-- Results in line with targets: 
    -- Revenues growth of 5% 
    -- 8.5% operating margin (up 1.1 points) 
    -- Profit for the year of EUR451 million (5.2% of revenues) 
    -- Dividend of EUR1 per share maintained 

The Board of Directors of Cap Gemini S.A. (Paris:CAP), chaired by Serge Kampf, convened on February 11, 2009 to review and authorize for issue the audited financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2008. The key figures are the following:

(in millions of Euros)           FY                H1       H2       FY 
                                 2007(reminder)    2008     2008     2008 
Published Revenues               8,703             4,374    4,336    8,710 
Operating Margin (1)             640               332      412      744 
As a % of revenues               7.4%              7.6%     9.5%     8.5% 
Operating Profit (2)             493               288      298      586 
Profit for the period            440               231      220      451 
As a % of revenues               5.1%              5.3%     5.1%     5.2% 
Net Cash and cash equivalents    889               533      774      774 

After a fourth quarter up by 3.3% on Q4 2007, the Capgemini Group has recorded for the full year, revenues growth of 5.0% on a like-for-like basis (constant Group structure and exchange rates). However on a published basis (current Group structure and exchange rates), revenues are practically the same as for last year, due to the strong appreciation of the Euro against the US dollar (+6.9%) and especially the pound sterling (+16.1%), two currencies which accounted for more than 40% of the Group's consolidated revenues in 2007.

Bookings for the year in consulting, technology and local professional services amount to EUR6,221 million, up by almost 9% over 2007, and the book-to-bill ratio is 1.09.

Outsourcing has recorded bookings of EUR3,038 million from which EUR1,149 million should be deducted following the amicable separation agreement concluded at the end of the year with EFH, who, having acquired our client TXU, decided to exercise the change of control clause included in the contract signed with the latter in 2004.

Outside of the effects of the renegotiation of certain major contracts, total bookings reach EUR9,259 million, which is a rise of 4% on the comparable number for 2007.

Operating margin - which is up in all four of the Group's disciplines - comes out at EUR744 million, which is 8.5% of 2008 consolidated revenues, against7.4% for last year.

Net other operating expense is EUR158 million (which includes EUR103 million in restructuring costs), leading to an operating profit of EUR586 million, which is 6.7% of revenues.

After net finance expense of EUR19 million and a tax charge of EUR116 million, consolidated profit for the year amounts to EUR451 million, or 5.2% of revenues.

2008 acquisitions (in particular Getronics PinkRoccade Business Applications Services BV) have not weakened the financial strength of the Group, with net cash of EUR774 million at December 31, 2008.

Earlier today the Board of Directors decided to recommend the payment of a dividend of EUR1 per share(3) at the next General Shareholders Meeting i.e. one third of Group profit for the year, in line with Capgemini's dividend policy.

Outlook for 2009

In a climate of high uncertainty, the Group considers that it does not have enough visibility beyond the first half. For the first six months of the year like-for-like revenues could see a modest decline. This would only have a limited impact on the operating margin, which should remain above 6.5% (operating margin for the first half of 2008 being 7.6%).

(1)Operating margin is one of Group's key performance indicators for the Group's activity. It is defined as the difference between revenues and operating costs, these being equal to the sum of costs of services rendered (expenses incurred during project delivery), selling and general and administrative expenses.

(2)Operating profit incorporates the charges associated with shares or options allocated to certain employees, as well as other non recurring income and expenses such as goodwill impairment, capital gains or losses on disposals, restructuring costs, the cost of integrating recently acquired companies, as well as the impacts of the curtailment and settlement of defined benefit pension plans.

(3) Subject to the approval of the shareholders at the General Shareholders Meeting to be held on Thursday April 30, 2009, and in compliance with NYSE Euronext regulations, the ex-dividend date will be Tuesday May 5, the record date Thursday May 7 and the dividend payment date is as of Monday May 11.


Operations by Region:

    -- North America: 

like-for-like revenues are up by 3.4%. The good performance in

outsourcing, consulting and local professional services more than

makes up for the drop in revenues in Technology Services, which can be

explained by the difficulties in the financial services sector, as

well as the gradual replacement of local subcontractors by the Group's

Indian resources. Operating margin amounts to 5.8%, slightly down on


    -- Europe and the rest of the world: 

Benelux posted like-for-like revenue growth of 11.6% at constant

exchange rates and perimeters, similar to 2007, and remains the main

contributor to Group profitability despite a slight drop in operating

margin (14.2% versus 15.0% in 2007). France is seeing its margin

improve by close to 3 points to 7.3%, while its revenues, driven by

the dynamism of technology and local professional services, have grown

by 5.4%, slightly above the Group average. The United Kingdom &

Ireland region has seen its operating margin rise by a point to reach

7.8%, despite a marginal drop in like-for-like revenues (-0.5%) due to

the planned decrease in revenues with HMRC. Excluding this contract,

revenues for the region are up by 7% and its outsourcing business even

posts double-digit growth. The other countries or regions are globally

up by 7.8% like-for-like, with particularly strong growth in Italy,

the Nordic countries and Southern Europe; their operating margin is up

by almost 2 points (12.6% versus 10.7% in 2007).

Operations by Discipline:

    -- Local professional services (Sogeti Group) has recorded both 

the strongest growth (+9.1% like-for-like)

and the best operating margin in 2008 (12.9%);

    -- Outsourcing has recorded fine growth of 4.6% thanks to good 

momentum in all regions, especially Benelux and Germany; its operating

margin continues to rise, reaching 5.4%;

    -- Consulting has recorded the strongest margin improvement (12.8% 

on 10.5% in 2007); but with growth which is weaker than that of other

disciplines (2.4%) due to a notable weakening over the second half;

    -- Technology services has recorded growth of 4.1% but actual 

growth is two points higher when taking into account the growing

volume of revenues made for the other Group disciplines, outsourcing

in particular. Moreover, thanks notably to administrative cost

control, its operating margin is up by more than a point to 10.2%.


Between December 31, 2007 and December 31, 2008, the headcount grew by 8,113 people, with almost half of new recruitment being carried out in offshore countries. Essentially concentrated in India, but also in Poland, China, Morocco and South America offshore employees represented 28% of the total Group headcount (25,275 people out of a total 91,621) on December 31.

Executive Compensation:

Having taken into account the recommendations of the Selection and Compensation Committee, the Board of Directors has made the following decisions concerning the compensation of the Chairman and of the Chief Executive Officer:

    -- For 2008: The Board has authorized the assessment of the said 

committee, regarding the degree to which Mr. Serge Kampf and Mr. Paul

Hermelin have attained the qualitative objectives set for them at the

beginning of the year, and has therefore retained for the calculation

of the second variable portion of their 2008 compensation a total

weighted percentage of 110% for Mr. Kampf and 113% for Mr. Hermelin.

The first variable portion being automatically determined by the

Group's results in a number of general budget areas (including

revenues, operating margin and central costs...), their variable

compensation for 2008 will have been EUR617,000 for Mr. Kampf (110.2% of

theoretical variable) and EUR982,000 for Mr. Hermelin (111.7% of

theoretical variable);

    -- For 2009: The Board has decided to maintain unchanged theoretical 

compensation for Messrs. Kampf and Hermelin (fixed and variable if

objectives attained).


The Board has also approved the list of beneficiaries of performance shares, for which authorization was given by the Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting April 17, 2008. The Directors decided to add the name of Paul Hermelin, to whom they have allocated 50,000 shares, which is 3.4% of the total granted.