Washington, D.C. 20549






Report of Foreign Issuer

Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16

of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

For the month of February, 2015

Commission File Number: 001-12102



YPF Sociedad Anónima

(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)



Macacha Güemes 515

C1106BKK Buenos Aires, Argentina

(Address of principal executive office)



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YPF Sociedád Anonima






Translation of Consolidated Results Full Year 2014 & Q4 2014.









Consolidated Results

Full Year 2014 and Q4 2014

LOGO Consolidated Results Full Year 2014 and Q4 2014





















































LOGO   Consolidated Results Full Year 2014 and Q4 2014





2014 closed with increases in revenues of 57.5%, operating income of 64.3% and adjusted EBITDA of 72.8%


Q4 14/Q4 13
          Jan - Dec (*)
     Jan - Dec
2014 / 2013
  25,294         38,209         37,739         49.2   


(Million Ps)

     90,113         141,942         57.5
  3,820         8,044         1,364         -64.3   

Operating income 

(Million Ps)

     12,015         19,742         64.3
  1,918         3,212         1,383         -27.9   

Net income (**)

(Million Ps)

     5,681         9,002         58.5
  7,511         13,603         8,437         12.3   


(Million Ps)

     23,962         41,412         72.8
  4.89         8.19         3.52         -28.0   

Earnings per share ARS (**)

(Ps per Share)

     14.44         22.95         58.9
  7,539         5,734         2,417         -67.9   

Comprehensive Income

(Million Ps)

     17,666         25,125         42.2
  4,320         13,776         17,969         315.9   

Capital Expenditures (***)

(Million Ps)

     29,848         58,881         97.3

Adjusted EBITDA= Net income attributable to shareholders + Net income (loss) for non-controlling interest - Deferred income tax - Income tax - Financial income (losses) gains on liabilities - Financial income gains (losses) on assets - Income on investments in companies + Depreciation of fixed assets + Amortization of intangible assets + Unproductive exploratory drillings.


(*) Jan - Dec 2013 results show recurring results, which do not include the provision for claims relating to AES Uruguaiana Emprendimientos S.A. (AESU) and Transportadora de Gas del Mercosur S.A. (TGM) arbitration.
(**) Attributable to controlling shareholder.
(***) Capital expenditures for Jan - Dec 2014 consolidated results include the acquisitions of Apache Group assets in Argentina (net from the assignment to Pluspetrol), Bajada de Añelo, La Amarga Chica, Puesto Hernández, Lajas and La Ventana joint ventures, for a total amount of Ps 7,442 million. Capital expenditures for Jan - Dec 2013 and Q4 2013 include the assignment of Loma Campana to Chevron for a total negative amount of Ps 6,708 million.

(Amounts are expressed in billions of Argentine pesos, except where indicated)



    Revenues for 2014 were Ps 141.9 billion, 57.5% higher than 2013 with notable increases in revenues from sales of diesel, an increase of Ps 18.2 billion, gasoline, an increase of Ps 11.3 billion, and natural gas, an increase of Ps 8.3 billion.


    For 2014, operating income was Ps 19.7 billion, 64.3% higher than 2013 while adjusted EBITDA for 2014 was Ps 41.4 billion, 72.8% higher than adjusted EBITDA for 2013.


    Operating cash flow was Ps 46.2 billion for 2014, 120.2% higher than the Ps 21 billion reported for 2013. With respect to total investments in fixed assets, there was a 75.3% increase to Ps 52.3 billion. The net debt to adjusted EBITDA ratio for 2014 was 0.95x, slightly higher than 0.9x for 2013.


    Total hydrocarbon production for 2014 was 13.5% higher than 2013, reaching 560.1 Kbped. Crude oil production was 244.6 kbbld for 2014, 5.3% higher than 2013. Natural gas production was 42.4 Mm3d for 2014, 25.1% higher than 2013. Average crude oil processed for 2014 reached 290 Kbbld, 4.3% higher than 2013. The refinery utilization average for 2014 was 91%.



LOGO Consolidated Results Full Year 2014 and Q4 2014





    In 2014, 333 Mboe of hydrocarbon reserves were added, of which 154 Mbbl corresponds to liquids and 179 Mboe to corresponds natural gas. Proved reserves (P1) increased 11.9% from 1,083 Mboe in 2013 to 1,212 Mboe in 2014. The reserve replacement ratio was 163%, while same ratio for natural gas was 184%.



Revenues for 2014 were Ps 141.9 billion, an increase of 57.5% compared to 2013. This increase was driven mainly by higher sales in the domestic market of: (i) diesel for Ps 18.2 billion, an increase of 52%, with an increase in sales volume of 0.8%, (ii) gasoline for Ps 11.3 billion, an increase of 64%, with an increase in sales volume of 3.9%, (iii) natural gas for Ps 8.3 billion, an increase of 91.5% primarily from stronger production for the period and the addition of sales from YSUR of approximately Ps 1.5 billion and higher average prices, (iv) fuel oil for Ps 2.9 billion, an increase of 134%, (v) petrochemical products for Ps 1.5 billion, an increase of 62% and (vi) jet fuel for Ps 1.2 billion, an increase of 70%. Exports increased Ps 3 billion, an increase of 28%, driven by higher prices in Argentine peso terms for exports of jet fuel, flour, oils and grains, fuel oil and petrochemical products, which offset the decrease in exported volumes during the year.

Cost of sales for 2014 were up by 53.5% compared to 2013. Purchases increased principally due to (i) the price increase in Argentine peso terms of crude oil purchased from third parties in the domestic market, an increase of 56.1%, and (ii) greater imports of gasoline and diesel of Ps 2.8 billion, an increase also driven almost entirely by higher prices in Argentine peso terms. With respect to other production costs for the year, the increase was mainly due to (i) higher depreciation of fixed assets of Ps 8.4 billion resulting from higher investments in assets and the amortization of YSUR´s assets, which are now consolidated, (ii) higher expenses for construction and service contracts of Ps 6.2 billion, directly related to stronger activity of the company and (iii) higher royalty payments for Ps 3.6 billion generated by higher volumes produced and higher wellhead prices in Argentine peso terms.

With respect to the damage affecting the La Plata Refinery, insurance compensation of approximately Ps 2.0 billion for lost profits was received in 2014 under our insurance policy. This amount was recorded as a reduction to cost of sales based on the assumption that lower volumes of refined products would have been imported if the refinery had not been damaged. In relation to this incident, Ps 1.5 billion of other income (expenses), net was recorded in Q4 2013, primarily due to insurance compensation for material damage and insurance compensation of Ps 0.5 billion for lost profits was recorded as a reduction to cost of sales.

Selling expenses for 2014 were Ps 10.1 billion, an increase of 33.6% compared to 2013. The increase was driven principally by higher bank transaction taxes as well as increased transportation expenses for products, which arose mainly from higher transportation fees for fuel products in the domestic market and higher volumes transported and sold.



LOGO Consolidated Results Full Year 2014 and Q4 2014





Administration expenses for 2014 were Ps 4.0 billion, an increase of 68.7% compared to 2013. The increase was mainly due to higher payroll expenses due to salary adjustments made throughout 2014, higher institutional publicity expenses related to the launch of the company’s new Infinia premium fuel and the relaunch of our Serviclub loyalty program, higher expenses for IT service contracts and the YSUR consolidation process.

Exploration expenses were Ps 1.2 billion, an increase of 145.4% compared to 2013. The increase was primarily due to a substantial increase in the company’s exploration activities in Argentina. Ps 2.3 billion in exploration assets were added in 2014, an increase of approximately 148% compared to 2013. The company maintained its overall rate of exploratory success.

