RNS Number:7209K
Total Fina Elf.
6 May 2003

2, place de la Coupole 
La Defense 6
92 400 Courbevoie France 
Tel.: 33(1)47 44 58 53 
Fax: 33(1)47 44 58 24

Catherine ENCK 
Tel. 33(1)47 44 37 76

Thomas FELL 
Tel.:33(1)47 44 47 57

Patricia MARIE 
Tel.:33(1)47 44 45 90

Tel.:33(1)47 44 45 91

Christine de CHAMPEAUX 
Tel: 33(1)47 44 47 49

Tel.:33(1)47 44 51 04

Tel.:33(1)47 44 42 30

Tel.:33(1)47 44 48 00

Isabelle CABROL
Tel.:33(1)47 44 64 24

Charles-Edouard ANFRAY 
Tel.:33(1)47 44 65 55

Franklin BOITIER 
Tel.:33 (1)47 44 59 81

Capital 6 871 905 100 euros 
542 051 180 R.C.S. Nanterre


                 TotalFinaElf reports sharply higher results 
                    in a favorable oil market environment

                        First quarter 2003 Net Income

               *    2.12 billion euros, an increase of 49%* 
               *    3.28 euros per share, an increase of 55%* 
               *    3.52 dollars per share, an increase of 90%*

                        Upstream production growth of 5%

Paris, May 6 , 2003 - The Board of Directors of TotalFinaElf, chaired by CEO 
Thierry Desmarest, met on May 5 to review the unaudited first quarter 2003 

Commenting on the results, Thierry Desmarest said :

"In a generally favorable oil market environment, TotalFinaElf reported a 49%* 
increase in net income for the first quarter 2003. Higher oil prices and a sharp
rebound in European refining margins fueled the earnings increase, more than 
offsetting the impacts of the falling dollar and continued weakness in
Chemicals. The positive quarterly comparison also reflects the benefits from 
ongoing self-help programs, particularly oil and gas production growth, which 
was 5% despite outages related to the strikes in Venezuela (...)

Strong cash flow in the first quarter 2003 allowed TotalFinaElf to fund a 
growth-oriented investment program and also to buy back 1.9% of its shares, 
reflecting confidence in the company's fundamentals and in the strength of its 
future prospects. The accretive impact of the share buy-back program raised the 
percentage increase in quarter-on-quarter earnings per share to 55%."

* percent change relative to first quarter 2002 excluding non-recurring items; 
  there are no non-recurring items in the first quarter 2003
  TotalFinaElf consolidated accounts

  In millions of euros                             1Q03        1Q02        %

  Sales                                          28,303      23,784       +19%
  Operating Income from business
  segments (excluding non-recurring items)        3,919       2,432       +61%

  Net operating income from business
  segments (excluding non-recurring items)        2,051       1,356       +51%

  Net Income
  excluding non-recurring items                   2,120       1,419       +49%

  Net Income                                      2,120       1,429       +48%

  Earnings per share (euros)
  excluding non-recurring items                    3.28        2.12       +55%

  Investments *                                   1,494       2,109       -29%

  Divestments **
  at selling price                                  993         586       +69%

  Cash flow from operating activities             3,822       2,458       +55%

*  Including increases in long-term loans
** Including repayments of long-term loans

  Non-recurring items
  In millions of euros                                         1Q03       1Q02

  Impact of non-recurring items on operating income               -          -

  Impact of non-recurring items on net income
  Gains on assets sales                                           -        143 
  Toulouse-AZF plant impact                                       -       (102)
  Restructuring charges and early retirement plans                -        (31)

  Total                                                           -         10

  Number of Shares
  millions                                         1Q03        1Q02         %

  Fully-diluted weighted-average shares           646.1       670.6       -4%

  Oil market environment
                                                   1Q03        1Q02         %
  Euro/$                                              1.07        0.88      -18% *
  Brent ($/b)                                      31.5        21.1      +49%
  European refining margins TRCV ($/t)             32.3         2.4    x13.5

  *change in the dollar versus the euro

First quarter 2003 results

Consolidated sales rose by 19% to 28,303 million euros (MEuro) in the 2003 first 
quarter from 23,784 MEuro in the same quarter last year.

