FRANKFURT--The following is a summary of analysts' forecasts for Allianz SE (ALV.XE) third-quarter results, based on a poll of 13 analysts conducted by Dow Jones Newswires (figures in million euros, EPS, dividend and target price in euro, combined ratio in percent, according to IFRS). Earnings figures are scheduled to be released November 8.

                                           Operat.   Operat. 
                                  Operat.  profit    profit 
                 Total    Operat.  profit  Life &     Asset 
3rd Quarter     revenue   profit     P/C   Health  managment 
AVERAGE          26,102   2,426    1,211     740       765 
Prev. Year       25,207   2,538    1,162     815       848 
+/- in %           +3.5    -4.4     +4.2    -9.2       -10 
MEDIAN           26,133   2,461    1,229     741       766 
Maximum          26,664   2,577    1,387     817       800 
Minimum          25,379   2,240      995     650       684 
Amount                6      12       11      11        11 
Banca Sabadell   26,182   2,465    1,251     700       784 
Bankhaus Lampe       --   2,517    1,275     730       792 
Berenberg            --   2,393    1,183     750       762 
Bryan, Garnier       --   2,456       --      --         -- 
Credit Suisse    26,664   2,347    1,163     741       750 
DZ Bank          26,084   2,469    1,229     713       792 
Equinet          26,600   2,240    1,100     650       750 
Helvea               --   2,493    1,186     803       762 
J.P. Morgan          --   2,577    1,387     710       770 
Kepler Cheuvreux 25,700   2,496    1,256     750       800 
MainFirst Bank   25,379   2,325      995     817       766 
Morgan Stanley       --   2,337    1,293     778       684 
                               Net     attrib.  Comb. Ratio 
3rd Quarter             EBT  income    income         (a) 
AVERAGE               2,302   1,551     1,440          95.8 
Prev. Year            2,202   1,453     1,359          96.2 
+/- in %               +4.6    +6.7      +6.0          -0.4 
MEDIAN                2,308   1,542     1,441          95.7 
Maximum               2,577   1,579     1,685          97.2 
Minimum               2,063   1,531     1,286          94.0 
Amount                    8       3        11            10 
Banca Sabadell        2,315      --     1,470          95.6 
Bankhaus Lampe        2,388      --     1,492          95.1 
Berenberg                --      --     1,394            -- 
Bryan, Garnier & Co      --      --     1,371            -- 
Credit Suisse         2,063      --     1,286          95.8 
DZ Bank               2,301   1,542     1,457          95.5 
Equinet               2,370   1,579        --          97.0 
Helvea                2,240   1,531     1,441          95.8 
J.P. Morgan           2,577      --     1,685          94.0 
Kepler Cheuvreux         --      --     1,487          95.4 
MainFirst Bank        2,164      --     1,367          97.2 
Morgan Stanley           --      --     1,393          96.5 
              Target price  Rating                 DPS 2013 
AVERAGE             134.71  positive 7    AVERAGE      5.15 
Prev. Quarter       130.33  neutral  2    Prev. Year   4.50 
+/- in %              +3.4  negative 0    +/- in %      +15 
MEDIAN              137.10                MEDIAN       5.20 
Maximum             150.00                Maximum      5.40 
Minimum             120.00                Minimum      5.00 
Amount                   7                Amount          7 
Banca Sabadell      137.10  Buy                        5.00 
Berenberg           144.00  Buy                        5.40 
Credit Suisse       123.90  Neutral                    5.22 
DZ Bank                 --  Buy                        5.20 
Equinet             120.00  Hold                       5.00 
Helvea              128.00  Buy                        5.00 
J.P. Morgan             --  Overweight                   -- 
Kepler Cheuvreux    140.00  Buy                          -- 
MainFirst Bank      150.00  Outperform                 5.25 

Year-earlier figures are as restated by the company.

(a) Property-casualty.


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