Rotterdam, 6 April 2006

                                                         RORENTO N.V.

                                                   ANNUAL REPORT 2005

                              % ROBECO

General information
Report               of                the                supervisory
board                                            5
Report                of                the                management
board                                          8
Financial statements
Profit and loss account
Cash-flow summary
Other data
Spread of net  assets

(public limited liability company with an open-end structure
established according to the laws of the Netherlands Antilles, having
its registered office in Philipsburg, St. Maarten, Netherlands
Ara Hill-Top, Unit A5
Pletterijweg Oost 1
Willemstad, Cura�ao

Information address for Rorento:
Robeco Istitutional Asset Management B.V.
Coolsingel 120
Postbus 973
NL-3000 AZ Rotterdam
Tel. +31- 10 - 224 12 24
Fax +31 - 10 - 411 52 88

Supervisory Board
Paulus C. van den Hoek, chairman
Gilles Izeboud (as of 22 April 2004)
Johan Kremers  (until 27 April 2005)
Philip Lambert (as of 27 April 2005)
Dirk P.M. Verbeek

Management Board
Edith J. Siermann, chairman
Frank L.E.G. Boll
Karel J.V. Tavernier (until 27 April 2005)
Ferdie L.I. van de Walle (from 27 April 2005)

1 Robeco (Schweiz) AG, Uraniastrasse 12, CH-8001 Zurich, is the
fund's appointed representative in Switzerland. Copies of the
prospectus, Articles of Association, annual and semiannual reports
and a list of all purchases and sales in the fund's securities
portfolio during the reporting period are available from the above
address free of charge. UBS AG, Bahnhofstrasse 45, CH-8098 Zurich, is
the fund's paying agent in Switzerland.
International Advisory Board
Martin S. Feldstein
Toyoo Gyohten
Paul J. Keating
Karl O. P�hl
H. Onno C.R. Ruding

Secretary of the Company
David H. Cross

Management Board of Robeco Groep N.V.
(the holding company of  the Robeco Group)
George A. M�ller (chairman)
Stefan T. Bichsel (until 31 December 2005)
Leni M.T. Boeren
Sander van Eijkern
Hans H. van der Koogh (until 8 February 2005)
Constant Th.L. Korthout
Niek F. Molenaar


The General  Meeting  of Shareholders  will  be held  at  Willemstad,
Cura�ao (Netherlands Antilles)  on 10  May 2006 at  10:30 hours.  The
informative meeting will be held on  27 April 2006 at 13:30 hours  at
the Hilton Rotterdam, Weena 10, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
Holders of share certificates to bearer wishing to attend and vote at
the meeting should apply for  a written statement from the  Euroclear
Netherlands-affiliated institution where their shares are held, which
will give admission to the meeting. The institutions affiliated  with
Euroclear Netherlands should submit a  copy of this statement to  ABN
AMRO Bank N.V. stating the number of shares held for the  shareholder
concerned prior to the meeting, and which will be frozen until  after
the meeting. This statement should be submitted not later than 3  May
Holders of K shares should  lodge their share certificates not  later
than 3 May  2006 with  one of the  banks mentioned  in the  convening
notice of 6 April 2006.
Holders of an account with Robeco Group Accounts System in Rotterdam,
Banque Robeco  S.A.  in Paris  or  Robeco Bank  Belgium  in  Brussels
wishing to attend the meeting  should inform the management board  of
Robeco Institutional Asset Management B.V. in writing not later  than
6 May 2006.
Holders of  bearer certificates  wishing  to attend  the  informative
meeting in Rotterdam should lodge  their certificates not later  than
20 April 2006 with one of the banks mentioned in the convening notice
of 6 April  2006. Holders of  an account with  Robeco Group  Accounts
System in Rotterdam, Banque Robeco S.A. in Paris
or Robeco  Bank Belgium  in Brussels  wishing to  attend the  meeting
should inform  the management  board  of Robeco  Institutional  Asset
Management B.V. in writing not later than 20 April 2006.

This report is also published in  Dutch, French and German. Only  the
original Dutch  edition  is binding  and  will be  submitted  to  the
General Meeting of Shareholders.


A simplified  prospectus with  information on  Rorento N.V.  and  its
associated costs and risks  is available. This simplified  prospectus
and the full prospectus are available at the company's office and via

R E P O R T  OF  T H E  S U P E R V I S O R Y  B O A R D

We herewith present the Rorento N.V. accounts for the financial  year
2005 together with the report of the management board.
The way in which  the supervisory board  carries out its  supervisory
duties is significantly  determined by  the structure  of the  Robeco
Group. The  management  of Rorento  N.V.  is carried  out  by  Robeco
Institutional Asset Management B.V. Rorento  N.V. is the employer  of
the management board members. Discussion of the management of Rorento
N.V. can take place in the supervisory board of either the company or
that of Robeco Groep N.V. As  a result of the personal links  between
the  members  of  the  two  boards,  in  practice  this  presents  no
The purpose of  an investment  institution such as  Rorento N.V.,  as
laid down in its Articles of Association, is limited to the investing
of its assets in securities in such a way that risks are  diversified
with the object of  allowing its shareholders  to participate in  the
profits. At its  meetings the supervisory  board therefore  primarily
devotes its attention to the investment policy, the realized  results
and the development of the assets invested, on the basis of  frequent
and detailed reports. Attention is  also paid to matters relating  to
risk  management,  such   as  operational  and   market  risks,   and
compliance, such  as  investment  restrictions  and  compliance  with
requirements of the  regulator. In connection  with what has  already
been mentioned regarding the structure of the Robeco Group,  matters,
such  as  the  risks  associated  with  the  investment  policy,  the
application of  instruments  to  manage these  risks  and  compliance
issues, may  also be  discussed at  the meetings  of the  supervisory
board of Robeco Groep N.V.
The  general  policy  of  the  Robeco  Group  is  determined  by  the
Management Board  of  Robeco  Groep N.V.  in  consultation  with  its
supervisory  board.  This   means  that  matters   such  as   product
development,  acquisitions,  risk   management  and  compliance   are
discussed at the meetings  of the supervisory  board of Robeco  Groep
N.V. An audit and remuneration  committee has been appointed by  this
board, and intensive  discussions were held  with the internal  audit
department and the external auditor concerning matters affecting  the
whole  Robeco  Group.  Two  members   of  this  committee  are   also
supervisory directors of Rorento N.V. Besides the subjects mentioned,
no special issues were discussed  at the meetings of the  supervisory
board during the reporting year.
In the report of the supervisory  board in the 2004 annual report,  a
reference was made  to the  report of the  Committee for  Modernising
Collective Investment  Schemes which  was  published on  22  December
2004. The recommendations of this report have not yet been fully laid
down  in  law.  We  are  also  waiting  for  further  recommendations
regarding fund governance. As was the  case in the 2004 report,  this
annual report has already taken  several of these recommendations  in
Based on the  implementation of the  revised Investment  Institutions
Supervision Act as of 1 September  2005, an application will be  made
to the Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets for a  license
as mentioned  in that  act.  An application  for  a new  license  for
Rorento N.V.  was  submitted to  the  Netherlands Authority  for  the
Financial Markets  in late  February 2006.  The prospectus  has  been
adjusted as a result of  the revision of the Investment  Institutions
Supervision Act. The  amended prospectus has  been submitted to  both
the Netherlands Authority for the  Financial Markets and the  Central
Bank of the Netherlands Antilles.
We have taken note of the contents of the auditor's report  presented
by Ernst &  Young Accountants  and recommend approval  of the  annual
financial statements. The management board proposes not to distribute
the profit but to allocate this income to Other Reserves, as usual.

At the  General Meeting  of Shareholders  on 27  April 2005,  Mr.  J.
Kremers relinquished  his position  as supervisory  director,  having
reached the statutory retirement age.  Mr. Kremers has been a  member
of the supervisory board since 1997. The board is extremely  grateful
for his important contribution  to the exercise  of its advisory  and
supervisory duties throughout this period.
At the same meeting  Mr. Ph. Lambert was  appointed as a  supervisory
director of the company  with immediate effect,  to fill the  vacancy
arising from the departure of Mr.  C.E.M. Beckers as of 1 July  2004.
At the General  Meeting of  Shareholders Mr.  P.C. van  den Hoek  was
reappointed as  chairman  of  the supervisory  board  with  immediate
effect. The vacancy as a result  of Mr. Kremers' resignation has  not
yet been filled.
At the same  meeting Mr.  K.J.V. Tavenier  also resigned  of his  own
accord as a  member of the  management board of  Rorento N.V. On  the
same day, Mr. F.L.I. van  de Walle was appointed  as a member of  the
management board  to  fill the vacancy  arising from Mr.  Tavernier's
departure.  The  board  is  extremely  grateful  for  Mr.  Tavenier's
contribution to the development of Rorento N.V.
According to schedule, Mr. D.P.M. Verbeek will resign at the  General
Meeting of Shareholders  to be held  on 10 May  2006. Mr. Verbeek  is
available for reelection. It is proposed that he be reappointed as  a
supervisory director of the company with immediate effect.

Philipsburg, 16 March 2006

The supervisory board

Supervisory board
Paulus C. van den Hoek, chairman (67)
Dutch nationality. Appointed in 1997 and last reappointed in 2005.
Lawyer and partner at Stibbe, lawyers and notaries, in Amsterdam, the
Netherlands, since  1965.  Former  Dean of  the  Dutch  National  Bar
(1981/84).  Supervisory  director  of  ASM  International,  B�hrmann,
Euronext Amsterdam, Robeco, Robeco Groep N.V. and Rolinco.

Gilles Izeboud (63)
Dutch nationality. Appointed in 2004.
Former partner  at  PricewaterhouseCoopers.  Deputy  justice  of  the
Enterprise Section  of the  Amsterdam  Court of  Appeal.  Supervisory
director of B�hrmann, Endex, Robeco, Robeco Groep N.V. and Rolinco.