The oil market environment was more positive overall in the first quarter 2003 
than in the first quarter 2002. The 49% increase in Brent oil prices coupled 
with the very high European refining margins more than offset the impact of an 
18% decline in the dollar versus the euro. However, high petroleum product 
prices, notably for naphtha, put pressure on base chemical margins.

In this context, operating income from the business segments increased by 61% to
3,919 MEuro in the first quarter 2003 from 2,432 MEuro in the first quarter 2002. 
There were no non-recurring items affecting operating income in either period.

Net operating income from the business segments increased by 51% compared to the
same quarter last year.

Net income excluding non-recurring items increased by 49% to 2,120 MEuro in the 
first quarter 2003 from 1,419 MEuro in the first quarter 2002.

Earnings per share excluding non-recurring items, based on 646.1 million 
fully-diluted weighted-average shares in the first quarter 2003, rose by 55% to
3.28 euros per share from 2.12 euros per share in the first quarter 2002.

During the first quarter 2003, the company bought back 13.115 million of its 
shares, or 1.9% of its share capital, for 1.6 billion euros (BEuro). 
At March 31, 2003, the number of fully-diluted shares was 641.5 million versus
655.0 million at December 31, 2002.

Reported net income rose by 48% to 2,120 MEuro in the first quarter 2003 from 1,429
MEuro in the first quarter 2002.
First quarter 2002 net income includes non-recurring items with a positive net
impact of 10 MEuro; there were no non-recurring items in the first quarter 2003.

The net-debt-to-equity ratio at March 31, 2003 was 22.1% compared to 28.6% at 
December 31, 2002.

Cash flow from operating activities increased by 55% to 3,822 MEuro in the first 
quarter 2003 from 2,458 MEuro in the first quarter 2002.

Investments were 1,494 MEuro in the first quarter 2003 compared to 2,109 MEuro in the 
first quarter 2002. This euro-denominated decrease is due primarily to the 
depreciation of the dollar relative to the euro.

Divestments, based on selling prices, were 993 MEuro in the first quarter 2003, 
essentially representing the sale of the paints business.

Free cash flow** rose to 3,321 MEuro in the first quarter 2003 from 935 MEuro in the 
first quarter 2002.


Operating income for the Upstream segment rose by 50% to 3,025 MEuro in the first 
quarter 2003 from 2,016 MEuro in the same quarter last year. The strong increase 
was due basically to higher hydrocarbon prices and to continued production 
growth, which combined to more than offset the steep decline in the dollar 
relative to the euro.

Net operating income for the Upstream segment rose by 32% to 1,405 MEuro in the 
first quarter 2003 from 1,066 MEuro in the same quarter last year.

Hydrocarbon production increased by 5% to 2,516 thousand barrels of oil 
equivalent per day (kboe/d) in the first quarter 2003 from 2,401 kboe/d in the 
first quarter 2002.

Liquids production increased by 3% to 1,612 thousand barrels per day (kb/d) in 
the first quarter 2003 from 1,558 kb/d in the same quarter last year, 
primarily due to new fields starting production in Iran, the North Sea and 

Gas production rose 7% to 4,926 million cubic feet per day (Mcfd) in the first 
quarter 2003 from 4,607 Mcfd in the first quarter last year, mainly due to 
increases in the North Sea and the Gulf of Mexico.

Highlights of the first quarter exploration and development activity included 
the following: in Africa, two new discoveries on Block 17 in Angola, further 
confirming the prolific potential of this block; in Europe, approval of an 
additional Ekofisk development plan; in the Americas, acquisition of a 43.5% 
share in the Canadian Surmont oil sands project and an 80% interest in the Ipati
exploration block in Bolivia; and in Asia, a large gas discovery on Block B in 
Brunei (TotalFinaElf-operated 37.5%) and the signing of a production sharing 
contract on Block J (TotalFinaElf-operated 60%) also in Brunei.

Production highlights for the first quarter included restarting the Sincor 
upgrader in late February following the end of the strikes in Venezuela and also
the start-up of the Balal field in Iran.

Also during the first quarter, TotalFinaElf sold its interests in 13 
non-strategic shallow-water Gulf of Mexico fields.

Highlights for gas and power activities included the acquisition of ExxonMobil's
United Kingdom distribution business, solidifying TotalFinaElf's position as the 
largest gas distributor for industrial and commercial consumers in the UK. In 
Thailand, the Bang Bo combined cycle power generation plant started operations.

