RNS Number : 2464D 
Stratic Energy Corporation 
30 November 2009 

Third Quarter 2009 Results 
CALGARY and LONDON, November 30, 2009 - Stratic Energy Corporation (TSX Venture: 
'SE', AIM 'SE.') ("Stratic" or the "Company") has today filed its Interim 
Financial Statements and accompanying Management's Discussion and Analysis for 
the quarter and nine months ended September 30, 2009. This filing can be 
accessed at www.sedar.com and on the Company's website www.straticenergy.com. 
All amounts below are US dollars, unless otherwise stated. 
Disposal Program 
Sale of Breagh asset completed - gross proceeds of $65 million received and 
mainly used to pay down bank and other debt 
Sale of Italian business to Enel Trade SpA announced - cash consideration of 
EUR34.3 million ($50.9 million) due on completion which is expected late in the 
first quarter of 2010; further contingent consideration of up to EUR6.6 million 
($9.8 million) depending on timing of Longanesi field production commencement 
West Don Development 
West Don gross oil production averaged 6,743 bopd (Stratic net 1,163 bopd) for 
the third quarter from two wells (second well since August) 
Water injection well brought on stream in early September - injection averaging 
approximately 5,000 bwpd - higher injection rates expected 
Field expected to produce approximately 1.75 mmbbls gross by end 2009 
Pipeline tie-back to nearby Thistle platform on schedule for completion in the 
first quarter 2010 
Third production well to access further reserves in the southern part of the 
field under evaluation with a view to drilling in summer 2010 
Updated reserves report by independent engineers Ryder Scott: 
reduces gross ultimate proved and probable reserves by 9% to 18.4 mmbbls 
(Stratic net 3.17 mmbbls) 
increases gross remaining proved and probable reserves at end 2009 by 16% to 
16.5 mmbbls (Stratic net 2.84 mmbbls) mainly due to lower than expected 
production in 2009 
revised peak gross production of approximately 11,000 bopd now in 
2011, declining thereafter at a lower rate than originally forecast 
Exploration/Appraisal and Pre-Development Assets 
Crawford field development plan - alternative development concept utilizing 
jack-up drilling unit with production facilities on deck being considered; 
sanction of project deferred until 2010, pending completion of ongoing 
pre-development study work 
Bowmore - well suspended in August as a 'tight hole' for commercial reasons; 
further well on the licence planned in 2010 
Al Tayr 101 exploration well (Stratic operator) spudded in Syria in October and 
currently operating satisfactorily at 1900 metres, with TD at 3000 metres 
expected early in the New Year 
West Ayazli exploration well in Turkey spudded in October and currently 
operating at TD. Novel low cost completion planned to facilitate early 
production of Kusuri gas bearing sands 
Oil and gas sales revenues in the UK and Turkey of $9.1 million in Q3 (2008: 
$2.2 million) with increase due to West Don 
Net income for quarter of $13.1 million (2008: loss $13.0 million), including 
recognized gain on Breagh sale of $22.5 million 
Capital expenditure for the quarter of $12.9 million (2008: $19.9 million), 
mainly on West Don and the Bowmore well 
Cash and cash equivalents (including restricted cash) of $11.3 million at period 
end (December 31, 2008: $28.2 million); bank debt (excluding letters of credit) 
and convertible notes totaling $110.4 million at period end (December 31, 2008: 
$118.9 million) 
Discussions ongoing with Stratic's bank syndicate for the deferral of scheduled 
debt repayments due at year end and the provision of additional temporary 
liquidity, to be repaid from the proceeds of sale of the Italian business; 
similar structure envisaged to that agreed with the banks earlier in 2009 
regarding the Breagh sale 
Kevin Watts, Stratic's President and Chief Executive Officer, commented: "With 
the sale of our Italian business we will have met or exceeded all of the 
restructuring targets we set for the company exactly twelve months ago. Once the 
sale completes we will have raised more than $115 million from asset disposals, 
and we will have significantly improved our balance sheet and financial 
flexibility. We can then look forward to implementing a growth strategy for the 
business which is less capital intensive and more appropriate for the current 
credit market conditions. Furthermore, the recent performance improvements on 
West Don, which are underpinned in remaining reserves and value terms by the 
recent independent Ryder Scott report, are expected to continue once offshore 
loading is discontinued, and allow us to look forward to the future with 
increased confidence." 
For further information contact: 
John van der Welle, Chief Financial Officer    +44 20 7766 7900 
Mark Bilsland, Chief Operating Officer          +44 20 7766 7900 
Patrick d'Ancona, M:Communications            +44 20 7153 1547 
Canadian Investor Relations 
Roger Fullerton                                 +1 952 929 7243 
Email: roger.fullerton@straticenergy.com 
Website: www.straticenergy.com 
About Stratic: Stratic Energy Corporation is a Canadian-incorporated 
international oil and gas business, whose strategy has been to exploit existing 
discoveries overlooked by the majors through the appraisal and development of 
reserves to build a business with a growing production profile. As a result of 
the worldwide credit crisis, which has particularly affected the Company in view 
of the capital intensive nature of its strategy, Stratic has been involved in a 
major restructuring program over the last twelve months to reduce debt levels 
and create financial flexibility. In future the business will be focused on the 
North Sea for its cash flow generating ability (West Don) and near term 
development investment opportunity (Crawford), whereas its exploration effort 
will be increased and concentrated on lower cost areas and potential company 
changing opportunities. Stratic's shares are listed on the TSX Venture Exchange 
in Toronto and on AIM, London and its principal operating office is in London, 
Forward-looking statements 
This news release contains certain forward looking statements, which involve 
assumptions with respect to future plans, production levels and results, and 
capital expenditures. The reader is cautioned that all such forward looking 
statements involve substantial risks and uncertainties and the assumptions used 
in their preparation may not prove to be correct. Stratic's actual results could 
differ materially from those expressed in, or implied by, these forward looking 
statements and accordingly, the forward looking statements are qualified by 
reference to these cautionary statements. The forward looking statements 
contained herein are made as at the date of this news release. Stratic 
undertakes no obligation to update or publicly revise forward looking statements 
or information unless so required by applicable securities laws. 
TSX-V and AIM notifications 
The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for 
the adequacy or accuracy of the contents of this release. 
Stratic's Chief Operating Officer, Dr Mark Bilsland BSc (geology), PhD 
(petroleum petrophysics), and member of the SPE, is the qualified person who has 
reviewed and approved the technical information in this announcement for the 
purposes of the AIM Rules for Companies (incorporating the Guidance Note for 
Mining, Oil and Gas Companies). 
Interim Financial Statements 
As at and for the three and nine months ended 
September 30, 2009 
Notice of No Auditor Review of Interim Financial Statements 
In accordance with National Instrument 51-102 released by the Canadian 
Securities Administrators, the Company discloses that its auditors have not 
reviewed these unaudited interim financial statements as at and for the three 
and nine months ended September 30, 2009 and 2008. 
|                                            STRATIC ENERGY CORPORATION                                             | 
|                                            CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS                                            | 
|                                  AS AT SEPTEMBER 30, 2009 and DECEMBER 31, 2008                                   | 
|                                        (Stated in thousands of US Dollars)                                        | 
|                                                    (Unaudited)                                                    | 
| ASSETS                                                                                                            | 
|        |         |        |        |        |        |        |                 | September  |        | December  | 
|        |         |        |        |        |        |        |                 |    30,     |        |31,  2008  | 
|        |         |        |        |        |        |        |                 |    2009    |        |           | 
| CURRENT          |        |        |        |        |        |                 |            |        |           | 
|        | Cash and cash equivalents                   |        |                 |          $ |        |         $ | 
|        |                                             |        |                 |     9,545  |        |   24,067  | 
|        | Accounts receivable and prepaids (note 3)   |        |                 |    10,822  |        |   10,798  | 
|        | Inventories (note 4)                        |        |                 |        542 |        |         - | 
|        | Assets held for sale (note 5)               |        |                 |      1,000 |        |     1,000 | 
|        |         |        |        |        |        |        |                 |    21,909  |        |   35,865  | 
|        |         |        |        |        |        |        |                 |            |        |           | 
| RESTRICTED CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS (note 7)                                   |     1,707  |        |    4,164  | 
|        |         |        |        |        |        |        |                 |            |        |           | 
| OTHER ASSETS (note 8)                                         |                 |     6,254  |        |    6,231  | 
|        |         |        |        |        |        |        |                 |            |        |           | 
| PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT (note 9)                        |                 |   285,154  |        |  288,858  | 
|                                                               |                 |            |        |           | 
|        |         |        |        |        |        |        |                 |          $ |        |         $ | 
|        |         |        |        |        |        |        |                 |   315,024  |        |  335,118  | 
| LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                                                                              | 
| CURRENT          |        |        |        |        |                 |        |            |        |           | 
|        | Accounts payable and accrued liabilities    |                 |        |          $ |        |         $ | 
|        |                                             |                 |        |    12,051  |        |   33,435  | 
|        | Bank loan (note 11)                                                    |     34,963 |        |     6,993 | 
|        |         |        |        |        |        |                 |        |    47,014  |        |   40,428  | 
|                                                      |                 |        |            |        |           | 
| CONVERTIBLE NOTES (note 10)                          |                 |        |     57,288 |        |    54,703 | 
|        |         |        |        |        |        |                 |        |            |        |           | 
| LONG-TERM BANK LOAN (note 11)                                                   |     13,048 |        |    51,532 | 
|        |         |        |        |        |        |                 |        |            |        |           | 
| ASSET RETIREMENT OBLIGATIONS (note 13)                                 |        |    11,610  |        |   10,943  | 
|                                                                        |        |            |        |           | 
| FUTURE INCOME TAXES                         |        |                 |        |    57,809  |        |    55,362 | 
|        |         |        |        |        |        |                 |        |    186,769 |        |   212,968 | 
| SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                        |        |                 |        |            |        |           | 
|        | Share capital (note 14)   |        |        |                 |        |   205,432  |        |  205,432  | 
|        | Equity component of convertible notes       |                 |        |      6,605 |        |     6,236 | 
|        | (note 10)                                   |                 |        |            |        |           | 
|        | Contributed surplus (note 15)               |                 |        |    20,556  |        |   17,575  | 
|        |                                             |                 |        |            |        |           | 
|        | Accumulated other comprehensive income (note 16)              |        |      7,533 |        |     2,657 | 
|        | Deficit |        |        |        |        |                 |        | (111,871)  |        | (109,750) | 
|        |         |        |        |        |        |                 |        |  (104,338) |        | (107,093) | 
|                                                                                                                   | 
|        |         |        |        |        |        |                 |        |    128,255 |        |  122,150  | 
|        |         |        |        |        |        |                 |        |            |        |           | 
|        |         |        |        |        |        |                 |        |          $ |        |         $ | 
|        |         |        |        |        |        |                 |        |   315,024  |        |  335,118  | 
| Future operations (note 1)                                                      |            |        |           | 
| Commitments (note 20)                                                           |            |        |           | 
| Subsequent events (note 21)                                                     |            |        |           | 
| See accompanying notes to the consolidated financial statements                 |            |        |           | 
|                                                STRATIC ENERGY CORPORATION                                                 | 
|                                   CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF INCOME (LOSS) AND DEFICIT                                    | 
|                                            FOR THE PERIODS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30                                             | 
|                              (stated in thousands of US Dollars, except per share amounts)                                | 
|                                                        (Unaudited)                                                        | 
|        |        |        |        |        |        |            |                    |   |   |                |          | 
|        |        |        |        |        |        |            |         Three          |   |        Nine months        | 
|        |        |        |        |        |        |            |        months          |   |    ended September 30     | 
|        |        |        |        |        |        |            |         ended          |   |                           | 
|        |        |        |        |        |        |            |       September        |   |                           | 
|        |        |        |        |        |        |            |          30            |   |                           | 
|        |        |        |        |        |        |            |    2009    |   2008    |   |    2009      |    2008    | 
|        |        |        |        |        |        |            |            |           |   |              |            | 
| REVENUE         |        |        |        |        |            |            |           |   |              |            | 
|        | Petroleum and natural gas sales            |            |          $ |         $ |   |    $ 17,421  |  $ 5,919   | 
|        |                                            |            |      9,060 |     2,226 |   |              |            | 
|        | Less: Royalties |        |        |        |            |      (179) |     (331) |   |        (576) |      (856) | 
|        | Other income    |        |        |        |            |         21 |       577 |   |           41 |        577 | 
|        | Interest income |        |        |        |            |          1 |       106 |   |            6 |       400  | 
|        |        |        |        |        |        |            |      8,903 |     2,578 |   |       16,892 |     6,040  | 
|        |        |        |        |        |        |            |            |           |   |              |            | 
| EXPENSES        |        |        |        |        |            |            |           |   |              |            | 
|        | Operating costs          |        |        |            |      2,873 |       230 |   |        5,171 |        933 | 
|        | General and administrative                              |      2,360 |     1,846 |   |        7,088 |      6,477 | 
|        | Stock-based compensation (note 15)                      |        960 |     2,035 |   |        2,981 |     3,102  | 
|        | Gain on disposal of property, plant and equipment (note |   (22,495) |         - |   |     (22,495) |          - | 
|        | 6)                                                      |            |           |   |              |            | 
|        | Write-down of petroleum and natural gas properties      |          - |         - |   |          900 |          - | 
|        | Depletion, depreciation and accretion      |            |      4,983 |     2,484 |   |        9,657 |      7,509 | 
|        | Financial charges (note 12)                |            |      7,224 |     2,374 |   |       14,474 |      5,943 | 
|        | Foreign exchange (gain) loss      |        |            |       (60) |     (146) |   |        1,237 |       (24) | 
|        |        |        |        |        |        |            |    (4,155) |     8,823 |   |       19,013 |     23,940 | 
|        |        |        |        |        |        |            |            |           |   |              |            | 
| INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE INCOME TAXES                   |            |     13,058 |   (6,245) |   |      (2,121) |   (17,900) | 
|        |        |        |        |        |        |            |            |           |   |              |            | 
|        | Future taxes                               |            |          - |   (6,741) |   |            - |    (6,741) | 
|        |        |        |        |        |        |            |            |           |   |              |            | 
| NET INCOME (LOSS)                          |        |            |     13,058 |  (12,986) |   |      (2,121) |   (24,641) | 
|        |        |        |        |        |        |            |            |           |   |              |            | 
| DEFICIT, beginning of period               |        |            |  (124,929) |  (81,069) |   |    (109,750) |   (69,414) | 
|        |        |        |        |        |        |            |            |           |   |              |            | 
| DEFICIT, end of period            |        |        |            | $(111,871) | $(94,055) |   |  $ (111,871) | $ (94,055) | 
|        |        |        |        |        |        |            |            |           |   |              |            | 
| Net income (loss) per share (note 14[d])            |            |            |           |   |              |            | 
| Basic                                      |        |            |          $ |         $ |   |     $ (0.01) |    $(0.09) | 
|                                            |        |            |       0.05 |    (0.05) |   |              |            | 
| Diluted                                    |        |            |          $ |         $ |   |     $ (0.01) |    $(0.09) | 
|                                            |        |            |       0.04 |    (0.05) |   |              |            | 
|        |        |        |        |        |        |            |            |           |   |              |            | 
| See accompanying notes to the consolidated financial statements               |           |   |              |            | 
|        |        |        |        |        |        |          |              |           |   |              |            | 
|                                  CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (LOSS)                                   | 
|                                            FOR THE PERIODS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30                                             | 
|                                            (stated in thousands of US Dollars)                                            | 
|                                                        (Unaudited)                                                        | 
|        |        |        |        |        |        |        |              |                   |        |       |        | 
|        |        |        |        |        |        |        |          Three           |   |        Nine months          | 
|        |        |        |        |        |        |        |          months          |   |     ended September 30      | 
|        |        |        |        |        |        |        |          ended           |   |                             | 
|        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        September         |   |                             | 
|        |        |        |        |        |        |        |            30            |   |                             | 
|        |        |        |        |        |        |        |    2009    |    2008     |   |    2009      |    2008      | 
|                                                              |            |             |   |              |              | 
| Net income (loss)                                            |          $ |      $      |   |    $ (2,121) |   $ (24,641) | 
|                                                              |     13,058 |  (12,986)   |   |              |              | 
|        |                                                     |            |             |   |              |              | 
| Changes in foreign currency translation on self sustaining   |      4,123 |    (11,441) |   |        4,876 |     (3,341)  | 
| operations (2009 net of tax of $2,104 and $2,447; 2008 -     |            |             |   |              |              | 
| ($5,408) and ($1,977))                                       |            |             |   |              |              | 
|        |                                                     |            |             |   |              |              | 
| Comprehensive income (loss)                                  |          $ |           $ |   |      $ 2,755 |   $ (27,982) | 
|                                                              |     17,181 |    (24,427) |   |              |              | 
|                                   |        |        |        |            |             |   |              |              | 
| See accompanying notes to the consolidated financial statements           |             |   |              |              | 
|                                                                                                                           | 
|                                          STRATIC ENERGY CORPORATION                                           | 
|                                    CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS                                      | 
|                                      FOR THE PERIODS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30                                       | 
|                                      (stated in thousands of US Dollars)                                      | 
|                                                  (Unaudited)                                                  | 
|          |   |        |        |        |   |        |         |               |        |            |        | 
|          |   |        |        |        |   |        |     Three months      |          |    Nine months      | 
|          |   |        |        |        |   |        |    ended September    |          |  ended September    | 
|          |   |        |        |        |   |        |          30           |          |         30          | 
|          |   |        |        |        |   |        |   2009    |   2008    |          |  2009    |  2008    | 
|          |   |        |        |        |   |        |           |           |          |          |          | 
| OPERATING ACTIVITIES                    |   |        |           |           |          |          |          | 
|        | Net income (loss)     |        |   |        |         $ | $(12,986) |          |        $ |        $ | 
|        |                       |        |   |        |    13,058 |           |          |  (2,121) | (24,641) | 
|        | Items not affecting cash:      |   |        |           |           |          |          |          | 
|        |   | Stock-based compensation                |       960 |     2,035 |          |    2,981 |    3,102 | 
|        |   | Amortisation of deferred financing      |     1,476 |       252 |          |    2,074 |      951 | 
|        |   | charges (note 12)                       |           |           |          |          |          | 
|        |   | Accretion of convertible notes          |       342 |       279 |          |      914 |      552 | 
|        |   | liability (note 12)                     |           |           |          |          |          | 
|        |   | Convertible note interest paid          |         - |         - |          |    2,040 |      882 | 
|        |   | through note issuance                   |           |           |          |          |          | 
|        |   | Convertible note interest paid          |         - |         - |          |        - |       87 | 
|        |   | through share issuance                  |           |           |          |          |          | 
|        |   | Write-down of petroleum and natural     |         - |         - |          |      900 |        - | 
|        |   | gas properties                          |           |           |          |          |          | 
|        |   | Depletion, depreciation      |          |     4,983 |     2,484 |          |    9,657 |    7,509 | 
|        |   | and accretion                |          |           |           |          |          |          | 
|        |   | Gain on disposal of property, plant     |  (22,495) |         - |          | (22,495) |        - | 
|        |   | and equipment (note 6)                  |           |           |          |          |          | 
|        |   | Future Taxes                            |         - |     6,741 |          |        - |    6,741 | 
|        |   | Foreign exchange (gain) loss on cash    |      (20) |       257 |          |     (51) |      241 | 
|        |   | held in foreign currencies              |           |           |          |          |          | 
|        | Change in non-cash working         |        |     (924) |     2,086 |          |       34 |      373 | 
|        | capital                            |        |           |           |          |          |          | 
|        | Cash from (used in) operating      |        |   (2,620) |     1,148 |          |  (6,067) |  (4,203) | 
|        | activities                         |        |           |           |          |          |          | 
|        |                                                         |           |          |          |          | 
| FINANCING ACTIVITIES                    |   |        |           |           |          |          |          | 
|        | Bank loans, net of placement costs          |  (31,846) |     (271) |          | (12,344) |     (35) | 
|        | Convertible notes, net of          |        |         - |         - |          |        - |   42,224 | 
|        | issue costs                        |        |           |           |          |          |          | 
|        | Issuance of share capital, net of           |         - |         5 |          |        - |      354 | 
|        | issue costs                                 |           |           |          |          |          | 
|        | Change in non-cash working         |        |      (30) |       229 |          |     (98) |      462 | 
|        | capital                            |        |           |           |          |          |          | 
|        | Cash from (used in) financing               |  (31,876) |      (37) |          | (12,442) |   43,005 | 
|        | activities                                  |           |           |          |          |          | 
|        |     |        |        |        |   |        |           |           |          |          |          | 
| INVESTING ACTIVITIES                    |   |        |           |           |          |          |          | 
|        | Acquisition of property, plant and          |  (12,616) |  (19,852) |          | (41,105) | (34,491) | 
|        | equipment                                   |           |           |          |          |          | 
|        | Disposal of property, plant and             |    64,519 |     1,000 |          |   64,519 |    1,000 | 
|        | equipment                                   |           |           |          |          |          | 
|        | (Increase) decrease in restricted cash      |     (345) |   (2,226) |          |    2,081 |  (2,795) | 
|        | and cash equivalents                        |           |           |          |          |          | 
|        | Addition of other assets       |   |        |      (95) |      (28) |          |    (107) |     (97) | 
|        | Change in non-cash working         |        |  (18,511) |     9,151 |          | (21,452) |   13,947 | 
|        | capital                            |        |           |           |          |          |          | 
|        | Cash from (used in) investing      |        |    32,952 |  (11,955) |          |    3,936 | (22,436) | 
|        | activities                         |        |           |           |          |          |          | 
|        |     |        |        |        |   |        |           |           |          |          |          | 
| Foreign exchange gain (loss) on cash held in         |        20 |     (257) |          |       51 |    (241) | 
| foreign currencies                                   |           |           |          |          |          | 
|          |   |        |        |        |   |        |           |           |          |          |          | 
| INCREASE (DECREASE) IN CASH AND CASH                 |   (1,524) |  (11,101) |          | (14,522) |   16,125 | 
| EQUIVALENTS                                          |           |           |          |          |          | 
|          |   |        |        |        |   |        |           |           |          |          |          | 
| CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS, beginning of period       |    11,069 |    30,325 |          |   24,067 |    3,099 | 
|          |   |        |        |        |   |        |           |           |          |          |          | 
| CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS, end of period             |   $ 9,545 |         $ |          |        $ |        $ | 
|                                                      |           |    19,224 |          |    9,545 |   19,224 | 
|          |   |        |        |        |   |        |           |           |          |          |          | 
| Cash and cash equivalents consists of:      |        |           |           |          |          |          | 
|        | Balances with banks            |   |        |   $ 9,536 |         $ |          |        $ |  $ 7,070 | 
|        |                                |   |        |           |     7,070 |          |    9,536 |          | 
|        | Short-term            |        |   |        |         9 |    12,154 |          |        9 |   12,154 | 
|        | deposits              |        |   |        |           |           |          |          |          | 
|        |     |        |        |        |   |        |   $ 9,545 |         $ |          |        $ |        $ | 
|        |     |        |        |        |   |        |           |    19,224 |          |    9,545 |   19,224 | 
|        |     |        |        |        |   |        |           |           |          |          |          | 
| Interest received     |        |        |   |        |       $ 1 |     $ 106 |          |      $ 6 |    $ 407 | 
| Interest paid         |        |        |   |        |   $ 1,137 |     $ 312 |          |        $ |  $ 1,699 | 
|                       |        |        |   |        |           |           |          |    3,663 |          | 
|          |   |        |        |        |   |        |           |           |          |          |          | 
| See accompanying notes to the consolidated financial statements              |          |          |          | 
(tabular amounts are stated in thousands of US Dollars except share and per 
share amounts) 
Stratic Energy Corporation ("Stratic" or the "Company") is incorporated under 
the laws of the Territory of Yukon, Canada and is an international oil and gas 
business engaged, directly and through its subsidiaries, in the appraisal, 
development and production of existing petroleum and natural gas discoveries, 
supplemented by a moderate risk exploration program. Stratic's principal current 
interests are in the United Kingdom ("UK") and Netherlands sectors of the North 
Sea, Italy and the Mediterranean area, including Turkey and Syria. 
In the UK sector of the North Sea, the Company has interests in two oil field 
development projects, with a third having recently been sold. The most advanced 
development is the West Don oil field, which has commenced production in 2009. 
At the Crawford oil field, development studies are proceeding towards submission 
of a field development plan for approval in 2010. In Italy, the Company has an 
interest in the Longanesi gas field where a development plan has been submitted 
to the authorities in early 2009, and the signature of a sale and purchase 
agreement in respect of the sale of the Italian business was recently announced. 
In the Netherlands, the Company has an interest in the Horizon West oil field. 
 In the Black Sea, offshore Turkey, the Company has completed the development of 
three gas fields, which are now in production, as the initial phase of 
development of discoveries made in that area, and a second phase of development 
is underway. 
The success of the Company's exploration and development activity is influenced 
by: commodity prices, currency exchange rates, varying levels of taxation, 
arranging appropriate financing and the ability of the Company to discover 
economically recoverable reserves and to bring such reserves into profitable 
production.  Certain of its activities are also subject to significant 
financial, legal and political risks. While the Company seeks to manage these 
risks, certain of these factors are beyond its control. 
Future operations 
These consolidated financial statements have been prepared by management on a 
going concern basis in accordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting 
principles.  The going concern basis of presentation assumes that the Company 
will continue in operation for the foreseeable future and be able to realize its 
assets and discharge its liabilities and commitments in the normal course of 
The Company, for the nine months ended September 30, 2009 and the year ended 
December 31, 2008, has experienced significant losses resulting in an 
accumulated deficit of $112 million at September 30, 2009, and has had negative 
cash flows from operations. During 2008 and the first nine months of 2009, the 
Company has invested significant capital in its North Sea oil and gas assets, 
mainly on the development of the West Don field which commenced production in 
April 2009 and which was largely financed with debt from its bank facilities. 
The investment in the North Sea has resulted in a significant but planned 
increase in net debt, although this debt was reduced in August 2009 from the $65 
million proceeds of sale of the Company's Breagh field and related exploration 
interests. However, the Company is not currently funded for certain other of its 
operating commitments, all of which are outlined in note 20, and scheduled bank 
debt repayments as further discussed below and at note 11. Failure to make any 
operational payments or debt repayments as they fall due could trigger default 
provisions in the Company's lending agreements. 
The ability of the Company to continue to operate as a going concern is 
dependent on the availability of new equity, the timing and operational success 
of anticipated cash flows to be received from production on its North Sea oil 
and gas assets, and the continuing support of the banking syndicate (see further 
discussion below) including the availability of existing bank financing which is 
linked to oil prices, field performance and the level of independently certified 
oil and gas reserves. Management is also continuing with its asset disposal 
programme (see note 21), and agreement was recently reached for the sale of the 
Italian business for cash proceeds of approximately $51 million. This sale is 
expected to complete late in the first quarter of 2010. 
In July 2009 the Company executed amendment agreements with its bank syndicate 
for the amendment of its previous $150 million bank loan facilities, to include 
the deferral of certain repayments due in the second quarter of 2009, and the 
provision of temporary additional credit, pending repayment of these and overall 
bank debt reduction from the proceeds of the sale of the Breagh asset, which has 
since occurred (see note 6). Under the new agreement, as from April 30, 2009 the 
Borrowing Base Facility was reduced from $115 million to $95 million, including 
the $5 million working capital facility. 
As part of these arrangements, the Company agreed with its bank syndicate the 
amendment of the $35 million Undeveloped Asset Backed Facility to increase 
availability to a maximum of $51 million with use extended to general corporate 
purposes. In August 2009 the Undeveloped Asset Backed Facility was repaid in 
full and cancelled from the proceeds of the sale of the Breagh asset. 
The terms of the Borrowing Base Facility require the Company to make a scheduled 
debt repayment by December 31, 2009, for which funds are not expected to be 
available as a result of the production under-performance of the West Don field 
since start-up. However, the Company is currently in discussions with its bank 
syndicate, to reach agreement before year-end for the amendment of the facility 
to enable the deferral of this repayment until the receipt of the proceeds from 
the sale of Stratic's Italian business. In addition, Stratic is seeking the 
access under the facility to additional temporary credit, to cover funding 
shortfalls that may arise in the period until receipt of the Italian sale 
proceeds, from which any drawings of this credit line will be repaid. In 
substance these amendments are similar to those undertaken in July 2009 with 
regard to the Breagh sale, as described above. The bank syndicate has indicated 
its intention in principle to provide the additional support as described above, 
although final bank credit approval has not yet been sought, nor has a facility 
amendment agreement yet been signed. This support is ultimately dependent, inter 
alia, on the receipt of proceeds from the sale of the Company's Italian 
business, which requires certain conditions, which are outside of the Company's 
control, to be met at the sale completion (see note 21). Additional fees and 
margin, yet to be agreed, will be payable to the bank syndicate for the 
provision of the additional liquidity sought by the Company. 
The Board believes the aforementioned courses of action and activities provide a 
reasonable expectation of mitigating the adverse conditions and events which may 
raise doubt about the validity of the going concern assumption used in preparing 
these consolidated financial statements.   Therefore, the consolidated financial 
statements do not reflect the adjustments that would be necessary if the going 
concern assumption were not appropriate.  If the going concern assumption were 
not appropriate for these consolidated financial statements, adjustments might 
be necessary to the carrying values of assets and liabilities, the reported 
revenues and expenses and the balance sheet classifications used. 
These interim consolidated financial statements are stated in United States 
dollars, have been prepared by management in accordance with Canadian generally 
accepted accounting principles ("GAAP") following the same accounting policies 
and methods of computation as the audited consolidated financial statements for 
the year ended December 31, 2008 except as noted below, and include the accounts 
of the Company and its wholly owned subsidiaries. The following disclosure is 
incremental to the disclosure included in the annual consolidated financial 
statements. These interim consolidated financial statements should be read in 
conjunction with the consolidated financial statements and notes thereto of the 
Company for the year ended December 31, 2008. Preparation of the financial 
statements in conformity with GAAP requires management to make estimates and 
assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and 
disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial 
statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses for the period. 
Actual results may differ materially from those estimates. 
Specifically, the amounts recorded for the depletion and depreciation of 
petroleum and natural gas assets and for the accretion of asset retirement 
obligations are based on estimates. The ceiling test is based on estimates of 
reserves, production rates, oil and gas prices, future costs and other relevant 
assumptions. The amounts for unit-based compensation are based on estimates of 
unit price and performance factors. Future income taxes are based on estimates 
as to the timing of the reversal of temporary differences, and tax rates 
currently substantively enacted. By their nature, these estimates are subject to 
measurement uncertainty and the effect on the financial statements of changes in 
such estimates in future periods could be material. 
The Company recognizes crude oil inventory held in storage tanks at the fields, 
together with any crude oil in transit to the terminal or point of sale. They 
are valued at the lower of cost and net realizable value. Cost is determined on 
a first-in, first-out basis and relates to the direct cost of production on an 
actual basis. 
|             |        |          |       |  September 30,   |  |  December 31,    | 
|             |        |          |       |      2009        |  |      2008        | 
|             |        |          |       |                  |  |                  | 
| Trade receivables                       |          $ 2,996 |  |          $ 1,381 | 
| Joint venture receivables and prepaids  |            6,944 |  |            8,567 | 
| Other debtors        |          |       |              556 |  |              386 | 
| Prepaids             |          |       |              326 |  | 464              | 
|                                         |         $ 10,822 |  |         $ 10,798 | 
|             |        |          |       |  September 30,   |  |  December 31,    | 
|             |        |          |       |      2009        |  |      2008        | 
|             |        |          |       |                  |  |                  | 
| Turkey                                  |          $ 6,679 |  |          $ 3,725 | 
| United Kingdom                          |            3,438 |  |            6,729 | 
| Syria                |          |       |              461 |  |                - | 
| Canada               |          |       |              194 |  |              247 | 
| Italy                |          |       |               36 |  | 35               | 
| Netherlands          |          |       |               14 |  |               30 | 
| Other                                   |                - |  |               32 | 
|                                         |         $ 10,822 |  |         $ 10,798 | 
|             |        |          |       |  September 30,   |  |  December 31,    | 
|             |        |          |       |      2009        |  |      2008        | 
|             |        |          |       |                  |  |                  | 
| Crude oil inventory                     |            $ 542 |  |              $ - | 
|                                         |                  |  |                  | 
During the nine months ended September 30, 2009 $524,000 of crude oil inventory 
has been recognized in expenses (2008 $nil). 
The Company has outstanding a sale agreement in respect of its petroleum and 
natural gas property in Tunisia, the Chorbane permit, for $1 million. The sale 
closed in October 2009. 
The following table provides additional information with respect to the amounts 
included in the consolidated balance sheets as assets held for sale at the lower 
of cost or fair value: 
|    |                                   |  September 30,   |  |  December 31,    | 
|    |                                   |      2009        |  |      2008        | 
|                                        |                  |  |                  | 
| Property, plant and equipment:         |                  |  |                  | 
|    | Tunisia                           |          $ 1,000 |  |          $ 1,000 | 
|    |                                   |                  |  |                  | 
|    |                                   |          $ 1,000 |  |         $  1,000 | 
In July 2009, the Company entered into a sale and purchase agreement in respect 
of its 10% interest in the UK North Sea Breagh gas field, and its interests in 
associated exploration licences, with an independent third party. The Breagh 
asset has been sold to allow the Company to reduce bank debt and allow the 
Company to focus on other core UK assets. 
The sale closed on August 26, 2009 with cash received of $64.5 million, net of 
disposal costs. The carrying value of the assets sold was $18.1 million, 
resulting in a surplus over book value of $46.4 million. Of this $22.5 million 
has been recorded as a gain in the consolidated statement of income (loss), and 
$23.9 million as a reduction to property, plant and equipment in the 
consolidated balance sheet. 
Restricted cash and cash equivalents consist of: 
|             |        |          |       |  September 30,   |  |  December 31,    | 
|             |        |          |       |      2009        |  |      2008        | 
|             |        |          |       |                  |  |                  | 
| Syria - Block XVII              |       |          $ 1,045 |  |            $ 700 | 
| UK licences          |          |       |                - |  | 2,151            | 
| Interest payments    |          |       |              662 |  | 1,313            | 
|                                         |          $ 1,707 |  |          $ 4,164 | 
Restricted cash and cash equivalents consist of (i) deposits or advance funding 
as assurance of funding for exploration and appraisal work programmes under the 
terms of the relevant concessions or contracts, principally relating to 
production sharing agreements in Syria; and (ii) deposits for future interest 
payment obligations on the 2011 Convertible Notes required under the Company's 
bank loan facilities. 
|             |        |          |       |  September 30,   |  |  December 31,    | 
|             |        |          |       |      2009        |  |      2008        | 
|             |        |          |       |                  |  |                  | 
| Deferred financing charges              |          $ 3,239 |  |          $ 3,482 | 
| Other debtors        |          |       |            1,968 |  |            2,420 | 
| Prepayments          |          |       |            1,047 |  | 329              | 
|                                         |          $ 6,254 |  |          $ 6,231 | 
|             |        |          |       |  September 30,   |  |  December 31,    | 
|             |        |          |       |      2009        |  |      2008        | 
|             |        |          |       |                  |  |                  | 
| United Kingdom                          |          $ 3,554 |  |          $ 3,811 | 
| Italy                                   |            2,221 |  |            1,369 | 
| Turkey               |          |       |              460 |  |            1,032 | 
| Syria                |          |       |               19 |  | 19               | 
|                                         |          $ 6,254 |  |          $ 6,231 | 
|        |        |        |        |         |           |           |        |             |        |            |                   | 
|        |        |        |        |         |           |           |        |             | Other  | Petroleum  |                   | 
|        |        |        |        |         |           |           |        |             |  Oil   |    and     |                   | 
|        |        |        |        |         |           |           |        |             |  and   |  Natural   |                   | 
|        |        |        |        |         |           |           |        |             |  Gas   |    Gas     |                   | 
|        |        |        |        |         |           |           |        |             |Assets  |Properties  |                   | 
+--------+--------+--------+--------+---------+-----------+-----------+--------+-------------+        +            +-------------------+ 
|        |        |        |        |         |  United   |           |        |             |        |            | Other  |          | 
|        |        |        |        |         |           |           |        |             |        |            |Assets  |          | 
+--------+--------+--------+--------+---------+-----------+-----------+--------+-------------+        +            +        +----------+ 
|        |        |        |        | Turkey  |  Kingdom  |  Italy    | Syria  |Netherlands  |        |            |        |  Total   | 
|        |        |        |        |         |           |           |        |             |        |            |        |          | 
|        |        |        |        |         |           |           |        |             |        |            |        |          | 
| Balance at December 31, 2008      |       $ | $106,110  | $141,832  |      $ |           $ | $ 213  |          $ | $ 372  |        $ | 
|                                   | 14,073  |           |           | 5,773  |      20,485 |        |   288,486  |        | 288,858  | 
|        |        |        |        |         |           |           |        |             |        |            |        |          | 
|        | Additions       |        |     630 |    41,058 |       357 |    945 |         711 |      5 |     43,706 |    107 |   43,813 | 
|        | Asset retirement         |       - |        35 |         - |      - |           - |      - |         35 |      - |       35 | 
|        | obligations              |         |           |           |        |             |        |            |        |          | 
|        | Recoveries               |   (313) |         - |         - |      - |     (2,288) |      - |    (2,601) |      - |  (2,601) | 
|        | Disposal (note 6)        |       - |  (42,249) |         - |      - |           - |      - |   (42,249) |      - | (42,249) | 
|        | Write-downs              |   (900) |         - |         - |        |           - |      - |      (900) |      - |    (900) | 
|        | Depletion and            | (2,063) |   (6,791) |         - |      - |           - |      - |    (8,854) |  (134) |  (8,988) | 
|        | depreciation             |         |           |           |        |             |        |            |        |          | 
|        | Foreign currency         |       - |         - |     7,186 |      - |           - |      - |      7,186 |      - |    7,186 | 
|        |        |        |        |         |           |           |        |             |        |            |        |          | 
| Balance at September 30, 2009     |       $ |         $ |  $149,375 |      $ |           $ |  $ 218 |          $ |  $ 345 |        $ | 
|                                   |  11,427 |    98,163 |           |  6,718 |      18,908 |        |    284,809 |        |  285,154 | 
Capitalised costs include $213.8 million (December 31, 2008 - $280.4 million), 
which are not being depreciated, depleted or amortised relating to unproved 
properties and projects under construction or development and $71.0 million 
(December 31, 2008 - $8.1 million) relating to producing properties in the UK 
and Turkey. 
The Italian business is the subject of a sale agreement, as described in note 
At September 30, 2009 the Company applied a ceiling test to the carrying value 
of its proved properties. No impairment of producing properties was required to 
be recognised. The ceiling test at March 31, 2009 required an impairment of the 
Company's gas development offshore Turkey. Impairment of that asset, resulting 
from reduced gas prices in Turkey in 2009, was measured at $0.9 million and 
charged as an expense during the three months ended March 31, 2009. 
The ceiling test at September 30, 2009 used the expected future market prices as 
detailed below: 
|         |        UK |        UK |    Turkey |    Italy | 
|         |     $/bbl |     $/mcf |     $/mcf |    $/mcf | 
|    2009 |     68.99 |      7.70 |      7.99 |     8.79 | 
|    2010 |     72.50 |      8.42 |      9.55 |     9.63 | 
|    2011 |     77.25 |      8.97 |     10.14 |    10.25 | 
|    2012 |     83.20 |      9.65 |     10.90 |    11.03 | 
|    2013 |     89.80 |     10.41 |     11.75 |    11.90 | 
|    2014 |     95.03 |     11.04 |     12.50 |    12.61 | 
|    2015 |     96.97 |     11.29 |     12.86 |    12.91 | 
|    2016 |     98.92 |     11.52 |     13.12 |    13.17 | 
|    2017 |    100.85 |     11.75 |     13.38 |    13.42 | 
|    2018 |    102.95 |     11.99 |     13.66 |    13.70 | 
|    2019 |    105.00 |     12.23 |     13.93 |    13.98 | 
|    2020 |    107.07 |     12.47 |     14.21 |    14.25 | 
|    2021 |    109.21 |     12.72 |     14.49 |    14.54 | 
|    2022 |    111.42 |     12.98 |     14.78 |    14.83 | 
The market prices are estimated using the methodology described in the Company's 
most recent NI 51-101 form F1 effective December 31, 2008, and have been updated 
to reflect the data from the relevant published forecasts effective September 
30, 2009. 
8.75% Convertible Notes due 2011 ("2011 Notes") 
The Company has outstanding US $15.0 million principal 8.75% unsecured 
convertible notes with a final maturity date of April 27, 2011, which are 
convertible into common shares of Stratic, at any time, at the option of the 
Noteholder, at a price of Cdn $1.56 per share. The 2011 Notes pay interest 
semi-annually on May 12 and November 12. The 2011 Noteholders may elect to 
receive Stratic common shares in payment of interest, based on a 10% discount to 
market prices during the 30 day period prior to the relevant payment date, 
instead of cash. Interest due in May 2009 was settled through cash of $0.7 
million (2008 - cash of $0.6 million and common shares of $0.1 million). 
The Company can, at any time up to the maturity date, require conversion of the 
2011 Notes into common shares if the price of the shares over a 25 day period 
prior to giving such notice is at least Cdn $2.65 per share. The Company may 
also elect to redeem the 2011 Notes at par at any time prior to their maturity. 
At maturity the notes require settlement at par value with cash. 
The 2011 Notes are recorded as a liability at the fair value of the obligation 
without the conversion feature. This obligation to make future payments of 
principal and interest was determined to be $14.0 million. The difference 
between the principal amount of $15.0 million and the fair value of the 
obligation was $1.0 million and has been recorded in shareholders' equity as the 
fair value of the conversion feature of the notes. 
Under the Company's loan facility future payments of interest on the 2011 Notes 
is required to be kept in a separate bank account (see note 7). 
9% Convertible Notes due 2013 ("2013 Notes") 
The Company has outstanding US $47.4 million principal amount of 9% subordinated 
unsecured convertible notes, with a final maturity date of April 8, 2013.  The 
2013 Notes rank pari passu with the 2011 Notes and both are subordinated to the 
bank debt described in note 11 below. The 2013 Notes are convertible, at the 
option of the 2013 Noteholders, into common shares of Stratic at a price of 
US $1.00 per common share, at any time until their maturity. The 2013 Notes are 
redeemable by the Company after the second anniversary of issuance, at par plus 
accrued interest to the redemption date, provided that the average price of the 
Company's common shares on their primary exchange for the preceding 20 trading 
days is greater than Cdn $1.75 per share. Interest on the 2013 Notes is payable 
semi-annually on June 30 and December 31. At the Company's option, interest may 
either be paid in cash or capitalised as additional principal on the 2013 Notes, 
subject to the same interest and conversion terms. At maturity the notes require 
settlement at par value with cash. 
The 2013 Notes are recorded as a liability at the fair value of the obligation 
without the conversion feature, net of issue costs. This obligation to make 
future payments of principal and interest was determined to be $41.8 million. 
The difference between the principal amount of $47.4 million and the fair value 
of the obligation was $5.6 million and has been recorded in shareholders' equity 
as the fair value of the conversion feature of the notes. 
Interest payable in June 2009 of $2.0 million was capitalised as additional 
principal amount of 2013 Notes. The additional principal was allocated with $1.6 
million included in debt and the balance of $0.4 million included in 
shareholders' equity. 
  The following is a summary of the convertible notes: 
| Notes                          |Conversion  |    Maturity    | 
|                                |   price    |                | 
| 8.75% Convertible Notes due    |  Cdn $1.56 | April 27, 2011 | 
| 2011                           |            |                | 
| 9% Convertible Notes due 2013  |   US $1.00 | April 8,       | 
|                                |            | 2013           | 
|                                |            |                | 
The following table summarises the convertible note activities which include the 
2011 and 2013 Notes, for the period ended September 30, 2009: 
|                                    |   Face     |   Debt     |  Equity    | 
|                                    |   value    | Component  | Component  | 
| Balance at December 31, 2008       |    $60,334 |    $54,703 |     $6,236 | 
| 2013 Notes interest June 30, 2009  |      2,040 |      1,671 |        369 | 
| Accretion                          |          - |        914 |          - | 
| Balance at September 30, 2009      |    $62,374 |    $57,288 |     $6,605 | 
|                                    |            |            |            | 
The following table summarises the face value and carrying value of the 
convertible notes: 
| Notes                          |  September 30, 2009  |  December 31, 2008   | 
|                                |   Face    |Carrying  |   Face    |Carrying  | 
|                                |  value    |  value   |  value    |  value   | 
| 8.75% Convertible Notes due    |   $15,000 |  $14,505 |   $15,000 |  $14,305 | 
| 2011                           |           |          |           |          | 
| 9% Convertible Notes due 2013  |    47,374 |   42,783 |    45,334 |   40,398 | 
|                                |   $62,374 |  $57,288 |   $60,334 |  $54,703 | 
In July 2009 the Company executed amendment agreements with its bank syndicate 
for the amendment of its previous $150 million bank loan facilities, to include 
the deferral of certain repayments due in the second quarter of 2009, and the 
provision of temporary additional credit, pending repayment of these and overall 
bank debt reduction from the proceeds of the sale of the Breagh asset, which has 
since occurred (see note 6). Under the new agreement, as from April 30, 2009 the 
Borrowing Base Facility was reduced from $115 million to $95 million, including 
the $5 million working capital facility. 
As part of these arrangements, the Company agreed with its bank syndicate the 
amendment of the $35 million Undeveloped Asset Backed Facility to increase 
availability to a maximum of $51 million with use extended to general corporate 
purposes. In August 2009 the Undeveloped Asset Backed Facility was repaid in 
full and cancelled from the proceeds of the sale of the Breagh asset. 
The terms of the Borrowing Base Facility require the Company to make a scheduled 
debt repayment by December 31, 2009, for which funds are not expected to be 
available as a result of the production under-performance of the West Don field 
since start-up. However, the Company is currently in discussions with its bank 
syndicate, with a view to reaching agreement before year-end for the amendment 
of the facility to enable the deferral of this repayment until the receipt of 
the proceeds from the sale of Stratic's Italian business (see note 21). In 
addition, Stratic is seeking additional temporary credit under the facility, to 
cover funding shortfalls that are expected in the period until receipt of the 
Italian sale proceeds, from which any drawings of this credit line will be 
repaid. In substance these amendments are similar to those undertaken in July 
2009 with regard to the Breagh sale, as described above. The bank syndicate has 
indicated its intention in principle to provide the additional support as 
described above, although final bank credit approval has not yet been sought, 
nor has a facility amendment agreement yet been signed. This support is 
ultimately dependent, inter alia, on the receipt of proceeds from the sale of 
the Company's Italian business which requires certain conditions, which are 
outside the Company's control, to be met at the sale completion (see note 21). 
Additional fees and margin, yet to be agreed, will be payable to the bank 
syndicate for the provision of the additional liquidity sought by the Company. 
The Borrowing Base Facility has a final maturity of December 31, 2012, mainly 
with a current drawn margin over US dollar Libor of 4.5%. The effective interest 
rate of the overall facility for the nine months ended September 30, 2009 was 
4.71%. The facility is secured by fixed charge over the shares of Stratic's 
major subsidiary companies and certain operating subsidiaries and by floating 
charges over the assets including project bank accounts of certain of those 
major subsidiary companies and operating subsidiaries and by floating charge 
over Stratic's project bank accounts. As at September 30, 2009 $48.0 million had 
been utilized, mainly for the development of the West Don field. This comprises 
$38.1 million under the main tranche and a further $4.9 million under the cost 
over-run tranche in the facility, together with $5 million drawn under the 
working capital facility. 
