RNS Number:6175H
Teesland Plc
18 February 2003

                                  Teesland plc

                                INTERIM RESULTS
                     For the six months to 31 December 2002
                                                                18 February 2003


I am pleased to introduce my first Interim Report as Chairman of Teesland plc.

On 7 August 2002, by virtue of a court sanctioned scheme of arrangement, the
Company became the new holding company of Semple Cochrane plc (Semple) and
acquired Teesland Holdings plc, a property fund and asset management business.
The consideration for Teesland Holdings plc was #10 million, satisfied by the
issue of new shares in Teesland plc.

Immediately upon the acquisition of Semple its business with net liabilities of
#25.009m was sold to a third party, for #1.producing a 'book'  gain on sale of
#25.009 million.

Teesland invested #7.75 million in Semple from debt provided by the Bank of
Scotland, of this debt #2.75 million was converted by the Bank into ordinary
share capital of Teesland and #5.0m remains outstanding as a long term loan.

At the same time as the reorganisation, #4 million less expenses was raised by
way of a placing and offer for subscription of shares to provide Teesland with
funds for co - investment in limited partnerships and to repay a facility drawn
to fund an existing co-investment.

Equity Partnerships Capital Ventures (EPCV) is the subsidiary of Teesland, which
invests in the new funds we create and promote alongside the capital of
principal investors. EPCV takes the position of founder partner in limited
partnership (LP) funds, usually investing around #1 million.  This assists in
attracting other investors.As founder partner  EPCV enjoys a carried interest or
fee based on the fund's performance.  EPCV has to date invested #1m in The
Osprey Limited Partnership (Osprey), and a further #1m investment and #450k
short term loan has been made in a new product, Thorpe Park Limited Partnership
(TPLP) both of which are described in more detail below.

Results and Dividend

Profit before tax and goodwill amortisation of the acquired  business  for the
five months since  their acquisition was #587,000. This was in line with
expectations at the time of the scheme of arrangement.

No interim dividend is proposed. No dividends can be paid whilst the profit and
loss account has a deficit.  We intend to seek shareholders consent at the
annual general meeting and thereafter seek Court approval to reduce the share
premium account and apply the reserve thereby created to eliminate the
accumulated deficit on the profit and loss account.

New Products and Projects

Teesland has successfully launched new products during the period and increased
fees from assets under management and project management contracts.

Our project management division has made a substantial contribution to both
turnover and profit over the period and is engaged in over 20 major projects at
the present time.

Equity Partnerships, the specialist fund management subsidiary of Teesland plc,
has strengthened its market position with the launch of new products including:

The Osprey Limited Partnership (Osprey), a high yielding mixed commercial
property fund, was launched on 30 September 2002 attracting four institutional
investors, The Post Office Pension Fund, British Telecom Pension Fund, Bradford
and Bingley Pension Funds and Clerical Medical Life Fund.  Commencing with the
acquisition of assets valued at #65m, the fund has purchased further  properties
for #20m, and has exchanged contracts on  #40m of additional properties. These
activities attracted partnership establishment, acquisition, fund and asset
management fees. In addition Osprey produced a maiden distribution for EPCV as a
co-investor / founder limited partner.  Osprey is now positioned to secure new
investors in the second half of the year enabling the fund to make further
acquisitions as it progresses towards its target level of #300 million funds
under management.

Thorpe Park has been set up as a single asset LP.Contracts have recently been
exchanged to acquire six office investments worth #31m forming the core of this
prime business park. It is located to the east of Leeds city centre and has
direct access from the M1 motorway.  Of the six properties being acquired, three
have been acquired from Thorpe Park Developments Ltd, a company controlled by
Severn Trent Water plc, and in which my family company has a 24% interest.  The
other three were acquired from Remote Properties Limited in which my family
trust has a 50% interest.  A forward funding agreement with the developers for
the remainder of the park is under negotiation, which will secure new
investments on the park, once they are developed and let.  The planned total
area is 650,000 sq ft of offices with an estimated final value of c.#120m.  The
fund is currently at the warehouse stage and over the next two years new
investors will be introduced so that a long term fund can be established.

Our residential investment LP, Oystercatcher Limited Partnership (Oystercatcher)
now worth #35m, has provided a total return for 2002 of 25%.  The LP contains
some 621 units let mainly on assured tenancies and to students.  It has
benefited from a geographical spread predominantly outside the South East.
Present market conditions have led to price escalation in some sectors.  We are
currently focusing on new investment in the student and key worker sectors.

