Talisman Energy Inc. (TSX:TLM) (NYSE:TLM) reported its operating and financial results for the first quarter of 2012. All values in this release are in US$ unless otherwise stated.

--  Cash flow(1) was $851 million, up 5% over the first quarter of last year
    and 3% higher than the prior quarter. 
--  Net income was $291 million, compared to a net loss of $326 million in
    the first quarter of 2011 and a net loss of $117 million in the fourth
--  Earnings from operations(1) were $167 million, compared to $157 million
    a year earlier and $114 million in the previous quarter. 
--  Production was up 4%, with record sales in Southeast Asia and higher
    volumes in Colombia and shale. Liquids volumes in Southeast Asia and
    North America are up 35% year over year. 
--  $1 billion of non-core asset sales have been agreed in North America;
    net debt(1) was down to $4 billion from $4.5 billion at year-end. 
--  Capital spending will be further cut to approximately $3.6 billion in
--  In Papua New Guinea, Mitsubishi Corporation (MC) was brought in as a
    strategic partner; natural gas resource aggregation continues with
    success at Elevala-2 and Ketu-2. 
--  Discovery of light oil was confirmed in the Kurdamir-2 well. 

(1) The terms "cash flow," "earnings from operations" and "net debt" are    
    non-GAAP measures. Please see the advisories and reconciliations        
    elsewhere in this news release.                                         

"The first quarter was very strong operationally, and we have made significant progress towards meeting key objectives set out in our January guidance," said John A. Manzoni, President and Chief Executive Officer.

"On a macro level, although oil prices are a bit stronger, North American gas prices are weaker than we anticipated coming into the year. As a result, we are taking additional steps to reduce capital spending in dry gas plays in North America. We are now projecting total capital expenditure on exploration and development activities to be around $3.6 billion for the year. For the remainder of the year, we anticipate spending only about $200 million on dry gas activities in North America, primarily to maintain land and options for the future.

"We have reached agreements to sell approximately $1 billion in non-core assets in North America, which further strengthens our balance sheet. We are continuing to look at other options to focus our portfolio, including potential dilution of redevelopment projects in the North Sea, and high grading our exploration portfolio.

"Production averaged 462,000 boe/d, up 4% from both a year ago and the fourth quarter of last year, driven by growth in both North American shale and Southeast Asia. Planned maintenance turnarounds will result in lower volumes in the second and third quarters, and lower capital spending will impact North American natural gas volumes over the rest of this year.

"Underlying production growth for the year is now projected to be at the bottom of our production growth guidance range of 0 - 5%, due to the further reduction of capital in our dry gas assets. The actual outcome will depend on the asset disposals we make through the year.

"Our shift towards liquids-rich opportunities in North America continued during the quarter. We are currently running 12 rigs in the Eagle Ford shale, up from 10 at year-end. In Southeast Asia we set a new production record. Natural gas sales in the region averaged 548 mmcf/d, up 11% year over year, with realized prices averaging $9.85/mcf.

"In the UK, the Tartan field was brought back onstream in March after several months of safety-related work. The Claymore field, which was also subject to an extended turnaround for safety-related work, was brought back onstream in October of last year, and produced around 10,000 bbls/d over the first quarter.

"In Norway, we have been progressing independent technical studies as part of our assurance processes as operator of the Yme field. These studies indicate that a substantial amount of work is still required to complete the facility to meet Norwegian specifications.

"Given this uncertain timing, we are removing Yme from our forward production projections and have taken the prudent step of writing down a portion of the carrying value of the project (a writedown of $248 million after tax), which we believe represents a sensible view of the range of potential outcomes. We are committed to successful startup of the field and will continue to work with our partners and the contractor to achieve this. At the same time, we are considering all options to complete the Yme development.

"In Colombia, Talisman, like others, is experiencing delays in the regulatory permitting process. We are working with the government and our partners and are expecting to see a ramp up of activity in the latter part of the year.

"We are excited about the results of the Kurdamir-2 well in the Kurdistan Region of northern Iraq. The well tested light oil, condensate and natural gas from a portion of an upper zone. We are currently drilling deeper zones and plan to further test the well this summer.

"In Papua New Guinea (PNG), we are very pleased to have Mitsubishi Corporation (MC) as a strategic partner going forward. In addition to funding $280 million of the future program, they bring global and regional gas market expertise. Drilling results in PNG continue to be encouraging, and our gas aggregation plans are on track.

"In summary, we will continue the course set out in January: reducing spending, directing more capital to liquids plays and continuing to focus and high grade our portfolio. Our balance sheet is strong, and we are encouraged by continuing exploration success in Colombia, PNG and Kurdistan."

Financial Results                                                           
March 31                                                 Three Months Ended 
                                                        2012           2011 
Cash flow(2) ($ million)                                 851            811 
Cash flow per share(2)                                  0.83           0.79 
Net income (loss) ($ million)                            291           (326)
Net income (loss) per share                             0.28          (0.32)
Earnings from operations(2) ($ million)                  167            157 
Earnings from operations per share(2)                   0.16           0.15 
Average shares outstanding - basic (million)           1,023          1,022 

Cash flow was $851 million compared to $811 million in the same period last year, due mainly to higher volumes, oil prices and Southeast Asian natural gas prices, offset by lower North American gas prices, higher royalties and higher operating costs.

Net income was up, reflecting the increase in cash flow plus gains on asset sales, lower dry hole expense and lower exploration expense, a smaller loss on derivatives, a share-based payments recovery and lower taxes, offset by a partial writedown of the Yme project and higher DD&A.

Earnings from operations, which reflect the underlying operations of the company, increased by 6% over the same period last year. Capital expenditure, including exploration expensed(2) in the quarter, was $1.1 billion. Net debt(2) at the end of the first quarter was $4 billion, down from $4.5 billion at the end of 2011.

(2) The terms "cash flow," "cash flow per share," "earnings from operations," "earnings from operations per share," "capital expenditure, including exploration expensed" and "net debt" are non-GAAP measures. Please see the advisories and reconciliations elsewhere in this news release.

March 31                                                 Three Months Ended 
                                                        2012           2011 
Total company netback ($/boe)                         $36.79         $40.58 
Oil and liquids netback ($/bbl)                       $68.02         $64.66 
Natural gas netback ($/mcf)                            $2.61          $3.58 

Talisman's realized sales price of $65.14/boe was relatively unchanged compared to the same period in 2011, since higher global oil and liquids and Southeast Asian natural gas prices were offset by lower gas prices in North America.

The company's average netback was $36.79/boe, 9% lower than 2011 due to higher royalties and unit operating expenses. Natural gas netbacks in Southeast Asia increased 12% to $5.83/mcf.

WTI oil prices averaged $102.93, up 9% from the first quarter of last year. NYMEX natural gas prices averaged $2.77, a 33% decrease from a year ago due to continued natural gas oversupply in North America.

March 31                                                 Three Months Ended 
                                                        2012           2011 
Oil and liquids (mbbls/d)                                                   
North America                                             28             21 
North Sea                                                 89            123 
Southeast Asia                                            45             33 
Other                                                     25             20 
  Total oil and liquids (mbbls/d)                        187            197 
Natural gas (mmcf/d)                                                        
North America                                          1,024            885 
North Sea                                                 43             82 
Southeast Asia                                           548            493 
Other                                                     37             24 
  Total natural gas (mmcf/d)                           1,652          1,484 
  Total (mboe/d)                                         462            444 
Assets held for sale - North America (mboe/d)              7              8 
Production from ongoing operations (mboe/d)              455            436 

Total production and production from ongoing operations increased by 4% over the previous year, due principally to increased oil and gas volumes in Colombia and Southeast Asia and shale volumes in North America, partially offset by lower North Sea production.

North America                                                               
March 31                                                 Three Months Ended 
                                                        2012           2011 
Shale (mmcfe/d)                                                             
  Marcellus                                              529            351 
  Montney/other                                           70             76 
  Eagle Ford                                              76             23 
Total shale (mmcfe/d)                                    675            450 
Conventional total (mboe/d)                               79             86 
Assets held for sale (mboe/d)                              7              8 
Total NAO production (mboe/d)                            198            169 

We are well positioned in some of the top-tier shale plays in North America. We are shifting our focus to the liquids-rich parts of our portfolio and expect to grow our liquids production from approximately 25,000 bbls/d in 2012 to over 60,000 bbls/d by 2015.

In North America, production averaged 198,000 boe/d for the first quarter, up 17% from a year ago. Liquids volumes averaged 28,000 boe/d, an increase of 33%.

Talisman sold non-core, non-producing coal properties in Northeast British Columbia for $500 million in cash, and has secured buyers for two non-core conventional oil and gas properties, with additional proceeds of approximately $500 million. These deals are expected to close in the second quarter.

We continue to ramp up our development program in the liquids-rich Eagle Ford, with 12 rigs active at quarter end. During the quarter, Talisman signed a number of deals with midstream companies to secure significant, long-term egress.

In the liquids-rich Duvernay, we drilled the second well of a six-well pilot program.

In the Pennsylvania Marcellus, gas production was 529 mmcf/d, up 51% over the prior year with 36 wells coming onstream this quarter. We have reduced the number of rigs from 10 at the end of December to one in April, reflecting the company's shift away from dry gas to higher-value liquids projects. In February, Pennsylvania introduced a retroactive impact fee. This increased our operating costs in the quarter by $21 million, $18 million of which reflected a non-recurring, one-time impact for wells that were drilled pre-2012.

In the Montney, we have reduced the number of rigs from 11 at the end of 2011 to four currently, with plans to further reduce this to three.

Southeast Asia                                                              
March 31                                                 Three Months Ended 
                                                        2012           2011 
Malaysia liquids (mbbls/d)                                18             17 
Malaysia gas (mmcf/d)                                    128            113 
Malaysia total (mboe/d)                                   39             36 
Indonesia liquids (mbbls/d)                               12             11 
Indonesia gas (mmcf/d)                                   421            379 
Indonesia total (mboe/d)                                  82             74 
Vietnam (mboe/d)                                           2              2 
Australia (mboe/d)                                        13              3 
Total (mboe/d)                                           136            115 

Southeast Asia is a cash-positive growth area, where the majority of our gas sales contracts are linked to oil price benchmarks. It is expected to grow at an average of approximately 8% per year through the medium term. The region is one of the fastest growing natural gas markets in the world.

Liquids production averaged 45,000 bbls/d in the quarter, an increase of 36% over last year. Natural gas sales averaged 548 mmcf/d, a new record, with prices averaging $9.85/mcf.

In Malaysia, the company achieved record gas sales of 128 mmcf/d, 13% higher than the same period last year, reflecting continued optimization initiatives at PM-3 CAA and strong regional gas demand. Talisman plans to drill up to six development wells on the block this year.

In Indonesia, production was higher than the same period last year principally due to Jambi Merang volumes and improved operational efficiency at the Tangguh LNG plant. Facility optimizations were completed at the Suban gas plant in the Corridor PSC, increasing gross throughput by approximately 45 mmcf/d. Overall, the Corridor PSC is now producing at record levels of over 1 bcf/d gross sales gas.

In Vietnam, production averaged 2,000 bbls/d. The Hai Su Trang and Hai Su Den (HST/HSD) development, which was sanctioned in December 2011, is progressing on schedule and on budget, with first production planned for the second half of 2013.

Production from Australia/Timor-Leste JPDA averaged 13,000 bbls/d, an increase of 30% over the previous period, due primarily to current production from Kitan, which continues to exceed our expectations.

North Sea                                                                   
Production (mboe/d)                                                         
March 31                                                 Three Months Ended 
                                                        2012           2011 
UK                                                        63             92 
Norway                                                    33             44 
Total (mboe/d)                                            96            136 

The North Sea is an important cash generator for the company. We continue to maximize value from these assets by improving operational efficiency. At the same time, we will seek to reduce our exposure in this region.

In the UK, production recommenced at the Tartan platform at the end of March. Claymore has also been up and running since the fourth quarter of 2011. A new well was brought onstream at Auk North, and the Fulmar coil tubing campaign was successfully completed.

Production decreased 4% compared to the fourth quarter of 2011 and was down 29% year over year as a result of a pump failure at Auk North, technical issues with compressors at Claymore and the Ross/Blake facility, and the shutdown at Tartan. In addition, we are seeing both natural declines and water breakthrough at Rev and Tweedsmuir. We continue to work to improve facilities reliability and take remedial actions to offset some of the water breakthrough issues. Planned maintenance activities will result in lower volumes in the second and third quarters.

In Norway, Talisman remains committed to the safe development of the Yme field but we are concerned with the continued delays in the delivery of the facility. Recent technical studies indicate that a substantial amount of work is still required to complete the facility. We are removing the field from our forward production projections pending the development of a work plan to complete the facility to Norwegian specifications.

As such Talisman has taken the prudent step of writing down a portion of the carrying value of the project. Talisman continues to work closely with the Yme partners and the contractor to fully understand the remaining scope of work. At the same time, we are considering all options to complete the Yme development.

Yme is a turnkey, lump sum lease arrangement, which means that the platform belongs to the contractor and is their project to deliver. Upon delivery, Talisman will lease the facility and begin production.

International Exploration

We have created an exploration portfolio focused on material prospects including near-term oil growth and large Asian gas opportunities. We are looking to expand our portfolio in areas that have significant resource potential and low finding costs. We will continue to high grade our assets by seeking new organic options and rationalizing others at an earlier stage in the cycle.

During the quarter, Talisman confirmed the presence of light oil at Kurdamir-2 in the Kurdistan Region of northern Iraq. An open hole drillstem test flowed at unstimulated rates of 7.3 mmcf/d of natural gas and 950 bbls/d of oil and condensate, with no indications of water and no observed decline. A total of 140 metres of gross reservoir (88 metres net) was identified through wireline logging. The well is drilling ahead toward underlying Eocene and Cretaceous targets, with additional testing of the Oligocene planned after the well has finished drilling.

