RNS Number : 7762G

UK Mail Group PLC

18 May 2011

18 May 2011



For the year ended 31 March 2011


-- Group revenues up 2.8% to GBP395.8m (2010: GBP385.2m)

o Mail revenues up 4.8% to GBP181.8m (2010: GBP173.5m)

o Parcels revenues up 1.2% to GBP166.7m (2010: GBP164.7m)

-- As previously announced, second half affected by subdued levels of business to business volume growth combined with disruption from adverse December weather during our peak trading period

-- Group profit before tax down 9.9% to GBP16.1m (2010: GBP17.8m)

-- Strong balance sheet, with net cash at year end of GBP17.4m (2010: GBP15.7m)

-- Final dividend maintained at 11.8p per share (2010: 11.8p) giving a total dividend of 18.2p (2010: 18.2p)

-- Continued focus on innovation and cost reduction to build our share of a challenging market

-- New products and service offerings including imail, Packets and Retail Logistics making good progress

Guy Buswell, Chief Executive Officer of UK Mail, said:-

"After a satisfactory start to the year, the second half was undoubtedly more challenging for the markets in which we operate. Whilst we continued to grow revenues in our core businesses, our margins and therefore profits came under pressure.

"Our strategy remains to continue to expand our available markets and to increase our share of those markets by introducing new and innovative products and services, whilst enhancing the low-cost, integrated network that lies at the heart of our business.

"The difficult conditions impact all operators in our markets. Our focus on efficiency and innovation, combined with our strong balance sheet, put us in a strong position to continue to outperform our competitors and to defend and increase our market share."

For further information, please contact:

 UK Mail Group plc 
 Guy Buswell, Chief Executive Officer    0121 335 1111 
 Steven Glew, Group Finance Director     01753 706 070 
 MHP Communications 
  John Olsen 
   Ian Payne 
   Giles Robinson                        020 3128 8100 


As previously reported, after a satisfactory first half which saw good growth in revenues and profits, the second half of the financial year proved challenging for our business. Underlying levels of volume growth were more subdued than originally expected, particularly in recent months, reflecting the challenging underlying economic conditions. This was compounded by the snow in December which caused disruption, and an increased cost of working, at a time of peak trading.

Whilst revenues for our Parcels business were up 1.2% for the full year, operating profits were down some 19% reflecting the impact on operating margin of a change in volume mix, the additional costs incurred and the competitive market environment.

Our Mail business increased its revenues by 4.8% as we continued to win new customers and progress our new product innovations. The impact of the continued competitive price environment throughout the year and the costs of disruption due to the snow reduced Mail operating profits for the year by some 3%.

Our Courier and Pallets businesses have performed satisfactorily with overall operating profits broadly in line with last year.

Overall Group revenues at GBP395.8m were up 2.8% compared to the prior year. Group profit before tax at GBP16.1m was down 9.9%.

Our financial position remains strong with net cash balances at the year end of GBP17.4m (2010: GBP15.7m).

The Board has proposed that the final dividend be maintained at 11.8p per share, the same level as last year. The total dividend for the year of 18.2p per share (2010: 18.2p) is covered 1.2 times by reported earnings per share, which the Board considers an appropriate level of cover in current circumstances.


Our aim is to continue to strengthen our position as the UK's leading independent integrated postal group. There are two central planks to this strategy:

First, we continue to enhance the market-leading, low-cost, integrated network that underpins the competitiveness of our businesses. We are doing this by continuing to drive down cost and by investing in our IT infrastructure so as to increase efficiency and introduce new information and data services to the end customer.

Second, we are focused on continuing to expand the size of the markets available to us and on increasing our share of those markets. To do so, we are introducing new and innovative products and services in both our Parcels and our Mail businesses, a number of which are already available to customers and gaining valuable traction.

The current challenging market conditions impact all operators in our markets. We believe our focus on efficiency and innovation, combined with our strong balance sheet, mean we are in a strong position to continue to outperform our competitors and to defend and increase our market share.


