RNS No 5186x
28th September 1998
Contacts: Michael Bennett, Chairman
          Dominic Lavelle, Finance Director
          Oasis Stores Plc              Tel: 0171 452 1000
          Charles Watson
          Tom Baldock
          Financial Dynamics            Tel: 0171 831 3113
                              OASIS STORES PLC
                        Interim Results Announcement
                   For the 26 weeks ending 1st August 1998
*    Turnover increased by 20% to #47.6m (1997: #39.6m)
*    Oasis store sales up 19%
*    Like-for-like sales up 9%
*    Pre-tax profit up 30% to #4.8m (1997:#3.7m)
*    Product well received by customers
*    Acquisition of Coast
*    Earnings per share increased 30% to 6.13p (1997: 4.70p)
*    Dividend up 10% to 2.65p (1997: 2.40p)
Commenting on the results, Chairman Michael Bennett said:
"After last year's disappointment it is very pleasing to report this
improved performance.  Our customers' response to the Autumn/Winter 1998
range has been encouraging but, as always, Oasis' performance for the full
year will be dependent on the important Christmas period."
I am pleased to report that our recovery from the disappointment of last
year is well underway.
The 26 week period ending 1st August 1998 has produced a result in line with
our expectations.  Our product has been well received by our customers,
resulting in a 19% increase in Oasis retail store sales including like-for-
like growth of 9%.  This performance corresponds with the growth levels
reported at the AGM in June.  When these figures are adjusted for the
effects of foreign exchange movements, they result in total sales growth of
17% including like-for-like of 8%.
Gross margins grew slightly from 51.9% to 52.0%.
Pre-tax profits grew by 30% to #4.8m (1997: #3.7m) and earnings per share
rose by 30% to 6.13p (1997: 4.70p).  The Board proposes to raise the interim
dividend by 10% to 2.65p (1997: 2.40p).
During the period, like-for-like sales increased by 9% and total sales by
17%.  Our established stores increased both their sales and profit
contribution and the newer stores also performed well.  Our concessions
continued to make progress, both on a like-for-like and total sales basis.
In the first half of the year we opened 2 new branches and 2 new concessions
and we plan to open 5 further branches and 3 concessions in the second half
including our first branch in Northern Ireland.
The Irish stores made a valuable contribution to sales, although the bottom
line continues to be affected by the strength of sterling.
Overall sales grew by 77% in the period, including 20% like-for-like growth
before the impact of foreign exchange movements reduced this to 9% like-for-
like.  As in Ireland, profitability was affected by the strength of
sterling.  No new stores were opened during the period and no openings are
planned for the second half.  Our concession in Neuss was closed during the
In the period, our overseas licensees represented 4.4% of Oasis' sales, up
from 4.1% last year, and 2 new stores were opened in Taiwan.  There are 4
further openings planned for the second half, including a major store in
Kuwait and our first store in Norway.
In April we acquired the trade and assets of the 'Coast' retail business
which comprised of 29 concessions and one branch.  Coast is a womenswear
brand retailing at higher price points than our existing Oasis brand.
It is intended to develop Coast as a separate chain and we plan to open 3
new shops and one concession during the second half.  However its impact on
the financial performance of the Company is not expected to be material for
some time.
Both distribution and head office costs grew in line with plan and costs
have reduced from 44.6% to 43.3% of sales.  We opened a buying office in
Hong Kong during the period which is already producing efficiencies in our
supply chain.
We place high importance on ensuring, as far as reasonably possible, that
the business and its trading relationships are not impacted as a result of
year 2000 problems.
A project has been established to review the compliance status of all our
systems, performing remedial or replacement work where necessary and is
closely liaising with our suppliers and business partners on the subject.
The project will be completed during the course of 1999.
In the first 7 weeks of the second half, Oasis retail store sales were ahead
by 29% including like-for-like 19%, an encouraging start.  This strong level
of sales increase was against a background of weak 1997 comparatives and
markdowns effected during August.  As a result, profit contribution for the
7 week period is broadly in line with our expectations.
Sales of the new season range are progressing well.  However, the general
retailing environment remains challenging and, as always, results for the
full year will be dependent on the important Christmas period.
I would like to take this opportunity to express my thanks to all my
colleagues for their energy and commitment after last year's difficulties.
In addition to the importance of the brands our strength has always been in
teamwork and respect for each other's skills and the fruits of these
practices are reflected in the current improving trend.
Profit and Loss Account
                             26 weeks       26 weeks  53 weeks ended
                                ended          ended    31st January
                           1st August      26th July            1998
                                 1998           1997         Audited
                            Unaudited      Unaudited           #'000
                                #'000          #'000
Turnover                       47,645        39,580           92,936
Cost of sales                 (22,887)      (19,033)         (46,665)
Gross profit                   24,758        20,547           46,271
Net operating expenses        (20,639)      (17,645)         (37,524)
Operating profit                4,119         2,902            8,747
Net interest receivable           650           778            1,616
Profit on ordinary                                   
activities before                                    
taxation                        4,769         3,680           10,363
Taxation                       (1,551)       (1,215)          (3,479)
Profit for the                                       
financial period                3,218         2,465            6,884
Dividend                       (1,390)       (1,259)          (3,934)
Retained profit for the                              
financial period                1,828         1,206            2,950
                                pence         pence            pence
Earnings per share               6.13          4.70             13.12
Balance Sheet
                                  As at          As at             As at
                             1st August      26th July      31st January
                                   1998           1997              1998
                              Unaudited      Unaudited           Audited
                                  #'000          #'000             #'000
Fixed assets                                           
Tangible fixed assets            18,047          14,316           16,818
Goodwill                            246             -                -
                                 18,293          14,316            16,818
Current assets                                         
Stock                            14,591           8,809             9,850
Debtors                           4,883           3,212             4,870
Short term deposits and                                
cash                                853           9,899             7,130
                                 20,327          21,920            21,850
due within one year              (9,843)        (11,355)          (13,213)
Net current assets               10,484          10,565             8,637
Long term creditors and                                
provisions                       (2,039)         (1,715)             (546)
Net assets                       26,738          23,166            24,909
Capital and reserves                                   
Share capital                     5,246           5,246             5,246
Profit and loss account          21,492          17,920            19,663
Equity shareholders'                                   
funds                            26,738          23,166            24,909
Cash Flow Statement
                         26 weeks ended       26 weeks    53 weeks ended
                             1st August          ended      31st January
                                   1998      26th July              1998
                              Unaudited           1997           Audited
                                  #'000      Unaudited             #'000
Operating profit                  4,119           2,902            8,747
Depreciation                      2,288           1,744            4,062
Working capital                                        
movement                         (5,701)         (1,456)          (3,419)
Net cash inflow from                                   
operating activities                706            3,190           9,390
Returns on investments                                 
and servicing of                                       
finance                              650             779           1,615
Tax paid                          (1,196)         (1,332)         (5,612)
Capital expenditure                                    
Purchase less sale of                                  
tangible fixed assets             (3,763)         (3,310)          (7,576)
Equity dividends paid             (2,675)         (2,570)          (3,829)
(Decrease) in cash                (6,278)         (3,243)          (6,012)
1.   Comparative figures
  The comparative figures for the fifty three week period ended 31st January,
  1998 and the summary balance sheet as at 31st January, 1998 have been
  extracted from the Company's 1997/8 Report and Accounts which have been
  filed with the Registrar of Companies.  The auditor's opinion on those
  accounts was unqualified and did not include a statement under Section
  237(2) or (3) of the Companies' Act 1985.
2.   Accounting Policies
  The interim statements have been prepared on the basis of the accounting
  policies set out in the Company's 1997/8 Report and Accounts with the
  exception of a new accounting policy concerning goodwill acquired during the
  period, where goodwill has been capitalised and amortised over 20 years in
  accordance with FRS10.
3.   Earnings per Share
  The calculation of earnings per share is based on the profit on ordinary
  activities after taxation and a weighted average number of share being
  52,457,175 ordinary shares of 10p in issue (1997: 52,457,175).
4.   Interim Dividend
  An interim dividend of 2.65p per ordinary share (1997: 2.4p) will be paid on
  6th November, 1998 to shareholders on the register as at 16th October, 1998.
Report of the Auditor
Review Report by the Auditor to Oasis Stores Plc
We have reviewed the interim financial information for the twenty six weeks
ended 1st August, 1998 set out in this report which is the responsibility of
and has been approved by the Directors.  Our responsibility is to report on
the results of our review.
Our review was carried out having regard to the Bulletin "Review of Interim
Financial Information", issued by the Auditing Practices Board.  This review
consisted principally of applying analytical procedures to the underlying
financial data, assessing whether accounting policies have been consistently
applied, and making enquiries of management responsible for financial and
accounting matters.  The review was substantially less in scope than an
audit performed in accordance with Auditing Standards and accordingly we do
not express an audit opinion on the interim financial information.
On the basis of our review:
-    in our opinion the interim financial information has been prepared
  using accounting policies consistent with those adopted by Oasis Stores Plc
  in its financial statements for the fifty three week period ended 31st
  January, 1998 other than where changes are necessary to implement the new
  accounting policy as described in Note 2 and
-    we are not aware of any material modifications that should be made to
  the interim financial information as presented.
KPMG Audit Plc
Chartered Accountants
28th September 1998



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