Johan Kremers (72)
Dutch nationality. Appointed in 1997 and reappointed in 2001.
Former  Queen's  Commissioner  in  the  Dutch  province  of   Limburg
(1977/90). Vice-chairman of the Management Board of Robeco Groep N.V.
and vice-chairman  of  Rodamco  (1990/97).  Supervisory  director  of
Robeco, Robeco Groep N.V. and Rolinco.

Philip Lambert (59)
Dutch nationality.  Appointed in  2005.  Head of  Unilever  Corporate
Pensions in  London. Chairman  of the  investments committee  of  the
Algemeen Burgelijk  Pensioenfonds  [ABP, the  largest  Dutch  pension
fund]  and  member   of  the   investment  committee   of  ABN   AMRO
Pensioenfonds. Supervisory director of Robeco, Robeco Groep N.V.  and

Dirk P.M. Verbeek (55)
Dutch nationality. Appointed in 2001 and reappointed in 2003.
Member of  the executive  board of  Aon Group  in Chicago,  USA,  and
chairman/CEO of the executive board of Aon Holdings in Rotterdam, the
Netherlands. Supervisory director  of Robeco, Robeco  Groep N.V.  and

N.B. Only  supervisory  directorships  at listed  companies  and  the
Robeco Group are mentioned.



Global economy remains convincing
In 2005 global economic growth  remained high. The United States  and
Asia were the main growth engines but in the course of the year Japan
joined them and even  the European economy started  to show signs  of
improvement towards the end of the year.
The US economy  continued to do  well in spite  of the higher  energy
prices  and  the  impact  of  hurricane  Katrina.  Consumer  spending
remained strong thanks to  better labor-market circumstances and  the
strength of the housing market.  Inflation increased to levels  above
4% but underlying inflation, excluding  energy prices, was much  more
moderate.  The   inflation  outlook   remained  stable,   which   was
undoubtedly due to the determination  with which the US central  bank
kept raising its official rates. In the course of the year short-term
rates were raised from 2.25% to 4.25% in 25 basis-point steps. In the
euro zone corporate capital expenditure especially contributed to the
moderate growth. The  export sector  benefited from  the recovery  in
global trade.  Domestic spending  lagged once  again because  of  the
unstable  recovery  of  the  labor  market.  Due  to  the  continuing
unemployment, the higher  oil price  has not (yet)  led to  excessive
wage demands. The depreciation of the euro, tax increases and  higher
energy prices pushed inflation in the euro zone to levels above 2.5%.
Here too underlying inflation was  much lower. However, the  European
Central Bank  still  raised its  official  rate  by a  quarter  of  a
percentage point to 2.25%. It was the first interest-rate move in 2.5
The economic picture  for Japan has  improved significantly over  the
past year. Economic growth is no longer just supported by the  export
sector as  domestic spending  is  also increasingly  contributing  to
growth. Wage  growth and  the  improving labor  market are  the  main
growth engines. The Japanese central bank has also made it clear that
it will soon start  normalizing its extremely accommodative  monetary

Bond markets were mixed
The series of rate hikes by the US central bank has had an effect  on
US bond  returns.  Bonds  with  a short  life  to  maturity    lagged
particularly.  The  spread  between  official  short-term  rates  and
capital-market rates narrowed to close to zero. Because the inflation
outlook remained  moderate, in  spite of  higher commodities  prices,
capital-market  rates   rose  only   slightly.  In   the  euro   zone
capital-market  rates  actually  dropped,  which  led  to  more  than
reasonable returns  on euro-denominated  bonds. Capital-market  rates
only started increasing again towards the  end of the year, when  the
Euroland economy started  to gain  in strength. Here  too the  spread
between short-term and long-term rates decreased, especially when the
European Central Bank raised  rates by 0.25% towards  the end of  the
year. In  Japan  capital-market  rates  rose  slightly  in  2005  and
speculations about  possible  monetary  tightening  also  put  upward
pressure on bond yields.
The non-government bond market was mixed in 2005. The European credit
market clearly outperformed its US counterpart, where returns were on
balance lower than the returns on government bonds. In the course  of
the year there were some company-specific events which had a negative
impact for bondholders, but the effect  on the market as a whole  was
only limited. Investors did have  a preference for short-term  loans,
as  a  result  of  which  the  difference  in  risk  premium  between
short-term and long-term loans increased.
Central banks  will continue  to reverse  the accommodative  monetary
measures of  the past  years. Their  main objective  is to  keep  the
inflation outlook  stable. We  think that  they will  be  successful.
Capital-market rates will rise a  little further, but we expect  this
rise to be moderate. Structural factors which curb inflation, such as
globalization and technological progress, are still present. For  the
time being, wage pressure will be  tempered by cheap labor from  Asia
and sufficient labor potential in Europe. Oil-price movements  remain
a risk factor.
The macroeconomic outlook for businesses is not unfavorable. However,
our expectations for the return  on credits are low. Businesses  will
more often opt  for extra  capital expenditure  or raising  dividend,
partly due to pressure from  venture capitalists, and will give  less
priority to  reducing  debt. These  risks  are not  yet  sufficiently
reflected in the current risk premiums.


Investment results
(in %)                                                        Average
                                                          over last 5
                         2005   2004   2003   2002   2001       years

Based on:
- - market price                   2.7    1.3    1.4    3.0         3.3
- - net asset value                2.7    1.3    2.2    4.5         3.7
Benchmark1)                      3.7   -0.5    4.1    4.5         4.2
Total net assets2)               3.1    3.7    4.4    5.3

1 The JP Morgan Government Bond  Index Plus, and from 1 January  2002
the Lehman Multiverse Index. Currencies have been converted at  rates
supplied by World Market Reuters.
2 EUR x billion.

During 2005, Rorento's share price rose from EUR 39.88 to EUR  xx.xx,
an investment result  of x.x%. Based  on the net  asset value,  which
rose from EUR 40.10 to EUR xx.xx, the investment result was x.x%.
The fund's benchmark,  the Lehman Multiverse  Index, 50% hedged  into
euros, rose x.x% over the same period.


Duration, country and yield-curve policy
During most of  2005, Rorento's portfolio  was positioned for  rising
interest rates in  the euro  zone, the US  and Japan.  Capital-market
rates in  the  US  fluctuated  between  3.8%  and  4.60%  during  the
reporting year.  The American central bank tightened monetary policy.
The discount rate was raised from  2.25% to 4.25% in 25  basis-points
steps. The American central bank used  this policy to respond to  the
increased inflationary pressure and solid economic growth, which  was
primarily the result of continuing consumer spending. During the same
period, the rise in capital-market rates  in the US was limited.  The
market expected that the devastation caused by the hurricanes in  the
Southern United States and the sharp rise in oil prices would have  a
negative impact on the US economy. Interest-rate hikes combined  with
slightly increasing capital-market  rates caused the  yield curve  in
the US  to flatten  significantly.  During almost  the whole  of  the
period under  review, Rorento  was  positioned for  this  yield-curve
flattening and therefore benefited from it.

|Development of Rorento's modified duration[1]                        |
|                                                                     |
|  J  |  F  |  M  |  A  |  M  |  J  |  J  |  A  |  S  |  O  |  N  | D |
| 6.3 | 3.0 | 2.7 | 4.1 | 6.3 | 4.0 | 3.2 | 3.0 | 3.3 | 3.3 | 4.2 |   |

European capital-market rates fluctuated between 3.0% and 3.8% during
the reporting year.  The eurozone  economy grew  modestly during  the
first half  of  2005, with  continuing  high unemployment  in  Italy,
France and Germany. As a result, ten-year yields fell to a record low
of 3.0%. Exports increased during the second half of the year, helped
by a  weak  euro,  thereby improving  economic  sentiment.  When  the
European Central Bank (ECB) started signaling that it wanted to raise
money-market  rates  in  order  to  combat  inflation  and  normalize
money-market rates, long-term bonds were sold and interest rates rose
to 3.5%. Because money-market rates rose and capital-market rates for
longer maturities remained  under pressure due  to continuing  demand
from European pension funds and insurance companies, the yield  curve
flattened significantly  during the  last  quarter of  the  reporting
period. The fund successfully anticipated this in the last quarter.
Regional allocation was  another strategy used  by Rorento. The  fund
was overweight in the euro  zone at the expense  of the US. The  idea
behind this was that the American central bank was expected to  raise
money-market rates, while the ECB was expected to keep interest rates
stable during most of 2005. We took the view that the spread  between
US interest rates and Euroland  interest rates would increase,  which
in fact is what actually happened.
Also in Japan, interest rates tended towards higher levels during the
second half  of the  year; they  rose  to a  level around  1.5%.  The
economic recovery  brought  the end  of  the deflationary  period  in
sight, as a result of which the Bank of Japan will also pursue a less
accommodative policy  in  the  future.  The  portfolio  is  currently
positioned for a  further increase in  Japanese interest rates.  This
position also contributed positively to the fund's performance.

Risk Management and compliance
On  the  basis   of  reports   the  management   board  spoke   about
risk-management and compliance issues,  and also discussed them  with
the supervisory board.

Financial instruments
The  fund  uses  financial  instruments.  The  associated  risks  are
specified in the financial statements.

Halfway through the reporting year, the allocation to corporate bonds
in the portfolio was lowered to  a more neutral position relative  to
the benchmark. The  more defensive  positioning was  prompted by  the
relatively  high  valuation  of   the  asset  category  compared   to
government bonds. The favorable macroeconomic outlook for  businesses
indeed justified the relatively low premiums for credit risk, but the
increased activity of so-called
venture capitalists was cause for concern. Rorento was also  involved
in these  activities, with  a number  of companies  in its  portfolio
becoming the target of hostile  takeovers or the subject of  takeover
speculation. Thanks to the use  of derivatives in the portfolio,  the
fund was  able to  benefit in  a number  of cases  from the  loss  of
creditworthiness, which often  happens in  these so-called  leveraged
buyouts (LBOs).   Because financial companies  are less sensitive  to
such  restructurings,  the  overweight  in  financials  compared   to
corporates was further increased in the course of the year.
As of September,  the sensitivity  to the credit  market was  further
reduced. The  increased  uncertainty  in  the  credit  market  and  a
flattening of the underlying yield curve of government bonds resulted
in higher risk premiums for long-term bonds.