Equity Partnerships set up the Frenchgate Limited Partnership in early 2002
attracting four investors to acquire the Frenchgate Shopping Centre in Doncaster
for #58m. The investment has produced a return of over 35% per annum.
Pre-contract preparations are underway to extend the Centre to 800,000 sq ft,
making it  one of the top 20 UK shopping centres by size. The asset management
fees for this project have provided a major contribution to returns for
Teesland, as will the first stage project management fee receivable in the
second half of the year, providing the project commences on schedule.

I would like to thank my fellow Directors, staff and advisers who worked
extremely hard in both the rescue of Semple Cochrane plc and on the continued
expansion of Teesland's Property Fund and Asset Management business.

Likewise I express my gratitude to the Bank of Scotland for their continued
constructive input, which greatly assists us as we push ahead with our expansion

In addition to the Directors appointed at the time of the reorganisation, I
welcome to the board, Mickola Wilson as Joint Chief Executive and David Pickard
as a Non Executive Director.  David is a former Managing Director of Colliers
CRE, and Mickola was in charge of the fund management division of MWB and former
Managing Director of Guardian Properties.

The strategy for Teesland reflects the structural changes occurring in the
property industry - moving away from the traditional property company approach
towards the separation of skills from assets. Through Equity Partnerships,
Teesland is leading the way in specialist property fund management, providing
investors with products which are intended to produce above average returns. The
indirect property market continues to grow, and the investor base is broadening
from large institutions to smaller pension funds and private equity investors.
Market conditions for property are likely to be volatile during 2003, but
Teesland will continue to identify and exploit opportunities to grow our
existing funds and create new ones. During this period of growth, we will
continue to benefit from the well-established core fee stream from our principal
clients and expand our client base by providing tailor made solutions for

Kevin McCabe

18 February 2003

For further information please contact 

Mickola Wilson, Joint Chief Executive        Jeremy Carey/Marylene Guernier 
Stephen McBride, Finance Director            Tavistock Communications       
Teesland plc                                 Tel: 020 7600 2288             
Tel: 020 7493 4636                                    

Teesland plc 
Profit and loss account for the 6 months ended 31 December 2002 

                                                    Businesses         Discontinued                                    
                                                      Teesland           Businesses                                    
                                                  Holdings plc      Semple Cochrane           Total             Total  
                                                    five months           one month      six months        six months  
                                                    to 31.12.02          to 31.7.02     to 31.12.02       to 31.12.01  
                                          Notes           #'000               #'000           #'000             #'000  
  Turnover - group 
  Acquisitions                                            1,781                  -           1,781                -  
  Discontinued operations                                     -              2,216           2,216            22,801 
  Total group turnover                       2            1,781              2,216           3,997            22,801 
  Operating Profit / (Loss)                                                                                           

  Acquisitions                                              382                   -             382                 - 
  Discontinued operations                                     -               (871)           (871)           (1,225) 
  Group operating profit / (loss)                           
  before goodwill amortisation                              382               (871)           (489)           (1,225) 
  Goodwill amortisation                                   (221)                   -           (221)           (1,752) 

  Group operating profit / (loss)                            
  after goodwill amortisation                               161               (871)           (710)           (2,977)   
  Investment income                                         178                  -             178                 - 
  Operating profit / (loss)                                 339               (871)           (532)           (2,977) 
  Profit on disposal of subsidiary                            
  undertakings                                                -             25,009          25,009                 -    
  Profit / (Loss) on ordinary                                
  activities before interest & tax                          339              24,138          24,477           (2,977)   
  Net interest                                                                                                        
  Group                                                      27               (207)           (180)             (745) 
  Profit / (Loss) on ordinary                               
  activities before taxation                                366              23,931          24,297           (3,722)   
  Taxation on profit on ordinary             
  activities                                 3             (128)                  -            (128)                -   
  Profit / (Loss) on ordinary                               238              23,931          24,169           (3,722) 
  activities after taxation                                                                                           
  Equity minority interests                                   -                   -               -               (4) 
  Profit / (Loss) for the financial                         
  period                                                    238              23,931          24,169           (3,726)   
  Dividends paid & proposed                                   -                   -               -                 - 
  Profit / (Loss) for the financial                         
  period transferred to / (from)                                                                                      
  reserves                                                  238              23,931          24,169           (3,726)   
  Basic earnings per share / (loss           
  per share)                                 4       0.79 pence         79.62 pence     80.41 pence    (272.37) pence   
  Diluted earnings per share / (loss         
  per share)                                 4       0.79 pence         79.62 pence     80.41 pence    (272.37) pence   
  Adjusted earnings per share (pre           
  goodwill)                                  4       1.52 pence         79.62 pence     81.14 pence    (144.30) pence   
Teesland plc  
Group Balance Sheet 
As at 31 December 2002 