** free cash flow = cash flow from operations + divestments - investments

  Upstream - key figures                1Q03        1Q02         %

  Hydrocarbon production (kboe/d)      2,516       2,401       +5%
  *  Liquids (kb/d)                    1,612       1,558       +3%
  *  Gas (Mcfd)                        4,926       4,607       +7%

  Operating income (MEuro)                3,025       2,016      +50%
  excluding non-recurring items 
  Net operating income (MEuro)            1,405       1,066      +32%
  excluding non-recurring items        

  Investments (MEuro)                     1,166       1,643      -29%

  Divestments (MEuro)
  at selling price                       180         223      -19%

  Cash flow from operating  
  activities (MEuro)                      2,571       1,692      +52%


Operating income for the Downstream segment increased sharply to 779 MEuro in the 
first quarter 2003 from 295 MEuro in the first quarter 2002.

This increase was driven by first quarter refining margins that soared in 
response to cold weather conditions, high jet fuel demand, and low inventory 
levels. In addition to the high refining margins, ongoing synergy and 
productivity efforts helped to fuel the increase.
Partially offsetting these factors were the negative impacts of the severe 
depreciation of the dollar versus the euro and the lower margins for certain 
refined specialty products.

Net operating income for the Downstream segment more than doubled to 585 MEuro in 
the first quarter 2003 from 250 MEuro in the first quarter 2002.

Refinery throughput rose by 2% to 2,435 kb/d in the first quarter 2003 from 
2,393 kb/d in the first quarter a year ago.

During the quarter, scheduled turnarounds took place in the Provence and Donges 

In April, TotalFinaElf announced a swap agreement with Shell for 133 stations in
Germany in exchange for seven highway service stations in France plus the 
TotalFinaElf retail assets in Hungary and the Czech Republic. This agreement, 
which was submitted to the competition authorities for approval, is part of the 
company's plan to consolidate and optimize its marketing network In Europe.

In April, the company announced that it was launching a study to evaluate a 
500 MEuro investment to increase the conversion capacity at its Normandy refinery.

  Downstream - key figures                       1Q03       1Q02        %

  Refinery throughput* (kb/d)                   2,435      2,393      +2%

  Operating income (MEuro)
  excluding non-recurring items                   779        295    +164%

  Net operating income (MEuro)
  excluding non-recurring items                   585        250    +134%

  Investments (MEuro)                                125        132      -5%

  Divestments (MEuro)
  at selling price                                 44         35     +26%

  Cash flow from operating activities (MEuro)      1,560        581    +169%    

* Includes share of Cepsa


Sales for the Chemicals segment decreased by 4% to 4,553 MEuro in the first quarter
2003 from 4,748 MEuro in the first quarter 2002.

Operating Income fell by 5% to 115 MEuro in the first quarter 2003 from 121 MEuro in 
the same quarter a year ago.

Operating Income for Base chemicals was negatively affected by sharply higher
naphtha feedstock prices.
Intermediates suffered as a result of weak economic conditions, notably in 
Europe, and higher raw material costs.
Specialties resisted the difficult market conditions.

Net operating income was 61 MEuro in the first quarter 2003 compared to 40 MEuro 
excluding non-recurring items in the first quarter 2002.

In Base chemicals, the company increased its polyethylene capacity at the 
Antwerp site to 510 kt/y, strengthening its position as a major producer of 
specialized polyethylene grades.

In Specialties, the sale of the SigmaKalon paints business was finalized at the
end of February 2003.

  Chemicals -  key figures (MEuro)                    1Q03        1Q02        %

  Sales                                           4,553       4,748      -4%

  Operating income                                  115         121      -5%
  excluding non-recurring items                     

  Net operating income                               61          40     +53%
  excluding non-recurring items                      

  Investments                                       175         256     -32%

  at selling price                                  755          32     n.m.

  Cash flow from operating activities               (81)*       (10)    n.m.

* positive cash flow from operating activities of 101 MEuro excluding disbursements
  of 182 MEuro related to the reserve established after the explosion at the 
  Toulouse-AZF plant

Summary and Outlook

The first quarter 2003 results demonstrate TotalFinaElf's ability to deliver 
substantial production growth while at the same time performing very 
competitively in terms of profitability, as indicated by the 17% return on 
average capital employed over the twelve months ended March 31 (ROACE for the 

Since the second quarter began, the oil market environment has remained 
relatively favorable despite the steep decline in oil prices after military 
action in Iraq took place.