Other revenues (expenses) net, were negative Ps 1.0 billion for 2014, compared to positive Ps 0.2 billion for 2013, which included among others the compensation for lost profit as before mentioned, partially offset by the provision for claims related to the AESU and TGM arbitration and an approximately Ps 1.2 billion expense recorded due to legal claims for alleged past contractual obligations by third parties against Maxus Energy Corporation, YPF Holdings’ subsidiary. The increase in expenses was partially offset by the Ps 1.5 billion insurance compensation for lost profits discussed above and by proceeds from the sale to Sinopec of a 30% interest in the concession extension for the La Ventana area in the province of Mendoza and proceeds from the assignment of Pluspetrol assets.

In 2014, operating income reached Ps 19.7 billion, an increase of 64.3% compared to 2013. The increase resulted from significant increases in operating income from the upstream and the downstream business segments of 72.1% and 63.3%, respectively.

Adjusted EBITDA for 2014 was Ps 41.4 billion, an increase of 72.8% compared to 2013. Beginning in Q4 2014, the company changed how it calculated adjusted EBITDA to include expenses for unproductive exploratory drillings, because these expenses are considered a capital expenditure for each year before they are recorded as expenses later in the year (if the wells drilled prove to be unproductive). These expenses were Ps 1.3 billion for 2014, compared to Ps 0.5 billion for 2013.

Financial results for 2014 were positive in Ps 1.8 billion, compared to positive Ps 2.8 billion for 2013. This decrease was driven primarily by increased interest expenses due to increases in the company’s overall indebtedness and higher average interest rates paid during 2014 compared to 2013. It was partially offset by higher foreign exchange gains on net monetary assets in Argentine peso terms, due to a faster rate of depreciation of the Argentine peso in 2014 compared to 2013.

Income tax for 2014 was Ps 13.2 billion, an increase of approximately Ps 4.0 billion higher than the year 2013 income tax of Ps 9.3 billion. This increase was principally due to an increase in current tax liability of Ps 4.5 billion as a result of higher revenues in 2014 and the decrease in deferred income tax of Ps 0.5 billion.

Net income for 2014 was Ps 9.0 billion, an increase of 58.5% compared to 2013.



LOGO Consolidated Results Full Year 2014 and Q4 2014





Total capital expenditures in fixed assets for the year 2014 increased by 97.3% to reach Ps 58.9 billion. This includes: (i) for the year 2014 the changes in fixed assets due to the acquisition of Apache Group’s assets, net from the assignment of assets to Pluspetrol, and the assignment of working interest in Bajada de Añelo, La Amarga Chica, Puesto Hernández, Lajas and La Ventana joint ventures all of which totaled Ps 7.4 billion, and (ii) for year 2013 the assignment of the working interest in Loma Campana to Chevron that reduces fixed asset by Ps 6.7 billion. The increase in investment, without considering the changes in fixed assets mentioned above, is 40.7% with a total investment amount of Ps 51.4 billion. Most of these capital expenditures refer to stronger development activities in the Upstream business segment, both of conventional and non-conventional production projects and the progress in projects within the Downstream business segment.

During 2014, hydrocarbon reserves of 333 Mboe were added, of which 154 Mbbl correspond to liquids and 179 Mboe to natural gas. Proved reserves increased 11.9% from 1,083 Mboe in 2013 to 1,212 Mboe in 2014. The reserve replacement ratio was 163%, while same ratio for gas was 184%.

During 2014, the company issued negotiable obligations in the local capital markets for a total amount equivalent of Ps 3.8 billion and in the international capital markets for US$1.1 billion. The company maintained the average maturity of its indebtedness at approximately 3.5 years. As of December 31, 2014, 35% of the company’s indebtedness was denominated in Argentine pesos and the rest was primarily denominated in U.S. dollars.


Revenues for Q4 2014 were Ps 37.7 billion, an increase of 49.2% compared to Q4 2013. This increase was driven mainly by higher sales in the domestic market of: (i) diesel for Ps 4.5 billion, an increase of 47% with stable sales volumes, (ii) gasoline for Ps 2.8 billion, an increase of 55%, with an increase in sales volumes of 0.4%, (iii) natural gas for Ps 2.4 billion, an increase of 89.9%, driven by higher production, the addition of sales from YSUR of approximately Ps 0.6 billion and higher average prices, (iv) fuel oil for Ps 0.7billion, an increase of 89%, (v) jet fuel for Ps 0.3 billion, an increase of 67% and (vi) petrochemical products for Ps 0.3 billion, an increase of 46%. Exports increased Ps 0.6 billion, an increase of 23%, driven by higher sales volumes and prices in Argentine peso terms for exports of jet fuel, flour, oils and grains, fuel oil and petrochemical products.

Cost of sales for Q4 2014 were Ps 29.7 billion, an increase of 50.6% compared to Q4 2013. Purchases increased principally due to (i) the increase in Argentine peso terms of prices for crude oil purchased from third parties in the domestic market (an increase of approximately 44%), which was partially offset by lower overall volumes purchased due to the company’s increased production, (ii) increases in biofuel purchases of Ps 0.9 billion and (iii) increased costs to import diesel and gasoline of Ps 0.3 billion, due primarily to higher prices in Argentine peso terms as a result of the devaluation of the Argentine peso against the US Dollar, which was partially offset by lower volumes purchased. Other costs of sales increased principally due to (i) higher depreciation of fixed assets of Ps 2.8 billion related to increased investment activity and the impact of higher foreign exchange rates affecting the depreciation charge,



LOGO Consolidated Results Full Year 2014 and Q4 2014





(ii) greater activity and expenses related to construction and service contracts of Ps 1.5 billion, in part related to the consolidation of YSUR and (iii) increased royalty payments of Ps 1.0 billion as a result of higher production volumes and higher wellhead prices in Argentine peso terms.

With respect to the incident that occurred at the La Plata Refinery in Q2 2013, insurance compensation of Ps 0.4 billion for lost profits was received in Q4 2014. This was recorded as a reduction to cost of sales based on the assumption that lower volumes of refined products would have been imported if the refinery had not been damaged. In Q4 2013, insurance compensation for lost profits was Ps 0.5 billion, which was also recorded as a reduction to cost of sales.

Selling expenses for Q4 2014 were Ps 2.8 billion, an increase of Ps 0.8 billion compared to Q4 2013. This increase was driven principally by higher transportation expenses for products and higher transported and sold volumes, as well as increased bank transaction taxes, publicity and other marketing expenses and, to a lesser extent, higher withholdings on exports.

Administration expenses for Q4 2014 were Ps 1.4 billion, Ps 0.6 billion higher than Q4 2013. The increase was mainly due to higher payroll expenses, higher publicity expenses related to the launch of the company’s new Infinia premium fuel and the relaunch of our Serviclub loyalty program and the consolidation of YSUR.

Exploration expenses were Ps 0.8 billion, an increase of approximately Ps 0.5 billion compared to Q4 2013, mainly due to a significant increase in exploration activities in Argentina.

Other revenues (expenses) net, were negative by approximately Ps 3.0 billion compared to fourth quarter of 2013. This increase in expenses was driven primarily by an approximately Ps 1.2 billion expense due to legal claims by third parties against Maxus Energy Corporation, YPF Holdings’ subsidiary. In addition, insurance compensation of Ps 1.5 billion for material damage related to the La Plata Refinery incident was paid in Q4 2013, which decreased expenses for that quarter.

Operating income for Q4 2014 reached Ps 1.4 billion, a decrease of 64.3% lower than the Ps 3.8 billion reported for same period of 2013. In turn, adjusted EBITDA for Q4 2014 was Ps 8.4 billion, an increase of 12.3% compared to Q4 2013. Excluding the Q4 2013 insurance compensation payout as well as the Q4 2014 Maxus Energy Corporation expenses described above, operating income and adjusted EBITDA would have been positive by 10.7% and 50.6% respectively.

