulation by the FSA are available on request.

Deutsche Bank AG is acting for the Company and no one else in connection with the Disposal and will not be responsible to anyone other than the Company for providing the protections afforded to clients of Deutsche Bank nor for providing advice in connection with the Disposal.

Rothschild is acting as financial adviser to Chalet Hotels Private Limited and is acting for no one else in connection with the Disposal and will not be responsible to anyone other than Chalet Hotels Private Limited for providing the protections afforded to customers of Rothschild nor for providing advice in connection with the Disposal or the contents of this document or any other matter referred to herein.



The following definitions apply throughout this announcement, unless otherwise stated or unless the context requires otherwise:

 "Adjusted NAV"            the net asset value of the Company adjusted 
                            to include all investments at the latest valuations 
                            in proportion to the Group's shareholdings 
                            and a provision for a potential income tax 
                            liability in respect of the Vivarea project, 
                            but excluding the impact of the deferred tax 
                            provision arising on valuation surpluses on 
                            the net assets of the Company. 
 "AIM"                     the market of that name operated by the London 
                            Stock Exchange 
 "AIM Rules"               the AIM Rules for Companies published by the 
                            London Stock Exchange from time to time 
 "APIIC"                   Andhra Pradesh Industrial Infrastructure Corporation 
 "Board" or the            the directors or the board of directors, as 
  "Directors"               the case may be, of the Company from time to 
 "Chalet"                  Chalet Hotels Private Limited, a member of 
                            the K Raheja group 
 "Company" or "Ishaan      Ishaan Real Estate plc, a company incorporated 
  Real Estate"              and registered in the Isle of Man with registered 
                            number 117470C 
 "Deutsche Bank"           Deutsche Bank AG, London Branch 
 "Disposal"                the proposed disposal of the Company's Property 
                            Interests in accordance with the terms of the 
                            relevant Transaction Documents 
 "Estimated Net            the estimated net cash available to the Company 
  Cash Resources"           following the Disposal after deducting all 
                            costs associated with the Disposal and the 
                            estimated Winding Up Costs 
 "Extraordinary            the extraordinary general meeting of the Company 
  General Meeting"          to be convened for 12.00 pm on 11 March 2013 
                            to consider the Resolutions 
 "FDI"                     foreign direct investment 
 "Final Distribution"      the proposed distribution described in Section 
                            2 of this announcement 
 "Form of Proxy"           the form of proxy to accompany the Circular 
                            for use at the Extraordinary General Meeting 
 "FSA" or "Financial       Financial Services Authority of England and 
  Services Authority"       Wales and its successors 
 "FSMA"                    Financial Services and Markets Act 2000, as 
                            amended of England and Wales 
 "Genext"                  Genext Hardware and Parks Private Limited 
 "Group"                   the Company and its subsidiary undertakings 
                            from time to time which for the avoidance of 
                            doubt does not include the Indian Investment 
 "Independent Board        a committee of the Board comprising all the 
  Committee"                Directors other than Neel Raheja 
 "Indian Investment        the investment vehicles (Trion, Serene, Magna, 
  Vehicles"                 Genext, Newfound, Sundew and Intime) incorporated 
                            in India which carry out the development of 
                            the nine Projects and in which the Group holds 
                            ordinary and (if applicable) preference shares 
 "Initial Distribution"    the proposed distribution as described in Section 
                            2 of this announcement 
 "Intime"                  Intime Properties Limited 
 "Investment Adviser"      Neerav Investment Advisory Services (Dubai) 
 "Investment Advisory      the agreement between I Holding Company (Mauritius) 
  Agreement"                Ltd and Neerav Investment Advisory Services 
                            (Cyprus) Private Limited dated 6 November 2006, 
                            as amended 
 "Ishaan Real Estate"      see "Company" 
 "K Raheja"                K Raheja Corp 
 "K Raheja Entities"       C. L. Raheja, Jyoti C. Raheja, Ravi Raheja, 
                            Neel Raheja, each of their respective spouses 
                            and their respective lineal descendants and 
                            each of the companies or partnerships or any 
                            other entity in which C. L. Raheja, Jyoti Raheja, 
                            Ravi Raheja, Neel Raheja, any of their respective 