Investments are being made according to TotalFinaElf's budgeted*** 8.7 BEuro Capex 
program, which, as announced, gives priority to Upstream growth.

The company has continued to buy back shares, acquiring 0.9 million shares in 
April for a total of 0.11 BEuro.

The company confirms its 2003 targets for synergies, productivity and 5% growth 
in hydrocarbon production.
                                *  *  *  

The Interim accounts published in this earnings release for the first quarter 
2003 and 2002 are unaudited. This document may contain forward-looking 
statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of
1995 with respect to the financial condition, results of operations, business, 
strategy and plans of TotalFinaElf. Such statements are based on a number of 
assumptions that could ultimately prove inaccurate, and are subject to a number 
of risk factors, including currency fluctuations, the price of petroleum 
products, the ability to realize cost reductions and operating efficiencies 
without unduly disrupting business operations, environmental regulatory 
considerations and general economic and business conditions. The financial 
information contained in this document has been prepared in accordance with 
French GAAP, and certain elements would differ materially upon reconciliation to
US GAAP. TotalFinaElf does not assume any obligation to update publicly any 
forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events
or otherwise. Further information on factors which could affect the company's 
financial results is provided in documents filed by the Group and its affiliates
with the French Commission des Operations de Bourse and the US Securities and 
Exchange Commission.

TotalFinaElf reports the impact on income of non-recurring items, consisting of 
incomes and charges for the period, which are unusual or significant in nature. 
Items from incomes from business segments excluding non-recurring items, and net
income per share excluding non-recurring items, presented in financial 
communications (operating income from business segments excluding non-recurring 
items, net operating income from business segments excluding non-recurring items
and net income excluding non-recurring items) and in the footnotes to the 
financial statements of the Group containing segment data are non-GAAP measures 
obtained by excluding the non-recurring items described above from the GAAP 
figures. They are presented in order to facilitate the analysis of financial 
performance and the comparison of income between periods.

To access the conference call in listen-only mode with Robert Castaigne, CFO of 
TotalFinaElf, today at 5:00 p.m (Paris time), please dial +44 (0) 207 162 0180 
from Europe or 1-952-556-2827 from the US (access code: TotalFinaElf). For a 
replay, please dial +44 (0) 208 288 4459 from Europe or 1-334-323-6222 from the 
US (access code: 395 732).
*** 2003 CAPEX budget based on 1Euro=1$

                            FIRST QUARTER 2003


  Combined liquids and gas production by region

  In kboe/d                                         1Q03        1Q02         %
  Europe                                             962         888       +8%
  Africa                                             680         682        -
  North America                                       63          42      +50%
  Far East                                           216         229       -6%
  Middle East                                        452         411      +10%
  South America                                      138         143       -3%
  Rest of world                                        5           6      -17%

  Total                                            2,516       2,401       +5%

  Liquids production by region
  In kb/d                                           1Q03        1Q02         %
  Europe                                             491         455       +8%
  Africa                                             607         606         -
  North America                                        5           5         -
  Far East                                            24          25       -4%
  Middle East                                        395         366       +8%
  South America                                       85          95      -11%
  Rest of world                                        5           6      -17%

  Total                                            1,612       1,558       +3%

  Gas production by region
  In Mcfd                                           1Q03        1Q02         %
  Europe                                           2,563       2,365       +8%
  Africa                                             384         399       -4%
  North America                                      317         194      +63%
  Far East                                         1,078       1,159       -7%
  Middle East                                        299         227      +32%
  South America                                      285         263       +8%
  Rest of world                                        -           -         -

  Total                                            4,926       4,607       +7%

  Refinery throughput by region
  In kb/d                                           1Q03        1Q02         %
  France                                             901         904         -
  Rest of Europe                                   1,244       1,198       +4%
  Rest of world                                      290         291         -

  Total refinery throughput*                       2,435       2,393       +2%

* Including share of Cepsa


  Chemicals - key figures (BEuro)                      1Q03        1Q02        %
  Sales                                             4.55        4.75      -4%
  * Base chemicals & polymers                       2.13        1.79     +19%
  * Intermediates                                   0.94        0.97      -3%
  * Specialties                                     1.48        1.97     -25%
  * Corporate - Chemicals                           0.00        0.02     n.m.