Financial results for Q4 2014 were negative Ps 1.7 billion, compared to positive Ps 1.9 billion for Q4 2013. This decrease was primarily driven by increased interest expenses due to increases in the company’s overall indebtedness level and lower foreign exchange gains on net monetary assets in Argentine peso terms due to a slower rate of depreciation of the Argentine peso in Q4 2014 compared to Q4 2013.

Income tax amount for Q4 2014 was positive Ps 1.1 billion, approximately Ps 5.2 billion better than the expense for Q4 2013, which was Ps 4.1 billion. This difference arises principally from the positive variation of deferred income tax of Ps 6.8 billion, due to a lower effective rate finally applied by 2014 year



LOGO   Consolidated Results Full Year 2014 and Q4 2014





end on account of the resulting exchange rate prevailing as of year-end, considering the impact on translation differences for fixed assets and consequently deferred liabilities; this should also be compared to what happened in the last quarter of 2013.

Net income for Q4 2014 was Ps 1.4 billion, a decrease of 27.9% compared to Q4 2013.

Total capital expenditures in fixed assets for the quarter was Ps 18.0 billion, 62.9% higher than that for Q3 2013, not considering for this later period the assignment of the working interest in Loma Campana to Chevron that reduces fixed asset by Ps 6.7 billion. This greater investment arises from (i) an increase in development activities, principally well drilling and workover and (ii) progress in the set of projects developed by our Downstream business segment.




Q4 14/Q4 13
        Jan - Dec (*)
    Jan - Dec
2014 / 2013
  1,729        4,463        1,572        -9.1  

Operating income

(Million Ps)

    7,179        12,353        72.1
  12,673        19,357        19,736        55.7  


(Million Ps)

    42,697        70,697        65.6
  239.3        246.0        249.8        4.4  

Crude oil production


    232.3        244.6        5.3
  54.7        44.6        58.1        6.2  

NGL production


    48.2        48.7        1.0
  35.5        44.9        43.7        23.1  

Gas production


    33.9        42.4        25.1
  517.0        573.0        582.8        12.7  

Total production


    493.4        560.1        13.5
  304        306        804        164.5  

Exploration costs

(Million Ps)

    829        2,034        145.4
  1,975        11,131        14,138        616.0  

Capital Expenditures (**)

(Million Ps)

    22,799        49,081        115.3
  2,902        4,618        5,516        90.1  


(Million Ps)

    9,591        17,180        79.1
        Realization Prices      
  74.7        76.1        76.4        2.3  

Crude oil prices in domestic market (***)

Period average (USD/bbl)

    71.4        73.7        3.2
  4.00        4.28        4.42        10.5   Average gas price (****) (USD/Mmbtu)     3.79        4.29        13.2 %


(*) Jan - Dec 2013 consolidation shows recurrent results not including the provision for claims relating to AESU and TGM arbitration.
(**) Capital expenditures for Jan- Dec 2014 consolidated results include the acquisitions of Apache Group assets in Argentina (net from the assignment to Pluspetrol), Bajada de Añelo, La Amarga Chica, Puesto Hernández, Lajas and La Ventana joint ventures, for a total amount of Ps 7,442 million. Capital expenditures for Jan- Dec 2013 and Q4 2013 include the assignment of Loma Campana to Chevron for a total negative amount of Ps 6,708 million.
(***) Q3 and Q4 2014 include YSUR crude oil sales prices.
(****) Q4 2013 and consolidated values Jan- Dec 2013 were recalculated. Also, Q3 and Q4 2014 include gas sales prices from YSUR.



LOGO Consolidated Results Full Year 2014 and Q4 2014






Operating income for the Upstream business segment for 2014 was Ps 12.4 billion, an increase of 72.1% compared to recurring operating income of 2013.

Revenues for 2014 were Ps 70.7 billion, an increase of 65.6% compared to 2013, driven primarily by higher volumes produced and transferred to our Downstream business segment and higher average prices in Argentine peso terms for crude oil and natural gas. All of YPF’s net production of natural gas, except for volumes from the YSUR group (which are directly sold to third parties), is assigned to the downstream business segment for sale to third parties at prices obtained by YPF, net of an intracompany sales charge.

The average price in U.S. dollar terms for crude oil in the domestic market for 2014 was U.S.$73.70/Bbl, an increase of 3.2% compared to 2013. The average price for natural gas for 2014 was U.S.$4.29/Mmbtu, an increase of 13.2% compared to 2013. For both products, these prices include the average sales prices obtained by YSUR for crude oil and natural gas of U.S.$79.20/Bbl and U.S.$3.32/Mmbtu, respectively.

Total hydrocarbon production for 2014 was 560.1 Kboed, an increase of 13.5% compared to 2013, which was fueled by 5.7% organic growth in YPF’s production. This includes additional production relating to the acquisition of an additional 38.45% interest in the Puesto Hernandez area in January 2014 and the acquisition of YSUR, which added 38.6 Kbped of production. Crude oil production was 244.6 Kbbld in 2014, an increase of 5.3%, and natural gas production was 42.4 Mm3d, an increase of 25.1%.

The organic growth in production comes mainly from the Neuquina basin, especially the production of tight gas from Lajas formation that reached a daily average of 3.5 Mm3d, an increase of 439% compared to 2013.

During 2014, 908 wells were drilled, 255 targeting non-conventional formations: 173 in Loma Campana, 44 in segment 5 (Lajas), Loma La Lata, 29 in Rincón del Mangrullo and 9 in El Orejano. As of December 31, 2014, the total number of active drilling units was 74.

Cost of sales for 2014 increased by 64.3% (an increase of Ps 22.8 billion), compared to 2013, mainly due to (i) higher amortization for Ps 7.6 billion in 2014, as a result of increased investments and higher valuations of assets in Argentine peso terms, (ii) an increase of Ps 5.1 billion in costs of outsourced services, mainly relating to increased activity, higher rates in Argentine peso terms for these services and the consolidation of YSUR, (iii) increased royalties of Ps 3.6 billion, mainly due to higher production volumes and higher Argentine peso-denominated prices at wellhead and the consolidation of YSUR and (iv) increase of Ps 1.2 billion in exploration costs for reasons previously discussed.

It is noteworthy that unit operating cash costs in U.S. dollars decreased by 5.7% to U.S.$24.90/Boe in 2014 from U.S.$26.40/Boe in 2013 (including taxes of U.S.$5.50/Boe and U.S.$5.60/Boe respectively), principally due to both higher production and the devaluation of the Argentine peso compared to the U.S. dollar. The average lifting cost for the company was U.S.$13.90/Boe, 6.8% lower than U.S.$15.20/Boe in 2013.



LOGO Consolidated Results Full Year 2014 and Q4 2014






In 2014, 333 Mboe of hydrocarbon reserves were added, of which 154 Mbbl corresponds to liquids and 179 Mboe, or 28 billion Mm3 was natural gas. Proved reserves increased 11.9%, from 1,083 Mboe in 2013 to 1,212 Mboe in 2014. YSUR consolidated reserves of 140 Mboe are included in the 2014 figure.

Consequently, the reserve replacement ratio was 163%, while the same ratio was 184% for natural gas and 144% for liquids. In 2013, the reserve replacement ratio was 158%.

Proved reserves were added in (i) Aguada Toledo—Sierra Barrosa for the development of tight gas from the Lajas formation, (ii) Rincón del Mangrullo for the development of tight gas in the Mulichinco formation, (iii) relation to concession extensions in the Provinces of Rio Negro (both for YPF and YSUR) and Tierra del Fuego (for YSUR), (iv) Loma Campana for the development of shale oil in the Vaca Muerta formation, (v) the oil fields in basin Golfo San Jorge and Neuquina for new oil and gas development projects and (vi) relation to the extension of secondary recovery. Reserves were also added through the consolidation of YSUR. There was also a decrease in reserves of 41 Mboe in 2014 as a result of the sale of extensions relating to contracts in Magallanes and La Ventana areas to ENAP Sipetrol and Sinopec, respectively, as well as the assignment of blocks to GyP, mainly Puesto Cortadera.



LOGO Consolidated Results Full Year 2014 and Q4 2014






Operating income for the upstream business segment for Q4 2014 was Ps 1.6 billion, a decrease of 9.1% compared to Q4 2013.

Revenues for Q4 2014, sales increased by 55.7% compared to Q4 2013, primarily due to higher crude oil and natural gas sales. Crude oil sales increased Ps 4.3 billion, an increase of by 44.1%, due to increases in the price per barrel in Argentine peso terms and higher volumes produced and transferred to our Downstream business segment. Revenues from natural gas increased by 79.2% compared to Q4 of 2013, as a result of higher volumes produced and increases in the average sales price.

The average price in U.S. dollars terms for crude oil in the domestic market for Q4 2014 was U.S.$76.4/bbl, an increase of 2.3% compared to 2013. The average price for natural gas for Q4 2014 was U.S.$4.42/Mmbtu, an increase of 10.5% compared to Q4 2013. For both products, these prices include the average sales prices obtained by YSUR for crude oil and natural gas of U.S.$82.90/Bbl and U.S.$4.20/Mmbtu, respectively. Since November 2014, YSUR has been part of the Argentine government’s “Gas Plan II,” with retroactive effect to July 2014. For that reason, the average price for Q4 2014 was considerably higher than the average price for Q3 2014.

In Q4 2014, total hydrocarbon production was 582.8 Kboed, 12.7% higher than that for the same quarter of 2013; crude oil production was 249.8 Kbbld (an increase of 4.4%); natural gas production was 43.7 Mm3d (an increase of 23.1%) and NGL production was 58.1Kbbld (an increase of 6.2%). Consolidated daily hydrocarbon production from YSUR was 46.6 Kboed, including crude oil 9.4 Kbbld, NGL 1.8 Kbbld and natural gas 5.6 Mm3d.

Total unconventional hydrocarbon production for Q4 2014 was 38 Kboed, including 20.3 Kbbld of crude oil, 7.9 Kbbld of NGL and 1.6 Mm3d of natural gas, of which YPF consolidates approximately 50%. During Q4 2014, 38 new wells were put in production targeting the Vaca Muerta formation, reaching a total of approximately 300 wells, including 18 active drilling rigs and seven workovers.

With respect to tight gas activity: (i) in the project to develop the Lajas formation, 11 wells were drilled and developed in Q4 2014 and the average production of natural gas was 4.0 Mm3d and (ii) in the project to develop the Mulichinco formation in the Rincón del Mangrullo area, natural gas production net for YPF was 0.8 Mm3d.

Work continues on the recovery of production in the Malargüe area, which was affected by the fire that occurred in March of 2014 at the Cerro Divisadero plant, located in the province of Mendoza. During Q4 2014, crude oil production in Malargüe reached an average of 7.2 kbbld (2 kbbld below levels before the incident).

Cost of sales for Q4 2014 increased by 66.0% (an increase of Ps 7.2 billion), mainly due to (i) higher amortization of Ps 2.6 billion in 2014, as a result of increased investments and higher valuations of assets in Argentine pesos terms, (ii) an increase of Ps 1.5 billion in costs of outsourced services, mainly relating to increased activity and the consolidation of YSUR, (iii) an increase in royalties of



LOGO Consolidated Results Full Year 2014 and Q4 2014





Ps 1.0 billion, mainly due to higher production volumes, higher Argentine peso-denominated wellhead prices and the consolidation of YSUR and (iv) an increase in exploration costs of Ps 0.5 billion, mainly due to higher charges for geological studies performed during the current period.


Cumulative capital expenditures of the Upstream business segment for the year 2014 was Ps 49.1 billion, a 115.3% increase compared to 2013, which included: (i) for the year 2014 the changes in fixed assets due to the acquisition of Apache Group’s assets, net of the assignment of assets to Pluspetrol, and the assignment of working interest in Bajada de Añelo, La Amarga Chica, Puesto Hernández, Lajas and La Ventana joint ventures all of which totaled Ps Ps 7,4 billion, and (ii) for the year 2013 the assignment of the working interest in Loma Campana to Chevron that reduces fixed asset by Ps 6.7 billion. The increase in investment, without considering the changes in fixed assets mentioned above, is 40.7% with a total investment amount of Ps 51.4 billion. Upstream investment in Q4 2014 was Ps14.1 billion, outpacing that for same period in 2013, without considering the Ps 6.7 billion reduction of fixed assets mentioned above, by 62.8%.

Capital expenditures in the Upstream business segment for Q4 2014 were Ps 14.1 billion, an increase of 62.8% compared to Q4 2013. This increase was primarily as a result of investments in (i) the Neuquina basin, in the areas of Loma Campana, Aguada Toledo - Sierra Barrosa (development of tight gas in Lajas formation) and Puesto Molina, (ii) the Golfo San Jorge basin, in the areas of Manantiales Behr and El Trébol in the province of Chubut to increase recovery and in the areas of Los Perales, Cañadón Seco, Cañadón Yatel and Cañadón de la Escondida in the province of Santa Cruz and (iii) the Cuyana basin, in the areas in the North of Mendoza.

In Q4 2014, exploration investments were made in (i) the Neuquina basin, in the areas of Bandurria, El Manzano, Loma del Molle, Cerro Arena, Las Lajas East, Rincón del Mangrullo, Los Caldenes, Cañadón Amarillo and Paso Bardas, (ii) the Golfo San Jorge basin in Barranca Baya, Los Perales, Cerro Piedra and Manantiales Behr and (iii) the Cuyana basin, the areas of Barrancas, La Ventana and Los Tordillos.



LOGO   Consolidated Results Full Year 2014 and Q4 2014















Q4 14/Q4 13


Jan - Dec


Jan - Dec



2014 / 2013

  2,767        3,864        1,740        -37.1  

Operating income

(Million Ps)

    6,721        10,978        63.3
  24,623        35,746        35,347        43.6  


(Million Ps)

    86,771        133,743        54.1
  4,094        4,297        4,445        8.6  

Sales of refined products in domestic market (*)


    15,988        16,828        5.3
  432        284        428        -0.9  

Exportation of refined products


    1,502        1,541        2.6
  198        232        216        9.3  

Sales of petrochemical products in domestic market (**)


    779        849        9.0
  49        88        54        10.2  

Exportation of petrochemical products (**)


    281        254        -9.6
  287        299        296        3.1  

Crude oil processed


    278        290        4.3
  90%        94     93     3.1  

Refinery utilization


    87     91     4.3
  2,106        2,311        3,248        54.2  

Capital Expenditures

(Million Ps)

    4,903        8,392        71.1
  485        634        675        39.3  


(Million Ps)

    1,452        2,445        68.4
  704        789        778        10.5  

Average domestic market gasoline price (***)


    712        761        6.9
  774        824        814        5.1  

Average domestic market diesel price (***)


    783        799        2.1


(*) YSUR sales of LPG not included.
(**) Fertilizer sales not included
(***) Price net of deductions and commissions before tax


Operating income for the Downstream business segment for 2014 was Ps 11.0 billion, an increase of 63.3% compared to 2013.

