SEMIANNUAL REPORT JUNE 2006

                              % ROBECO

General information
Report of the management board
Financial statements
Balance sheet
Profit and loss account
Cash-flow summary
Other data
Spread of net assets


(public limited liability company with an open-end structure
established according to the laws of the Netherlands Antilles, having
its registered office in Philipsburg, St. Maarten, Netherlands
Ara Hill-Top, Unit A5
Pletterijweg Oost 1
Willemstad, Cura�ao

Information address for Rorento
Robeco Institutional Asset Management B.V.
Coolsingel 120
Postbus 973
NL - 3000 AZ Rotterdam
Telephone +31- 10 - -224 12 24
Fax +31 - 10 - 411 52 88

Supervisory Board
Paulus C. van den Hoek, chairman
Gilles Izeboud
Philip Lambert
Dirk P.M. Verbeek

Management Board
Edith J. Siermann
Frank L.E.G. Boll
Ferdie L.I. van de Walle

Fund manager
Edith J. Siermann

A simplified  prospectus with  information on  Rorento N.V.  and  its
associated costs and risks  is available. This simplified  prospectus
and the full prospectus  are available at  the company's offices  and

This report is also published in  Dutch, French and German. Only  the
original Dutch edition is binding.


More balanced growth
In the first  half of 2006  strong and balanced  economic growth  was
recorded globally. The  US and many  emerging economies continued  to
grow rapidly. Japan's recovery became  more entrenched, while in  the
euro zone growth was accelerating.
The strong  economic  recovery was  one  of the  factors  behind  the
elevated level  of  prices  for  commodities  like  oil,  leading  to
inflationary pressures.
Although the  underlying inflation  in  many countries  has  remained
well-contained, core  inflation is  creeping  up in  many  countries.
This,  in  combination  with  strong  growth,  led  to  a   worldwide
tightening of  monetary policy.  The US  Federal Reserve  Bank  (Fed)
continued to raise interest rates by 25 basis points at every meeting
while the ECB followed  its own hiking  strategy of raising  interest
rates by 25 basis points every quarter. The Bank of Japan stopped its
policy of flooding the banking  system with liquidity and   abandoned
its zero-interest-rate policy.  Many other central  banks around  the
world joined the major central banks by tightening their policies.

Difficult environment for bond markets
Strong growth and  global tightening of  monetary policies created  a
difficult  environment  for  bond  markets.  Bond  yields   increased
strongly and the credit  market was not   immune to tighter  monetary
conditions either, so that spreads widened, driven by fears that  the
Fed would overdo its tightening.

The environment for  bonds will  probably remain  difficult for  some
time to  come. The  ECB can  be expected  to further  raise  interest
rates. The Bank of Japan abandoned its zero-interest-rate policy. The
US economy appears  to be close  to a turning  point. Still,  further
tightening may be needed to keep inflation under control, which could
in turn lead to higher bond yields and weaker credit markets.

In the first six months of  2006, Rorento's share price dropped  from
EUR  42.87 to  EUR 41.49, an investment result of -3.2%. Based on net
asset value, which rose from EUR  43.10 to EUR 41.72, the  investment
result was -3.4%.
The fund's benchmark,  the Lehman Multiverse  Index, 50% hedged  into
euros, fell 3.6% over the same period.

In the  first six  months of  2006 the  portfolio anticipated  rising
interest rates worldwide, prompted  in large part  by the results  of
Robeco's duration model.   As a result  of qualitative factors,  this
positioning was increased  from February  through May.  In May,  when
risk premiums  rose and  high-risk investment  categories came  under
pressure, this qualitative position was halved. Capital-market  rates
in the  euro zone  increased  from approximately  3.3% to  some  4.1%
during the reporting period. US  capital-market rates rose from  4.4%
to approximately 5.2%, while  in Japan rates  increased from 1.5%  to
1.9%. Given  the  positioning, this  had  a positive  effect  on  the
portfolio's relative performance.
The portfolio also anticipated a further flattening of the  euro-zone
yield curve with the idea  being that short-dated bonds would  remain
under pressure  as  a result  of  the ECB's  tightening  cycle.  This
position was closed in May.
Towards the end  of the reporting  period, the fund  switched out  of
euro-zone bonds and into  US Treasuries because  the Fed had  already
increased the money-market rate by more than 400 basis points and the
US is  further  ahead in  the  economic  cycle than  the  euro  zone.
Expectations were for the  spread between the  two blocks, which  had
widened substantially in 2005, to narrow again.
At the beginning of the  year, a new country-allocation strategy  was
added, based on a quantitative model. Each month, a selection is made
of countries, where the underlying spread is expected to narrow.  The
currency risk is hedged into  euros. This strategy proved  successful
over the reporting period.
In the second quarter a position was also taken to take advantage  of
a steepening of  the Japanese  yield curve. In  the reporting  period
this  had  a  slightly  negative   effect  on  the  fund's   relative
performance. In addition, the fund  took a position in the  Hungarian
bond market at  the beginning  of the  year. Finally,  in the  second
quarter, the response to the convergence of Sweden's short-term rates
with those of the euro zone was successful.

Asset allocation
Credit derivatives  were  used  on  a number  of  occasions  to  take
advantage of  differences in  the relative  valuations of  investment
categories. At the  beginning of January  an overweight position  was
taken in emerging debt  offset by an underweight  position in the  US
high-yield  market.  Later  the   portfolio  was  positioned  for   a
contraction in the  valuation differentials between  bonds issued  by
European companies with high-yield status and European companies with
investment-grade status.  Both decisions  had  a positive  effect  on
relative performance.
The fund also started building a position in asset-backed securities.
These are loans  which have  a diversified basket  of mortgages,  for
instance, as their underlying value. This investment category has  an
attractive risk/return  profile  and  can be  considered  as  a  good
alternative for government bonds, for example.

Currency policy
The US dollar weakened against most other currencies in the first few
months of the year.  The US currency fell  from USD 1.18 against  the
euro at  the beginning  of the  year to  USD 1.29  in May.  This  was
followed by a  slight recovery  to USD 1.26,  mainly as  a result  of
unrest in stock markets  worldwide. Until April  the fund was  geared
towards a stronger dollar and  yen relative to the other  currencies,
then in the second quarter  the fund underweighed the dollar  against
the yen and the euro. On balance, the currency policy had a  negative
effect on the fund's performance  relative to that of the  benchmark.
In terms of absolute returns the  benchmark lost 1.6% as a result  of
partial hedging into the euro.

Credit policy
The corporate-bond market  was volatile  in the first  six months  of
2006. On average, excess returns  on corporate bonds over  government
bonds remained stable early in the year. However, over the  reporting
period risk premiums increased in various capital markets,  including
the credit market. This had the greatest impact on higher-risk names.
The fund's credit-market  risk exposure was  mainly defensive  during
the reporting  period.  This was  due  in  large part  to  the  newly
introduced credit-beta  model,  which  gave  a  negative  signal.  On
balance, this position turned out  to be favorable. Issuer  selection
was however  less  opportune.  On  the  whole,  the  credit  policy's
contribution to performance was neutral.

During the period under review, the fund manager's active  investment
policy led to  an outperformance  of 0.56% (before  deduction of  the
management fee) relative to the  benchmark. Of this 0.56%, 0.76%  was
attributable to the  duration policy, 0.18%  to the  asset-allocation
policy, 0.05%  to  the  country policy,  -0.20%  to  the  yield-curve
policy, 0.08% to the money-market policy, -0.07% to the credit policy
and -0.24% to the currency policy.


As of 1 July 2006, Rorento's benchmark has changed. The old benchmark
was the  Lehman Multiverse  Index,  50% hedged  into euros.  The  new
Rorento benchmark is the Lehman  Multiverse Index hedged into  euros.
The full hedging into euros will  reduce the fund's risk profile  for
investors in  the  euro  zone. Rorento's  investment  policy  remains
unchanged and  the fund  continues to  respond actively  to  currency

Philipsburg, 9 August 2006

The management board
Edith J. Siermann
Frank L.E.G. Boll
Ferdie L.I. van de Walle

EUR x thousand

                                                30/06/2006 31/12/2005
Financial investments
Bonds and other fixed-income securities     (1)  2,492,597  2,833,171
Investments in Robeco Group mutual funds    (2)    218,064    214,515
Derivatives                                 (6)     19,209     21,497
Deposits                                                 -     14,622
Other financial investments                 (3)     70,994     33,487
                                                 _________  _________
Total investments                                2,800,864  3,117,292

Accounts receivable                                 87,595     58,039

Other assets
Cash                                                49,173    132,234

Accounts payable
Obligations arising from derivative         (6)     15,429      2,070
Other accounts payable                              93,196    234,823
                                                 _________  _________
                                                   108,625    236,893
Accounts receivable and other assets less
accounts payable                                    28,143    -46,620
                                                 _________  _________
Shareholders' equity                             2,829,007  3,070,672

Composition of shareholders' equity         (4)
Issued capital                              (5)    203,887    213,755
Other reserves                                   2,727,838  2,633,869
Net result                                        -102,718    223,048
                                                 _________  _________
                                                 2,829,007  3,070,672

EUR x thousand

                          01/01-     01/01-
                      30/06/2006 30/06/2005

Investment income         59,461     67,568
Changes in value        -150,621    131,673
                       _________  _________
                         -91,160    199,241
Costs             (7)

Management costs  (8)     10,310     10,729
Service fee       (8)        983      1,019
Other costs       (9)        265        233
                       _________  _________
                          11,558     11,981
                       _________  _________
Net result              -102,718    187,260

The numbers of the items in the financial statements refer to the
numbers in the Notes.

indirect method, EUR x thousand

                                           01/01-     01/01-
                                       30/06/2006 30/06/2005

Cash flow from investment activities        8,878    187,596
Cash flow from financing activities      -136,401   -209,363
                                        _________  _________
Net cash flow                            -127,523    -21,767
Currency and cash revaluation                -444    -14,811
                                        _________  _________
Increase(+)/decrease(-) cash*            -127,967    -36,578
* Cash and accounts payable to credit institutions


Rorento (hereafter also referred to  as 'the fund') is an  investment
institution registered in the Netherlands Antilles and as such is not
subject to Dutch  corporate-income tax. It  is only liable  to pay  a
minor  sum  in  Netherlands  Antilles  profits  tax.  The   financial
statements  are  in  euros  and  are  drawn  up  in  accordance  with
regulations prevailing in the Netherlands.  The fund holds a  license
in accordance with article 11,  section a, of the National  Ordinance
on the  Supervision  of Investment  Institutions  and  Administrators
['Ltba',  Landsverordening  Toezicht  op  Beleggingsinstellingen   en
Administrateurs]. The fund  also holds  a license from  the AFM  [the
Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets] under the Dutch Investment
Institutions     Supervision     Act     ['Wtb',     Wet     toezicht

The semiannual report has been drawn up in conformity with the models
provided by Dutch legislature for annual financial statements, taking
into account the  regulations that  apply to  semiannual reports.  In
certain areas, descriptions have been  used which better express  the
nature of the items  and relate better to  the characteristics of  an
investment company.

Open-end fund
Rorento N.V. is an open-end investment company, meaning that, barring
exceptional circumstances, Rorento  N.V. issues  and repurchases  its
shares on a daily  basis at prices approximating  net asset value.  A
fixed spread between the bid and  offer price applies to cover  costs
related to issuance  and repurchase  of own shares.  The issue  price
will not be more than  0.5% higher than the  net asset value and  the
repurchase price will not be more than 0.5% lower than the net  asset
value. The abovementioned margin between the net asset value and  the
bid and offer prices, and the  associated costs, are for the  account
and risk of Robeco Investment Consulting  B.V., as a result of  which
Rorento N.V. issues and  repurchases its shares  at net asset  value.
Robeco  Investment  Consulting  B.V.  will  distribute  any  positive
results  to  the  funds,  in  proportion  to  each  fund's   positive
contribution to the spread  result. A buffer  is maintained to  cover
any future losses.

Non-certificated participation in the Netherlands
Parties with  which  shares  may be  held  in  non-certificated  form
include Robeco Direct N.V. in the Robeco Group Accounts System or the
affiliated branches  of  Rabobank  in the  Rabo  Securities  Account.
Participants pay costs on the sum deposited for each purchase, and in
the event  of  a  sale  a percentage  of  the  sum  withdrawn.  These
participation costs are currently a maximum of 0.4% via Robeco Direct
and a  maximum  of  0.5%  via  Rabobank,  depending  on  the  channel
selected. These  sums  will  accrue to  Robeco  Direct  and  Rabobank

Outsourcing core tasks
The administration has been outsourced to Robeco Institutional Asset
Management B.V., a 100% subsidiary of Robeco Groep N.V. Agreements
have been made with the aforementioned party relating to the
provision of information and performance standards.

accounting principles

The accounting principles for the valuation of assets and liabilities
and determination of  the result are  unchanged, and as  such are  in
accordance  with  the  annual   financial  statements.  Amounts   are
expressed in thousands of euros.

Affiliated parties
Rorento N.V. is affiliated to the entities belonging to Robeco  Groep
N.V. The affiliation  with Robeco  Groep N.V.  is the  result of  the
possibility of having decisive control or a substantial influence  on
the fund's business policy. Robeco Groep N.V. belongs to the Rabobank
Group. The  management  structure  of Robeco  Groep  N.V.,  in  which
significant authority  is allocated  to its  independent  supervisory
board, is such  that Rabobank does  not have a  meaningful say in  or
influence on the fund's business policy. Robeco Groep N.V. pursues an
independent investment policy on behalf of its affiliated  investment
companies,  taking  into  account  the  interests  of  the  investors
involved. Besides services of other market parties, Rorento N.V. also
uses the  services  of  one  or more  of  these  affiliated  entities
including transactions relating to securities, treasury, derivatives,
custody, securities lending, and sale and purchase of its own shares,
fund-administration  services,  as  well  as  management  activities.
Transactions are executed at market rates.


Transactions in  financial instruments  may lead  to the  fund  being
subject to  the risks  described below  or to  the fund  transferring
these risks to another party.
Price risks
Currency risk is the  risk that the value  of a financial  instrument
will  fluctuate  as   a  result   of  changes   in  exchange   rates.
Interest-rate risk  is  the  risk  that  the  value  of  a  financial
instrument will fluctuate as a result of changes in market rates. The
value of investments in  fixed-income securities depends directly  on
market rates. Duration  is used  as the measure  for the  portfolio's
sensitivity to interest-rate  movements. The portfolio's  sensitivity
to fluctuations in  market rates  can be influenced  by changing  the
portfolio's duration. Further information on the duration policy  can
be found in the  report of the management  board. Market risk is  the
risk that the  value of a  financial instrument will  fluctuate as  a
result  of  changes  in  market   prices,  caused  by  factors   that
exclusively apply  to  the individual  instrument  or its  issuer  or
caused by factors that affect all instruments traded in the market.
The fund minimizes risks  by diversifying over countries,  currencies
and issuers.  Investments  are  made primarily  in  bonds  issued  or
guaranteed by OECD member countries  and by companies based in  these
countries. The  fund  pursues  an  active  currency  policy.  Rorento
invests a limited part of its assets in paper qualified as high yield
by rating agencies.
Credit risk
Credit risk  is  the  risk  that  the  counterparty  of  a  financial
instrument will no longer meet its obligations, as a result of  which
the fund will suffer a financial  loss. The fund minimizes this  risk
by trading exclusively with reputable counterparties with a rating of
at least P1 from Moody's or A from Standard & Poor's. Wherever it  is
customary in the market, the fund will demand and obtain collateral.
Liquidity risk
Liquidity risk is the risk  that the fund is  not able to obtain  the
financial  means  required  to  meet  the  obligations  arising  from
financial  instruments.  The  fund  minimizes  this  risk  by  mainly
investing in  financial  instruments that  are  tradable on  a  daily

Insight into actual risks
The Report of the management board,  the Balance sheet, the Notes  to
the balance sheet and  the Spread of net  assets, which includes  the
geographic distribution  of  the  investments and  the  net  currency
position, give  an insight  into the  actual risks  at  balance-sheet
Risk management
Managing risk is a part of the investment process as a whole and with
the help of advanced systems,  the risks outlined above are  limited,
measured and monitored on the basis of fixed risk measures.

Policy regarding the use of derivative instruments
Investing implies that positions are taken. As it is possible to use
various instruments, including derivative instruments, to construct
an identical position, the selection of derivatives is subordinate to
the positioning of a portfolio. In our published information,
attention is given primarily to the overall position, and secondarily
to the nature and volume of the financial instruments employed.

The market value of derivatives is reported in the Balance sheet. The
presentation of  the market  value is  based on  the liabilities  and
receivables per  counterparty.  The receivables  are  reported  under
Financial investments and the liabilities are reported under Accounts
payable. The value of the derivatives' underlying instruments is  not
included in  the Balance  sheet. If  applicable, they  are  explained
under the heading Commitments not shown in the balance sheet.


1 Bonds
At balance-sheet date, bonds  to the amount of  EUR 935 million  (EUR
502 million at the end of last year) had been lent. To cover the risk
of non-restitution,  adequate  collateral with  a  value of  EUR  982
million (EUR 533 million  at the end of  last year) was demanded  and
obtained; this collateral is not  included in the Balance sheet.  The
geographic  distribution  and  the  currency  position  of  the  bond
portfolio are included in  the overview of the  Spread of net  assets
which can be found at the end of this report.

2 Investments in Robeco Group mutual funds
A list of these investments is given below.

|INVESTMENTS IN ROBECO GROUP MUTUAL FUNDS                                                                              |
|                |               |                 |                            |             |                        |
|                |       Market value|  Interest in|   Net asset value 1)|                     Return|    Total expense|
|                |                   |         fund|                     |                           |            ratio|
|                |                   |             |                     |                           |               2)|
|                |     EUR x thousand|         in %|              EUR x 1|                       in %|             in %|
|                |    30/06|    31/12| 30/06| 31/12|     30/06|     31/12|  01/01-30/06|  01/01-30/06|   01/01-| 01/01-|
|                |     2006|     2005|  2006|  2005|      2006|      2005|         2006|         2005|   30/06 |  30/06|
|                |         |         |      |      |          |          |             |             |     2006|   2005|
|                |         |         |      |      |          |          |             |             |         |       |
|Robeco Capital  |         |         |      |      |          |          |             |             |         |       |
|Growth Funds -  |   94,667|   93,605|  65.4|  78.9|    101.13|     99.59|          1.5|            -|     0.28|      -|
|Robeco High     |         |         |      |      |          |          |             |             |         |       |
|Yield Bonds     |         |         |      |      |          |          |             |             |         |       |
|(EUR) I shares  |         |         |      |      |          |          |             |             |         |       |
|3)  5)          |         |         |      |      |          |          |             |             |         |       |
|Robeco Interest |         |         |      |      |          |          |             |             |         |       |
|Plus Funds -    |   51,560|   50,220|  36.8|  85.5|    103.04|    100.51|          2.5|            -|     0.17|      -|
|Robeco          |         |         |      |      |          |          |             |             |         |       |
|Flex-o-Rente    |         |         |      |      |          |          |             |             |         |       |
|(EUR) I shares  |         |         |      |      |          |          |             |             |         |       |
|3)  6)          |         |         |      |      |          |          |             |             |         |       |
|Robeco Monetaire|   41,291|   40,609|  27.9|  36.7|  3,068.85|  3,018.17|          1.7|            -|     0.15|      -|
|Quantiplus 4)   |         |         |      |      |          |          |             |             |         |       |
|Robeco Capital  |         |         |      |      |          |          |             |             |         |       |
|Growth Funds -  |   30,546|   30,081|  95.3|  96.8|    102.15|    100.19|          2.0|            -|     0.29|      -|
|Robeco European |         |         |      |      |          |          |             |             |         |       |
|High Yield Bonds|         |         |      |      |          |          |             |             |         |       |
|(EUR) I shares  |         |         |      |      |          |          |             |             |         |       |
|3)  6)          |         |         |      |      |          |          |             |             |         |       |
|                |    _____|    _____|      |      |          |          |             |             |         |       |
|                |  218,064|  214,515|      |      |          |          |             |             |         |       |
|                |         |         |      |      |          |          |             |             |         |       |
|1) Per share.                                                                                                         |
|2) Regarding management costs, agreements have been made with the manager of the fund concerned for the restitution of|
|management costs to Rorento N.V.                                                                                      |
|3) This Luxembourg-based fund with a  UCITS III status is regulated  by the Luxembourg authorities. Robeco  Luxembourg|
|S.A.                                                                                                                  |
|is the manager of the fund. The annual report for the period ending on 30 June 2006 will be available at Rorento's    |
|offices  on request after publication.                                                                                |
|4) This fund has a UCITS III status and is regulated  by the French authorities. The semiannual report as of 31  March|
|2006                                                                                                                  |
|of this fund is available at Rorento's offices on request.                                                            |
|5) Introduced on 1 September 2005.                                                                                    |
|6) Introduced on 3 October 2005.                                                                                      |

Rorento N.V. can enter and exit the mentioned Robeco Group funds on a
daily basis at net asset value. These funds do not charge an entry or
exit fee.

3 Other financial investments
Includes call money, certificates of deposit and commercial paper.

4 Shareholders' equity

EUR x thousand
                                                  01/01-     01/01-
                                              30/06/2006 30/06/2005
Issued capital
Situation at opening date                        213,755    233,213
Received on shares issued                          6,345      6,744
Paid for shares repurchased                      -16,213    -21,904
                                                 _______    _______
Situation at closing date                        203,887    218,053

Other reserves
Situation at opening date                      2,633,869  2,786,675
Received on shares issued                         83,426     86,383
Paid for shares repurchased                     -212,474   -280,102
Supervisory directors' fee                           -31        -35
Net result from previous financial year          223,048     97,628
                                                 _______    _______
Situation at closing date                      2,727,838  2,690,549

Net result                                      -102,718    187,260
                                                 _______    _______
Shareholders' equity                           2,829,007  3,095,862

The company's authorized  share capital amounts  to EUR 900  million,
divided into 300,000,000 ordinary shares with a nominal value of  EUR
3 each.  As of  30 June  2006 the  number of  shares outstanding  was
67,962,241. Net asset value per share amounted to EUR 41.63.

5 Shares outstanding

                                          01/01-      01/01-
                                      30/06/2006  30/06/2005

Situation at opening date             71,251,513  77,737,554

Shares issued in financial year        2,115,167   2,248,231
Shares repurchased in financial year   5,404,439   7,301,330
                                      __________  __________
Situation at closing date             67,962,241  72,684,455

6 Commitments not shown in the balance sheet
Forward exchange transactions
Forward exchange transactions current  at balance sheet date  concern
purchases of DKK 77 million, EUR 1,282 million and KRW 25,588 million
against sales of AUD 6 million, CAD 57 million, CHF 0.3 million,  GBP
102 million, JPY 9,869 million, SEK 54 million and USD 1,344 million.
The effect of these transactions on the currency position is shown in
the survey Spread of net assets at the end of this report.
Futures contracts purchased as at closing date represent an  increase
in assets invested of  CAD 4 million and  GBP 1,944 million;  futures
contracts sold represent  a decrease  in assets invested  of EUR  411
million, JPY 13,034 million and USD 3,325 million.
Credit-default swaps
Credit-default swap  contracts current  at closing  date represent  a
value of  EUR  5  million  and USD  8  million;  credit-default  swap
contracts sold  represent a  value of  EUR 192  million and  USD  214
Interest-rate swaps
Interest-rate swaps  contracts current  at closing  date represent  a
value of  CAD 329  million,  EUR 557  million,  GBP 11  million,  JPY
157,800 million, SEK 5,403 million and USD 253 million.
Mortgage-backed securities (TBAs)
Forward  purchases  of  mortgage-backed  TBA  securities  current  at
closing date represent a sum of USD 467 million.
Unrealized results of these transactions at closing date are included
in the Profit and loss account.


7 Total expense ratio

                      01/01-     01/01-
                  30/06/2006 30/06/2005
                        in %       in %
Cost item
Management costs        0.35       0.35
Service fee             0.03       0.03
Other costs             0.01       0.01
                     _______    _______
Total                   0.39       0.39

The total expense ratio expresses the costs charged to the fund
during the reporting period as a percentage of the average assets
entrusted during the reporting period. The total expense ratio as
shown does not include transaction costs. The total expense ratio was
0.39% during the reporting period. The management costs relate to all
of the fund's current costs, which include the fees paid for
registering shareholders and all costs resulting from the management
of the fund, with the exception of costs relating to investments and
taxes. The service fee covers the administration, the costs of the
external auditor, other external advisers, regulators, costs relating
to reports required by law, such as the annual and semiannual
reports, and the costs relating to the meetings of shareholders. The
total expense ratio takes into account the costs of intra-group
investments, as presented in the table on page 7. As the management
costs are restituted to Rorento, these costs are not material and are
therefore not included in the table below. Other costs relate to bank
charges and the custody fee charged by third parties for the custody
of the fund's securities portfolio. The custody fee is EUR 181

8 Management costs and service fee
Management costs relate  exclusively to the  management fee of  0.70%
per year. The service fee amounts to 0.08% per year and covers formal
and operational costs. For assets exceeding EUR 1 billion the service
fee is 0.06%; for assets exceeding  EUR 5 billion the service fee  is
0.04%. The  management fee  and  service fee  are charged  by  Robeco
Institutional Asset Management  B.V. and  are calculated  on a  daily
basis, based on the average assets entrusted. Wherever in this report
mention is  made  of  the  average  assets  entrusted  this  is  also
calculated on a daily basis, unless stated otherwise.

9 Other costs
This includes custody costs and bank charges.

10 Performance fee
Rorento N.V. is not subject to a performance fee.

11 Transaction costs
Brokerage costs and exchange fees relating to investment transactions
are discounted in the cost price or the sales value of the investment
transactions. Brokerage costs for the purchase and sale of bonds  are
included in  the share  price and  cannot be  quantified  separately.
These costs and fees are charged  to the result ensuing from  changes
in value. The quantifiable transaction  costs are shown in the  table
on page 9.  The transaction  volume of  the quantifiable  transaction
costs is 1.2% (over  the period 1 January  through 30 June 2005  this
was 0.7%) of the total transaction volume.

EUR x thousand
                     01/01-     01/01-
                 30/06/2006 30/06/2005
Transaction type
Bonds                     -         10
Futures                 302        211

12 Hard commissions and soft-dollar arrangements
There were no hard commissions or soft-dollar arrangements during the
reporting period.

13 Turnover ratio
This shows the turnover of the investments against the average assets
entrusted and is a measure of the incurred transaction costs
resulting from the portfolio policy pursued and the ensuing
investment transactions. In the calculation method used, the amount
of the turnover is determined by the sum of the purchases and sales
of investments less the sum of issuance and repurchase of own shares.
The turnover ratio is corrected for repo transactions, which are not
part of the portfolio policy but generate extra return on the
portfolio.The turnover ratio is determined by expressing the amount
of turnover as a percentage of the average assets entrusted. The
turnover ratio over the reporting period was 69% (over the period 1
January through 30 June 2005 this was 159%). Holding certain
positions for a longer period of time and less movements within the
credit part of the portfolio were the main reasons for the decline.
14 Transactions with affiliated parties
Part of the transaction volume  over the reporting period relates  to
transactions with  affiliated  parties.  The table  below  shows  the
various types of transactions where this was the case.

Part of the total volume in %
                                  01/01-     01/01-
                              30/06/2006 30/06/2005
Transaction type
Bonds                                0.5       33.8
Call money                          98.9      100.0
Forward exchange transactions        3.3        4.6
Deposits                               -        2.3

15 Securities lending
Robeco Securities Lending  B.V. is the  intermediary for all  Rorento
N.V.'s  securities-lending  transactions.  As  compensation  for  its
services Robeco Securities Lending B.V. receives a fee of 40% of  the
gross return on  these securities-lending  transactions. An  external
agency periodically assesses whether the agreements between the  fund
and Robeco Securities Lending are still in line with the market.  The
return for the fund  over the reporting period  was EUR 328  thousand
(EUR 179 thousand in the period  1 January through 30 June 2005)  and
for Robeco Securities Lending EUR  219 thousand (EUR 120 thousand  in
the period 1 January through 30 June 2005).

Philipsburg, 9 August 2006

The management board


The ordinary  shares  of  Rorento  N.V. are  listed  on  Eurolist  of
Euronext  Amsterdam   N.V.   In   addition,  Rorento   N.V.   has   a
stock-exchange quotation  in  Paris,  Brussels,  Luxembourg,  London,
Berlin, Dusseldorf, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Munich, Vienna and Zurich.

Statement pursuant  to article  48, paragraph  1, section  d, of  the
Dutch Investment  Institutions  Supervision  Decree  ['Btb',  Besluit
toezicht beleggingsinstellingen]. On 1 January 2006 and 30 June  2006
the directors  of the  investment company  held the  following  total
personal interests in investments of the investment company.


|                  |Description  |Supervisory-board |Management-board |Total    |
|                  |             |Value in EUR      |Value in EUR     |quantity |
|                  |             |                  |                 |Value in |
|                  |             |                  |                 |EUR      |
|                  |             |                  |                 |         |
|As of 1 January   |             |                  |                 |         |
|2006              |             |                  |                 |         |
|Robeco            |Board members|2                 |11               |11       |
|Flex-o-rente      |             |                  |                 |         |
|5,5% Belgische    |bonds        |                  |1,800,787        |1,800,787|
|overheid          |             |                  |                 |         |
|28-03-2028        |             |                  |                 |         |
|6% Nederland      |bonds        |45,379            |-                |63,531   |
|15-01-2006        |             |                  |                 |         |
|6,25% ING Groep   |equities     |5,808             |-                |5.8081   |
|21-06-2021        |             |                  |                 |         |
|As of 30 June 2006|             |                  |                 |         |
|Robeco            |Board members|                  |11               |11       |
|Flex-o-rente      |             |                  |                 |         |
|5,5% Belgische    |bonds        |                  |1,836,787        |1,836,787|
|overheid          |             |                  |                 |         |
|28-03-2028        |             |                  |                 |         |
|                  |             |                  |                 |         |
|1 Number          |             |                  |                 |         |

No external audit has been conducted.


                               Across countries     Across currencies

               30/06/2006 30/06/2006 31/12/2005 30/06/2006 30/06/2005
                    EUR x       in %       in %       in %       in %
North America
US dollar         902,997       31.9       35.8       -3.2       27.1
Canadian           39,019        1.4        1.4          -        1.1

Europe (57.6%)
Euro            1,475,574       52.1       53.6      100.6       62.1
British pound     147,362        5.2        4.6          -        1.1
Swedish krona       8,512        0.3        0.3          -        0.3
Danish krone            -          -          -        0.4        0.4
Hungarian               -          -          -        0.1          -
Swiss franc             -          -          -          -       -1.4

Asia (4.9%)
Japanese yen      137,197        4.9        3.6        1.4        8.4
Korean won              -          -          -        0.7        0.7

Australia (0%)
Australian              -          -          -          -        0.2

Short-term        118,346        4.2        0.7          -          -
                 ________   ________   ________   ________   ________
Total           2,829,007      100.0      100.0      100.0      100.0

[1] Robeco (Schweiz) AG, Uraniastrasse 12, CH-8001 Zurich, is the
fund's appointed representative in Switzerland. Copies
 of the prospectus, simplified prospectus, Articles of Association,
annual and semiannual reports and a list of all
purchases and sales in the fund's securities portfolio during the
reporting period are available from the above address
free of charge. UBS AG, Bahnhofstrasse 45, CH-8098 Zurich, is the
fund's paying agent in Switzerland.


Copyright � Hugin ASA 2006. All rights reserved.

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