Changes in the Bank's Shareholders Structure
05 December 2003 - 3:44AM
UK Regulatory
Bank Przemyslowo - Handlowy PBK SA
Current Report No. 90/2003
Bank Przemyslowo - Handlowy PBK SA (BPH PBK) informs that on 4 December, 2003 it
has been notified that:
-- Bayerische Hypo und Vereinsbank AG possesses 7,862 shares of BPH PBK
representing 0.03% of the total number of shares issued by BPH PBK and
entitling to 7,862 votes at the General Meeting of Shareholders of BPH PBK,
which constitutes 0.03% of the total number of votes at the GSM,
-- Bank Austria AG possesses 20,450,487 shares of BPH PBK representing 71.21%
of the total number of shares issued by BPH PBK and entitling to 20,450,487
votes at the General Meeting of Shareholders of BPH PBK, which constitutes
71.21% of the total number of votes at the GSM.
The changes in BPH PBK's shareholders' structure result from the sale of shares
by HVB AG to Bank Austria Creditanstalt AG.
Below we present the current BPH PBK's shareholders structure:
No. Shareholder's name Shares Votes at GSM
Number % Number %
HVB Group, including: 20 458 354 71.24 20 458 354 71.24
1 Bank Austria Creditanstalt AG 20 450 487 71.21 20 450 487 71.21
2 State Treasury 1 058 000 3.68 1 058 000 3.68
3 The Bank of New York 1 158 556 4.04 1 158 556 4.04
Other shareholders (possessing less than 5%
4 of shares) 6 041 320 21.04 6 041 320 21.04
TOTAL 28 716 230 100 28 716 230 100