                                                                          As at 31.12.02       As at 31.12.01 
                                                                         #'000     #'000        #'000   #'000  
Fixed assets                                                                                            
Intangible assets                                                                 10,402                5,544  
Tangible assets                                                                       66                2,591  
Investments                                                                        1,001                    - 
Total fixed assets                                                                11,469                8,135  

Current assets                                                                                          
  Stocks                                                                     -                  2,725                
  Debtors                                                                  968                 15,459              
  Cash at bank                                                           2,362                    487              
                                                                         3,330                 18,671              

Creditors - amounts falling due within one year                          (643)               (28,945)             
Net current assets / (liabilities)                                                 2,687             (10,274) 
Total assets less current liabilities                                             14,156              (2,139) 
Creditors - amounts falling due after more than one year                         (5,000)              (6,691) 
Net assets / (liabilities)                                                         9,156              (8,830) 
Capital & reserves                                                                                      
  Called up equity share capital                                                   3,597                  137  
  Share premium account                                                           13,268                    -  
  Revaluation reserve                                                                  -                  153  
  Capital reserve                                                                      -                  257  
  Merger reserve                                                                       -                9,316  
  Profit & loss account                                                          (7,709)             (30,327) 
Equity Shareholders' funds / (deficit)                                             9,156             (20,464) 
  Minority Interest                                                                    -               11,634 
                                                                                   9,156              (8,830) 
Teesland plc  
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement 
Six months to 31 December 2002 

                                                                            Teesland   Cochrane                         
                                                                        Holdings plc        PLC                        
                                                                         five months  one month      Total Six months  
                                                                                  to         to         to         to 
                                                                            31.12.02   31.07.02   31.12.02   31.12.01  
                                                                   Notes       #'000      #'000      #'000       #000 
Net cash inflow / (outflow) from operating activities              5 (a)         173    (1,187)    (1,014)    (7,048) 
Net cash inflow / (outflow) from returns on investments &                         25      (207)      (182)      (671) 
servicing of finance                                                                                                
Tax (paid) / received                                                           (59)          -       (59)         40 
Net cash (outflow) from capital expenditure & financial                         (53)          -       (53)      (172) 
Net cash (outflow) / inflow from acquisitions & disposals                    (1,594)     13,684     12,090          - 
Cash (outflow) / inflow before financing                                     (1,508)     12,290     10,782    (7,851) 
Financing                                                                      3,869         -       3,869        114 
Increase / (decrease) in cash for the period                       5 (c)       2,361     12,290     14,651    (7,737) 
Teesland plc 
Statement of Total Recognised Gains & Losses 
Six months to 31 December 2002 

                                                                                       Six months      Six months  
                                                                                      to 31.12.02     to 31.12.01  
                                                                                            #'000           #'000  
Profit / (Loss) for the financial period                                                                     
Group                                                                                      24,169         (3,726) 
Curency translation differences on foreign currency net investments                             -               2  
Total recognised gains & (losses)                                                          24,169         (3,724) 
Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds / (Deficit) 

                                                                                       Six months      Six months  
                                                                                      to 31.12.02     to 31.12.01  
                                                                                            #'000           #'000  
Profit / (Loss) for the financial period                                                   24,169         (3,726) 
Issue of share capital                                                                     16,668               - 
Conversion of Minority Interest                                                               603                 
Increase in Merger Reserve                                                                  3,281                 
Curency translation differences                                                                 -               2 
Net increase/(decrease) in shareholders' funds/(deficit)                                   44,721         (3,724) 
Shareholders' funds / (deficit) at :                                                     
1 July 2002 (unaudited)                                                                  (35,565)               - 
1 January 2001                                                                                  -         (5,083) 
Shareholders' funds / (deficit) at end of period                                            9,156         (8,807) 
Teesland plc  
1.  Basis of Preparation 
The unaudited accounts for the six month period ended 31 December 2002 have been
prepared under the historical cost convention. 
Financial Reporting Standard No. 19 - 'Deferred Tax' (FRS 19) has been adopted
for the first time by the Group in this interim report. It has had no material
effect on the prior year results. 
Under Court approval dated 7th August 2002 Semple Cochrane PLC implemented a
scheme of arrangement under Section 425 of the Companies Act 1985 which inter
alia introduced Teesland plc as a new holding company. for the Group; acquired
Teesland Holdings plc via an Offer for Subscription of new shares; and approved
the disposal by Teesland plc of Semple Cochrane PLC. Details of the scheme
arrangement are contained in the circulars to shareholders dated 31 May 2002.
Although Teesland plc was incorporated on 30 April 2002, merger accounting has
been adopted, in accordance with Financial Reporting Standard No.6 - '
Acquisitions and Mergers', to account for the transaction as if Teesland plc
owned Semple Cochrane PLC from 1 July 2001. Teesland plc acquired Teesland
Holdings plc on 7 August 2002 via an issue of shares and disposed of Semple
Cochrane PLC and its subsidiaries on that date. 
Consequently these interim results contain the trading results of Teesland
Holdings plc from 7 August 2002 until31 December 2002 and the results of Semple
Cochrane PLC from 1 July 2002 until 7 August 2002. The comparative results
contain the trading of Semple Cochrane PLC from 30 June 2001 to 31 December
The financial information in this statement does not constitute statutory
accounts within the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985.  
The accounts of Semple Cochrane PLC for the year to 30 June 2002 have not been
signed by their auditors as at the date of this report and thus have been
omitted from being disclosed as a comparative. 
The interim results were approved by the Directors on 17th February 2003.The
interim statement , which is available at the Company's Registered Office will
be sent to shareholders before the end of February 2003. 
2.  Turnover 
All turnover derives from within the United Kingdom. The directors have taken
the view that the company has one class of business, deriving from integrated
property management services. 
3.  Taxation 
The tax charge has been calculated at the estimated effective tax rate for the
4.  Earnings per share 
The calculation of earnings per share is based on the following weighted average
number of shares: 

                                     Six months          Six months  
Continuing Operations               to 31.12.02         to 31.12.01 
                               Number of shares    Number of shares 
Basic earnings per share             30,058,033           1,368,000 
Diluted earning per share            30,058,033           1,368,000 
Adjusted earning per share           30,058,033           1,368,000 
Issued share capital has been weighted to reflect the date the shares were 
Reconciliation of the calculation of the Basic earnings per share to the 
Adjusted earnings per share 

                                           Teesland (Holdings)                                    
                                               PLC 5 Months to    Total Six months     Six months  
                                                      31.12.02         to 31.12.02    to 31.12.01 
                                                         #'000               #'000          #'000 
Profits after tax used to calculate                                                               
Basic earnings per share                                   238              16,222        (3,726) 
Amortisation of goodwill                                   221                 221          1,752 
Profits before amortisation, after tax                                                            
used to calculate Adjusted EPS                             459              16,443        (1,974) 
5. Notes to consolidated cash flow statement 
(a) Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow from operating 

                                                Teesland           Semple                                              
                                          (Holdings) plc     Cochrane PLC     Teesland plc                             
                                          Five months to        One month       six months                 Six months  
                                             to 31.12.02      to 31.07.02      to 31.12.02      Total     to 31.12.01  
                                                   #'000            #'000            #'000      #'000           #'000
Operating Profit / (loss)                            339            (871)                -      (532)         (2,977) 
Depreciation Charges                                   9               35                -         44             287 
Amortisation of Goodwill                             221                -                -        221           1,752 
Loss on the sale of fixed assets                       -               -                 -          -             (1) 
(Increase)/decrease in work in                         -              445                -        445           (392) 
(Increase)/decrease in debtors                     (301)               10                -      (291)           2,487 
(Decrease) in creditors                             (95)            (806)                -      (901)         (8,204) 
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from                       173          (1,187)               -     (1,014)         (7,048) 
operating activities                                                                                                
(b) Reconciliation of net cash flows to net debt 

                                              Six months to     Six months  
                                                   31.12.02    to 31.12.01 
                                                      #'000          #'000 
Increase/(Decrease) in cash                          14,651        (7,737) 
Cash inflow from increase in debt                   (7,750)          (114) 
Conversion of debt to ordinary shares                 2,750              - 
Capital element of finance leases repaid                  -             18 
Decrease in liquid resources                              -           (49) 
Loans dispensed with subsidiaries                    11,997              - 
Exchange movements                                        -             11 
                                                     21,648        (7,871) 
Net debt at beginning of period                    (24,287)       (14,539) 
Net debt at end of period                           (2,639)       (22,410) 
(c) Analysis of changes in net debt 

                        (Unaudited)    01.07.02 - 31.12.02      Disposals (excluding    At 31.12.02           
                        At 01.07.02               Movement         cash & overdraft)     
                              #'000                  #'000                     #'000          #'000 
Net cash                   (12,290)                 14,651                         -          2,361 
Due within one year                                                                                 
Due after one year          (8,233)                (5,000)                      8,233       (5,000) 
Deferred loan               (3,692)                     -                       3,692            -  
Finance Leases                 (72)                     -                          72            -  
Net debt                   (24,287)                  9,651                     11,997       (2,639) 
Debt due after one year comprises a term loan of #5.0m repayable in ten equal
annual instalments commencing 30 June 2005. The loan carries interest at 0%
until 30 June 2004 and at 2% per annum thereafter. 
                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange