RNS No 679m
13th February 1998


Consolidated Figures 
(Thousands of Pesos in Real Terms as of Dec 1997)(*)

                       January - December           %
INCOME STATEMENT         1997        1996         Var.

Net Sales           30,573,187   28,249,204        8%
Cost of Sales      (18,735,000) (17,129,381)       9%
Gross Profit        11,836,187   11,119,823        9%
Selling, General
 and Administrative
 Expenses           (4,613,786)  (4,385,847)       5%
Operating Income     7,224,402    6,733,976        7%

 Financial Expenses (4,116,009)  (5,604,592)     (27%)
 Financial Income      300,727      446,117      (33%)
 Exchange Gain 
  (Loss), Net          (95,426)    (846,368)     (89%)
 Monetary Position
  Gain (Loss)        4,657,120   10,203,406      (54%)
Total Comprehesive
 Financing (Cost) 
 Income                746,412    4,198,562      (82%)

Gain of (Loss) on 

Securities             534,292      243,084      120%

Other Expenses, Net (1,109,961)  (1,431,705)     (22%)
Other Income 
 (Expense)            (575,669)  (1,188,621)     (52%)

Net Income Before 
 Income Taxes        7,395,145    9,743,918      (24%)
Income Tax            (403,969)    (756,528)     (49%)
Employees' Statutory 
 Profit Sharing       (131,731)     (46,605)     183%

Total Income Tax &
 Profit Sharing       (535,700)     (833,133)    (36%)

Net Income Before
 Participation of
 Uncons. Subs, and 
 Ext, Items          6,859,445     8,910,785     (23%)

Participation in

Subsidiaries           141,106       288,935     (51%)

Consolidated Net 
 Income              7,000,551     9,199,720     (24%)

Net Income Attributable    
 to Min. Interest      660,592       977,965     (14%)

Net Income After 
 Minority Interest   6,139,959     8,201,755     (25%)

EBITD (Op. Inc. +
 Depreciation)       9,630,563     9,127,445       6%
EBITD + Leases +
 Cost Actualization  9,927,015     9,387,531       8%

                             QUARTERS              %
INCOME STATEMENT      IV 1997     IV 1996         Var.

Net Sales            7,952,732    7,333,922        8%
Cost of Sales       (4,779,727)  (4,485,756)       7%
Gross Profit         3,173,005    2,848,136       11%
Selling, General
 and Administrative
 Expenses           (1,269,017)  (1,252,160)       1%
Operating Income     1,903,988    1,595,976       19%

 Financial Expenses (1,021,106)  (1,512,290)     (32%)
 Financial Income       98,609       90,458        9%
 Exchagne Gain 
  (Loss), Net         (132,054)    (180,178)     (27%)
 Monetary Position
  Gain (Loss)        1,016,897    2,395,824      (58%)
Total Comprehesive
 Financing (Cost) 
 Income                (37,654)     793,814     (105%)

Gain of (Loss) on 

Securities             302,817       52,704      475%

Other Expenses, Net   (463,035)    (478,090)      (3%)
Other Income 
 (Expense)            (160,218)    (425,386)     (62%)
Net Income Before 
 Income Taxes        1,706,117    1,964,403      (13%)
Income Tax             (61,378)    (125,137)     (51%)
Employees' Stautory 
 Profit Sharing        (57,845)      75,776     (176%)

Total Income Tax &
 Profit Sharing       (119,224)      (49,361)    142%

Net Income Before
 Participation of
 Uncons. Subs, and 
 Ext, Items          1,566,893     1,915,042     (17%)

Participation in

Subsidiaries            14,303       139,362     (90%)

Consolidated Net 
 Income                131,654       186,356     (29%)

Net Income Attributable    
 to Min. Interest      131,654       186,356     (29%)

Net Income After 
 Minority Interest   1,469,532     1,868,048     (21%)

EBITD (Op. Inc. +
 Depreciation)       2,475,109     2,158,017      15%
EBITD + Leases +
 Cost Actualization  2,543,806     2,213,425      15%

                       January - December           %
BALANCE SHEET            1997        1996         Var.

Total Assets        82,567,726    83,457,280      (1%)

Cash and Temporary
 Investments         3,069,338     3,430,872     (11%)
Trade Accounts
 Receivables         3,675,328     3,403,218       8%
Other Receivables    1,562,971     1,548,819       1%
Investories          3,449,584     3,504,279      (2%)
Other Current Assets   642,153       883,901     (27%)

Current Assets      12,399,374    12,771,087      (3%)  
Fixed Assets        48,466,863    48,204,643       1%
Other Assets        21,701,489    22,481,550      (3%)

Total Liabilities   44,668,852    47,052,048      (5%)
Current Liabilities 10,245,844    11,500,688     (11%)
 Liabilities         2,459,365     2,360,611       4%

 Equity             37,898,874    36,405,233       4%

Stockholders' Equity
 Attributable to 
 Minority Interest   9,531,765     8,395,318      14%
Stockholders' Equity
 Attributable to
 Majority Interest  28,367,108    28,009,914       1%

                              CONSOLIDATED FIGURES
                      Financial and Operating Indicators
              (Thousands of Pesos in Real Terms as of Dec. 1997)(*)

                            JANUARY-DECEMBER     %         QUARTERS        %
FINANCIAL INDICATORS          1997   1996       VAR    IV 1997  IV1996 

Operating Margin              23.6%  23.8%     (1%)     23.9%    21.8%     10%
Current Ratio
   (Current Assets/Current
              Liagilities)     1.21   1.11      9%
Debt/Total Capitalization     49.6%  53.0%     (6.4%)  
Debt Coverage (EBITD/int.
                  Exp.) (1)    2.34   1.63      44%      2.42     1.43     70%
Debt Coverage (EBITD Leases/
               Int. Exp.)(1)   2.41   1.67      44%      2.49     1.46     70%
Return on Equity (Con. Net
              Sh. Equity)(1)  18.6%  24.7%     (25%)     4.2%     5.6%    (25%)
Return on Assets (Con. Net
     Income/Total Assets)(1)   8.4%  11.0%     (24%)     1.9%     2.5%    (21%)
Earnings per Share(2)          4.97   6.69     (26%)     1.20     1.50    (20%)
Cash Flow per Share(2)         7.79   7.45      5%       2.02     1.73     17%
Cash Earnings per Share(2)     4.70   3.24     45%       1.27     0.59    115%

                             JANUARY-DECEMBER     QUARTERS         QUARTERS
VOLUMES Variation in Volumes    1997-1996      IV 1997-IV 1996  IV 1997-III 1997

MEXICO                             3%               (8%)             (5%)
Domestio (Met. Tons, Gray
                  Cement)          12%               2%               1%
Exports (Met. Tons)               (25%)             (39%)            (30%)
Ready-mix (m3)                     33%               27%              13%

Cement (Met. Tons)                 (3%)              2%               (11%)
Ready-mix (m3)                      2%               8%               (10%)
Aggregates (Met. Tons)              0%               4%               (6%)

SPAIN                               14%              24%               1%
Domestic (Met. Tons)                21%              32%              (2%)
Exports (Met. Tons)                 (4%)              3%               15%
Ready-mix (m3)                      17%              18%              (5%)

VENEZUELA                            5%              8%                 2%
Domestic (Met. Tons)                15%             28%                (6%)
Exports (Met. Tons)                 (4%)            (7%)               13%
Ready-mix (m3)                      40%             45%                 5%

Domestic (Met. Tons)                29%             20%                (8%)
Ready-mix (m3)                     112%             33%               (30%)

Domestic (Met. Tons)                 8%             11%                 2%
Ready-mix (m3)                     100%            100%                29%

Domestic (Met. Tons)                N/A             N/A                 5%
Ready-mix (m3)                      N/A             N/A                (5%)

(*)  Figures can be converted to dollars by using constant pesos of 1997 and
     dividing them by 8.07; and using constant pesos of 1996 and deflating them
     using 1.0653 as the weighted average inflation rate for Cemex and dividing
     them by 7.88.

(1)  Trailing twelve months.

(2)  Considering 1,222,846 thousand average shares for IV 1997, 1,243,899
     thousand average shares for IV 1996 1,236,010 thousand average shares for
     1997 and 1,225,870 thousand average shares for 1996.

                            Consolidated Figures
             (Convenience transaction in thousands of dollars)(*)

                       January - December         %        Quarters           %
INCOME STATEMENT         1997        1996       Var     IV 1997   IV1996    Var

Net Sales           3,768,499    3,365,178      13%     985,469   873,651   13%
Cost of Sales      (2,321,561)  (2,040,532)     14%    (592,283) (534,368)  11%
Gross Profit        1,466,938    1,324,646      11%     393,185   339,283   16%
Selling, General
 and Administrative
 Expenses            (571,721)    (522,463)      9%    (157,251) (149,163)   6%
Operating Income      695,217      802,183      12%     235,934   190,120   24%

Financial Expenses   (510,038)    (667,645)    (24%)   (126,531) (180,151) (30%)
Financial Income       37,265       53,144     (30%)     12,219    10,776   13%
Exchagne Gain  (Loss),
 Net                  (11,825)    (100,823)    (88%)    (16,364)  (21,464) (24%)
 Monetary Position  
 Gain (Loss)          577,090    1,215,478     (53%)    126,010   285,402  (56%)
Total Comprehesive 
 Financing (Cost)  
 Income                92,492      500,153     (82%)     (4,666)   94,563 (105%)

 Gain of (Loss) on Marketable 

Securities             66,207       28,957     129%      37,524     6,278  498%

Other Expenses, Net  (137,542)    (170,551)    (19%)    (57,377)  (56,952)   1%

Other Income
 (Expense)            (71,334)    (141,594)    (50%)   (19,854)   (50,674) (61%)

Net Income Before 
 Income Taxes         916,375    1,160,741     (21%)   211,415    234,009  (10%)

Income Tax            (50,058)     (93,695)    (47%)     7,600    (14,907) (49%)

Employees' Stautory 
 Profit Sharing       (16,324)      (5,652)    194%     (7,168)     9,027 (179%)

Total Income Tax &
 Profit Sharing       (66,382)     (99,247)    (33%)   (14,774)    (5,880) 151%

Net Income Before
 Participation of
 Uncons. Subs, and 
 Ext, Items           849,993    1,061,495     (20%)   196,641    228,129  (14%)

Participation in Unconsolidated 

Subsidiaries            17,485        34,419     (49%)   1,772     16,601  (89%)

Consolidated Net 
 Income                867,478     1,095,914     (21%) 198,413    244,730  (19%)

Net Income Attributable    
to Min. Interest      106,641       118,882     (10%)  16,315     22,200  (27%)

 MINORITY INTEREST     760,837       977,032     (22%) 182,098   222,531  (18%) 

EBITD (Op. Inc. +
 Depreciation)       1,193,378     1,087,304      10%  306,705   257,073   19%
EBITD + Leases + 
 Cost Actualization  1,230,113     1,118,287      10%  315,218   263,674   20% 

                       January - December         % 
BALANCE SHEET            1997        1996       Var 

Total Assets        10,231,441     9,941,824       3%
Cash & Temporary
Investments            380,339       408,702      (7%)
Trade Accounts
Receivables            455,431       405,407      12% 
Other Receivables      193,677       184,503       5%
Inventories            427,458       417,446       2%
Other Current Assets    79,573       105,294     (24%)
Current Assets       1,536,478     1,521,352       1%
Fixed Assets         6,005,807     5,742,364       5%
Other Assets         2,689,156     2,678,108       0%

Total Liabilities    5,535,174     5,605,062      (1%)
Current Liabilities  1,269,621     1,370,016      (7%)
Liabilities          3,960,798     3,953,838       0%
Other Liabilities      304,754       281,207       8%

Stockholders Equity  4,696,287     4,338,753       8%
Stockholders Equity 
Attributable to 
Minority Interest    1,181,136     1,000,090      18%
Stockholders Equity
Attributable to
Majority Interest    3,515,131     3,336,573       5%

Consolidated Figures
(Convenience translation in thousands of dollars)(*)

                            JANUARY-DECEMBER     %         QUARTERS        %
FINANCIAL INDICATORS          1997   1996       VAR    IV 1997  IV1996 

Operating Margin              23.6%  23.8%     (1%)     23.9%    21.8%     10%
Current Ratio
   (Current Assets/Current
              Liabilities)     1.21   1.11      9%
Debt/Total Capitalization     49.6%  53.0%     (6.4%)  
Debt Coverage (EBITD/int.
                  Exp.) (1)    2.34   1.63      44%      2.42     1.43     70%
Debt Coverage (EBITD Leases/
               Int. Exp.)(1)   2.41   1.67      44%      2.49     1.46     70%
Return on Equity (Con. Net
              Sh. Equity)(1)  18.6%  24.7%     (25%)     4.2%     5.6%    (25%)
Return on Assets (Con. Net
     Income/Total Assets)(1)   8.4%  11.0%     (24%)     1.9%     2.5%    (21%)
Earnings per Share(2)          0.62   0.79     (22%)     0.15     0.18    (17%)
Cash Flow per Share(2)         0.97   0.87      10%      0.25     0.21     21%
Cash Earnings per Share(2)     0.58   0.38      51%      0.16     0.07     123%

                             JANUARY-DECEMBER     QUARTERS         QUARTERS
VOLUMES Variation in Volumes    1997-1996      IV 1997-IV 1996  IV 1997-III 1997
MEXICO                             3%               (8%)             (5%)
Domestio (Met. Tons, Gray
                  Cement)          12%               2%               1%
Exports (Met. Tons)               (25%)             (39%)            (30%)
Ready-mix (m3)                     33%               27%              13%

Cement (Met. Tons)                 (3%)              2%               (11%)
Ready-mix (m3)                      2%               8%               (10%)
Aggregates (Met. Tons)              0%               4%               (6%)

SPAIN                               14%              24%               1%
Domestic (Met. Tons)                21%              32%              (2%)
Exports (Met. Tons)                 (4%)              3%               15%
Ready-mix (m3)                      17%              18%              (5%)

VENEZUELA                            5%              8%                 2%
Domestic (Met. Tons)                15%             28%                (6%)
Exports (Met. Tons)                 (4%)            (7%)               13%
Ready-mix (m3)                      40%             45%                 5%

Domestic (Met. Tons)                29%             26%                (8%)
Ready-mix (m3)                     112%             32%               (30%)

Domestic (Met. Tons)                 8%             11%                 2%
Ready-mix (m3)                     100%            100%                29%

Domestic (Met. Tons)                N/A             N/A                 5%
Ready-mix (m3)                      N/A             N/A                (5%)

(*)  Figures were converted to dollars by using constant pesos of 1997 and
     dividing them by 8.07; and using constant pesos of 1996 and deflating them
     using 1.0653 as the weighted average inflation rate for Cemex and dividing
     them by 7.88.

(1)  Trailing twelve months.

(2)  Considering 1.222,846 thousand average shares for IV 1997, 1,243,899
     thousand average shares for IV 1996 1,236,010 thousand average shares for
     1997 and 1,225,870 thousand average shares for 1996.

                (Thousands of Constant Pesos as of Dec. 1997)(1)

                           January -       %          Quarters           %
INCOME STATEMENT      1997          1996     Var.    IV 1997    IV 1996    Var
Net Sales            13,865,452  13,610,789  2%      3,731,990  3,675,629   2%
Cost of Sales        (8,046,313) (7,651,022) 5%     (1,999,264)(2,133,989) (6%)
Gross Profit          5,819,140   5,959,766 (2%)     1,732,728  1,541,640  12%
Selling, General and
Expenses             (1,707,042) (1,748,965)(2%)      (450,023)  (461,344) (2%)
Operating Income      4,112,098   4,210,801 (2%)     1,282,703  1,080,296  19%

EBITD (Op.Inc. +
Depreciation)         5,162,163   5,351,936 (4%)     1,468,147  1,340,182  10%

Operating Margin          29.7%       30.9% (4%)          34.4%     29.4%  17%

                        (Thousands of Constant Pesos)(2)

                           January -       %          Quarters           %
INCOME STATEMENT      1997          1996     Var.    IV 1997    IV 1996    Var
Net Sales           109,795,242  91,371,007 20%     27,598,163 21,406,136  29%
Cost of Sales       (72,920,459)(58,095,717)26%    (18,520,956)(14,035,030)32% 
Gross Profit         36,874,783  33,275,290 11%      9,077,207  7,371,106  23%
Selling, General and
Expenses            (13,240,723)(11,722,459)13%     (3,497,564)(3,175,392) 10% 
Operating Income     23,634,060  21,552,831 10%      5,579,644  4,195,714  33%

EBITD (Op.Inc. +
Depreciation)        37,718,655  30,173,099 25%      9,198,162  6,294,780  45%

Operating Margin          21.5%       23.6% (9%)          20.2%     19.6%   3%

                                 VENEZUELA (VENCEMOS)
                (Thousands of Constant Bolivares as of Dec. 1997)(3)

                           January -       %          Quarters           %
INCOME STATEMENT      1997          1996     Var.    IV 1997    IV 1996    Var
Net Sales           233,412,030 222,803,971  5%     58,778,792 52,094,055  13%
Cost of Sales     (133,810,141)(124,913,570) 7%   (34,315,313)(32,550,780)  5%
Gross Profit         99,801,890  97,890,401  2%     24,463,479 19,543,276  25%
Selling, General and
Expenses            (16,779,352)(20,734,665)(9%)    (5,232,211)(5,789,509)(10%)
Operating Income     80,822,538  77,155,786  5%     19,231,268 13,753,766  40%

EBITD (Op.Inc. +
Depreciation)       102,179,954 102,688,467 (0%)    24,242,953 19,892,316  22%

Operating Margin          34.6%       34.6% (4%)          32.7%     26.4%  24%

(1)  Peso figures be converted to dollars by using constant pesos of 1997 and
     dividing them by 8.07 and using constant pesos of 1996 and deflating them
     using 1.1572 as inflation rate in Mexico and dividing them by 7.88.

(2)  Peseta figures can be converted to dollars using the following exchange
     rates: 151.7 per dollar for 1997 and 129.7 per dollar for 1996.

(3)  Bolivar figures can be converted to dollars by using constant bolivars of
     1997 and dividing them by 504.75 and those for 1996 using constant bolivars
     of 1996 and deflating them using 1.3761 as inflation rate in Venzuela and
     dividing them by 476.75.

                     The United States (Cemex USA Inc.)
                           (Thousands of Dollars)

                            JANUARY-DECEMBER     %         QUARTERS        %
INCOME STATEMENT              1997   1996       VAR    IV 1997  IV1996    VAR

Net Sales                  435,428  405,792     7%     108,885   100,399   8%
Cost of Sales             (376,464) (343,875)   9%    (94,668)   (87,373)  8%
Gross Profit                58,964    61,917   (5%)    14,217     13,026   9%
Selling, General and
  Administrative Expenses (31,301)  (30,655)    2%     (8,013)    (8,073) (1%)
Operating Income           27,663    31,262    (12%)    6,204      4,953   25%

EBITD (Op. Inc. +
   Depreciation)           44,477    48,659     (9%)    10,193     9,550    7%

Operating Margin              6.4%      7.7%   (18%)      5.7%      4.9%   16%

                                  COLOMBIA (4)
               (Thousands of Colombian Pesos as of Dec. 1997)(5)

                      JANUARY-DECEMBER        %         QUARTERS             %
INCOME STATEMENT     1997         1996       VAR    IV 1997       IV1996    VAR

Net Sales        479,216,508   196,342,688   N/A  130,825,478   71,116,850  N/A
Cost of Sales   (301,680,006) (125,372,049)  N/A  (83,311,296) (51,232,429) N/A
Gross Profit     177,536,502    69,970,639   N/A   47,514,182   19,884,421  N/A
Selling, General
and Administrative
Expenses        (71,679,782)   (26,872,578)  N/A  (21,886,771)  (9,570,920) N/A
  Income        105,856,719     43,098,061   N/A   25,627,411   10,313,501  N/A

EBITD (Op. Inc.
+ Depreciation) 174,184,552     59,464,469   N/A   46,995,252   19,880,176  N/A

Operating Margin      22.1%          22.1%   N/A        19.6%        14.5%  N/A

(4)  The cumulative results through December 1996 and those for the fourth
     quarter of 1995 only Diamante's results.  Beginning in the first quarter of
     1997 the results of both Damante and Samper are fully consolidated.

(5)  Figures for 1997 can be converted to dollars by using constant Colombian
     pesos of 1997 and dividing them by 1.294 and those for 1996 using constant
     Colombian pesos of 1996 and deflating them using 1.174 as inflation rate in
     Colombia and dividing them by 1005.


Conference Call Notification

Cemex S.A. de C.V. cordially invites you to the 1997 Fourth Quarter conference

Hosted by:          Hector Medina and
                    Senior Management

Date:               Friday, February 13, 1998

Time:               10:00 a.m. Eastern Time

Access Number:      (719) 448-2000

Chairman Lorenzo Zambrano will join the call to discover the outlook for 1998
and other members of senior management will be available during the question and
answer session.

If you have any questions, please call Kristin Anderson at Ludgate
Communications - (212) 688-5144

Conference Call Playback Available

Continuous playback will be available for your convenience.  You may dial 24
hours a day from 2:00 p.m. on Friday the 13th through midnight on Tuesday the
17th of February.

Playback number: (402) 222-9908



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