FRANKFURT--The following is a summary of analysts' forecasts for Allianz SE (ALV.XE) fourth-quarter results, based on a poll of 13 analysts conducted by Dow Jones Newswires (figures in million euros, dividend and target price in euro, combined ratio in percent, according to IFRS). Earnings figures are scheduled to be released February 27.

                                          Operat.    Operat. 
                                  Operat.  profit     profit 
                  Total  Operat.   profit  Life &      Asset 
4th Quarter     revenue   profit      P/C  Health  managment 
AVERAGE          26,334    2,277    1,218     707        700 
Prev. Year       25,927    2,216    1,219     485        917 
+/- in %           +1.6     +2.8    -0.04     +46        -24 
MEDIAN           26,253    2,272    1,219     703        670 
Maximum          26,932    2,500    1,383     861        850 
Minimum          25,900    2,053    1,010     599        612 
Amount (b)            5       13       11      11         11 
Banca Sabadell   26,932    2,053    1,136     717        617 
Bankhaus Lampe       --    2,431    1,321     648        850 
Bryan, Garnier       --    2,070    1,010     676        665 
DZ Bank          26,587    2,245    1,065     703        751 
Equinet          26,000    2,320    1,210     730        670 
Goldman Sachs        --    2,440    1,264     664        772 
J.P. Morgan          --    2,500    1,383     650        721 
Kepler Cheuvreux 25,900    2,272    1,219     754        663 
MainFirst Bank   26,253    2,192    1,361     599        758 
Morgan Stanley       --    2,206    1,195     861        616 
                               Net     Comb.            FY 
                           attrib.     Ratio   Comb. Ratio 
4th Quarter          EBT    income       (a)           (a) 
AVERAGE            2,086     1,258      95.3          95.1 
Prev. Year         2,173     1,243      95.3          96.2 
+/- in %            -4.0      +1.2       0.0          -1.1 
MEDIAN             2,140     1,244      95.0          95.1 
Maximum            2,235     1,473      98.2          96.5 
Minimum            1,953     1,061      93.2          94.6 
Amount (b)             7        13        10            10 
Banca Sabadell     1,953     1,222      95.7          95.2 
Bankhaus Lampe     2,235     1,294      94.3          94.7 
Bryan, Garnier        --     1,071      97.9          96.5 
DZ Bank            1,959     1,201      95.7          95.2 
Equinet            2,170     1,439      95.0            -- 
Goldman Sachs         --     1,473      94.7          94.9 
J.P. Morgan           --     1,451      93.6          94.7 
Kepler Cheuvreux      --     1,354      94.9          95.0 
MainFirst Bank     1,996     1,263      93.2          94.6 
Morgan Stanley        --     1,213      98.2            -- 
            Target price  Rating                   DPS 2013 
AVERAGE           140.76  positive 7      AVERAGE      5.29 
Prev. Quarter     134.71  neutral  4      Prev. Year   4.50 
+/- in %            +4.5  negative 1      +/- in %      +18 
MEDIAN            138.00                  MEDIAN       5.30 
Maximum           155.00                  Maximum      5.50 
Minimum           126.00                  Minimum      5.00 
Amount                11                  Amount         10 
Banca Sabadell    137.40  Buy                          5.00 
Bankhaus Lampe    135.00  Buy                          5.50 
Berenberg         148.00  Buy                          5.30 
Bryan, Garnier    136.00  Neutral                      5.10 
Citigroup         138.00  Neutral                      5.40 
Credit Suisse     148.00  Outperform                   5.29 
DZ Bank           126.00  Sell                         5.30 
Equinet           130.00  Hold                         5.00 
Goldman Sachs     155.00  Buy                          5.50 
J.P. Morgan       152.00  Overweight                   5.50 
Kepler Cheuvreux  143.00  Buy                            -- 
Morgan Stanley        --  Equalweight                    -- 

Year-earlier figures are as reported by the company.

(a) Property-casualty.

(b) Including anonymous estimates from three more analysts.


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