RNS Number:0133N
InTechnology PLC
13 November 2001

13th November 2001

InTechnology plc

Interim Results for the six months ending 30th September 2001


*        Turnover up to #73.9m

Online Data Services (ODS)

*        Over #15m of new online contracts secured and growing in excess of #
         1m per month

*        New services launched

*        Major partnerships agreed with Compaq UK, Compaq Germany and Hewlett

Storage Solutions & Services (SSS)

*        Gross margin increased to 12.2%

*        Enhanced product portfolio in storage management solutions

*        Consolidated our position as the UK's No 1 storage solutions provider

Commenting on the results, Lord Parkinson said:

"Security of business data and disaster recovery have become priorities for
corporations worldwide, who are realising the importance of their data and are
consequently investing in secure data back-up and retrieval.  We are well
placed to take advantage of this growing market.  We offer a revolutionary set
of data back-up and security products, which automatically copy data offsite,
where it is available for immediate retrieval."

For further information please contact:

Peter Wilkinson, Chief Executive                               020 7786 3400
Ann-marie Wilkinson / Susan Frost          Beattie Financial   020 7398 3300


I am pleased to announce the interim results of InTechnology plc.

Our original business, now the Storage Solutions and Services (SSS) division,
has maintained its robust performance, in spite of difficult market
conditions.   Our new Online Data Services (ODS) division has continued to
increase its revenues and expand its range of services.

Security of business data and disaster recovery have become priorities for
corporations worldwide, who are realising the importance of their data and are
consequently investing in secure data backup and retrieval.

We are well placed to take advantage of this growing market.   We offer a
revolutionary set of data back-up and security products, which automatically
copy data offsite, where it is available for immediate retrieval.

Our ODS division also helps its customers to deal with the problem of shortage
of IT skills, by enabling them to outsource their data storage management and

Trading for the six months to 30th September 2001

In the six months to 30th September 2001, the SSS business has achieved
revenues of #72 million, and an operating profit of #3.6 million before 
amortisation of goodwill.

Our ODS business in the United Kingdom has achieved revenues of #1.9 million
and an operating loss of #3.5 million before amortisation of goodwill. Gross
margin increased to 12.2%. Encouragingly, ODS has now signed contracts worth
in excess of #15 million over the contracts' duration.  This figure is
expected to grow significantly over the medium term and provide the company
with recurring revenue streams.

Our German ODS subsidiary has completed its start up phase and is now fully
operational.  Start up costs of #1.1 million were incurred in the period.

InTechnology ended the period with cash balances of #23 million, which
together with continued positive cash flows from SSS and loan facilities, will
fund our planned growth for the foreseeable future.

Developments in the six months to 30th September 2001

Significant new product developments have occurred in the ODS division over
the past six months, and have opened up additional markets for our business.

VBAK, which caters for data volumes of up to 1 terabyte (TB), is selling well
and we have now contracted for over fifty systems.

At the end of September we launched VBAK Plus, a new service designed for data
volumes of between 1TB and 10TB. This product was developed in response to
market demands identified whilst selling VBAK.

This month we are launching Managed Storage Services (MSS) which is a real
time data replication service that manages volumes in excess of 5TB.

To ensure that the full potential of our new products is exploited, we have
entered into a number of significant partnership agreements with major
companies, who share our view of the prospects of these products:

*                    Compaq UK will sell both VBAK and VBAK Plus.

*                    Compaq Germany has signed a similar contract to Compaq UK
                     to sell VBAK.

*                    We have recently contracted with Hewlett Packard to
partner with them exclusively to provide our MSS portfolio based on their XP
storage technology.


The SSS  business is expected to maintain its profitability and cash
generation.  Data storage volumes continue to grow in the UK and drive the
need to acquire cost-effective storage solutions.

We remain confident of growing the ODS business in the UK and Germany because
of the expanded product range and the marketing partnerships recently signed.
The Compaq contracts will drive VBAK sales and secure our medium term
forecasts, but commission payments in the short term will lower gross margin.

The new services, VBAK Plus and MSS have significantly higher contract values,
generating recurring revenues of up to ten times those of VBAK.

Further European expansion is planned and the Directors are exploring ways of
lowering start up costs in each country, through partnership arrangements.

The Board's strategy for the future remains to build all parts of the
business, but with the more established SSS division lending its strong
technical and financial resources to the development of the ODS business.

Recent events have underlined the importance for all businesses of data
security.  InTechnology, with its comprehensive range of services, is well
equipped to help its customers to deal with this pressing problem.

The success of this business is built upon the commitment and quality of its
employees. The teamwork and dedication of the staff at InTechnology never
fails to impress me, and along with the rest of the InTechnology Board, I
would like to thank them all for their efforts.

The Rt. Hon. Lord Parkinson
Non-Executive Chairman
12 November 2001

Consolidated profit & loss account
For the 6 months ended 30 September 2001

                                                6 months       Period    Period
                                                   ended        ended     ended
                                                      30           30        31
                                               September    September     March
                                                    2001         2000      2001
                                             (Unaudited)   (Unaudited) (Audited)

                                        Note       #'000        #'000     #'000

Turnover                                1&2       73,872       29,898   122,398
Cost of sales                                   (63,493)     (25,952) (106,873)

Gross profit                                      10,379        3,946    15,525

Administrative expenses                         (15,454)      (4,070)  (17,179)

EBITDA                                               532        1,705     5,259
Depreciation                                     (1,598)        (335)   (1,437)
Amortisation of goodwill                         (4,009)      (1,494)   (5,476)

Group operating loss                             (5,075)        (124)   (1,654)

Share of operating loss of associate     3         (353)            -     (106)

Total operating loss                             (5,428)        (124)   (1,760)

Net interest receivable                              146          128       358

(Loss)/profit on ordinary activities
before taxation                          2       (5,282)            4   (1,402)

Tax on (loss)/profit on ordinary
activities                               4            97        (448)   (1,412)

Loss for the period                      6       (5,185)        (444)   (2,814)

Loss per share (pence)                   5

Basic                                             (3.76)       (0.98)    (3.33)
Diluted                                           (3.33)       (0.91)    (3.04)

Adjusted (loss)/earnings per share       5
Basic                                             (0.60)         2.32      3.15
Diluted                                           (0.53)         2.14      2.87

EBITDA comprises earnings before interest, taxation, depreciation and
amortisation of goodwill.

All of the activities of the Group relate to continuing operations.

There is no difference between the loss on ordinary activities before taxation
and the loss sustained for the period ended 30 September 2001 and their
historical cost equivalents.

The Group has no material recognised gains or losses other than those included
in the results above, and therefore no separate statement of total recognised
gains and losses has been presented.

Consolidated balance sheet
As at 30 September 2001

                                                      30           30        31
                                               September    September     March
                                                    2001         2000      2001
                                             (Unaudited)   (Unaudited) (Audited)

                                        Note       #'000        #'000     #'000

Fixed assets
Intangible assets                                150,423      158,414   154,432
Tangible assets                                    8,929        7,505     8,541
Investment in associate                                -          350       353
                                                 159,352      166,269   163,326
Current assets
Stock                                             10,011       10,308     9,213
Debtors                                           30,367       23,300    38,473
Cash at bank and in hand                          22,850       31,376    26,809
                                                  63,228       64,984    74,495

Creditors - amounts falling due within
one year                                        (33,184)     (33,134)  (42,628)

Net current assets                                30,044       31,850    31,867

Total assets less current liabilities            189,396      198,119   195,193

Creditors - amounts falling due after
more than one year                               (7,143)      (8,355)   (7,799)

                                                 182,253      189,764   187,394

Capital and reserves
Called up share capital
    equity                                         1,381        1,380     1,380
    non-equity                                       480          480       480
Share premium account                            188,391      188,348   188,348
Profit and loss account                          (7,999)        (444)   (2,814)

Shareholders' funds (including
non-equity interests)                            182,253      189,764   187,394

Shareholders' funds comprise:
Equity interests                         6       180,013      187,524   185,154
Non-equity interests                     6         2,240        2,240     2,240
                                                 182,253      189,764   187,394

Consolidated cash flow statement
For the 6 months ended 30 September 2001

                                                6 months       Period    Period
                                                   ended        ended     ended
                                                      30           30        31
                                               September    September     March
                                                    2001         2000      2001
                                             (Unaudited)   (Unaudited) (Audited)

                                        Note       #'000        #'000     #'000

Net cash (outflow)/inflow from operating
activities                                7         (638)       3,597     2,923
Returns on investments and servicing of
Interest received                                     492         208       886
Interest paid                                        (346)        (80)     (528)

Net cash inflow from returns on
investments and servicing of finance                  146         128       358

Taxation                                           (1,103)          -    (1,376)

Capital expenditure and financial
Purchase of tangible fixed assets                  (2,001)       (841)   (2,987)
Sale of tangible fixed assets                          11           -        15
Net cash outflow from capital
expenditure and financial investment               (1,990)       (841)   (2,972)
Purchase of subsidiary undertakings
(including costs)                                       -     (10,332)  (10,332)
Net cash at bank acquired with                          -       4,473     4,473
purchase of subsid. undertakings                       
Investment in associated undertaking                    -        (275)     (384)
Net cash outflow for acquisitions                       -      (6,134)   (6,243)

Net cash outflow before financing                  (3,585)     (3,250)   (7,310)

Management of liquid resources
Decrease/(increase) in short term
deposits with financial institutions                5,000           -   (15,000)

Issue of ordinary share capital                        44      36,470    36,470
Expenses of share issue                                 -     (1,592)   (1,592)
Repayment of secured loans                          (418)       (252)     (759)
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from financing            (374)      34,626    34,119

Increase in cash in the period            8         1,041      31,376    11,809

Notes to the interim financial information

For the 6 months ended 30 September 2001

1. Basis of preparation

The financial information included in this interim statement for the 6 months
ended 30th September 2001 does not constitute statutory accounts within the
meaning of section 240 of the Companies Act 1985 and is not audited or
reviewed.  The financial information has been prepared on the basis of
accounting policies consistent with those set out in the statutory accounts
for the period ended 31st March 2001.  The financial information relating to
the period ended 31st March 2001 has been extracted from the statutory
accounts for that period which have been filed with the Registrar of Companies
and on which the auditors gave an unqualified opinion.

This interim statement will be posted on the Company's website, in addition to
the paper version.  The maintenance and integrity of the InTechnology website
is the responsibility of the directors and work carried out by the auditors
does not involve consideration of these matters.  Legislation in the United
Kingdom governing the preparation and dissemination of the financial
information may differ from legislation in other jurisdictions.

Prior year financial information was prepared for the period from
incorporation of InTechnology plc on 26 January 2000 to 30 September 2000 and
31 March 2001.  However, InTechnology did not trade until the acquisition of
STORM and VData on 24 July 2000 and the results of these businesses were
consolidated from that date.

2. Segmental information

Geographical analysis - Turnover by destination

                       6 months ended            Period ended      Period ended
                         30 September       30 September 2000          31 March
                                 2001                   #'000              2001
                                #'000                                     #'000

United Kingdom                 73,032                  29,854           122,159
Continental Europe                838                      36               226
North America                       2                       8                13
                               73,872                  29,898           122,398

Geographical analysis - Turnover by source

                       6 months ended            Period ended      Period ended
                         30 September       30 September 2000          31 March
                                 2001                   #'000              2001
                                #'000                                     #'000

United Kingdom                 73,872                  29,898           122,398
Continental Europe                  -                       -                 -
North America                       -                       -                 -
                               73,872                  29,898           122,398

Geographical Analysis - (Loss)/profit before tax by source

                                         6 months     Period ended Period ended
                                                      30 September     31 March
                                     30 September             2000
                                             2001            #'000

United Kingdom                            (3,995)            (124)      (1,416)
Continental Europe                        (1,080)                -        (238)
North America                                   -                -            -
                                          (5,075)            (124)      (1,654)

Share of operating loss of                  (353)                -        (106)

Net interest receivable                       146              128          358
                                          (5,282)                4      (1,402)

Business Analysis - Turnover

            6 months ended                   Period ended          Period ended
              30 September              30 September 2000              31 March
                      2001                          #'000                  2001
                     #'000                                                #'000

SSS                 72,001                         29,321               120,348
ODS                  1,871                            577                 2,050
                    73,872                         29,898               122,398

Business Analysis - (Loss)/Profit before tax after goodwill amortisation

                                         6 months     Period ended Period ended
                                                      30 September     31 March
                                     30 September             2000
                                             2001            #'000

SSS                                         2,706            1,379        5,813
ODS                                       (7,781)          (1,503)      (7,467)
                                          (5,075)            (124)      (1,654)

Share of operating loss of                  (353)                -        (106)

Net interest receivable                       146              128          358
                                          (5,282)                4      (1,402)

Business Analysis - (Loss)/profit before tax before goodwill amortisation

                                         6 months     Period ended Period ended
                                                      30 September     31 March
                                     30 September             2000
                                             2001            #'000

SSS                                         3,559            1,696        6,978
ODS                                       (4,625)            (326)      (3,156)
                                          (1,066)            1,370        3,822

Share of operating loss of                  (353)                -        (106)

Net interest receivable                       146              128          358
                                          (1,273)            1,498        4,074

3. Share of operating loss of associate

The share of the operating loss of associate represents the losses incurred
and subsequent write-down in carrying value of the Group's 30.6% investment in
eGreenhouse Limited.  The company was placed in voluntary liquidation on 3
October 2001.

4. Tax on loss on ordinary activities

No liability to corporation tax arises in the 6 months to 30 September 2001.

The taxation credit has been calculated by applying the directors' best
estimate of the effective tax rate for the year, which is 30%, (30 September
2000: 30%, 31 March 2001: 30%), to the profit, before goodwill amortisation,
for the period.

5. (Loss)/earnings per share

Basic loss per share is calculated by dividing the loss attributable to
ordinary shareholders of #5,185,000, (30 September 2000: #444,000, 31 March
2001: #2,814,000), by the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue
during the financial period of 138,077,092, (30 September 2000: 45,325,282, 31
March 2001: 84,459,355).

The adjusted loss per share is based on the loss after taxation after adding
back amortisation of goodwill of #4,009,000, (30 September 2000: #1,494,000,
31 March 2001: #5,476,000), and share of operating loss of the Company's
associate, eGreenhouse Limited, (which ceased trading in the period), of #
353,000, (30 September 2000: #nil, 31 March 2001: #nil).

For diluted loss per share, the weighted average number of ordinary shares in
issue is adjusted to assume conversion of all dilutive potential ordinary

The weighted average number of shares in issue during the period may be
reconciled to the number used in the diluted earnings per share calculation as

                                             6 months   Period ended     Period
                                                ended                     ended
                                                        30 September
                                         30 September           2000   31 March

                                                 2001    (Unaudited)       2001

                                          (Unaudited)                 (Audited)
Weighted average number of shares              Number         Number     Number

In issue during the period                138,077,092     45,325,282 84,459,355

Issuable on conversion of outstanding
options                                    17,573,586      3,726,474  8,203,386
Used in diluted earnings per share
calculation                               155,650,678     49,051,756 92,662,741

6. Reconciliation of movements in Group shareholders' funds

                                           6 months          Period       Period
                                              ended           ended        ended
                                                 30              30           31
                                          September        September       March
                                               2001            2000        2001
                                        (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)   (Audited)
                                              #'000           #'000       #'000

Loss for the period                         (5,185)           (444)     (2,814)
Proceeds of ordinary share capital
issued                                            1           1,380       1,380
Premium on ordinary share capital
issued                                           43         188,348     188,348
Non-equity share capital issued                   -             480         480

Net change in shareholders' funds           (5,141)         189,764     187,394

Opening shareholders' funds                 187,394               -           -

Closing shareholders' funds                 182,253         189,764     187,394

On 15 May 2001 the Company issued 101,589 ordinary shares in respect of
employee share options.

7. Reconciliation of operating loss to net cash inflow from operating

                                             6 months         Period      Period
                                                ended          ended      ended
                                                   30             30          31
                                            September      September      March
                                                 2001           2000       2001
                                                #'000          #'000      #'000

Operating loss                                (5,075)          (124)    (1,654)
Depreciation of tangible fixed assets           1,598            335      1,437
Goodwill amortisation                           4,009          1,494      5,476
Loss/(profit) on sale of tangible fixed
assets                                              4              -        (8)
Increase in stocks                              (798)        (1,275)      (180)
Decrease/(increase) in debtors                  8,203          4,826   (10,173)
(Decrease)/increase in creditors              (8,579)        (1,659)      8,025
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from operating
                                                (638)          3,597      2,923

8. Reconciliation of movement in net funds

                                               6 months        Period     Period
                                                  ended         ended      ended
                                                     30           30          31
                                              September     September      March
                                                   2001          2000      2001
                                                  #'000         #'000     #'000

Increase in cash in the period                    1,041        31,376    11,809
(Decrease)/increase in short term deposits       (5,000)            -    15,000
Cash outflow from repayment of debt                 418           253       759

Change in net debt resulting from cash flows     (3,541)        31,629    27,568
Borrowings acquired on purchase of
subsidiary undertakings                               -         (9,670)  (9,760)
Movements in net funds in the period            (3,541)        21,959    17,898
Net funds at start of period                     17,898             -         -

Net funds at end of period                       14,357        21,959    17,898

9. Shareholder information

The interim announcement has been posted to shareholders on 16 November 2001.
Further copies are available on request from the registered office of the
Company at Nidderdale House, Beckwith Knowle, Harrogate, HG3 1SA.

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