RNS Number:2716U
GNI Limited
15 January 2004

                                                   Date Of Disclosure: 15/01/04 

Fax to 020 7256 9386 (Take Over Panel) and 020 7588 6057 (RNS) FORM 8.1/8.3 

Lodge with a RIS or Newstrack and the Takeover Panel. Use separate form for 
each class of securities in which dealings have been made. 



 Date of dealing  14/01/04 

 (1) Name of Company Dealing in  New Look Group PLC 

 Class of securities ORDINARY SHARES 

Amount Bought            Amount Sold       Price Per Unit 

                          100000                  3.2500
                          100000                  3.2504
     50000                                        3.2497
     50000                                        3.2000
     33000                                        3.2500
     25000                                        3.2500
     25000                                        3.2500
     25000                                        3.2500
     25000                                        3.2500
     25000                                        3.2500
     24257                                        3.2500
     22000                                        3.2400
     21000                                        3.2500
     19786                                        3.2500
     19257                                        3.2500
     17000                                        3.2500
     17000                                        3.2500
     16000                                        3.2500
     12000                                        3.2500
     11302                                        3.2500
     10000                                        3.2500
     10000                                        3.2500
     10000                                        3.2000
     10000                                        3.2450
     10000                                        3.2500
                           10000                  3.2500
     9526                                         3.2500
     9000                                         3.2475
     9000                                         3.2500
     9000                                         3.2500
     9000                                         3.2475
     9000                                         3.2500
     8968                                         3.2500
     8909                                         3.2400
     7691                                         3.2400
     7500                                         3.2000
     7500                                         3.2000
     7500                                         3.2000
     7500                                         3.2000
     6732                                         3.2500
     6250                                         3.2000
     6250                                         3.2400
     5214                                         3.2500
     5157                                         3.2500
     5150                                         3.2350
     5000                                         3.2200
     5000                                         3.2400
     5000                                         3.2475
     5000                                         3.2475
     5000                                         3.2450
     5000                                         3.2475
     5000                                         3.2450
     5000                                         3.2500
     4874                                         3.2500
     4843                                         3.2500
     4500                                         3.2400
     4032                                         3.2500
     4000                                         3.2500
     3750                                         3.2000
     3466                                         3.2500
     3268                                         3.2500
     2369                                         3.2500
     1900                                         3.2475
     1600                                         3.2475
      900                                         3.2475
      743                                         3.2600
      700                                         3.2500
      600                                         3.2475
      474                                         3.2500
       32                                         3.2475

 (3) Resultant total of the same class owned or controlled and 
     percentage of class 6,740,292        3.36% 

 (4) Party making disclosure GNI LIMITED 

 (5) Name of purchaser/vendor (Note1) GNI LIMITED 

 (6) Reason for disclosure (Note 2) 

 (a) Associate of (i) offeror (Note 3) - NO 

 (i) offeree Company - NO 

 Specify which category or categories of associate (1-8 overleaf) 

 If category (8), explain 

 (b) Rule 8.3 (i.e. disclosure because of ownership or control of 1% or more of 
     the class of relevant securities dealt in) - YES 

 Signed, for and on behalf of the party named in (4) above NIGEL AVEY 

 Telephone and extension number 020-700-23140 

 Note1. Specify owner, not nominee or vehicle company. If relevant, also 
        identify controller of owner, e.g. where an owner normally acts on 
        instructions of a controller. 

 Note 2. Disclosure might be made for more than one reason; if so, state 
         all reasons. 

 Note 3. Specify which offeror if there is more than one. 

 Note 4. When an arrangement exists with any offeror, with the offeree company
         or with an associate of any offeror or of the offeree company in 
         relation to relevant securities, details of such arrangement must be 
         disclosed, as required by Note 6 on Rule 8. 

 Note 5. It may be necessary, particularly when disclosing derivative 
         transactions, to append a sheet to this disclosure form so  
         that all relevant information can be given. 

 Note 6. In the case of an average price bargain, each underlying trade should 
         be disclosed 

 For full details of disclosure requirements, see Rule 8 of the Code. 
 If in doubt, contact the Panel on Takeovers and Mergers,  Monitoring Section,
 Tel. No: 020 7638 0129. E-mail:monitoring@disclosure.org.uk 


GNI Ltd is the beneficial owner of  6,740,292 Ordinary Shares in the above
company which are held  to hedge CFD positions resulting from CFD contracts (see
below) established between GNI and its clients. 

A Contract for Difference or CFD is an agreement between two parties to
exchange, at the close of the contract, the difference between the opening price
and the closing price, multiplied by the number of reference shares specified
within the contract. The 'reference shares' are the underlying shares specified
in the CFD. The economic performance of the CFD is determined by the performance
of the underlying reference shares. Although CFDs replicate the price movement
of the underlying reference shares, they convey no right or requirement to
acquire or deliver the physical shares. 

The contract value of a CFD is defined as the number of reference shares
specified in the contract, multiplied by the price of the underlying reference
share. If a client of  GNI takes a long position, the customer will make a
profit if the contract value increases. Conversely, if a customer of GNI   takes
a short position, the customer will benefit if the contract value falls. The CFD
contracts detailed below are open-ended and  without predetermined expiry/close


It is not practicable to define associate in terms which would cover all the
different relationships which may exist in an offer. The   term associate is
intended to cover all persons (whether or not acting in concert) who directly or
indirectly own or deal in the   shares of an offeror or the offeree company in
an offer and who have (in addition to their normal interests as shareholders) an
interest or potential interest, whether commercial, financial or personal, in
the outcome of the offer  Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing,
the term associate will normally include the following:- 

 (1) an offeror's or the offeree company's parent, subsidiaries and fellow
subsidiaries, and their associated companies, and    companies of which such
companies are associated companies (for this purpose ownership or control of 20%
or more of the   equity share capital of a company is regarded as the test of
associated company status); 

 (2) banks and financial and other professional advisers (including
stockbrokers)* to an offeror, the offeree company or any   company covered in
(1), including persons controlling#, controlled by or under the same control as
such banks, financial and   other professional advisers; 

 (3) the directors (together with their close relatives and related trusts) of
an offeror, the offeree company or any company   covered in (1); 

 (4) the pension funds of an offeror, the offeree company or any company covered 
     in (1);  

 (5) any investment company, unit trust or other person whose investments an
associate manages on a discretionary basis, in   respect of the relevant
investment accounts; 

 (6) a person who owns or controls 5% or more of any class of relevant
securities (as defined in paragraphs (a) to (d) in Note 2   on Rule 8) issued by
an offeror or an offeree company, including a person who as a result of any
transaction owns or controls   5% or more. When two or more persons act pursuant
to an agreement or understanding (formal or informal) to acquire or control 
such securities, they will be deemed to be a single person for the purpose of
this paragraph. Such securities managed on a   discretionary basis by an
investment management group will, unless otherwise agreed by the Panel, also be
deemed to be   those of a single person (see Note 8 on Rule 8); and 

 (7) a company having a material trading arrangement with an offeror or the
offeree company. Paragraphs (1)-(7) are typical cases. Paragraph (8) below is a
category to cover associate status not within (1)-(7). 

(8) Other. 


     19/09/03          -100000          3.2300        3.2504         14/01/04
     19/09/03          -100000          3.2300        3.2500         14/01/04
     29/10/03           -10000          3.3100        3.2600         14/01/04


                                                          NO. Shs     (ppu)