The most  important  development  in  the  currency  market  was  the
impressive comeback of  the US dollar  compared to other  currencies,
driven by  the continuing  positive  economic outlook,  the  widening
short-rate differentials, and  higher global demand.  During most  of
the year, the portfolio was overweight in the euro compared to the US
dollar, which  contributed  negatively. Other  transactions  such  as
JPY/USD, GBP/USD and CHF/USD made a limited contribution on balance.

During the period under review, the fund manager's active  investment
policy led  to an  outperformance of  1.4% (before  deduction of  the
management fee) relative to  the benchmark. Of  this 1.4%, 0.57%  was
attributable to the  duration policy, 0.56%  to the regional  policy,
0.43% to the  yield-curve policy, 0.22%  to the money-market  policy,
- -0.25% to the credit policy and -0.13% to the currency policy.

Philipsburg, 16 March 2006

The management board

BALANCE SHEET before profit appropriation, EUR x thousand

                                                31/12/2005 31/12/2004
Financial investments
Bonds and other fixed-income securities    1, 9  3,047,686  2,806,574

Deposits                                      3     21,497    302,778
Derivatives                               2, 12     14,622     33,100
Other financial investments                   4     33,487    423,508
                                                __________ __________
Total investments                                3,117,292  3,565,960

Accounts receivable
Interest receivable                                 54,058     48,912

Receivable on securities transactions                2,704     12,947
Affiliated companies                          5        689     26,374
Sundry debtors                                6        588        249
                                                __________ __________
                                                    58,039     88,482

Cash                                               132,234     82,878

Accounts payable
Obligations arising from derivative       2, 12      2,070      4,952
Payable to credit institutions                          89         28
Payable on securities transactions            7    230,009    611,078
Affiliated companies                          8      1,913      2,599
Sundry creditors                                     2,812      1,147
                                                __________ __________
                                                   236,893    619,804
                                                __________ __________
Accounts receivable and other assets less
accounts payable                                   -46,620   -448,444
                                                __________ __________
Shareholders' equity                             3,070,672  3,117,516

Composition of shareholders' equity          10
Issued capital                                     213,755    233,213
Other reserves                                   2,633,869  2,786,675
Net result                                         223,048     97,628
                                                __________ __________
                                                 3,070,672  3,117,516

The numbers of the items in the financial
statements refer to the numbers in the


                                2005      2004

Investment income            126,540   139,111
Movements in value 1.2,3.4   120,640   -19,317
                           _________ _________
                             247,180   119,794
Management costs        15    21,606    21,293
Service fee             15     2,052       541
Other costs             16       474       332
                           _________ _________
                              24,132    22,166
                           _________ _________
Net result                   223,048    97,628

indirect method, EUR x thousand

                                                     2005        2004
Cash flow from investment activities
Net result                                        223,048      97,628
Realized and unrealized results                  -120,640      19,317
Purchase of investments                       -10,378,473 -17,774,527
Sale of investments                            10,948,080  18,912,618
Increase(-)/decrease(+) accounts receivable        31,066      54,881
Increase(+)/decrease(-) accounts payable         -379,641    -554,739
                                               __________  __________

                                                  323,440     755,178
Cash flow from financing activities
Received for shares subscribed                    186,948     177,183
Paid for repurchase of own shares                -456,805    -832,388
Profit distribution                                   -35         -37
Increase(-)/decrease(+) accounts receivable          -623           -
Increase(+)/decrease(-) accounts payable             -449      -2,414
                                               __________  __________

                                                 -270,964    -657,656
                                               __________  __________

Net cash flow                                      52,476      97,522
Currency and cash revaluation                      -3,181       2,193
                                               __________  __________

Increase(+)/decrease(-) cash                       49,295      99,715

Accounts payable to credit institutions at            -28     -16,912
opening date
Cash at opening date                               82,878          47
                                               __________  __________
Total cash at opening date                         82,850     -16,865

Accounts payable to credit institutions at            -89         -28
closing date
Cash at closing date                              132,234      82,878
                                               __________  __________

Total cash at closing date                        132,145      82,850


Rorento (hereafter also referred to  as 'the fund') is an  investment
institution registered in the Netherlands Antilles and as such is not
subject to  Dutch corporate-income  tax or  capital tax.  It is  only
liable to pay a  minor sum in Netherlands  Antilles profits tax.  The
financial statements are in euros and are drawn up in accordance with
regulations prevailing in the Netherlands.  The fund holds a  license
in accordance with article 11,  section a, of the National  Ordinance
on the  Supervision  of Investment  Institutions  and  Administrators
['Ltba',  Landsverordening  Toezicht  op  Beleggingsinstellingen   en
Administrateurs]. The fund  also holds  a license from  the AFM  (the
Netherlands Authority  for the  Financial  Markets) under  the  Dutch
Investment  Institutions   Supervision  Act   ['Wtb',  Wet   toezicht
beleggingsinstellingen].  The  revised  Wtb  became  effective  on  1
September 2005.

The annual financial statements have been drawn up in conformity with
the  models  provided   by  Dutch  legislature.   In  certain   areas
descriptions have been used  which better express  the nature of  the
items and  relate  better to  the  characteristics of  an  investment
Open-end fund
Rorento N.V. is an open-end investment company, meaning that, barring
exceptional circumstances, Rorento  N.V. issues  and repurchases  its
shares on a daily  basis at prices approximating  net asset value.  A
fixed spread between the bid and  offer price applies to cover  costs
related to issuance  and repurchase  of own shares.  The issue  price
will not be more than  1.0% higher than the  net asset value and  the
repurchase price will not be more than 0.5% lower than the net  asset
value. Until 31 May 2005 Robeco Investment Consulting B.V. functioned
as the  intermediary  between  Rorento N.V.  and  investors  for  the
issuance and repurchase of own  shares. Rorento N.V. agreed with  the
other Robeco  Group  funds that  from  1 June  2005  onwards,  Robeco
Investment Consulting B.V. would assume the integrated management and
risk of spread income and expenses of these Robeco funds, as a result
of which Rorento N.V. issues and repurchases its shares at net  asset
value. The abovementioned margin between the net asset value and  the
bid and offer prices, and the  associated costs, are for the  account
and risk  of  Robeco  Investment Consulting  B.V.  Robeco  Investment
Consulting B.V. will distribute any  positive results, to the  funds,
in proportion  to each  fund's positive  contribution to  the  spread
result. A buffer is maintained to cover any future losses. Due to the
abolition of capital tax as of 1 January 2006, the upper limit of the
spread was lowered from 1% to 0.5%.

Non-certificated participation in the Netherlands
Parties with  which  shares  may be  held  in  non-certificated  form
include Robeco Direct N.V. in the Robeco Group Accounts System or the
affiliated branches  of  Rabobank  in the  Rabo  Securities  Account.
Participants pay costs on the sum deposited for each purchase, and in
the event  of  a  sale  a percentage  of  the  sum  withdrawn.  These
participation costs are currently a maximum of 0.4% via Robeco Direct
and a  maximum  of  0.5%  via  Rabobank,  depending  on  the  channel
selected. These  sums  will  accrue to  Robeco  Direct  and  Rabobank

Outsourcing core tasks
The administration has been outsourced to Robeco Institutional Asset
Management B.V., a 100% subsidiary of Robeco Groep N.V. These costs
are covered by the service fee. Agreements have been made with the
aforementioned party relating to the provision of information and
performance standards.
accounting principles

Unless  stated  otherwise,  items  shown  in  the  annual   financial
statements are included at nominal  value and expressed in  thousands
of euros.

Financial investments
Financial investments are included at  fair value. The fair value  of
bonds and other fixed-income securities is based on the market  price
and other market quotations at closing date. For derivatives such  as
forward exchange contracts, this value is based on currency rates and
reference  interest   rates  at   closing  date   and  for   futures,
interest-rate swaps, credit-default  swaps and  forward purchases  of
mortgage-backed securities (TBAs) this value  is based on the  market
price and  other  market quotations  at  closing date.  Deposits  and
CDs/CP are  valued  on the  basis  of exchange  rates  and  reference
interest rates at closing date. For call money, the real value is the
nominal value. Transaction costs incurred in the purchase and sale of
investments  are  included   in  the  purchase   or  sale  price   as

Affiliated parties
Rorento N.V. is affiliated to the entities belonging to Robeco  Groep
N.V. The affiliation  with Robeco  Groep N.V.  is the  result of  the
possibility of having decisive control or a substantial influence  on
the fund's business policy. Robeco Groep N.V. belongs to the Rabobank
Group. The  management  structure  of Robeco  Groep  N.V.,  in  which
significant authority  is allocated  to its  independent  supervisory
board, is such  that Rabobank does  not have a  meaningful say in  or
influence on the fund's business policy. Robeco Groep N.V. pursues an
independent investment policy on behalf of its affiliated  investment
companies,  taking  into  account  the  interests  of  the  investors
involved. Besides services of other market parties, Rorento N.V. also
uses the  services  of  one  or more  of  these  affiliated  entities
including transactions relating to securities, treasury, derivatives,
custody, securities lending, and sale and purchase of its own shares,
fund-administration  services,  as  well  as  management  activities.
Transactions are executed at market rates.

determination of the result

Investment results  are  determined  by  interest  income,  rises  or
declines in stock prices, rises or declines in foreign exchange rates
and  results  of  transactions   in  currencies,  including   forward
transactions, and derivative instruments.  The results are  accounted
for in the Profit and loss account.

Investment income
Interest  income  on   investments  in   bonds,  other   fixed-income
securities, deposits, other  financial investments,  cash and  income
from loan  transactions. Accrued  interest at  balance-sheet date  is
taken into account.