                            spouses and/ or any of their respective lineal 
                            descendants directly and/or indirectly hold 
                            in the aggregate more than 50 per cent. of 
                            the paid up equity share capital/capital of 
                            such company or other entity and/or also control 
                            such company or other entity 
 "London Stock             London Stock Exchange plc 
 "Magna"                   Magna Warehousing & Distribution Private Limited 
 "Mauritian Holdco"        I Holding Company (Mauritius) Ltd 
 "Mauritian SPVs"          the wholly owned subsidiaries of Mauritian 
                            Holdco, which are as follows: I-1 Company (Mauritius) 
                            Limited ("I-1"); I-2 Company (Mauritius) Limited 
                            ("I-2"); I-4 Company (Mauritius) Limited ("I-4"); 
                            I-6 Company (Mauritius) Limited ("I-6"); I-7 
                            Company (Mauritius) Limited ("I-7"), and will 
                            be further detailed in Part 2 of the Circular 
 "NAV"                     net asset value 
 "Newfound"                Newfound Properties and Leasing Private Limited 
 "Notice"                  the notice of the Extraordinary General Meeting 
                            to be set out at the end of the Circular 
 "Ordinary Shares"         ordinary shares of GBP0.01 each in the capital 
                            of the Company 
 "Projects"                the FDI-eligible Indian real estate investment 
                            development projects in which the Company invests 
                            from time to time, with each one being a "Project" 
 "Property Interests"      the Group's equity and preference stakes (as 
                            specified in Section 2 of this announcement) 
                            in the nine Projects which are being developed 
                            by the Indian Investment Vehicles 
 "Property Portfolio"      the investments in the nine Projects which 
                            comprise the Property Interests 
 "Purchasers"              Chalet Hotels Private Limited and / or, as 
                            the case may be, certain other K Raheja Entities 
 "Resolutions"             the resolutions to be proposed to Shareholders 
                            at the Extraordinary General Meeting, the text 
                            of which will be set out in the Notice 
 "Rothschild"              N M Rothschild & Sons Limited, incorporated 
                            in England and Wales with registered number 
                            925279 and regulated by the Financial Services 
                            Authority in the United Kingdom with reference 
                            number 124451 
 "Rupees" or "Rs."         the lawful currency of the Republic of India 
  or "INR" 
 "Serene"                  Serene Properties Private Limited 
 "Share Purchase           the five conditional agreements dated 21 February 
  Agreements"               2013 and made between the relevant Mauritian 
                            SPV, the relevant Indian Investment Vehicle 
                            and the relevant Purchasers in relation to 
                            the Disposal 
 "Shareholder"             a registered holder of Ordinary Shares 
 "Sundew"                  Sundew Properties Limited 
 "Tax Indemnities"         the tax indemnities dated 21 February 2013 
                            from the Purchasers in favour of the Mauritian 
                            SPVs and their directors in connection with 
                            sale of the Property Interests 
 "Termination Agreement"   the termination agreement dated 21 February 
                            2013 between Mauritian Holdco, the Company 
                            and the Investment Adviser in respect of the 
                            Investment Advisory Agreement 
 "Total Shareholder        the Initial Distribution together with the 
  Distribution"             Final Distribution 
 "Transaction Documents"   the Share Purchase Agreements, the Wrap Agreement, 
                            the Tax Indemnities and the Termination Agreement 
 "Trion"                   Trion Properties Private Limited 
 "United Kingdom"          the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern 
  or "UK"                   Ireland 
 "Winding Up Costs"        all costs expected to be incurred in connection 
                            with the proposed members' voluntary winding 
                            up of the Group and any residual costs of the 
                            Group's operations 
 "Wrap Agreement"          the agreement dated 21 February 2013 in furtherance 
                            of the Share Purchase Agreements entered into 
                            between the Company, the Purchasers, certain 
                            other K Raheja Entities, the Mauritian SPVs, 
                            the Mauritian Holdco and the Indian Investment 
 "GBP" or "GBP"            the lawful currency of the UK and the Isle 
  or "Sterling"             of Man 
  or "pence" 

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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