RNS No 0262e
6 September 1999
                 Restructuring involving
 Recommended Cash Offer for Oriflame International S.A.
        Unaudited Interim Results to 30 June 1999
Following its announcement on 14 June 1999, the Board  of
Oriflame International S.A., the direct selling cosmetics
company,  proposes  the following  Restructuring  of  the
Company to Shareholders;
-   Cash  buy-back  Offer of 265p per Share  by  Oriflame
Trading, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Oriflame
-  The af Jochnick family interests will accept the Offer
in  respect of at least 32% of the Existing issued  share
capital, being more than half of their existing holdings
-   Industri Kapital will purchase from Oriflame  Trading
at the cash Offer price of 265p up to 25% of the Existing
issued share capital
-  Cancellation of Oriflame's Listing on the London Stock
The  effect of the Restructuring will be that  the  Group
will  effectively  have  bought back  49,737,463  shares,
representing  approximately half of the  Existing  issued
share  capital.  After the Restructuring, the af Jochnick
family  interests  and Industrial Kapital  will  hold  an
equal  amount of the share capital and will  share  joint
control of the Company.
The Offer
The  Offer,  which will be subject to the conditions  set
out  in Part III and the conditions and further terms  to
be  set  out in the Offer Document, will be made  on  the
following basis:
For  each Oriflame Share           265p  in cash
The Offer represents a premium of 27.7 per cent. over the
closing middle market price of 207.5p per Oriflame  Share
on  11  June 1999 (being the last dealing day  prior  the
date  on  which Oriflame announced that it was  in  early
discussion with debt and equity financiers).
The  Offer  also represents a premium of 45.7  per  cent.
over  the average closing middle market price of  181.87p
per  Oriflame Share in the three months preceding 11 June
1999  and  1.9  per cent. over the closing middle  market
price on 3 September, 1999.
The Offer values Oriflame's Existing issued share capital
at approximately #262.98 million.
Oriflame   Shareholders  are  strongly   recommended   to
consider  carefully the information on the  risk  factors
and   uncertainties  set  out  in   Part   II   of   this
In  the  light  of  the aforementioned risk  factors  and
uncertainties  and  having  been  so  advised  by  WestLB
Panmure,  Mr  Torbjorn  Ek considers  the  terms  of  the
proposed Offer to to be fair and reasonable and therefore
recommends  that  Shareholders  accept  that  Offer.   In
addition, Mr Ek believes that the Restructuring is in the
best  interests of the Company and Oriflame  Shareholders
as  a  whole,  and recommends that Shareholders  vote  in
favour of the Resolutions to be proposed at the First and
Second EGM.  In providing advice to Mr Ek, WestLB Panmure
has taken into account his commercial assessment.
Background to the Offer
In  1997  Oriflame  merged with its  associated  business
ORESA.   Since then the combined Group has been committed
to   developing  direct  sales  businesses  in   emerging
During  1998,  the  emerging  markets  around  the  world
suffered  a  significant  crisis  in  terms  of  investor
confidence,   macro  economic  stability   and   currency
devaluation.  Although Oriflame's  Group  sales  did  not
decline significantly between 1997 and 1998, margins came
under  pressure  and operating profit before  exceptional
items declined from #43 million in 1997 to #30 million in
1998.   These factors have been reflected in the Oriflame
Share price which has fallen from a high of 512.5p on  27
May 1998 to a low of 110p on 7 October 1998 resulting  in
a reduction in the trading liquidity in  Oriflame Shares.
Without  the  Restructuring the Board believes  that  the
Oriflame  Share  price would be lower  than  its  current
Industri Kapital
As  part  of the Restructuring, investors in the Industri
Kapital 1997 fund will purchase from Oriflame Trading  up
to  24,750,000 Oriflame Shares. The purchase of  Oriflame
Shares  by Industri Kapital will be at the same price  as
the  purchase  of  Oriflame Shares  by  Oriflame  Trading
pursuant to the Offer.
Industri  Kapital  is a leading European  private  equity
fund  with  assets  under management  in  excess  of  one
billion  Euro.   The  investors are  well  known  Nordic,
European and North-American institutional investors.