  Operating income                                  0.12        0.12       -

  * Base chemicals & polymers                      (0.02)      (0.07)    n.m. 
  * Intermediates                                   0.04        0.09     -60%  
  * Specialties                                     0.11        0.13     -15%
  * Corporate - Chemicals                          (0.01)      (0.03)    n.m.    

                           TotalFinaElf accounts
              First quarter 2003 consolidated accounts, French GAAP

  Consolidated Statement of Income

  Amounts in millions of euros (1)                  1st quarter     1st quarter
                                                           2003            2002
                                                     (unaudited)     (unaudited)

  Sales                                                  28,303          23,784
  Operating expenses                                    (23,210)        (20,122)
  Depreciation, depletion, and amortization              (1,229)         (1,296)

  Operating Income          
  Corporate                                                 (55)           (66)
  Business segments *                                     3,919          2,432
  Total operating income                                  3,864          2,366
  Interest expense, net                                     (42)           (35)
  Dividend income on non-consolidated subsidiaries            5              6 
  Dividends on subsidiaries' redeemable preferred shares     (2)            (2)
  Other income (expense), net                              (263)           (14)
  Provision for income taxes                             (1,597)        (1,049)
  Equity in income (loss) of affiliates                     251            241

  Income before amortization of acquisition goodwill      2,216          1,513
  Amortization of acquisition goodwill                      (30)           (36)
  Consolidated net Income                                 2,186          1,477
  of which minority interest                                 66             48

  NET INCOME **                                           2,120          1,429

  Earnings per share (euro)***                             3.28           2.13

* Operating income from business segments, excluding 
  non-recurring items                                     3,919          2,432
  Net operating income from business segments, 
  excluding non-recurring items                           2,051          1,356

**Net income (Group share), excluding 
  non-recurring items                                     2,120          1,419
***Earnings per share, excluding non-recurring 
  items (euro)                                             3.28           2.12

(1) Except for earnings per share

Consolidated Balance Sheet

                                                               Amounts in millions of euros
                                                     March 31, 2003   December 31, 2002    March 31, 2002
                                                       (unaudited)                            (unaudited)

NON-CURRENT ASSETS:               
Intangible assets                                        2,248               2,752              3,232
Property, plant, and equipment,
 net                                                    37,773              38,592             41,833
Equity affiliates: investments and loans                 7,857               7,710              7,952 
Other investments                                        1,221               1,221              1,424
Other non-current assets                                 3,851               3,735              3,101
Total non-current assets                                52,950              54,010             57,542

CURRENT ASSETS:               
Inventories                                              5,982               6,515              6,416
Accounts receivable                                     13,498              13,087             14,784
Prepaid expenses and other current assets                4,637               5,243              7,138
Short-term investments                                   1,489               1,508                966
Cash and cash equivalents                               13,117               4,966              8,891
Total current assets                                    38,723              31,319             38,195
TOTAL ASSETS                                            91,673              85,329             95,737


SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY :               
Common shares                                            6,874               6,872              7,061
Paid-in surplus and retained earnings                   32,689              30,514             31,986
Cumulative translation adjustment                       (1,463)               (830)             1,365
Treasury shares                                         (6,001)             (4,410)            (5,331)
Total shareholders' equity                              32,099              32,148             35,081

SUBSIDIARIES' REDEEMABLE PREFERRED SHARES                  459                 477                573

MINORITY INTEREST                                          715                 724                929

Deferred income taxes                                    6,121               6,390              6,567
Employee benefits                                        3,931               4,103              3,352
Other liabilities                                        6,708               6,150              6,289

Total long-term liabilities                             16,760              16,643             16,208

LONG-TERM DEBT                                          10,728              10,157             12,047

Accounts payable                                         9,961              10,236             10,564
Other creditors and accrued liabilities                 10,444               9,850             12,653
Short-term borrowings and bank overdrafts               10,507               5,096              7,682

Total current liabilities                               30,912              25,182             30,899 

TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY              91,673              85,329             95,737

                                                                       1st quarter     1st quarter
Amounts in millions of euros                                                  2003            2002
                                                                        (unaudited)     (unaudited)

