Indicate by check mark whether the registrant files or will file annual
reports under cover Form 20-F or Form 40-F.
Indicate by check mark if the registrant is submitting the Form 6-K
in paper as permitted by Regulation S-T Rule 101(b)(1): ☐
Indicate by check mark if the registrant is submitting the Form 6-K
in paper as permitted by Regulation S-T Rule 101(b)(7): ☐
Indicate by check mark whether the registrant by furnishing the information
contained in this Form is also thereby furnishing the information to the Commission pursuant to Rule 12g3-2(b) under the Securities Exchange
Act of 1934.
If “Yes” is marked, indicate below the file number assigned
to the registrant in connection with Rule 12g3-2(b): Not applicable.
Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,
the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.
The accompanying notes on pages 6 to 42 are an integral part of the consolidated financial statements.
The accompanying notes on pages 6 to 42 are an integral part of the consolidated financial statements.
The accompanying notes on pages 6 to 42 are an integral part of the consolidated financial statements.
The accompanying notes on pages 6 to 42 are an integral part of the consolidated financial statements.
The accompanying notes
on pages 6 to 42 are an integral part of the consolidated financial statements.
| A. | Company’s incorporation and operations |
AENZA S.A.A., (hereinafter the “Company”
or “AENZA”) is the parent Company of the AENZA Corporation which comprise the Company and its subsidiaries (hereinafter, the
“Corporation”) and is mainly engaged in holding investments in its subsidiaries. Additionally, the Company provides services
of strategic and functional advice and office leases space to the Corporation companies. The Company registered office is at Av. Petit
Thouars N° 4957, Miraflores, Lima.
The Corporation is a conglomerate of companies
with operations including different business activities, the most significant are engineering and construction, energy, infrastructure
(public concession ownership and operation) and real estate businesses. See details of operating segments in Note 7.
| B. | Authorization for the issue of the financial statements |
These condensed interim consolidated financial
statements for the period ended March 31, 2023 were approved by management and the Board of Directors on May 2, 2023.
The consolidated financial statements for the
year ended December 31, 2022 were preliminarily approved by Management and the Board of Directors on March 1, 2023 and will be submitted
for consideration and approval by the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting to be convened in the near future. In Management’s opinion, the financial
statements as of December 31, 2022 will be approved without modifications.
| C. | Changes in Shareholders and Board of Directors |
On June 15, 2021, the Company was informed that
IG4 Capital Infrastructure Investments LP (“IG4”) announced an “Oferta Publica de Adquisicion” (“OPA”),
or tender offer, for a total of 107,198,601 common voting shares equivalent to 12.29% of the outstanding shares issued by AENZA S.A.A.
On August 10, 2021, the Company was informed that
IG4 purchased a significant shareholding participation in AENZA S.A.A., representing 23.90% of the company’s outstanding shares,
which 12.29% was purchased within the OPA and American Depositary Shares and additionally acquired voting rights of 11.61% through the
“Transaction Documents”, as such documents were denominated in the OPA prospectus updated on July 12, 2021. Furthermore, on
August 12, 2021, certain shareholders of AENZA S.A.A. signed an addendum to the Trust agreement with IG4 as trustee and La Fiduciaria
S.A. as Trust, in which, among other aspects, IG4 acquired the voting and other non-financial rights of AENZA’s common shares representing
approximately 8.97% of its capital stock for a period of 8 years, which could be automatically renewed for an additional period of 8 years,
obtaining a 32.87% interest over the shares representing the Company’s capital stock.
As of March 31, 2023, IG4 Capital Infrastructure
Investments LP controls common shares representing 30.05% of the company’s capital stock.
| D. | Current situation of the Company |
The Corporation is involved in a series of criminal
investigations conducted by the Public Ministry and administrative proceedings conducted by the Instituto Nacional de Defensa de la Competencia
y de la Proteccion de la Propiedad Intelectual de Peru – INDECOPI (National Institute for the Defense of Competition and Intellectual
Protection of Peru) based on events that occurred between years 2003 and 2016. Such situations led to significant changes in the Corporation’s
corporate governance structure, the opening of independent investigations and the adoption of measures to address and clarify these situations.
Criminal investigations derived from projects
developed in partnership with companies of the Odebrecht Group
In connection with the Lava Jato case, the Company
participated as a minority partner in six infrastructure projects with Odebrecht Group, directly or through its subsidiaries, in entities
or consortium. The resulting contingency from these proceedings has been determined in the Plea Agreement (“the Agreement”)
signed with the Public Prosecutor’s Office and Attorney General’s Office and includes the following projects: IIRSA Sur Tranches
2 and 3, IIRSA Norte, the Electric Train Construction Project (Tranches 1 and 2) and Gasoducto Sur Peruano S.A. (GSP)
Criminal investigations in relation to the
Construction Club case
Cumbra Peru S.A. has been included, along with
other construction companies, in the criminal investigation that the Public Ministry has been carrying out for the alleged crime of corruption
of officials in relation to the so-called ‘Construction Club’. The resulting contingency from these proceedings has been determined in
the Agreement with the Public Prosecutor’s Office and the Attorney General’s Office.
Moreover, at the end of February 2020, the Public
Ministry requested Unna Transporte S.A.C., be included in such criminal investigation. That request was approved in October 2021. Just
like other executives of other construction companies, a former commercial manager of Cumbra Peru S.A., a former president of the Board
of Directors, a former Director, and the former Corporate General Manager of the Company have been included in these criminal investigations.
The Company’s Management cannot guarantee
the finding nor rule out the possibility of authorities or third parties finding additional adverse evidence not currently known with
respect to other projects executed during the period under investigation. If applicable, these new facts could be included in the Agreement
entered into with the Public Prosecutor’s Office and the Attorney General’s Office.
Final Plea Agreement
On September 15, 2022, the Agreement was entered
into between the Public Prosecutor’s Office, the Attorney General’s Office and the Company, whereby AENZA accepted they were
utilized by certain former executives to commit illicit acts in a series of periods until 2016, and committed to pay a civil penalty to
the Peruvian State of approximately S/ 486.7 million (approximately S/ 333.3 million and US$ 40.7 million, respectively) calculated according
to the formulae established by Law 30737.
According to the Agreement,
payment shall be made within twelve (12) years at a legal interest rate in Soles and US Dollars 3.4% and 1.5%, respectively. The Company also undertakes to establish a series of guarantees after the approval of the
Agreement, composed of i) a trust agreement that includes shares issued by a subsidiary of the Corporation, ii) mortgage on a
property owned by the Corporation, and iii) a guarantee account with funds equivalent to the annual installment for the following
year. Among other conditions, the Agreement includes a restriction for AENZA and subsidiaries Cumbra Peru S.A. and Unna Transporte
S.A.C. to participate in public construction and road maintenance contracts for 2 years from the approval of the Agreement. The
other member companies of the Corporation are not subject to any impediment or prohibition to contract with the Peruvian Government.
As of March 31, 2023, the Company recognized in its financial statements the entire liability associated with the Agreement for
S/486.7 million (As of December 31, 2022, S/488.9 million) (see Note 18.a).
As of the reporting date of the consolidated financial
statements, in the opinion of the Corporation’s Management and legal advisors, the civil penalty covers the total contingency to
which the Company is exposed to as a result of the investigations revealed since 2017. Nevertheless, the Agreement enforceability is subject
to court approval and its terms and conditions are subject to confidentiality provisions.
Investigations and administrative process
initiated by INDECOPI in relation to the Construction Club case
On July 11, 2017, the INDECOPI initiated an investigation
against several Peruvian construction companies (including Cumbra Peru S.A.), about the existence of an alleged cartel called the Construction
On February 11, 2020, the subsidiary Cumbra Peru
S.A. was notified by the Technical Secretariat (the “TS”) of the Free Competition Defense Commission of INDECOPI with the
resolution that begins a sanctioning administrative procedure involving a total of 35 companies and 28 natural persons, for alleged anticompetitive
conduct in the market of Public Works.
On November 17, 2021, the Commission imposed a
fine of approximately S/67 million against Cumbra Peru S.A., which is currently being challenged and is pending of resolution by the final
administrative instance within the INDECOPI Court. As of March 31, 2023, Cumbra Perú S.A. maintains in its books an estimated provision
amounting to S/56.4 (as of December 31, 2022 a provision of S/ 52.5 million was recorded).
Investigations and administrative process
initiated by INDECOPI in relation to the labor recruitment market
On February 7, 2022, Cumbra Peru S.A. and Unna
Transporte S.A.C. were notified with Resolution 038-2021/DLC-INDECOPI, by means of which the National Directorate of Research and Promotion
of Free Competition of INDECOPI decided to initiate an administrative sanctioning procedure regarding the alleged horizontal collusive
practice in the modality of concerted sharing of suppliers in the market of hiring workers in the construction sector at national level
from 2011 to 2017.
On April 7, 2022, Cumbra Peru S.A. and Unna Transporte
S.A.C. proposed a cease-and-desist agreement for the early termination of the sanctioning administrative procedure, where they (i) accepted
the alleged conduct, (ii) committed to comply with a free competition rules compliance program during years 2022, 2023, and 2024, and
(iii) committed to paying a compensation amounting to S/ 2,697 thousand in two installments (the first one within 60 days after the notification
of the Resolution approving the cessation undertaking and the second one within 12 months). By means of Resolution 054-2022/CLC-INDECOPI
dated August 19, 2022, the INDECOPI approved the proposed cease-and-desist agreement and concluded the sanctioning procedure. As of March
31, 2023 and December 31, 2022, the Company has recorded a provision amounting to S/1.4 million.
The condensed interim consolidated financial statements
for the year ended as of March 31, 2023 have been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 “Interim Financial Reporting”. The condensed
interim consolidated financial statements provide comparative information regarding prior year; however, they do not include all the information
and disclosures required in the consolidated financial statements, so they must be read together with the annual consolidated financial
statements, which have been prepared in accordance with International Standards of Financial Information (hereinafter “IFRS”).
The condensed interim consolidated financial statements
are presented in thousands of Peruvian Soles, unless otherwise stated.
| A. | Restatement for consistency purposes of balances previously
presented as of March 31, 2022 |
As of December 31, 2022, the Company adjusted
the recognition methodology of revenues and costs from contracts with customers in the engineering and construction segment. The management
of the Company has evaluated and concluded that these adjustments have an immaterial impact on the results that were made and recorded
in such financial information in compliance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), and did not produce significant differences
with respect to the results reflected in the consolidated financial statements. For consistency purposes, the Company made such immaterial
adjustments to its previously issued financial statements as of March 31, 2022, which are described below:
| (a) | Revenue from engineering and construction contracts is recognized over time as the Corporation fulfills
its obligations, as there is a continuous transfer of control of the deliverable to the customer and revenue is recognized using the percentage-of-completion
method for each contract through the date of the financial statements. |
Revenue from additional work resulting
from a modification or instruction received from the customer to make a change in the scope of work, price, or both will result in an
increase in contract revenue which is also recognized using the percentage-of-completion method when the Corporation concludes that it
is highly probable that there will not be a significant reversal of such revenue. Until December 31, 2021, the Corporation recognized
a lower proportion of this additional revenue at the date of the financial statements depending on the status or stage in the process
of obtaining formal, written approval for the additional work. Beginning in 2022, the Corporation decided not to continue with this practice,
and to recognize additional revenue based on the percentage of completion of the additional work, as long as the Corporation can conclude
from its dealings with its clients that it is highly probable that there will not be a significant reversal of such revenue.
| (b) | Also, until December 31, 2021, the methodology used by the Corporation required the presentation of the
net position of construction contracts as either an asset or a liability. The contract was considered an asset when the amount of costs
incurred plus recognized gains and approved valuations exceeded the amount billed. This asset was presented as “Work in progress”.
If the resulting amount was less than the invoiced amount, it was presented as a liability under “Accounts payable - Provision for
estimated contract costs by stage of completion, both with an effect on the cost of construction activities account. |
As of March 31, 2022, as part of the
review of this methodology, the Corporation restructured the financial statements as of March 31, 2022, by reversing the balances of the
work in progress account from assets and the provision for construction contract costs from liabilities to recognize the costs incurred
in income in accordance with the percentage of completion performed on each contract.