Announcement of unaudited interim results
The  interim  statement  of  the  unaudited  results  for
Oriflame  for  the six months ended  30 June  1999  shows
turnover  of #105.4 million (1998 #118.3 million)  and  a
profit before tax of #13.9 million (1998 #13.6 million).
The  Board  of  Oriflame has deferred its  decision  with
regard  to the payment of any interim dividend in respect
of  the  current year, which would normally  be  paid  in
September,  pending the outcome of the Restructuring  and
the  Offer. Should the Restructuring not be completed  by
31  December 1999, the Board will consider, in  light  of
the  circumstances at that time, whether or not it  would
be appropriate to pay an interim dividend.
Commenting  on  the Restructuring and Offer,  Robert  and
Jonas af Jochnick, Joint Chairmen of Oriflame said,
"With the likely instability of our markets from time  to
time, the Board of Oriflame believes the current negative
stock market sentiment towards Oriflame will prevail  for
some time.  In these circumstances the Listing represents
a  financial,  managerial and regulatory  burden  on  the
Company   which  outweighs  the  benefits  for   Oriflame
The  Restructuring has been proposed in  this  manner  to
permit  Oriflame to remain as the holding company of  the
Group  with  a view to maximising the sense of continuity
in,  and minimising the disruption to, its business.   At
the  same  time, the Offer provides Oriflame Shareholders
with  an  opportunity  to  realise  their  investment  in
Robert af Jochnick, Chairman & Chief Executive
Kevin Kenny, Managing Director
Oriflame International SA
Tel: 00 32 2 357 55 00
Harald Mix, Deputy Chief Executive
Industri Kapital Limited
Tel: 00 46 8 678 9500
Mark Cunningham
WestLB Panmure Limited
Tel:  020 7638 4010
Nicola Marsden
Financial Dynamics
Tel: 020 7831 3113
This  summary should be read in conjunction with the full
text of the following announcement.
The Offer will not be made, directly or indirectly, in or
into,  or  by  the use of the mails, or by any  means  or
instrumentality (including, without limitation, facsimile
transmission,  telex  and  telephone)  of  interstate  or
foreign   commerce,  or  any  facility  of   a   national
securities  exchange,  of  the  United  States,   Canada,
Australia, Japan or Singapore. Persons wishing to  accept
the  Offer  should not use such mails or any such  means,
instrumentality or facility for any purpose, directly  or
indirectly,  related  to the Offer  since  doing  so  may
render invalid any purported acceptance of the Offer. The
availability of the Offer to persons not resident in  the
UK   may   be  affected  by  the  laws  of  the  relevant
jurisdictions.  Overseas  Oriflame  Shareholders   should
inform themselves about and observe any applicable  legal
or regulatory requirements.
WestLB  Panmure is acting for Oriflame, acting  through
the Independent Director, and no-one else and will not be
responsible to anyone other than Oriflame, acting through
the  Independent Director, for providing the  protections
afforded to customers of WestLB Panmure nor for providing
advice  in  relation to the Restructuring  or  the  other
matters described in this announcement. WestLB Panmure is
not acting for Oriflame Trading.
The Offer will not be made, directly or indirectly, in or
into,  or  by  the use of the mails, or by any  means  or
instrumentality (including, without limitation, facsimile
transmission,  telex  and  telephone)  of  interstate  or
foreign   commerce,  or  any  facility  of   a   national
securities  exchange,  of  the  United  States,   Canada,
Australia, Japan or Singapore. Persons wishing to  accept
the  Offer  should not use such mails or any such  means,
instrumentality or facility for any purpose, directly  or
indirectly,  related  to the Offer  since  doing  so  may
render invalid any purported acceptance of the Offer. The
availability of the Offer to persons not resident in  the
UK   may   be  affected  by  the  laws  of  the  relevant
jurisdictions.  Overseas  Oriflame  Shareholders   should
inform themselves about and observe any applicable  legal
or regulatory requirements.