    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    14/01/04    GNI SALE     25,000   3.2497
    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    14/01/04    GNI SALE     9,500    3.2400  
    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    14/01/04    GNI SALE    25,000    3.2499  
    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    14/01/04    GNI SALE    25,000    3.2500
    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    14/01/04    GNI SALE    50,000    3.2000  
    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    14/01/04    GNI SALE    50,000    3.2000  
    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    14/01/04    GNI SALE    50,000    3.2483  
    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    14/01/04    GNI SALE    50,000    3.2497  
    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    14/01/04    GNI SALE    50,000    3.2500  
    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    14/01/04    GNI SALE   100,000    3.2400  
    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    14/01/04    GNI SALE    50,000    3.2395  
    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    14/01/04    GNI SALE     5,000    3.2200  
    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    13/01/04    GNI SALE     2,200    3.2200  
    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    13/01/04    GNI SALE    15,000    3.2000  
    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    13/01/04    GNI SALE    11,363    3.2300  
    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    13/01/04    GNI SALE    10,000    3.2000  
    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    13/01/04    GNI SALE     7,400    3.2270  
    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    13/01/04    GNI SALE     7,300    3.2000  
    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    13/01/04    GNI SALE     5,000    3.2200  
    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    13/01/04    GNI SALE     2,700    3.2000  
    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    13/01/04    GNI SALE    20,000    3.2349  
    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    13/01/04    GNI SALE     5,000    3.2300  
    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    13/01/04    GNI SALE     5,000    3.2000  
    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    13/01/04    GNI SALE    50,000    3.2400  
    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    13/01/04    GNI SALE     5,000    3.2100  
    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    13/01/04    GNI SALE    25,000    3.1800  
    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    13/01/04    GNI SALE   200,000    3.1951  
    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    13/01/04    GNI SALE    50,000    3.2300  
    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    13/01/04    GNI SALE    50,000    3.1950
    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    13/01/04    GNI SALE    50,200    3.1946    
    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    13/01/04    GNI SALE    25,000    3.2000  
    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    13/01/04    GNI SALE    45,000    3.2112  
    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    13/01/04    GNI SALE    26,000    3.2299  
    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    13/01/04    GNI SALE    34,850    3.2277  
    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    12/01/04    GNI SALE    25,000    3.1300  
    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    12/01/04    GNI SALE    100,000   3.1333  
    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    19/01/04    GNI SALE    15,000    3.0500  
    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    15/12/03    GNI SALE    10,000    3.1350  
    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    15/12/04    GNI SALE    15,000    3.1325 
    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    10/01/04    GNI SALE     5,000    3.1300  
    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    10/01/04    GNI SALE     10,000   3.1765 

    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    10/02/03    GNI SALE     50,000   3.1799
    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    10/12/03    GNI SALE      5,000   3.1850

    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    10/12/03    GNI SALE      5,000   3.1765

    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    10/12/03    GNI SALE     10,000   3.1600

    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    10/12/03    GNI SALE     10,000   3.1765

    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    10/12/03    GNI SALE    10,000    3.1850  
    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    10/12/03    GNI SALE    10,000    3.1850  
    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    10/12/03    GNI SALE    17,500    3.1600 
    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    10/12/03    GNI SALE    25,000    3.1500 
    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    10/12/03    GNI SALE    50,000    3.1725 
    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    10/12/03    GNI SALE    25,000    3.1600  
    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    25/11/03    GNI SALE     5,000    3.1200
    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    24/11/03    GNI SALE    10,000    3.1000  
    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    24/11/03    GNI SALE     2,000    3.0325  
    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    21/11/03    GNI SALE    25,000    3.1350  

    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    21/11/03    GNI SALE    15,000    3.1450  
    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    21/11/03    GNI SALE    10,000    3.1450  
    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    21/11/03    GNI SALE    20,000    3.1375  
    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    21/11/03    GNI SALE    20,000    3.1400  
    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    21/11/03    GNI SALE    45,000    3.1400
    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    21/11/03    GNI SALE    49,234    3.1400  
    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    21/11/03    GNI SALE    10,000    3.1400  
    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    21/11/03    GNI SALE    90,000    3.1364

    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    21/11/03    GNI SALE    25,000    3.1400  
    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    20/11/03    GNI SALE    20,000    3.1600  
    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    20/11/03    GNI SALE     5,000    3.1925  
    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    20/11/03    GNI SALE    10,000    3.1625  
    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    20/11/03    GNI SALE    10,000    3.1800  
    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    20/11/03    GNI SALE    10,000    3.1950  
    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    20/11/03    GNI SALE    20,000    3.1475  
    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    20/11/03    GNI SALE   514,300    3.1685  
    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    20/11/03    GNI SALE    10,000    3.2000
    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    19/11/03    GNI SALE    10,000    3.1700  
    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    19/11/03    GNI SALE    10,000    3.1650  
    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    18/11/03    GNI SALE    10,000    3.2200  
    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    18/11/03    GNI SALE    10,000    3.2400  
    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    17/11/03    GNI SALE    50,000    3.2900  
    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    17/11/03    GNI SALE    50,000    3.2799  
    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    17/11/03    GNI SALE    25,000    3.2500  
    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    17/11/03    GNI SALE    10,000    3.2950

    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    17/11/03    GNI SALE    10,000    3.2800

    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    14/11/03    GNI SALE     3,500    3.2625

    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    14/11/03    GNI SALE    10,000    3.2725

    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    13/11/03    GNI SALE   102,400    3.3002

    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    12/11/03    GNI SALE    15,000    3.3250

    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    12/11/03    GNI SALE    50,000    3.3175

    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    11/11/03    GNI SALE     5,000    3.3125

    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    11/11/03    GNI SALE     5,000    3.3050

    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    10/11/03    GNI SALE    65,000    3.3250

    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    07/11/03    GNI SALE    20,000    3.3400

    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    07/11/03    GNI SALE    10,000    3.3350

    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    06/11/03    GNI SALE    50,000    3.3220

    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    05/11/03    GNI SALE    35,500    3.3285

    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    31/10/03    GNI SALE    20,000    3.3200

    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    30/10/03    GNI SALE    10,000    3.3200

    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    30/10/03    GNI SALE     2,500    3.3500

    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    29/10/03    GNI SALE   908,163    3.3100

    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    29/10/03    GNI SALE    10,000    3.3200

    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    28/10/03    GNI SALE   245,000    3.2984

    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    24/10/03    GNI SALE    25,000    3.2800

    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    23/10/03    GNI SALE    65,000    3.2438

    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    20/10/03    GNI SALE     5,000    3.2500

    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    17/10/03    GNI SALE    60,000    3.2700

    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    17/10/03    GNI SALE     5,000    3.2500

    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    16/10/03    GNI SALE    75,000    3.2683

    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    16/10/03    GNI SALE    50,000    3.2700

    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    15/10/03    GNI SALE   200,000    3.2500

    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    14/10/03    GNI SALE     5,000    3.2700

    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    13/10/03    GNI SALE     5,000    3.3033

    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    10/10/03    GNI SALE   375,000    3.1393

    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    06/10/03    GNI SALE    30,000    3.1550

    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    01/10/03    GNI SALE    28,000    3.1200

    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    19/09/03    GNI SALE    25,000    3.2600

    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    18/09/03    GNI SALE    75,000    3.2367

    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    15/09/03    GNI SALE     5,000    3.2800

    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    10/09/03    GNI SALE     5,000    3.1700

    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    09/09/03    GNI SALE    50,000    3.1600

    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    05/09/03    GNI SALE    25,000    3.1600

    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    02/09/03    GNI SALE    55,000    3.2000

    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    01/09/03    GNI SALE    20,000    3.2650

    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    29/08/03    GNI SALE    25,000    3.1000 

    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    26/08/03    GNI SALE    10,000    3.0050

    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    22/08/03    GNI SALE    30,000    3.0200

    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    19/08/03    GNI SALE    50,000    3.0500

    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    11/08/03    GNI SALE   500,000    3.1600

    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD    08/08/03    GNI SALE    70,882    3.1200

    NEW LOOK GROUP PLC LONG CFD                GNI SALE   250,000    3.1000                                     
                                                            NO.       (ppu)

NEW LOOK GROUP PLC SHORT CFD       13/01/04    GNI SALE    15,000    3.2100 

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange