April 16, 2010


Sony Ericsson reports first quarter 2010 results


Q1 Highlights:

    -- Company returns to profitability in Q1 2010 
    -- ASP rises to Euro 134 as Xperiatm X10 and Vivaztm start shipping 
    -- Improved cost structure generates better margins 

The consolidated financial summary for Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB (Sony Ericsson) for the first quarter ended March 31, 2010 is as follows:

                                            Q1 2009    Q4 2009    Q1 2010 
Number of units shipped (million)           14.5       14.6       10.5 
Sales (Euro m.)                             1,736      1,750      1,405 
Gross margin (%)                            8       %  23      %  31      % 
Operating income (Euro m.)                  -369       -181       20 
Operating margin (%)                        -21     %  -10     %  1       % 
Restructuring charges (Euro m.)             12         150        3 
Operating income excl. restructuring        -357       -32        23 
charges (Euro m.) 
Operating margin excl. restructuring        -21     %  -2      %  2       % 
charges (%) 
Income before taxes (IBT) (Euro m.)         -370       -190       18 
IBT excl. restructuring charges (Euro m.)   -358       -40        21 
Net income (Euro m.)                        -293       -167       21 
Average selling price (Euro)                120        120        134 

Bert Nordberg, President, Sony Ericsson commented, "We are pleased to see the positive impact of both the launch of new products and the business transformation programme improving the company's results. The XperiaTM X10, our first android-based Communication Entertainment device featuring signature Sony Ericsson applications Timescape and MediascapeTM and VivazTM, a beautifully designed, touch-screen Symbian phone started shipping towards the end of the quarter. Both models have been well received by global customers." He added, "Increases in both gross and operating margins show that we are on the right track to build the correct cost structure for our business organization and strategy. We will continue to work through the transformation programme to ensure that we are competitive."


Units shipped in the quarter were 10.5 million, a decrease of 28% compared to the same period last year, reflecting the streamlining of the portfolio over the past 12 months to focus on higher-end phones. Sales for the quarter were Euro 1,405 million, a decrease of 19% year on year. Average selling price (ASP) increased 12% both sequentially and year-on-year to Euro 134 during the quarter due to good sell through of existing models, new flagship phones starting to ship at the end of the quarter and a positive currency effect.


Gross margin rose both sequentially and year-on-year, reflecting a more favourable product mix and the benefit of cost of sales improvements in the past year, including the resolution of certain royalty matters during the quarter.


Income before taxes for the quarter excluding restructuring was a profit of Euro 21 million, illustrating the positive impact of the cost reduction programme.


The transformation programme, which started in mid-2008, with the aim of reducing annual operating expenses by Euro 880 million is continuing with the full benefit expected during the second half of 2010. Since the start of the programme, Sony Ericsson has reduced its global workforce by approximately 3,150 people to reach a total of 8,450 by March 31, 2010. The total restructuring charges taken to date are Euro 342 million.


As of March 31, 2010, Sony Ericsson retained a net cash position of Euro 563 million.


During the first quarter of 2010, Sony Ericsson obtained additional external funding of Euro 150 million. The funding was guaranteed by the parent companies on a 50/50 basis.


Market share in unit base for the quarter decreased by one percentage point sequentially and is now estimated to be around 4%.


Sony Ericsson maintains a forecast of slight growth in units in the global handset market in 2010.




The liquid identity is a registered trademark of Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB.


Vivaztm, Mediascapetm and XPERIAtm are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB.


Sony is a registered trademark of Sony Corporation. Ericsson is a registered trademark of Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson.


Any rights not expressly granted herein are reserved and subject to change without prior notice.




Financial statements and additional information:


Financial statements:

Consolidated income statement 
Consolidated income statement - isolated quarters 
Consolidated balance sheet 
Consolidated statement of cash flows 
Consolidated statement of cash flows - isolated quarters 

Additional information:


Net sales by market area by quarter


- ENDS -


Sony Ericsson is a 50:50 joint venture by Sony and Ericsson established in October 2001, with global corporate functions located in London and operations in all major markets. Sony Ericsson vision is to become the industry leader in Communication Entertainment; where new styles of communicating through the internet and social media, become entertainment. Sony Ericsson offers exciting consumer experiences through phones, accessories, content and applications. For more information please visit, www.sonyericsson.com.



Investors / Analysts 
Ericsson investor relations 
Susanne Andersson (Stockholm) +46 10 719 4631 
Andreas Hedemyr (Stockholm) +46 10 714 3748 
Sony investor relations 
Gen Tsuchikawa (Tokyo) +81 3 6748 2180 
Yasuo Hasegawa (London) +44 20 7426 8696 
Press / Media 
Sony Ericsson global communications and PR 
Aldo Liguori (London) +44 20 8762 5860 
Merran Wrigley (London) +44 20 8762 5862 

This press release contains forward-looking statements that involve inherent risks and uncertainties.Sony Ericsson has identified certain important factors that may cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in such forward-looking statements. For a detailed description of risk factors see Sony's and Ericsson's filings with the US Securities and Exchange Commission, particularly each company's latest published Annual Report on Form 20-F

Sony Ericsson 
EUR million                           2010       2009       Change 
Net sales                             1,405      1,736      -19    % 
Cost of sales                         -975       -1,591     -39    % 
Gross profit                          429        145        196    % 
Gross margin %                        30.6    %  8.4     %  22     % 
Research and development expenses     -216       -303       -29    % 
Selling and administrative expenses   -207       -225       -8     % 
Operating expenses                    -423       -528       -20    % 
Other operating income, net           14         13         9      % 
Operating income                      20         -369       - 
Operating margin %                    1.4     %  -21.3   %  - 
Financial income                      7          9          -26    % 
Financial expenses                    -9         -10        -9     % 
Income after financial items          18         -370       - 
Taxes                                 6          84         -93    % 
Minority interest                     -3         -6         -51    % 
Net income                            21         -293       - 
Number of units shipped (million)     10.5       14.5       -28    % 
ASP (EUR)                             134        120        12     % 
EUR Million                           Jan-Mar    Jan-Mar 
Restructuring charges                 2010       2009 
Cost of sales                         -2         7 
Research and development expenses     2          2 
Sales and administrative expenses     3          3 
Other operating income, net           0          0 
Total                                 3          12 
Sony Ericsson 
                         2010       2009 
EUR million               Q1        Q4        Q3        Q2        Q1 
Net sales                 1,405     1,750     1,619     1,684     1,736 
Cost of sales             -975      -1,341    -1,367    -1,483    -1,591 
Gross profit              429       409       252       200       145 
Gross margin %            30.6  %   23.4   %  15.5   %  11.9   %  8.4    % 
Research and              -216      -299      -260      -245      -303 
Selling                   -207      -299      -205      -235      -225 
and administrative 
Operating expenses        -423      -599      -465      -480      -528 
Other operating           14        8         21        6         13 
income, net 
Operating income          20        -181      -193      -274      -369 
Operating margin %        1.4   %   -10.4  %  -11.9  %  -16.3  %  -21.3  % 
Financial income          7         4         3         6         9 
Financial expenses        -9        -12       -9        -15       -10 
Income after financial    18        -190      -199      -283      -370 
Taxes                     6         36        42        74        84 
Minority interest         -3        -12       -6        -4        -6 
Net income                21        -167      -164      -213      -293 
Number of units shipped   10.5      14.6      14.1      13.8      14.5 
ASP (EUR)                 134       120       114       122       120 
EUR Million              2009       2009 
Restructuring charges     Q1        Q4        Q3        Q2        Q1 
Cost of sales             -2        41        0         -9        7 
Research and              2         72        1         9         2 
Sales                     3         37        1         1         3 
and administrative 
Other operating           0         0         0         0         0 
income, net 
Total                     3         150       2         1         12 
Sony Ericsson 
                                             Mar 31  Dec 31  Mar 31 
EUR million                                  2010    2009    2009 
Total fixed and financial assets             791     779     658 
Current assets 
Inventories                                  384     358     477 
Accounts receivable                          849     832     1,193 
Other assets                                 369     415     463 
Other short-term cash investments            537     489     574 
Cash and bank                                443     389     542 
Total current assets                         2,582   2,483   3,249 
Total assets                                 3,373   3,262   3,908 
Shareholders' equity                         438     381     930 
Minority interest                            54      47      65 
Total equity                                 492     428     995 
Borrowing, Non Current                       100     0       0 
Other long-term liabilities                  37      32      30 
Total long-term liabilities                  137     32      30 
Accounts payable                             829     852     965 
Borrowing, Current                           316     258     0 
Other current liabilities                    1,599   1,692   1,918 
Total current liabilities                    2,744   2,802   2,882 
Total shareholders' equity and liabilities   3,373   3,262   3,908 
Net cash*                                    563     620     1,116 

* Net cash is defined as cash and bank plus short-term cash investments less interest-bearing liabilities.

Sony Ericsson 
EUR million                                   2010   2009 
Net income                                    21     -293 
Adjustments to reconcile net income to cash   -44    29 
                                              -23    -263 
Changes in operating net assets               -72    321 
Cash flow from operating activities           -94    58 
Investing activities                          27     -19 
Cash flow from investing activities           27     -19 
Financing activities                          150    -53 
Cash flow from financing activities           150    -53 
Net change in cash                            83     -14 
Cash, beginning of period                     878    1,125 
Translation difference in Cash                19     5 
Cash, end of period                           980    1,116 
Sony Ericsson 
                                      2010   2009 
EUR million                           Q1     Q4    Q3    Q2     Q1 
Net income                            21     -167  -164  -213   -293 
Adjustments to reconcile              -44    48    20    37     29 
net income to cash 
                                      -23    -119  -143  -176   -263 
Changes in operating net assets       -72    -97   49    60     321 
Cash flow from operating activities   -94    -216  -94   -115   58 
Investing activities                  27     -10   -42   -13    -19 
Cash flow from investing activities   27     -10   -42   -13    -19 
Financing activities                  150    100   159   0      -53 
Cash flow from financing activities   150    100   159   0      -53 
Net change in cash                    83     -126  22    -128   -14 
Cash, beginning of period             878    996   965   1,116  1,125 
Translation difference in Cash        19     8     9     -23    5 
Cash, end of period                   980    878   996   965    1,116 
Sony Ericsson 
EUR million 
                            2010      2009 
Isolated quarters            Q1       Q4       Q3       Q2       Q1 
Europe, Middle East          711      966      875      927      977 
& Africa * 
Americas                     201      222      232      195      200 
Asia                         493      562      512      562      559 
Total                        1,405    1,750    1,619    1,684    1,736 
* of which Western Europe    525      678      636      678      721 
                            2010      2009 
Sequential change (%)        Q1       Q4       Q3       Q2       Q1 
Europe, Middle East          -26   %  10    %  -6    %  -5    %  -40   % 
& Africa * 
Americas                     -10   %  -4    %  19    %  -3    %  -69   % 
Asia                         -12   %  10    %  -9    %  1     %  -12   % 
Total                        -20   %  8     %  -4    %  -3    %  -40   % 
* of which Western Europe    -23   %  7     %  -6    %  -6    %  -35   % 
                            2010      2009 
Year over year change (%)    Q1       Q4       Q3       Q2       Q1 
Europe, Middle East          -27   %  -41   %  -39   %  -33   %  -35   % 
& Africa * 
Americas                     1     %  -65   %  -67   %  -74   %  -59   % 
Asia                         -12   %  -12   %  -25   %  -19   %  -23   % 
Total                        -19   %  -40   %  -42   %  -40   %  -36   % 
* of which Western Europe    -27   %  -39   %  -33   %  -25   %  -26   % 
                            2010      2009 
Year to date                 1003     0912     0909     0906     0903 
Europe, Middle East          711      3,744    2,778    1,903    977 
& Africa * 
Americas                     201      850      627      395      200 
Asia                         493      2,194    1,633    1,121    559 
Total                        1,405    6,788    5,038    3,419    1,736 
* of which Western Europe    525      2,714    2,036    1,400    721 
                            2010      2009 
YTD year over year           1003     0912     0909     0906     0903 
change (%) 
Europe, Middle East          -27   %  -37   %  -35   %  -34   %  -35   % 
& Africa * 
Americas                     1     %  -67   %  -67   %  -68   %  -59   % 
Asia                         -12   %  -20   %  -22   %  -21   %  -23   % 
Total                        -19   %  -40   %  -40   %  -38   %  -36   % 
* of which Western Europe    -27   %  -31   %  -28   %  -26   %  -26   % 

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