  WestLB  Panmure is acting for Oriflame, acting  through
the Independent Director, and no-one else and will not be
responsible to anyone other than Oriflame, acting through
the  Independent Director, for providing the  protections
afforded to customers of WestLB Panmure nor for providing
advice  in  relation to the Restructuring  or  the  other
matters described in this announcement. WestLB Panmure is
not acting for Oriflame Trading.
On  14  June 1999 the Board of Oriflame International  SA
announced that it was in early discussions with debt  and
equity  financiers which might or might  not  lead  to  a
reorganisation of the Company which would involve a  buy-
back   of   Shares  in  the  Company  and  the   ultimate
cancellation of the Company's Listing.
The  Board  announced today that the following  proposals
for  the  Restructuring  will be placed  before  Oriflame
a)   the  Offer  by Oriflame Trading of  265p  per
     Ordinary  Share  for all of the  issued  and  to  be
     issued  share  capital of Oriflame (other  than  the
     Treasury  Shares),  which will  be  subject  to  the
     conditions  set out in Part III of this announcement
     and  to  the conditions and further terms to be  set
     out in the Offer Document;
b)   the cancellation of Oriflame's Listing on the
     London Stock Exchange;
c)   the  sale  by  Oriflame  Trading  of  up  to
     24,750,000 Oriflame Shares to Industri Kapital  1997
     at the same price as those shares are to be acquired
     by Oriflame Trading under the Offer; and
d)   the reduction of the share capital of  the
     Company  through the buy-back from Oriflame  Trading
     and  cancellation  of  31,000,000  Oriflame  Shares,
     representing  approximately 31.2 per  cent.  of  the
     Existing issued share capital of Oriflame.
The Offer values Oriflame's Existing Issued share capital
at approximately #262.98 million.
The effect of the proposed Restructuring will be that the
Group   will   have   bought  back   49,737,463   Shares,
representing  approximately half of its  Existing  issued
share  capital. The balance of the share capital will  be
held in equal proportions by the Family Shareholders  and
Industri  Kapital 1997.  To the extent that any  existing
Shareholders  do not accept the Offer, they will   remain
as minority shareholders in the Company.
Robert and Jonas af Jochnick and other family members and
the  trustee  of Progress Settlement Trust have  accepted
the Offer in respect of such aggregate number of Oriflame
Shares  as  will  ensure that, after  completion  of  the
Restructuring, the Family Interests and those of Industri
Kapital  1997  will  be  equal.  The  minimum  amount  of
Oriflame   Shares   on  behalf  of   which   the   Family
Shareholders will be accepting the Offer will be no  less
than 32,000,000 Shares, which represents approximately 56
per  cent.  of  the  Family Shareholders'  holdings.  The
precise number of such Shares is dependent on the  number
of  Shares  in respect of which acceptances are  received
from Oriflame Shareholders other than the holders of  the
Family Interests.
As  the  Oriflame Shares which will be held  by  Oriflame
Trading after the Restructuring is completed will be non-
voting,   this  means  that,  if  the  Restructuring   is
completed,  the  holders  of  the  Family  Interests  and
Industri Kapital 1997 will control not less than  80  per
cent.  of the voting share capital of the Company. It  is
also  the  af  Jochnick's  intention  to  remain  in  the
management of the Company. Kevin Kenny and Sven  Mattsson
will  also continue in their current management roles  in
the business but will not be on the Board.
Svante   Pahlson-Moller  has  an  interest  in  3,223,100
Oriflame Shares representing approximately 3.25 per cent.
of  the Existing issued share capital of Oriflame. He has
irrevocably  undertaken  to  the  Company  and   Oriflame
Trading  to  accept  the Offer in relation  to  2,618,000
Oriflame  Shares  and  will be  retaining  his  remaining
Shares.  He will resign from the Board prior to  or  upon
completion of the Restructuring.
In  view of the fact that Mr Ek does not hold any  Shares
in  the  Company, that he will not have an  ongoing  role
with  the  Company in any capacity and  that  he  has  no
relationship   with   Oriflame  Trading,   he   has,   as
Independent    Director,   taken    responsibility    for
considering the Restructuring. Mr Ek will  remain on  the
Board until the completion of the Restructuring.
The  holders  of the Family Interests, Kevin Kenny,  Sven
Mattsson  and  Svante Pahlson-Moller have  undertaken  to
vote  in favour of the Resolutions to be proposed at  the
First and Second EGMs to approve the Restructuring,  such
holdings  amount to approximately 61.59% of the  Existing
issued share capital.
2.Terms of the Offer
The Offer will be subject, inter alia, to the  conditions
set  out  in Part III of this announcement and  is  being
made on the following basis:
for each Oriflame Share           265p in cash
The  Offer  is  to be conditional, inter alia,  upon  the
passing by Oriflame Shareholders of the Resolutions to be
set out in the notice of the First EGM. The Offer is also
conditional  upon  Minority  Shareholders  accepting  the
Offer  in  respect of such number of Oriflame  Shares  as
shall  ensure  that not more than 10  per  cent.  of  the
Existing  issued share capital shall be held by  Minority
Shareholders  after  the  Offer  is  completed,  or  such
greater  percentage  as Oriflame Trading  may,  with  the
consent of the Banks and Industri Kapital 1997 determine.
The Restructuring  is also conditional on Financing.
The   Company  has  today  entered  into  the   Financing
Agreements   pursuant   to   which   the   Financing   is
conditionally agreed to be made available to the Group so
as  to  permit  it to complete the Restructuring  and  to
refinance  the  Group's  existing  indebtedness.   Unlike
transactions  which are subject to the UK Takeover  Code,
where  there is a requirement for certainty of  funds  at
the  launch  of a takeover offer, the financing  for  the
Offer  is  subject  to  a  number  of  conditions.  These
conditions include the absence of any material breach  of
the representations and warranties as to the business and
operations  of  the Group given in favour  of  the  Banks
under  the  Financing Agreements. The Financing  is  also
conditional on the effective granting of the security  in
favour of the Banks which is agreed to be provided in the
Financing   Agreements.  After   the   Offer   has   gone
unconditional   in  all  respects,  the  Financing   will
continue  to  be  conditional upon  cancellation  of  the
Listing and the passing of the Resolutions to be set  out
in  the notice of the Second EGM.  As of the date of this
announcement, the Company does not know of any  facts  or
circumstances that may reasonably be expected  to  result
in  the  Financing  not  being available  to  the  Group.
Oriflame Shareholders should note that acceptances of the
Offer will be irrevocable. Shareholders should also  note
that, unless otherwise announced prior to 5 October 1999,
the  Offer  will cease to be capable of acceptance  after
10.00am on 5 October 1999. If the Offer has been extended
for  (an)  additional period(s) and has  become  or  been
declared unconditional as to acceptances on or before the
expiry  of such additional period(s), the Offer will  not
be  capable  of  acceptance  after  the  expiry  of  such
additional  period(s), even if, at that time,  the  Offer
has  not  become  or been declared unconditional  in  all
The  Board  of  Oriflame has deferred its  decision  with
regard  to the payment of any interim dividend in respect
of   the  current  year,  pending  the  outcome  of   the
Restructuring and the Offer. Should the Restructuring not
be completed by 30 December 1999, the Board will consider
in  light  of the circumstances at that time, whether  or
not   it   would  be  appropriate  to  pay   an   interim
dividend.Shareholders who have not accepted the Offer  on
or  before  the  time the Offer ceases  to  be  open  for
acceptance  will remain as Shareholders in  Oriflame  and
Oriflame  Trading will not after that time be obliged  to
acquired any Shares from non-accepting Shareholders.
3.Background to and reasons for the Restructuring
Oriflame  was founded by Robert and Jonas af Jochnick  in
1967  and  has  been listed on the London Stock  Exchange
since  1982.  Oriflame's business has through  the  years
been  primarily focused on building and operating  direct
sales companies throughout most regions of the world  and
today its products are sold in 52 countries. Through  its
direct  sales  organisations and its licensees,  Oriflame
has  marketed  its own brand of Oriflame  skin  care  and
cosmetic products.
In 1990, Oriflame Shareholders were given the opportunity
to  invest in a new company, Oriflame Eastern Europe S.A.
("ORESA''), which was created to explore the markets  in
Eastern Europe. Oriflame took an approximate 25 per cent.
shareholding  in ORESA and received a royalty  of  5  per
cent.  on  sales made by ORESA. Considerable success  was
achieved  in  developing these markets  and  in  November
1997, ORESA was merged with Oriflame.
Since  the merger, a significant proportion of the  sales
of  the  Oriflame Group has derived from emerging markets
including  Central and Eastern Europe, the Former  Soviet
Union, Turkey, India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Indonesia  and
Latin America. These markets represented some #162.1m  of
total  group  sales  of #233.1m for  the  year  ended  31
December 1998.
During  1998,  the  emerging  markets  around  the  world
suffered  a  significant  crisis  in  terms  of  investor
confidence,   macro  economic  stability   and   currency
devaluation,   especially  in  Russia,  where   a   major
financial  crisis  in  August  1998  led  to  significant
political  and  economic turmoil. As  a  result  of  this
crisis, the attitude towards investment in companies with
an exposure to such markets became less enthusiastic.
Although  the  Oriflame  Group's sales  did  not  decline
significantly between 1997 and 1998 (reducing by  only  6
per  cent.  in  1998), margins came under pressure  as  a
result  of  a  need  to  maintain sales  in  the  regions
described  above.  Largely  as  a  consequence  of  this,
operating  profit before exceptional items declined  from
#43m  in  1997 to #30m in 1998. These factors  have  been
reflected  in Oriflame's share price, which fell  from  a
high  of  512.5p on 27 May 1998 to a low  of  110p  on  7
October  1998,  and also resulted in a reduction  in  the
liquidity  in Oriflame Shares. Although Oriflame's  share
price  has risen over the last few months, the  level  of
trading in Oriflame Shares has continued to be relatively
low.  Without the Restructuring, the Board believes  that
the share price would be lower than its current level.
The  Board  expects Oriflame's business  to  continue  to
develop  positively over the years to  come  but  remains
aware  that instability may occur in some of the  markets
from  time to time, not only now but also in the  future.
The Board believes that this will continue to depress the
share  price  and the lack of liquidity will continue  to
restrict  the ability for Oriflame Shareholders to  trade
satisfactorily in Oriflame Shares. Whilst markets are  by
their  nature  uncertain,  the Board  believes  that  the
current  negative stock market sentiment towards Oriflame
will prevail for some time and that market valuations for
companies,  like  Oriflame, having exposure  to  emerging
markets,   are   likely  to  be  disappointing   in   the
foreseeable future.
In   these   circumstances,  the  Listing  represents   a
financial,  managerial  and  regulatory  burden  on   the
Company  which the Board considers outweighs the benefits
for  Oriflame Shareholders. The Board therefore  believes
that it is in the best interests of Oriflame Shareholders
as  a whole for the Listing to be cancelled and for those
Oriflame  Shareholders who wish to exit from the  Company
to  be  given the opportunity to do so. The Restructuring
which  is  being proposed provides Oriflame  Shareholders
with this opportunity.
4. Investment by Industri Kapital 1997
Industri  Kapital  is a leading European  private  equity
fund  with  assets  under management  in  excess  of  one
billion  Euro.   The  investors are  well  known  Nordic,
European  and  North-  American institutional  investors.
Industri  Kapital 1997 acts as general partner  or  agent
for these investors.
As  part  of the Restructuring, investors in the Industri
Kapital 1997 fund will purchase from Oriflame Trading  up
to  24,750,000 Oriflame Shares. The purchase of  Oriflame
Shares by Industri Kapital 1997 will be at the same price
as  the  purchase of Oriflame Shares by Oriflame  Trading
pursuant to the Offer.