Consolidated net income                                                      2,186           1,477
Depreciation, depletion, and amortization                                    1,298           1,377
Long-term liabilities, valuation allowances, and deferred taxes               (406)             52
Unsuccessful exploration costs                                                  60             124
(Gains)/Losses on sales of assets                                              204            (233)
Equity in income of affiliates (in excess of)/less than dividends received    (178)           (203)
Other changes, net                                                               2               2
Cash flow from operating activities before changes in working capital        3,166           2,596
(Increase)/Decrease in operating assets and liabilities                        656            (138)

CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES (1)                                      3,822           2,458

Intangible assets and property, plant, and equipment additions              (1,211)         (1,617)
Exploration expenditures charged to expenses                                   (53)           (107)
Acquisitions of subsidiaries, net of cash acquired                               -             (55)
Investments in equity affiliates and other securities                           (5)            (47)
Increase in long-term loans                                                   (225)           (283)

Total expenditures                                                          (1,494)         (2,109)
Proceeds from sale of intangible assets and property, plant, and equipment      77              78
Proceeds from sale of subsidiaries, net of cash sold                           733               -
Proceeds from sale of non-current investments                                    2             313
Repayment of long-term loans                                                   181             195

Total divestitures                                                             993             586
(Increase)/Decrease in short-term investments                                   19              38
CASH FLOW FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES                                           (482)         (1,485)


Issuance and repayment of shares:
Parent company's shareholders                                                    1               6
Share buy back                                                              (1,591)           (408)
Minority shareholders                                                            7              10
Subsidiaries' redeemable preferred shares                                        -               -
Cash dividends paid:
- Parent company's shareholders                                                  -               -
- Minority shareholders                                                        (12)             (3)
Net issuance/(repayment) of long-term debt                                     992             839
Increase/( Decrease) in short-term borrowings and bank overdrafts            5,445           3,827
Other changes, net                                                              (2)             (2)
CASH FLOW FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES                                          4,840           4,269

NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS                         8,180           5,242
Effect of exchange rates and changes in reporting entity on 
cash & cash equivalents                                                        (29)             75
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year or period             4,966           3,574
CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT THE END OF THE PERIOD                          13,117           8,891

(1) including 182 millions of euros paid relating to the Toulouse AZF plant 
    explosion, offset by a long-term liability write-back.

                                                                                                In millions of euros 
1st Quarter 2003                                 Upstream   Downstream   Chemicals  Corporate   Intercompany   Total    
-Non-Group sales                                    5,022       18,718       4,553         10              -  28,303
-Intersegment sales                                 3,164          700         151         29        (4,044)       -

Total sales                                         8,186       19,418       4,704         39        (4,044)  28,303
Depreciation, depletion, and amortization 
 of tangible assets                                  (829)        (210)       (180)       (10)                (1,229)
Operating income                                    3,025          779         115        (55)                 3,864
Amortization of intangible assets and
 acquisition goodwill                                                                                            (60)
Equity in income (loss) of affiliates                                                                            251 
Other items in net operating income                                                                             (207)
Tax on net operating income                                                                                   (1,617)
Net operating income                               1,405          585           61        180                  2,231
Net cost of net debt                                                                                             (43)
Minority interests and dividends on 
 subsidiaries redeemable preferred shares                                                                        (68)
Net income                                                                                                     2,120

1st Quarter 2003                                 Upstream   Downstream   Chemicals  Corporate   Intercompany   Total   
(non-recurring items)

-Non-Group sales
-Intersegment sales
Total sales
Depreciation, depletion, and amortization
 of tangible assets                                     -            -           -          -                      -
Operating income                                        -            -           -          -                      -
Amortization of intangible assets and                                                                              
 acquisition goodwill                                                                                              -
Equity in income (loss) of affiliates                                                                              -
Other items in net operating income                                                                                -
Tax on net operating income                                                                                        -
Net operating income                                   -             -           -          -                      -
Net cost of net debt                                                                                               -
Minority interests and dividends on                                                                                
 subsidiaries redeemable preferred shares                                                                          -
Net income                                                                                                         -