Revenues for 2014 were Ps 133.7, an increase of 54.1% compared to 2013, primarily due to higher sales of diesel, which totaled Ps 18.2 billion, and gasoline, which totaled Ps 11.3 billion, driven in part by higher average prices in Argentine peso terms and an increase in sales volumes of 0.8% and 3.9%, respectively. Fuel oil sales were Ps 7.7 billion, an increase of Ps 3.8 billion, due to higher prices in Argentine peso terms and an increase in sales volumes of 33.4%. Sales of petrochemical products reached Ps 5.9 billion, an increase of Ps 2.0 billion, also due to higher prices in Argentine peso terms and an increase in sales volumes of 4.2%. In 2014, exports of jet fuel totaled Ps 3.3 billion, an increase of Ps 1.0 billion, and exports of flour, oils and grains reached Ps 3.1 billion, an increase of Ps 1.0 billion.



LOGO Consolidated Results Full Year 2014 and Q4 2014





Cost of sales for 2014 increased by 53.4% compared to 2013. The increase was primarily due to (i) a Ps 22.5 billion increase in purchases of crude oil due to price increases in Argentine peso terms, both with respect to volumes transferred from the upstream business segment and crude oil purchased from other producers, (ii) a Ps 2.8 billion increase in biofuel purchased due to higher prices and greater volumes purchased, (iii) a Ps 2.7 billion increase in imports of diesel and gasoline, mainly due to higher prices paid in Argentine peso terms and a 1.0% increase in imported volumes and (iv) an increase in depreciation expenses of Ps 1.0 billion.

Insurance compensation of Ps 2.0 billion for lost profits was received in 2014 related to the incident at the La Plata Refinery during Q2 2013. This amount was recorded primarily as a reduction to cost of sales. Ps 1.5 billion was recorded as other income (expenses), net in Q4 2013, as compensation for material damage. Ps 0.5 billion was recorded as a reduction to cost of sales in Q4 2013.

Refinery utilization for 2014 was 91%, an increase of 4.3 percentage points compared to 2013, which represented a significant recovery after the incident in Q2 2013 at La Plata Refinery.

3.2.2 Q4 2014

Operating income for the Downstream business segment for Q4 2014 was Ps 1.7 billion, a decrease of 37.1% compared Q4 2013.

Revenues for Q4 2014 were Ps 35.3, an increase of 43.6% compared to Q4 2013, primarily due to higher sales of diesel, which totaled Ps 4.5 billion, and gasoline, which totaled Ps 2.8 billion, due in part to higher average prices in Argentine peso terms with steady sales volumes. In turn, for the same period, international sales increased by 23% (an increase of Ps 0.6 billion), principally due to higher volumes exported (an increase of Ps 0.5 billion) as well as higher average prices in Argentine peso terms (an increase of Ps 0.1 billion)

Cost of sales for Q4 2014 increased by 44.0% or Ps 10.3 billion (without considering the insurance recovery for material damage of Ps 1.5 billion charged in fourth quarter 2013) compared to the same period of prior year. This increase is primarily due to (i) a Ps 4.7 billion increase in purchases of crude oil due to price increases in Argentine peso terms, both with respect to volumes transferred from the upstream business segment and crude oil purchased from other producers, (ii) a Ps 0.9 billion increase in biofuel purchased due to higher prices and greater volumes purchased and (iii) Ps 0.2 billion in higher depreciation costs. Imports of diesel were Ps 1.8 billion, an increase of 3.6%, due to higher prices in Argentine peso terms of imported diesel, which was partially offset by a 13.5% drop in the volume purchased.

Insurance compensation of Ps 0.4 billion for lost profits was received in Q4 2014 related to the incident at the La Plata Refinery during Q2 2013. This amount was primarily recorded as a reduction to cost of sales.



LOGO Consolidated Results Full Year 2014 and Q4 2014





Increased availability of light crude oil allowed the La Plata Refinery to reach its pre-incident processing levels. As a result, crude oil processing volume for Q4 2014 was 296 Kbbld, a 3.1% increase compared to Q4 of 2013.


Cumulative capital expenditures in the downstream business segment for 2014 were Ps 8.4 billion, an increase of 71.2% compared to 2013.

Capital expenditures in the downstream business segment for Q4 2014 were Ps 3.2 billion, an increase of 54.2% compared to Q4 2013. This increase was primarily as a result of the progress achieved on multi-year projects and the engineering process in new units intended to increase gasoline and diesel production capacity as well as improve the quality of these products. In addition, a coke unit and a new alkylation unit at the La Plata Refinery as well as the new gasoline hydrogenation units in La Plata and Mendoza Refineries were installed, works were performed to improve YPF’s logistical facilities and projects were carried to optimize safety and environmental performance.


This business segment involves mainly corporate costs and other activities that are not reported in any of the previously-mentioned business segments.

Corporate operating income for 2014 was a loss of Ps 3.3 billion, a 119.6% decrease compared to a loss of Ps 1.8 billion for 2013. Results from this segment were mainly impacted by a provision of Ps 1.2 billion for Maxus Energy Corporation, YPF Holdings’ subsidiary, relating to claims from third parties for alleged contractual obligations to be timely appealed by this subsidiary, and to a lesser extend by Increased costs due to higher corporate salaries and social charges, higher service and publicity fees relating to the launch of the company’s new Infinia premium fuel and the relaunch of our Serviclub loyalty program, all of which is partially offset by better results achieved in 2014 from our controlled company AESA.

In turn, consolidation adjustments relating to eliminating results among business segments not transferred to third parties were negative Ps 0.2 billion for 2014 and negative Ps 0.4 billion for 2013.


For 2014, results from related companies (mainly due to positive results from Profertil, Mega and Refinor), were Ps 0.6 billion, an increase of Ps 0.2 billion compared to results for 2013. For Q4 2014, results from related companies were Ps 0.5 billion, an 80% increase from Ps 0.3 billion for Q4 2013.



LOGO   Consolidated Results Full Year 2014 and Q4 2014






During 2014, net cash flows provided by operating activities reached Ps 46.2 billion, a 120.2% increase compared 2013. The Ps 25.2 billion increase was generated by the growth of adjusted EBITDA (approximately Ps 17.5 billion) and increased working capital, including the receipt of Ps 1.7 billion in compensation for lost profits relating to the incident at the La Plata Refinery that occurred in April 2013 and a similar amount relating to expenditures for advances and payment of tax return settlements, although net income before tax was 54% higher in 2014 compared to 2013.

As to financing activities for 2014, the company had net cash flows provided by financing activities of approximately Ps 5.0 billion, arising from higher indebtedness and debt refinancing, mainly by issuing negotiable obligations in the local and international markets. In April 2014, we issued U.S.$1.0 billion of 10-year notes in the international markets, the largest ever offering by an Argentine company. Additionally, we used Ps 0.2 billion to repurchase our own shares during 2014.

Such cash generation resulted in cash and equivalents of Ps 9.8 billion as of December 31, 2014, a decrease of Ps 1.0 billion. Also, compared to December 31, 2013, financial net debt reported an increase of Ps 18.4 billion (an increase of 86.7%) to reach Ps 39.5 billion by December 31, 2014, while gross debt of the company reported a Ps 17.4 billion increase (an increase of 54.6%).

The average cost of debt denominated in Argentine pesos by the end of Q4 2014 was 23.05%, while the average cost of debt denominated in U.S. dollars was 6.84%. Also, the ratio of net debt to adjusted EBITDA as of December 31, 2014 was 0.95x slightly above the 0.9x as of December 31, 2013.

During the first half of February 2015, our cash position was strengthened by the reopening of Series XXVI and Series XXVIII notes with an issuance of additional negotiable obligations in the international capital markets for a total additional amount of U.S.$0.5 billion and the new issuance in the local market of negotiable obligations Series XXXVI and XXXVII for Ps 1.2 billion.

YPF Notes issued after December 31, 2014 are detailed below:


YPF Note




Interest Rate



Series XXVI

  USD175 million   8.875%   60 months


  USD 325 million   8.75%   120 months


  ARS 950 million   BADLAR + 4.74%   60 months


  ARS 250 million   BADLAR + 3.49%   24 months



LOGO Consolidated Results Full Year 2014 and Q4 2014






Q4 2014 Results



LOGO Consolidated Results Full Year 2014 and Q4 2014







(Unaudited, figures expressed in millions of pesos)


Q4     Q3     Q4     Var.%         Jan - Dec     Jan - Dec     Var.%  
2013     2014     2014     Q4 14/Q4 13         2013     2014     2014 / 2013  
  25,294        38,209        37,739        49.2   Revenues     90,113        141,942        57.5
  (19,708)        (26,365     (29,684     50.6   Costs of sales     (68,094     (104,492     53.5





















  5,586      11,844      8,055      44.2 Gross profit   22,019      37,450      70.1





















  (2,016)      (2,766   (2,827   40.2 Selling expenses   (7,571   (10,114   33.6
  (797)      (1,119   (1,414   77.4 Administration expenses   (2,686   (4,530   68.7
  (304)      (306   (804   164.5 Exploration expenses   (829   (2,034   145.4
  1,351      391      (1,646   (221.8 %)  Other expenses   227      (1,030   (553.7 %) 





















  3,820      8,044      1,364      (64.3 %)  Operating income   11,160      19,742      76.9





















  276      38      497      (80.1 %)  Income on investments in companies   353      558      58.1
Financial income (expenses), net
  (462)      (140   (2   (99.6 %)  Gains (losses) on assets   (1,251   (1,164   (7.0 %) 
  351      480      248      (29.3 %)  Interests   924      1,326      43.5
  (813)      (620   (250   (69.2 %)  Exchange differences   (2,175   (2,490   14.5
  2,331      87      (1,674   (171.8 %)  (Losses) gains on liabilities   4,086      2,936      (28.1 %) 
  (1,473)      (1,793   (2,032   37.9 Interests   (3,833   (7,336   91.4
  3,804      1,880      358      (90.6 %)  Exchange differences   7,919      10,272      29.7





















  5,965      8,029      185      (96.9 %)  Net income before income tax   14,348      22,072      53.8





















  197      (2,931   (1,362   (791.4 %)  Income tax   (2,844   (7,323   157.5
  (4,284)      (1,879   2,477      (157.8 %)  Deferred income tax   (6,425   (5,900   (8.2 %) 





















  (40)      7      (83 Net income (loss) for noncontrolling interest   (46   (153





















  1,918      3,212      1,383      (27.9 %)  Net income for the period (*)   5,125      9,002      75.6





















  4.89      8.19      3.52      (28.0 %)  Earnings per share, basic and diluted (*)   13.05      22.95      75.8





















  5,661      2,515      1,117      (80.3 %)  Other comprehensive Income   12,031      16,276      35.3





















  7,539      5,734      2,417      (67.9 %)  Total comprehensive income for the period   17,110      25,125      46.8





















  7,511      13,603      8,437      12.3 Adj. EBITDA (**)   23,107      41,412      79.2 %






















Note: Information reported in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), except adjusted EBITDA.


(*) Attributable to controlling shareholder.
(**) Adjusted EBITDA = Net income attributable to shareholders + Net income (loss) for non-controlling interest - Deferred income tax - Income tax - Financial income (losses) gains on liabilities - Financial income gains (losses) on assets - Income on investments in companies + Depreciation of fixed assets + Amortization of intangible assets + Unproductive exploratory drillings.



LOGO Consolidated Results Full Year 2014 and Q4 2014







(Q4 figures unaudited, figures expressed in millions of pesos)


     12/31/2013      12/31/2014  

Noncurrent Assets


Intangible assets

     2,446         4,393   

Fixed assets

     93,496         156,930   

Investments in companies

     2,124         3,177   

Deferred income tax assets

     34         244   

Other receivables and advances

     2,927         1,691   

Trade receivables

     54         19   







Total Non-current assets

  101,081      166,454   







Current Assets


  9,881      13,001   

Other receivables and advances

  6,506      7,170   

Trade receivables

  7,414      12,171   

Assets available for sale

  —        —     

Cash and equivalents

  10,713      9,758   







Total current assets

  34,514      42,100   







Total assets

  135,595      208,554   







Shareholders’ equity

Shareholders’ contributions

  10,600      10,400   

Reserves and unappropriated retained earnings

  37,416      62,230   

Noncontrolling interest

  224      151   







Total Shareholders’ equity

  48,240      72,781   







Noncurrent Liabilities


  19,172      26,564   

Deferred income tax liabilities

  11,459      18,948   

Other taxes payable

  362      299   

Salaries and social security

  8      —     


  23,076      36,030   

Accounts payable

  470      566   







Total Noncurrent Liabilities

  54,547      82,407   







Current Liabilities


  1,396      2,399   

Income tax liability

  122      3,972   

Other taxes payable

  1,045      1,411   

Salaries and social security

  1,119      1,903   


  8,814      13,275   

Accounts payable

  20,312      30,406   







Total Current Liabilities

  32,808      53,366   







Total Liabilities

  87,355      135,773   







Total Liabilities and Shareholders’ Equity

  135,595      208,554   







Note: Information reported in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).



LOGO Consolidated Results Full Year 2014 and Q4 2014







(Unaudited, figures expressed in millions of pesos)


Q4      Q3      Q4           Jan - Dec      Jan - Dec  
2013      2014      2014           2013      2014  
         Cash Flows from operating activities      
  1,878         3,219         1,300       Net income      5,079         8,849   
  (276      (38      (497    Income from investments in companies      (353      (558
  3,447         5,343         6,276       Depreciation of fixed assets      11,236         19,936   
  55         77         219       Amortization of intangible assets      197         469   
  678         868         1,370      

Consumption of materials and fixed assets and intangible assets retired, net of provisions

     2,336         4,041   
  991         922         3,096       Net increase in provisions      3,272         5,561   
  (2,300      1,112         (3,929    Interest, exchange differences and other      (3,551      (2,116
  81         28         24       Stock compensation plan      81         80   
  (1,956      (505      (409    Accrued insurance      (1,956      (2,041
         Changes in assets and liabilities:      
  1,405         (707      326               Trade receivables      (2,627      (3,824
  (1,128      (64      1,050               Other receivables and liabilities      (1,332      248   
  (446      (384      2,181               Inventories      (732      (244
  (1,382      1,323         3,404               Accounts payable      3,243         5,067   
  154         2,082         (2,788            Other Taxes payable      272         218   
  176         419         296               Salaries and Social Securities      253         727   
  (197      (426      (394            Decrease in provisions from payments      (713      (1,974
  144         18         66       Dividends from investments in companies      280         299   
  —           1,098         —         Insurance charge for loss of profit      —           1,689   
  3,261         4,009         (2,029    Net charge of income tax payment      5,979         9,727   
  4,087         4,810         (1,115            Income tax      9,269         13,223   
  (826      (801      (914            Income tax payments      (3,290      (3,496















  4,585      18,394      9,562            Net cash flows provided by operating activities   20,964      46,154   















Cash flows from investing activities
Payments for investments:
  (9,436   (13,213   (14,848 Acquisitions of fixed assets and Intangible assets   (27,639   (50,213
  (9   (9   (12 Capital contributions in non-current investments   (20   (106
  —        —        (1,711 Liabilities of sales of fixed assets   —        —     
  —        (357   8    Acquisitions of participation in UTEs   —        (861
  —        —        —      Acquisition of subsidiaries net of acquired funds   107      (6,103
  5,351      —        2,060    Revenues from sales of fixed assets and intangible assets   5,351      2,060   
  —        —        —      Insurance charge for material damages   —        1,818   















  (4,094   (13,579   (14,503         Net cash flows used in investing activities   (22,201   (53,405















Cash flows from financing activities
  (1,912   (3,030   (4,308 Payment of loans   (6,804   (13,320
  (956   (1,114   (1,646 Payment of interests   (2,696   (5,059
  5,983      4,141      4,607    Proceeds from loans   16,829      23,949   
  —        (464   —      Payments of dividends   (326   (464
  (27   (145   (2 Acquisition of own shares   (120   (200
  96      —        80    Non controlling interest contribution   96      80   















  3,184      (612   (1,269         Net cash flows provided by financing activities   6,979      4,986   















  135      222      95    Effect of changes in exchange rates on cash and equivalents   224      1,310   















  3,810      4,425      (6,115 Increase (Decrease) in Cash and Equivalents   5,966      (955















  6,903      11,448      15,873    Cash and equivalents at the beginning of the period   4,747      10,713   
  10,713      15,873      9,758    Cash and equivalents at the end of the period   10,713      9,758   















  3,810      4,425      (6,115 Increase (Decrease) in Cash and Equivalents   5,966      (955

















  4,533      6,567      6,731            Cash   4,533      6,731   
  6,180      9,306      3,027            Other Financial Assets   6,180      3,027   















  10,713      15,873      9,758    TOTAL CASH AND EQUIVALENTS AT THE END OF THE PERIOD   10,713      9,758   













Note: Information reported in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).



LOGO Consolidated Results Full Year 2014 and Q4 2014






(Unaudited, figures expressed in millions of pesos)


Q4 2014

   Upstream      Downstream      Corporate and


     2,496         34,938         305         —           37,739   

Revenues from intersegment sales

     17,240         409         1,500         -19,149         —     

















  19,736      35,347      1,805      -19,149      37,739   
















Operating Income (loss)

  1,572      1,740      -2,153      205      1,364   

Investments in companies

  -3      500      —        —        497   

Depreciation of fixed assets

  5,516      675      85      —        6,276   

Acquisitions of fixed assets

  13,870      3,248      583      —        17,701   


  126,228      68,509      16,356      -2,539      208,554   

Q4 2013

   Upstream      Downstream      Corporate and


     1,036         24,207         51         —           25,294   

Revenues from intersegment sales

     11,637         416         784         -12,837         —     

















  12,673      24,623      835      -12,837      25,294   
















Operating Income (loss)

  1,729      2,767      -441      -235      3,820   

Investments in companies

  -81      357      —        —        276   

Depreciation of fixed assets

  2,902      485      60      —        3,447   

Acquisitions of fixed assets

  12,915      2,106      240      —        15,261   


  70,775      51,336      15,161      -1,677      135,595   



LOGO Consolidated Results Full Year 2014 and Q4 2014







Million USD    2013
Q4 14 /Q4 13
Jan - Dec (*)
Jan - Dec
2014 / 2013




     4,188         4,632         4,459         6.5     16,514         17,576         6.4

Costs of sales

     -3,342         -3,196         -3,507         5.0     -12,566         -12,939         3.0






















Gross profit

  846      1,436      952      12.5   3,948      4,637      17.5

Selling expenses

  -334      -335      -334      0.1   -1,387      -1,252      -9.7

Administration expenses

  -132      -136      -167      26.6   -492      -561      14.0

Exploration expenses

  -50      -37      -95      88.7   -152      -252      65.8

Other expenses

  303      47      -194      -164.3   286      -128      -144.6






















Operating income

  632      975      161      -74.5   2,202      2,445      11.0

Depreciation of fixed assets

  571      648      742      29.9   2,059      2,469      19.9

Amortization of intangible assets

  9      9      26      184.2   36      58      60.9

Unproductive exploratory drillings

  31      17      68      118.3   94      157      66.3






















Adj. EBITDA (**)

  1,244      1,649      997      -19.8   4,391      5,128      16.8



  2,098      2,347      2,332      11.1   7,824      8,754      11.9

Operating income

  286      541      186      -35.1   1,316      1,530      16.3


  480      560      652      35.7   1,758      2,127      21.0

Capital expenditures

  327      1,349      1,670      411.0   4,178      6,077      45.5



  4,077      4,334      4,176      2.4   15,901      16,561      4.1

Operating income

  458      468      206      -55.1   1,232      1,359      10.4


  80      77      80      -0.7   266      303      13.8

Capital expenditures

  349      280      384      10.1   899      1,039      15.6


Operating income

  -73      -57      -254      248.4   -279      -414      48.4

Capital expenditures

  40      42      69      73.4   83      174      110.0


Operating income

  -39      23      24      -162.3   -67      -30      -54.2

Average exchange rate for the period

  6.04      8.25      8.46      5.46      8.08   

NOTE: The calculation of the main financial figures in U.S. dollars is derived from the calculation of the financial results expressed in Argentine pesos using the average exchange rate for each period.


(*) For these periods, results do not include the impact of the provision for claims related to the AES Uruguaiana Emprendimientos S.A. (AESU) and Transportadora de Gas del Mercosur S.A. (TGM) arbitrations.
(**) Adjusted EBITDA = Net income attributable to shareholders + Net income (loss) for non-controlling interest - Deferred income tax - Income tax - Financial income (losses) gains on liabilities - Financial income gains (losses) on assets - Income on investments in companies + Depreciation of fixed assets + Amortization of intangible assets + Unproductive exploratory drillings.



LOGO Consolidated Results Full Year 2014 and Q4 2014





5.6 MAIN PHYSICAL MAGNITUDES (Unaudited figures)


        2013     2014  
    Unit   Q1     Q2     Q3     Q4     Cum. 2013     Q1     Q2     Q3     Q4     Cum. 2014  



Crude oil production

  Kbbl     20,365        20,770        21,625        22,019        84,780        21,753        21,923        22,634        22,986        89,296   

NGL production

  Kbbl     4,918        4,162        3,471        5,033        17,584        4,831        3,626        3,970        5,348        17,776   

Gas production

  Mm3     2,824        3,001        3,272        3,262        12,359        3,355        3,970        4,138        4,021        15,483   

Total production

  Kboe     43,045        43,806        45,675        47,568        180,094        47,684        50,517        52,628        53,621        204,450   

































Henry Hub

USD/Mbtu   3.48      4.09      3.58      3.60      3.69      4.94      4.67      4.06      4.00      4.42   


USD/Bbl   112.48      102.58      110.27      109.21      108.63      108.17      109.70      101.82      76.40      99.02   


Sales of petroleum products

Domestic market


Km3   1,159      1,060      1,121      1,206      4,545      1,229      1,126      1,158      1,210      4,723   


Km3   1,946      2,057      2,048      2,047      8,098      1,920      2,043      2,160      2,044      8,166   

Jet fuel and kerosene

Km3   108      111      112      118      449      124      108      116      123      471   

Fuel Oil

Km3   129      100      293      239      760      294      297      257      320      1,168   


Km3   168      220      265      144      796      146      210      245      159      760   

LPG sold by YSUR

  —        —        —        —        —        5      26      30      27      88   

Others (*)

Km3   379      270      350      340      1,338      286      304      361      589      1,540   

Total domestic market

Km3   3,889      3,819      4,188      4,094      15,988      4,004      4,113      4,327      4,472      16,916   

Export market

Petrochemical naphtha

Km3   0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0   

Jet fuel and kerosene

Km3   131      121      127      126      505      129      116      126      128      500   


Km3   123      36      30      104      293      124      35      24      115      299   