Availability under the Borrowing Base Facility is primarily governed by a 
borrowing base determined according to the net present value of certain bank 
approved project cashflows and defined cover ratios. Projects approved for 
inclusion in the facility currently are the West Don and South Akcakoca phase 1 
developments. The borrowing base is scheduled in the normal course for a 
redetermination twice a year, as of June 30 and December 31, in which the latest 
independently certified reserves, production and cost profiles, together with 
bank approved economic assumptions including oil and gas prices and interest 
rates are used. The redetermination due as of June 30, 2009 was deferred by 
agreement with the bank syndicate as part of the amendment arrangements agreed 
earlier in 2009 and detailed above, and the redetermination as of the end of 
2009 is currently underway incorporating the recently updated reserves for the 
West Don field from Stratic's independent reporting engineers Ryder Scott; this 
is expected to be finalized in December 2009. The existing redetermination 
agreed with the banks as of December 31, 2008 is applicable until amended by the 
current redetermination. The existing redetermination shows repayments of $15.9 
million due on December 31, 2009, $14.2 million on June 30, 2010, with a final 
repayment of $8.0 million at the end of 2010, making a total of $38.1 million. 
In addition the $4.9 million cost over-run tranche, which was drawn in 2009 
after the existing redetermination was agreed, is due for repayment by June 30, 
2010, and the $5 million working capital facility drawing is due for repayment 
by December 31, 2012. Accordingly $35.0 million of the facility drawings at 
September 30, 2009 are shown as a current liability, and $13.0 million as a 
long-term liability. In practice, the actual repayment schedule will be 
variable, with projected repayments subject to periodic amendments with each 
future redetermination, the inclusion or removal of projects, and also the 
expected uplift of reserves of the West Don field within the facility from 
proved to proved plus probable reserves at project completion, which is now 
expected in 2010. 
The Undeveloped Asset Backed Facility had a final maturity of March 31, 2011, 
and its drawn margin over US dollar Libor was increased to 12% from July 2009, 
until repayment and cancellation of the facility which occurred at the end of 
August 2009. The effective interest rate of the facility for the nine months 
ended September 30, 2009 was 7.72%. 
Under the terms of the bank facility arrangements, the Company is required to 
hold cash on deposit to cover interest payments on the 2011 Notes, which is 
shown in restricted cash (note 7). 
The costs incurred to establish the long-term loans have been included in 
deferred financing charges on the balance sheet. The balance at September 30, 
2009 was $3.2 million. During the period ended September 30, 2009, the Company 
recorded additional costs of $1.8 million and amortisation of these charges 
totaling $2.1 million (2008 - $1.0 million) in interest expense. 
During the periods ended September 30, 2009 and 2008, the Company incurred 
interest charges on bank debt and convertible notes as well as fees on bank 
debt, amortisation of financial charges and accretion of the convertible notes 
liability as follows: 
|                                       |   Three months    |Nine months ended  | 
|                                       |  ended September  |   September 30    | 
|                                       |        30         |                   | 
|                                       |  2009    |  2008  |  2009  |  2008    | 
|                                       |          |        |        |          | 
| Bank debt interest                    |  $ 1,477 |  $ 357 |      $ |  $ 1,179 | 
|                                       |          |        |  3,053 |          | 
| Convertible note interest             |    1,393 |  1,338 |  4,088 |    2,841 | 
| Bank debt fees                        |    2,328 |    148 |  3,733 |      420 | 
| Amortisation of financial charges     |    1,476 |    252 |  2,074 |      951 | 
| Accretion of convertible notes        |      342 |    279 | 914    | 552      | 
| liability                             |          |        |        |          | 
| Other interest                        |      208 |      - | 612    | -        | 
|                                       |  $ 7,224 |      $ |      $ |        $ | 
|                                       |          |  2,374 | 14,474 |    5,943 | 
The other interest arises on the agreement with the Company's gas purchaser in 
Italy for the termination of its previous gas marketing arrangements, which 
required Stratic to sell all its gas from Longanesi at significant 
discounts. This agreement, which was recently extended, involves Stratic making 
a payment by March 31, 2010 at its option of EUR12.1 million plus VAT, of which a 
deposit payment of EUR0.5 million has been made and is included in other assets. 
The previous gas marketing arrangements will be re-instated in the event the 
option is not exercised and Stratic will forfeit its deposit of EUR0.5 million. 
The interest is for the period from February to September 2009. 
The following table summarises changes in the asset retirement obligations for 
the nine months ended September 30, 2009 and for the year ended December 31, 
|            |        |          |         |   Nine months    |  |  Year ended    | 
|            |        |          |         |      ended       |  |                | 
|            |        |          |         |  September 30,   |  |  December 31,  | 
|            |        |          |         |      2009        |  |      2008      | 
|            |        |          |         |                  |  |                | 
| Asset retirement obligations - beginning |         $ 10,943 |  |        $ 5,387 | 
| of period                                |                  |  |                | 
| Liabilities         |          |         |               35 |  | 5,044          | 
| incurred            |          |         |                  |  |                | 
| Accretion expense   |          |         |              958 |  |            532 | 
| Disposal (note 6)                        |            (351) |  |              - | 
| Foreign currency    |          |         |               25 |  |           (20) | 
| Asset retirement obligations - end of    |         $ 11,610 |  |       $ 10,943 | 
| period                                   |                  |  |                | 
The inflated undiscounted amount of the estimated future cash flows required to 
settle the obligation is $20.1 million (December 31, 2008 - $21.0 million). 
These obligations are expected to be settled in the future with a weighted 
average life of approximately 8 years. The estimated future cash flows have been 
discounted at the credit adjusted risk free rate in the range of 10% to 13.5% 
(December 31, 2008 10% to 13.5%). As at September, 2009, no funds have been set 
aside to settle these obligations. 
(a)  Authorised 
Unlimited number of voting common shares 
Unlimited number of non-voting common shares 
Unlimited number of preferred shares 
(b) Issued 
|                 |        |        |        |        |        |    Number    |        |         | 
|                 |        |        |        |        |        |      of      |        |         | 
| Voting Common Shares              |        |        |        |    Shares    |        | Stated  | 
|                                   |        |        |        |              |        |  Value  | 
|        |        |        |        |        |        |        |              |        |         | 
|        |        |        |        |        |        |        |              |        |         | 
| Balance - September 30, 2009 and December 31, 2008           | 272,635,224  |        |       $ | 
|                                                              |              |        | 205,432 | 
(c) Reserved for issuance 
Stock Options 
|        |        |        |   Number    |        |Weighted  | 
|        |        |        |     of      |        |  Avg.    | 
|        |        |        |  Options    |        |Exercise  | 
|        |        |        |             |        |  Price   | 
|        |        |        |             |        |          | 
| Balance - December 31,   |  24,836,917 |        |   Cdn    | 
| 2008                     |             |        |  $0.97   | 
| Issued                   |   8,325,000 |        |   Cdn    | 
|                          |             |        |  $0.30   | 
| Expired                  | (3,122,181) |        |   Cdn    | 
|                          |             |        |  $1.12   | 
| Cancelled                | (4,000,000) |        |   Cdn    | 
|                          |             |        |  $1.22   | 
| Balance - September 30,  | 26,039,736  |        |   Cdn    | 
| 2009                     |             |        |  $0.70   | 
|        |        |        |             |        |          | 
| Exercisable - September  |  17,428,201 |        |   Cdn    | 
| 30, 2009                 |             |        |  $0.84   | 
The fair value of stock options granted during the nine months ended September 
30, 2009, were estimated on the date of grant and updated on each reporting 
period for consultants' options, using the Black-Scholes option pricing method 
with the following weighted average assumptions: 
|           |        |          |              |              |  |              | 
| Risk free interest rate                      |        3.44% |  |              | 
| Expected life of the options                 |     10 years |  |              | 
| Expected volatility                          |         154% |  |              | 
| Expected dividend rate                       |           0% |  |              | 
| Weighted average fair value per option       |        $0.28 |  |              | 
| granted                                      |              |  |              | 
(d) Net income (loss) per share 
The net income per share for the three months ended September 30, 2009 has been 
calculated using the basic weighted average number of voting common shares 
outstanding during the period of 272,635,224 (September 30, 2008 - 
272,626,209).The net loss per share for the nine months ended September 30, 2009 
has been calculated using the basic weighted average number of voting common 
shares outstanding during the period of 272,635,224 (September 30, 2008 - 
271,971,982).  The impact of stock options totaling 26,039,736 common shares 
(2008 - 25,336,917) and the 2011 and 2013 Notes which are currently convertible 
into approximately 10.3 million and 47.4 million common shares, respectively 
would not be dilutive for the nine months ended September 30, 2009 and 2008 and 
the three months ended September 30, 2008 as the Company is in a loss position 
and, therefore, the diluted weighted average number of voting common shares 
equals the basic weighted average number of voting common shares. The diluted 
net income per share for the three months ended September 30, 2009 has been 
calculated using the basic weighted average number of voting common shares 
outstanding during the period of 272,635,224 and including the impact of 
convertible notes totaling 57,683,707 for total diluted shares of 330,318,931. 
Diluted net income adds back $1.7 million of interest and accretion on the 
convertible notes for total diluted net income of $14.8 million. 
|        |        |        |        |        |        |   Nine    |        |  Year    | 
|        |        |        |        |        |        |  months   |        |  ended   | 
|        |        |        |        |        |        |  ended    |        |          | 
|        |        |        |        |        |        |September  |        |December  | 
|        |        |        |        |        |        | 30, 2009  |        |31, 2008  | 
| Balance at beginning of  |        |        |        |         $ |        |        $ | 
| period                   |        |        |        |    17,575 |        |   13,759 | 
| Stock-based compensation |        |        |        |     2,981 |        |    4,008 | 
| Exercise of stock        |        |        |        |         - |        |    (192) | 
| options                  |        |        |        |           |        |          | 
| Balance at end of period |        |        |        |         $ |        |       $  | 
|                          |        |        |        |    20,556 |        |   17,575 | 
|        |        |        |        |        |        |   Nine    |        |  Year    | 
|        |        |        |        |        |        |  months   |        |  ended   | 
|        |        |        |        |        |        |  ended    |        |          | 
|        |        |        |        |        |        |September  |        | December | 
|        |        |        |        |        |        | 30, 2009  |        | 31, 2008 | 
|        |        |        |        |        |        |           |        |          | 
| Balance at beginning of  |        |        |        |         $ |        |        $ | 
| period                   |        |        |        |     2,657 |        |    7,034 | 
|                          |        |        |        |           |        |          | 
|        |        |        |        |        |        |           |        |          | 
| Changes in foreign currency translation on self     |     4,876 |        |  (4,377) | 
| sustaining operations, net of tax of $2,447 (2008 - |           |        |          | 
| $2,523)                                             |           |        |          | 
|        |        |        |        |        |        |           |        |          | 
| Balance at end of period |        |        |        |         $ |        |        $ | 
|                          |        |        |        |     7,533 |        |    2,657 | 
|                          |        |        |        |           |        |          | 
Revenue is attributed to the following countries: 
|                                       | Three months ended  |  Nine months ended  | 
|                                       |    September 30     |    September 30     | 
|                                       |  2009    |  2008    |  2009    |  2008    | 
|                                       |          |          |          |          | 
| United Kingdom                        |  $ 7,833 |     $ 17 | $ 13,464 |     $ 52 | 
| Turkey                                |    1,070 |    2,475 |    3,426 |    5,646 | 
| Canada                                |        - |       86 |        2 |      342 | 
|                                       |  $ 8,903 |  $ 2,578 | $ 16,892 |        $ | 
|                                       |          |          |          |    6,040 | 
The segmental breakdown of property, plant and equipment is shown in note 9. 
The United Kingdom petroleum and natural gas sales are all purchased by a large 
international oil company and the Turkey petroleum and natural gas sales are all 
purchased by AKSA National Gas Wholesale. 
This note presents information about the Company's exposure to credit, liquidity 
and market risks arising from its use of financial instruments and the Company's 
objectives, policies and processes for measuring and managing such risks. 
Further quantitative disclosures are included throughout these financial 
The Board of Directors has overall responsibility for the establishment and 
oversight of the Company's risk management framework. The Board has implemented 
treasury and risk management policies and monitors compliance with those 
policies. The treasury and risk management policies are established to identify 
and analyse the relevant risks faced by the Company, to set appropriate risk 
limits and controls, specify permitted risk management tools and to monitor 
adherence to the policies. 
(a) Global financial risk 
Recent market events and conditions, including disruptions in the international 
credit markets and other financial systems and the deterioration of global 
economic conditions, have caused significant volatility to commodity prices. 
These conditions worsened in 2008 and are continuing in 2009, causing a loss of 
confidence in the global credit and financial markets and resulting in the 
collapse of, and government intervention in, major banks, financial institutions 
and insurers and creating a climate of greater volatility, less liquidity, 
widening of credit spreads, a lack of price transparency, increased credit 
losses and tighter credit conditions. Notwithstanding recent signs of improving 
conditions following various actions by governments, concerns about the general 
condition of the capital markets, financial instruments, banks, investment 
banks, insurers and other financial institutions have caused the broader credit 
markets to remain difficult, although major stock markets have recovered 
somewhat from the low point earlier in 2009. These factors have negatively 
impacted company valuations and will continue to impact the performance of the 
global economy going forward. 
(b) Credit risk 
Credit risk is the risk of financial loss to the Company if a customer or 
counterparty to a financial instrument fails to meet its contractual 
obligations, and arises principally from the Company's petroleum and natural gas 
sales and joint venture activities (including potential joint liabilities for 
co-venturers' share of obligations entered into on behalf of the joint 
ventures). As at September 30, 2009 the Company's receivables consisted of $6.9 
million (December 31, 2008 - $8.6 million) from joint venture partners, $3.0 
million (December 31, 2008 - $1.4 million) of receivables from petroleum and 
natural gas buyers and $0.9 million (December 31, 2008 - $0.8 million) of other 
trade receivables. 
Receivables from petroleum and natural gas marketers are normally collected in 
the month following production. The Company's policy to mitigate credit risk 
associated with these balances is to enter into contractual arrangements with 
reliable purchasers with an adequate capital base. In respect of its Turkish gas 
sales, the Company also benefits from bank guarantees provided by the purchaser. 
The Company has not historically experienced any material collection issues 
relating to obligations of its natural gas buyers. Where the Company acts as 
operating company for a joint venture, co-venturer receivables are typically 
collected within one to three months of the joint venture bill being issued to 
the partner. The Company attempts to mitigate the risk from joint venture 
arrangements by entering into appropriate agreements only with companies which 
have the capacity to meet their share of joint venture obligations and by 
ensuring that partner approvals of capital expenditures are obtained prior to 
expenditure. However, ultimately the collection of the outstanding balances is 
dependent on industry factors which may impact those co-venturers, such as 
commodity price fluctuations, escalating costs and the risk of unsuccessful 
drilling. The Company does not typically obtain collateral from joint venture 
partners; however the joint venture arrangements typically create rights over 
the joint venture assets in favour of non-defaulting parties in the event of 
non-payment by a co-venturer and requirement for collateral arrangements have 
recently become a more common feature of drilling contracts. 
Cash and cash equivalents, restricted and unrestricted, consist of cash bank 
balances and short-term deposits maturing in less than 90 days. The Company 
manages the credit exposure related to short-term investments by selecting 
counterparties with strong credit ratings, monitoring them regularly and 
avoiding complex investment vehicles with higher risk such as asset-backed 
commercial paper. The Company has no short-term investments at the periods ended 
September 30, 2009 and December 31, 2008. 