In Papua New Guinea, the company farmed out interests in nine licences in the Western Province to Mitsubishi Corporation (MC), at a value of approximately $280 million. Following government approval of MC's entry, Talisman's and MC's respective equity positions will average approximately 40% and 20%. The natural gas aggregation project continues in the Western Province, with successful results from the Elevala-2 and Ketu-2 wells. Offshore Vietnam, Talisman has just spud its first exploration well in the Nam Con Son basin.

In Colombia, an additional stratigraphic well, Akacias Es-1, has been drilled on Block CP0-9, and preliminary results are very encouraging. In the Niscota block, the Huron-2 appraisal well is expected to finish drilling mid-year.

In the first quarter, production from Colombia averaged 17,000 boe/d with excellent performance from new wells and facilities debottlenecking.

In Peru, the Situche Norte-4X well reached its target depth. It failed to encounter a commercially viable reservoir and has been plugged and abandoned.

Talisman Energy Inc. is a global, diversified, upstream oil and gas company, headquartered in Canada. Talisman's three main operating areas are North America, the North Sea and Southeast Asia. The company also has a portfolio of international exploration opportunities. Talisman is committed to conducting business safely, in a socially and environmentally responsible manner, and is included in the Dow Jones Sustainability (North America) Index. Talisman is listed on the Toronto and New York Stock Exchanges under the symbol TLM. Please visit our website at www.talisman-energy.com.

Forward-Looking Information

This news release contains information that constitutes "forward-looking information" or "forward-looking statements" (collectively "forward-looking information") within the meaning of applicable securities legislation. This forward-looking information includes, among others, statements regarding: business strategy, priorities and plans; expected capital spending and allocation; potential reductions of exposure in the North Sea and the high grading of the exploration portfolio; expected production; expected delays, remaining work, effects on timing and consideration of options at Yme; potential further testing of the Kurdamir-2 well; expected increase in liquids productions; expected timing of the closing of the two non-core conventional oil and gas property sales; expected rigs in the Montney; planned drilling in Malaysia; expected first production at HST/HSD; planned maintenance and corresponding declines in production in the North Sea; expected completion of the drilling of the Huron-2 appraisal well; and other business strategy, plans and priorities.

The factors or assumptions on which the forward-looking information is based include: assumptions inherent in current guidance; projected capital investment levels; the flexibility of capital spending plans and the associated sources of funding; the successful and timely implementation of capital projects; the continuation of tax, royalty and regulatory regimes; ability to obtain regulatory and partner approval; commodity price and cost assumptions; and other risks and uncertainties described in the filings made by the company with securities regulatory authorities. The company believes the material factors, expectations and assumptions reflected in the forward-looking information are reasonable, but no assurance can be given that these factors, expectations and assumptions will prove to be correct. Forward-looking information for periods past 2012 assumes escalating commodity prices.

Undue reliance should not be placed on forward-looking information. Forward-looking information is based on current expectations, estimates and projections that involve a number of risks which could cause actual results to vary and in some instances to differ materially from those anticipated by Talisman and described in the forward-looking information contained in this news release. The material risk factors include, but are not limited to: the risks of the oil and gas industry, such as operational risks in exploring for, developing and producing crude oil and natural gas, market demand and unpredictable facilities outages; risks and uncertainties involving geology of oil and gas deposits; uncertainty related to securing sufficient egress and markets to meet shale gas production; the uncertainty of reserves and resources estimates, reserves life and underlying reservoir risk; the uncertainty of estimates and projections relating to production, costs and expenses; the impact of the economy on the ability of the counterparties to the company's commodity price derivative contracts to meet their obligations under the contracts; potential delays or changes in plans with respect to exploration or development projects or capital expenditures; fluctuations in oil and gas prices, foreign currency exchange rates and interest rates; the outcome and effects of any future acquisitions and dispositions; health, safety and environmental risks; uncertainties as to the availability and cost of financing and changes in capital markets; risks in conducting foreign operations (for example, political and fiscal instability or the possibility of civil unrest or military action); changes in general economic and business conditions; the possibility that government policies or laws may change or governmental approvals may be delayed or withheld; and results of the company's risk mitigation strategies, including insurance and any hedging activities.

The foregoing list of risk factors is not exhaustive. Additional information on these and other factors, which could affect the company's operations or financial results, are included in the company's most recent Annual Information Form. In addition, information is available in the company's other reports on file with Canadian securities regulatory authorities and the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Forward-looking information is based on the estimates and opinions of the company's management at the time the information is presented. The company assumes no obligation to update forward-looking information should circumstances or management's estimates or opinions change, except as required by law.

Unless the context indicates otherwise, references in this news release to "Talisman" or the "company" include, for reporting purposes only, the direct or indirect subsidiaries of Talisman Energy Inc. and the partnership interests held by Talisman Energy Inc. and its subsidiaries. Such use of "Talisman" or the "company" to refer to these other legal entities and partnership interests does not constitute waiver by Talisman Energy Inc. or such entities or partnerships of their separate legal status, for any purpose.

The completion of any contemplated disposition or acquisition is contingent on various factors, including favourable market conditions, the ability of the company to negotiate acceptable terms of sale and receipt of any required approvals for such disposition.

Oil and Gas Information

Throughout this news release, Talisman makes reference to production volumes. Unless otherwise stated, such production volumes are stated on a gross basis, which means they are stated prior to the deduction of royalties and similar payments. In the US, net production volumes are reported after the deduction of these amounts.

Barrel of oil equivalent (boe) throughout this news release is calculated at a conversion rate of six thousand cubic feet (mcf) of natural gas for one barrel of oil (bbl). This news release also includes reference to mcf equivalents (mcfes) which are calculated at a conversion rate of one barrel of oil to 6,000 cubic feet of gas. Boes and mcfes may be misleading, particularly if used in isolation. A boe conversion ratio of 6 mcf:1 bbl and an mcfe conversion ratio of 1 bbl: 6 mcf are based on an energy equivalence conversion method primarily applicable at the burner tip and does not represent a value equivalency at the wellhead.

Talisman also discloses its company netbacks in this news release. Netbacks per boe are calculated by deducting from sales price associated royalties, operating and transportation costs.

Non-GAAP Financial Measures

Included in this news release are references to financial measures commonly used in the oil and gas industry such as cash flow, earnings from operations, capital expenditure including exploration expensed and net debt. These terms are not defined by International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Consequently, these are referred to as non-GAAP measures. Talisman's reported results of such measures may not be comparable to similarly titled measures reported by other companies.

Cash Flow                                                                   
US$million, except per share amounts                                        
                                                         Three Months Ended 
                                              March 31, 2012 March 31, 2011 
Cash provided by operating activities                    980            883 
Changes in non-cash working capital                     (154)          (127)
Add: Exploration expenditure                              56            112 
Add: Pennsylvania impact fee(1)                           18              - 
Less: Finance costs (cash)                               (49)           (57)
Cash flow                                                851            811 
Cash flow per share                                     0.83           0.79 
Diluted cash flow per share                             0.83           0.79 

1.  Pennsylvania impact fee amount represents the one-time impact of the
    retrospective application of the legislation to wells drilled pre-2012. 

Cash flow, as commonly used in the oil and gas industry, represents net income before exploration costs, DD&A, deferred taxes and other non-cash expenses. Cash flow is used by the company to assess operating results between years and between peer companies using different accounting policies. Cash flow should not be considered an alternative to, or more meaningful than, cash provided by operating, investing and financing activities or net income as determined in accordance with IFRS as an indicator of the company's performance or liquidity. Cash flow per share is cash flow divided by the average number of common shares outstanding during the period. Diluted cash flow per share is cash flow divided by the diluted number of common shares outstanding during the period, as reported in the interim condensed consolidated financial statements filed on May 1, 2012. A reconciliation of cash provided by operating activities to cash flow is provided above.

Earnings from Operations                                                    
US$million, except per share amounts                                        
                                                         Three Months Ended 
                                              March 31, 2012 March 31, 2011 
Net income (loss)                                        291           (326)
Gain on disposal (tax adjusted)                         (377)           (68)
Unrealized loss on financial instruments (tax                               
 adjusted)(1)                                             37            263 
Share-based payments (tax adjusted)(2)                   (46)           108 
Foreign exchange on debt (tax adjusted)                   15              8 
Impairment (tax adjusted)                                302             39 
Pennsylvania impact fee (tax adjusted)(3)                 11              - 
Deferred tax adjustments(4)                              (66)           133 
Earnings from operations                                 167            157 
Earnings from operations per share                      0.16           0.15 
Diluted earnings from operations per share              0.16           0.15 

1.  Unrealized loss on financial instruments relates to the change in the
    period of the mark-to-market value of the company's held-for-trading
    financial instruments. 
2.  Share-based payments relate principally to the mark-to-market value of
    the company's outstanding stock options and cash units at March 31. The
    company uses the Black-Scholes option pricing model to estimate the fair
    value of its share-based payment plans. 
3.  Pennsylvania impact fee amount represents the one-time impact of the
    retrospective application of the legislation to wells drilled pre-2012. 
4.  Deferred tax adjustments largely comprise tax on foreign exchange on tax
    pools. The three-month period ended March 31, 2011 also includes a
    deferred tax expense of $225 million in respect of a UK tax rate change
    occurring in that period. 

Earnings from operations are calculated by adjusting the company's net income (loss) per the financial statements for certain items of a non-operational nature, on an after tax basis. The company uses this information to evaluate performance of core operational activities on a comparable basis between periods. Earnings from operations per share are earnings from operations divided by the average number of common shares outstanding during the period. Diluted earnings from operations per share are earnings from operations divided by the diluted number of common shares outstanding during the period, as reported in the interim condensed consolidated financial statements filed on May 1, 2012. A reconciliation of net income (loss) to earnings from operations is provided above.

Capital Expenditure Including Exploration Expensed                          
                                                         Three Months Ended 
                                              March 31, 2012 March 31, 2011 
Exploration, development and other                     1,011            910 
Exploration expensed                                      56            112 
Capital expenditure including exploration                                   
 expensed                                              1,067          1,022 
Capital expenditure including exploration expensed is calculated by         
adjusting the capital expenditure per the financial statements for          
exploration costs that were expensed as incurred.                           
Net Debt                                                                    
                                                         Three Months Ended 
                                              March 31, 2012 March 31, 2011 
Long-term debt                                         4,741          4,895 
Bank indebtedness                                          -             60 
Cash and cash equivalents                               (732)          (474)
Net debt                                               4,009          4,481 
Net debt is calculated by adjusting the company's long-term debt per the    
financial statements for bank indebtedness, cash and cash equivalents. The  
company uses this information to assess its true debt position and eliminate
the impact of timing differences.                                           
                            Talisman Energy Inc.                            
                                                    Three months ended      
                                                         March 31           
                                                         2012          2011 
(millions of US$ unless otherwise stated)                                   
Cash flow (1)                                             851           811 
Net income (loss)                                         291          (326)
Capital expenditure including exploration                                   
 expensed (1)                                           1,067         1,022 
Per common share (US$)                                                      
  Cash flow (1)                                          0.83          0.79 
  Net income (loss)                                      0.28         (0.32)
(Daily Average - Gross)                                                     
Oil and liquids (bbls/d)                                                    
  North America                                        27,940        21,083 
  North Sea                                            88,753       122,358 
  Southeast Asia                                       44,848        32,858 
  Other                                                25,379        20,157 
Total oil and liquids                                 186,920       196,456 
Natural gas (mmcf/d)                                                        
  North America                                         1,024           885 
  North Sea                                                43            82 
  Southeast Asia                                          548           493 
  Other                                                    37            24 
Total natural gas                                       1,652         1,484 
Total mboe/d (2)                                          462           444 
Oil and liquids (US$/bbl)                                                   
  North America                                         77.20         68.78 
  North Sea                                            120.53        104.91 
  Southeast Asia                                       122.99        117.27 
  Other                                                124.93        114.37 
Total oil and liquids                                  115.24        104.07 
Natural gas (US$/mcf)                                                       
  North America                                          2.49          4.06 
  North Sea                                              9.91          8.56 
  Southeast Asia                                         9.85          8.74 
  Other                                                  5.21          5.64 
Total natural gas                                        5.19          5.89 
Total (US$/boe) (2)                                     65.14         65.75 
1.  Cash flow, capital expenditure including exploration expensed and cash  
    flow per share are non-GAAP measures.                                   
2.  Barrels of oil equivalent (boe) is calculated at a conversion rate of   
    six thousand cubic feet (mcf) of natural gas for one barrel of oil.     
                            Talisman Energy Inc.                            
                    Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets                   
                                                    March 31,   December 31,
(millions of US$)                                        2012           2011
  Cash and cash equivalents                               732            474
  Accounts receivable                                   1,569          1,550
  Risk management                                          13             42
  Inventories                                             173            164
  Prepaid expenses                                         20             24
  Assets held for sale                                    252              -
                                                        2,759          2,254
Other assets                                              112            101
Investments                                               393            395
Risk management                                            27             24
Goodwill                                                1,308          1,317
Property, plant and equipment                          15,013         15,909
Exploration and evaluation assets                       3,852          3,954
Deferred tax assets                                       864            272
                                                       21,569         21,972
Total assets                                           24,328         24,226
  Bank indebtedness                                         -             60
  Accounts payable and accrued liabilities              2,831          2,622
  Risk management                                          20              -
  Income and other taxes payable                          381            371
  Current portion of long-term debt                       892            410
  Liabilities associated with assets held for                               
   sale                                                   116              -
                                                        4,240          3,463
Decommissioning liabilities                             2,917          2,982
Other long-term obligations                               341            346
Long-term debt                                          3,849          4,485
Deferred tax liabilities                                2,683          2,932
                                                        9,790         10,745
Shareholders' equity                                                        
Common shares                                           1,650          1,561
Preferred shares                                          191            191
Contributed surplus                                        87            186
Retained earnings                                       7,582          7,292
Accumulated other comprehensive income                    788            788
                                                       10,298         10,018
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity             24,328         24,226
                            Talisman Energy Inc.                            
             Condensed Consolidated Statements of Income (Loss)             
                                               Three months ended March 31  
(millions of US$)                                       2012           2011 
  Sales                                                2,089          1,972 
  Other income                                            26             28 
Total revenue and other income                         2,115          2,000 
  Operating                                              577            452 
  Transportation                                          59             56 
  General and administrative                             121             98 
  Depreciation, depletion and amortization               603            469 
  Impairment                                           1,053            102 
  Dry hole                                                60            104 
  Exploration                                             56            112 
  Finance costs                                           71             76 
  Share-based payments expense (recovery)                (41)           116 
  Loss on held-for-trading financial                                        
   instruments                                            47            319 
  Gain on asset disposals                               (505)           (92)
  Other, net                                              77             58 
Total expenses                                         2,178          1,870 
Income (loss) before taxes                               (63)           130 
Income taxes                                                                
  Current income tax                                     433            443 
  Deferred income tax (recovery)                        (787)            13 
                                                        (354)           456 
Net income (loss)                                        291           (326)
Per common share (US$):                                                     
  Net income (loss)                                     0.28          (0.32)
  Diluted net income (loss)                             0.25          (0.32)
Weighted average number of common shares                                    
 outstanding (millions)                                                     
  Basic                                                1,023          1,022 
  Diluted                                              1,028          1,022 
                            Talisman Energy Inc.                            
              Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows               
                                               Three months ended March 31  
(millions of US$)                                       2012           2011 
Operating activities                                                        
Net income (loss)                                        291           (326)
Add: Finance costs (cash and non-cash)                    71             76 
Items not involving cash                                 464          1,006 
                                                         826            756 
Changes in non-cash working capital                      154            127 
Cash provided by operating activities                    980            883 
Investing activities                                                        
Capital expenditures                                                        
  Exploration, development and other                  (1,011)          (910)
  Corporate acquisitions, net of cash acquired             -           (175)
  Property acquisitions                                   (2)           (31)
Proceeds of resource property dispositions               502            249 
Acquisition deposit                                        -             18 
Investments                                               (3)            54 
Changes in non-cash working capital                       70           (140)
Cash used in investing activities                       (444)          (935)
Financing activities                                                        
Long-term debt repaid                                   (429)          (308)
Long-term debt issued                                    258              - 
Common shares issued                                       2             79 
Common shares purchased                                   (4)           (18)
Finance costs (cash)                                     (49)           (57)
Deferred credits and other                                (7)            (3)
Preferred share dividend                                  (3)             - 
Changes in non-cash working capital                        7             (1)
Cash used in financing activities                       (225)          (308)
Effect of translation on foreign currency cash                              
 and cash equivalents                                      7             26 
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash                                    
 equivalents                                             318           (334)
Cash and cash equivalents net of bank                                       
 indebtedness, beginning of period                       414          1,653 
Cash and cash equivalents net of bank                                       
 indebtedness, end of period                             732          1,319 
Cash and cash equivalents                                732          1,327 
Bank indebtedness                                          -             (8)
Cash and cash equivalents net of bank                                       
 indebtedness, end of period                             732          1,319 
                            Talisman Energy Inc.                            
                            Segmented Information                           
                          North America(1)   North Sea(2)        Asia(3)    
                            Three months     Three months     Three months  
                                ended            ended            ended     
                              March 31         March 31         March 31    
(millions of US$)            2012     2011    2012     2011     2012    2011
Sales                         363      404     945    1,088      614     386
Other income                   21       23       3        5        -       -
Total revenue and other                                                     
 income                       384      427     948    1,093      614     386
Segmented expenses                                                          
Operating                     149      111     312      260       98      72
Transportation                 23       16      20       23       14      15
DD&A                          273      201     174      186      118      62
Impairment                     75        -     978      102        -       -
Dry hole                       11        2      (1)      75        3      24
Exploration                     1       29      14       11       18      52
Other                          29        7      10        9        1       3
Total segmented expenses      561      366   1,507      666      252     228
Segmented income (loss)                                                     
 before taxes                (177)      61    (559)     427      362     158
Non-segmented expenses                                                      
General and administrative                                                  
Finance costs                                                               
Share-based payments                                                        
Currency translation                                                        
Loss on held-for-trading                                                    
financial instruments                                                       
Gain on asset disposals                                                     
Total non-segmented                                                         
Income (loss) before taxes                                                  
Capital expenditure                                                         
Exploration                    33       83       -       51       13      49
Development                   561      351     229      245       70      71
Exploration and                                                             
 development                  594      434     229      296       83     120
Proceeds on dispositions                                                    
Other non-segmented                                                         
Net capital expenditures                                                    
Property, plant and                                                         
 equipment                  6,884    6,740   4,821    5,809    2,466   2,501
Exploration and evaluation                                                  
 assets                     2,265    2,370     537      538      497     498
Goodwill                      131      140     866      866      149     149
Other                       1,127      987   1,379      645      568     560
Assets held for sale          237        -      15        -        -       -
Segmented assets           10,644   10,237   7,618    7,858    3,680   3,708
Non-segmented assets                                                        
Total assets(5)                                                             
 liabilities(5)               333      394   2,379    2,390      210     208

                                               Other(4)          Total      
                                             Three months     Three months  
                                                 ended           ended      
                                               March 31         March 31    
(millions of US$)                              2012    2011    2012    2011 
Sales                                           167      94   2,089   1,972 
Other income                                      2       -      26      28 
Total revenue and other                                                     
 income                                         169      94   2,115   2,000 
Segmented expenses                                                          
Operating                                        18       9     577     452 
Transportation                                    2       2      59      56 
DD&A                                             38      20     603     469 
Impairment                                        -       -   1,053     102 
Dry hole                                         47       3      60     104 
Exploration                                      23      20      56     112 
Other                                             6       -      46      19 
Total segmented expenses                        134      54   2,454   1,314 
Segmented income (loss)                                                     
 before taxes                                    35      40    (339)    686 
Non-segmented expenses                                                      
General and administrative                                      121      98 
Finance costs                                                    71      76 
Share-based payments                                                        
 (recovery)                                                     (41)    116 
Currency translation                                             31      39 
Loss on held-for-trading                                                    
financial instruments                                            47     319 
Gain on asset disposals                                        (505)    (92)
Total non-segmented                                                         
 expenses                                                      (276)    556 
Income (loss) before taxes                                      (63)    130 
Capital expenditure                                                         
Exploration                                      56      16     102     199 
Development                                      15      28     875     695 
Exploration and                                                             
 development                                     71      44     977     894 
Acquisitions                                                      2     793 
Proceeds on dispositions                                       (502)   (249)
Other non-segmented                                              31      16 
Net capital expenditures                                        508   1,454 
Property, plant and                                                         
 equipment                                      842     859  15,013  15,909 
Exploration and evaluation                                                  
 assets                                         553     548   3,852   3,954 
Goodwill                                        162     162   1,308   1,317 
Other                                           789     788   3,863   2,980 
Assets held for sale                              -       -     252       - 
Segmented assets                              2,346   2,357  24,288  24,160 
Non-segmented assets                                             40      66 
Total assets(5)                                              24,328  24,226 
 liabilities(5)                                  44      43   2,966   3,035 
1. North America                                         2012           2011
Canada                                                    229            290
US                                                        155            137
Total revenue and other income                            384            427
Canada                                                  3,748          3,937
US                                                      3,136          2,803
Property, plant and equipment                           6,884          6,740
Canada                                                  1,170          1,207
US                                                      1,095          1,163
Exploration and evaluation assets                       2,265          2,370
2. North Sea                                             2012           2011
UK                                                        663            736
Norway                                                    285            357
Total revenue and other income                            948          1,093
UK                                                      3,896          3,927
Norway                                                    925          1,882
Property, plant and equipment                           4,821          5,809
UK                                                        209            210
Norway                                                    328            328
Exploration and evaluation assets                         537            538
3. Southeast Asia                                        2012           2011
Indonesia                                                 288            224
Malaysia                                                  170            123
Vietnam                                                    41             37
Australia                                                 115              2
Total revenue and other income                            614            386
Indonesia                                               1,028          1,023
Malaysia                                                  864            883
Vietnam                                                   313            297
Papua New Guinea                                           46             47
Australia                                                 215            251
Property, plant and equipment                           2,466          2,501
Indonesia                                                  12             12
Malaysia                                                   33             41
Vietnam                                                    15              5
Papua New Guinea                                          437            440
Exploration and evaluation assets                         497            498
4. Other                                                 2012           2011
Algeria                                                    54             44
Colombia                                                  115             50
Total revenue and other income                            169             94
Algeria                                                   274            284
Colombia                                                  568            575
Property, plant and equipment                             842            859
Colombia                                                   92             75
Kurdistan                                                 306            303
Peru                                                      108            133
Other                                                      47             37
Exploration and evaluation assets                         553            548
5. Current year represents balances at March 31.                            
Prior year represents balances at December 31.                              

Contacts: Talisman Energy Inc. - Media and General Inquiries Dave Mann, Vice-President Corporate & Investor Communications 403-237-1196 403-237-1210 (FAX)tlm@talisman-energy.com Talisman Energy Inc. - Shareholder and Investor Inquiries Lyle McLeod, Vice President Investor Relations 403-237-1020 403-237-1902 (FAX)tlm@talisman-energy.com www.talisman-energy.com

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