Movements in value
Realized and unrealized  capital gains and  losses on securities  and

Foreign currencies
Transactions in currencies  other than  the euro  are converted  into
euros at the exchange rates valid at the time. Assets and liabilities
expressed in  another  currency  are  converted  into  euros  at  the
exchange  rate  prevailing  at   balance-sheet  date.  Any   exchange
differences arising are accounted for in the Profit and loss account.

Transactions in  financial instruments  may lead  to the  fund  being
subject to  the risks  described below  or to  the fund  transferring
these risks to another party.
Price risks
Currency risk is the  risk that the value  of a financial  instrument
will  fluctuate  as   a  result   of  changes   in  exchange   rates.
Interest-rate risk  is  the  risk  that  the  value  of  a  financial
instrument will fluctuate as a result of changes in market rates. The
value of investments in  fixed-income securities depends directly  on
market rates. Duration  is used  as the measure  for the  portfolio's
sensitivity to interest-rate  movements. The portfolio's  sensitivity
to fluctuations in  market rates  can be influenced  by changing  the
portfolio's duration. Further information on the duration policy  can
be found in the  report of the management  board. Market risk is  the
risk that the  value of a  financial instrument will  fluctuate as  a
result  of  changes  in  market   prices,  caused  by  factors   that
exclusively apply  to  the individual  instrument  or its  issuer  or
caused by factors that affect all instruments traded in the market.
The fund minimizes risks  by diversifying over countries,  currencies
and issuers.  Investments  are  made primarily  in  bonds  issued  or
guaranteed by OECD member countries  and by companies based in  these
countries. The  fund  pursues  an  active  currency  policy.  Rorento
invests a limited part of its assets in paper qualified as high yield
by rating agencies.
Credit risk
Credit risk  is  the  risk  that  the  counterparty  of  a  financial
instrument will no longer meet its obligations, as a result of  which
the fund will suffer a financial  loss. The fund minimizes this  risk
by trading exclusively with reputable counterparties with a rating of
at least P1 from Moody's or A from Standard & Poor's. Wherever it  is
customary in the market, the fund will demand and obtain collateral.

Liquidity risk
Liquidity risk is the risk  that the fund is  not able to obtain  the
financial  means  required  to  meet  the  obligations  arising  from
financial  instruments.  The  fund  minimizes  this  risk  by  mainly
investing in  financial  instruments that  are  tradable on  a  daily

Insight into actual risks
The report of the management board,  the balance sheet, the notes  to
the balance sheet and  the spread of net  assets, which includes  the
geographic distribution  of  the  investments and  the  net  currency
position, give  an insight  into the  actual risks  at  balance-sheet

Risk management
Managing risk is a part of the investment process as a whole and with
the help of advanced systems,  the risks outlined above are  limited,
measured and monitored on the basis of fixed risk measures.

Policy regarding the use of derivative instruments
Investing implies that positions are taken. As it is possible to  use
various instruments, including  derivative instruments, to  construct
an identical position, the selection of derivatives is subordinate to
the  positioning  of  a  portfolio.  In  our  published  information,
attention is given primarily to the overall position, and secondarily
to the nature and volume of the financial instruments employed.

The market  value of  derivatives is  reported in  the Balance  sheet
under Financial  investments and  Accounts payable.  Liabilities  and
receivables and the value of the derivatives' underlying  instruments
are not  included  in the  Balance  sheet. If  applicable,  they  are
explained under  the heading  Commitments not  shown in  the  balance

1 Bonds and other fixed-income securities

| EUR x thousand                                                    |
|                                   |        2005 |        2004 |   |
|                                   |             |             |   |
| Book value (market value) at      |   2,806,574 |   3,470,941 |   |
| opening date                      |             |             |   |
| Purchases                         |  10,378,473 |  17,565,329 |   |
| Sales                             | -10,305,814 | -18,223,114 |   |
| Realized and unrealized results:  |             |             |   |
| bonds                             |      15,874 |      68,699 |   |
|                                   |             |             |   |
| currencies                        |     152,579 |     -75,281 |   |
|                                   |             |             |   |
|                                   |    ________ |    ________ |   |
| Book value (market value) at      |   3,047,686 |   2,806,574 |   |
| closing date                      |             |             |   |

A breakdown of this  portfolio and an overview  of the spread of  net
assets can be  found at the  end of this  report. A substantial  part
(35%; previous year 79%)  of the total purchases  and sales shown  in
the table relates to repo transactions. Repo transactions current  at
balance-sheet date represent  a value  of EUR  176 million  (previous
year EUR 611 million).
At balance-sheet  date, bonds  to the  amount of  EUR 502  million  (
previous year EUR 506 million at the end of last year) had been lent.
To cover  the risk  of non-restitution,  adequate collateral  with  a
value of EUR 533 million  was demanded and obtained; this  collateral
is not included in the Balance sheet.

2 Derivatives

EUR x thousand
                             TBAs        Forward         Futures  Interest-rate
                                        exchange                          swaps
                  ______________  _____________  ______________  ______________
                     2005    2004    2005   2004    2005    2004    2005   2004
Book value          2,503   4,597  22,089 19,985   3,556  -6,057       -  2,672
(market value) at
opening date
Sales/expirations   3,043 -16,972  61,529 -4,878 -24,046  45,866       - -2,034
Realized and       -1,612  14,878 -78,916  6,982  26,142 -36,253  -1,636   -638
                  _______ _______ _______ ______ _______  ______ _______ ______
Book value          3,934   2,503   4,702 22,089   5,652   3,556  -1,636      -
(market value) at
closing date

EUR x thousand
                                 Credit-default swaps           Total
                                 ______________       ______________
                                       2005      2004    2005    2004
Book value (market value) at              -         -  28,148  21,197
opening date
Sales/expirations                       842         -  41,368  21,982
Realized and unrealized results        -942         - -56,964 -15,031
                                    _______    ______ _______  ______
Book value (market value) at           -100         -  12,552  28,148
closing date

The presentation of derivatives in the balance sheet is based on  the
liabilities  and  receivables  per   counterparty.  It  entails   the

EUR x thousand
Type of derivative     Under        financial   Under        accounts
                       investments              payable
                              2005       2004         2005       2004
TBAs                         3,934      2,503            -          -
Forward       exchange       4,820     27,041          118      4,952
Futures                      5,652      3,556            -          -
Credit-default swaps           216          -          316          -
Interest-rate swaps              -          -        1,636          -
                            ______     ______       ______     ______
Total                       14,622     33,100        2,070      4,952

3 Deposits
EUR  21.5  million  of  this  amount  relates  to  repo  transactions
(previous year EUR 303 million).

EUR x thousand
                                              2005      2004

Situation at opening date                  302,778 1,006,762
Balance advances and redemptions          -279,583  -712,185
Realized and unrealized results             -1,698     8,201
                                           _______   _______
Book value (market value) at closing date   21,497   302,778

4 Other financial investments
Includes certificates of  deposit, commercial paper  and call  money.
EUR 0 million (previous year EUR 315 million) of this amount  relates
to repo transactions.

EUR x thousand
                                              2005    2004

Situation at opening date                  423,508 221,703
Balance advances and redemptions          -404,051 215,486
Realized and unrealized results             14,030 -13,681
                                           _______ _______
Book value (market value) at closing date   33,487 423,508

5 Receivables on affiliated companies
A subordinated loan that had been granted to one of the companies  of
the  Robeco  Group,  included   under  the  heading  Receivables   on
affiliated companies  as  of  31 December  2004,was  redeemed  on  31
December 2005 with the consent of De Nederlandsche Bank N.V.
6 Sundry debtors
Includes suspense items.

7 Payable on securities transactions
EUR 176  million  (previous year  EUR  611 million)  of  this  amount
relates to current repo transactions.

8 Sundry creditors
Includes unpaid tax and expenses.

9 Investments in Robeco Group mutual funds
Part of the portfolio is invested in funds offered by the Robeco
Group; these investments are reported under Bonds and other
fixed-income securities. A list of these investments is given below.

|INVESTMENTS IN ROBECO GROUP MUTUAL FUNDS                                                                  |
|                   |                         |                  |                  |      |               |
|                   |       Market value|  Interest in fund| Net asset value 1)|       Return|Total expense|
|                   |                   |                  |                   |             |     ratio 2)|
|                   |     EUR x thousand|              In %|            EUR x 1|         In %|         In %|
|                   |    31/12|    31/12|     31/12|  31/12|     31/12|   31/12|        |    |       |     |
|                   |     2005|     2004|      2005|   2004|      2005|    2004|    2005|2004|   2005| 2004|
|Funds              |         |         |          |       |          |        |        |    |       |     |
|Robeco Capital     |         |         |          |       |          |        |        |    |       |     |
|Growth Funds -     |   93,605|        -|      78.9|      -|     99.53|       -|n.y.a.4)|   -| 0.234)|    -|
|Robeco High Yield  |         |         |          |       |          |        |        |    |       |     |
|Bonds (EUR) I      |         |         |          |       |          |        |        |    |       |     |
|Robeco Interest    |         |         |          |       |          |        |        |    |       |     |
|Plus Funds - Robeco|   50,220|        -|      85.5|      -|    100.50|       -|n.y.a.5)|   -| 0.095)|    -|
|Flex-o-Rente (EUR) |         |         |          |       |          |        |        |    |       |     |
|I                  |         |         |          |       |          |        |        |    |       |     |
|Robeco Monetaire   |   40,609|        -|    n.n.b.|      -|  3,018.17|       -|  n.y.a.|   -|   0.30|    -|
|Quantiplus         |         |         |          |       |          |        |        |    |       |     |
|Robeco Capital     |         |         |          |       |          |        |        |    |       |     |
|Growth Funds -     |   30,081|        -|      96.8|      -|    100.19|       -|n.y.a.5)|   -| 0.155)|    -|
|Robeco European    |         |         |          |       |          |        |        |    |       |     |
|High Yield Bonds   |         |         |          |       |          |        |        |    |       |     |
|(EUR) I            |         |         |          |       |          |        |        |    |       |     |
|                   |    _____|   ______|          |       |          |        |        |    |       |     |
|                   |  214,515|        -|          |       |          |        |        |    |       |     |
|Participating      |         |         |          |       |          |        |        |    |       |     |
|interests          |         |         |          |       |          |        |        |    |       |     |
|Robeco             |         |         |          |       |          |        |        |    |       |     |
|Institutional      |        -|  110,947|         -|   26.3|         -|  110.79|       -|11.8|      -| 0.51|
|Global High Yield  |         |         |          |       |          |        |        |    |       |     |
|vastrentende       |         |         |          |       |          |        |        |    |       |     |
|waarden fonds      |         |         |          |       |          |        |        |    |       |     |
|Robeco             |         |         |          |       |          |        |        |    |       |     |
|Institutional      |        -|   42,028|         -|   42.3|         -|98.02 3)|       -|-5.2|      -| 1.05|
|Global Money Market|         |         |          |       |          |        |        |    |       |     |
|Opportunity Fund   |         |         |          |       |          |        |        |    |       |     |
|                   |    _____|   ______|          |       |          |        |        |    |       |     |
|                   |        -|  152,975|          |       |          |        |        |    |       |     |
|1Per 100 participating units.                                                                             |
|2 Regarding management costs, agreements have been made  with the managers of the funds concerned for  the|
|restitution of management costs to Rorento N.V.                                                           |
|3 In USD.                                                                                                 |
|4 Concerns period from 1 September 2005 through 4 December 2005.                                          |
|5 Concerns period from 04 October 2005 through 31 December 2005.                                          |
|                                                                                                          |
|                                                                                                          |

With the exception of Robeco  Mon�taire Quantiplus, the Robeco  Group
funds referred to under the heading Funds are Luxembourg-based  funds
with  a  UCITS  III  status  and  are  regulated  by  the  Luxembourg
authorities.  The  semiannual  report  as  of  31  December  2005  is
available  at  the  fund's  offices  on  request.  Robeco   Mon�taire
Quantiplus is a mutual fund established according to French law  with
a UCITS III status  and is regulated by  the French authorities.  The
annual report as of  30 September 2005 of  this fund is available  at
the company's offices on request. Rorento N.V. can enter and exit the
abovementioned Robeco  Group funds  on  a daily  basis at  net  asset
value. These funds do not charge an entry or exit fee.

The annual reports as of 31  December 2005 of the Robeco Group  funds
referred to under the  heading Participating interests are  available
at the company's  offices on  request. The funds  are not  regulated.
Rorento N.V. can enter and exit these  funds on a daily basis at  net
asset value. These funds do not have an entry charge
and have  an exit  charge of  0.125%, as  included in  the Terms  and
Conditions of Management and Custody of the said funds.

10 Shareholders' equity

EUR x thousand
                                                   2005      2004
Issued capital
Situation at opening date                       233,213   282,592
Received on shares issued                        13,353    13,352
Paid for shares repurchased                     -32,811   -62,731
                                                _______   _______
Situation at closing date                       213,755   233,213

Other reserves
Situation at opening date                     2,786,675 3,333,023
Received on shares issued                       173,595   163,831
Paid for shares repurchased                    -423,994  -769,657
Net result from previous financial year          97,628    59,515
Supervisory directors' fee                          -35       -37
                                                _______   _______
Situation at closing date                     2,633,869 2,786,675

Net result                                      223,048    97,628
                                                _______   _______
Shareholders' equity                          3,070,672 3,117,516

The company's authorized  share capital amounts  to EUR 900  million,
divided into 300,000,000 ordinary shares with a nominal value of  EUR
3 each.

11 Assets, shares outstanding and per share value

                                   31/12/2005  31/12/2004  31/12/2003

Assets EUR x thousand               3,070,672   3,117,516   3,675,130

Shares issued in financial year     4,450,899   4,450,561   1,859,037
Shares repurchased in financial   -10,936,940 -20,910,312 -22,477,969
Number of shares outstanding       71,251,513  77,737,554  94,197,305

Net asset value per share in EUR        43.10       40.10       39.02

12 Commitments not shown in the balance sheet
Forward exchange transactions
The forward exchange transactions  current at closing date  represent
purchases of AUD  10 million, DKK  77 million, EUR  300 million,  JPY
20,121 million  and  KRW 25,588  million,  against sales  of  CAD  14
million, CHF 67 million, GPB 76 million and USD 371 million.
Futures contracts purchased  as at  balance sheet  date represent  an
increase in assets invested of CAD 5 million, GBP 1,024 million,  and
USD 101  million;  futures contracts  sold  represent a  decrease  in
assets invested of EUR 2,852 million and JPY 19,092 million.
Interest-rate swaps
The interest-rate contracts current at closing date represent a value
of EUR 151 million, GBP 11 million and USD 28 million.
Credit-default swaps
Credit-default swap  contracts current  at closing  date represent  a
value of EUR 23 million and  USD 14 million in purchased credit  risk
and a value  of EUR 215  million and  USD 59 million  in sold  credit
Forward  purchases  of  mortgage-backed  TBA  securities  current  at
balance-sheet date represent a sum of USD 468 million.
Forward exchange transactions are  included in the currency  position
in the  Spread of  net assets  at  the end  of this  report.  Futures
contracts, interest-rate  swaps,  credit-default  swaps  and  forward
purchases of mortgage-backed  securities are included  in the  survey
Modified duration in the Report  of the management board.  Unrealized
results of these  transactions at  closing date are  included in  the
Profit and loss account.

13 Performance

| PERFORMANCE PER      |    |         |         |         |         |
| SHARE                |    |         |         |         |         |
| EUR X 1              |    |         |         |         |         |
|                |     2005 |    2004 |    2003 |    2002 |    2001 |
|                |          |         |         |         |         |
| Investment     |     1.72 |    1.56 |    1.69 |    1.73 |    2.66 |
| income         |          |         |         |         |         |
| Movement in    |     1.64 |   -0.15 |   -0.87 |   -0.71 |   -0.20 |
| value          |          |         |         |         |         |
| Management     |    -0.33 |   -0.26 |   -0.24 |   -0.22 |   -0.22 |
| costs, service |          |         |         |         |         |
| fee and other  |          |         |         |         |         |
| costs          |          |         |         |         |         |
|                |  _______ | _______ | _______ | _______ | _______ |
| Net result     |     3.03 |    1.15 |    0.58 |    0.80 |    2.24 |
| *) Based on the average  amount of shares outstanding during  the |
| reporting year.  The  average  amount of  shares  outstanding  is |
| calculated on a daily basis for the years 2005, 2004 and 2003 and |
| on a monthly basis for the preceding years.                       |
|                                                                   |
|                                                                   |


14 Total expense ratio

                     2005    2004
                      in%     in%
Cost item
Management costs     0.70    0.63
Service fee          0.07    0.01
Other costs          0.01    0.01
                  _______ _______
Total                0.78    0.65

The total  expense ratio  expresses  the costs  charged to  the  fund
during the reporting  period as  a percentage of  the average  assets
entrusted during the  reporting period.  The total  expense ratio  as
shown does not include transaction costs. The total expense ratio was
0.78% during the reporting period. The management costs relate to all
of the  fund's  current  costs,  which  include  the  fees  paid  for
registering shareholders and all costs resulting from the  management
of the fund, with the exception of costs relating to investments  and
taxes. The service fee  covers the administration,  the costs of  the
external auditor, other external advisers, regulators, costs relating
to reports  required  by  law,  such as  the  annual  and  semiannual
reports, and the costs relating to the meetings of shareholders.  The
total expense  ratio  takes into  account  the costs  of  intra-group
investments, as presented in the table on page 14. As the  management
fee is restituted to  Rorento, these costs are  not material and  are
therefore not included in the above table. Other costs mainly  relate
to the custody fee  charged by third parties  for the custody of  the
fund's securities portfolio, amounting to EUR 277 thousand, and  bank

15 Management costs and service fee
Management costs relate  exclusively to the  management fee of  0.70%
per year charged  by Robeco Institutional  Asset management B.V.  The
service  fee  amounts  to  0.08%  per  year  and  covers  formal  and
operational costs. For assets exceeding EUR 1 billion the service fee
is 0.06%;  for assets  exceeding EUR  5 billion  the service  fee  is
0.04%. The fees are calculated on a daily basis, based on the average
assets entrusted.  Wherever in  this report  mention is  made of  the
average assets entrusted this  is also calculated  on a daily  basis,
unless stated otherwise.

16 Other costs
This includes custody costs and bank charges.

17 Performance fee
Rorento N.V. does not charge a performance fee.

18 Transaction costs
Brokerage costs and exchange fees relating to investment transactions
are discounted in the cost price or the sales value of the investment
transactions. Brokerage costs for the purchase and sale of bonds  are
included in  the share  price and  cannot be  quantified  separately.
These costs and fees are charged to the result  ensuing from  changes
in value. The quantifiable transaction  costs are included under  the
heading Movements  in value  in  the Profits  and loss  account.  The
transaction volume  of the  quantifiable  transaction costs  is  6.1%
(previous year 0%) of the  total transaction volume. Bonds cover  63%
(previous  year  53%)  of  the  transaction  volume  excluding   repo
transactions, whose transaction costs are not quantifiable.

EUR x thousand
                 2005 2004
Transaction type
Futures            23    -
Bonds             460    -

Hard commissions and soft-dollar arrangements
There were no hard commissions or soft-dollar arrangements during the
reporting period.

20 Turnover ratio
This is the  turnover ratio  of the investments  against the  average
assets entrusted and this  is a measure  of the incurred  transaction
costs resulting from  the portfolio  policy pursued  and the  ensuing
investment transactions. In the calculation  method that is used  the
amount of turnover is determined by the sum of purchases and sales of
investments less the sum of issuance and repurchase of own shares. If
the outcome is negative, the turnover ratio is 0. The turnover  ratio
is determined by expressing the amount of turnover as a percentage of
the average assets  entrusted. The  turnover ratio  is corrected  for
repo transactions, which  are not  part of the  portfolio policy  but
generate extra return on the portfolio. The turnover ratio  excluding
repo transactions was  205% for  2005 (versus 193%  for the  previous
year). Rorento's turnover in 2005 was almost the same as in 2004.  In
2005, a further reduction of positions in corporate bonds also played
a role in  this. Furthermore, the  active overweight and  underweight
positions taken  in the  course  of the  year affected  the  turnover

21 Transactions with affiliated parties
Part of the transaction volume  over the reporting period relates  to
transactions with  affiliated  parties.  The table  below  shows  the
various types of transactions where this was the case.

Part of the total volume in %
                               2005 2004
Transaction type
Bonds                          19.1 30.0
Forward exchange transactions   5.0  5.4
Deposits                        3.3  3.6
Call money                     99.2    -
Certificates of deposit         5.7    -

22 Securities lending
Robeco Securities Lending  B.V. is the  intermediary for all  Rorento
N.V.'s  securities-lending  transactions.  As  compensation  for  its
services Robeco Securities Lending B.V. receives a fee of 40% of  the
gross income resulting from these securities-lending transactions. An
external agency periodically assesses whether the agreements  between
the fund and  Robeco Securities Lending  are still in  line with  the
market. In  2005  the proceeds  for  the  fund amounted  to  EUR  450
thousand (last year EUR 395 thousand). For Robeco Securities  Lending
this was EUR 300 thousand (last year EUR 263 thousand).

23 Personnel costs
Rorento N.V. does not employ personnel, except for boardmembers.
Robeco  Nederland  B.V.'s  remuneration  policy  for  fund   managers
consists of  both  a  fixed  and a  variable  income.  The  secondary
conditions of employment are in line with what is common practice  in
the financial-services industry.
The fixed income  offers a  good and  competitive remuneration  basis
within the Dutch asset-management market. A fund manager is  assigned
to a salary  scale with  a minimum and  maximum income  based on  the
level of  responsibility of  his function  (HAY method  for  function
valuation). Growth  within  this  scale is  linked  to  (performance)
results and competencies.
The variable  income offers  the fund  manager remuneration  for  his
individual, long-term  outperformance.  Payment  is  related  to  the
outperformance relative to  a preset  target. The  track record  over
both  a  1-year  and  3-year  period  is  taken  into  account   when
determining the variable remuneration.  The variable remuneration  to
which the fund manager  is entitled for any  single year is paid  out
over a 3-year period (60%  in the first year,  30% in the second  and
10% in  the  last year).  A  limited group  of  employees,  including
several fund  managers,  are  given the  opportunity  to  participate
directly in  Robeco's future  through virtual  shares (E-notes).  The
individual allocation of E-notes is linked to individual  performance
and the contribution to the  realization of the strategic targets  of
the Robeco Group as a whole  and the individual's own business  unit.
The E-notes  represent a  value which  is directly  linked to  Robeco
Groep N.V.'s value.

Philipsburg, 16 March 2006

The supervisory board
P.C. van den Hoek, chairman
G. Izeboud
Ph. Lambert
D.P.M. Verbeek

The management board
E.J. Siermann, chairman
F.L.E.G. Boll
F.L.I. van de Walle

The ordinary shares of Rorento N.V. are listed on the Official Market
of Euronext Amsterdam Stock  Market N.V. In  addition, Rorento has  a
stock-exchange quotation  in  Paris,  Brussels,  Luxembourg,  London,
Berlin, Dusseldorf, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Munich, Vienna and Zurich.

According to articles 39 and 40  of the Articles of Association,  the
profit less  allocations  to the  reserves  deemed desirable  by  the
management board in agreement with  the supervisory board will be  at
the disposal of the General Meeting of Shareholders.

As last  year,  it  will  be  proposed  to  the  General  Meeting  of
Shareholders not to distribute a dividend but to allocate the profit,
less remuneration to supervisory directors, to Other reserves.

Supervisory directors' fee
An amount of EUR 30,628 (previous year EUR 34,598) has been allocated
from the proposed profit appropriation for this purpose.

Statement in conformity with article 21, paragraph 2, sections b  and
c, of  the  Dutch  1990 Investment  Institutions  Supervision  Decree
['Btb', Besluit Toezicht Beleggingsinstellingen (1990)].
The company knows of only one party to be considered a major investor
within  the   meaning   of   the   Btb   (1990),   namely   Stichting
Aandelen-Rekeningen Robeco-Groep. During the period under review,  no
transactions as referred to in article 21, paragraph 2, section c, of
the Btb (1990) took place.

Statement pursuant to article 21, paragraph 2, section a, of the  Btb
Pursuant to section b of the circular issued by de Nederlandsche Bank
of 15 October  1993, exemption  has been  granted in  respect of  the
prescribed publication of interests in bonds - with the exception  of
convertible bonds - listed on a  stock exchange or traded in  another
regular and officially recognized open market, held by the members of
the management  and supervisory  boards. Since  no convertible  bonds
were held in the portfolio, on  the basis of this exemption there  is
no requirement to include further information in this report.
At 31 December 2005, supervisory and managing directors held a  joint
interest of 0 and 2.516 Rorento N.V. shares respectively. At the  end
of 2005,  no options  had been  granted to  supervisory and  managing
directors. Under  the option  scheme, Robeco  Groep N.V.  grants  the
right at its  own expense to  purchase Rorento N.V.  shares for  five
years, the value of  the shares being at  least the opening price  on
the first trading day following the day of granting.
During  the  period  under  review,  there  were  no  other  business
relations between supervisory directors and the company than that  of
member of the supervisory board.

The fund manager should act in accordance with Dutch legislation and,
insofar as relevant, legislation in  other countries. As an  employee
of Robeco Nederland B.V. he is bound by Robeco's internal regulations
and procedures, including the Rules and regulations regarding private
investment transactions,  which are  based  on the  Dutch  Securities
Transactions Supervision  Act.  These  Rules  should  guarantee  that
insider trading  and mixing  of business  and private  interests,  or
semblance thereof, is avoided at all times.
As at 31 December  2005 the fund manager  had no interest in  Rorento
N.V. shares.  Furthermore, as  of  that same  date,  she had  the  no
interest in Rorento N.V investments.
The members  of the  supervisory board  and the  management board  of
Rorento N.V. hereby declare that their beneficial interests and those
of their children below the age of  18 years do not in the  aggregate
exceed 5%  of the  company, in  respect of  either share  capital  or
voting control.

Philipsburg, 16 March 2006

Auditors' report
We have audited the financial statements of Robeco N.V., Rotterdam,
for the year 2005. These financial statements are the responsibility
of the company's management. Our responsibility is to express an
opinion on these financial statement based on our audit.
We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards
generally accepted in the Netherlands. Those standards require that
we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about
whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement.
An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the
amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also
includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant
estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall
presentation of the financial statements. We believe that our audit
provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.
In our opinion, the financial statements give a true and fair view of
the financial position of the company as at 31 December 2005 and of
the result for the year then ended in accordance with accounting
principles generally accepted in the Netherlands and comply with the
financial reporting requirements included in Part 9 of Book 2 of the
Netherlands Civil Code and in the Investment Institutions Supervision

In addition, we verified whether the annual report is consistent with
the financial statements, insofar as we are able to judge.

Philipsburg, 16 March 2006

Ernst & Young Accountants
on behalf of

G.H.C. de M�ris

                                                     Acrosscountries                Acrosscurrencies
                     _______________________________________________ _______________________________
                             31/12/2005     31/12/2005    31/12/2004      31/12/2005      31/12/2004
                         EUR x thousand            In%           In%             In%             In%
North America(37.2%)
US dollar                     1,097,629           35.8          30.0            27.1            12.0
Canadian dollar                  42,931            1.4           1.1             1.1             1.9

Euro                          1,646,677           53.6          44.5            62.1            70.8
British pound                   140,084            4.6           4.7             1.1             2.2
Swedish krona                     8,816            0.3           0.3             0.3             0.2
Danish krone                          -              -             -             0.4             0.3
Swiss franc                           -              -            --            -1.4             3.1

Japanese yen                    111,549            3.6           9.4             8.4             9.2
Korean won                            -              -             -             0.7             0.3

Australian dollar                     -              -             -             0.2               -

Short-term                       22,986            0.7          10.0               -               -
                               ________       ________      ________        ________        ________
Total                         3,070,672          100.0         100.0           100.0           100.0

Exchange rates
      31/12/2005   31/12/2004         31/12/2005          31/12/2004

EUR 1                                        EUR                 EUR
AUD       1.6080       1.7340   AUD            1 0.6219       0.5767
CAD       1.3779       1.6282   CAD            1 0.7257       0.6140
CHF       1.5546       1.5456   CHF            1 0.6433       0.6470
DKK       7.4589       7.4386   DKK            1 0.1341       0.1344
GBP       0.6871       0.7080   GBP            1 1.4554       1.4125
JPY     139.2223     139.2824   JPY          100 0.7183       0.7180
KRW   1,192.3482   1,407.0957   KRW          100 0.0838       0.0711
SEK       9.3875       9.0327   SEK            1 0.1065       0.1107
USD       1.1796       1.3592   USD            1 0.8478       0.7357

 at 31 December 2005

 Market value                            %                       date

             EUR                USD
                                           Solstice ABS
84.805           100.032            0,0000 (FRN)             02-05-36

10.509.092       12.396.000         2,0000 United States     15-05-06

15.162.416       17.884.828         2,3750 Fannie Mae        15-02-07
                                           US Treasury
10.037.462       11.839.688         2,3750 Note              31-08-06

12.168.129       14.352.916         2,3750 United States     15-08-06
                                           US Treasury
24.943.963             29.422.652   2,7500 Note              15-08-07
                                           US Treasury
44.406.801       52.380.042         3,1250 Note              15-05-07
                                           US Treasury
52.455.530       61.873.920         3,3750 Note              15-09-09

88.758.594       104.695.200        3,5000 United States     15-11-09

2.539.518        2.995.488          3,7500 Freddie Mac       15-04-07

2.933.436        3.460.135          3,7500 Freddie Mac       15-04-07
                                           Credit Agricole
1.184.638        1.397.340          4,2000 (FRN)             17-07-06
                                           ABN-AMRO Bank
10.598.321       12.501.250         4,2094 (FRN)             18-04-08
8.482.972        10.006.090         4,2250 Australia (FRN)   16-04-09
                                           JP Morgan Chase
8.501.039        10.027.400         4,2444 (FRN)             02-10-09

967.213          1.140.876          4,2500 Korea             01-06-13

69.163.473       81.581.775         4,2500 United States     15-11-14

6.368.079        7.511.468          4,2550 Goldman Sachs     09-01-07
8.488.466        10.012.570         4,2938 Australia (FRN)   22-01-08
                                           Lehman Brothers
8.489.339        10.013.600         4,2941 (FRN)             20-04-07
                                           Hypo- und
3.537.099        4.172.185          4,3094 (FRN)             18-01-06
                                           Goldman Sachs
2.120.444        2.501.170          4,3541 (FRN)             20-04-06
                                           John Hancock
9.325.124        10.999.450         4,3556 (FRN)             27-04-09
                                           Federal Home
10.863.329       12.813.840         4,3750 Loan Banks        17-09-10
                                           ABN-AMRO Bank
3.182.008        3.753.338          4,3900 (FRN)             11-05-07
                                           Credit Suisse
2.548.887        3.006.540          4,3900 First Boston      15-01-10
                                           Federative du
8.483.061        10.006.195         4,3931 Credit (FRN)      30-01-06
                                           Morgan Stanley
8.496.461        10.022.000         4,4338 (FRN)             22-01-09
                                           Express Credit
8.489.907        10.014.270         4,4575 (FRN)             14-09-07
                                           First National
4.238.905        5.000.000          4,4694 Master No (FRN)   15-08-08
                                           Express Credit
1.699.271        2.004.375          4,4794 (FRN)             15-09-10
10.603.514       12.507.375         4,4800 Capital (FRN)     04-03-08

21.217.201               25.026.750 4,5000 Citigroup (FRN)   04-06-07

4.325.273        5.101.876          4,5000 Freddie Mac       15-01-15

35.076.302       41.374.252         4,5000 Freddie Mac       15-01-15
14.424.397       17.014.297         4,5006 (FRN)             29-05-07

849.351          1.001.852          4,5100 Citigroup (FRN)   01-09-06
                                           MBNA Master
                                           Credit Card
211.945          250.000            4,5194 (FRN)             15-07-08
21.192.404       24.997.500         4,5200 Finance           02-03-06
                                           Credit Suisse
                                           First Boston
5.087.082        6.000.468          4,5300 (FRN)             27-02-06

849.502          1.002.030          4,5400 Citigroup         15-02-07
                                           Merrill Lynch
850.426          1.003.120          4,5406 (FRN)             06-02-09
                                           Bear Stearns
852.105          1.005.100          4,5431 Cos (FRN)         30-01-09
8.478.428        10.000.730         4,5500 Bancario          27-02-06
                                           ASIF Global
21.209.360       25.017.500         4,5600 (FRN)             11-12-06
                                           Lehman Brothers
578.699          682.604            4,5600 (FRN)             10-11-09
                                           Wells Fargo &
1.273.007        1.501.575          4,5638 Co (FRN)          23-03-07
                                           HSBC Bank US
21.218.473       25.028.250         4,5700 (FRN)             21-09-07
                                           Wells Fargo &
3.180.132        3.751.125          4,5700 Co. (FRN)         12-06-06
                                           Bank of America
8.153.754        9.617.760          4,5725 (FRN)             22-11-06
                                           Dresdner bank
8.456.615        9.975.000          4,5750 (FRN)             07-03-06
                                           Bank of America
2.119.452        2.500.000          4,5869 (FRN)             18-09-09
                                           Wells Fargo &
16.771.281       19.782.565         4,5913 Co (FRN)          15-09-09
5.523.840        6.515.646          4,6050 (FRN)             10-03-09

5.618.560        6.627.372          4,6250 Fannie Mae        15-10-14
                                           MBNA Master
                                           Credit Card
5.936.321        7.002.188          4,6294 (FRN)             15-08-08
                                           Global Funding
17.003.823       20.056.860         4,6400 (FRN)             08-05-06
                                           IKB Deutschland
8.483.610        10.006.842         4,6769 (FRN)             30-06-06

1.697.766        2.002.600          4,6913 SLM (FRN)         15-09-06
                                           Merrill Lynch
8.508.923        10.036.700         4,7200 (FRN)             09-09-09
                                           Merrill Lynch
1.272.879        1.501.425          4,7269 (FRN)             19-06-06

                                                 Bear Stearns Cos
7.660.625            9.036.090            4,7300 (FRN)            09-09-09

7.651.087            9.024.840            4,7300 CIT Group (FRN)  20-09-07
                                                 Countrywide Home
8.402.121            9.910.722            4,9000 Loan (FRN)       02-06-06
                                                 General Electric
8.505.786                      10.033.000 4,9300 Capital (FRN)    13-12-06
          12.949.432           15.274.502 5,0000 Citigroup        15-09-14

6.799.203            8.020.000            5,0400 Axa (FRN)        03-12-07
                                                 Stuyvesant CDO
1.806.833            2.131.250            5,0400 (FRN)            22-08-13

4.885.063            5.762.176            5,1000 AT&T             15-09-14
                 EUR                  USD
                                                 Federal Home
6.824.760            8.050.146            5,2500 Loan Banks       18-06-14
                                                 Telecom Italia
3.663.276            4.321.017            5,2500 Capital          01-10-15
                                                 Rabobank Capital
6.364.443            7.507.179            5,2600 Fund II Tier I   31-12-13

3.155.690            3.722.294            5,3000 Comcast          15-01-14

3.986.005            4.701.692            5,3750 Morgan Stanley   15-10-15
          13.263.386           15.644.827 5,3750 United States    15-02-31
        5.199.262    6.132.790            5,5000 Financial        01-08-06
                                                 Stuyvesant CDO
4.101.140            4.837.500            5,5100 III (FRN)        07-05-14

2.413.876            2.847.287            5,6250 ICI Wilmington   01-12-13
                                                 General Electric
     1.898.015       2.238.804            5,8750 Capital          15-02-12
                                                 General Electric
1.402.958            1.654.859            6,0000 Capital          15-06-12

1.315.664            1.551.891            6,0000 Glencore Fund    15-04-14

      1.814.622      2.140.437            6,0000 N R U C          15-05-06

2.317.465            2.733.566            6,2500 United States    15-05-20
                                                 AIG Sunamerica
                                                 Global Finance
5.151.661            6.076.642            6,3000 VI               10-05-11
3.634.507            4.287.083            6,5000 NA Holdings      15-11-13
          16.003.517           18.876.948 6,6250 Fannie Mae       15-09-09
          65.456.635           77.209.374 6,6250 Fannie Mae       15-09-09
                                                 Federal Home
          65.456.635           77.209.374 6,6250 Loan Mortgage    15-09-09

9.575.043                      11.294.242 6,7500 JP Morgan Chase  01-02-11

2.790.197            3.291.177            6,7500 Weyerhaeuser     15-03-12

655.358              773.028              6,8750 United States    15-08-25
                                                 Oncor Electric
4.675.632            5.515.142            7,0000 Delivery         01-09-22

2.398.260            2.828.867            7,0000 Philip Morris    04-11-13

2.197.570            2.592.144            7,0500 Comcast          15-03-33
                                                 Standard Credit
                                                 Card Master
170.674              201.318              7,2500 Trust            07-04-08

2.758.288            3.253.539            7,5000 Malaysia         15-07-11
                                                 Central Hispano
7.226.600            8.524.136            7,6250 Issue            14-09-10

2.186.048            2.578.553            7,7000 Time Warner      01-05-32
1.161.799            1.370.400            7,7500 Europe           15-09-10
                                                 Verizon Global
2.265.661            2.672.460            7,7500 FDG              01-12-30
                                                 National Rural
3.534.767            4.169.435            8,0000 Utilities        01-03-32
1.156.998            1.364.737            8,2500 Europe           15-09-30

3.223.467            3.802.240            8,3750 Koninklijke KPN  01-10-30

1.232.077            1.453.296            8,5000 Daimler-Chrysler 18-01-31
                                                 UBS PFD Funding
6.783.689            8.001.700            8,6220 Trust I Tier I   01-10-10

5.058.772            5.967.074            8,6250 Stageco Holdings 15-11-09

2.316.579            2.732.521            8,7500 Deutsche Telekom 15-06-30

2.314.325            2.729.862            8,7500 France Telecom   01-03-31

1.321.713            1.559.026            8,7500 Malaysia         01-06-09

                 EUR                  CAD
          33.376.123           45.988.960 5,7500 Canada           01-06-29

9.555.222                      13.166.140 5,7500 Canada           01-09-06

                 EUR                  EUR
                                                 Robeco Monetaire
          40.609.477           40.609.477 0,0000 Quantiplus
                                                 Robeco European
                                                 High Yield Bonds
          30.081.000           30.081.000 0,0000 EUR I-shares
          50.220.000           50.220.000 0,0000 I-shares
                                                 Robeco High
                                                 Yield Bonds
          93.605.343           93.605.343 0,0000 I-shares

420                  420                  0,0000 Germany JA07     04-01-07
          11.000.000           11.000.000 2,5800 Asset (FRN)      15-12-43
                                                 Smile 2005
          20.000.000           20.000.000 2,6200 Synthetic (FRN)  20-01-15
          20.019.000           20.019.000 2,6260 Shield (FRN)     20-01-14
                                                 Credit Suisse GP
7.042.464            7.042.464            3,1250 Finance          14-09-12

6.251.392            6.251.392            3,1250 Goldman Sachs    04-10-12
          86.906.814           86.906.814 3,5000 France           12-01-08
                                                 Bank of
3.738.525            3.738.525            3,5000 Tokyo-Mitsubishi 16-12-15
3.340.636            3.340.636            3,6250 Finance          29-06-12

155.680.500        155.680.500    3,7500 Germany             04-01-15

2.174.922          2.174.922      3,7500 Freddie Mac         15-07-09

3.582.340          3.582.340      3,7980 BBVA                22-09-15

2.324.640          2.324.640      3,8750 Mol Magyar Ol Gazi  05-10-15
                                         Deutsche Telekom
4.558.736          4.558.736      4,0000 Int. Finance        19-01-15

14.693.845         14.693.845     4,0000 Eurohypo            15-09-06
                                         Unicredito Italiano
3.827.460          3.827.460      4,0280 Capital Trust       27-10-15

4.948.719          4.948.719      4,1250 Parker-Hannifin     11-11-15

2.810.858          2.810.858      4,1250 Syngenta Lux Fin    22-04-15

2.758.113          2.758.113      4,1250 Teliasonera         11-05-15
                                         MBNA Credit Card
983.716            983.716        4,1500 Master Note         19-09-12
               EUR            EUR

4.664.415          4.664.415      4,1760 ING Bank            08-06-15
4.397.807          4.397.807      4,1940 Handelsbanken       16-12-15

4.643.600          4.643.600      4,2390 BCP Finance         13-10-15

24.277.856         24.277.856     4,2500 Germany             04-01-14

58.456.746         58.456.746     4,2500 France              25-04-19

4.628.579          4.628.579      4,3750 JP Morgan Chase     12-11-19
                                         Rodamco Europe
4.818.842          4.818.842      4,3750 Finance             01-10-14

2.492.375          2.492.375      4,3750 Thyssen Krupp       18-03-15
3.664.752            3.664.752    4,3750 Environnement       11-12-20
                                         Zurich Finance
4.823.652          4.823.652      4,5000 (USA)               17-09-14

5.054.190          5.054.190      4,6250 Anglian Water       07-10-13

2.238.752          2.238.752      4,6250 Arcelor Finance     07-11-14

5.388.900          5.388.900      4,6250 Bank of America     18-02-14

4.251.569          4.251.569      4,6250 Technip             26-05-11
                                         Federal Home Loan
7.594.456          7.594.456      4,6250 Mortgage            15-02-07

117.781.950        117.781.950    4,7500 France              25-04-35
3.286.432          3.286.432      4,7500 Pfandbriefbank      16-07-07

12.732.773         12.732.773     4,7500 Mizuho Finance      15-04-14

2.275.990          2.275.990      4,8750 Soci�t� G�n�rale    18-12-14
6.951.230          6.951.230      4,8750 Financial Service   22-05-13

95.263.150         95.263.150     5,0000 Bundesobligation    17-02-06

      133.879.414  133.879.414    5,0000 France              25-04-12

2.356.438          2.356.438      5,0000 Bayer               29-07-15
                                         Deutsche Pfandbrief
8.557.241          8.557.241      5,0000 & Hypothekenbank    26-06-06
2.325.400          2.325.400      5,0000 Nederland           16-04-10
2.319.485          2.319.485      5,0000 Nederland           25-04-14
6.176.617          6.176.617      5,0000 Hypothekenbank      16-01-05

2.385.986          2.385.986      5,0000 Lafarge             16-07-14

2.598.950          2.598.950      5,1250 Eureko              24-06-15

4.734.444          4.734.444      5,1250 Stora Enso          23-06-14

61.159.878         61.159.878     5,2500 Germany             04-01-11
                                         Deutsche capital
6.599.895          6.599.895      5,3300 trust IV Tier I     19-09-13
                                         HSBC Capital
6.971.392          6.971.392      5,3687 Funding LP          24-03-14

61.272.626         61.272.626     5,5000 Belgium             28-03-28

82.710.750         82.710.750     5,5000 Netherlands         15-07-10

73.823.673         73.823.673     5,5000 Germany             04-01-31

2.306.155          2.306.155      5,5800 BES Finance Tier I  02-07-14
                                         Lloyds Bank Upper
4.709.691          4.709.691      5,6250 Tier II             15-07-09

20.714.283         20.714.283     6,0000 Netherlands         15-01-06

5.277.306          5.277.306      6,1000 Fortum              19-02-08

6.988.184          6.988.184      6,1250 Allianz Finance II  31-05-22

90.066.395         90.066.395     6,2500 Belgium             28-03-07

7.084.097          7.084.097      6,2500 ING Groep           21-06-21

35.660.748         35.660.748     6,5000 Greece              11-01-14

         6.957.660 6.957.660      6,5000 Fortis NL Tier I    26-09-11
                                         BNP Paribas Capital
5.000.284          5.000.284      6,6250 Trust  Tier I       23-10-11
                                         North West Water
8.069.756          8.069.756      6,6250 Group               08-11-07
2.296.964          2.296.964      6,8750 Finance             24-01-13
                                         Intesabci Capital
3.308.280          3.308.280      6,9880 Trust Tier I        12-07-11
                                         Union Bank of
4.536.060          4.536.060      7,0680 Norway Tier I       19-11-12

6.351.450          6.351.450      7,2500 France Telecom      28-01-13
                                         Halifax Group Euro
6.562.890          6.562.890      7,6270 Finance Tier I      09-12-11
2.173.824          2.173.824      7,7500 Finance             24-01-33

8.832.270          8.832.270      8,1260 Sanpaolo Tier I     10-11-10
                                         Standard Chartered
4.577.508          4.577.508      8,1600 Bank Tier I         23-03-10
                                         KBC Bank Funding
3.318.398          3.318.398      8,2200 Trust IV Tier I     10-11-09

              EUR                   GBP
25.308.363                  17.389.376   4,2500 Kingdom      07-06-32
22.851.696                  15.701.400   5,0000 Kingdom      07-03-12
6.148.159                     4.224.400  5,7500 Kingdom      07-12-09

2.369.508                     1.628.089  5,9021 Aviva        27-07-20
19.974.004                  13.724.138   6,0000 Kingdom      07-12-28
57.346.782                  39.402.974   7,2500 Kingdom      07-12-07
6.085.213                     4.181.150  7,5000 Kingdom      07-12-06

              EUR                   SEK

8.815.572                   82.756.620   6,7500 Sweden       05-05-14

              EUR                   JPY

60.033.235              8.357.965.000    1,0000 Japan        20-06-13

51.515.670        1,6000 Japan        20-09-13

              EUR                   USD         Debts

804.858           949.370                3,0000 Russia       14-05-08

1.444.670                     1.704.060  4,0000 Poland PAR   27-10-24

504.060           594.564                4,6875 Panama IRB   17-07-14

939.663                       1.108.380  5,0000 Peru FLIRB   07-03-17

6.683.693                     7.883.750  5,0000 Russia       31-03-30

   81.356         95.964                 5,1875 Brazil       15-04-06

448.713           529.279                5,2500 Brazil       15-04-12

608.402           717.640                5,5000 Chile        15-01-13

967.064                       1.140.700  5,8750 Mexico       15-01-14

1.423.127                     1.678.650  6,5000 South Africa 02-06-14

806.357           951.138                6,8750 Chile        28-04-09

855.729                       1.009.375  7,5000 Mexico       08-04-33

962.867                       1.135.750  7,5000 Uruguay      15-03-15

548.497           646.980                7,6500 Ukraine      11-06-13

2.094.867                     2.471.000  8,1250 Mexico       30-12-19

567.165           669.000                8,1250 Panama       28-04-34

1.533.763                     1.809.150  8,2500 Bulgaria     15-01-15

316.382           373.188                8,3750 Philippines  12-03-09

1.779.218                     2.098.677  8,3750 Philippines  15-02-11

1.498.198                     1.767.200  8,5000 Venezuela    08-10-14

477.937           563.750                8,7500 Peru         21-11-33

601.724           709.763                8,8750 Brazil       15-04-24

454.940           536.625                8,8750 Panama       30-09-27

1.185.622                     1.398.501  9,1250 Peru         21-02-12

2.516.850                     2.968.750  9,2500 Venezuela    15-09-27

340.490           401.625                9,3750 Philippines  18-01-17

478.126           563.973                9,6250 Panama       08-02-11

635.356           749.434               10,0000 Russia       26-06-07

2.344.962                     2.766.000 10,3750 Mexico       17-02-09

2.159.722                     2.547.500 10,6250 Philippines  16-03-25

1.038.532                     1.225.000 11,0000 Brazil       11-01-12

1.092.790                     1.289.000 11,0000 Brazil       17-08-40

1.382.943                     1.631.250 11,2500 Brazil       26-07-07

2.217.795                     2.616.000 11,5000 Mexico       15-05-26

539.668           636.565               11,5000 Turkey       23-01-12

1.060.574                     1.251.000 11,7500 Colombia     25-02-20

1.980.265                     2.335.822 11,7500 Turkey       15-06-10

1.955.195                     2.306.250 11,8750 Turkey       15-01-30

1.225.891                     1.446.000 12,2500 Brazil       06-03-30

1.089.348                     1.284.941 12,7500 Russia       24-06-28

653.639                   771.000       14,5000 Brazil       15-10-09

              EUR                   EUR         debts

310.500           310.500                5,0000 Morocco      08-07-08

1.217.186                     1.217.186  6,7500 South Africa 19-05-06

545.000                     545.000      7,3750 Mexico       13-03-08

696.300           696.300                8,5000 Romania      08-05-12

381.972           381.972               10,0000 Ukraine      15-03-07

      Printed by Koninklijke drukkerij Broese & Peereboom B.V., Breda
             This report is printed on enviromentally friendly paper.

[1] The term 'modified duration' is a measure of the interest-rate
sensitivity and interest-rate risk of a portfolio, and represents the
approximate percentage change in the value of the portfolio as a
result of a one percent increase or decrease in interest rates.

Ronald Florisson, Robeco Corporate Communications
Office: +31 - 10 - 224 28 10
Mobile: +31 - 653 - 831 586


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