The carrying amounts of cash and cash equivalents, restricted and unrestricted, 
and accounts receivable represents the maximum credit exposure. The Company does 
not have an allowance for doubtful accounts as at September 30, 2009 and 
December 31, 2008 and did not provide for any doubtful accounts nor was it 
required to write-off any receivables during the periods ended September 30, 
2009 and December 31, 2008. The Company considers none of its accounts 
receivable to be past their due dates as at September 30, 2009 and December 31, 
(c) Liquidity risk 
Liquidity risk is the risk that the Company will not be able to meet its 
financial obligations as they fall due. The Company's approach to managing 
liquidity is to ensure, as far as possible, that it will have sufficient 
liquidity to meet its liabilities when due, under both normal and stressed 
conditions without incurring unacceptable losses or risking harm to the 
Company's reputation. 
The Company prepares annual capital expenditure budgets, which are regularly 
monitored and updated as considered necessary. Further, the Company utilises 
authorisations for expenditures on both operated and non-operated projects to 
further manage capital expenditures. To facilitate the capital expenditure 
program, the Company has a revolving reserve-based credit facility and has 
raised cash from the issue of convertible notes. 
There is concern about the Company's ability to meet its financial obligations 
discussed in note 1. 
The following are the contractual maturities of financial liabilities as at 
September 30, 2009: 
|                                |          |   Less    |           |            | 
|                                |          |   than    |           |            | 
|                                |  Total   |  1 year   |  1 - 2    |   2 - 5    | 
|                                |          |           |  years    |   years    | 
| Accounts payable and accrued   | $ 12,051 |  $ 12,051 |       $ - |        $ - | 
| liabilities                    |          |           |           |            | 
| Bank debt - principal          |   48,011 |    34,963 |     8,048 |      5,000 | 
| Convertible notes - principal  |   62,374 |         - |    15,000 |     47,374 | 
| Total                          |        $ |  $ 47,014 |  $ 23,048 |   $ 52,374 | 
|                                |  122,436 |           |           |            | 
(d) Market risk 
Market risk is the risk that changes in market prices, such as commodity prices, 
foreign currency exchange rates, and interest rates will affect the Company's 
net earnings, cash flows or the value of financial instruments. The objective of 
market risk management is to manage and control market risk exposures within 
acceptable limits, while maximising returns. Any risk mitigation transactions, 
including hedging, will only be conducted in accordance with the risk management 
policies that have been approved by the Board of Directors. 
Commodity risk is the risk that the fair value or future cash flows of a 
financial instrument will fluctuate because of changes in oil and natural gas 
prices. Prices for petroleum and natural gas are impacted by world economic 
events that dictate the levels of supply and demand as well as by local market 
issues, especially for natural gas. The Company does not currently utilise 
financial derivatives to hedge against commodity price risks, in view of the 
current low volumes of production, presently relating to sales of petroleum and 
natural gas production in the United Kingdom and Turkey, but may use such 
instruments in future as production volumes increase. 
Currency risk is the risk that the fair value of future cash flows or financial 
instruments will fluctuate as a result of changes in foreign currency exchange 
rates. Currently the Company measures all exposures against the US dollar, which 
is its reporting and functional currency. The principal currency exposures of 
Stratic relate to capital expenditure commitments denominated in pounds sterling 
and euros. The Company may hold cash in the currencies in which it has firmly 
planned projected expenditure or enter into short term currency hedging 
arrangements in order to manage such risks. All the Company's current natural 
gas sales are denominated in Turkish lira; this exposure is not currently 
hedged. Oil sales are denominated in US dollars, which is the functional 
currency of the Company's business. The Company had no forward exchange rate 
contracts in place as at or during the periods ended September 30, 2009 and 
December 31, 2008. 
(e) Fair value of financial instruments 
The Company's financial instruments as at September 30, 2009 and December 31, 
2008 consist of cash and cash equivalents, accounts receivable, deposits, 
accounts payable and accrued liabilities, bank loans and convertible notes. The 
fair value of cash and cash equivalents, accounts receivable, deposits and 
accounts payable and accrued liabilities approximate their carrying amounts due 
to their short-terms to maturity. The Company's bank loan bears interest at a 
floating market rate and accordingly the fair market value approximates the 
carrying value. The 2011 Notes outstanding with a face value of $15.0 million 
has a fair value of $14.3 million and the 2013 Notes outstanding with a face 
value of $47.4 million had a fair value of $41.5 million determined by 
discounting the future contractual cash flows under the notes at discount rates 
which represent borrowings presently available to the Company for notes with 
similar terms and maturity. 
Interest rate risk is the risk that future cash flows or the fair value of 
financial instruments will fluctuate as a result of changes in market interest 
rates. The Company is exposed to interest rate fluctuations on its bank debt 
which bears a floating rate of interest principally applicable to US dollars. If 
interest rates had been 1% higher for the nine months ended September 30, 2009, 
the net loss would have increased by $0.5 million with an equal an opposite 
impact had interest rates been 1% lower. The Company had no interest rate swap 
or other rate management contracts in place as at or during the nine months 
ended September 30, 2009. 
The Company's policy is to maintain a capital base adequate to sustain the 
future development of the business including having appropriate margins for 
unforeseen events, and to implement its strategic objectives and thereby deliver 
returns to shareholders. 
The Company manages its capital structure and makes adjustments to it in light 
of changes in economic conditions, the risk characteristics of the underlying 
petroleum and natural gas assets and investment requirements. The Company 
considers its capital to include shareholders' equity and subordinated 
convertible notes together totalling $185.5 million. This capital is 
supplemented with bank debt and working capital to finance the Company's 
operations. In broad terms, the Company aims over the medium-term to use equity 
and similar capital for risk investments such as exploration and appraisal 
expenditures, while using debt finance for a substantial proportion of 
development expenditures. 
The Company monitors capital requirements principally in relation to the 
projected future cash flows and planned expenditures of its operations and the 
current debt capacity of its assets as calculated under the relevant debt 
facility agreements and expected future debt capacity of the assets. The 
Company's debt capacity under its current bank facilities is linked to the 
projected cash flows and reserves from certain of its oil and gas assets, as 
well as continued compliance with cover ratios and covenants typical of oil and 
gas industry finance, including those relating to the progress of projects. 
Under existing bank and note agreements, the Company has restrictions over 
incurring debt outside existing facilities, and also from making dividend 
payments and distributions. In 2009 the Company has been restructuring by the 
sale of certain non-core assets to focus the business, and reduce net debt. As 
part of this it has amended its bank debt facilities (see note 11). 
In order to facilitate the management of liquidity, the Company prepares annual 
capital expenditure budgets and longer term plans, which are updated as 
necessary depending on varying factors including current and forecast prices, 
capital deployment and general industry conditions. The annual and updated 
budgets are approved by the Board of Directors. 
In order to maintain an adequate capital base the Company may from time to time 
issue shares and undertake asset portfolio management. There were no changes in 
the Company's approach to capital management during the period. 
The Company has not paid or declared any dividends since the date of 
incorporation, nor are any contemplated in the foreseeable future. 
The Company has the following outstanding commitments on its petroleum and 
natural gas properties: 
(a) In December 2005 the Company entered into a production sharing contract 
("PSC") with the Syria Petroleum Company and the Syrian Government, for Block 
XVII, onshore Syria (Stratic 35%). Under the terms of the PSC, the Company has a 
minimum remaining obligation to drill one firm exploratory well or invest $0.7 
million.  The Company has posted a $0.7 million deposit as assurance of funding 
its financial commitment (note 7). The obligation will be met by the drilling of 
the Al Tayr 101 well which spudded in October 2009 and is currently operating. 
(b) The Company, through its wholly-owned subsidiaries, Stratic Energy (UK) 
Limited, Stratic Energy (North Sea) Ltd and Stratic Energy (Developments) Ltd, 
has entered into the following work obligations with the UK licensing 
On Licence P1299 (Block 16/3d), containing a large part of the Cairngorm field, 
the Company and its partners must drill a well to a depth of 2,500 metres or to 
the basement, whichever is shallower within the initial term of the licence 
(expiry December 2009) or relinquish the licence. The estimated cost of the well 
net to Stratic is $8.0 million.  The Company is seeking an extension to the 
On Licence P1375 (Blocks 210/19a, 210/20a), the Company has a commitment to 
drill an exploratory well to a depth of 1,500 metres or to the Brent formation, 
whichever is the shallower, before the expiry of the initial term (December 
2009) or relinquish the licence. The estimated cost of the well net to Stratic 
is $13.5 million. The Company is seeking an extension to the licence. 
On Licence P1465 (Blocks 15/23c; 15/24a; 15/28a; 15/29e) the Company and its 
partners have a commitment to drill 2 firm wells and 2 contingent wells within 
the licence period which expires April 2011 or relinquish the licence. The 
estimated cost of the wells net to Stratic is up to $28.8 million, of which $7.5 
million is expected to be incurred by the end of 2009 on the Bowmore well, which 
was drilled in 2009. 
On Licence P1614 (Block 15/30b) the Company and its partners have a commitment 
to obtain and reprocess 45.3 sq km of 3D seismic data with a drill or drop 
commitment to drill a well to 2,700m or water bearing Forties Formation, 
whichever is shallower. The estimated cost of the seismic work net to Stratic is 
$0.2 million. 
On Licence P1582 (Block 20/15a) Stratic has a commitment to reprocess 230sq km 
of 3D seismic data and a drill or drop commitment to drill a well to 2,440m or 
Top Fulmar, whichever is the shallower. The estimated cost of the seismic data 
net to Stratic is $0.2 million. 
(c) In relation to Licence P1299 and Licence P1299 (Blocks 16/2b and 16/3b) 
which contain the Cairngorm field the Company has entered into arrangements 
pertaining to the 16/2b-5 appraisal well drilled late 2008/early 2009 under 
which the well services provider has agreed to defer receipt of payment for its 
services initially until July 14 , 2009, subsequently extended until August 7, 
2009. Security for the deferred payment, which amounts to $15.4 million in 
total, has been granted to the well services provider in an agreement entered 
into in November 2008 by Stratic Energy Developments (Holdings) Ltd and Stratic 
Energy (Developments) Ltd. This was in the form of a share charge granted by the 
former company over its shares in the latter company, whose assets include the 
Company's 10% interest in the Breagh gas discovery and part of the Company's 
interests in the Cairngorm and Bowmore oil discoveries, together with a fixed 
charge over the aforementioned Cairngorm and Bowmore interests. The Company has 
recorded an amount of $15.4 million within accounts payable at June 30, 2009. In 
July 2009 this amount was paid and the aforementioned security discharged, 
following which the Breagh, Bowmore and Cairngorm interests became the subject 
of first ranking security interests of the bank syndicate. 
(d) In the Dutch sector of the North Sea in the 'F Quad Blocks', the Company 
through its wholly owned subsidiary Grove Energy Limited, has a drill or drop 
commitment to drill a well in each licence block F14, F17a, F18 and L01b by 
November 2011.  The estimated cost of the wells net (at a 60% interest) to 
Stratic is $28.8 million. 
(e) The Company has entered into an agreement with its gas purchaser in Italy 
for the termination of its previous gas marketing arrangements, which required 
Stratic to sell all its gas from Longanesi at significant discounts. This 
agreement, which was extended on September 30, 2009 involves Stratic making a 
payment by March 31, 2010 at its option of EUR11.6 million plus VAT, of which a 
deposit payment of EUR0.5 million has been made and is included in other assets. 
The previous gas marketing arrangements will be re-instated in the event the 
option is not exercised and Stratic will forfeit its deposit of EUR0.5 million. 
Stratic is required to pay interest on the balance outstanding of the option. 
(f)    In Turkey, the Company has applied for three production leases, one for 
each of the producing fields; Akkaya, Ayazli and East Ayazli.  The balance of 
the two exploration licences containing the producing fields, AR/TOR-SET-TPO-POS 
/3499 and 3500, not covered by the new production leases, is expected to be 
reissued as new exploration licences.  Under the terms of the original eight 
licences, the Company and its partners were required to drill an exploration 
well by 29 April 2009, which date pursuant to regulations has been finally 
extended to 10 September 2009, in order to retain the current exploration 
licences. Operator TPAO is currently drilling an exploration well, West 
Ayazli-1, using the Saturn jack-up drilling unit which is expected to satisfy 
this drilling commitment.   The estimated cost of the well net to Stratic is 
$2.8 million, and was paid during quarter three. 
(g)    In Morocco on the Guercif permit, Stratic are being fully carried on the 
work obligation, with no cost to the Company, which includes seismic acquisition 
of 300km of 2D data. 
(h)The Company has obligations under operating leases in the UK and Italy for 
office space as follows: 
|                               |        |  |   2009    | 
|                               |        |  |           | 
| 2009                          |        |  |      $ 69 | 
| 2010                          |        |  |     $ 276 | 
| 2011                          |        |  |     $ 114 | 
| 2012                          |        |  |      $ 33 | 
|                               |        |  |           | 
In November 2009, the Company entered into a sale and purchase agreement with 
Enel Trade SpA in respect of the sale of its entire Italian business. The 
Italian business has been sold to allow the Company to reduce bank debt further 
and allow the Company to focus on its core assets. 
The sale is for cash consideration of EUR34.3 million ($50.9 million) and the 
assumption of existing obligations relating to the assets. Stratic is entitled 
to receive a further payment of EUR6.6 million ($9.8 million) provided the 
commencement of first production takes place by the end of 2011, reducing 
pro-rata by month, with no payment due if production commences after the end of 
2012. The transaction is subject to the usual industry conditions, including 
regulatory approval. In particular, completion of the sale is dependent on the 
following matters outside the Company's control - receipt of Ministry consent to 
the transfers of the licences concerned, regulatory approval to the development 
and approval to commence the associated environmental impact assessment, 
anti-trust clearance and the release of security by Stratic's bank syndicate 
(which has consented to the sale). Accordingly the sale is expected to close 
late in the first quarter of 2010. 
Stratic estimates that an after tax loss of approximately $60 million will be 
recognized on the disposal at current Euro to US dollar exchange rates. The book 
loss arises from the allocation of a significant proportion of the Grove Energy 
acquisition cost to the Italian assets, in 2007, resulting in a property, plant 
and equipment balance of $149.4 million in Italy at September 30, 2009 (see note 
The following is Management's Discussion and Analysis ("MD&A") of the operating 
and financial results of Stratic Energy Corporation ("Stratic" or the "Company") 
for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2009. The discussion and 
analysis should be read in conjunction with the unaudited interim consolidated 
financial statements as at September 30, 2009 and for the three and nine months 
ended September 30, 2009 and 2008, and the audited consolidated financial 
statements and accompanying notes for the years ended December 31, 2008 and 
All figures herein have been prepared in accordance with Canadian generally 
accepted accounting principles and are reported in US Dollars, unless otherwise 
This MD&A is dated and provided as of November 30, 2009. 
The financial statements referred to above, and additional information relating 
to National Instrument 51-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Oil and Gas 
Activities, the Company Statement of Reserves Data and Other Oil and Gas 
Information for the year ended December 31, 2008, together with the update 
thereon in a Material Change Report filed on November 27, 2009, can be found at 
In the MD&A the following abbreviations are used: 
bbl           barrel of oil (1) 
boe          barrels of oil equivalent 
bopd         barrels of oil per day 
boepd       barrels of oil equivalent per day 
bcf            billion cubic feet of gas 
bwpd         barrels of water per day 
DECCUK Department of Energy and Climate Change 
ft               feet 
mmbbls     million barrels of oil 
mmboe      million barrels of oil equivalent 
mmscf       million standard cubic feet of gas 
mmscf/d        million standard cubic feet per day of gas 
mscf or mcf    thousand standard cubic feet of gas 
(1) Natural gas is converted to crude oil equivalent at a ratio of six thousand 
standard cubic feet to one barrel. Boe may be misleading, particularly if used 
in isolation. A boe conversion rate of 6 mscf:1 bbl is based on an energy 
equivalency conversion method primarily applicable at the burner tip and does 
not represent a value equivalency at the wellhead. 
Certain statements contained within this MD&A, and in certain documents 
incorporated by reference into this document, constitute forward-looking 
statements. These statements relate to future events or future performance. All 
statements other than statements of historical fact may be forward-looking 
statements. Forward-looking statements are often, but not always, identified by 
the use of words such as "seek", "anticipate", "budget", "plan", "continue", 
"estimate", "expect" "forecast', "may", "will", "project", "predict", 
"potential", "targeting", "intend", "could", "might", "should", "believe" and 
similar expressions. These statements involve known and unknown risks, 
uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results or events to 
differ materially from those anticipated in such forward-looking statements. The 
Company believes the expectations reflected in those forward-looking statements 
are reasonable but no assurance can be given that these expectations will prove 
to be correct and such forward-looking statements included in, or incorporated 
by reference into, this MD&A should not be unduly relied upon. These statements 
speak only as of the date of this MD&A or as of the date specified in the 
documents incorporated by reference into this MD&A, as the case may be. 
This MD&A, and the documents incorporated by reference herein, contain 
forward-looking statements pertaining to the following: 
  *  the performance characteristics of our oil and natural gas properties; 
  *  the size of our oil, natural gas liquids and natural gas reserves and production 
  *  estimates of future cash flow; 
  *  projections of market prices and costs; 
  *  drilling plans and timing of drilling, recompletion and tie-in of wells; 
  *  weighting of production between different commodities; 
  *  commodity prices, exchange rates and interest rates; 
  *  expected levels of royalty rates, operating costs, general and administrative 
  costs, costs of services and other costs and expenses; 
  *  capital expenditure programs and other expenditures and the timing and method of 
  financing thereof; 
  *  supply of and demand for oil, natural gas liquids and natural gas; 
  *  expectations regarding our ability to raise capital and to add to reserves 
  through acquisitions and development; 
  *  our acquisition and disposals strategy and the benefits to be derived therefrom; 
  *  our ability to grow or sustain production and reserves through prudent 
  *  the emergence of accretive growth opportunities and continued access to capital 
  *  our future operating and financial results; 
  *  schedules and timing of certain projects and our strategy for future growth; and 
  *  treatment under governmental and other regulatory regimes and tax, environmental 
  and other laws. 
In particular, this MD&A contains the following forward-looking statements 
pertaining to the following: 
  *  production volumes; 
  *  timing of cash flows; 
  *  future oil and gas prices; 
  *  operating costs; 
  *  royalty rates; 
  *  future development, exploration, and acquisition and development activities and 
  related expenditures; 
  *  the amount of future asset retirement obligations; 
  *  future liquidity and future financial capacity; 
  *  future tax treatment of the Company; and 
  *  future structure of the Company and its subsidiaries. 
With respect to forward-looking statements contained in this MD&A and the 
documents incorporated by reference herein, we have made assumptions regarding, 
among other things: 
  *  future oil and natural gas prices; 
  *  the quality of oil and natural gas reserves and production; 
  *  the continued availability of capital and other resources including skilled 
  *  the cost of expanding our licensed acreage; 
  *  the ability to obtain equipment in a timely manner to carry out exploration, 
  development exploitation activities; 
  *  the ability to obtain financing on acceptable terms; 
  *  the ability to add production and reserves through exploration, development and 
  exploitation activities; and 
  *  the continuation of the current tax and regulatory regime and other assumptions 
  contained in this MD&A and the documents incorporated by reference herein. 
The actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in these 
forward-looking statements as a result of the risk factors set forth below and 
elsewhere in this MD&A and the documents incorporated by reference into this 
  *  volatility in market prices for oil, natural gas liquids and natural gas; 
  *  counterparty credit risk; 
  *  access to capital; 
  *  changes or fluctuations in oil, natural gas liquids and natural gas production 
  *  liabilities inherent in oil and natural gas operations; 
  *  adverse regulatory rulings, orders and decisions; 
  *  attracting, retaining and motivating skilled personnel; 
  *  uncertainties associated with estimating oil and natural gas reserves; 
  *  competition for, among other things, capital, acquisitions of reserves, licence 
  acreage and services; 
  *  incorrect assessments of the value of acquisitions and targeted exploration and 
  development assets; 
  *  fluctuations in foreign exchange or interest rates; 
  *  stock market volatility, market valuations and the market value of the common 
  shares of Stratic; 
  *  failure to realize the anticipated benefits of acquisitions and/or disposals; 
  *  actions by governmental or regulatory authorities including changes in royalty 
  and fiscal structures relating to the oil and gas industry; 
  *  limitations on insurance; 
  *  changes in environmental or other legislation applicable to our operations, and 
  our ability to comply with current and future environmental and other laws; 
  *  geological, technical, drilling and processing problems and other difficulties 
  in producing oil, natural gas liquids and natural gas reserves; and 
  *  the other factors discussed under "Business Risks and Uncertainties" in this 
Statements relating to "reserves" or "resources" are by their nature deemed to 
be forward-looking statements, as they involve the implied assessment, based on 
certain estimates and assumptions, that the resources and reserves described can 
be profitably produced in the future. 
Readers are cautioned that the foregoing lists of factors are not exhaustive. 
The forward-looking statements contained in this MD&A and the documents 
incorporated by reference herein are expressly qualified by this cautionary 
statement. Stratic does not undertake any obligation to publicly update or 
revise any forward-looking statements except as required by applicable 
securities law. 
Stratic is an international oil and gas business engaged in the appraisal, 
development and production of petroleum and natural gas discoveries, 
supplemented by a moderate risk exploration program. Its principal current 
interests are in the United Kingdom ('UK') and Netherlands sectors of the North 
Sea, Italy and the Mediterranean area, including Turkey and Syria. Production is 
mainly from the West Don oil field in the UK, which commenced production in late 
April 2009, together with the Company's Turkish gas business. Stratic has 
undeveloped reserves in the Crawford oil field in the UK, and the Longanesi gas 
field in Italy, although a sale and purchase agreement for the sale of the 
Italian business has recently been signed. 
Stratic's overall business performance at this early stage in its development is 
best measured in terms of the progress made on its key development projects and 
its success in exploration and appraisal activity, along with its ability to add 
value through portfolio management. It is too soon in the industry cycle to 
judge progress in financial terms, although meaningful measures such as cash 
flow and earnings will become increasingly important as the Company moves 
further into the production cycle. 
In November 2009, the Company entered into a sale and purchase agreement with 
Enel Trade SpA in respect of the sale of its entire Italian business. The 
Italian business has been sold to allow the Company to reduce bank debt further 
and allow the Company to focus on its core assets. 
The sale is for cash consideration of EUR34.3 million ($50.9 million) and the 
assumption of existing obligations relating to the assets. Stratic is entitled 
to receive a further payment of EUR6.6 million ($9.8 million) provided the 
commencement of first production takes place by the end of 2011, reducing 
pro-rata by month, with no payment due if production commences after the end of 
2012. The transaction is subject to the usual industry conditions, including 
regulatory approval. In particular, completion of the sale is dependent on the 
following matters outside the Company's control - receipt of Ministry consent to 
the transfers of the licences concerned, regulatory approval to the development 
and approval to commence the associated environmental impact assessment, 
anti-trust clearance and the release of security by Stratic's bank syndicate 
(which has consented to the sale). Accordingly the sale is expected to close 
late in the first quarter of 2010. 
The credit crisis and the recent volatility of crude oil and natural gas prices 
have had a significant effect on Stratic's business, limiting access to capital 
at a crucial time. The Company has therefore taken steps to re-structure its 
business to reduce its capital expenditure outlook and its dependency on 
external finance. Discretionary exploration and appraisal expenditure has been 
cut back or deferred, overheads have been trimmed and our disposals program is 
well advanced. Stratic has sold its interest in the Breagh gas discovery in the 
North Sea for approximately $65 million and is awaiting completion of the $51 
million sale of its business in Italy. The Company is not currently funded for 
certain of its operating commitments, and scheduled bank debt repayments. 
Accordingly, the Company is in discussions with its bank syndicate to defer 
certain near-term debt repayments due at the end of 2009 until next year, and 
for the provision of additional short-term working capital facilities, all of 
which will be repaid from the Italy sales proceeds when received. The support of 
the bank syndicate is ultimately dependent, inter alia, on the receipt of 
proceeds from the sale of the Company's Italian business. 
Progress on Stratic's developments and potential developments has been heavily 
influenced by the prevailing economic conditions. Despite these challenges, 
first production on the West Don development was achieved on April 28, 2009, 
less than 12 months after the project was sanctioned by the UK government. 
Operational delays in bringing the second production well and the water injector 
well on-stream at originally planned rates have, however, meant that production 
from the field has not reached the full capacity envisaged under the development 
plan, which assumed that all three wells would be brought on-stream together in 
the second quarter. The second production well was brought on-stream in early 
August and the operator is in the process of rectifying a number of issues with 
gas lift and water injection equipment to improve production. As a result of the 
reduced water injection levels to date and continuing equipment issues during 
2009, reservoir pressures are lower than originally anticipated, and therefore 
short term peak production levels will also be lower. However future production 
levels are now expected to decline more gradually, with production rates beyond 
2010 expected to be substantially higher than originally planned. In the first 
quarter next year the field will be tied in by pipeline to the nearby Thistle 
platform, following which offshore loading will cease. 
Pre-development work on the Crawford field has focused on a development concept 
involving the sub-sea tie-back of four development wells to nearby 
infrastructure. The operator has recently commenced work on an alternative 
development concept with a view to reducing capital expenditure, amongst other 
considerations. This will delay sanction of the project into 2010. Also in the 
UK, the Company completed operations on the Bowmore appraisal well in August 
2009, with the well being suspended under 'tight-hole' status pending further 
In Italy, work is ongoing to facilitate completion of the sale of Stratic's 
business there. In the Netherlands, in 2008 the Company decided not to proceed 
with the long reach well to develop the Horizon West field against a backdrop of 
rising costs and risks, and is continuing with its internal review of its 
position in the country. In Turkey, the second phase of gas development in the 
Company's Black Sea Akcakoca acreage is being advanced, with first gas from this 
phase expected in late 2010. Gas prices remain firm in Turkey, with Stratic's 
realised price a little over $8.00/mcf. An exploration well on West Ayazli is 
currently operating. 
In Syria, the Al Tayr 101 well was spudded by Stratic as operator in October 
2009, and is currently operating. The well is expected to reach total depth 
early in 2010. 
Financially, Stratic had a net income for the quarter ended September 30, 2009 
of $13.1 million (September 30, 2008 - net loss $13.0 million) and a net loss of 
$2.1 million (September 30, 2008 - $24.6 million) for the nine months ended 
September 30, 2009. The Company ended the period with cash of $11.3 million 
(December 31, 2008 - $28.2 million), including restricted cash expected to be 
used in operations within 12 months, bank debt of $48.0 million (December 31, 
2008 - $58.5 million) and convertible notes in aggregate principal amount of 
$62.4 million (December 31, 2008 - $60.3 million). 
The net income for the quarter ended September 30, 2009 was $13.1 million 
compared with a net loss of $13.0 million for the corresponding period of 2008, 
the increased profit being attributable to a $22.5 million gain on the disposal 
of the UK North Sea Breagh gas field and associated exploration licences, an 
increase in production revenues from the West Don field in the UK North Sea 
partially offset by increased finance charges due to the higher debt levels in 
2009, and an increased cost of borrowing. 
The net loss for the nine months ended September 30, 2009 was $2.1 million (2008 
- $17.9 million). The gain on the Breagh disposal and increased production 
revenues was partially offset by increased finance charges. 
Production for the third quarter of 2009 totalled 1,440 boepd (2008 - 338 
boepd). The increase is due to commencement of production in April 2009 from the 
Company's West Don oil field in the UK. Turkish gas production declined in 2009 
compared with 2008, as a result of natural depletion of the gas fields following 
the initial period of flush production after the fields were first brought 
on-stream in late 2007. 
Production for the nine months to September 30, 2009 was 1,022 boepd (2008 - 349 
boepd) with the increase attributable to production from the West Don oil field. 
The decline in the Turkish gas production in the first nine months of 2009 
compared with the same period in 2008 was due to natural depletion of the 
The following table summarises the production volumes by product: 
|                                       |   Three months    | Nine months ended  | 
|                                       |  ended September  |    September 30    | 
|                                       |        30         |                    | 
| Production volumes                    |  2009    |  2008  |  2009   |  2008    | 
|                                       |          |        |         |          | 
| Oil (bbl)                             |  107,033 |      - | 204,855 |        - | 
| Natural gas (mmscf)                   |    152.8 |  486.3 |   444.3 |    573.6 | 
|                                       |          |        |         |          | 
| Oil (bopd)                            |    1,163 |      - |     750 |        - | 
| Natural gas (mmscf/d)                 |     1.66 |   2.03 |    1.63 |     2.09 | 
| Total (boepd)                         |    1,440 |    338 |   1,022 |      349 | 
|                                       |          |        |         |          | 
| Sales volumes                         |          |        |         |          | 
|                                       |          |        |         |          | 
| Oil (bbl)                             |  115,051 |      - | 196,804 |        - | 
| Natural gas (mmscf)                   |    152.8 |  486.3 |   444.3 |    573.6 | 
|                                       |          |        |         |          | 
The difference between production volumes and sales volumes relates to inventory 
held at the period end. 
Revenues and royalties 
Petroleum and natural gas sales revenue for the quarter was $9.1 million (2008 - 
$2.2 million), the 2009 increase being due to the West Don oil sales revenue 
with production starting in April 2009. 
Petroleum and natural gas sales revenue for the nine months ended September 30, 
2009 was $17.4 million (2008 - $5.9 million). The 2009 increase was also due to 
the West Don oil sales revenue. 
The following table summarises revenue and average prices by product: 
|                                       |   Three months    |Nine months ended  | 
|                                       |  ended September  |   September 30    | 
|                                       |        30         |                   | 
| Revenue ($'000)                       |  2009    |  2008  |  2009  |  2008    | 
|                                       |          |        |        |          | 
| Oil                                   |    7,832 |      - | 13,461 |        - | 
| Natural gas                           |    1,228 |  2,226 |  3,960 |    5,919 | 
|                                       |          |        |        |          | 
|                                       |    9,060 |  2,226 | 17,421 |    5,919 | 
|                                       |          |        |        |          | 
| Average realized prices               |          |        |        |          | 
|                                       |          |        |        |          | 
| Oil ($/bbl)                           |    68.08 |   -    |  68.40 |        - | 
| Natural gas ($/mscf)                  |     8.04 |  11.95 |   8.91 |    10.32 | 
Gas production is all sold under a long term contract to AKSA, a local gas 
marketing company, for industrial use in Turkey. The price is based on the state 
gas pipeline company's posted prices (BOTAS), which in turn are based on the 
cost of imported supplies to Turkey. The oil production is all sold to a large 
international oil company and its price correlates with the Brent oil price. 
Royalties payable, principally to the Turkish State at a rate of 12.5%, are 
shown as a deduction from revenue. There are no royalties payable in the UK for 
the West Don field. Royalties in the third quarter of 2009 were $0.2 million, 
compared to $0.3 million for the same period in 2008. The decrease is consistent 
with decreased revenues in Turkey. Other income in the third quarter 2009 was 
$0.6 million lower than in the third quarter 2008 due to 2008 including an 
insurance receipt relating to a claim in Turkey from lost production principally 
in 2007. Interest income for the third quarter 2009 was lower than in 2008 due 
to reduced cash balances and lower interest rates. Total revenue for the quarter 
was therefore $8.9 million (2008 - $2.6 million). 
Royalties for the nine months ended September 30, 2009 were $0.6 million (2008 - 
$0.9 million). The decrease is consistent with decreased revenues in Turkey. 
Other income for the nine months ended September 30, 2009 was $0.5 million lower 
than in the same period for 2008 due to 2008 including the insurance receipt in 
Turkey relating to lost production principally in 2007. Interest income was 
lower than in 2008 due to reduced cash balances and lower interest rates. 
Total revenue for the nine months ended September 30, 2009 was $16.9 million 
(2008 - $6.0 million). 
Operating costs for the quarter were $2.9 million (2008 - $0.2 million) 
reflecting the increase in production from the commencement of the West Don 
field. Depletion, depreciation and accretion expense was $5.0 million (2008 - 
$2.5 million) calculated on a unit of production basis. The effect on the 
depletion, depreciation and accretion charge in 2009 compared with 2008, from 
the West Don field was reduced by lower depreciation in 2009 for the Turkey gas 
field due to lower production and a proved reserve increase in the Turkish 
assets in the fourth quarter of 2008. 
Operating costs for the nine months ended September 30, 2009 were $5.2 million 
(2008 - $0.9 million) and depletion, depreciation and accretion expense was $9.7 
million (2008 - $7.5 million). The increase in the operating costs and 
depletion, depreciation and accretion charge in 2009 compared with the similar 
period in 2008 is principally due to the increased production from the West Don 
field. The increase in the depletion, depreciation and accretion charge from the 
West don field is partially offset by a decrease in Turkey from a combination of 
lower production and the proved reserve increase in the fourth quarter 2008. The 
ceiling tests carried out at March 31, 2009 indicated the requirement for an 
impairment in the Turkish asset of $0.9 million, due to a reduction in forecast 
Turkish gas prices. No impairment was required from the ceiling tests carried 
out at September 30, 2009. 
The components of general and administrative costs and non-cash stock-option 
expense are shown in the table below: 
|        |        |        |  Three months   |        |   Nine months    | 
|        |        |        |ended September  |        | ended September  | 
|        |        |        |       30        |        |        30        | 
|        |        |        |   2009 |   2008 |        |  2009   |  2008  | 
|        |        |        |  $'000 |  $'000 |        |  $'000  | $'000  | 
|        |        |        |        |        |        |         |        | 
| General and              |  2,758 | 2,207  |        |   8,173 |  7,323 | 
| administrative expense   |        |        |        |         |        | 
| Amounts recovered and    |  (398) |  (361) |        | (1,085) |  (846) | 
| amount capitalised       |        |        |        |         |        | 
| Total general and        |  2,360 | 1,846  |        |   7,088 |  6,477 | 
| administrative           |        |        |        |         |        | 
|        |        |        |        |        |        |         |        | 
| Stock compensation costs |    960 | 2,035  |        |   2,981 |  3,102 | 
| charged over vesting     |        |        |        |         |        | 
| period                   |        |        |        |         |        | 
The increase in general and administrative expenses in 2009 is principally due 
to an increase in advisors' fees relating to the Company's financing 
arrangements. Stock-based compensation costs were lower in the third quarter 
2009 compared with the similar 2008 period due to stock options issued in July 
2008. Stock-based compensation for the nine months ended September 30, 2009 is 
similar to the same period in 2008 due to stock options being issued in June 
2009 and July 2008. 
During the quarter ended September 30, 2009 the Company incurred financial 
charges of $7.2 million compared with $2.4 million for the comparative period in 
2008, due principally to higher average levels of bank debt mainly resultant 
from the development of the West Don field in the UK North Sea, increased bank 
fees arising on the renegotiated bank facility and increased amortization of 
financial charges due to the repayment and cancellation of the Undeveloped Asset 
Backed Bank Facility in 2009, eighteen months ahead of maturity. 
During the nine months ended September 30, 2009 the Company incurred financial 
charges of $14.5 million compared with $5.9 million for the comparative period 
in 2008. The increase is due to higher debt levels, increased bank fees, 
increased amortization of financial charges and a full nine months interest on 
the 2013 Convertible Notes issued in April 2008. 
The Company recorded a foreign exchange gain for the quarter ended September 30, 
2009 of $0.1 million (2008 - $0.1 million). 
The Company recorded a foreign exchange loss for the nine months ended September 
30, 2009 of $1.2 million (2008 - $nil) principally arising on certain working 
capital balances which are denominated in pounds sterling, which strengthened 
against the US dollar. 
The current tax expense for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2009 
is nil (2008: nil) due to the availability of tax losses and allowances. The 
future tax expense for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2009 is nil 
(2008: $6.7 million). The 2008 expense is due to the tax rate for energy 
companies in Italy that have a turnover greater than EUR25 million increasing by 
5.5% to 38.25%.  This principally relates to temporary differences arising on 
the acquisition accounting adjustments in 2007 for the Italian assets in Grove 
Energy Limited. 
The net income for the third quarter ended September 30, 2009 was $13.1 million 
(2008 - net loss $13.0 million). The basic net income per share for the quarter 
was 5 cents (2008 - loss 5 cents). The diluted net income per share for the 
quarter was 4 cents (2008 - loss 5 cents). 
The net loss for the nine months ended September 30, 2009 was $2.1 million (2008 
- $24.6 million). The basic and diluted net loss per share for the nine months 
was 1 cent (2008 - 9 cents). 
Included in comprehensive loss is a currency translation gain of $4.9 million 
(2008 - loss $3.3 million) in respect of the Company's Italian operation, which 
has a euro functional currency, as the euro has strengthened against the US 
dollar in the nine month period. 
United Kingdom sector of the North Sea 
Production from West Don averaged 1,163 bopd (6,743 bopd gross) in the third 
quarter, marginally up on the previous quarter production of 1,075 bopd (6,233 
gross) as since August 7, 2009, the field has been producing from two wells. 
Production potential during the period was substantially higher than the average 
production reported due to ongoing commissioning problems with the gas lift 
system, general plant instability and an eleven day tanker disconnection during 
poor weather conditions in September. 
The West Don water injection well was brought on stream on September 9, 2009, 
and despite having tested injection rates of up to 18,000 bwpd using the rig 
pumps on the Stena Spey the lower rated pumps on the Northern Producer have only 
been able to inject at an average of approximately 5,000 bwpd. Once the 
commissioning work on the Don South West water injection wells is completed, the 
pressure rating of the system will be upgraded for a trial period. Operator 
Petrofac is confident that if the trial period proves successful in lifting 
injection rates, the upgrade can be made more permanent. Recent bottom hole 
pressure trends at the WPA production well suggest that water injection, even at 
current injection rates, is starting to have a positive effect on production 
Capital expenditure for the initial phase of the development is nearly complete 
now, with only the investment on the tie-in to Thistle remaining, which is on 
track for completion in the first quarter of 2010. Review of the recent well 
data and production performance, particularly in the light of the decision to 
sidetrack the West Don injection well up dip, suggests that there is 
considerable merit in drilling a third production well in the southern part of 
the field. This well was included in the Field Development Plan as a contingent 
well location, and is expected to access further reserves from the southern 
sector of the field as well as accelerate production from the central sector. 
The drilling of this well is estimated to cost $11.0 million net to Stratic, and 
is under evaluation by the West Don partnership. 
Stratic has published a revised estimate of reserves for the field following a 
review of the development well data and production performance to date by the 
Company's independent engineering consultant, the Ryder Scott Company ("Ryder 
Scott"). Anomalously low water salinities in the field have resulted in a 
reduction of oil initially in place (OIIP) of approximately 10%, however 
recovery factors are unchanged. Gross ultimate recoverable reserves have been 
reduced 11% from 13.3 million barrels (2.3 net to Stratic) to 11.8 million 
barrels (2.03 mmbbls net to Stratic) at the proved level, and 9% from 20.3 
million barrels to 18.4 million barrels (3.17 mmbbls net to Stratic) at the 
proved and probable level. 
As a result of the ongoing commissioning problems during 2009, production 
expectations for full year 2009, are substantially reduced to approximately 1.75 
million barrels against an original target of between 5.8 and 6.1 million 
barrels. Future production is expected to peak in 2011 at just below 11,000 bopd 
(gross) as a result of the third production well, and decline thereafter. at a 
much lower rate. Net remaining reserves at December 31, 2009 are expected to be 
1.72 million barrels at the proved level and 2.84 million barrels at the proved 
and probable level, respectively 33% and 16% higher than originally estimated. 
On the Crawford field (Stratic 19%), operator Fairfield has completed the final 
draft of the technical component of the field development plan assuming a single 
tertiary production well and three multi- fractured horizontal wells in the 
Triassic drilled from a semi-submersible drilling unit, with subsea completions 
on the wells tied back to the East Brae platform for processing and export. 
Whilst this option is commercially viable, the operator has identified the 
possibility of using a lower cost jack-up drilling unit and installing the 
production facilities on deck. This reduces the drilling costs as well as the 
completion and processing costs, but will increase operating costs. The obvious 
benefits of reduced capital expenditure are being investigated in more detail, 
with sanction of whichever option proves the most attractive now expected in 
The Nippon operated Bowmore appraisal well (Stratic 15%) was suspended as a 
'tight-hole' pending further analysis. The well data has value in the context of 
the highly prospective acreage surrounding Bowmore, and so the results will not 
be published. The partnership is planning to drill a further well on the licence 
in 2010. 
Discussions continue with potential farm-in partners on Stratic's 100% owned 
Quad 210 licence and 16/3d Cairngorm Block. The results of the farm-out process 
will dictate the Company's drilling plans on this acreage for 2010. 
Netherlands sector of the North Sea 
There has been no substantive activity, pending completion of an ongoing 
internal review of future plans for Stratic's interests in the Horizon West 
field (P8a: Stratic 60% and operator; Horizon West field: post unitization 
Stratic 48%, Chevron operator), and the F Quad Blocks (F14, F16, F17a, F18, 
L101a, shallow horizons only: Stratic 60%), in the Netherlands. 
On November 5, 2009 Stratic announced its agreement to sell its entire business 
in Italy, including the Longanesi gas field development, to Enel. 
Operational activity on Longanesi (formerly Abbadesse) (Stratic 33.5% pre 
development cost share) has been negligible. We are awaiting the consent of the 
Ministry to commence our application for environmental clearance (VIA). 
Production from the South Akcakoca phase 1 development of the Akkaya, Ayazli and 
East Ayazli fields (Stratic 12.25%) averaged 13.6 mmscf/d during the third 
quarter (277 boepd net to Stratic), down from 14.5 mmscf/d in the second 
quarter.  Production continues on a steady decline, but was boosted by opening 
the chokes at Akkaya in late July and at Ayazli 3A in late August to maintain 
production at a level of approximately 14 mmscf/d. At the end of September the 
balance of the behind pipe gas intervals in the East Ayazli 1 well were 
perforated, increasing gross production to over 17.0 mmscf/d. 
Stratic's realised gas price averaged $8.04/mcf in the third quarter, broadly in 
line with the second quarter ($8.38/mcf). 
The phase 2 project for development of the Akcakoca discoveries continues to 
advance with the project well under way. The fabrication of the jacket and deck 
has commenced. Float out and offshore installation, including a pipeline tie-in 
to the existing export system, is expected in summer 2010 with first gas 
scheduled for the fourth quarter of 2010. 
The West Ayazli well spudded on October 9, 2009 and is currently operating at 
total depth. The well drilled through the Kusuri sandstones in the 12.1/4" 
section, encountered gas bearing sands in the Akcakoca member from 598m. The 
main producing sand in the Ayazli field, the A sand, was pressure depleted in 
this well, indicating communication with the Ayazli field. It was agreed not to 
complete and tie back the well to the Ayazli platform (gross cost $10 million), 
but instead to perforate undepleted gas bearing sands lower in the Kusuri 
formation and allow them to cross flow into the A sands, and hence recover the 
gas through the existing Ayazli wells. This novel completion is estimated to 
cost about $1.5 million gross. The well is currently running substantially under 
the dry hole cost estimate of $23.1 million gross ($2.8 million net to Stratic). 
TPAO have recently proposed drilling a second well at East Akkaya immediately 
following the West Ayazli well. Stratic have voted against this location on the 
grounds of there being no strong amplitude anomaly, suggesting a lack of gas 
saturated sandstones at this location. The Akcakoca partners have voted in 
favour of the well, and Stratic has exercised its right of 'non-consent' and 
will not participate in the well, or be entitled to any hydrocarbon produced 
from the well if successful. 
On Block XVII (Stratic 35%, operator), the Al Tayr 101 well spudded on October 
7, 2009. The well, which is currently drilling ahead in 12 ΒΌ" hole, is expected 
to encounter the primary Kurrachine Dolomite target in late December and reach 
target depth at approximately 3,000 metres early in January 2010. 
No substantive activity has occurred since the last quarterly report. 
No substantive activity has occurred since the last quarterly report. 
During the three months ended September 30, 2009, the Company incurred 
expenditures of $12.9 million on its oil and gas properties, principally in the 
UK North Sea. The UK expenditure was principally in respect of development work 
on the West Don field and appraisal drilling on the Bowmore discovery. 
An analysis of petroleum and natural gas expenditures for the nine months ended 
September 30, 2009 and 2008 is shown below: 
| In $'000s       |                 |        |         |          |          |        |             | Other  |          | 
|        |        |                 |        |         |  United  |          |        |             |  Oil   |          | 
|        |        |                 |        |         |          |          |        |             |  and   |          | 
|        |        |                 |        |         |          |          |        |             |  Gas   |          | 
|        |        |                 |        | Turkey  | Kingdom  |  Italy   | Syria  |Netherlands  |Assets  |  Total   | 
| Balance at January 1, 2008                 | $20,179 |  $29,740 | $147,334 | $4,527 |     $38,110 |   $652 | $240,542 | 
|        |        |                 |        |         |          |          |        |             |        |          | 
| Additions during the period:                         |          |          |        |             |        |          | 
| Drilling                                   |     156 |    9,925 |        - |      - |           - |      - |   10,081 | 
| Construction and facilities                |     923 |   15,813 |        - |      - |           - |      - |   16,736 | 
| Seismic activities                         |       - |    1,078 |        - |     35 |           - |      - |    1,113 | 
| Geological and geophysical                 |       - |      259 |       20 |     85 |         726 |      - |    1,090 | 
| Technical and administrative               |     328 |    1,474 |      671 |    251 |       2,681 |      9 |    5,414 | 
| Consultancy and other                      |      55 |      136 |       88 |     40 |         187 |      5 |      511 | 
|        |        |                 |        |   1,462 |   28,685 |      799 |    411 |       3,594 |     14 |   34,945 | 
|                                                      |          |          |        |             |        |          | 
| Recoveries                                 |       - |        - |        - |      - |           - |  (454) |    (454) | 
| Depletion and depreciation                 | (7,022) |        - |        - |      - |           - |      - |  (7,022) | 
| Foreign currency                           |       - |        - |  (5,257) |      - |           - |      - |  (5,257) | 
|        |        |                 |        | (7,022) |        - |  (5,257) |      - |           - |  (454) | (12,733) | 
|        |        |                 |        |         |          |          |        |             |        |          | 
| Balance at September 30, 2008              | $14,619 |  $58,425 | $142,856 | $4,938 |     $41,704 |   $212 | $262,754 | 
|        |        |                 |        |         |          |          |        |             |        |          | 
|        |        |                 |        |         |          |          |        |             |        |          | 
| Balance at January 1, 2009                 | $14,073 | $106,110 | $141,832 | $5,773 |     $20,485 |   $213 | $288,486 | 
|        |        |        |                 |         |          |          |        |             |        |          | 
| Additions during the period:                         |          |          |        |             |        |          | 
| Drilling        |        |                 |     122 |   28,746 |        - |    691 |           - |      - |   29,559 | 
| Construction and facilities                |     321 |    9,850 |        8 |      - |           - |      - |   10,179 | 
| Seismic activities                         |       - |       15 |        - |      - |           - |      - |       15 | 
| Geological and geophysical                 |       - |       38 |        1 |      - |           6 |      - |       45 | 
| Technical and administrative               |     187 |    2,260 |      327 |    244 |         705 |      5 |    3,728 | 
| Consultancy and other                      |       - |      149 |       21 |     10 |           - |      - |      180 | 
|        |        |        |                 |     630 |   41,058 |      357 |    945 |         711 |      5 |   43,706 | 
| Add (deduct) other items                             |          |          |        |             |        |          | 
| Asset retirement obligations               |       - |       35 |        - |      - |           - |      - |       35 | 
| Recoveries                                 |   (313) |        - |        - |      - |     (2,288) |      - |  (2,601) | 
| Disposal                                   |       - | (42,249) |        - |      - |           - |      - | (42,249) | 
| Write downs                                |   (900) |        - |        - |      - |           - |      - |    (900) | 
| Depletion and depreciation                 | (2,063) |  (6,791) |        - |      - |           - |      - |  (8,854) | 
| Foreign currency                           |       - |        - |    7,186 |      - |           - |      - |    7,186 | 
|        |        |        |                 | (3,276) | (49,005) |    7,186 |      - |     (2,288) |      - | (47,383) | 
|        |        |        |                 |         |          |          |        |             |        |          | 
| Balance at September 30, 2009              | $11,427 |  $98,163 | $149,375 | $6,718 |     $18,908 |   $218 | $284,809 | 
The disposal relates to the Company's sale of the UK North Sea Breagh field and 
related exploration licences. The Italian business is the subject of a sale 
agreement which has not completed yet.  LIQUIDITY AND CAPITAL RESOURCES 
The Company's liquidity depends upon cashflow from operations, existing 
committed credit facilities and convertible loan notes, existing cash resources 
and the receipt of proceeds from planned asset disposals. 
The current economic and financial market conditions due to the global credit 
market crisis, including recent oil price volatility, have resulted in the 
Company's ability to raise additional capital being extremely constrained in 
both the debt and equity markets. In response to these conditions and 
circumstances, management has reduced its capital expenditure program to minimum 
levels consistent with its licence and contractual obligations, has restructured 
and is seeking to restructure further its bank debt to defer certain repayments, 
increase near term liquidity and in due course reduce indebtedness by repaying 
debt from disposal proceeds (as further detailed below). 
In July the Company announced it had entered into a sale agreement for its 
interests in the UK North Sea Breagh field and surrounding exploration acreage, 
for consideration of approximately $65 million. The sale was completed in late 
August 2009, and was largely used to pay down bank debt. In November 2009 a sale 
agreement for the sale of Stratic's Italian business was executed, for 
consideration of $51 million, plus contingent payments of up to approximately 
$10 million. The transaction is subject to the usual industry conditions, 
including regulatory approval. In particular, completion of the sale is 
dependent on the following matters outside the Company's control - receipt of 
Ministry consent to the transfers of the licences concerned, regulatory approval 
to the development and approval to commence the associated environmental impact 
assessment, anti-trust clearance and the release of security by Stratic's bank 
syndicate (which has consented to the sale). Accordingly the sale is expected to 
close late in the first quarter of 2010. 
Currently Stratic does not have sufficient liquidity to meet its expenditure 
obligations and scheduled debt repayments due at the end of 2009. The ability of 
the Company to continue to operate as a going concern is therefore dependent on 
the availability of new equity, the timing and operational success of 
anticipated cashflows including from disposals, and the continuing support of 
its bank syndicate including availability of existing bank financing. 
Cash and cash equivalents 
As at September 30, 2009 the Company had cash and cash equivalents of $9.5 
million (December 31, 2008 - $24.1 million). The Company had a further $1.0 
million of cash and cash equivalents held as deposits against work commitments 
on its oil and gas properties, which will become available as the relevant work 
is carried out, and $0.7 million of restricted cash relating to future interest 
payments on the 2011 convertible notes as required by the Company's bank loan 
facilities. The Company does not hold any asset-backed commercial paper. 
Debt facilities 
In July 2009 the Company executed amendment agreements with its bank syndicate 
for the amendment of its previous $150 million bank loan facilities, to include 
the deferral of certain repayments due in the second quarter of 2009, and the 
provision of temporary additional credit, pending repayment of these and overall 
bank debt reduction from the proceeds of the sale of the Breagh asset, which has 
since occurred. Under the new agreement, as from April 30, 2009 the Borrowing 
Base Facility was reduced from $115 million to $95 million, including the $5 
million working capital facility. 
As part of these arrangements, the Company agreed with its bank syndicate the 
amendment of the $35 million Undeveloped Asset Backed Facility to increase 
availability to a maximum of $51 million with use extended to general corporate 
purposes. In August 2009 the Undeveloped Asset Backed Facility was repaid in 
full and cancelled from the proceeds of the sale of the Breagh asset. 
The terms of the Borrowing Base Facility require the Company to make a scheduled 
debt repayment by December 31, 2009, for which funds are not expected to be 
available as a result of the production under-performance of the West Don field 
since start-up. However, the Company is currently in discussions with its bank 
syndicate, with a view to reaching agreement before year-end for the amendment 
of the facility to enable the deferral of this repayment until the receipt of 
the proceeds from the sale of Stratic's Italian business. In addition, Stratic 
is seeking additional temporary credit under the facility, to cover funding 
shortfalls that are expected in the period until receipt of the Italian sale 
proceeds, from which any drawings of this credit line will be repaid. In 
substance these amendments are similar to those undertaken in July 2009 with 
regard to the Breagh sale, as described above. The bank syndicate has indicated 
its intention in principle to provide the additional support as described above, 
although final bank credit approval has not yet been sought, nor has a facility 
amendment agreement yet been signed. This support is ultimately dependent, inter 
alia, on the receipt of proceeds from the sale of the Company's Italian business 
which requires certain conditions, which are outside the Company's control, to 
be met at sale completion. Additional fees and margin, yet to be agreed, will be 
payable to the bank syndicate for the provision of the additional liquidity 
sought by the Company. 
The Borrowing Base Facility has a final maturity of December 31, 2012, mainly 
with a current drawn margin over US dollar Libor of 4.5%. The effective interest 
rate of the overall facility for the nine months ended September 30, 2009 was 
4.71%. The facility is secured by fixed charge over the shares of Stratic's 
major subsidiary companies and certain operating subsidiaries and by floating 
charges over the assets including project bank accounts of certain of those 
major subsidiary companies and operating subsidiaries and by floating charge 
over Stratic's project bank accounts. As at September 30, 2009 $48.0 million had 
been utilized, mainly for the development of the West Don field. This comprises 
$38.1 million under the main tranche and a further $4.9 million under the cost 
over-run tranche in the facility, together with $5 million drawn under the 
working capital facility. 
Availability under the Borrowing Base Facility is primarily governed by a 
borrowing base determined according to the net present value of certain bank 
approved project cashflows and defined cover ratios. Projects approved for 
inclusion in the facility currently are the West Don and South Akcakoca phase 1 
developments. The borrowing base is scheduled in the normal course for a 
redetermination twice a year, as of June 30 and December 31, in which the latest 
independently certified reserves, production and cost profiles, together with 
bank approved economic assumptions including oil and gas prices and interest 
rates are used. The redetermination due as of June 30, 2009 was deferred by 
agreement with the bank syndicate as part of the amendment arrangements agreed 
earlier in 2009 and detailed above, and the redetermination as of the end of 
2009 is currently underway incorporating the recently updated reserves for the 
West Don field from Stratic's independent reporting engineers Ryder Scott; this 
is expected to be finalized in December 2009. The existing redetermination 
agreed with the banks as of December 31, 2008, is applicable until amended by 
the current redetermination. The existing redetermination shows repayments of 
$15.9 million due on December 31, 2009, $14.2 million on June 30, 2010, with a 
final repayment of $8.0 million at the end of 2010, making a total of $38.1 
million. In addition the $4.9 million cost over-run tranche, which was drawn in 
2009 after the existing redetermination was agreed, is due for repayment by June 
30, 2010, and the $5 million working capital facility drawing is due for 
repayment by December 31, 2012. Accordingly $35.0 million of the facility 
drawings at September 30, 2009 are shown as a current liability, and $13.0 
million as a long-term liability. In practice, the actual repayment schedule 
will be variable, with projected repayments subject to periodic amendments with 
each future redetermination, the inclusion or removal of projects, and also the 
expected uplift of reserves of the West Don field within the facility from 
proved to proved plus probable reserves at project completion, which is now 
expected in 2010. 
The Undeveloped Asset Backed Facility had a final maturity of March 31, 2011, 
and its drawn margin over US dollar Libor was increased to 12% from July 2009, 
until repayment and cancellation of the facility which occurred at the end of 
August 2009. The effective interest rate of the facility for the nine months 
ended September 30, 2009 was 7.72%. 
Stratic also has subordinated unsecured convertible loan notes outstanding 
totaling $62.4 million, comprising $15.0 million principal amount outstanding 
under the 8.75% convertible notes due for repayment in 2011, and $47.4 million 
principal amount outstanding under the 9% convertible notes due in 2013. 
At September 30, 2009 Stratic has total drawings on its bank facilities and 
convertible notes of $110.4 million and net drawings (after deducting cash) of 
$99.1 million. 
Contractual obligations 
The contractual obligations for which the Company is responsible are as follows: 
| As at September 30,      |            |  Less    |  2- 3    |  4 - 5   | After 5  | 
| 2009:                    |            |  than    |          |          |          | 
|  ($'000)                 |   Total    |  1 year  |  years   |  years   |  years   | 
|                          |            |          |          |          |          | 
| Convertible notes and    |     79,457 |    5,576 |   24,020 |   49,861 |        - | 
| interest                 |            |          |          |          |          | 
| Bank loan                |     48,011 |   34,963 |    8,048 |    5,000 |        - | 
| Payments for office      |        440 |      224 |      208 |        8 |        - | 
| lease                    |            |          |          |          |          | 
| Purchase obligations     |      5,945 |    5,945 |        - |        - |        - | 
| Asset retirement         |     20,127 |       82 |        - |    5,625 |   14,420 | 
| obligations              |            |          |          |          |          | 
|                          |    153,980 |   46,790 |   32,276 |   60,494 |   14,420 | 
Share capital 
As at September 30, 2009, and at the date of this MD&A, Stratic had 272,635,224 
common shares outstanding. Securities outstanding as at September 30, 2009 that 
can be converted into common shares included 25,339,736 incentive stock options 
held by current employees and 700,000 other stock options, as well as $15 
million principal amount of 2011 notes convertible into common shares at Cdn 
$1.56 per share and $47.4 million principal amount of 2013 notes convertible 
into common shares at $1.00 per share. 
Stratic has no derivative financial instruments outstanding as at September 30, 
2009. In order to provide a partial hedge of financial obligations denominated 
in foreign currencies, Stratic continues to maintain part of its cash resources 
in Canadian dollars, euros and pounds sterling. However, the Company policy is 
to retain other surplus funds in US dollars, the reporting currency and 
principal currency of operations. Stratic may in the future, from time to time, 
undertake limited hedging operations in respect of exposures to commodity price, 
currency and interest rate fluctuations. 
The following table summarises selected quarterly financial information. 
|   Quarter    |   |    Total |          Net |  Net income (loss)  | 
|    ended:    |   |          |              |      per share      | 
|              |   |  Revenue |       Income |  basic   | diluted  | 
|              |   |          |       (Loss) |          |          | 
|              |   |    $'000 |        $'000 |          |          | 
| Sep 30, 2009 |   |    8,903 |       13,058 |   $ 0.05 |   $ 0.04 | 
| Jun 30, 2009 |   |    6,812 |      (8,371) |   (0.03) |   (0.03) | 
| Mar 31, 2009 |   |    1,177 |      (6,808) |   (0.02) |   (0.02) | 
| Dec 31, 2008 |   |    1,673 |     (15,696) |   (0.06) |   (0.02) | 
| Sep 30, 2008 |   |    2,579 |     (12,986) |   (0.05) |   (0.05) | 
| Jun 30, 2008 |   |  2,414   |      (6,509) |   (0.02) |   (0.02) | 
| Mar 31, 2008 |   |    1,048 |      (5,146) |   (0.02) |   (0.02) | 
| Dec 31, 2007 |   |      975 |     (33,073) |   (0.12) |   (0.12) | 
Revenues, operating costs and depreciation increased from June 2009 due to the 
start up of the West Don field in the UK North Sea. Revenues increased from mid 
2007 due to the start-up of gas production offshore Turkey. Revenue for the 
third quarter 2008 includes an insurance receipt of $0.6 million due to 2007 
lost production in Turkey. Depletion and depreciation expense also increased in 
mid 2007 with the commencement of production, more than offsetting the 
production revenues. The loss for the fourth quarter 2007 included an impairment 
charge of $29.4 million on the petroleum and natural gas properties in Turkey 
due to a downward revision in estimated reserves and a credit for a future tax 
reduction of $6.9 million from a reduction in the corporate tax rate in Italy. 
The loss for the third quarter 2008 includes a future tax charge of $6.7 million 
from an increase in the corporate tax rate in Italy for energy companies. The 
loss for the fourth quarter 2008 includes an impairment charge of $21.2 million 
on the petroleum and natural gas properties in the Netherlands due to a downward 
revision in reserves and uncertainty over a development plan for the Horizon 
West asset and a related future tax reduction of $10.6 million. The loss for the 
second quarter 2009 includes increased financial charges totaling $4.5 million 
due to increased borrowing and higher debt facility costs. The net income for 
the third quarter 2009 includes a gain of $22.5 million from the disposal of the 
UK North Sea Breagh gas discovery and financial charges of $7.2 million due to 
increased costs of borrowing and the early repayment of the Undeveloped Asset 
Backed Bank facility. 
The Company was not involved in any related party transactions during the period 
ended September 30, 2009. 
The significant accounting policies used by the Company are disclosed in note 2 
to the audited Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 
2008. Certain accounting policies require that management make appropriate 
decisions with respect to the formulation of estimates and assumptions that 
affect the reported amount of assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses. 
Management reviews its estimates on a regular basis. The emergence of new 
information and changed circumstance may result in actual results or changes to 
estimated amounts that differ materially from current estimates. A detailed 
discussion of the critical accounting policies and practices of the Company 
which helps to assess the likelihood of materially different results being 
reported is disclosed in the 2008 annual Management's Discussion and 
In February 2008, the CICA Accounting Standards Board ("AcSB") confirmed the 
changeover to IFRS from Canadian GAAP will be required for publicly accountable 
enterprises for interim and annual financial statements effective for fiscal 
years beginning on or after January 1, 2011, including comparatives for 2010. 
In response the Company will perform a review of the significant areas of 
difference in order to identify all specific Canadian GAAP and IFRS differences 
and select ongoing IFRS policies. Key areas addressed will also be reviewed to 
determine any information technology issues, the impact on internal controls 
over financial reporting and the impact on business activities including the 
effect, if any, on covenants and compensation arrangements. 
The Company will also continue to monitor standards development as issued by the 
International Accounting Standards Board and the AcSB as well as regulatory 
developments as issued by the Canadian Securities Administrators, which may 
affect the timing, nature or disclosure of its adoption of IFRS. 
In July 2009 an amendment to IFRS 1 First Time Adoption of International 
Reporting Standards was issued that applies to oil and gas assets. The amendment 
allows an entity that used full cost accounting under its previous GAAP to elect 
to measure oil and gas assets including exploration and evaluation assets and 
development and production assets at values determined under their previous GAAP 
with development and production assets being allocated pro rata using reserve 
volumes or reserve values as of the date of adoption, providing that all assets 
are tested for impairment on adoption. 
In May 2009, the CICA amended Section 3862, 'Financial Instruments - 
Disclosures' to include additional disclosure requirements about fair value 
measurement for financial instruments and liquidity risk disclosures. These 
amendments require a three level hierarchy that reflects the significance of the 
inputs used in making the fair value measurements. Fair value of assets and 
liabilities included in Level 1 are determined by reference to quoted prices in 
active markets for identical assets and liabilities. Assets and liabilities in 
Level 2 include valuations using inputs other than quoted prices for which all 
significant outputs are observable, either directly or indirectly. Level 3 
valuations are based on inputs that are unobservable and significant to the 
overall fair value measurement. These amendments are effective on December 31, 
Stratic, like all companies in the international oil and gas industry, operates 
in environments subject to inherent risks. Many such uncertainties are beyond 
the ability of a company to control - particularly those associated with 
exploring for, and developing, economic quantities of hydrocarbons; volatile 
commodity prices; foreign exchange; governmental regulations and tax systems and 
environmental matters. In addition, the Company participates in selected 
international exploration ventures of high potential that expose it to certain 
political and business risks. The Company's business is affected by these risks 
to the same degree as any other participant in the international oil and gas 
industry. Further, although Stratic maintains an insurance program in line with 
industry practice, not all risks may reasonably be insured against. 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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