Embargoed Release: 07:00hrs Monday 12th February 2007

                              CMR Fuel Cells plc                               

                           ('CMR' or `the Company')                            

              Final Results for the Year Ended 31st December 2006              


  * Technical performance milestones met successfully and in line with
    timescales anticipated in the Company's AIM admission document
  * Commercial relationships progressing well with leading consumer electronics
  * Entered into porous MEA development program with Solvay SA
  * Significant strengthening of commercial team with recruitment of Chief
    Commercial Officer
  * Appointment of Tim Curtis to the Board as Non-Executive Director
  * Staff numbers up to 27
  * Core patent granted in China - a key market
  * Entered into 2nd generation `printed stack' collaboration with Xaar plc and
    Solvay SA
  * Strong cash position
John Halfpenny, CEO, commented:

"At the time of our listing on the AIM market in December 2005, CMR identified
four key areas of focus - commercial engagement, technical progression,
intellectual property development and corporate development. I am very pleased
to be able to report that we have achieved excellent results in all of these
areas and that we expect to be able to maintain this level of progress
throughout 2007"

Chairman's Statement

It is with great pleasure that I make my first full report as the Chairman of
your Company. During 2006, CMR grew significantly in terms of resources and
capability and I am pleased to report that we have made excellent progress in
line with the objectives set out during the Company's placing and admission to
AIM in December 2005.

The past year has seen sustained market interest for small, long-running
portable fuel cells and we expect that methanol powered fuel cells will
continue to be seen as the next generation of power source for a wide range of
portable electronics products. CMR remains committed to delivering the low
cost, high performance fuel cell stacks that will enable the mass-market
deployment of fuel cell power sources.

During the twelve month period, the adjusted loss before tax (that is, profit
before tax adjusted for the cost of share options) was �1.3 million (2005: �
0.5m), reflecting the budgeted increased level of development activity during
2006. The increased activity has required additional technical and commercial
staff, additional equipment and space and expenditure was in line with budget.
At the Balance Sheet Date, staff numbers had risen to 27 in total from 11 at
the beginning of the period.

At 31 December 2006, net current assets totalled �10.59m (2005: �12.36m), of
which �10.58m was held in cash and short term deposits (2005:� 12.64m). Whilst
technical progress has been in line with expectation we enter the coming
financial year with better cash reserves than we had anticipated which puts us
in a good financial position from which to achieve CMR's objectives.

In accordance with the dividend policy disclosed at the time of the IPO, the
Board is not recommending payment of a dividend.

In 2006, I was able to report significant growth in our commercial team with
the appointment of an experienced Chief Commercial Officer and representation
in Japan. This improved our ability to service and develop our commercial
relationships and we are continuing to gain stronger traction with existing and
new partners in Asia. We have successfully delivered evaluation units to our
Korean partner and we are well on track to enter into a formal agreement to
jointly develop a stand alone demonstrator based on a CMR stack with this

Our technical team has continued to make excellent progress - we have recently
announced fuel cell stacks with power densities of over 500 Watts per litre.
Growing technical capability allied with our purpose fitted facilities enable
us to consistently produce world class fuel cell components. This allows CMR to
evaluate parallel technology and fabrication themes, based upon the mixed
reactant concept, giving us maximum flexibility to meet our customer's needs by
optimising the ultimate balance between cost and performance. We will
inevitably have additional technical issues to solve on the path to commercial
production but we believe that the progress made in building our technical
infrastructure in 2006 leaves us far better positioned to face these challenges
as they occur.

Our credibility with potential customers and suppliers alike has grown strongly
and we now have well developed supplier relationships which are vital for us to
offer our customers a complete supply chain.

We are acutely aware that not only must we have commercially compelling first
generation products, but also we need a strong road-map to ensure our
competitive position is maintained going forwards. To this end, CMR entered
into a non-exclusive collaboration with inkjet printing specialist, Xaar plc
and international chemicals group, Solvay SA to jointly develop a single-step
production process for the mass-manufacture of entire fuel cell stacks based
around CMR's unique and patented fuel cell architecture. This is a long term
programme which we believe could form the basis of CMR's second generation

In December we welcomed Tim Curtis onto our board and we look forward to
benefiting from his extensive experience in taking high-growth technology
businesses like CMR from the development phase in to commercial production.
Tim's advice will be of real value as we look to crystalise the opportunities
that arise from our commercial efforts.

We continue to develop and maintain our intellectual property and, in addition
to our existing grants in Australia and China, we expect to announce further
patents being granted over the coming year. In developing our products, our
science and engineering teams have identified new and valuable intellectual
property, leading to some sixteen new UK patent applications in 2006.


CMR's objectives for the coming year are to:

  * Progress and deepen the customer-side commercial relationships we currently
  * Develop new commercial relationships - both supplier and customer side
  * Broaden development of our technology in line with planned timescales
  * Successfully complete joint development and demonstration projects to
    support progression of commercial relationships
  * Progress the current intellectual property portfolio and capture new
    intellectual property
Finally I would like to thank all our staff for their commitment, innovation
and hard work that has produced the sustained progress that is central to the
success of the business and I look forward to reporting on their continued
success throughout the coming year.

Chief Executive's Report

At the time of our listing on the AIM market in December 2005, CMR identified
four key areas of focus - commercial engagement, technical progression,
intellectual property development and corporate development. I am very pleased
to be able to report that we have achieved excellent results in all of these
areas and that we expect to be able to maintain this level of progress
throughout 2007.

At a headline level, our development team doubled the power density of our fuel
cell stacks from 250 watts per litre to over 500 watts per litre, but this is
not the whole story. As well as increasing the power density we have also
significantly improved the selectivity of our MEAs by incorporating an improved
non-platinum catalyst and our fuel cell component development facility has also
enabled us to increase repeatability of our MEAs - both key parameters for our
customers. We now have a world-class development team which commands the
respect of many industry leaders and gives us value-adding partnership
opportunities which we could not have contemplated a year ago.

Our technical team remains commercially focussed and we expect to be addressing
other commercially relevant parameters such as cost and efficiency over the
coming year. Additionally, our growing `know-how' allows us to identify new and
better ways of solving problems and we will continue to review and apply
improved ways of achieving our goals.

On the commercial front, our relationships in Asia continue to develop and with
the recruitment of our Chief Commercial Officer, we have been able to devote
more time and attention to developing these. Asia continues to be the most
active region as far as portable fuel cells are concerned and we will continue
to focus here - especially Korea and Japan.

Market interest in portable fuel cells remains high, with lap top computers and
electric scooters continuing to be reported at the top of the list of likely
mass-market applications. It is very difficult to forecast exactly when mass
market opportunities for fuel cells will open up, but the growing number of
niche products coming on to the market and growing availability of fuel cell
`building blocks' gives us confidence that the portable fuel cell market will
be one of the first to emerge.

CMR is the UK's only developer of direct methanol fuel cell stacks and one
of only a handful of such companies in the world. This places us well to
exploit the consumer electronics market where methanol fuel cells could be the
single largest fuel cell related application sector for the next twenty years.

To be successful, we recognise the need to have a complete supply chain and to
have a clear road-map of products going forwards. To support these objectives,
we have been successful in building relationships with sector leading partners.
Over 2006 we announced agreements with Solvay, XAAR and ASPECT and we will be
announcing others over the coming year.

Our extensive knowledge of fuel cell technology and markets has lead to CMR's
role as industrial advisor to several national fuel cell programmes including
NPL and the bio-fuel cell consortium; our executive committee role in fuel
cells UK; membership & contribution to Intel's EBLWG and we have been invited
by DTI to be the UK's representative to the EU working group on portable fuel

CMR's formal intellectual property has developed well over 2006 - as well as
patent grants in China and Australia, we have pushed forwards with our
applications in other territories. We expect to be able to announce patents
moving to granted status in some of these territories over the coming year. We
have seen a growing level of interest in the `mixed reactant, flow through'
mode of fuel cell operation and we will continue to be vigilant in identifying
and addressing potentially conflicting patent filings.

Cash resources continue to be managed carefully and we have been able to
operate well within budget. During the period, the Company spent �2.5m in
financing operations and planned capital expenditure.

As anticipated in CMR's last interim report, we have now completed our
executive team and I am pleased to report that the team has performed very well
- over 2006 it delivered results on time, within budget and on plan. I am
extremely pleased to have such high capability resources available to the
Company and I am confident that we will be able to continue to report good
progress over the coming year.

For Further Information:

John Halfpenny            CMR Fuel Cells plc        01223 87 55 44           
Andrew Tan                Hansard Group             020 7245 1100            

Results for the Year Ended 31st December 2006

Consolidated Profit and Loss Account
For the year ended 31 December 2006

                                                           Year         Restated
                                                          ended             Year
                                                    31 December            ended
                                                                     31 December
                                                           2006             2005
                                         Note             �'000            �'000
Turnover                                                      -                -
Share option costs                                        (726)            (387)
Other administrative expenses                           (1,825)            (679)
Total Administrative expenses                           (2,551)          (1,066)
Other operating income                                        -               93
Operating loss                                          (2,551)            (973)
Interest receivable                                         523               52
Loss on ordinary activities before                      (2,028)            (921)
Tax on profit on ordinary activities                          -                -
Loss for financial year                                 (2,028)            (921)
Basic and diluted loss per share           2            (9.99)p          (6.64)p

Additional information on the                  2006             Restated        
Consolidated Profit and Loss Account                            2005            
                                               �'000            �'000           
Loss on ordinary activities after              (2,028)          (921)           
Share option costs                             726              387             
Adjusted loss before taxation                  (1,302)          (534)           

Basis of preparation

During the period the group carried out a reorganisation and introduced a new
holding company. The Profit and loss account has been prepared using merger
accounting and is presented on a proforma basis as if the new holding company
had been in existence throughout both the current and prior periods. Further
information is given in Note 1.

No other gains or losses arose in the year other than those reported above.

Consolidated Balance Sheet
at 31 December 2006

                                                      31 December      31 December
                                                             2006             2005
                                                            �'000            �'000
Fixed assets                                                                      
Intangible assets                                              41               63
Tangible assets                                               539               47
                                                              580              110
Current assets                                                                    
Debtors                                                       167               93
Cash at bank and in hand                                   10,587           12,640
                                                           10,754           12,733
Creditors: amounts falling due within one                   (163)            (370)
Net current assets                                         10,591           12,363
Net assets                                                 11,171           12,473
Capital and reserves                                                              
Called up share capital                                     2,030            2,030
Share premium account                                       9,776            9,776
Other reserve                                               1,335            1,335
Profit and loss account                                   (1,970)            (668)
Equity shareholders' funds                                 11,171           12,473

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
For the year ended 31 December 2006

                                                            Year             Year
                                                           ended            ended
                                                     31 December      31 December
                                                            2006             2005
                                          Note             �'000            �'000
Net cash outflow from operating             3            (2,000)            (275)
Returns on investment and servicing of                                           
Interest received                                            523               52
Net cash inflow from returns on                              523               52
investment and servicing of finance                                              
Capital expenditure                                                              
Payments for tangible fixed assets                         (576)             (47)
Net cash outflow from capital expenditure                  (576)             (47)
Cash outflow before the management of                       (53)            (270)
liquid resources                                                                 
Management of liquid resources                                                   
Decrease/(increase) in short term                          1,775         (12,100)
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from the                         1,775         (12,100)
management of liquid resources                                                   
Issue of ordinary share capital                               -            13,834
Expenses of issuing ordinary share                            -           (1,082)
Cash inflow from financing                                    -            12,752
(Decrease)/increase in cash                 4              (278)              382

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the year ended 31 December 2006

1. Basis of Preparation

In December 2005, the Group carried out a restructuring and introduced a
holding company, CMR Fuel Cells Plc. The consolidated Group financial
statements incorporate the results of CMR Fuel Cells Plc and its subsidiary
undertaking CMR Fuel Cells (UK) Limited as at 31 December 2006 using the merger
accounting method. CMR Fuel Cells Plc was incorporated on 12 September 2005 and
as such the comparative figures are proforma and represent the results and net
assets of CMR Fuel Cells (UK) Limited, adjusted for the shares issued to effect
the merger.

The financial report has been otherwise prepared using accounting policies
consistent with those set out in the Admission Document of the company dated 16
December 2005 - with the exception of FRS 20 `share-based payments' which has
been adopted with the effect of restating the results for year ended 31
December 2005.

The financial report does not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning
of section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The financial report is unaudited.

2. Loss Per Share

                                                           Year             Year
                                                          ended            ended
                                                    31 December      31 December
                                                           2006             2005
                                                          �'000            �'000
Basic and diluted loss per share has been                 2,028              921
calculated on the loss of:                                                      
The weighed average number of shares used was:       20,304,854       13,878,164

 3. Reconciliation of Operating Loss to Net Cash Outflow from Operating
                                                           Year             Year
                                                          ended            ended
                                                    31 December      31 December
                                                           2006             2005
                                                         � '000           � '000
Operating loss                                          (2,551)            (973)
Depreciation of tangible fixed assets                        22               17
Amortisation of intangible fixed assets                      84               22
Increase in debtors                                        (74)             (86)
Increase in creditors                                     (207)              358
Other non cash charges                                      726              387
Net cash outflow from operating activities              (2,000)            (275)

 4. Reconciliation of Net Cash Flow to Movement in Net Funds
                                                  Year ended 31    Year ended 31
                                                       December         December
                                                           2006             2005
                                                         � '000           � '000
(Decrease)/increase in cash                               (278)              382
(Decrease)/increase in liquid resources                 (1,775)           12,100
(Decrease)/increase in net funds from cash              (2,053)           12,482
Opening net funds                                        12,640              158
Closing net funds                                        10,587           12,640


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