The aforementioned adjustments had
no impact on total cash flows from operating, investing or financing activities.
| (c) | Corresponds to the recognition of the tax effects related to the adjustments described in (a) and (b)
above. |
| (d) | Reclassification to improve the presentation of the present value effect. |
As a result of this process, the balances
in the consolidated statement of financial position were restructured as follows:
| |
As of March 31, 2022 | |
| |
Reported | | |
Adjustment | |
| |
Restated | |
| | |
| |
| |
| |
Current assets | |
| | | |
| | |
| |
| | |
Trade accounts receivables, net | |
| 526,748 | | |
| 113,396 | |
(a) | |
| 640,144 | |
Work in progress, net | |
| 215,792 | | |
| (215,792 | ) |
(b) | |
| - | |
Other accounts receivable | |
| 365,807 | | |
| 194 | |
(a) | |
| 366,001 | |
Other current assets | |
| 1,414,923 | | |
| - | |
| |
| 1,414,923 | |
Total current assets | |
| 2,523,270 | | |
| (102,202 | ) |
| |
| 2,421,068 | |
| |
| | | |
| | |
| |
| | |
Non-current assets | |
| | | |
| | |
| |
| | |
Deferred tax asset | |
| 281,834 | | |
| 19,625 | |
(c) | |
| 301,459 | |
Other non-current assets | |
| 2,796,890 | | |
| - | |
| |
| 2,796,890 | |
Total non-current assets | |
| 3,078,724 | | |
| 19,625 | |
| |
| 3,098,349 | |
Total assets | |
| 5,601,994 | | |
| (82,577 | ) |
| |
| 5,519,417 | |
| |
| | | |
| | |
| |
| | |
| | | |
| | |
| |
| | |
Current liabilities | |
| | | |
| | |
| |
| | |
Trade accounts payable | |
| 867,047 | | |
| (28,694 | ) |
(b) | |
| 838,353 | |
Current income tax | |
| 93,578 | | |
| (1,226 | ) |
(c) | |
| 92,352 | |
Other provisions | |
| 120,835 | | |
| 5,296 | |
(c) | |
| 126,131 | |
Other current liabilities | |
| 1,064,569 | | |
| - | |
| |
| 1,064,569 | |
Total current liabilities | |
| 2,146,029 | | |
| (24,624 | ) |
| |
| 2,121,405 | |
| |
| | | |
| | |
| |
| | |
Non-current liabilities | |
| | | |
| | |
| |
| | |
Deferred tax liability | |
| 98,751 | | |
| 966 | |
(c) | |
| 99,717 | |
Other non-current liabilities | |
| 1,592,136 | | |
| - | |
| |
| 1,592,136 | |
Total non-current liabilities | |
| 1,690,887 | | |
| 966 | |
| |
| 1,691,853 | |
Total liabilities | |
| 3,836,916 | | |
| (23,658 | ) |
| |
| 3,813,258 | |
| |
| | | |
| | |
| |
| | |
Equity | |
| | | |
| | |
| |
| | |
Other reserves | |
| (138,826 | ) | |
| 8 | |
| |
| (138,818 | ) |
Retained earnings | |
| (859,902 | ) | |
| (56,402 | ) |
| |
| (916,304 | ) |
Other equity items | |
| 2,501,057 | | |
| - | |
| |
| 2,501,057 | |
Equity attributable to controlling interest in the Company | |
| 1,502,329 | | |
| (56,394 | ) |
| |
| 1,445,935 | |
Non-controlling interest | |
| 262,749 | | |
| (2,525 | ) |
| |
| 260,224 | |
Total equity | |
| 1,765,078 | | |
| (58,919 | ) |
| |
| 1,706,159 | |
Total liabilities and equity | |
| 5,601,994 | | |
| (82,577 | ) |
| |
| 5,519,417 | |
As a result of this process, the balances in the
consolidated statement of income were restructured as follows:
| |
For the period ended March 31, 2022 | |
| |
Reported | | |
Adjustment |
| |
Restated | |
Revenues from construction activities | |
| 673,432 | | |
| (129,192 |
) |
(a) | |
| 544,240 | |
Revenues from services provided | |
| 242,960 | | |
| - |
| |
| 242,960 | |
Revenue from real estate and sale of goods | |
| 132,726 | | |
| - |
| |
| 132,726 | |
| |
| 1,049,118 | | |
| (129,192 |
) |
| |
| 919,926 | |
| |
| | | |
| |
| |
| | |
Cost of construction activities | |
| (656,093 | ) | |
| 60,240 |
(b) | |
| (595,853 | ) |
Cost of services provided | |
| (181,446 | ) | |
| (7,234 |
) |
(b) | |
| (188,680 | ) |
Cost of real estate and sale of goods | |
| (102,445 | ) | |
| - |
| |
| (102,445 | ) |
| |
| (939,984 | ) | |
| 53,006 |
| |
| (886,978 | ) |
Gross profit | |
| 109,134 | | |
| (76,186 |
) |
| |
| 32,948 | |
| |
| | | |
| |
| |
| | |
Administrative expenses | |
| (29,883 | ) | |
| - |
| |
| (29,883 | ) |
Other income and expenses, net | |
| (1,847 | ) | |
| (4,260 |
) |
| |
| (6,107 | ) |
Operating profit | |
| 77,404 | | |
| (80,446 |
) |
| |
| (3,042 | ) |
| |
| | | |
| |
| |
| | |
Financial expenses | |
| (82,002 | ) | |
| 40,355 |
(d) | |
| (41,647 | ) |
Financial income | |
| 5,078 | | |
| (772 |
) |
(d) | |
| 4,306 | |
Loss for present value of financial asset or financial liability | |
| - | | |
| (40,618 |
) |
(d) | |
| (40,618 | ) |
Share of the profit or
loss of associates and joint ventures accounted for using the equity method | |
| (425 | ) | |
| - |
| |
| (425 | ) |
Profit (loss) before income tax | |
| 55 | | |
| (81,481 |
) |
| |
| (81,426 | ) |
Income tax expense | |
| (18,945 | ) | |
| 21,900 |
(c) | |
| 2,955 | |
Loss for the period | |
| (18,890 | ) | |
| (59,581 |
) |
| |
| (78,471 | ) |
| |
| | | |
| |
| |
| | |
(Loss) profit attributable to: | |
| | | |
| |
| |
| | |
Controlling interest in the Company | |
| (30,188 | ) | |
| (57,656 |
) |
| |
| (87,844 | ) |
Non-controlling interest | |
| 11,298 | | |
| (1,925 |
) |
| |
| 9,373 | |
| |
| (18,890 | ) | |
| (59,581 |
) |
| |
| (78,471 | ) |
per share attributable to controlling interest in the Company during the period | |
| (0.031 | ) | |
| (0.058 |
) |
| |
| (0.089 | ) |
As a result of this process, the balances in the
consolidated statement of cash flows were restructured as follows:
| |
For the period ended March 31, 2022 | |
| |
Reported | | |
Adjustment | |
| | |
Restated | |
| | | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
(Loss) profit before income tax | |
| 55 | | |
| (81,481 | ) |
| | |
| (81,426 | ) |
Adjustments to profit not affecting cash flows from | |
| | | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
operating activities: | |
| | | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
Other provisions | |
| 6,820 | | |
| 4,580 | |
(c) | | |
| 11,400 | |
Other adjustments | |
| 68,680 | | |
| - | |
| | |
| 68,680 | |
Net variations in assets and liabilities: | |
| | | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
Trade accounts receivable and working in progress | |
| 145,409 | | |
| 37,685 | |
| | |
| 183,094 | |
Other accounts receivable | |
| 12,673 | | |
| 2,050 | |
| | |
| 14,723 | |
Trade accounts payable | |
| (111,902 | ) | |
| 39,247 | |
| | |
| (72,655 | ) |
Other accounts payable | |
| (31,349 | ) | |
| (2,082 | ) |
| | |
| (33,431 | ) |
Payment of income tax | |
| (33,700 | ) | |
| 1 | |
| | |
| (33,699 | ) |
Other variations | |
| (52,736 | ) | |
| - | |
| | |
| (52,736 | ) |
Net cash provided by operating activities | |
| 3,950 | | |
| - | |
| | |
| 3,950 | |
| |
| | | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
Net cash applied to investing activities | |
| (15,407 | ) | |
| - | |
| | |
| (15,407 | ) |
| |
| | | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
Net cash applied to financing activities | |
| (68,246 | ) | |
| - | |
| | |
| (68,246 | ) |
Net decrease in cash | |
| (79,703 | ) | |
| - | |
| | |
| (79,703 | ) |
Exchange difference | |
| (33,238 | ) | |
| - | |
| | |
| (33,238 | ) |
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period | |
| 957,178 | | |
| - | |
| | |
| 957,178 | |
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period | |
| 844,237 | | |
| - | |
| | |
| 844,237 | |
| |
| | | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
Capitalization of interests | |
| 852 | | |
| - | |
| | |
| 852 | |
Acquisition of right-of-use assets | |
| 8,776 | | |
| - | |
| | |
| 8,776 | |
Capitalization of convertible bonds | |
| 335,580 | | |
| - | |
| | |
| 335,580 | |
The accounting policies used in the preparation
of these condensed interim consolidated financial statements are consistent with those applied in the preparation of the consolidated
financial statements as of December 31, 2022.
| 3.1. | Standards, amendments, and interpretation adopted by the Corporation |
Standards, amendments and interpretation that
have entered in force as of January 1, 2023, have not had impact on the condensed interim consolidated financial statements as of March
31, 2023, and for this reason they have not been disclosed. The Corporation has not adopted in advance any amendment and modification
that are not yet effective.
Financial risk management is carried out by Corporation’s
Management which oversees risks in specific areas, such as foreign exchange rate risk, price risk, cash flow and fair value interest rate
risk, credit risk, the use of derivative and non-derivative financial instruments and the investment of liquidity in excess, which is
supervised and monitored on periodic bases.
| 4.1 | Financial risk factors |
Corporation’s activities are exposed to
a variety of financial risks: market risk (including foreign exchange risk, price risk, fair value interest rate risk and cash flow interest
rate risk), credit risk and liquidity risk. The Corporation’s overall risk management program focuses on the unpredictability of
financial markets and seeks to minimize potential adverse effects on the Corporation’s financial performance.
Market risk is the risk that changes in market
prices, such as exchange rates or interest rates, will affect the Corporation’s income or the value of financial instruments held. The
objective of market risk management is to manage and control market risk exposures within reasonable parameters while optimizing reasonableness.
Corporation is exposed to exchange
rate risk as a result of the transactions carried out locally in foreign currency and due to its operations abroad. As of December 31,
2022 and March 31, 2023, this exposure is mainly concentrated in fluctuations of Peruvian soles, Chilean and Colombian Pesos compared
to U.S. dollar.
The balances of financial assets and
liabilities denominated in foreign currencies correspond to balances in U.S. dollars, which are expressed at the published bid and ask
exchange rate updated as of the report date, according to the type of currency:
| |
As of
December 31, | | |
As of
March 31, | |
| |
2022 | | |
2023 | |
Soles (a) | |
| 3.820 | | |
| 3.765 | |
Chilean Pesos (b) | |
| 855.86 | | |
| 790.41 | |
Colombian Pesos (c) | |
| 4,810.20 | | |
| 4,627.27 | |
| (a) | Soles published by the Superintendencia de Bancos, Seguros y
Administradoras de Fondos de Pensiones (“SBS” by its acronym in Spanish). |
| (b) | Chilean pesos published by the Banco Central de Chile. |
| (c) | Colombian pesos published by Banco de la Republica de Colombia. |
The consolidated statement of financial
position includes the following:
| |
As of December 31, | | |
As of March 31, | |
In thousands of US dollars | |
2022 | | |
2023 | |
Assets | |
| | |
| |
Cash and cash equivalents | |
| 58,304 | | |
| 56,491 | |
Trade accounts receivable | |
| 124,593 | | |
| 147,575 | |
Accounts receivable from related parties | |
| 276,048 | | |
| 386,804 | |
Other accounts receivable | |
| 80,303 | | |
| 84,642 | |
| |
| 539,248 | | |
| 675,512 | |
Liabilities | |
| | | |
| | |
Borrowings | |
| 215,076 | | |
| 240,405 | |
Bonds | |
| 5,569 | | |
| 4,958 | |
Trade accounts payable | |
| 119,104 | | |
| 129,211 | |
Accounts payable to related parties | |
| 133,745 | | |
| 151,627 | |
Other accounts payable | |
| 26,343 | | |
| 25,672 | |
Other provisions | |
| 42,241 | | |
| 42,107 | |
| |
| 542,078 | | |
| 593,980 | |
For the periods ended as of March 31,
2022 and 2023, the Corporation’s exchange gains and losses for the Peruvian Sol, the Chilean and Colombian Pesos exposure against
the U.S. dollar were:
In thousands of soles | |
2022 | | |
2023 | |
Gain | |
| 189,522 | | |
| 54,493 | |
Loss | |
| (186,369 | ) | |
| (43,197 | ) |
Management considers that the exposure
of the Corporation to the price risk of its investments in mutual funds, and equity securities is low since the invested amounts are not
significant. Any fluctuation in their fair value will not have any significant impact on the balances reported in the consolidated financial
| iii) | Cash flow and fair value
interest rate risk |
Interest rate risk is the risk that
the fair value or future cash flows of a financial instrument will fluctuate due to changes in market interest rates.
The Corporation’s interest rate
risk mainly arises from its long-term borrowings. Borrowings issued at variable rates expose the Corporation to cash flow interest rate
risk. Borrowings issued at fixed rates expose the Corporation to fair value interest rate risk.
Credit risk is the risk that a counterparty will
not meet its obligations under a financial instrument or commercial contract, resulting in a financial loss.
Credit risk arises from cash and cash equivalents
and deposits with banks and financial institutions, as well as customer credit counterparties, including the outstanding balance of accounts
receivable and committed transactions.
Concerning to loans provided to related parties,
the Corporation has measures in place to ensure the recovery of these loans through the controls maintained by Corporate Finance Management
and performance evaluation conducted by the Board of Directors.
Management does not expect the Corporation to
incur in losses arisen from the performance of these counterparties, except for those already recorded at the financial statements.
Prudent management of liquidity risk involves
maintaining sufficient cash and cash equivalents, the availability of financing through an adequate number of committed sources of credit
facilities and the ability to close market positions. Historically, cash flows produced by the Corporation has enabled them it to meet
their obligations. The Corporation has implemented several measures to reduce its exposure to liquidity risk, and developed a financial
plan based in different stages, which were designed assuming the commitment to comply within a reasonable time frame. The Financial Plan
aims to enable compliance with multiply obligations by corporate and it subsidiaries.
Corporate Finance Management supervise cash flow
projections performed on liquidity requirements of the Corporation to ensure there is sufficient cash to cover operational needs so that
Corporation does not breach the limits of indebtedness or guarantees (covenants), if applicable, on any of its borrowing facilities. Minor
financing operations are controlled by Finance Management of each subsidiary.
Such projections take into consideration Corporation’s
debt financing plans, covenant compliance, internal ratio targets compliance in the consolidated statement of financial position and,
if applicable, external regulatory or legal requirements, for example, foreign currency restrictions.
Surplus cash over the balance required for working
capital management is invested in interest-bearing bank accounts or time deposits, selecting instruments with adequate maturities and
sufficient liquidity.
The table below analyzes Corporation’s financial
liabilities grouped on the basis of the period remaining as of the reporting date of these consolidated statement of financial position
in regard of the date of its maturity. The amounts disclosed in the table are the contractual undiscounted cash flows, which include interest
to be accrued according to the established schedule.
| |
| | |
Contractual cash flows | |
| |
Carrying | | |
Less than | | |
1-2 | | |
2-5 | | |
More than | | |
| |
In thousands of soles | |
amount | | |
1 year | | |
years | | |
years | | |
5 years | | |
Total | |
As of December 31, 2022 | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| |
Other financial liabilities (except for finance leases and lease liability for right-of-use
asset) | |
| 819,973 | | |
| 599,310 | | |
| 71,732 | | |
| 216,392 | | |
| - | | |
| 887,434 | |
Finance leases | |
| 835 | | |
| 873 | | |
| - | | |
| - | | |
| - | | |
| 873 | |
Lease liability for right-of-use asset | |
| 59,085 | | |
| 19,075 | | |
| 31,705 | | |
| 23,386 | | |
| 113 | | |
| 74,279 | |
Bonds | |
| 869,913 | | |
| 141,246 | | |
| 185,114 | | |
| 419,969 | | |
| 707,800 | | |
| 1,454,129 | |
Trade accounts payables (except non-financial
liabilities) | |
| 1,037,013 | | |
| 1,027,256 | | |
| 9,757 | | |
| - | | |
| - | | |
| 1,037,013 | |
Accounts payables to related parties | |
| 80,781 | | |
| 53,488 | | |
| 25,420 | | |
| 697 | | |
| 1,176 | | |
| 80,781 | |
Other accounts payables and other provisions (except non-financial liabilities) | |
| 712,071 | | |
| 195,872 | | |
| 64,307 | | |
| 89,868 | | |
| 470,129 | | |
| 820,176 | |
| |
| 3,579,671 | | |
| 2,037,120 | | |
| 388,035 | | |
| 750,312 | | |
| 1,179,218 | | |
| 4,354,685 | |
| |
| | |
Contractual cash flows | |
| |
Carrying | | |
Less than | | |
1-2 | | |
2-5 | | |
More than | | |
| |
In thousands of soles | |
amount | | |
1 year | | |
years | | |
years | | |
5 years | | |
Total | |
As of March 31, 2023 | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| |
Other financial liabilities (except for finance leases and lease liability for right-of-use asset) | |
| 876,989 | | |
| 602,285 | | |
| 71,732 | | |
| 216,392 | | |
| - | | |
| 890,409 | |
Finance leases | |
| 189 | | |
| 190 | | |
| - | | |
| - | | |
| - | | |
| 190 | |
Lease liability for right-of-use asset | |
| 54,446 | | |
| 19,075 | | |
| 40,039 | | |
| 15,053 | | |
| 112 | | |
| 74,279 | |
Bonds | |
| 857,133 | | |
| 141,246 | | |
| 185,114 | | |
| 419,969 | | |
| 707,800 | | |
| 1,454,129 | |
Trade accounts payables (except non-financial liabilities) | |
| 1,009,881 | | |
| 1,001,973 | | |
| 7,908 | | |
| - | | |
| - | | |
| 1,009,881 | |
Accounts payables to related parties | |
| 100,616 | | |
| 73,011 | | |
| 25,907 | | |
| 692 | | |
| 1,006 | | |
| 100,616 | |
Other accounts payables and other provisions (except non-financial liabilities) | |
| 800,471 | | |
| 222,604 | | |
| 64,049 | | |
| 144,056 | | |
| 468,107 | | |
| 898,816 | |
| |
| 3,699,725 | | |
| 2,060,384 | | |
| 394,749 | | |
| 796,162 | | |
| 1,177,025 | | |
| 4,428,320 | |
| 4.2 | Capital management risk |
Corporation’s objectives regarding capital
management is to safeguard Corporation’s ability to continue operations as a going concern basis in order to provide returns for
their shareholders, benefits for other stakeholders and maintain an optimal capital structure to minimize capital cost. Since 2017 Corporation
context and situation has lead Management to monitor deviations that may cause non-compliance with covenants and hinder liabilities renegotiation
(see, Note 15). In extraordinary events, Corporation identifies possible deviations, requirements and establishes a plan.
In order to maintain or adjust capital structure,
Corporation may adjust the amount of dividends paid to shareholders, return capital to shareholders, issue new shares or sell assets to
reduce their debt.
Corporation monitors its capital on the basis
of the leverage ratio. This ratio is calculated by dividing net debt into total capital. Net debt corresponds to the total of financial
obligations (including current and non-current borrowings), less cash and cash equivalents. Total capital corresponds to the ‘equity’
as shown in the consolidated statement of financial position plus net debt.
The leverage ratio is presented below.
| |
| |
As of December 31, | | |
As of March 31, | |
In thousands of soles | |
Note | |
2022 | | |
2023 | |
Total financial liabilities and bonds | |
14 and 15 | |
| 1,749,806 | | |
| 1,788,757 | |
Less: Cash and cash equivalents | |
8 | |
| (917,554 | ) | |
| (825,580 | ) |
Net debt | |
| |
| 832,252 | | |
| 963,177 | |
Total equity | |
| |
| 1,346,006 | | |
| 1,306,497 | |
Total capital | |
| |
| 2,178,258 | | |
| 2,269,674 | |
Gearing ratio | |
| |
| 0.38 | | |
| 0.42 | |
The following levels of measurement have been
established in order to classify the type of valuation used by Corporation for on their financial instruments at fair value.
| - | Level 1: Measurement based on quoted prices in active
markets for identical assets or liabilities. |
| - | Level 2: Measurement based on inputs other than quoted
prices included within Level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly (that is, as prices) or indirectly (that
is, derived from prices). |
| - | Level 3: Measurement based on inputs for the asset or
liability that are not based on observable market data (that is, unobservable inputs, generally based on internal estimates and assumptions
of the Corporation). |
The table below shows Corporation’s liabilities
measured at fair value:
In thousands of soles | |
Note | |
Level 3 | |
As of December 31, 2022 | |
| |
| |
Financial liabilities | |
| |
| | |
Other financial entities | |
14-b | |
| 162,750 | |
As of March 31, 2023 | |
| |
| | |
Financial liabilities | |
| |
| | |
Other financial entities | |
14-b | |
| 158,667 | |
Estimates and judgments used are continuously
evaluated and are based on historical experience among other factors, including expectations of future events that are believed to be
reasonable under current circumstances.
In preparing these condensed interim consolidated
financial statements, the significant judgements made by management in applying Corporation’s accounting policies and the key sources
of uncertainty were the same as those that applied to the consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2022.
The Corporation does not present seasonality in
the operations of any of its subsidiaries; and develop its business during the normal course of the period.
Operating segments are reported consistently with
the internal reports that are reviewed by Corporation’s, chief decision-maker; that is the Executive Committee, which is led by
the Chief Executive Officer. This Committee acts as the highest authority in making operational decisions, responsible for allocating
resources and evaluating the performance of each operating segment.
Corporation’s operating segments are assessed
by the activities of the following business units: (i) engineering and construction, (ii) energy, (iii) infrastructure, and (iv) real
As set forth under IFRS 8, reportable segments
by significance of income are: ‘engineering and construction’, ‘energy’ and ‘infrastructure’. However,
Management has voluntarily decided to report on all its operating segments.
Inter-segmental sales transactions are entered
into prices similar to those that would have been agreed with unrelated third parties. Revenues from external customers reported are measured
in a consistent manner under the basis for preparation of the consolidated financial statements. Sales of goods are related to real estate
segment. Revenues from services are related to other segments.
Corporation sales and receivables are not concentrated
on a few customers. There is no external customer that represents 10% or more of Corporation’s revenue.
The table below shows Corporation’s consolidated
financial statements by operating segments:
Operating segments financial position
Segment reporting
| |
Engineering | | |
| | |
Infrastructure | | |
| | |
Parent | | |
| | |
| |
In thousands of soles | |
construction | | |
Energy | | |
Toll roads | | |
Transportation | | |
treatment | | |
Real estate | | |
operations | | |
Eliminations | | |
Consolidated | |
As of December 31, 2022 | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| |
Assets | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| |
Cash and cash equivalent | |
| 209,737 | | |
| 104,553 | | |
| 130,213 | | |
| 171,747 | | |
| 2,910 | | |
| 111,487 | | |
| 186,907 | | |
| - | | |
| 917,554 | |
Trade accounts receivables, net | |
| 697,512 | | |
| 80,245 | | |
| 34,183 | | |
| 118,867 | | |
| 898 | | |
| 146,316 | | |
| 561 | | |
| - | | |
| 1,078,582 | |
Accounts receivable from related parties | |
| 86,146 | | |
| 68 | | |
| 51,523 | | |
| 4,455 | | |
| 52 | | |
| 378 | | |
| 115,736 | | |
| (230,613 | ) | |
| 27,745 | |
Other accounts receivable | |
| 298,784 | | |
| 39,921 | | |
| 28,902 | | |
| 15,229 | | |
| 30 | | |
| 5,380 | | |
| 7,294 | | |
| (2,345 | ) | |
| 393,195 | |
Inventories, net | |
| 41,933 | | |
| 29,935 | | |
| 9,655 | | |
| 39,780 | | |
| - | | |
| 227,067 | | |
| - | | |
| (1,587 | ) | |
| 346,783 | |
Prepaid expenses | |
| 10,945 | | |
| 2,055 | | |
| 5,496 | | |
| 369 | | |
| 160 | | |
| 448 | | |
| 8,625 | | |
| - | | |
| 28,098 | |
Total current assets | |
| 1,345,057 | | |
| 256,777 | | |
| 259,972 | | |
| 350,447 | | |
| 4,050 | | |
| 491,076 | | |
| 319,123 | | |
| (234,545 | ) | |
| 2,791,957 | |
Long-term trade accounts receivable, net | |
| 2,806 | | |
| - | | |
| 16,215 | | |
| 699,487 | | |
| 1,392 | | |
| 3,969 | | |
| - | | |
| - | | |
| 723,869 | |
Long-term accounts receivable from related parties | |
| 299,268 | | |
| - | | |
| 15,858 | | |
| 42 | | |
| 14,015 | | |
| - | | |
| 602,004 | | |
| (388,795 | ) | |
| 542,392 | |
Prepaid expenses | |
| - | | |
| 826 | | |
| 14,549 | | |
| 1,731 | | |
| 632 | | |
| - | | |
| 65 | | |
| (510 | ) | |
| 17,293 | |
Other long-term accounts receivable | |
| 101,366 | | |
| 89,782 | | |
| - | | |
| - | | |
| 7,346 | | |
| 55,347 | | |
| 31,889 | | |
| - | | |
| 285,730 | |
Inventories, net | |
| - | | |
| - | | |
| - | | |
| - | | |
| - | | |
| 65,553 | | |
| - | | |
| - | | |
| 65,553 | |
Investments in associates and joint ventures | |
| 975 | | |
| 12,049 | | |
| - | | |
| - | | |
| - | | |
| 2,752 | | |
| 1,509,790 | | |
| (1,510,650 | ) | |
| 14,916 | |
Investment property, net | |
| - | | |
| - | | |
| - | | |
| 1,507 | | |
| - | | |
| 19,823 | | |
| 40,594 | | |
| - | | |
| 61,924 | |
Property, plant and equipment, net | |
| 102,822 | | |
| 176,596 | | |
| 6,193 | | |
| 848 | | |
| 150 | | |
| 7,531 | | |
| 1,286 | | |
| (10,961 | ) | |
| 284,465 | |
Intangible assets, net | |
| 131,431 | | |
| 363,066 | | |
| 274,597 | | |
| 238 | | |
| - | | |
| 615 | | |
| 13,414 | | |
| 3,975 | | |
| 787,336 | |
Right-of-use assets, net | |
| 8,745 | | |
| 12,795 | | |
| 7,106 | | |
| 23 | | |
| 143 | | |
| 2,580 | | |
| 38,485 | | |
| (19,670 | ) | |
| 50,207 | |
Deferred income tax asset | |
| 175,702 | | |
| 4,572 | | |
| 26,787 | | |
| - | | |
| 415 | | |
| 23,781 | | |
| 59,316 | | |
| 5,065 | | |
| 295,638 | |
Total non-current assets | |
| 823,115 | | |
| 659,686 | | |
| 361,305 | | |
| 703,876 | | |
| 24,093 | | |
| 181,951 | | |
| 2,296,843 | | |
| (1,921,546 | ) | |
| 3,129,323 | |
Total assets | |
| 2,168,172 | | |
| 916,463 | | |
| 621,277 | | |
| 1,054,323 | | |
| 28,143 | | |
| 673,027 | | |
| 2,615,966 | | |
| (2,156,091 | ) | |
| 5,921,280 | |
Liabilities | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | |
Borrowings | |
| 19,191 | | |
| 38,612 | | |
| 3,844 | | |
| 17 | | |
| 6 | | |
| 43,118 | | |
| 480,735 | | |
| (11,261 | ) | |
| 574,262 | |
Bonds | |
| 4,554 | | |
| - | | |
| 41,343 | | |
| 31,203 | | |
| - | | |
| - | | |
| - | | |
| - | | |
| 77,100 | |
Trade accounts payable | |
| 740,142 | | |
| 124,259 | | |
| 52,916 | | |
| 52,292 | | |
| 223 | | |
| 35,939 | | |
| 16,950 | | |
| 4,535 | | |
| 1,027,256 | |
Accounts payable to related parties | |
| 297,505 | | |
| 2,734 | | |
| 46,257 | | |
| 22,421 | | |
| 296 | | |
| 12,227 | | |
| 20,291 | | |
| (348,243 | ) | |
| 53,488 | |
Current income tax | |
| 12,495 | | |
| 247 | | |
| 8,609 | | |
| 2,433 | | |
| 104 | | |
| 45,092 | | |
| 672 | | |
| - | | |
| 69,652 | |
Other accounts payable | |
| 490,494 | | |
| 19,724 | | |
| 49,187 | | |
| 9,146 | | |
| 1,298 | | |
| 115,661 | | |
| 24,837 | | |
| (4,905 | ) | |
| 705,442 | |
Provisions | |
| 81,288 | | |
| 20,535 | | |
| 1,722 | | |
| 1,197 | | |
| - | | |
| 540 | | |
| 27,644 | | |
| - | | |
| 132,926 | |
Total current liabilities | |
| 1,645,669 | | |
| 206,111 | | |
| 203,878 | | |
| 118,709 | | |
| 1,927 | | |
| 252,577 | | |
| 571,129 | | |
| (359,874 | ) | |
| 2,640,126 | |
Borrowings | |
| 6,480 | | |
| 100,597 | | |
| 3,462 | | |
| - | | |
| 138 | | |
| 10,852 | | |
| 192,435 | | |
| (8,333 | ) | |
| 305,631 | |
Long-term bonds | |
| 16,719 | | |
| - | | |
| 177,341 | | |
| 598,753 | | |
| - | | |
| - | | |
| - | | |
| - | | |
| 792,813 | |
Long-term trade accounts payable | |
| - | | |
| - | | |
| - | | |
| 9,757 | | |
| - | | |
| - | | |
| - | | |
| - | | |
| 9,757 | |
Other long-term accounts payable | |
| 94,261 | | |
| - | | |
| 2,243 | | |
| 189 | | |
| 2,932 | | |
| - | | |
| 2,694 | | |
| - | | |
| 102,319 | |
Long-term accounts payable to related parties | |
| 7,886 | | |
| 57,300 | | |
| 1,176 | | |
| 27,294 | | |
| 21,663 | | |
| - | | |
| 189,451 | | |
| (277,477 | ) | |
| 27,293 | |
Provisions | |
| 11,453 | | |
| 49,701 | | |
| 11,463 | | |
| 4,947 | | |
| - | | |
| - | | |
| 491,463 | | |
| - | | |
| 569,027 | |
Deferred income tax liability | |
| 16,670 | | |
| 53,242 | | |
| - | | |
| 58,396 | | |
| - | | |
| - | | |
| - | | |
| - | | |
| 128,308 | |
Total non-current liabilities | |
| 153,469 | | |
| 260,840 | | |
| 195,685 | | |
| 699,336 | | |
| 24,733 | | |
| 10,852 | | |
| 876,043 | | |
| (285,810 | ) | |
| 1,935,148 | |
Total liabilities | |
| 1,799,138 | | |
| 466,951 | | |
| 399,563 | | |
| 818,045 | | |
| 26,660 | | |
| 263,429 | | |
| 1,447,172 | | |
| (645,684 | ) | |
| 4,575,274 | |
Equity attributable to controlling interest in the Company | |
| 363,404 | | |
| 417,970 | | |
| 166,678 | | |
| 177,208 | | |
| 1,483 | | |
| 278,501 | | |
| 1,165,811 | | |
| (1,509,551 | ) | |
| 1,061,504 | |
Non-controlling interest | |
| 5,630 | | |
| 31,542 | | |
| 55,036 | | |
| 59,070 | | |
| - | | |
| 131,097 | | |
| 2,983 | | |
| (856 | ) | |
| 284,502 | |
Total liabilities and equity | |
| 2,168,172 | | |
| 916,463 | | |
| 621,277 | | |
| 1,054,323 | | |
| 28,143 | | |
| 673,027 | | |
| 2,615,966 | | |
| (2,156,091 | ) | |
| 5,921,280 | |
Operating segments financial position
Segment reporting
| |
Engineering | | |
| | |
Infrastructure | | |
| | |
Parent | | |
| | |
| |
In thousands of soles | |
construction | | |
Energy | | |
Toll roads | | |
Transportation | | |
treatment | | |
Real estate | | |
operations | | |
Eliminations | | |
Consolidated | |
As of March 31, 2023 | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| |
Assets | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| |
Cash and cash equivalent | |
| 132,843 | | |
| 86,947 | | |
| 112,966 | | |
| 153,741 | | |
| 1,657 | | |
| 161,114 | | |
| 176,312 | | |
| - | | |
| 825,580 | |
Trade accounts receivables, net | |
| 721,422 | | |
| 72,055 | | |
| 33,566 | | |
| 122,116 | | |
| 2,160 | | |
| 74,505 | | |
| 1,333 | | |
| - | | |
| 1,027,157 | |
Accounts receivable from related parties | |
| 79,817 | | |
| 749 | | |
| 72,783 | | |
| 3,558 | | |
| 198 | | |
| 638 | | |
| 135,478 | | |
| (263,329 | ) | |
| 29,892 | |
Other accounts receivable | |
| 311,287 | | |
| 37,279 | | |
| 27,091 | | |
| 14,935 | | |
| 70 | | |
| 5,376 | | |
| 6,730 | | |
| (2,345 | ) | |
| 400,423 | |
Inventories, net | |
| 52,601 | | |
| 38,548 | | |
| 8,378 | | |
| 41,611 | | |
| - | | |
| 246,737 | | |
| - | | |
| (1,641 | ) | |
| 386,234 | |
Prepaid expenses | |
| 23,779 | | |
| 3,266 | | |
| 7,934 | | |
| 1,060 | | |
| 79 | | |
| 71 | | |
| 8,833 | | |
| - | | |
| 45,022 | |
Total current assets | |
| 1,321,749 | | |
| 238,844 | | |
| 262,718 | | |
| 337,021 | | |
| 4,164 | | |
| 488,441 | | |
| 328,686 | | |
| (267,315 | ) | |
| 2,714,308 | |
Long-term trade accounts receivable, net | |
| 2,895 | | |
| - | | |
| 16,845 | | |
| 713,926 | | |
| 1,366 | | |
| 4,067 | | |
| - | | |
| - | | |
| 739,099 | |
Long-term accounts receivable from related parties | |
| 334,534 | | |
| - | | |
| 16,170 | | |
| 42 | | |
| 14,015 | | |
| - | | |
| 630,178 | | |
| (413,652 | ) | |
| 581,287 | |
Prepaid expenses | |
| - | | |
| 459 | | |
| 25,878 | | |
| 1,699 | | |
| 619 | | |
| - | | |
| 25 | | |
| (510 | ) | |
| 28,170 | |
Other long-term accounts receivable | |
| 97,174 | | |
| 87,675 | | |
| - | | |
| - | | |
| 7,346 | | |
| 56,587 | | |
| 60,243 | | |
| - | | |
| 309,025 | |
Inventories, net | |
| - | | |
| - | | |
| - | | |
| - | | |
| - | | |
| 70,082 | | |
| - | | |
| - | | |
| 70,082 | |
Investments in associates and joint ventures | |
| 982 | | |
| 12,916 | | |
| - | | |
| - | | |
| - | | |
| 2,752 | | |
| 1,479,930 | | |
| (1,480,792 | ) | |
| 15,788 | |
Investment property, net | |
| - | | |
| - | | |
| - | | |
| 1,487 | | |
| - | | |
| 19,371 | | |
| 40,103 | | |
| - | | |
| 60,961 | |
Property, plant and equipment, net | |
| 102,324 | | |
| 179,300 | | |
| 5,903 | | |
| 821 | | |
| 231 | | |
| 7,034 | | |
| 1,176 | | |
| (10,961 | ) | |
| 285,828 | |
Intangible assets, net | |
| 135,771 | | |
| 389,058 | | |
| 261,300 | | |
| 213 | | |
| - | | |
| 597 | | |
| 13,244 | | |
| 3,712 | | |
| 803,895 | |
Right-of-use assets, net | |
| 7,674 | | |
| 11,178 | | |
| 6,005 | | |
| 13 | | |
| 141 | | |
| 2,262 | | |
| 37,596 | | |
| (17,315 | ) | |
| 47,554 | |
Deferred income tax asset | |
| 187,226 | | |
| 4,473 | | |
| 30,487 | | |
| - | | |
| 445 | | |
| 24,630 | | |
| 56,801 | | |
| 5,102 | | |
| 309,164 | |
Total non-current assets | |
| 868,580 | | |
| 685,059 | | |
| 362,588 | | |
| 718,201 | | |
| 24,163 | | |
| 187,382 | | |
| 2,319,296 | | |
| (1,914,416 | ) | |
| 3,250,853 | |
Total assets | |
| 2,190,329 | | |
| 923,903 | | |
| 625,306 | | |
| 1,055,222 | | |
| 28,327 | | |
| 675,823 | | |
| 2,647,982 | | |
| (2,181,731 | ) | |
| 5,965,161 | |
Liabilities | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | |
Borrowings | |
| 19,847 | | |
| 33,159 | | |
| 3,583 | | |
| 5 | | |
| 5 | | |
| 16,645 | | |
| 506,541 | | |
| (12,581 | ) | |
| 567,204 | |
Bonds | |
| 4,021 | | |
| - | | |
| 43,150 | | |
| 31,455 | | |
| - | | |
| - | | |
| - | | |
| - | | |
| 78,626 | |
Trade accounts payable | |
| 742,430 | | |
| 114,210 | | |
| 53,683 | | |
| 47,969 | | |
| 150 | | |
| 28,703 | | |
| 14,637 | | |
| 191 | | |
| 1,001,973 | |
Accounts payable to related parties | |
| 328,708 | | |
| 61,327 | | |
| 71,088 | | |
| 21,053 | | |
| 74 | | |
| 11,964 | | |
| 27,055 | | |
| (448,258 | ) | |
| 73,011 | |
Current income tax | |
| 31,738 | | |
| 1,454 | | |
| 5,306 | | |
| 9,837 | | |
| 91 | | |
| 2,051 | | |
| 2,560 | | |
| - | | |
| 53,037 | |
Other accounts payable | |
| 525,275 | | |
| 20,754 | | |
| 53,060 | | |
| 9,637 | | |
| 1,413 | | |
| 154,920 | | |
| 25,691 | | |
| (4,905 | ) | |
| 785,845 | |
Provisions | |
| 83,514 | | |
| 16,828 | | |
| 1,223 | | |
| 2,130 | | |
| - | | |
| 430 | | |
| 27,644 | | |
| - | | |
| 131,769 | |
Total current liabilities | |
| 1,735,533 | | |
| 247,732 | | |
| 231,093 | | |
| 122,086 | | |
| 1,733 | | |
| 214,713 | | |
| 604,128 | | |
| (465,553 | ) | |
| 2,691,465 | |
Borrowings | |
| 5,202 | | |
| 103,028 | | |
| 2,642 | | |
| - | | |
| 137 | | |
| 76,258 | | |
| 183,476 | | |
| (6,323 | ) | |
| 364,420 | |
Long-term bonds | |
| 14,647 | | |
| - | | |
| 165,837 | | |
| 598,023 | | |
| - | | |
| - | | |
| - | | |
| - | | |
| 778,507 | |
Long-term trade accounts payable | |
| - | | |
| - | | |
| - | | |
| 7,908 | | |
| - | | |
| - | | |
| - | | |
| - | | |
| 7,908 | |
Other long-term accounts payable | |
| 78,994 | | |
| - | | |
| 1,364 | | |
| 144 | | |
| 2,904 | | |
| - | | |
| 2,694 | | |
| - | | |
| 86,100 | |
Long-term accounts payable to related parties | |
| 8,416 | | |
| - | | |
| 1,006 | | |
| 27,605 | | |
| 23,146 | | |
| - | | |
| 198,324 | | |
| (230,892 | ) | |
| 27,605 | |
Provisions | |
| 11,553 | | |
| 53,506 | | |
| 10,807 | | |
| 3,735 | | |
| - | | |
| - | | |
| 489,224 | | |
| - | | |
| 568,825 | |
Deferred income tax liability | |
| 17,772 | | |
| 56,386 | | |
| - | | |
| 59,659 | | |
| - | | |
| - | | |
| 17 | | |
| - | | |
| 133,834 | |
Total non-current liabilities | |
| 136,584 | | |
| 212,920 | | |
| 181,656 | | |
| 697,074 | | |
| 26,187 | | |
| 76,258 | | |
| 873,735 | | |
| (237,215 | ) | |
| 1,967,199 | |
Total liabilities | |
| 1,872,117 | | |
| 460,652 | | |
| 412,749 | | |
| 819,160 | | |
| 27,920 | | |
| 290,971 | | |
| 1,477,863 | | |
| (702,768 | ) | |
| 4,658,664 | |
Equity attributable to controlling interest in the Company | |
| 312,421 | | |
| 429,826 | | |
| 158,475 | | |
| 177,048 | | |
| 407 | | |
| 277,417 | | |
| 1,167,126 | | |
| (1,477,254 | ) | |
| 1,045,466 | |
Non-controlling interest | |
| 5,791 | | |
| 33,425 | | |
| 54,082 | | |
| 59,014 | | |
| - | | |
| 107,435 | | |
| 2,993 | | |
| (1,709 | ) | |
| 261,031 | |
Total liabilities and equity | |
| 2,190,329 | | |
| 923,903 | | |
| 625,306 | | |
| 1,055,222 | | |
| 28,327 | | |
| 675,823 | | |
| 2,647,982 | | |
| (2,181,731 | ) | |
| 5,965,161 | |
Segment Reporting |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| |
| |
Engineering | | |
| | |
Infrastructure | | |
| | |
Parent | | |
| | |
| |
In thousands of soles | |
construction | | |
Energy | | |
Toll roads | | |
Transportation | | |
treatment | | |
Real estate | | |
Company operations | | |
Elimination | | |
Consolidated | |
For the period ended March 31, 2022 | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| |
Revenue | |
| 580,008 | | |
| 139,656 | | |
| 124,101 | | |
| 101,679 | | |
| 1,094 | | |
| 29,503 | | |
| 16,950 | | |
| (73,065 | ) | |
| 919,926 | |
(Loss) gross profit | |
| (54,015 | ) | |
| 28,074 | | |
| 22,599 | | |
| 38,315 | | |
| 574 | | |
| 5,006 | | |
| 4,998 | | |
| (12,603 | ) | |
| 32,948 | |
Administrative expenses | |
| (24,047 | ) | |
| (3,157 | ) | |
| (3,666 | ) | |
| (2,830 | ) | |
| (196 | ) | |
| (3,148 | ) | |
| (6,409 | ) | |
| 13,570 | | |
| (29,883 | ) |
Other income and expenses, net | |
| (9,655 | ) | |
| 1,473 | | |
| 26 | | |
| 58 | | |
| - | | |
| 24 | | |
| (352 | ) | |
| 2,319 | | |
| (6,107 | ) |
Operating (loss) profit | |
| (87,717 | ) | |
| 26,390 | | |
| 18,959 | | |
| 35,543 | | |
| 378 | | |
| 1,882 | | |
| (1,763 | ) | |
| 3,286 | | |
| (3,042 | ) |
Financial expenses | |
| (18,340 | ) | |
| (5,050 | ) | |
| (6,764 | ) | |
| (1,739 | ) | |
| (26 | ) | |
| (4,015 | ) | |
| 7,706 | | |
| (13,419 | ) | |
| (41,647 | ) |
Financial income | |
| 2,255 | | |
| 131 | | |
| 851 | | |
| 1,173 | | |
| 17 | | |
| 170 | | |
| (11,873 | ) | |
| 11,582 | | |
| 4,306 | |
(Loss) profit from present value of financial assets or liabilities | |
| (2,065 | ) | |
| (225 | ) | |
| (1,633 | ) | |
| - | | |
| - | | |
| 475 | | |
| (34,826 | ) | |
| (2,344 | ) | |
| (40,618 | ) |
Share of profit or loss in associates
and joint ventures | |
| (612 | ) | |
| 772 | | |
| - | | |
| - | | |
| - | | |
| - | | |
| (2,331 | ) | |
| 1,746 | | |
| (425 | ) |
(Loss) profit before income tax | |
| (106,479 | ) | |
| 22,018 | | |
| 11,413 | | |
| 34,977 | | |
| 369 | | |
| (1,488 | ) | |
| (43,087 | ) | |
| 851 | | |
| (81,426 | ) |
Income tax | |
| 14,285 | | |
| (6,343 | ) | |
| (3,686 | ) | |
| (10,777 | ) | |
| (135 | ) | |
| 457 | | |
| 9,180 | | |
| (26 | ) | |
| 2,955 | |
(Loss) profit for the year | |
| (92,194 | ) | |
| 15,675 | | |
| 7,727 | | |
| 24,200 | | |
| 234 | | |
| (1,031 | ) | |
| (33,907 | ) | |
| 825 | | |
| (78,471 | ) |
(Loss) profit from attributable to: | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | |
Owners of the Company | |
| (89,921 | ) | |
| 14,023 | | |
| 4,295 | | |
| 18,150 | | |
| 234 | | |
| (820 | ) | |
| (33,942 | ) | |
| 137 | | |
| (87,844 | ) |
Non-controlling interest | |
| (2,273 | ) | |
| 1,652 | | |
| 3,432 | | |
| 6,050 | | |
| - | | |
| (211 | ) | |
| 35 | | |
| 688 | | |
| 9,373 | |
| |
| (92,194 | ) | |
| 15,675 | | |
| 7,727 | | |
| 24,200 | | |
| 234 | | |
| (1,031 | ) | |
| (33,907 | ) | |
| 825 | | |
| (78,471 | ) |
Operating segment performance
Segment Reporting
| |
Engineering | | |
| | |
Infrastructure | | |
| | |
Parent | | |
| | |
| |
In thousands of soles | |
construction | | |
Energy | | |
Toll roads | | |
Transportation | | |
treatment | | |
Real estate | | |
operations | | |
Elimination | | |
Consolidated | |
For the period ended March 31, 2023 | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| |
Revenue | |
| 498,745 | | |
| 164,876 | | |
| 133,388 | | |
| 102,108 | | |
| 1,263 | | |
| 17,775 | | |
| 25,189 | | |
| (93,206 | ) | |
| 850,138 | |
(Loss) gross profit | |
| (7,091 | ) | |
| 29,706 | | |
| 16,315 | | |
| 31,417 | | |
| 762 | | |
| 3,650 | | |
| 5,947 | | |
| (17,584 | ) | |
| 63,122 | |
Administrative expenses | |
| (23,225 | ) | |
| (4,412 | ) | |
| (5,156 | ) | |
| (2,797 | ) | |
| (240 | ) | |
| (3,911 | ) | |
| (6,636 | ) | |
| 18,314 | | |
| (28,063 | ) |
Other income and expenses, net | |
| (4,529 | ) | |
| 168 | | |
| 373 | | |
| 175 | | |
| - | | |
| 780 | | |
| 3,798 | | |
| (332 | ) | |
| 433 | |
Operating (loss) profit | |
| (34,845 | ) | |
| 25,462 | | |
| 11,532 | | |
| 28,795 | | |
| 522 | | |
| 519 | | |
| 3,109 | | |
| 398 | | |
| 35,492 | |
Financial expenses | |
| (11,567 | ) | |
| (5,947 | ) | |
| (6,225 | ) | |
| (1,800 | ) | |
| (108 | ) | |
| (3,235 | ) | |
| (24,716 | ) | |
| 11,786 | | |
| (41,812 | ) |
Financial income | |
| 4,964 | | |
| 2,122 | | |
| 1,408 | | |
| 1,471 | | |
| 160 | | |
| 1,913 | | |
| 16,442 | | |
| (10,448 | ) | |
| 18,032 | |
Profit (Loss) from present value of financial assets or liabilities | |
| 1,352 | | |
| 138 | | |
| (1,014 | ) | |
| - | | |
| - | | |
| 1,256 | | |
| 12,074 | | |
| - | | |
| 13,806 | |
Share of profit or loss in associates | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | |
and joint ventures | |
| (1 | ) | |
| 867 | | |
| - | | |
| - | | |
| - | | |
| - | | |
| (2,878 | ) | |
| 2,876 | | |
| 864 | |
(Loss) profit before income tax | |
| (40,097 | ) | |
| 22,642 | | |
| 5,701 | | |
| 28,466 | | |
| 574 | | |
| 453 | | |
| 4,031 | | |
| 4,612 | | |
| 26,382 | |
Income tax | |
| (10,207 | ) | |
| (7,203 | ) | |
| (1,355 | ) | |
| (8,682 | ) | |
| (167 | ) | |
| (141 | ) | |
| (4,634 | ) | |
| 8 | | |
| (32,381 | ) |
(Loss) profit for the period | |
| (50,304 | ) | |
| 15,439 | | |
| 4,346 | | |
| 19,784 | | |
| 407 | | |
| 312 | | |
| (603 | ) | |
| 4,620 | | |
| (5,999 | ) |
(Loss) profit from attributable to: | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | |
Owners of the Company | |
| (50,462 | ) | |
| 13,467 | | |
| 1,587 | | |
| 14,838 | | |
| 407 | | |
| (1,084 | ) | |
| (615 | ) | |
| 4,474 | | |
| (17,388 | ) |
Non-controlling interest | |
| 158 | | |
| 1,972 | | |
| 2,759 | | |
| 4,946 | | |
| - | | |
| 1,396 | | |
| 12 | | |
| 146 | | |
| 11,389 | |
| |
| (50,304 | ) | |
| 15,439 | | |
| 4,346 | | |
| 19,784 | | |
| 407 | | |
| 312 | | |
| (603 | ) | |
| 4,620 | | |
| (5,999 | ) |
This account comprises:
| |
As of | | |
As of | |
| |
December 31, | | |
March 31, | |
In thousands of soles | |
2022 | | |
2023 | |
Cash on hand | |
| 727 | | |
| 1,109 | |
Remittances in-transit | |
| 2,955 | | |
| 1,601 | |
Bank accounts | |
| | | |
| | |
Current accounts | |
| 363,134 | | |
| 282,768 | |
Banco de la Nacion | |
| 19,280 | | |
| 26,437 | |
Time deposits (a) | |
| 114,994 | | |
| 178,202 | |
| |
| 497,408 | | |
| 487,407 | |
Escrow account | |
| | | |
| | |
Operational funds | |
| 229,165 | | |
| 185,692 | |
Consortium funds | |
| 114,050 | | |
| 76,299 | |
Reserve funds (b) | |
| 71,966 | | |
| 72,204 | |
Guarantee funds | |
| 1,283 | | |
| 1,268 | |
| |
| 416,464 | | |
| 335,463 | |
Total Cash and Cash equivalents | |
| 917,554 | | |
| 825,580 | |
Current accounts are denominated in
local and foreign currency, deposited in local and foreign banks with a high credit rating and are freely available. These accounts earn
interest at market rates.
The Corporation maintains trust accounts
in local and foreign banks for the management of funds for specific uses that are classified as: i) operating funds and consortium funds
for the exclusive management of project cash flows; and ii) reserve and guarantee funds for the payment of bonds issued and other obligations
of the Corporation.
| (a) | Time deposits have
maturities lower than ninety (90) days and may be renewed upon maturity. These deposits bear
interest that fluctuates between 0.26% and 7.40%. |
| (b) | The trust accounts
with reserve funds for the payment of bonds issued and other obligations of the Corporation
are as follows. |
| |
| As
of | | |
| As
of | |
| |
| December 31, | | |
| March
31, | |
In thousands of soles | |
| 2022 | | |
| 2023 | |
Tren Urbano de Lima S.A. | |
| 49,397 | | |
| 49,455 | |
Red Vial 5 S.A. | |
| 22,569 | | |
| 22,749 | |
| |
| 71,966 | | |
| 72,204 | |
This caption comprises the following:
| |
Total | | |
Current | | |
Non-current | |
| |
As of | | |
As of | | |
As of | | |
As of | | |
As of | | |
As of | |
| |
December 31, | | |
March 31, | | |
December 31, | | |
March 31, | | |
December 31, | | |
March 31, | |
In thousands of soles | |
2022 | | |
2023 | | |
2022 | | |
2023 | | |
2022 | | |
2023 | |
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| |
Receivables (a) | |
| 894,571 | | |
| 906,879 | | |
| 366,007 | | |
| 362,455 | | |
| 528,564 | | |
| 544,424 | |
Unbilled receivables - Subsidiaries (b) | |
| 584,217 | | |
| 530,121 | | |
| 584,217 | | |
| 530,121 | | |
| - | | |
| - | |
Unbilled receivables - Concessions
(c) | |
| 323,663 | | |
| 329,256 | | |
| 128,358 | | |
| 134,581 | | |
| 195,305 | | |
| 194,675 | |
| |
| 1,802,451 | | |
| 1,766,256 | | |
| 1,078,582 | | |
| 1,027,157 | | |
| 723,869 | | |
| 739,099 | |
As of December 31, 2022 and March
31, 2023, trade accounts receivable are denominated in local and foreign currency, have current maturities, do not accrue interest and
do not have specific guarantees. The fair value of current accounts receivable is similar to their carrying value because their average
collection period is less than 60 days.
The balance of accounts receivable
corresponds to:
| |
As of | | |
As of | |
| |
December 31, | | |
March 31, | |
In thousands of soles | |
2022 | | |
2023 | |
Tren Urbano de Lima S.A. | |
| 818,354 | | |
| 836,042 | |
Cumbra Peru S.A. | |
| 647,113 | | |
| 686,041 | |
Viva Negocio Inmobiliario S.A.C. (i) | |
| 150,285 | | |
| 78,572 | |
Unna Energia S.A. | |
| 80,245 | | |
| 72,055 | |
Cumbra Ingenieria S.A. | |
| 53,205 | | |
| 38,276 | |
Red Vial 5 S.A. | |
| 24,072 | | |
| 23,992 | |
Carretera Andina del Sur S.A.C. | |
| 13,035 | | |
| 13,317 | |
Unna Transporte S.A.C. | |
| 9,852 | | |
| 9,878 | |
Carretera Sierra Piura S.A.C. | |
| 3,439 | | |
| 3,224 | |
Concesionaria La Chira S.A. | |
| 2,290 | | |
| 3,526 | |
Others | |
| 561 | | |
| 1,333 | |
| |
| 1,802,451 | | |
| 1,766,256 | |
| i) | As of March 31, 2023 invoices receivable correspond mainly
to the sale of land to SEDAPAL in Inmobiliaria Almonte 2 S.A.C. for S/70 million (As of December 31, 2022 invoices receivable correspond
mainly to the sale of land to SEDAPAL in Inmobiliaria Almonte 2 S.A.C. (located in the district of Lurin, province of Lima, with an area
of 209.59 hectares) for S/140 million which will be payable in 7 installments, being the last installment in the month of August 2023. |
| (a) | Invoices
receivable are presented net of impairment for S/44.6 million, and discounted to present
value for S/0.7 million (S/44.7 million for impairment and S/0.7 million of present value,
as of December 31, 2022). |
of December 31, 2022 and March 31, 2023, Management performed the assessment of credit risk exposure on trade accounts receivable.
aging analysis of trade receivables is as follows:
| |
As of | | |
As of | |
| |
December 31, | | |
March 31, | |
In thousands of soles | |
2022 | | |
2023 | |
Current | |
| 853,531 | | |
| 862,089 | |
Past due up to 30 days | |
| 29,078 | | |
| 28,792 | |
Past due from 31 days up to 90 days | |
| 2,049 | | |
| 5,520 | |
Past due from 91 days up to 120 days | |
| 1,437 | | |
| 1,375 | |
Past due from 121 days up to 360 days | |
| 4,100 | | |
| 1,398 | |
Past due over 360 days | |
| 4,376 | | |
| 7,705 | |
| |
| 894,571 | | |
| 906,879 | |
of March 31, 2023, the amount of overdue amounts greater than 360 days mainly includes invoices receivable from subsidiaries: Cumbra
Peru S.A. for S/3 million, Unna Transporte S.A.C. for S/3.8 million and Cumbra Ingenieria S.A. for S/0.9 million (Cumbra Peru S.A. for
S/3.4 million and Cumbra Ingenieria S.A. for S/0.9 million as of December 31, 2022).
| (b) | Unbilled receivables
from subsidiaries correspond to documents related to estimates for services rendered that
were not billed, valuations in preparation or pending approval. These rights are presented
net of impairment for S/3.8 million and discounted to present value for S/2.4 million (S/3.8
million for impairment, and S/2.8 million of present value, as of December 31, 2022). The
following is a detail by subsidiary: |
| |
As of | | |
As of | |
| |
December 31, | | |
March 31, | |
In thousands of soles | |
2022 | | |
2023 | |
Cumbra Peru S.A. | |
| 533,389 | | |
| 489,996 | |
Cumbra Ingenieria S.A. | |
| 38,922 | | |
| 30,751 | |
Unna Transporte S.A.C. | |
| 6,192 | | |
| 6,051 | |
Unna Energia S.A. | |
| 5,617 | | |
| 3,210 | |
Others | |
| 97 | | |
| 113 | |
| |
| 584,217 | | |
| 530,121 | |
| (c) | Unbilled
receivables from Concession correspond to future billings to be made to the Grantor in accordance
with the terms of the concession contract, as detailed below: |
| |
As of | | |
As of | |
| |
December 31, | | |
March 31, | |
In thousands of soles | |
2022 | | |
2023 | |
Tren Urbano de Lima S.A. | |
| 281,487 | | |
| 289,676 | |
Red Vial 5 S.A. | |
| 24,072 | | |
| 21,055 | |
Carretera Andina del Sur S.A.C. | |
| 12,796 | | |
| 12,991 | |
Carretera Sierra Piura S.A.C. | |
| 3,018 | | |
| 3,224 | |
Concesionaria La Chira S.A. | |
| 2,290 | | |
| 2,310 | |
| |
| 323,663 | | |
| 329,256 | |
| a) | Transactions with related
parties |
Major transactions for the period
ended March 31, 2023 and 2022 between the Company and its related parties are summarized as follows:
In thousands of soles | |
2022 | | |
2023 | |
Revenue from sales of goods and services: | |
| | |
| |
- Joint operations | |
| 10,120 | | |
| 6,375 | |
| |
| 10,120 | | |
| 6,375 | |
Inter-company services are agreed based
on market terms and conditions as if they had been agreed with third parties.
| b) | This balances comprises
the following: |
| |
As of December 31, 2022 | | |
As of March 31, 2023 | |
In thousands of soles | |
Receivable | | |
Payable | | |
Receivable | | |
Payable | |
Current portion: | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| |
Joint operations | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| |
Consorcio Inti Punku | |
| 4,030 | | |
| 3,104 | | |
| 3,928 | | |
| 17,417 | |
Consorcio Rio Mantaro | |
| - | | |
| 12,247 | | |
| - | | |
| 12,073 | |
Consorcio Constructor Chavimochic | |
| - | | |
| 9,421 | | |
| - | | |
| 9,264 | |
Consorcio Rio Urubamba | |
| 9,606 | | |
| - | | |
| 9,536 | | |
| - | |
Consorcio Manperan | |
| 603 | | |
| 4,064 | | |
| 4,074 | | |
| 8,773 | |
Consorcio TNT Vial y Vives - DSD Chile Ltda | |
| 8,664 | | |
| 3,153 | | |
| 5,364 | | |
| 3,127 | |
Consorcio Peruano de Conservacion | |
| 752 | | |
| 2,629 | | |
| 796 | | |
| 2,757 | |
Consorcio Vial Quinua | |
| - | | |
| 1,945 | | |
| - | | |
| 1,945 | |
Consorcio GyM Conciviles | |
| - | | |
| 1,426 | | |
| - | | |
| 1,264 | |
Terminales del Peru | |
| 88 | | |
| 600 | | |
| 140 | | |
| 600 | |
Consorcio GyM-Stracon | |
| - | | |
| 160 | | |
| - | | |
| 113 | |
Consorcio Norte Pachacutec | |
| 57 | | |
| 246 | | |
| 116 | | |
| 91 | |
Consorcio Italo Peruano | |
| 1,524 | | |
| - | | |
| 1,482 | | |
| 1 | |
Consorcio Ermitaño | |
| 547 | | |
| - | | |
| 536 | | |
| - | |
Others | |
| 1,874 | | |
| 1,139 | | |
| 3,920 | | |
| 902 | |
| |
| 27,745 | | |
| 40,134 | | |
| 29,892 | | |
| 58,327 | |
| |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | |
Other related parties | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | |
Ferrovias S.A. | |
| - | | |
| 13,354 | | |
| - | | |
| 14,684 | |
Peru Piping Spools S.A.C. | |
| - | | |
| - | | |
| - | | |
| - | |
| |
| - | | |
| 13,354 | | |
| - | | |
| 14,684 | |
Current portion | |
| 27,745 | | |
| 53,488 | | |
| 29,892 | | |
| 73,011 | |
| |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | |
Non-current portion | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | |
Gasoducto Sur Peruano S.A. | |
| 542,392 | | |
| - | | |
| 581,287 | | |
| - | |
Ferrovias S.A. | |
| - | | |
| 15,054 | | |
| - | | |
| 15,228 | |
Ferrovias Participaciones S.A. | |
| - | | |
| 12,239 | | |
| - | | |
| 12,377 | |
Non-current | |
| 542,392 | | |
| 27,293 | | |
| 581,287 | | |
| 27,605 | |
Accounts receivable and payable are
mainly of current maturity which have no specific guarantees. These balances do not generate interest considering their maturity in short
The non-current account receivable
corresponds mainly to the assumed obligations arising from the early termination of the GSP project. At March 31, 2023 the balance of
the account includes: (i) the nominal value net of impairment of the account receivable assumed by the Parent Company is S/378 million,
the present value under the discounted cash flow method, applying a rate of 5.14% (5.86% in 2022), originated a reduction in the value
of S/125 million (S/383 million and S/140 million at December 31, 2022, respectively), (ii) the subsidiary Cumbra Perú S. A. maintains
balances of the Consorcio Constructor Ductos del Sur (CCDS) for commercial operations with Consorcio Constructor Ductos del Sur (CCDS).
A. maintains balances from Consorcio Constructor Ductos del Sur (CCDS) for commercial operations and collection rights to GSP for S/328
million, which includes S/303 million receivable from CCDS and S/25 million for loss of profits (as of December 31, 2022, S/299 million,
which includes S/275 million and S/24 million, respectively
As of December 31, this caption comprises
the following:
| |
Total | | |
Current | | |
Non-current | |
| |
As of | | |
As of | | |
As of | | |
As of | | |
As of | | |
As of | |
| |
December 31, | | |
March 31, | | |
December 31, | | |
March 31, | | |
December 31, | | |
March 31, | |
In thousands of soles | |
2022 | | |
2023 | | |
2022 | | |
2023 | | |
2022 | | |
2023 | |
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| |
Guarantee deposits | |
| 227,822 | | |
| 198,226 | | |
| 143,444 | | |
| 115,301 | | |
| 84,378 | | |
| 82,925 | |
Credits from public institutions and recoverable taxes | |
| 141,891 | | |
| 149,031 | | |
| 102,689 | | |
| 109,243 | | |
| 39,202 | | |
| 39,788 | |
Petroleos del Peru S.A.- Petroperu S.A. | |
| 105,073 | | |
| 103,049 | | |
| 15,291 | | |
| 15,374 | | |
| 89,782 | | |
| 87,675 | |
Claims to third parties | |
| 66,886 | | |
| 72,090 | | |
| 23,065 | | |
| 30,023 | | |
| 43,821 | | |
| 42,067 | |
Advances to suppliers | |
| 56,987 | | |
| 74,285 | | |
| 56,987 | | |
| 74,285 | | |
| - | | |
| - | |
Restricted funds | |
| 52,014 | | |
| 54,412 | | |
| 44,668 | | |
| 47,066 | | |
| 7,346 | | |
| 7,346 | |
Inversiones Majes S.A. | |
| 21,081 | | |
| 20,921 | | |
| - | | |
| - | | |
| 21,081 | | |
| 20,921 | |
Accounts receivable from personnel | |
| 2,359 | | |
| 4,428 | | |
| 2,359 | | |
| 4,428 | | |
| - | | |
| - | |
Ministerio de Desarrollo Agrario y Riego - MIDAGRI (a) | |
| - | | |
| 28,183 | | |
| - | | |
| - | | |
| - | | |
| 28,183 | |
Others | |
| 4,812 | | |
| 4,823 | | |
| 4,692 | | |
| 4,703 | | |
| 120 | | |
| 120 | |
| |
| 678,925 | | |
| 709,448 | | |
| 393,195 | | |
| 400,423 | | |
| 285,730 | | |
| 309,025 | |
| a) | The balance corresponds
to the claim to MIDAGRI for US$7.5 million equivalent to S/28.1 million for the execution
of 70% of the Performance Bond, derived from the arbitration process followed against the
Regional Government of La Libertad and currently the Ministry of Agrarian Development and
Irrigation (Note 12.ii). |
The fair value of the other short-term
accounts receivable is similar to their book value due to their short-term maturity. The non-current portion corresponds mainly to non-financial
assets such as claims to third parties and tax credits. Other non-current accounts receivable maintain maturities that vary between 2
and 5 years.
The maximum exposure to credit risk
as of the reporting date is the carrying amount of each class of other accounts receivable mentioned.
This caption comprises the following:
| |
As of | | |
As of | |
| |
December 31, | | |
March 31, | |
In thousands of soles | |
2022 | | |
2023 | |
Associates | |
| 2,753 | | |
| 2,751 | |
Joint ventures | |
| 12,163 | | |
| 13,037 | |
| |
| 14,916 | | |
| 15,788 | |
Movement of our investments in associates
for the year ended March 31, 2022, and 2023 is as follows:
| |
As of | | |
As of | |
| |
March 31, | | |
March 31, | |
In thousands of soles | |
2022 | | |
2023 | |
Balance as of January 1 | |
| 31,173 | | |
| 14,916 | |
Equity interest in results | |
| (425 | ) | |
| 864 | |
Conversion adjustment | |
| (3 | ) | |
| 8 | |
Balance as of March 31 | |
| 30,745 | | |
| 15,788 | |
The most relevant associates are described
| i. | Gasoducto Sur Peruano S.A |
In November 2015, the Corporation
acquired a 20% interest in Gasoducto Sur Peruano S.A. (hereinafter “GSP”) and obtained a 29% interest in Consorcio Constructor
Ductos del Sur (hereinafter “CCDS”) through its subsidiary Cumbra Peru S.A.
On July 22, 2014, GSP signed a concession
agreement with the Peruvian Government to build, operate, and maintain a pipeline transportation system of natural gas to meet the demand
of cities in the south of Peru (hereinafter the “Concession Agreement”). Additionally, GSP signed an engineering, procurement
and construction agreement with CCDS.
The Corporation made an investment
of US$ 242.5 million (S/811 million) in GSP and had to assume 20% of the performance bond established in the concession agreement for
US$ 262.5 million and 21.49% of the guarantee for a bridge loan of US$ 600 million.
Early termination of the Concession
On January 24, 2017 the Peruvian Ministry
of Energy and Mines (hereinafter “MEM”) notified the early termination of the Concession Agreement under Clause 6.7 for not
having provided evidence of the financial closing within the contractual term resulting in the immediate enforcement of the performance
The foregoing situation resulted in
the enforcement of the guarantees provided by AENZA in favor of the grantor of guarantees: performance bond for US$ 52.5 million and
US$ 129 million for the corporate guarantee under a bridge loan granted to GSP. Upon the Concession Agreement, the guarantees were paid
on behalf of GSP; therefore, AENZA recognized the right to collect to GSP an amount of US$ 181.5 million, which was recorded in 2016
as accounts receivable from related parties.
On October 11, 2017, GSP and MEM signed
the respective minutes to deliver the concession assets of Gasoducto Sur Peruano. These assets included all works, equipment, facilities,
and engineering studies needed for the development of the project.
After the termination of the Concession
Agreement and according to that set forth in Clause 20 thereof, the Peruvian Government had to hire a recognized international audit
firm to calculate the net book value of the concession assets (hereinafter “VCN” for its Spanish acronym) and call up to
three (3) tenders for GSP´s assets. However, as of this date, the Peruvian Government continues to be in breach of such contractual
obligations. An independent audit firm hired by GSP calculated the VCN to equal US$ 2,602 million as of December 31, 2016, this amount
was subsequently adjusted to US$ 2.110 million.
