Advance Developing Markets Trust plc 
Recommended proposals for the voluntary winding up of the Company and 
   the rollover of Shareholders' interests into Advance Developing 
                        Markets Fund Limited 
On 25  September 2009  the Board  announced proposals  to  redomicile 
Advance  Developing  Markets  Trust   plc  (the  "Company")   through 
a voluntary winding up of the Company and a rollover of shareholders' 
interests into a newly established Guernsey fund, Advance  Developing 
Markets Fund Limited ("ADMF"). 
Today, the Company  is pleased to  announce that it  is publishing  a 
Circular setting out further details of these proposals together with 
a Prospectus in connection with the proposed issue of Ordinary Shares 
and Subscription Shares by ADMF. 
The text of the Chairman's letter in the Circular is as follows: 
"Dear Shareholder 
On 25 September  2009 your  Board announced that  it was  considering 
proposals for  the  Company to  re-domicile  to Guernsey.  The  Board 
believes that the need for the Company to comply with section 842  of 
the Taxes Act, so as to maintain investment trust status (and thereby 
be exempt from any tax on capital gains), is increasingly acting as a 
restriction on the investments which the Company might otherwise make 
and thereby potentially constraining the investment returns which may 
otherwise be achievable by  the Company. The  Board believes that  by 
re-domiciling to Guernsey  the Company will  have greater  investment 
flexibility. Further,  the  proposed  re-domicile  to  Guernsey  will 
eliminate any charge to UK  corporation tax in respect of  investment 
in "non-distributing funds". 
This  document  explains  the  background  to  and  effects  of   the 
Proposals. The proposed re-domicile will be effected by means of  the 
voluntary winding-up of  the Company and  a scheme of  reconstruction 
under section 110 of the Insolvency Act 1986. 
The day to day running of the successor vehicle will not change  from 
that of the Company,  the same executive team  will remain in  place, 
and the investment policy of the  successor vehicle will be the  same 
as that of the Company. 
The Scheme  requires the  approval of  Ordinary Shareholders  by  the 
passing of all the  resolutions to be proposed  at the Meetings.  The 
Board recommends  Ordinary  Shareholders to  vote  in favour  of  the 
resolutions to be proposed at  the Meetings. Notices of the  Meetings 
which are to be held on 29  October 2009 and 9 November 2009 are  set 
out at the end of this document. 
When the  Company was  launched in  1998, its  investment policy  was 
focused on investing in investment trusts and other closed-end funds, 
many  of  which  offered  opportunities  to  invest  at   significant 
discounts to underlying asset value. By exploiting discount anomalies 
the Investment Manager generated impressive returns both in  relative 
and absolute terms. 
However, in  the  years following  the  launch of  the  Company,  the 
available universe  of  closed-end emerging  market  funds  declined, 
making it  increasingly  difficult  for  the  Investment  Manager  to 
achieve global emerging  market exposure: in  some cases, markets  in 
which the Investment Manager wished to invest were not represented at 
all in the universe of closed-end funds; or were represented only  in 
global or regional funds not  otherwise suitable for the Company;  or 
were represented only in funds which the Investment Manager perceived 
to be unattractive because of poor management or otherwise. 
In 2002 the  Investment Manager sought  and obtained permission  from 
the Board to invest in open-ended as well as closed-end funds: whilst 
open-ended funds would not generally offer opportunities to invest at 
discounts, the Investment Manager believes it can add value by  using 
its expertise and knowledge of  underlying markets to identify  "best 
of breed" managers as well as negotiating competitive terms on  which 
to invest. This would also provide more flexibility in terms of asset 
allocation. In its  early years, the  out-performance by the  Company 
was driven primarily by  exploiting discount anomalies: this  remains 
an important factor, but latterly  both asset allocation and  manager 
selection have also become significant  factors. In some cases  value 
has also been generated by  moving between closed-end and  open-ended 
funds with similar investment remits and under common management. 
Since 2002, open-ended  funds have become  increasingly important  to 
the Company and as at 30 September 2009 (the latest practicable  date 
prior to the publication of this document) some 46.1 per cent. of the 
Company's portfolio is invested in such funds. 
The Company was incorporated in the UK and is resident in the UK  for 
tax purposes.  Since  inception,  the Directors  have  conducted  the 
affairs of the Company in  such a way as  to ensure that the  Company 
qualifies as an investment  trust. This has  meant that the  Company, 
whilst liable for  UK tax on  its net income,  has ordinarily had  no 
liability for tax on capital profits. 
However, under UK tax legislation, where the Company invests in  what 
are called  "non-distributing funds",  any  profits realised  by  the 
Company on  the disposal  of those  investments are  treated for  tax 
purposes as though they are income - and taxed accordingly: at 28 per 
cent., being the current rate of corporation tax. 
The investment trusts  and other closed-end  funds which the  Company 
initially focused on are not  treated as "non-distributing funds"  so 
no tax has been payable in respect of profits realised by the Company 
on their disposal. However, some  of the open-ended funds which  have 
formed an  increasingly important  part  of the  Company's  portfolio 
since 2002 may be treated as "non-distributing funds", giving rise to 
potentially punitive liability to UK corporation tax. 
Implementation of  the Proposals  will, as  a result  of the  Company 
being  placed   formally  into   liquidation,  crystallise   existing 
unrealised gains on its investments in non-distributing funds.  Based 
on the  Company's  assets  held  at 31  August  2009,  the  Company's 
estimated deferred tax liability at that time was GBP1.3 million.  This 
figure assumes  full utilisation  of  the Company's  carried  forward 
excess management  expenses at  that time  and is  subject to  change 
(both up and down) as a  result of realisations since 31 August  2009 
and market  movements up  to  the time  of  the commencement  of  the 
Company's liquidation. 
In the future, and subject to prevailing market conditions, it  seems 
increasingly likely that gains may continue to be generated at a rate 
significantly in  excess  of  the rate  at  which  excess  management 
expenses are generated.  Accordingly, the Proposals  are expected  to 
benefit  Shareholders  by  eliminating  any  further  charge  to   UK 
corporation tax and will provide the Investment Manager with  greater 
investment flexibility  and  the  potential to  enhance  further  the 
investment returns achievable. These benefits should be achieved with 
only a small increase in annual costs. 
As stated above the  Company is currently  approved as an  investment 
trust in  accordance with  section 842  of the  Taxes Act  and, as  a 
result of its status as an investment  trust, it is not liable to  UK 
corporation tax on any capital gains  arising on the disposal of  its 
investments. However, in  order to  obtain approval from  HMRC as  an 
investment trust for a particular accounting period, the Company must 
comply with the strict requirements prescribed by section 842 of  the 
Taxes Act. These restrictions are more onerous than the  restrictions 
which apply to the Company by virtue of its admission to the Official 
List and the conditions and  continuing obligations contained in  the 
Listing Rules. In particular,  in order to  qualify as an  investment 
trust, the  Company  must  comply,  inter  alia,  with  each  of  the 
following requirements of section 842 of the Taxes Act: (i) that  not 
more than 15 per cent. of its  assets may be invested in an  investee 
company; and (ii) that  its income must consist  wholly or mainly  of 
eligible investment income, thereby  restricting the level of  income 
which may arise from the use of derivatives. 
The  Directors   believe  that   these  existing   requirements   are 
potentially constraining  the investment  returns which  the  Company 
might otherwise be able  to achieve if it  were not subject to  these 
restrictions. In addition, the  continuing need to ensure  compliance 
with the requirements of section 842 of the Taxes Act (because of the 
potentially very  serious  consequences  (including  corporation  tax 
being applied at a rate of  28 per cent. of realised capital  gains), 
which would  arise if  the Company  did not  obtain investment  trust 
status) takes up a significant amount of management time which  could 
be better spent managing the  existing portfolio and identifying  new 
The Board believes that  the proposed re-domicile  of the Company  to 
Guernsey will provide the Investment Manager with greater  investment 
flexibility and  the  potential  to enhance  further  the  investment 
returns achievable. 
Pursuant  to  the   Scheme,  ADMF,  a   Guernsey  company,  will   be 
incorporated and  an  application will  be  made to  the  UK  Listing 
Authority and the  London Stock Exchange  for the ADMF  Shares to  be 
issued in connection with the Scheme  to be admitted to the  Official 
List and to trading on the London Stock Exchange's main market.  ADMF 
will have the same investment policy as the Company and the Company's 
existing executive team will remain in place. The existing investment 
manager will act as ADMF's investment manager on the same  commercial 
terms as  it currently  manages the  Company save  that the  relevant 
performance fee calculation period in respect of ADMF will be (i) the 
period from Admission to  31 October 2010,  and (ii) thereafter  each 
one year period ending on 31 October in each year. For the purpose of 
calculating any performance  fees payable by  ADMF to the  Investment 
Manager the applicable  high water  mark will  be the  higher of  (i) 
505.2p (being the current  high water mark of  the Company) and  (ii) 
the net  asset value  per share  of ADMF  at the  end of  the  latest 
performance fee calculation period in respect of which a  performance 
fee was payable by ADMF. As ADMF  will not be an investment trust  it 
will not be subject to the  requirements of section 842 of the  Taxes 
If the Proposals are  approved and implemented,  the Company will  be 
placed into members'  voluntary liquidation and  its investments  and 
other assets, after providing for its liabilities will be transferred 
in specie to ADMF. 
Ordinary Shareholders 
Under the Proposals, the Company will  be wound up voluntarily and  a 
scheme of reconstruction under section 110 of the Insolvency Act 1986 
will be put in  place. Under the  Scheme, Ordinary Shareholders  will 
receive one ADMF Ordinary Share for  each Ordinary Share held in  the 
Company by them on the Record Date. 
The ADMF Ordinary Shares will  be issued with substantially the  same 
rights as those attaching to the Ordinary Shares. Further details  of 
the rights  attaching to  the ADMF  Ordinary Shares  are set  out  in 
paragraph 5  of  Part  1 of  this  document  and in  Part  6  of  the 
accompanying Prospectus. ADMF Ordinary Shares will be admitted to the 
Official List and  will be traded  on the main  market of the  London 
Stock Exchange. 
Unless  the  Directors  are  satisfied  that  any  Overseas  Ordinary 
Shareholders can  be  issued ADMF  Ordinary  Shares pursuant  to  the 
Scheme without breaching any relevant securities laws or regulations, 
such Overseas Ordinary  Shareholders will have  their entitlement  to 
ADMF Ordinary Shares sold in  the market on their behalf  immediately 
following the implementation of the Scheme, and the proceeds of  such 
sale (net of associated costs) will be remitted to them. 
Subscription Shareholders 
Under the  Scheme, Subscription  Shareholders will  receive one  ADMF 
Subscription Share for every Subscription  Share held in the  Company 
by them on the Record Date. 
The ADMF Subscription  Shares will be  issued with substantially  the 
same rights as those attaching to the Company's existing Subscription 
Shares.  Further  details  of  the  rights  attaching  to  the   ADMF 
Subscription Shares are  set out  in paragraph 5  of Part  1 of  this 
document  and  in  Part  6  of  the  accompanying  Prospectus.   ADMF 
Subscription Shares will be admitted to the Official List and will be 
traded on the main market of the London Stock Exchange. 
Unless the  Directors are  satisfied that  any Overseas  Subscription 
Shareholders can be issued ADMF  Subscription Shares pursuant to  the 
Scheme without breaching any relevant securities laws or regulations, 
such Overseas Subscription Shareholders  will have their  entitlement 
to ADMF  Subscription  Shares sold  in  the market  on  their  behalf 
immediately following  the  implementation  of the  Scheme,  and  the 
proceeds of such sale (net of  associated costs) will be remitted  to 
Further details regarding these arrangements  are set out in Parts  2 
and 3 of this document. 
The principal benefit  of the proposed  re-domicile to Guernsey  will 
be: (i)  the elimination  of  any charge  to  UK corporation  tax  in 
respect of investment in  "non-distributing funds" referred to  under 
the heading "Background to the Proposal" above; and (ii) the  greater 
investment flexibility  given  to  the  Investment  Manager  than  is 
currently possible as a result of the strict requirements of  section 
842 of the Taxes Act referred to under the heading "Background to the 
Proposals" above, which  will no longer  have to be  adhered to.  The 
Board believes  that  this  greater investment  flexibility  has  the 
potential to enhance  further the investment  returns achievable.  In 
addition, for efficient portfolio management purposes only, ADMF will 
be permitted  to  enter  into contracts  for  differences  and  other 
derivative  instruments  which  under   the  current  structure   are 
difficult to  accommodate. Gains  from such  positions are  currently 
considered as revenue and therefore due to the restrictions on income 
under section 842 of the Taxes  Act, their use would represent  undue 
exposure to the  risk of  a tax liability.  Finally, the  significant 
time currently spent by the  executive team ensuring compliance  with 
the requirements of section 842 of the Taxes Act will be better spent 
by  them  managing  the   existing  portfolio  and  identifying   new 
ADMF is  a newly  formed  Guernsey incorporated  closed-end  company, 
which has been established as a successor vehicle to the Company. The 
Company's investment manager will  act as ADMF's investment  manager. 
ADMF will have the same investment policy, and executive team as  the 
Company and there will  be no overall change  compared before to  the 
day to day running of ADMF. It will be subject to the same investment 
restrictions that apply to the Company by virtue of the admission  of 
its shares  to the  Official List  under Chapter  15 of  the  Listing 
Rules, but it  will not  be subject  to the  more onerous  investment 
restrictions which currently apply to  the Company under section  842 
of the Taxes Act. 
Capital structure 
ADMF's  share   capital  will   comprise  of   ordinary  shares   and 
subscription shares. 
ADMF Ordinary Shares 
The rights  and  characteristics  of the  ADMF  Ordinary  Shares  are 
summarised below: 
The holders  of  ADMF  Ordinary  Shares shall  be  entitled  to  such 
dividend as may be declared by ADMF from time to time. 
Capital entitlement 
On a winding up, in the event that there are ADMF Ordinary Shares and 
ADMF Subscription Shares in issue  (i) ADMF Ordinary Shares and  ADMF 
Subscription Shares shall  rank pari  passu for the  return of  their 
paid up nominal capital; and (ii) any surplus shall be applied to the 
ADMF Ordinary Shares and ADMF Subscription Shares in accordance  with 
the  ADMF  articles  of  incorporation  if  applicable  and,  if  not 
applicable, exclusively to  the ADMF Ordinary  Shares pari passu.  In 
the event that  there are only  ADMF Ordinary Shares  in issue,  such 
shares shall rank pari passu for the nominal capital paid up  thereon 
and in respect of any surplus. 
Voting rights 
Holders of ADMF Ordinary Shares will be entitled to attend, speak and 
vote at all general meetings of ADMF. 
Further details of the rights  attaching to the ADMF Ordinary  Shares 
are set out in Part 6 of the accompanying ADMF Prospectus. 
ADMF Subscription Shares 
The rights and  characteristics of the  ADMF Subscription Shares  are 
summarised below: 
The ADMF Subscription Shares will  carry no entitlement to  dividends 
Capital entitlement 
On a return of  capital on liquidation  the ADMF Subscription  Shares 
shall rank in accordance with  article 5.3.3(x) of the ADMF  articles 
of incorporation  (as set  out in  Part 6  of the  accompanying  ADMF 
Prospectus) and paragraph 4.2.15 of  Part 6 of the accompanying  ADMF 
Voting rights 
The ADMF  Subscription Shares  will not  carry any  voting rights  at 
general meetings of ADMF. However, ADMF will not be able to carry out 
certain corporate  actions  unless it  obtains  the sanction  of  the 
holders of the ADMF Subscription Shares  by the passing of a  special 
resolution  at   a  separate   meeting  of   the  ADMF   Subscription 
Shareholders. Separate approval of the ADMF Subscription Shareholders 
must be obtained in respect of any proposals which would affect their 
rights. This approval  of the ADMF  Subscription Shareholders by  the 
passing of  a  special  resolution  at  separate  class  meetings  is 
required in relation to any proposal to modify, alter or abrogate the 
rights attaching to the ADMF Subscription Shares. 