Following completion of the Restructuring it is  intended
that  the holders of the Family Interests on the one hand
and  Industri  Kapital 1997 on the other hand  will  hold
equal  numbers of Oriflame Shares, the remainder  of  the
voting   share  capital  being  owned  by  the   Minority
Shareholders.  Industri Kapital 1997 and the  holders  of
Family   Interests  have  entered  into  a   Shareholders
Agreement which governs their relationship in respect  of
Oriflame  and which will become effective upon completion
of the Offer.
Industri  Kapital Limited has advised the Oriflame  Group
on the Restructuring and will be paid an arrangement fee.
The  Board believes that Industri Kapital 1997's role  in
the Restructuring provides the best opportunity for those
Oriflame  Shareholders who wish to exit from the  Company
to realise value from their holdings.
5. Proposed   board   and   voting  structure   following
   implementation of the Restructuring:
The  Board will comprise up to eight members. Holders  of
the  Family  Interests will be entitled to  nominate  two
members; these will initially be Robert af Jochnick  (who
will continue as Chief Executive ) and Jonas af Jochnick.
Industri  Kapital 1997 will be entitled to  nominate  two
members;  these will be Harald Mix and Christian Salamon.
Additionally two members of the Board will be independent
directors jointly nominated by the holders of the  Family
Interests  and  Industri Kapital 1997.  In  addition  the
Warrantholders   shall   be  entitled   to   nominate   a
representative  who shall have observer status  at  Board
Meetings. The Warrantholders shall also have the  further
right  to  require the election of its representative  to
the Board as an additional Director.
6. Increase in borrowings
If the Restructuring is completed, based on the unaudited
interim  balance sheet of Oriflame on 30 June  1999,  the
aggregate  consolidated borrowings of Oriflame  would  be
approximately #170m.
7. Purchase of own shares
The  First EGM will authorise the implementation  of  the
Restructuring proposals. As part of the Restructuring and
following the sale of Oriflame Shares to Industri Kapital
1997,  the  Company  will reduce  its  share  capital  by
purchasing  from  Oriflame  Trading  31,000,000  Oriflame
Shares  and  cancelling them. This reduction  of  capital
must   be   approved   by   Oriflame   Shareholders   and
authorisation is contained in Resolution number 2  to  be
proposed at the Second EGM. It is currently intended that
the  remaining  Oriflame Shares totalling   approximately
18,700,000  held by Oriflame Trading may be purchased  by
the  Company  and  cancelled in due  course.  Appropriate
authority  would  be  sought at the  relevant  time  from
Oriflame  Shareholders for any such subsequent purchases.
The  holders of the Family Interests and Industri Kapital
1997 will be entitled to vote at these meetings.
8.Information on Oriflame Trading
Oriflame  Trading is a private company limited by  shares
which  was incorporated in the Republic of Ireland on  18
September  1991. It is a wholly-owned indirect subsidiary
of Oriflame. It is a trading company and purchases retail
cosmetic  products  from  third party  manufacturers  and
Oriflame Group manufacturing companies and on-sells  such
products to Oriflame Group sales and marketing companies.
9.Cancellation of Listing
The Board of Oriflame will apply  for cancellation of the
Listing  of  the Oriflame Shares to take  effect  on  the
business  day  following the date on which the  Offer  is
declared wholly unconditional. Assuming that the Offer is
declared unconditional in all respects on 18 October 1999
this date will be 19 October 1999.
10.Costs, arrangement fee and inducement fee
On completion of the Restructuring all costs amounting to
approximately  #7m incurred by Industri  Kapital  Limited
and   the   Oriflame   Group  in  connection   with   the
Restructuring will be borne by the Oriflame  Group.  This
amount  includes  an  arrangement fee  of  #1.25  million
payable   by  the  Oriflame  Group  to  Industri  Kapital
Limited. If the Restructuring is not for whatever  reason
completed, other than because the Family Shareholders  or
the  Company  engage in a transaction  with  a  competing
investor  before 1 November 1999, all advisory  costs  of
Industri  Kapital Limited and the Oriflame Group incurred
in  connection with the Restructuring will  be  borne  in
equal  amounts by the Oriflame Group and Industri Kapital
Limited.   In  all cases however, Messrs af Jochnick  and
Progress Settlement Trust shall bear their
own  costs.  If  the Restructuring is not  completed  and
Oriflame  engages  in  a  transaction  with  a  competing
investor  before  1 November 1999 (whether  or  not  such
transaction  is  announced),  then  Oriflame   will   pay
Industri  Kapital Limited the total costs of its advisors
together  with  a  break fee of  one  per  cent.  of  the
Enterprise Value of the Oriflame Group.
11.Risk    factors   and   uncertainties   for   Minority
If the Restructuring is approved and the Offer becomes or
is  declared  unconditional  in  all  respects,  Oriflame
Shareholders who do not wish to accept the Offer and  who
thus remain Minority Shareholders should be aware of  the
following risks and uncertainties :
-   The risk profile of the Oriflame Group has changed in
recent  years  by the repositioning of the business  from
mature  markets to emerging markets and into  regions  of
the  world which are inherently unstable both politically
and economically. In these circumstances, it is difficult
to  predict  the  future  financial  performance  of  the
Oriflame Group.
-  The Listing of Oriflame Shares will be cancelled; as a
result, Oriflame will not be listed, quoted or traded  on
any  stock  exchange, nor is it the current intention  of
Oriflame  to  provide any trading facility  for  Oriflame
Shares.  Accordingly, the liquidity and marketability  of
Oriflame Shares will be very restricted; there can be  no
guarantee  that any listing of the Shares will be  sought
at  the time of any exit by Industri Kapital 1997 or  the
holders of the Family Interests from their investment  in
the Company.
-    Under   Luxembourg  Law  there  is   no   compulsory
acquisition  procedure for Minority Shareholders  who  do
not  accept the Offer. Oriflame Shareholders who  do  not
accept  the  Offer  will not therefore  be  afforded  the
shareholder  protection  rights  available  to   minority
shareholders  in  relation to offers made  in  accordance
with  UK  company law. This means that there will  be  no
guaranteed  exit mechanism for Minority Shareholders  who
may  wish  to sell their Oriflame Shares after the  Offer
has become wholly unconditional.
-   The  Family  Shareholders and Industri  Kapital  have
agreed  that  there should be no exit for at least  three
years.    There can be no guarantee that an exit will  be
available  to any holder of Oriflame Shares at that  time
or at any time thereafter.
-   Oriflame  will no longer be subject to the disclosure
requirements   of   the   London  Stock   Exchange   and,
accordingly, publicly available information  to  Minority
Shareholders   will  be  limited.  Minority  Shareholders
choosing  not to accept the Offer will no longer  receive
the  protections  afforded by the London  Stock  Exchange
Listing  Rules relating to the equality of treatment  for
shareholders.   Luxembourg   law   provisions,   however,
regarding  the  equal  treatment  of  shareholders   will
continue to apply.
-  As a result of borrowings incurred by Oriflame Trading
and  Oriflame  to effect the Offer and the  buy-back  and
cancellation of Oriflame Shares, The Oriflame Group  will
be   highly   leveraged.   The   aggregate   consolidated
borrowings  of  Oriflame based on  the  adjusted  balance
sheet at 30 June 1999, would be approximately #170m.
-   Although  all Oriflame Shares will continue  to  rank
pari  passu,  Oriflame  will  be  jointly  controlled  by
Industri  Kapital  1997  and the holders  of  the  Family
Interests  who,  if  they  were to  act  together,  could
procure   the  passing  of  both  ordinary  and   special
resolutions  of  the  Company  including  resolutions  to
disapply  pre-emption rights in respect of future  issues
of Share capital.
-   The  Financing Agreements prohibit the  Company  from
paying  dividends  for  the  foreseeable  future  as  the
earnings  of  the Oriflame Group will be retained,  inter
alia,  for  the  purposes of servicing and  repaying  the
additional debt that the Oriflame Group will be  assuming
in  order to fund the Offer by Oriflame Trading  and  the
buy-back and cancellation of Shares by Oriflame itself.
12. Current trading and prospects
Part  IV  of  this  announcement  contains  the  Oriflame
Group's  unaudited  interim results for  the  six  months
ended 30 June 1999.
13. Extraordinary General Meetings
The  Offer  will  be conditional, inter  alia,  upon  the
passing  by Oriflame Shareholders of the Resolutions  set
out in the notice of the First EGM. The First EGM will be
held  on 6 October 1999.  The Second EGM will be held  on
19 October 1999.
Oriflame Shareholders, being primarily the holders of the
Family    Interests,   holding   in   aggregate    Shares
representing  approximately  61.59  per  cent.   of   the
Existing issued share capital of the Company have already
irrevocably   undertaken  to  vote  in  favour   of   the
14. Oriflame Share Scheme arrangements
Arrangements are being made for the ongoing management of
Oriflame   to   receive   appropriate   Share   incentive
15.  Settlement
The first date upon which the Offer is expected to become
or  be  declared  unconditional in  all  respects  is  18
October 1999, being one Business Day prior to the date of
the  Second EGM. Accordingly, the latest date upon  which
settlement  of  the  consideration  is  expected  to   be
effected is 2 November 1999.
16.  Offer Document
A  circular to Oriflame Shareholders containing the terms
and conditions of the Offer and the Restructuring and the
Form   of  Acceptance  will  be  dispatched  to  Oriflame
Shareholders  as soon as practicable.  This  announcement
does not constitute an offer or an invitation to purchase
securities.   The  Offer will not be  made  directly,  or
indirectly,  in or into, or by use of the  mails  or  any
means   or  instrumentality  of  interstate  or   foreign
commerce  of, or any facilities of a national  securities
exchange  of, the United States, nor will it be  made  in
Canada, Australia, Singapore or Japan.
Accordingly,  copies of this announcement are  not  being
and  must not be, mailed or otherwise distributed or sent
in  or into or from the United States, Canada, Australia,
Singapore  or  Japan.  The availability of the  Offer  to
Oriflame Shareholders who are not resident in the  United
Kingdom  may  be  effected by the laws  of  the  relevant
jurisdictions.   Oriflame  Shareholders   who   are   not
resident  in the United Kingdom should inform  themselves
about and observe any applicable requirements.
Latest  time  and  date  for 
receipt of white             10.00 a.m. 4 October 1999
Forms of Proxy for First EGM
Latest  time  and  date  for 
receipt    of    Forms    of 10.00 a.m. 5 October 1999
First EGM                    10.00 a.m. 6 October 1999
Latest  time  and  date  for 
receipt of blue              10.30 a.m. 15 October  1999
Forms  of  Proxy for  Second
Second EGM                   10.30 a.m. 19 October 1999
Expected latest settlement   
date: cheques despatched to  
accepting shareholders       2 November 1999
Oriflame's  Listing is expected to be  cancelled  on  the
Business  day  following the date on which the  Offer  is
declared  wholly unconditional. Assuming  that the  Offer
is declared wholly unconditional on 18 October 1999 it is
expected  that  the cancellation of Listing  will  be  19
October  1999.  If this date should change,  the  revised
date  will  be  notified to Oriflame Shareholders  by  an
announcement on the Regulatory News Service of the London
Stock Exchange.
Shareholders  should  also note  that,  unless  otherwise
announced  prior to 5 October 1999, the Offer will  cease
to  be  capable of acceptance after 10.00am on 5  October
1999.  If the Offer has been extended for (an) additional
period(s)  and  has become or been declared unconditional
as  to  acceptances  on  or before  the  expiry  of  such
additional  period(s), the Offer will not be  capable  of
acceptance after the expiry of
such  additional period(s), even if, at  that  time,  the
Offer  has  not become or been declared unconditional  in
all  respects.   Shareholders who have not  accepted  the
Offer  on or before the time the Offer ceases to be  open
for  acceptance will remain as Shareholders  in  Oriflame
and  Oriflame Trading will not after that time be obliged
to acquired any Shares from non-accepting Shareholders.
Note:  All  times referred to throughout this  timetable,
are Central European Times (i.e. + 1 hour on UK time).



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