Bunker (Diesel and Fuel Oil)

Km3   186      98      189      191      664      194      205      128      178      704   

Others (*)

Km3   10      10      9      11      39      8      18      5      7      38   

Total export market

Km3   450      265      355      432      1,502      455      375      284      428      1,541   

Total sales of petroleum products

Km3   4,339      4,084      4,542      4,526      17,490      4,459      4,488      4,610      4,900      18,457   

































Sales of petrochemical products

Domestic market


Ktn   24      27      68      105      224      32      39      76      80      227   


Ktn   49      57      64      66      236      47      73      103      85      308   


Ktn   130      138      143      132      543      138      143      129      131      541   

Total domestic market

Ktn   203      222      276      303      1,003      217      255      308      296      1,076   

Export market


Ktn   8      22      1      10      41      33      22      21      1      77   


Ktn   62      64      75      39      240      24      33      67      53      177   

Total export market

Ktn   70      86      76      49      281      57      55      88      54      254   

Total sales of petrochemical products

Ktn   273      308      352      352      1,284      274      310      396      350      1,330   

































Sales of other products

Grain, flours and oils

Domestic market

Ktn   39      30      24      31      124      20      22      21      3      66   

Export market

Ktn   87      239      284      159      769      85      251      292      212      840   

Total Grain, flours and oils

Ktn   126      269      308      190      893      105      273      313      215      906   

































Main products imported

Gasolines and Jet Fuel

Km3   94      198      0      0      292      179      94      0      42      316   


Km3   183      420      296      351      1,250      473      275      191      304      1,243   


(*) Principally includes sales of oil and lubricant bases, grease, asphalt and residual carbon, among others.



LOGO Consolidated Results Full Year 2014 and Q4 2014






(Argentine Securities Commission General Resolution No. 541)


     Crude oil and condensate  
     (Millions of barrels)  
     Argentina     United States     Worldwide  

Proved developed and undeveloped reserves


Beginning of the year

     551        1        552   

Revisions of previous estimates

     73        1        74   

Extensions, discoveries and improved recovery

     56        —          56   

Purchases and sales

     8        —          8   

Production for the year (1)

     (89     (<1     (89










End of the year (1)

  600      1      601   









     Argentina     United States     Worldwide  

Proved developed reserves


Beginning of the year

     421        1        422   










End of the year

  446      1      447   










Proved undeveloped reserves

Beginning of the year

  130      —        130   










End of the year

  154      —        154   











(1) Proved reserves of crude oil and condensate include an estimated approximately 91 million barrels as of December 31, 2014, in respect of royalty payments which, as described above, are a financial obligation, or are substantially equivalent to a production or similar tax. Crude oil and condensate production includes an estimated approximately 14 million barrels for 2014 in respect of such types of payments



LOGO Consolidated Results Full Year 2014 and Q4 2014





     Natural gas liquids  
     (Millions of barrels)  
     Argentina     United States      Worldwide  

Proved developed and undeveloped reserves


Beginning of the year

     76        —           76   

Revisions of previous estimates

     2        —           2   

Extensions, discoveries and improved recovery

     13        —           13   

Purchases and sales

     (<1     —           (<1

Production for the year(1)

     (18     —           (18










End of the year (1)

  73      —        73   









     Argentina     United States      Worldwide  

Proved developed reserves


Beginning of the year

     55        —           55   










End of the year

  53      —        53   










Proved undeveloped reserves

Beginning of the year

  21      —        21   










End of the year

  20      —        20   











(1) Proved reserves of natural gas liquids include an estimated approximately 11 million barrels as of December 31, 2014, in respect of royalty payments which, as described above, are a financial obligation, or are substantially equivalent to a production or similar tax. Natural gas liquids production includes an estimated approximately 2 million barrels for 2014 in respect of such types of payments



LOGO Consolidated Results Full Year 2014 and Q4 2014





     Natural gas
(billions of cubic feet)
     Argentina     United States     Worldwide  

Proved developed and undeveloped reserves


Beginning of the year

     2,555        3        2,558   

Revisions of previous estimates

     441        3        444   

Extensions, discoveries and improved recovery

     422        —          422   

Purchases and sales

     140        —          140   

Production for the year (1)

     (546     (1     (547










End of the year (1)

  3,011      5      3,016   









     Argentina     United States     Worldwide  

Proved developed reserves


Beginning of the year

     1,935        3        1,938   










End of the year

  2,262      5      2,267   










Proved undeveloped reserves

Beginning of the year

  620      —        620   










End of the year

  749      —        749   











(1) Proved reserves of natural gas include an estimated approximately 324 billion cubic feet as of December 31, 2014, in respect of royalty payments which, as described above, are a financial obligation, or are substantially equivalent to a production or similar tax. Natural gas production includes an estimated approximately 60 billion cubic feet for 2014 in respect of such types of payments



LOGO Consolidated Results Full Year 2014 and Q4 2014





This document contains statements that YPF believes constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of the US Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.

These forward-looking statements may include statements regarding the intent, belief, plans, current expectations or objectives as of the date hereof of YPF and its management, including statements with respect to trends affecting YPF’s future financial condition, financial, operating, reserve replacement and other ratios, results of operations, business strategy, geographic concentration, business concentration, production and marketed volumes and reserves, as well as YPF’s plans, expectations or objectives with respect to future capital expenditures, investments, expansion and other projects, exploration activities, ownership interests, divestments, cost savings and dividend payout policies. These forward-looking statements may also include assumptions regarding future economic and other conditions, such as the future price of petroleum and petroleum products, refining and marketing margins and exchange rates. These statements are not guarantees of future performance, prices, margins, exchange rates or other events and are subject to material risks, uncertainties, changes in circumstances and other factors that may be beyond YPF’s control or may be difficult to predict.

YPF’s actual future financial condition, financial, operating, reserve replacement and other ratios, results of operations, business strategy, geographic concentration, business concentration, production and marketed volumes, reserves, capital expenditures, investments, expansion and other projects, exploration activities, ownership interests, divestments, cost savings and dividend payout policies, as well as actual future economic and other conditions, such as the future price of petroleum and petroleum products, refining margins and exchange rates, could differ materially from those expressed or implied in any such forward-looking statements. Important factors that could cause such differences include, but are not limited to fluctuations in the price of petroleum and petroleum products, supply and demand levels, currency fluctuations, exploration, drilling and production results, changes in reserves estimates, success in partnering with third parties, loss of market share, industry competition, environmental risks, physical risks, the risks of doing business in developing countries, legislative, tax, legal and regulatory developments, economic and financial market conditions in various countries and regions, political risks, wars and acts of terrorism, natural disasters, project delays or advancements and lack of approvals, as well as those factors described in the filings made by YPF and its affiliates before the Comisión Nacional de Valores in Argentina and with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, in particular, those described in “Item 3. Key Information—Risk Factors” and “Item 5. Operating and Financial Review and Prospects” in YPF’s Annual Report on Form 20-F for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2013 filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. In light of the foregoing, the forward-looking statements included in this document may not occur.

Except as required by law, YPF does not undertake to publicly update or revise these forward-looking statements even if experience or future changes make it clear that the projected performance, conditions or events expressed or implied therein will not be realized.

These materials do not constitute an offer for sale of YPF S.A. bonds, shares or ADRs in the United States or elsewhere.

The information contained herein has been prepared to assist interested parties in making their own evaluations of YPF.

Investors Relations



Macacha Güemes 515

C1106BKK Buenos Aires (Argentina)

Phone: 54 11 5441 1215

Fax: 54 11 5441 2113




Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.


YPF Sociedad Anónima

Date: February 27, 2015

By: /s/ Diego Celaá



Diego Celaá

Market Relations Officer

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