1st quarter 2003                                 Upstream   Downstream   Chemicals  Corporate  Intercompany     Total
(excluding non-recurring items)
-Non-Group sales                                    5,022       18,718       4,553         10             -    28,303
-Intersegment sales                                 3,164          700         151         29       (4,044)         -
Total sales                                         8,186       19,418       4,704         39       (4,044)    28,303
Depreciation, depletion, and amortization                                                                    
 of tangible assets                                 (829)        (210)       (180)       (10)                 (1,229)
Operating income                                    3,025          779         115       (55)                   3,864
Amortization of intangible assets and                                                                           
 acquisition goodwill                                                                                            (60)
Equity in income (loss) of affiliates                                                                             251
Other items in net operating income                                                                             (207)
Tax on net operating income                                                                                   (1,617)
Net operating income                                1,405         585           61        180                   2,231
Net cost of net debt                                                                                             (43)
Minority interests and dividends on                                                                              
 subsidiaries redeemable preferred shares                                                                        (68)
Net income                                                                                                      2,120

1st quarter 2003                                 Upstream   Downstream   Chemicals  Corporate  Intercompany     Total
Gross expenditures                                  1,166          125         175         28                   1,494
Divestitures at selling price                         180           44         755         14                     993
Cash flow from operating activities (1)             2,571        1,560        (81)       (228)                  3,822
(1) In the Chemicals segment, positive cash flow from operating activities of 101 MEuro excluding disbursements of 182 MEuro 
related to the reserve established after the explosion at the Toulouse-AZF plant

(unaudited)                                                                                      In millions of euros

1st quarter 2002                                 Upstream   Downstream   Chemicals  Corporate  Intercompany     Total
-Non-Group sales                                    4,129       14,903       4,748          4             -    23,784
-Intersegment sales                                 2,620          365          75         24       (3,084)         -
Total sales                                         6,749       15,268       4,823         28       (3,084)    23,784
Depreciation, depletion, and amortization                                                                     
 of tangible assets                                 (850)        (229)       (207)       (10)                 (1,296)
Operating income                                    2,016          295         121       (66)                   2,366
Amortization of intangible assets and                                                                            
 acquisition goodwill                                                                                            (68) 
Equity in income (loss) of affiliates                                                                             241
Other items in net operating income                                                                                58
Tax on net operating income                                                                                   (1,078)
Net operating income                                1,066          250        (93)        296                   1,519
Net cost of net debt                                                                                             (40)
Minority interests and dividends on                                                                              
 subsidiaries redeemable preferred shares                                                                        (50)
Net income                                                                                                      1,429

1st quarter 2002
(non-recurring items)                            Upstream   Downstream   Chemicals  Corporate  Intercompany     Total
-Non-Group sales
-Intersegment sales
Total sales                                             -           -            -          -                       -
Depreciation, depletion, and amortization of 
 tangible assets                                        -           -            -          -                       -
Operating income                                        -           -            -          -                       -
Amortization of intangible assets and  
 acquisition goodwill                                                                                               -
Equity in income (loss) of affiliates                                                                               -
Other items in net operating income                                                                              (17)
Tax on net operating income                                                                                        27
Net operating income                                    -           -        (133)         143                     10
Net cost of net debt                                                                                                -
Minority interests and dividends on                                                                                 
 subsidiaries redeemable preferred shares                                                                           -
Net income                                                                                                          -

1st quarter 2002                                 Upstream   Downstream   Chemicals  Corporate  Intercompany     Total
(excluding non-recurring items)
-Non-Group sales                                    4,129       14,903       4,748          4             -    23,784
-Intersegment sales                                 2,620          365          75         24       (3,084)         -
Total sales                                         6,749       15,268       4,823         28       (3,084)    23,784
Depreciation, depletion and amortization 
 of tangible assets                                 (850)        (229)       (207)       (10)                  (1,296)
Operating income                                    2,016          295         121       (66)                    2,366
Amortization of intangible assets and                                                                             
 acquisition goodwill                                                                                             (68) 
Equity in income (loss) of affiliates                                                                              241
Other items in net operating income                                                                                 75
Tax on net operating income                                                                                    (1,105)
Net operating income                                1,066          250          40        153                    1,509
Net cost of net debt                                                                                              (40)
Minority interests and dividends on                                                                               
 subsidiaries redeemable preferred shares                                                                         (50)
Net income                                                                                                       1,419

1st quarter 2002                                 Upstream   Downstream   Chemicals  Corporate  Intercompany     Total
Gross expenditures                                  1,643          132         256         78                   2,109
Divestitures at selling price                         223           35          32        296                     586
Cash flow from operating activities                 1,692          581        (10)        195                   2,458

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange