RNS Number : 0115D

Qihang Equipment Company Limited

23 January 2015

Qihang Equipment Company Limited

(The "Company" or "Qihang")

Interim Results for the six months ended 30 June 2014

Placing, Change of Name and Resumption of Trading on AIM

Set out below are the unaudited interim results of Qihang Equipment Company Limited for the six months ended 30 June 2014. These results relate to the previous business of the Company which was disposed of on 9 January 2015 following a general meeting of the Company.

The Company, which is changing its name to Eastbridge Investments Plc, has now adopted a new investing policyfocused on the property and real estate sector, with the objective being to provide shareholders with strong investment returns and a balanced exposure to lower risk income generating assets and opportunities that will provide a higher capital return. The Company will look to invest in residential schemes as well as commercial, retail and industrial property within the UK. The Directors will look to purchase assets significantly undervalued by the current market.

The Company's investment criteria are:

   --        property investments which provide a stable, predictable and low risk income stream, with opportunities to enhance value through active management; 

-- development or redevelopment opportunities where they can be pre-let to businesses with strong rental covenants, or in order to protect, enhance or extract additional value from existing investments;

   --        distressed property investments where opportunities arise as markets recover; 

-- investment whereby an injection of new finances or specialist management, the Company can enhance the prospects and therefore the future value of the investment;

-- investments where the Company is able to benefit from the Director's existing network of contacts; and

   --        the potential to deliver significant returns for the Company. 

Following the disposal of the previous business the Company was left with insufficient financial resources to satisfy its new investment policy and accordingly announces that, conditional upon the readmission of the Company's shares to trading on AIM ("Admission") Peterhouse Corporate Finance Limited ("Peterhouse") has completed a private placing, on behalf of the Company ("Placing") raising GBP225,000 of new funding by way of an issue of 78,071,429 new ordinary shares of 0.01 pence each ("Ordinary Shares") at a price of 0.14 pence per share ("Placing Price") and the issue of GBP115,700 nominal value convertible loan notes, exercisable at the Placing Price for 3 years from the date of issue.

In addition, the Company has, also conditional upon Admission, agreed to issue 28,266,344 new Ordinary Shares to the holders of the GBP50,000 nominal value convertible loan notes announced on 23 December 2014 who have served a conversion notice for their entire holding of convertible loan notes and a further 30,266,344 new Ordinary Shares to Wonder Employee Capital Limited in full satisfaction of amounts owed to them (together, "Conversion Shares").

The Company will issue Peterhouse a warrant instrument for work in relation to the restructuring of the Company which is exercisable over 3 per cent. of the Company's issued share capital from time to time at the Placing Price, for a period of up to 3 years from Admission.

The Company's ordinary shares of 2.5p each were suspended from trading on AIM on 30 September 2014 when it became apparent that it would not be possible for the Company to publish its interim results to 30 June 2014 in accordance with the AIM Rules. The publication of those interim results today is the first step in restoring trading in the Company's shares on AIM and a further announcement will be made regarding Admission in due course.

23 January 2015


 Mark Chapman, Chairman                Tel: 01483 892130 
------------------------------------  ------------------- 
 Nominated Adviser                     Tel: 020 7382 1100 
  Northland Capital Partners Limited 
  William Vandyk / Matthew Johnson 
------------------------------------  ------------------- 
 Broker                                Tel: 020 7469 0930 
  Peterhouse Corporate Finance 
  Fungai Ndoro/ Lucy Williams 
------------------------------------  ------------------- 



                                          Note    Six months    Six months      Year ended 
                                                       ended       ended       31 December 
                                                     30 June      30 June             2013 
                                                        2014       2013            Audited 
                                                   Unaudited     Unaudited 
                                                     RMB'000       RMB'000         RMB'000 
 Revenue                                   5          68,757        52,042         124,845 
 Cost of sales                                      (53,963)      (37,990)       (102,864) 
                                                ------------  ------------  -------------- 
 Gross profit                                         14,794        14,052          21,981 
 Other operating income                                  478           329             593 
 Distribution expenses                               (3,356)       (4,482)         (9,411) 
 Administrative expenses                            (15,427)      (13,141)        (51,121) 
 Loss from operations                                (3,511)       (3,242)        (37,958) 
 Non-operating income net of expenses                    369           (7)            (32) 
 Income from subsidies                                     -             -             100 
 Investment income                                       380           146             452 
 Finance costs                                       (7,155)       (7,164)        (15,180) 
 Loss before tax                                     (9,917)      (10,267)        (52,618) 
 Income tax (expense)/credit               6               -          (39)           3,345 
                                                ------------  ------------  -------------- 
 Loss for the period                                 (9,917)      (10,306)        (49,273) 
                                                ------------  ------------  -------------- 
 Other comprehensive income                                -             -               - 
 Total comprehensive income for 
  the period                                         (9,917)      (10,306)        (49,273) 
                                                ------------  ------------  -------------- 
 Loss attributable to 
  Equity holders of the company                      (9,917)      (10,306)        (49,273) 
 Loss per share 
 Basic and diluted (RMB)                   7          (0.08)        (0.09)          (0.85) 
 Basic and diluted (pence)                            (0.85)        (0.86)          (8.49) 


AS AT 30 JUNE 2014

                                   Note      30 June      30 June   31 December 
                                                2014         2013          2013 
                                           Unaudited    Unaudited       Audited 
                                             RMB'000      RMB'000       RMB'000 
 Non-current assets 
 Property, plant and equipment      8        162,066      193,765       179,113 
 Intangible assets                            39,602       40,905        40,228 
 Deferred tax assets                           4,895        1,448         4,895 
                                         -----------  -----------  ------------ 
                                             206,563      236,118       224,236 
                                         -----------  -----------  ------------ 
 Current assets 
 Inventories                                 102,677       98,084        92,198 
 Trade and other receivables                  54,655       40,607        45,954 
 Cash and cash equivalents                    32,090       27,949        42,581 
                                         -----------  -----------  ------------ 
                                             189,422      166,640       180,733 
                                         -----------  -----------  ------------ 
 Total assets                                395,985      402,758       404,969 
                                         -----------  -----------  ------------ 
 Equity and reserves 
 Share capital                      9         15,196       15,196        15,196 
 Share premium                                86,711       86,711        86,711 
 Other reserves                             (13,635)     (13,635)      (13,635) 
 Retained earnings                          (56,156)      (7,272)      (46,239) 
                                              32,116       81,000        42,033 
                                         -----------  -----------  ------------ 
 Non-current liabilities 
 Borrowings                                   45,801       44,000        46,297 
 Deferred tax liabilities                      9,655        9,655         9,655 
                                         -----------  -----------  ------------ 
                                              55,456       53,655        55,952 
                                         -----------  -----------  ------------ 
 Current liabilities 
 Borrowings                                  146,205      161,500       151,876 
 Income tax liabilities                        1,028        1,028         1,028 
 Trade and other payables                    161,180      105,575       154,080 
                                         -----------  -----------  ------------ 
                                             308,413      268,103       306,984 
 Total liabilities                           363,869      321,758       362,936 
                                         -----------  -----------  ------------ 
 Total equity and liabilities                395,985      402,758       404,969 
                                         -----------  -----------  ------------ 



                                 capital       Share        Other     Retained      Total 
                                             premium     reserves     earnings     equity 
                                 RMB'000     RMB'000      RMB'000      RMB'000    RMB'000 
 Balance at 1 January 2014        15,196      86,711     (13,635)     (46,239)     42,033 
                              ----------  ----------  -----------  -----------  --------- 
 Comprehensive income 
 Loss for the period                   -           -            -      (9,917)    (9,917) 
 Total comprehensive income 
  for the period                       -           -            -      (9,917)    (9,917) 
                              ----------  ----------  -----------  -----------  --------- 
 Balance at 30 June 2014          15,196      86,711     (13,635)     (56,156)     32,116 
                              ----------  ----------  -----------  -----------  --------- 
 Balance at 1 January 2013        15,196      86,711     (13,635)        3,034     91,306 
                              ----------  ----------  -----------  -----------  --------- 
 Comprehensive income 
 Loss for the period                   -           -            -     (10,306)   (10,306) 
                              ----------  ----------  -----------  -----------  --------- 
 Total comprehensive income 
  for the period                       -           -            -     (10,306)   (10,306) 
                              ----------  ----------  -----------  -----------  --------- 
 Balance at 30 June 2013          15,196      86,711     (13,635)      (7,272)     81,000 
                              ----------  ----------  -----------  -----------  --------- 
 Balance at 1 January 2013      15,196   86,711   (13,635)      3,034     91,306 
                               -------  -------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
 Comprehensive income 
 Loss for the period                 -        -          -   (49,273)   (49,273) 
 Total comprehensive income 
  for the period                     -        -          -   (49,273)   (49,273) 
                               -------  -------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
 Balance at 31 December 2013    15,196   86,711   (13,635)   (46,239)     42,033 
                               -------  -------  ---------  ---------  --------- 



                                               Six months   Six months     Year ended 
                                                    ended        ended    31 December 
                                                  30 June      30 June           2013 
                                                     2014         2013 
                                                Unaudited    Unaudited        Audited 
                                                  RMB'000      RMB'000        RMB'000 
 Loss before interest and tax                     (3,142)      (3,249)       (37,890) 
 Depreciation of property, plant and 
  equipment                                         6,983        5,754         13,448 
 Amortisation of intangible assets                    626          687          1,363 
 (Gain)/loss on disposal of property, 
  plant and equipment                                   -          (1)            437 
 Reversal of impairment loss on receivables             -            -          (393) 
 Bad debts provisions                                   -          295          5,687 
 Impairment of inventories                              -            -         14,092 
  Operating cash flow before changes 
   in working capital                               4,467        3,486        (3,256) 
 Increase in inventories                         (10,479)        (248)        (8,453) 
 Decrease in trade and other receivables            2,099       22,587         12,240 
 Increase/(decrease) in trade and other 
  payables                                          7,100      (8,548)         39,999 
 Net cash generated from operations                 3,187       17,277         40,530 
 Finance costs paid                               (7,155)      (7,164)       (15,180) 
 Income tax paid                                        -         (39)          (143) 
                                              -----------  -----------  ------------- 
 Net cash (used in)/generated from 
  operating activities                            (3,968)       10,074         25,207 
                                              -----------  -----------  ------------- 
 Investing activities 
 Purchase of property, plant and equipment          (736)      (7,325)        (1,238) 
 Proceeds from sale of plant and equipment              -           94            527 
 Interest received                                    380          146            452 
 Net cash used in investing activities              (356)      (7,085)          (259) 
                                              -----------  -----------  ------------- 
 Financing activities 
 Proceeds from bank borrowings                     99,000       79,000        164,000 
 Repayment of bank borrowings                   (104,500)     (80,500)      (177,500) 
 Proceeds from other borrowings                         -            -          4,673 
 Repayment of other borrowings                      (667)            -              - 
 Net cash used in financing activities            (6,167)      (1,500)        (8,827) 
                                              -----------  -----------  ------------- 
 Net (decrease)/increase in cash and 
  cash equivalents                               (10,491)        1,489         16,121 
  Cash and cash equivalents at beginning 
   of period                                       42,581       26,460         26,460 
 Cash and cash equivalents at end of 
  period                                           32,090       27,949         42,581 
                                              -----------  -----------  ------------- 



   1      General information 

Qihang Equipment Company Limited ("Qihang") was incorporated and domiciled in Jersey. The address of the registered office is 11 Bath Street, St. Helier, Jersey JE2 4ST.

Win Yu International Investments Company Limited ("Win Yu") is a company incorporated and domiciled in Hong Kong. The nature of the Win Yu group's operations and its principal activities are manufacture of universal lathes, CNC machinery tool and associated parts.

These condensed financial statements present information about the group and are set out in Renminbi ("RMB") of the P. R. China, which is the functional currency of the operating subsidiary.

These condensed financial statements are presented in the nearest thousands.

   2        Basis of preparation 

The condensed financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standard 34 Interim Financial Reporting.

The interim report was approved by the Board of Directors on Date 23 January 2015. The report is unaudited and does not constitute the company's statutory accounts for the six months ended 30 June 2014.

   3        Significant accounting policies 

The condensed financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention, except for the revaluation of certain properties and financial instruments. The same accounting policies, presentation and methods of computation have been followed in these condensed financial statements as were applied in the preparation of the group's financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2013, except for the impact of the adoption of the Standards and Interpretations described below.

   --     IFRS 10 Consolidated Financial Statements  - effective 1 January 2014 
   --     IFRS 11 Joint Arrangements - effective 1 January 2014 
   --     IFRS 12 Disclosure of Interests in Other Entities - effective 1 January 2014 
   --     IAS 27 Separate Financial Statements (2011) - effective 1 January 2014 
   --     IAS 28 Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures - effective 1 January 2014 

-- Arrangements and Disclosure of Interest in Other Entities: Transition Guidance 1 January 2014

The revised Standards and Interpretations above have had no impact on the reporting results or financial position of the group.

   4      Seasonality of interim operation 

The group is sensitive to the seasonality of sales. Traditionally and historically, the first quarter of the year is very quiet due to the festive season in P. R. China. The revenue of the group has increased compared to the first six months of last year due to the recovery of machine tool industry within P. R. China.

During the period, the company has consolidated its product range and made modification to the appearance of its various products.

   5     Segment information 

The sales revenue arises from the sale of universal lathes, CNC machinery, large-scale machinery and relevant spare parts which forms the group's main business. All the activities are within P. R. China. Therefore management considers no detail of the operating and geographical segments information is to be reported.

13% (6 months ended 30 June 2013: 17%) of sales are made via P. R. China agents to customers overseas.

Analysis of revenue from the sale of goods and services are analysed as follows:

                 Six months   Six months     Year ended 
                      ended        ended    31 December 
                    30 June      30 June           2013 
                       2014         2013        Audited 
                  Unaudited    Unaudited 
                    RMB'000      RMB'000        RMB'000 
 Universal           27,000       22,696         50,975 
 CNC                 23,289       15,816         46,553 
 Large-scale         17,599       12,190         25,267 
 Others                 869        1,340          2,050 
                     68,757       52,042        151,503 
                -----------  -----------  ------------- 
   6        Taxation 

The company is regarded as resident for tax purposes in Jersey and on the basis that the company is neither a financial services company nor a utility company for the purposes of the Income Tax (Jersey) Law 1961, as amended; the company is subject to income tax in Jersey at a rate of zero per cent.

Win Yu, an intermediate parent company is regarded as resident for the tax purposes in Hong Kong.

The group's operating subsidiary in P. R. China is subject to income tax rate at 25%. Due to its high technology enterprise status, the subsidiary is entitled to a reduction in tax rate at 15%.

There is no tax liability due to losses during the period.

   7          Loss per share 

Basic loss per share is calculated by dividing the lost attributable to equity shareholders of the company by the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the period.

Diluted loss per share is calculated by adjusting the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding to assume conversion of all dilutive potential ordinary shares. There is no dilutive potential ordinary share in the company.

                                                                 Six      Year ended 
                                                              months     31 December 
                                                            ended 30            2013 
                                                           June 2014         Audited 
                                                                 RMB             RMB 
  Earnings for the purposes of basic and diluted 
   earnings per share being net profit attributable 
   to equity holders of the parent                       (9,917,000)    (49,272,442) 
                                                       -------------  -------------- 
                                                        Number         Number 
   Number of shares 
  Weighted average number of ordinary shares 
   for the purpose of basic earnings per share      58,036,263     58,036,263 
                                                  ------------  ------------- 
   8       Property, plant and equipment 

During the period, the company cancelled the contract signed in November 2012 for the value of RMB31.8 million on the acquisition of plant and machinery to upgrade its manufacturing capabilities for advance CNC and large-scale equipment. The RMB10.8 million paid for the assets under construction for this contract will be refunded in due course.

   9          Share capital 

The total authorised number of ordinary shares is 200,000,000 at 2.5 pence per share. The issued share capital of the company as at 30 June 2014 is GBP1,450,906 fully paid. There were no movements in the issued share capital of the company in the current reporting period.

   10     Borrowings 

During the period, there is no new bank loan obtained by the company other than those renewable loans which bear interest at fixed rates and are repayable within one year.

   11    Events after the reporting date 

On 9 January 2015, the company disposed of its operating business Jiangsu Qihang CNC Machinery Tools Co., Ltd ("JSQH") and has been re-classified as an Investing Company under AIM Rule 15.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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