The results can be summarised as follows:

                              Year to 31 March 
                                 2011      2010     (Dec) 
                                 GBPm      GBPm         % 
 Group revenue                  395.8     385.2      2.8% 
                            =========  ========  ======== 
 Operating profit                16.2      17.9   (10.0)% 
 Net finance costs              (0.1)     (0.1)         - 
                            ---------  --------  -------- 
 Profit before tax               16.1      17.8    (9.9)% 
 Taxation                       (4.5)     (5.1)     12.7% 
                            ---------  --------  -------- 
 Profit after tax                11.6      12.7    (8.8)% 
                            =========  ========  ======== 
 Basic earnings per share       21.2p     23.4p    (9.4)% 

Revenue and operating profit are analysed as follows:

                   Revenue               Operating Profit 
                              Inc/                        Inc/ 
             2011   2010     (Dec)    2011     2010      (Dec) 
             GBPm    GBPm        %    GBPm     GBPm          % 
 Mail       181.8   173.5     4.8%     11.8     12.2   (3.3)% 
 Parcels    166.7   164.7     1.2%     12.1     14.8   (18.9)% 
 Courier     19.2    17.9     7.3%      2.2      2.4   (8.8)% 
 Pallets     28.1    29.1   (3.2)%      1.8      1.7   6.3% 
           ======  ======  ======= 
 Total      395.8   385.2     2.8%     27.9     31.1   (10.7)% 
           ======  ======  ======= 
  costs                              (11.7)   (13.2)   11.5% 
                                    -------  -------  -------- 
 Operating profit                      16.2     17.9   (10.0)% 
                                    =======  =======  ======== 


The Mail business enjoyed continued success in attracting good levels of new business as well as generating further mail growth from existing customers. As a result, revenues rose 4.8% to GBP181.8m (2010: GBP173.5m).

Within the overall UK mail market, there has been a decline in transactional volumes of some 4% per annum in recent years. An important factor in the continued progress of our Mail business is therefore product innovation, to open up new segments of the mail market and extend our reach.

imail, our web-to-print postal service, now includes appointment cards, 'economy' black and white printing and mailing list production, and is continually being developed to support its market leadership. We have now created a very strong platform for this new concept in the UK mail market, with average daily volumes in March 2011 more than double those of a year ago, and a good pipeline of new opportunities.

Our Packets product, launched in early 2010, enables us to offer customers a price competitive service in a sector that was previously difficult to access. The packets market is the fastest growing segment of the postal market, mainly due to the growth in internet-based shopping. We currently handle up to 20,000 packets per night and continue to add customers to this service, confirming our views on the growth potential for this product and establishing us as a serious player in the cGBP1.5bn p.a. UK packets market. The next phase for us is to widen the service offering to attract the SME market.

Mail operating profits were down 3.3% to GBP11.8m (2010: GBP12.2m) and the operating margin reduced to 6.5% (2010: 7.0%). Pricing in the transactional mail market is very competitive. In the past, we have been able to offset pricing pressures through the increased economies of scale that came from material volume growth; as the market matures, this is more difficult to achieve. The Mail operating margin also suffered a slight impact from the increased operational costs incurred due to the disruption caused by the snow in December 2010.

The Bill for the privatisation of Royal Mail has now largely completed its passage through Parliament and we expect it to become an Act by the time of the Summer recess. One of the key outcomes of the Bill is that Ofcom will effectively replace Postcomm as the mail industry regulator, a move which we support. We continue to believe that the UK postal market needs a successful, commercially focused and efficient Royal Mail operating within a regulated framework where competition benefits the customer and allows the overall mail industry to flourish.

The new Royal Mail pricing regime approved by Postcomm was implemented in May 2011. This has resulted in wholesale prices increasing by some 20% with retail prices increasing by some 15%. There has been a reduction in the pricing headroom between the price we pay Royal Mail for access to their network and the lowest prices that Royal Mail can charge their customers directly. This will have a minor impact on our Mail operating margin given the competitive prices we already charge our customers. We are highly conscious of the impact the price increases will have on our customers, who will see their mailing costs increasing to an unprecedented extent, at a time when most businesses are trying to control their costs tightly, all of which may have an impact on the overall volumes of mail in the UK. We are working closely with our customers both to understand their position and to help them identify the most cost effective mailing route for their business.

From May 2011, in addition to any underlying increase, mail revenues will increase by some 15% purely as a result of the Royal Mail price rise, with the operating margin reducing to a corresponding extent. This overall increase in reported mail revenues is less than the headline wholesale price increase because a significant proportion of our customers operate as Customer Direct Access (CDA) where they pay the access price directly to Royal Mail and we charge them separately for services we provide.

The market backdrop for our Mail business is challenging. Our objective is to strengthen our market leading position by continuing to grow our overall volumes through gaining additional volumes from new and existing customers, together with the benefits from our new product innovations.


Revenues in Parcels, which comprises the Group's business-to-business, business-to-consumer and international parcel delivery service, were up 1.2% for the period to GBP166.7m (2010: GBP164.7m). Operating profit decreased by 18.9% to GBP12.1m (2010: GBP14.8m) with the operating margin at 7.3% (2010: 9.1%).

Parcels performance has been impacted by the effect of business-to-business volume growth remaining subdued in the second half, combined with the disruption caused by the snow in December. This was however largely offset by stronger business-to-consumer volumes, resulting in an overall volume increase of 4.3%.

The impact of the mix effect and the snow, when combined with the continued competitive pricing environment, placed pressure on margins, although this has been largely offset by the continued improvements in the efficiency and effectiveness of our Parcels operation. We continue to be successful in winning new Parcels customers as a result of our high service levels, low-cost network and strong brand in the market.

We continue to drive down costs to improve the profitability of our parcels operations. A key area of focus is our network cost where we are accelerating plans to reduce our fixed cost base in the coming year. We also intend to reduce our vehicle costs through improved route planning and vehicle utilisation, and have taken action to reduce our administrative support costs.

We have recently introduced a number of major improvements to our I.T. infrastructure. These will provide industry-leading facilities to our customers, and to the recipients of the parcels they despatch via our services. All customers can now be notified in advance of expected delivery times and given easy to use facilities if they need to re-arrange deliveries.

As part of these improvements we are introducing a completely new internet platform which will help support business growth and drive down costs.

In May 2010 we launched a new range of logistics services tailored to the specific needs of retailers and targeted at the extensive list of retail customers we have access to through our parcels, mail and courier businesses. This Retail Logistics product is making good progress and we now have a number of major retailers trading with us. We estimate this market to be worth GBP1.2bn, supporting our view that this represents a significant growth opportunity for the business.


Revenues in our Courier business, which provides same-day delivery services, increased 7.3% to GBP19.2m (2010: GBP17.9m). Operating margins however reduced to 11.3% (2010: 13.3%) leading to a reduction in operating profit to GBP2.2m (2010: GBP2.4m). The decline in operating margin reflects, in part, the strong performance last year and, in part, the costs of establishing an extended capability within the wider Group.

We have now developed a highly efficient nationwide courier network with a proven ability to support national contracts, which adds to our ability to offer a fully integrated proposition and supports product development across the Group.


Revenues in our Pallets business, which provides a nationwide palletised goods delivery service were down 3.2% for the period to GBP28.1m (2010: GBP29.1m). We consider this business to be the most exposed of all our operations to economic conditions. We have however improved the efficiency of our operations and reduced costs, leading to an improvement in the operating margin to 6.4% (2010: 5.9%). This improved margin has more than offset the revenue decline, enabling us to increase operating profit for the period by 6.3% to GBP1.8m (2010: GBP1.7m).

We see growth opportunities for this business and will continue to focus on sectors of the distribution market which are best placed to benefit as the economy recovers.

Finance costs

Net interest payable remained at GBP0.1m (2010: GBP0.1m).

Cash Flow and Balance Sheet

The Group has a very strong balance sheet with net cash at the end of the period of GBP17.4m (2010: GBP15.7m).

The improvement in the net cash is comprised of a slight reduction of GBP0.1m in cash balances to GBP22.4m (2010: GBP22.5m), combined with a reduction in debt of GBP1.8m to GBP5.0m (2010: GBP6.8m). The reduction in debt is due to the repayment of loans and finance lease balances in the year.

Net cash inflow from operating activities totalled GBP19.3m (2010: GBP23.3m). Net cash outflow for the period was GBP0.1m (2010 inflow: GBP4.5m) which included GBP0.6m of cash consumed in working capital (2010: GBP2.7m generated from working capital).

Capital expenditure for the period was GBP7.8m (2010: GBP7.0m). The capital expenditure for the period includes GBP3.8m on IT, as we continue to develop our systems infrastructure, and GBP3.1m on our network.

Earnings per share

Basic earnings per share decreased 9.4% to 21.2p (2010: 23.4p).


The Board has proposed an unchanged Final Dividend of 11.8p (2010: 11.8p), resulting in a total dividend for the year of 18.2p (2010: 18.2p). The Final Dividend is payable on 22 July 2011, to shareholders registered on 24 June 2011.

The total dividend is covered 1.2 times by earnings (2010: 1.3 times). Taking into account the cash generative nature of the business and its current investment needs, the Board considers this level of cover to be appropriate in current circumstances.


Our plans and management actions continue to be based on the assumption that economic conditions will remain tough throughout the current financial year. Trading in the early weeks has been in line with these expectations.

We expect a continued decline in underlying mail volumes in the UK market as a result of the recent price increases imposed by Royal Mail. Whilst this will represent a challenge, we maintain our aim to more than offset this factor through additional mail volumes from new and existing customers, combined with the growth opportunities presented by our new product developments.

Our parcels business is in an increasingly strong position compared to its key competitors thanks to the benefits of our low-cost network and the industry-leading services we are continuing to introduce. This market will remain challenging, but we believe our focus on key customer segments, such as Retail Logistics, should allow us to make progress in the coming year.

Our strategy remains to continue to build competitive advantage, developing and investing in our low cost integrated network, driving down cost, investing in IT infrastructure and bringing to market new products and services to drive profitable revenue growth. By capitalising on our leadership and differentiated positioning, we aim to increase both the size of the markets available to us and our share of those markets.

Guy Buswell

Chief Executive Officer


Principal risks and uncertainties facing the business

UK Mail's business and share price may be affected by a number of risks, not all of which are within our control. The process UK Mail has in place for identifying, assessing and managing risks is set out in the Corporate Governance Report on page 21 of the 2010 Annual Report and Accounts. The specific principal risks and uncertainties that may affect the Group's performance, together with relevant mitigating factors as identified by the Group's risk management process were discussed on pages 69 and 70 of the Group's Annual Report and Accounts for the 2010 financial year. These included market, credit, regulatory, price, liquidity, capital and foreign exchange risk. A number of additional principal risks and uncertainties have been identified by the Risk Management Committee; namely IT, business continuity, legislation and regulation, competitive, and fuel risks. Further details will be available within the 2011 Annual Report.

Cautionary statement

This announcement contains certain forward-looking statements, which have been made by the directors in good faith based on the information available to them up to the time of the approval of this report and such information should be treated with caution due to the inherent uncertainties, including both economic and business risk factors, underlying any such forward-looking information.

Going concern

The directors are satisfied that the Group has sufficient resources to continue in operation for the foreseeable future. Accordingly, they continue to adopt the going concern basis in preparing the condensed consolidated interim financial statements.

 Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income 
 for the year ended 31 March 2011 
                                                      2011      2010 
                                             Note     GBPm      GBPm 
 Revenue                                      1        395.8     385.2 
 Cost of sales                                       (347.3)   (333.5) 
 Gross profit                                           48.5      51.7 
 Administrative expenses                              (32.3)    (33.8) 
                                                    --------  -------- 
 Operating profit                             1         16.2      17.9 
 Finance costs                                         (0.2)     (0.2) 
 Finance income                                          0.1       0.1 
                                                    --------  -------- 
 Profit before taxation                                 16.1      17.8 
 Total taxation                                        (4.5)     (5.1) 
                                                    --------  -------- 
 Profit for the year                                    11.6      12.7 
                                                    ========  ======== 
 Total comprehensive income for 
  the year                                              11.6      12.7 
                                                    ========  ======== 
 Total comprehensive income attributable 
 Equity holders of the company                          11.6      12.7 
                                                    ========  ======== 
 Basic earnings per share                     2        21.2p     23.4p 
 Diluted earnings per share                   2        21.1p     23.0p 
 The profit for the financial year arises from the Group's 
  continuing activities. 
 Consolidated Balance Sheet 
 as at 31 March 2011 
                                                                  2011      2010 
                                                                  GBPm      GBPm 
 Non-current assets 
 Goodwill                                                           9.5        9.5 
 Intangible assets                                                  3.2        2.0 
 Investment properties                                              0.9        1.0 
 Property, plant and equipment                                     37.0       38.1 
 Deferred tax assets                                                0.5        0.6 
                                                                   51.1       51.2 
                                                                -------   -------- 
 Current assets 
 Inventories                                                        0.2        0.2 
 Trade and other receivables                                       56.7       51.8 
 Cash and cash equivalents                                         22.4       22.5 
                                                                   79.3       74.5 
                                                                -------   -------- 
 Current liabilities 
 Borrowings                                                       (1.8)      (1.8) 
 Trade and other payables                                        (58.8)     (54.3) 
 Current tax liabilities                                          (1.9)      (1.9) 
 Provisions                                                       (0.1)      (0.1) 
                                                                 (62.6)     (58.1) 
                                                                -------   -------- 
 Net current assets                                                16.7       16.4 
                                                                -------   -------- 
 Non-current liabilities 
 Borrowings                                                       (3.2)      (5.0) 
 Deferred tax liabilities                                         (3.0)      (3.6) 
 Provisions                                                       (0.5)      (0.5) 
                                                                  (6.7)      (9.1) 
                                                                -------   -------- 
 Net assets                                                        61.1       58.5 
                                                                =======   ======== 
 Shareholders' equity 
 Ordinary shares                                                    5.5        5.5 
 Share premium                                                     16.7       16.6 
 Retained earnings                                                 38.9       36.4 
 Total shareholders' equity                                        61.1       58.5 
                                                                =======   ======== 
 Consolidated Cash Flow Statement 
 for the year ended 31 March 2011 
                                                     2011           2010 
                                            Note     GBPm           GBPm 
 Operating activities 
 Cash generated from operations              4         24.2         28.7 
 Finance income received                                0.1          0.1 
 Finance costs paid                                   (0.2)        (0.2) 
 Taxation paid                                        (4.8)        (5.3) 
                                                   --------   ---------- 
 Net cash inflow from operating 
  activities                                           19.3         23.3 
                                                   --------   ---------- 
 Investing activities 
 Proceeds from disposal of property, 
  plant and equipment                                   0.1            - 
 Purchase of property, plant and equipment            (5.7)        (6.0) 
 Purchase of intangible assets                        (2.1)        (1.0) 
 Net cash outflow from investing activities           (7.7)        (7.0) 
                                                    -------   ---------- 
 Financing activities 
 Dividends paid to shareholders                       (9.9)        (9.3) 
 Repayment of finance lease liabilities               (0.8)        (0.8) 
 Net proceeds from the issue of ordinary 
  share capital                                         0.1            - 
 Purchase of UK Mail shares by the ESOT               (0.1)        (0.7) 
 Repayment of term loan                               (1.0)        (1.0) 
 Net cash outflow from financing activities          (11.7)       (11.8) 
                                                    -------   ---------- 
 Net (decrease)/increase in cash and 
  cash equivalents                                    (0.1)          4.5 
 Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning 
  of the year                                          22.5         18.0 
 Cash and cash equivalents at the end 
  of the year                                          22.4         22.5 
                                                    -------   ---------- 
 Consolidated Statement of Changes in Shareholders' 
 for the year ended 31 March 2011 
                                                                       2011         2010 
                                                                       GBPm         GBPm 
 Shareholders' equity as at the beginning 
  of the year                                                          58.5         54.9 
 Dividends paid to shareholders                                       (9.9)        (9.3) 
 Purchase of UK Mail shares by the 
  ESOT                                                                (0.1)        (0.7) 
 Employees' share option scheme: 
 - value of employee services                                           0.9          0.9 
 - exercise of share options                                            0.1            - 
 Profit for the year                                                   11.6         12.7 
                                                                   --------       ------ 
 Shareholders' equity as at the end 
  of the year                                                          61.1         58.5 
                                                                   --------       ------ 
        Notes to the Consolidated Financial Information 
        1     Segmental information 
        Year ended 31 March 
                                   Mail   Parcels   Courier   Pallets    Total 
                                   GBPm      GBPm      GBPm      GBPm     GBPm 
  Revenue                         181.8     166.7      19.2      28.1    395.8 
  Segmental operating 
   profit                          11.8      12.1       2.2       1.8     27.9 
  Central costs                                                         (11.7) 
  Operating profit                                                        16.2 
        Year ended 31 March 
                                   Mail   Parcels   Courier   Pallets    Total 
                                   GBPm      GBPm      GBPm      GBPm     GBPm 
  Revenue                         173.5     164.7      17.9      29.1    385.2 
  Segmental operating 
   profit                          12.2      14.8       2.4       1.7     31.1 
  Central costs                                                         (13.2) 
  Operating profit                                                        17.9 
 2   Earnings per share 
     Basic earnings per share have been calculated by dividing 
      the profit for the year by the weighted average number 
      of ordinary shares in issue for the year ended 31 March 
      2011 of 54,522,247 (2010: 54,245,126). Diluted earnings 
      per share have been calculated by adjusting the weighted 
      average number of ordinary shares for the effect of the 
      exercise of share options, increasing the number of shares 
      to 54,742,371 (2010: 55,213,086). 
 3   Analysis of net cash/(debt) 
                 At 1                     At 31                    At 31 
                April    Cash             March    Cash            March 
                 2009    Flow     Other    2010    Flow   Other     2011 
                 GBPm    GBPm      GBPm    GBPm    GBPm    GBPm     GBPm 
 Cash at bank 
  and in hand    18.0     4.5         -    22.5   (0.1)       -     22.4 
                 18.0     4.5         -    22.5   (0.1)       -     22.4 
               ------  ------  --------  ------  ------  ------  ------- 
 Debt due 
  within one 
  year          (1.0)     1.0     (1.0)   (1.0)     1.0   (1.0)    (1.0) 
 Debt due 
  after one 
  year          (4.0)       -       1.0   (3.0)       -     1.0    (2.0) 
  leases        (3.5)     0.7         -   (2.8)     0.8       -    (2.0) 
                (8.5)     1.7         -   (6.8)     1.8       -    (5.0) 
               ------  ------  --------  ------  ------  ------  ------- 
  cash/(debt)     9.5     6.2         -    15.7     1.7       -     17.4 
               ------  ------  --------  ------  ------  ------  ------- 
      Reconciliation of profit to net cash flow generated from 
 4     operations 
                                                             2011    2010 
                                                             GBPm    GBPm 
  Profit for the year                                        11.6    12.7 
  Taxation                                                    4.5     5.1 
  Finance costs payable                                       0.2     0.2 
  Finance income receivable                                 (0.1)   (0.1) 
  Depreciation and amortisation                               7.7     7.0 
      Profit on disposal of property, plant and 
       equipment                                            (0.1)       - 
  Share-based payments                                        1.0     1.1 
  (Increase)/decrease in trade and other receivables        (4.9)     1.7 
  Increase/(decrease) in trade and other payables             4.3     1.5 
  (Decrease)/increase in provisions                             -   (0.5) 
  Net cash flow generated from operations                    24.2    28.7 
                                                           ------  ------ 
 5   General information 
     The above figures have been extracted from the Group's 
      full financial statements for the year ended 31 March 
      2011, which will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies. 
      Those financial statements carry an unqualified audit 
      opinion. They have been prepared in accordance with the 
      Companies Act 2006 and International Financial Reporting 
      Standards as adopted by the European Union. The accounting 
      policies, which have been applied consistently to all 
      the years presented, are set out in those financial statements. 
      These extracts do not constitute statutory accounts within 
      the meaning of section 435 of the Companies Act 2006. 

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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