By Kirsten Grind 

Bill Gross isn't yet attracting investors in droves to his new home.

Mr. Gross's new mutual fund at Janus Capital Group Inc. attracted $364 million in investor money in October, his first full month at the firm, but the amount trails the inflows into rival funds over the same period, according to new data Monday from research firm Morningstar Inc.

The amount, in addition to the $66.4 million Janus saw in inflows into the fund in September, brought the Janus Global Unconstrained Bond fund's assets to $443 million, according to Morningstar. Janus as a whole saw $1.1 billion in inflows across its mutual funds during October.

The inflows at Janus broke a streak in which investors pulled money from the firm every month for more than three years. The inflows were the firm's first since September 2011, and its largest since 2007, according to Morningstar.

A Janus spokesman didn't immediately return a request for comment.

Janus's competitors have fared far better.

The Metropolitan West Total Return Bond fund saw $6.7 billion in inflows in October, the most of any bond fund, and the Vanguard Total Bond Market Index fund saw $4.4 billion in inflows, according to Morningstar.

Investors have pulled about $50 billion from Mr. Gross's former flagship fund at Pacific Investment Management Co., the Pimco Total Return fund, in September and October, following Mr. Gross's Sept. 26 departure.

Morningstar said it doesn't have benchmark information for the Janus Global Unconstrained Bond fund. According to a company fact sheet, the fund is comparing itself with Libor.

Between Oct. 6 and Nov. 6, Mr. Gross's first full month at the helm of the fund, the Bank of America three-month U.S. Dollar Libor interest rate returned 0.022%, compared with 0.157% for Mr. Gross's fund, according to Morningstar. The Barclays Aggregate U.S. Bond index, a standard measure for many bond funds, meanwhile, returned 0.422% during that time.

Write to Kirsten Grind at

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