Time Warner Inc. (TWX) CEO Jeff Bewkes said Wednesday that the early industry reaction to its "TV Everywhere" initiative - giving cable subscribers access to "premium" television content via broadband and eventually cellphone connections - has been positive.

"People love it," he said. He added that shows viewed online will be counted as part of Nielsen's "C3" ratings system, which measures viewership of ads seen on digital video recorders up to three days after a program airs on television.

For this reason, the existing TV ad model "continues, and thrives," Bewkes said. "You don't have to build a new model. You've already got it."

Bewkes also rejected the complaints of content providers who want more money if their TV shows are distributed online via "TV Everywhere."

"They're not the ones who are going to the effort and expense of making this possible," he remarked. "The ones that are making this possible are the distributors -- the telcos, the satellite companies, the cable companies."

-David B. Wilkerson; 415-439-6400; AskNewswires@dowjones.com