Collection Actions of AENZA S.A.A
On December 21, 2018, the Company
asked the Peruvian Government for direct treatment and requested the payment of VCN in favor of GSP. On October 18, 2019, the Company
filed with CIADI an arbitration request. On December 27, 2019 the Company withdrew the arbitration in compliance with a preliminary plea
agreement signed with the Attorney General´s Office and Ad-hoc Public Prosecutor’s Office on the same date (Note 1). Withdrawing
the arbitration before CIADI does not involve the loss of collection rights of the Company against GSP and does not restrict, limit,
or impede GSP from asserting its rights against the Peruvian Governement.
The Company and its internal and external
legal advisors consider that the payment owed by the Government to GSP for the VCN are not within the withholding scope under Law 30737
since this payment does not include a net profit margin and it does not correspond to the sale of assets.
Bankruptcy of GSP
On December 4, 2017, GSP started a
bankruptcy proceeding before the INDECOPI. The Corporation registered a claim for accounts receivable amounting to US$ 0.4 million and
US$ 169.3 million, the latter held under trust in favor of the creditors of the Company. As of the date of this report, GSP is under
liquidation and AENZA chairs the Board of Creditors. On December 11, 2023 the Liquidation Agreement establishing the liquidator’s
labor framewrok was approved.
As of March 31, 2023, the present
value of accounts receivable from GSP is US$67.4 million, equivalent to S/253.2 million (as of December 31, 2022, US$63.9
million, equivalent to S/243.1 million) and maintains an accumulated impairment of US$82.8 million (S/311.3 million). The
Company’s management maintains the recovery estimate at 8 years. Likewise, it has updated the discount rate used in its
estimates to 5.14%, having an accumulated loss from discount restatement under amortized cost of US$17.3 million (S/66.9 million).
| ii. | Concesionaria Chavimochic S.A.C. |
In May 2014, Concesionaria Chavimochic
S.A.C. (hereinafter, the “Concessionaire”) - in which Aenza has a 26.5% interest, entered into a Concession Contract (hereinafter,
the “Concession Contract”) with the Peruvian State for the design, construction, operation and maintenance of the major hydraulic
works of the Chavimochic Project (hereinafter, the “Project”). The construction of the Project started in 2015, with a concession
term of 25 years and an investment amount of approximately US$647 million.
Pursuant to the Concession Contract,
the works of the third stage of the Project were structured in two phases. To date, the works of the first phase (Palo Redondo Dam) are
70% complete. However, since the beginning of 2017, the early termination procedure of the Concession Contract was initiated due to contractual
breach by the Grantor, having suspended all activities in December 2017. Not having reached an agreement, the Concessionaire initiated
an arbitration process before the United Nations International Commercial Law Commission (CNUDI by its acronym in Spanish).
On October 4, 2022, the Arbitral Award
notified the parties with the award, which provided for the early termination of the Concession Contract and ordered, among others, that
the Grantor pay the Concessionaire US$25.3 million as a consequence of its failure to provide the Project Control Delivery and, the execution
of 70% of the Performance Bond or the payment of US$25 million for the Concessionaire’s failure to obtain financial closure.
Despite the Concessionaire’s
requests for exclusion and integration of the award, the Tribunal did not issue a decision within the deadline, and the award was consented
to. In February 2023, the Grantor, through MIDAGRI, executed the letter of guarantee, which is currently under claim (Note 11).
The movement in investment property,
property, plant and equipment, intangible assets and right-of-use assets accounts for the period ended March 31, 2022 and 2023, are as
| |
| | |
Property, | | |
| | |
| |
| |
Investment | | |
plant and | | |
Intangibles | | |
Right-of-use | |
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| |
| |
(a) | | |
(a) | | |
(b) | | |
(a) | |
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| |
Net cost as of January 1, 2022 | |
| 63,011 | | |
| 303,170 | | |
| 743,391 | | |
| 47,717 | |
Additions | |
| - | | |
| 6,691 | | |
| 14,396 | | |
| 8,776 | |
Reclassifications and disposals | |
| - | | |
| 50 | | |
| (6 | ) | |
| (136 | ) |
Conversion adjustments | |
| - | | |
| (635 | ) | |
| (1,418 | ) | |
| (9 | ) |
Deductions for sale of assets | |
| - | | |
| (3,522 | ) | |
| - | | |
| - | |
Depreciation, amortization | |
| (1,021 | ) | |
| (13,563 | ) | |
| (24,359 | ) | |
| (4,311 | ) |
Net cost as of March 31, 2022 | |
| 61,990 | | |
| 292,191 | | |
| 732,004 | | |
| 52,037 | |
| |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | |
Net cost as oft January 1, 2023 | |
| 61,924 | | |
| 284,465 | | |
| 787,336 | | |
| 50,207 | |
Additions | |
| 2 | | |
| 12,029 | | |
| 47,802 | | |
| 1,684 | |
Reclassifications and disposals | |
| - | | |
| (242 | ) | |
| - | | |
| - | |
Conversion adjustments | |
| - | | |
| 2,579 | | |
| 4,043 | | |
| 21 | |
Deductions for sale of assets | |
| - | | |
| (390 | ) | |
| - | | |
| - | |
Depreciation, amortization | |
| (965 | ) | |
| (12,613 | ) | |
| (35,286 | ) | |
| (4,358 | ) |
Net cost as of March 31, 2023 | |
| 60,961 | | |
| 285,828 | | |
| 803,895 | | |
| 47,554 | |
| (a) | Investment property,
property, plant and equipment and right-of-use assets |
As of March 31, 2023, additions to
property, plant and equipment correspond mainly to the energy segment, for machinery, replacement units, works in progress and other
assets totaling S/10.5 million. Also, additions in the engineering and construction segment for other equipment and machinery for S/1.2
million (as of March 31, 2022, correspond mainly to work in progress and units to be received corresponding to the drilling stage of
the infrastructure segment for S/3.4 million, machinery of the engineering and construction segment for S/1.9 million; and S/1 million
in other equipment of the engineering and construction segment).
As of March 31, 2023, the addition
of right-of-use assets corresponds to the price adjustment to the Company’s real estate lease agreement for S/1.7 million; (as
of December 31, 2022, it mainly corresponds to lease agreements for the acquisition of miscellaneous equipment and vehicles in the energy
segment for S/8.3 million).
For the period ended March 31, 2022
and 2023, depreciation of property, plant and equipment, investment property and right-of-use assets is presented in the consolidated
statement of income as follows:
In thousands of soles | |
2022 | | |
2023 | |
| |
| | |
| |
Cost of sale of goods and services (Note 20) | |
| 17,760 | | |
| 17,794 | |
Administrative expenses (Note 20) | |
| 1,135 | | |
| 142 | |
Total depreciation | |
| 18,895 | | |
| 17,936 | |
(-) Depreciation related to investment property | |
| (1,021 | ) | |
| (965 | ) |
(-) Depreciation related to right-of-use assets | |
| (4,311 | ) | |
| (4,358 | ) |
Total depreciation of property, plant and equipment | |
| 13,563 | | |
| 12,613 | |
As of March 31, 2023, the additions
correspond mainly to the energy segment for investments in the preparation of wells and other assets totaling S/46.2 million (as of March
31, 2022, the additions correspond mainly to investments in the preparation of wells and other assets of the infrastructure segment for
S/11.9 million, software development of the engineering and construction segment for S/1.5 million, and additions in concessions and
licenses corresponding to the infrastructure segment for S/1 million).
For the period
ended March 31, 2022 and 2023, the breakdown of intangible amortization included in the consolidated statement of income is as follows:
In thousands of soles | |
2022 | | |
2023 | |
Cost of sale of goods and services (Note 20) | |
| 23,933 | | |
| 34,466 | |
Administrative expenses (Note 20) | |
| 426 | | |
| 820 | |
Total amortization | |
| 24,359 | | |
| 35,286 | |
reviews businesses results based on the type of economic activity developed. The cash-generating units are distributed in the following
| |
As of | | |
As of | |
| |
December 31, | | |
March 31, | |
In thousands of soles | |
2022 | | |
2023 | |
Engineering and construction | |
| 28,741 | | |
| 29,448 | |
Electromechanical | |
| 20,736 | | |
| 20,735 | |
| |
| 49,477 | | |
| 50,183 | |
This caption comprises the following:
| |
Total | | |
Current | | |
Non-current | |
| |
As of | | |
As of | | |
As of | | |
As of | | |
As of | | |
As of | |
| |
December 31, | | |
March 31, | | |
December 31, | | |
March 31, | | |
December 31, | | |
March 31, | |
In thousands of soles | |
2022 | | |
2023 | | |
2022 | | |
2023 | | |
2022 | | |
2023 | |
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| |
Bank loans (a) | |
| 651,825 | | |
| 715,027 | | |
| 548,372 | | |
| 541,745 | | |
| 103,453 | | |
| 173,282 | |
Other financial entities (b) | |
| 168,148 | | |
| 161,962 | | |
| 12,176 | | |
| 13,269 | | |
| 155,972 | | |
| 148,693 | |
Lease liability for right-of-use asset | |
| 59,085 | | |
| 54,446 | | |
| 12,879 | | |
| 12,001 | | |
| 46,206 | | |
| 42,445 | |
Finance leases | |
| 835 | | |
| 189 | | |
| 835 | | |
| 189 | | |
| - | | |
| - | |
| |
| 879,893 | | |
| 931,624 | | |
| 574,262 | | |
| 567,204 | | |
| 305,631 | | |
| 364,420 | |
As of December 31, 2022 and as of
March 31, 2023, this item comprises bank loans in local and foreign currencies for working capital purposes. These obligations accrue
fixed interest rates which fluctuate between 6% and 12.5% in 2023 (between 6% and 11.4% in 2022).
| |
| |
| | |
As of | | |
As of | |
| |
| |
Date of | | |
December 31, | | |
March 31, | |
In thousands of soles | |
Interest rate | |
maturity | | |
2022 | | |
2023 | |
| |
| |
| | |
| | |
| |
AENZA S.A.A. (i) | |
Term SOFR 3M + de 6.26% a 8.51% | |
| 2023 | | |
| 463,773 | | |
| 485,929 | |
Unna Energia S.A.(ii) | |
6.04% / 7.68% | |
| 2027 | | |
| 126,064 | | |
| 124,815 | |
Viva Negocio Inmobiliario S.A.C. (iii) | |
7.84% / 12.50% | |
| 2032 | | |
| 51,314 | | |
| 90,650 | |
Morelco S.A.S. (iv) | |
9.95% / 10.93% | |
| 2023 | | |
| 10,674 | | |
| 13,633 | |
| |
| |
| | | |
| 651,825 | | |
| 715,027 | |
| i) | AENZA S.A.A. Bridge
Loan Agreement |
On March 17, 2022, the Company entered
into a bridge loan credit agreement for up to US$120 million, with a group of financial entities comprised by Banco BTG Pactual S.A.
- Cayman Branch, Banco Santander Peru S.A., HSBC Mexico, S.A., Institucion de Banca Multiple, Grupo Financiero HSBC, and Natixis, New
York Branch. The financing will be repaid over a period of 18 months, in quarterly payments, and will be secured, subject to the fulfillment
of certain precedent conditions, by a cash flow trust (first lien), a pledge on our shares in Unna Energia S.A. (first lien), and a trust
fund over the shares of Viva Negocio Inmobiliario S.A.C. (second lien). On April 5, 2022, the Company received the full amount of the financing
for US$120 million. The loan bears interest at the following interest rates: (i) for the first and second payment, Term SOFR + 6.26%;
(ii) for the third and fourth payment, Term SOFR + 6.76%; (iii) for the fifth payment, Term SOFR + 7.51%; and (iv) for the sixth payment,
Term SOFR + 7.51%. As of March 31, 2023, the total amount payable is S/485.9 million, includes principal of S/477.9 million, plus interest
and net deferred charges of S/8 million (as of December 31, 2022, the total amount payable is S/463.8 million, includes principal of
S/458.4 million, plus interest and net deferred charges of S/5.4 million). As of December 31, 2022 and as of March 31, 2023, the Company
has complied with the corresponding covenants established in the contract loan.
| ii) | Unna Energia S.A. Loan |
Terminales del Peru (hereinafter “TP”),
a joint operation of the subsidiary Unna Energia S.A., has a medium-term loan agreement with Banco de Credito del Peru (hereinafter “BCP”)
up to US$30 million to finance the investments committed and up to US$70 million to finance the additional investments from the operation
contract of the North and Center terminals for the period 2015 to 2019, its period of availability is until December 31, 2022, with a
maximum exposure limit of US$80 million. These loans are repaid within 8 years. During 2022 additional cash transfer of US$8.5 million
(equivalent to S/32.7 million) was requested for the additional investments. As of March 31, 2023, the amount of financing equivalent
to the 50% interest held by the subsidiary Unna Energia S.A. amounts to US$24.5 million, equivalent to S/92.3 million (US$26.2 million,
equivalent to S/100.2 million, as of December 31, 2022).
In addition, during November 2019,
TP signed a loan agreement to finance the additional investments from 2019 to 2023, for a credit line amounting to US$46 million with
BCP. The contract confirmed the participation of an assignee, so BD Capital (BDC) acquired 50% of the BCP contractual position through
the subscription of the accession contract. In February 2023, a disbursement of US$5 million (equivalent to S/18.8 million) was requested
for additional investments. As of March 31, 2023, the amount of financing equivalent to the 50% interest held by the subsidiary Unna
Energia S.A. amounts to US$9.4 million, equivalent to S/35.4 million (US$7.4 million, equivalent to S/28.1 million, as of December 31,
As of December 31, 2022, and as of
March 31, 2023, TP is in compliance with the ratios established in the contract loan.
| iii) | Viva Negocio Inmobiliario S.A.C. Loan |
The balance includes the following:
| |
| | |
| | |
As of | | |
As of | |
| |
Interest | | |
Date of | | |
December 31, | | |
March 31, | |
In thousands of soles | |
rate | | |
maturity | | |
2022 | | |
2023 | |
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| |
Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (*) | |
| 7.84% | | |
| 2032 | | |
| - | | |
| 74,700 | |
Banco de Credito del Peru S.A. | |
| 7.00% / 12.50% | | |
| 2023 | | |
| 36,562 | | |
| 8,132 | |
Banco BBVA Peru S.A. | |
| 7.94% / 10.90% | | |
| 2024 | | |
| 2,116 | | |
| 7,818 | |
Banco Interamericano de Finanzas S.A. | |
| 11.35% | | |
| 2024 | | |
| 12,636 | | |
| - | |
| |
| | | |
| | | |
| 51,314 | | |
| 90,650 | |
| (*) | In January 2023, Viva Negocio Inmobiliario S.A.C. obtained
a loan signed with Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo for US$20 million (equivalent to S/75.7 million), for the purpose of building social
housing. |
The balance includes the following:
| |
| | |
| | |
As of | | |
As of | |
| |
Interest | | |
Date of | | |
December 31, | | |
March 31, | |
In thousands of soles | |
rate | | |
maturity | | |
2022 | | |
2023 | |
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| |
Bancolombia S.A. | |
| 9.95% / 10.93% | | |
| 2023 | | |
| 6,344 | | |
| 9,184 | |
Banco de Bogota | |
| 10.39% | | |
| 2023 | | |
| 4,330 | | |
| 4,449 | |
| |
| | | |
| | | |
| 10,674 | | |
| 13,633 | |
| (a) | Other financial entities |
The balance is mainly composed of
the monetization of Red Vial 5 S.A. dividends, operation carried out on May 29, 2018, for the subscription of an investment contract
between the Company and Inversiones Concesiones Vial S.A.C. (“BCI Peru”) - whith the intervention of Fondo de
Inversiones BCI NV (“Fondo BCI”) and BCI Management Administradora General de Fondos S.A. (“BCI” Asset
Management”) - to monetize future dividends from Red Vial 5 S.A. to the Company. With the signing of this agreement, the
Company obligated itself to indirectly transfer its economic rights over 48.8% of the share capital of Red Vial 5 S.A. by
transferring its class B shares (equivalent to 48.8% of the capital of Red Vial S.A.) to a vehicle specially constituted for such
purposes named Inversiones en Autopistas S.A. The amount of the transaction was US$42.3 million (equivalent to S/138 million) and
was completed on June 11, 2018.
Likewise, it has been agreed that
the Company will have purchase options on 48.8% of Red Vial 5 S.A.’s economic rights that BCI Peru will maintain through its participation
in Inversiones en Autopistas S.A. These options will be subject to certain conditions such as the expiration of different terms, recovery
of the investment made with the funds of the BCI Fund (according to different economic calculations) and/or that a change of control
As of March 31, 2023, the balance
to be paid amounted to US$42.1 million, equivalent to S/158.7 million (as of December 31, 2022, balance was US$42.6 million, equivalent
to S/162.8 million) and includes the effect of the fair value of S/1.4 million (as of December 31, 2022, S/16.6 million). Accrued interest
amounted to S/2.1 million (in the same period of 2022, S/2.3 million).
| (c) | Fair value of borrowings |
The carrying amount and fair value
of borrowings are detailed as follows:
| |
Carrying amount | | |
Fair value | |
| |
As of | | |
As of | | |
As of | | |
As of | |
| |
December 31, | | |
March 31, | | |
December 31, | | |
March 31, | |
In thousands of soles | |
2022 | | |
2023 | | |
2022 | | |
2023 | |
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| |
Bank loans | |
| 651,825 | | |
| 715,027 | | |
| 638,620 | | |
| 700,805 | |
Other financial entities | |
| 168,148 | | |
| 161,962 | | |
| 168,148 | | |
| 161,962 | |
Lease liability for right-of-use asset | |
| 59,085 | | |
| 54,446 | | |
| 53,394 | | |
| 54,273 | |
Finance leases | |
| 835 | | |
| 189 | | |
| 776 | | |
| 189 | |
| |
| 879,893 | | |
| 931,624 | | |
| 860,938 | | |
| 917,229 | |
As of March 31, 2023, the fair
value is based on cash flows discounted using debt rates between 4.5% and 17.6% (between 4.7% and 17.6% as of December 31, 2022) and are
included as Level 2 in the level of measurement, except for other financial entities which is measured within level 3.
This caption comprised the following:
| |
Total | | |
Current | | |
Non-current | |
| |
As of | | |
As of | | |
As of | | |
As of | | |
As of | | |
As of | |
| |
December 31, | | |
March 31, | | |
December 31, | | |
March 31, | | |
December 31, | | |
March 31, | |
In thousands of soles | |
2022 | | |
2023 | | |
2022 | | |
2023 | | |
2022 | | |
2023 | |
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| |
Tren Urbano de Lima S.A. (a) | |
| 629,956 | | |
| 629,478 | | |
| 31,203 | | |
| 31,455 | | |
| 598,753 | | |
| 598,023 | |
Red Vial 5 S.A. (b) | |
| 218,684 | | |
| 208,987 | | |
| 41,343 | | |
| 43,150 | | |
| 177,341 | | |
| 165,837 | |
Cumbra Peru S.A. (c) | |
| 21,273 | | |
| 18,668 | | |
| 4,554 | | |
| 4,021 | | |
| 16,719 | | |
| 14,647 | |
| |
| 869,913 | | |
| 857,133 | | |
| 77,100 | | |
| 78,626 | | |
| 792,813 | | |
| 778,507 | |
| (a) | Tren Urbano de Lima S.A. |
During February 2015, the subsidiary Tren Urbano de Lima S.A. issue corporate bonds under Regulation S of the United States of America.
The issuance was made in VAC soles (adjusted for the Constant Update Value) for an amount of S/629 million. The bonds have a maturity
ended in November 2039 and accrue an annual effective interest rate of 4.75% (plus the VAC adjustment), present a risk rating of AA+
(local scale) granted by Apoyo & Asociados Internacionales Clasificadora de Riesgo. As of March 31, 2023, an accumulated amortization
amounting to S/133.2 million has been made (S/126.8 million as of December 31, 2022).
As of December 31, 2022, the balance
includes VAC adjustments and interest payable for S/149 million (S/143.3 million as of December 31, 2022).
The account movement of such corporate
bonds for the periods ended March 31, 2022 and 2023 is as follows:
In thousands of soles | |
2022 | | |
2023 | |
| |
| | |
| |
Balance at January, 1 | |
| 626,697 | | |
| 629,956 | |
Amortization | |
| (4,808 | ) | |
| (6,375 | ) |
Accrued interest | |
| 12,848 | | |
| 14,101 | |
Interest paid | |
| (7,793 | ) | |
| (8,204 | ) |
Balance at March, 31 | |
| 626,944 | | |
| 629,478 | |
As of December 31, 2022, and as of
March 31, 2023, Tren Urbano de Lima S.A. has complied with the corresponding covenants.
As of March
31, 2023, the fair value amounts to S/629.9 million (S/630.7 million, as of December 31, 2022), this is based on discounted cash flows
using an annual effective interest rate of 5.2% (cash flows using an annual effective interest rate of 5.9% as of December 31, 2022)
and corresponds to level 3 of the fair value hierarchy.
Between 2015 and 2016, the subsidiary
Red Vial 5 S.A. issued the First Corporate Bond Program on the Lima Stock Exchange for a total S/365 million. The bonds mature in January
2027 and bear interest at a rate of 8.38%. As of December 31, 2022, risk rating agencies Moody´s Local and Apoyo & Asociados
Internacionales graded this debt instrument with AA+ and AA- class.
The capital raised was used to finance
the construction of the second phase of Red Vial No.5 and the financing of VAT arising from a project-related expenses.
The account movement for the periods ended March
31, 2022, and 2023 is as follows:
In thousands of soles | |
2022 | | |
2023 | |
| |
| | |
| |
Balance at January, 1 | |
| 251,933 | | |
| 218,684 | |
Amortization | |
| (7,299 | ) | |
| (9,568 | ) |
Accrued interest | |
| 5,125 | | |
| 4,396 | |
Interest paid | |
| (5,217 | ) | |
| (4,525 | ) |
Balance at March, 31 | |
| 244,542 | | |
| 208,987 | |
As of December 31, 2022, and as of
March 31, 2023, Red Vial 5 S.A. has complied with the covenants.
As of March
31, 2023, the fair value amounts to S/214.6 million (as of December 31, 2022, S/224.8 million), is based on discounted cash flows using
an annual effective interest rate 8.1% as of December 31, 2022 and as of March 31, 2023 and is within level 2 of the fair value hierarchy.
At the beginning of 2020, the subsidiary
Cumbra Peru S.A. prepared the First Private Bond Program, up to a maximum amount of US$8 million.
In the first quarter of the year 2020,
bonds issued amounts to US$7.8 million (equivalent to S/25.9 million) under the debt swap modality, related to its outstanding trade
The bonds mature in December 2027 and
bear an annual effective interest rate of 8.5%, payment is semi-annual and have a risk rating of B-, granted by the rating company Moody’s
Peru. As of March 31, 2023, the balance includes accrued interest payable for US$0.1 million, equivalent to S/0.4 million (US$0.2 million,
equivalent to S/0.8 million, as of December 31, 2022).
The account movement for the periods
ended March 31, 2022, and 2023 is as follows:
In thousands of soles | |
2022 | | |
2023 | |
| |
| | |
| |
Balance at January, 1 | |
| 26,282 | | |
| 21,273 | |
Amortization | |
| (1,913 | ) | |
| (1,851 | ) |
Exchange difference | |
| (1,788 | ) | |
| (282 | ) |
Accrued interest | |
| 472 | | |
| 393 | |
Interest paid | |
| (1,057 | ) | |
| (865 | ) |
Balance at March, 31 | |
| 21,996 | | |
| 18,668 | |
As of March 31, 2023, the fair value
amounts to S/17.6 million (S/19.7 million as of December 31, 2022), is based on discounted cash flows using a rate of 11.7% (11.4% as of December
31, 2022) and is within level 3 of the fair value hierarchy.
On August
13, 2021, AENZA S.A.A. issued bonds convertible (hereinafter, the “Bonds”) into common shares with voting rights. The total
amount of the issue was US$89.9 million, issuing 89,970 bonds, each with a nominal value of US$ 1,000.
The placement
of these bonds was executed locally and were made available to investors only in Peru pursuant to the provisions of the applicable current
Peruvian legislation. The bonds maturity date was February 2024, bear an annual effective interest rate of 8%, and were payable on a
quarterly basis.
Pursuant to
the terms and conditions of the convertible bonds, issued, these may be converted into shares as of the sixth months from the date of
issuance, according to the following procedure: 1) the conversion day was the last business day of each month; 2) the conversion may
be totally or partially; 3) the conversion notice must be sent to the Bondholders’ Representative no later than 5 business days
prior to the conversion date; and 4) the conversion price would be the minimum between (i) US$0.33 (Zero and 33/100 United States Dollars)
per Share, and (ii) 80% of the average price of the transactions occurring thirty (30) days prior to the Conversion Date, weighted by
the volume of each transaction. The conversion will be made by dividing the current nominal value of each bond by the conversion price.
As of December
31, 2021, the debt balance net of costs incurred amounted to US$89.9 million equivalent to S/356 million. Thereafter the Corporation
converted entirely all the bonds into common shares in two tranches, first on February 28, 2022, 11,000 bonds and secondly on March 31,
2022, 78,970 bonds (see, Note 19); due the conversion, the balance of the debt was fully paid.
This item comprises:
| |
Total | | |
Current | | |
Non-current | |
| |
As of | | |
As of | | |
As of | | |
As of | | |
As of | | |
As of | |
| |
December 31, | | |
March 31, | | |
December 31, | | |
March 31, | | |
December 31, | | |
March 31, | |
In thousands of soles | |
2022 | | |
2023 | | |
2022 | | |
2023 | | |
2022 | | |
2023 | |
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| |
Invoices payable | |
| 523,175 | | |
| 509,456 | | |
| 513,418 | | |
| 501,548 | | |
| 9,757 | | |
| 7,908 | |
Provision of contract costs (i) | |
| 508,448 | | |
| 495,988 | | |
| 508,448 | | |
| 495,988 | | |
| - | | |
| - | |
Notes payable | |
| 5,390 | | |
| 4,437 | | |
| 5,390 | | |
| 4,437 | | |
| - | | |
| - | |
| |
| 1,037,013 | | |
| 1,009,881 | | |
| 1,027,256 | | |
| 1,001,973 | | |
| 9,757 | | |
| 7,908 | |
This item comprises:
| i) | Unbilled goods and services received amounting to S/389.3
million for the engineering and construction segment, S/52.3 million for the infrastructure segment, S/24.1 million for the energy segment,
S/19.7 million for the real estate segment and S/10.5 million for operations of the parent company (S/390.2 million, S/47.6 million,
S/37 million, S/20.9 million and S/12.8 million, respectively, as of December 31, 2022). |
As of December 31, this caption is comprised
by the following:
| |
Total | | |
Current | | |
Non-current | |