Further details  of the  rights attaching  to the  ADMF  Subscription 
Shares are set out in Part 6 of the accompanying ADMF Prospectus. 
Board composition 
I will act as chairman of  ADMF. Of the other existing Board  members 
of the Company Angus Bonsor and Terry Mahony have agreed to join  the 
board of  ADMF  and James  Robinson  has  agreed to  stand  down.  In 
addition, Richard Hotchkis and  John Hawkins, who  are both based  in 
Guernsey, have agreed to join  the board of ADMF. These  appointments 
satisfy the  requirement  for  ADMF  to have  a  majority  of  non-UK 
resident directors  in order  for  it to  be tax  resident  offshore. 
Further details of the members  of the board of  ADMF are set out  in 
Part 2 of the ADMF Prospectus. 
I believe  that the  composition of  the board  of ADMF  reflects  an 
appropriate range of  skills and experience  whilst also providing  a 
balance  between  the  requirement  for  offshore  directors  to   be 
appointed and our wish to provide continuity. On my own behalf and on 
behalf of  my  fellow Board  members  I  would like  to  express  our 
gratitude to  James Robinson  who has  very ably  served the  Company 
since inception and to wish him well. 
Management and other service providers 
The Company's existing investment manager will be appointed to act as 
investment  manager  of  ADMF.  The  current  investment   management 
agreement between  the Company  and the  Investment Manager  will  be 
terminated upon the  Scheme becoming effective  and will be  replaced 
with a new investment management agreement. 
The commercial terms of the new investment management agreement  will 
be  substantially  the  same  as  those  contained  in  the  existing 
investment  management  agreement,  including   the  rights  of   the 
respective parties to terminate the agreement and also the management 
and performance fees payable to the Investment Manager save that  the 
relevant performance fee calculation period  in respect of ADMF  will 
be (i)  the  period from  Admission  to  31 October  2010,  and  (ii) 
thereafter each one year period ending on 31 October in each year and 
for the purpose of calculating  any performance fees payable by  ADMF 
to the Investment Manager the applicable high water mark will be  the 
higher of  (i) 505.2p  (being  the current  high  water mark  of  the 
Company) and (ii) the net asset value per Share of ADMF at the end of 
the latest performance fee calculation  period in respect of which  a 
performance fee was payable by ADMF. Subject to the implementation of 
the Proposals, a  performance fee may  be payable by  the Company  in 
respect of the period 1 June 2009 to the date on which the Company is 
wound up  although  the  Board  do not  currently  expect  to  pay  a 
performance fee  by reason  of the  Company's Net  Asset Value  being 
below the current high water mark. 
The current  administration  and secretarial  agreement  between  the 
Company and Cavendish Administration Limited will be terminated  upon 
the Scheme becoming effective.  As a Guernsey  resident fund ADMF  is 
required to appoint an administrator resident in the Channel  Islands 
and has  agreed  to  appoint  Legis  Fund  Services  Limited  as  its 
administrator.  Under  the  terms  of  the  new  administration   and 
secretarial agreement, Legis  Fund Services Limited  will be able  to 
delegate its administrative duties to third parties approved by  ADMF 
and  with  the  approval  of  ADMF  will  delegate  certain  of   its 
administrative duties to  the Company's  existing administrator.  The 
commercial terms of the new administration and secretarial  agreement 
will be substantially  the same  as those contained  in the  existing 
The Company's existing custodian (The Northern Trust Company) will be 
appointed to act as  custodian of ADMF. The  commercial terms of  the 
new custodian  agreement  will be  substantially  the same  as  those 
contained in  the existing  agreement. Capita  Registrars  (Guernsey) 
Limited will be appointed as registrar and transfer agent to ADMF and 
with the consent of ADMF will retain Capita Registrars Limited as the 
Company's UK  transfer  agent to  receive  notices and  documents  of 
transfer from  ADMF Shareholders  in the  United Kingdom  for  onward 
transmission to Capita  Registrars (Guernsey)  Limited. The  existing 
custodian and  registrar  agreements will  remain  in force  for  the 
duration of the liquidation period (subject to such amendments as the 
Liquidators may agree with the Custodian and the Registrar). 
All the  appointments  referred  to  above  are  conditional  on  the 
Proposals being  approved and  implemented.  Further details  of  the 
agreements between ADMF and  their service providers  are set out  in 
Part 6 of the ADMF Prospectus. 
Application for listing 
Applications will  be made  for  the ADMF  Ordinary Shares  and  ADMF 
Subscription Shares to be issued in connection with the Scheme to  be 
admitted to the  Official List  and to  trading on  the London  Stock 
Exchange's main market for listed securities. 
It is expected  that dealings in  the ADMF Ordinary  Shares and  ADMF 
Subscription Shares will commence at 8.00 a.m. on 10 November 2009. 
Further issues and reissue of treasury shares 
The issue  of  further ADMF  Ordinary  Shares for  cash  (and/or  the 
reissue of ADMF Ordinary Shares held in treasury) will be subject  to 
pre-emption rights in favour  of existing ADMF Ordinary  Shareholders 
which may  be disapplied  by  ADMF Ordinary  Shareholders by  way  of 
special resolution. 
These pre-emption  rights will  not apply  to the  allotment of  ADMF 
Ordinary Shares pursuant to  the Scheme as those  shares will not  be 
issued for cash. 
Pursuant to a special resolution passed on 28 September 2009 the ADMF 
Directors will have  authority following Admission  to issue  further 
ADMF Ordinary Shares  (and/or reissue  ADMF Ordinary  Shares held  in 
treasury from time to time) for  cash up to an amount representing  5 
per cent.  of  the issued  ADMF  ordinary share  capital  immediately 
following Admission on a non-pre-emptive basis. This authority  shall 
expire on the conclusion of the first annual general meeting of ADMF. 
ADMF does not intend to issue any ADMF Subscription Shares  otherwise 
than pursuant to the Scheme. 
With the exception  of ADMF  Ordinary Shares issued  pursuant to  the 
Scheme, no ADMF Ordinary Shares will  be issued at a price less  than 
the prevailing net asset value  per ADMF Ordinary Share, unless  they 
are first  offered  pro-rata to  existing  holders of  ADMF  Ordinary 
It is the intention  of the ADMF Board  that any re-sale of  treasury 
shares would only take  place at a narrower  discount to the  diluted 
net asset value per  share than that at  which they were bought  into 
treasury, and in any event at a discount no greater than 5 per  cent. 
to the prevailing diluted net asset value per share. 
Discount management and repurchase of shares 
The ADMF Directors  believe it  is desirable that  the ADMF  Ordinary 
Shares do not  trade at  a significant  discount to  the diluted  net 
asset value per share. In  structuring ADMF, the ADMF Directors  have 
given consideration to the discount risk and how this may be managed. 
Conditionally upon Admission, and at their sole discretion, the  ADMF 
Directors have been  granted authority to  buy back up  to 14.99  per 
cent. of  the  ADMF Ordinary  Shares  in issue  following  Admission. 
ADMF's authority to make  purchases of its  own issued ADMF  Ordinary 
Shares will expire at the conclusion of the annual general meeting of 
ADMF to be held in 2010 or, if earlier, eighteen months from the date 
of passing of the relevant  ADMF Shareholders' resolution, namely  28 
March 2011. A  renewal of  the authority  to make  purchases of  ADMF 
Ordinary Shares  will  be sought  from  shareholders at  each  annual 
general meeting of ADMF. The timing of any purchases will be  decided 
by the ADMF Board. Any ADMF Ordinary Shares bought back by ADMF  will 
either be held in treasury (and may be reissued) or cancelled. 
The ADMF Directors intend that purchases will only be made,  pursuant 
to this authority, through the market, for cash, at prices below  the 
prevailing diluted net asset value per share where the ADMF Directors 
believe such purchases will result in an increase in the diluted  net 
asset value per share  of the remaining ADMF  Ordinary Shares and  to 
assist in narrowing any discount to  the diluted net asset value  per 
share at which such  ADMF Ordinary Shares  may trade. Such  purchases 
will only  be made  in  accordance with  the  Companies Law  and  the 
Listing Rules. The Listing Rules  currently provide that the  maximum 
price to be paid per share is the higher of (i) 105 per cent. of  the 
average of the  market closing value  of the shares  from the  London 
Stock Exchange for the five  Business Days immediately preceding  the 
date of the relevant purchase; (ii) the price of the last independent 
trade; and (iii) the highest  current independent bid on the  trading 
venues where the purchase is carried out. 
In addition, under  the articles  of association of  ADMF, ADMF  will 
have the right to repurchase ADMF Subscription Shares in the  market, 
by tender or by private treaty but such purchases will be limited  to 
a maximum price  per ADMF Subscription  Share which, in  the case  of 
purchases through the market, will not  exceed 5 per cent. above  the 
average of  the middle  market closing  quotations (from  the  London 
Stock Exchange) for the ten consecutive London Stock Exchange dealing 
days ending  on the  dealing day  immediately preceding  the date  on 
which the purchase is made; and if such purchases are by tender, such 
tender will be available to  all holders of ADMF Subscription  Shares 
alike. All ADMF Subscription Shares  purchased will be cancelled  and 
will not be available for re-issue or resale. 
Life of ADMF 
ADMF will not have a fixed life  and will be intended as a  long-term 
investment vehicle. However, the ADMF Directors consider it desirable 
that ADMF Shareholders will have the opportunity to review the future 
of ADMF at  appropriate intervals. At  ADMF's annual general  meeting 
first following  the fifth  anniversary of  Admission, and  at  every 
fifth annual general meeting thereafter, the ADMF Directors undertake 
to propose an ordinary resolution that ADMF continue in existence. If 
the resolution is  not passed  then within 4  months of  the vote  to 
continue failing the ADMF Directors  shall formulate and put to  ADMF 
Shareholders proposals  relating to  the future  of ADMF  having  had 
regard to, inter  alia, prevailing market  conditions and  applicable 
regulations and legislation. 
Draft Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive 
As noted  in the  section entitled  "Risks associated  with ADMF",  a 
draft European Directive on Alternative Investment Fund Managers  has 
recently been published which may impact on ADMF's investment policy. 
When the impact of  the Directive becomes  known, the ADMF  Directors 
will consider all  options available  to them with  the objective  of 
enabling ADMF's assets to  be managed directly  or indirectly in  the 
manner currently intended. 
Accounting periods 
The annual accounts of  ADMF will be  made up to  31 October in  each 
year starting in 2010, with copies of the annual report and  accounts 
expected to be sent to ADMF Shareholders in February 2011. 
It is intended that the annual general meetings of ADMF will be  held 
in March or  April of each  year, the first  to be held  in March  or 
April 2011. ADMF  Shareholders will  also receive  an unaudited  half 
yearly report covering the first six months of each financial year to 
30 April.  The half  yearly report  is expected  to be  sent to  ADMF 
Shareholders in July of each year. The first half yearly report  will 
be for  the period  ending 30  April 2010.  ADMF's accounts  will  be 
prepared in sterling in accordance with the same accounting  policies 
and standards  as  the  Company's accounts  and  under  International 
Financial Reporting Standards. 
ADMF will be subject to the Listing  Rules (in the same way that  the 
Company is  at present)  and in  addition will  be required  to  make 
certain  annual,  quarterly  and  other  filings  with  the  Guernsey 
Financial Services Commission. The  City Code will  apply to ADMF  in 
the same way as it applies to the Company. ADMF will also comply with 
the Combined Code  and the AIC  Code of Corporate  Governance in  the 
same way as the Company does currently. 
On  the  winding-up  of  the  Company,  but  before  any  assets  are 
transferred to ADMF, the liquidators shall retain a fund of an amount 
they consider sufficient  to provide for  all liabilities  (including 
tax,  contingent,  unknown  and  unascertained  liabilities)  of  the 
Company. The  retention  in  respect  of  unknown  and  unascertained 
liabilities is expected to be GBP200,000 and the Directors, having made 
enquiries, are  satisfied that  this  is a  reasonable amount  to  be 
retained for  unknown and  unascertained liabilities.  ADMF has  also 
executed an indemnity,  conditional on the  Scheme being approved  in 
favour of the Liquidators  agreeing to indemnify  them in respect  of 
such liabilities, subject  to a  maximum of  GBP200,000. The  remaining 
assets of the  Company will be  transferred to ADMF  pursuant to  the 
Transfer Agreement. To the  extent that any  part of the  Liquidation 
Fund is not required,  any assets remaining  in the Liquidation  Fund 
will be transferred to ADMF by the Liquidators as provided for in the 
There may be  a requirement  to pay  an interim  dividend to  satisfy 
section 842 of  the Taxes  Act for  the period  from 1  June 2009  to 
commencement of  the liquidation.  If such  a dividend  is  required, 
further details of any  such dividend will be  announced if and  when 
appropriate. Subscription  Shareholders who  elect to  convert  their 
Subscription Shares into Ordinary Shares will have no entitlement  to 
any interim dividend which  is declared by the  Company prior to  the 
date of issue of the new Ordinary Shares on conversion. 
The costs and expenses  relating to the Proposals  to be paid by  the 
Company, including legal and other  professional costs, the costs  of 
printing this  document, any  tax charge  on the  crystallisation  of 
unrealised gains  on  the Company's  investment  in  non-distributing 
funds and the costs  relating to the liquidation  of the Company  are 
estimated to amount to approximately GBP1.6 million excluding VAT  (the 
Company has provided for this amount in full). A further GBP0.9 million 
excluding VAT  is estimated  to  be payable  in connection  with  the 
launch of ADMF  and the listing  of ADMF Shares  on the London  Stock 
Exchange (including UK  stamp duty payable  on assets transferred  to 
ADMF estimated to amount to GBP0.5  million (based on the value of  the 
Company's assets held at  30 September 2009 which  are subject to  UK 
stamp duty)).  This  amount will  be  payable  by ADMF  and  will  be 
provided for  upon its  launch but  if the  Scheme does  not  proceed 
approximately GBP0.6  million  of  such  costs will  be  borne  by  the 
The last day for trading in  the Shares on the London Stock  Exchange 
for normal settlement  (in order  to enable settlement  prior to  the 
Record Date)  will be  3  November 2009.  As  from 4  November  2009, 
dealings should be for cash settlement only and will be registered in 
the  normal  way  if  the  transfer,  accompanied  by  all  requisite 
documents of title, is  received by the Registrar  by 5.00 p.m. on  6 
November 2009. Transfers received after that time will be returned to 
the persons  lodging  them.  The  Record Date,  being  the  date  for 
determining which  Shareholders are  entitled to  participate in  the 
Scheme is the close of business on 6 November 2009. 
The register  of  Shareholders will  close  and the  Shares  will  be 
disabled in CREST at  5.00 p.m. on 6  November 2009. Further  details 
regarding dealings in the Shares on the London Stock Exchange are set 
out in paragraph 5 of Part 2 of this document. 
Unless the ADMF  Directors are satisfied  that any Overseas  Ordinary 
Shareholders can  be  issued ADMF  Ordinary  Shares pursuant  to  the 
Scheme without breaching any relevant securities laws or regulations, 
such Overseas Ordinary  Shareholders will have  their entitlement  to 
ADMF Ordinary Shares sold in  the market on their behalf  immediately 
following the implementation of  the Scheme and  the net proceeds  of 
such sale will be remitted to them. 
Unless  the   ADMF  Directors   are  satisfied   that  any   Overseas 
Subscription Shareholders  can  be issued  ADMF  Subscription  Shares 
pursuant to the Scheme without breaching any relevant securities laws 
or regulations,  such Overseas  Subscription Shareholders  will  have 
their entitlement to ADMF Subscription  Shares sold in the market  on 
their behalf immediately following  the implementation of the  Scheme 
and the net proceeds of such sale will be remitted to them. 
A summary of the tax  consequences of the Proposals for  Shareholders 
is set out in Part 2 of  this document. ADMF Shares will be  eligible 
for inclusion within the stocks and shares component of an ISA.  ADMF 
Shares will also qualify as an investment that may be held in a  SIPP 
or SSAS. Accordingly, where existing Shares are held in an ISA,  SIPP 
or SSAS, ADMF Shares received by Shareholders pursuant to the  Scheme 
in respect of those Shares can  be retained (subject to the  specific 
terms applicable to the relevant ISA,  SIPP or SSAS) within the  ISA, 
The Proposals are described in more detail in Part 2 of this document 
and the terms of the Scheme are set out in Part 3 of this document. 
A copy  of  the  ADMF  Prospectus is  enclosed  with  this  Circular. 
Shareholders should read the entirety  of this Circular and the  ADMF 
Prospectus and in  particular the sections  headed "Risk Factors"  on 
pages 7  to 14  of  this Circular  and  pages 7  to  15 of  the  ADMF 
Prospectus respectively. Implementation of the Scheme is conditional, 
inter alia, on the passing of  all the Resolutions to be proposed  at 
the Meetings. In the event that any of the Resolutions are not passed 
or certain  other  conditions in  paragraph  11  of Part  3  of  this 
document are not satisfied the Scheme will not be implemented. 
Set out at  the end  of this document  are notices  of the  following 
(a) the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting; 
(b) the First General Meeting; and 
(c) the Second General Meeting. 
All the above meetings will be held on 29 October 2009 commencing  at 
12.15 p.m., save  for the Second  General Meeting, which  will be  at 
12.00 p.m. on 9 November  2009. All meetings will  be held at 4  More 
London Riverside, London SE1 2AU. 
Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting 
At the Ordinary  Shareholders' Meeting a  special resolution will  be 
proposed to  sanction  any  variation,  modification,  alteration  or 
abrogation of  the special  rights and  privileges attaching  to  the 
Ordinary Shares to be effected by the approval and implementation  of 
the Proposals. The resolution will  require the approval of at  least 
75 per cent. of the votes cast in respect of it. 
The quorum  for  passing  the  special  resolution  at  the  Ordinary 
Shareholders' Meeting  is  two or  more  holders of  Ordinary  Shares 
present in person or by proxy or in the case of a holder of  Ordinary 
Shares which is a corporation  by its duly authorised  representative 
and holding or representing  in aggregate at  least one-third of  the 
nominal amount paid up on the issued Ordinary Shares. If a quorum  is 
not present, it  is intended  to adjourn  the Ordinary  Shareholders' 
Meeting to 11.50 a.m. on 9  November 2009. At such adjourned  meeting 
one or more holders of Ordinary Shares present in person or by  proxy 
or in the case of a holder of Ordinary Shares which is a  corporation 
by its duly  authorised representative, whatever  the nominal  amount 
paid up on the issued shares held by them, shall form a quorum. 
First General Meeting 
The First General Meeting  will be held at  4 More London  Riverside, 
London SE1  2AU on  29 October  2009. A  special resolution  will  be 
proposed  at  that  Meeting  to  amend  the  Company's  Articles   of 
Association  for  the  purposes  of  the  Scheme,  to  sanction   the 
Liquidators' powers for the  purposes of the  Scheme, to approve  the 
Scheme and to  authorise its implementation  by the Liquidators.  The 
resolution will require the approval of at least 75 per cent. of  the 
votes cast  in respect  of it.  Only Ordinary  Shareholders (and  not 
Subscription Shareholders) will be entitled to attend and vote at the 
meeting. The Scheme will not  become effective until the  resolutions 
to be proposed at the Second General Meeting have also been passed. 
Second General Meeting 
The Second General Meeting will be  held at 4 More London  Riverside, 
London SE1 2AU on 
9 November 2009. The first resolution to be considered at the  Second 
General Meeting (which will be proposed as a special resolution) will 
be a resolution to  wind up the Company  voluntarily and appoint  the 
The second resolution (also a special resolution) will authorise  the 
Liquidators to exercise certain powers for which the express sanction 
of Ordinary Shareholders is required  under the Insolvency Act  1986, 
such as paying classes of creditors in full. 
Each resolution to  be proposed  at the Second  General Meeting  will 
require the approval of at  least 75 per cent.  of the votes cast  in 
respect of  it.  Only  Ordinary Shareholders  (and  not  Subscription 
Shareholders) will be entitled to attend and vote at the meeting. 
Before taking any  action, you  are recommended to  read the  further 
information set out  in this  document and in  the accompanying  ADMF 
If you are  in any doubt  as to  the action you  should take,  please 
consult your independent professional adviser immediately. 
Shareholders will find enclosed with this document: 
(a) a yellow  form of  proxy for  use at  the Ordinary  Shareholders' 
(b) a pink form of proxy for use at the First General Meeting; and 
(c) white form of proxy for use at the Second General Meeting. 
Whether or  not you  propose to  attend any  or all  of the  relevant 
Meetings, in  light  of the  quorum  requirements for  each  Meeting, 
please complete the relevant  forms of proxy  as soon as  practicable 
and return them  by post  or by  hand (during  normal business  hours 
only) to Capita Registrars,  at Capita Registrars, Proxy  Department, 
The Registry, 34 Beckenham Road, Beckenham,  Kent BR3 4TU as soon  as 
possible and in  any event so  as to  be received not  later than  48 
hours prior to the time of  the relevant meeting. The completion  and 
return of a form  of proxy will not  prevent an Ordinary  Shareholder 
from attending the relevant Meeting(s) and voting in person if he  or 
she wishes to do so. 
If the Scheme  is not implemented,  the Company will  continue as  an 
investment trust in its current form and a continuation vote will  be 
put to Shareholders at the annual  general meeting of the Company  to 
be held in 2013. 
The Board, which has been advised by Arbuthnot Securities,  considers 
the Proposals to be in the best interests of Shareholders as a  whole 
and  accordingly  recommends   that  you  vote   in  favour  of   the 
Resolutions.  In  providing  advice   to  the  Directors,   Arbuthnot 
Securities has  taken into  account the   Directors'  own  commercial 
assessment of the Proposals. 
The Directors  intend to  vote in  favour of  the Resolutions  to  be 
proposed at the Meetings in respect of their own beneficial  holdings 
of Ordinary Shares amounting in  aggregate to 39,000 Ordinary  Shares 
representing approximately 0.06 per cent.  of the Ordinary Shares  in 
Yours faithfully 
Peter O'Connor 
Expected Timetable (all references to time are to London time) 
Record date for interim dividend on Ordinary               23 October 
Latest time and date for receipt of forms of         12.15 p.m. on 27 
proxy for the Ordinary Shareholder Meeting                    October 
Latest time and date for receipt of forms of         12.20 p.m. on 27 
proxy for the First General Meeting                           October 
Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting**                     12.15 p.m. on 29 
First General Meeting***                             12.20 p.m. on 29 
Latest time and date for receipt of notices of         1.00 p.m. on 2 
exercise of  conversion rights                               November 
Ordinary Shares arising on the conversion of           8.00 a.m. on 6 
Subscription Shares allotted and admitted to                 November 
the Official List and to trading on the London 
Stock Exchange's main market 
Payment date for interim dividend (if any)*                6 November 
Record date for entitlements under the          the close of business 
Proposals and closing of Registers                      on 6 November 
Latest time and date for receipt of forms of          12.00 p.m. on 7 
proxy for the Second General Meeting                         November 
Dealings in Ordinary Shares and Subscription           7.30 a.m. on 9 
Shares suspended****                                         November 
Second General Meeting                                12.00 p.m. on 9 
Effective date for implementation of the Scheme            9 November 
commencement of the Company's liquidation 
ADMF Ordinary Shares and ADMF Subscription            8.00 a.m. on 10 
Shares allotted and admitted to the Official                 November 
List and dealings therein commence on the main 
market of the London Stock Exchange 
ADMF Ordinary Shares and ADMF Subscription                10 November 
Shares issued in uncertificated form under the 
Scheme credited to the CREST accounts of 
Shareholders entitled thereto 
Latest date for despatch of definitive                    24 November 
certificates in respect of ADMF Ordinary Shares 
and ADMF Subscription Shares issued in 
certificated form pursuant to the Scheme to the 
persons entitled thereto 
*    if an  interim dividend  is required  to be  paid prior  to  the 
     Effective Date in order to  satisfy the requirements of  section 
     842 of the Taxes Act 
**   or so soon thereafter as  the 2009 annual general meeting  shall 
     have been concluded or adjourned 
***  or so  soon thereafter  as  the Ordinary  Shareholders'  Meeting 
     shall have been concluded or adjourned 
**** if the Scheme becomes effective, it is expected that the listing 
     of the Ordinary Shares and Subscription Shares will be cancelled 
     not earlier than 10 November 2010 
Capitalised terms  used  in  this announcement  will  have  the  same 
meaning as in the  Circular to be sent  to Shareholders today  unless 
the context requires otherwise. 
Copies of the Circular and the  Prospectus will be available to  view 
and download at www.pro-asset.com  and  will be available on  request 
from the Company Secretary. Copies are also being been filed with the 
UK Listing Authority's Document  Viewing Facility, which is  situated 
The Financial Services Authority 
25 The North Colonnade 
Canary Wharf 
London E14 5HS 
Cavendish Administration Limited                       020 7490 4355 
Arbuthnot Securities Limited                              020 7012 
Alastair Moreton 
Hannah Pearce 
This announcement was originally distributed by Hugin. The issuer is 
solely responsible for the content of this announcement. 

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