Claritas Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (TSX VENTURE: CLAS and OTC: CLAS.V)
(the "
Company" or "
today announced that it has entered into a binding Letter of Intent
“LOI”) with Biozeus Biopharmaceuticals S. A.,
a Brazilian corporation
“Biozeus”), under which Biozeus
will grant to Claritas an option to acquire an exclusive, worldwide
license to develop and commercialize Biozeus’ novel, proprietary
drug, BZ371B, for the prevention and treatment of pulmonary
diseases, including ARDS and asthma (the
Option”). The Company’s entry into the Option is
subject to receipt of all regulatory approvals, including approval
of the TSX Venture Exchange (the “
The worldwide market for treatment of ARDS is projected to
reach $934.8 million by 2026.1
ARDS is one of the common clinical manifestations of severe
COVID-19 infection.
BZ371B is being evaluated in a 10-patient clinical study of
patients with COVID-19 related ARDS requiring intubation and
mechanical ventilation (the “Clinical Study”).
Data from the first four patients in the Clinical Study
demonstrate a dramatic reduction in the severity of the
Biozeus has agreed to grant to Claritas an option to
acquire exclusive, worldwide rights to develop and commercialize
BZ371B for the treatment of ARDS and all other pulmonary diseases
(the “License”).
If data from the remaining six patients in the Clinical
Study are equally positive, Claritas will exercise the Option to
acquire the License.
“Our strategy is to position Claritas as a
leader in nitric oxide pharmaceuticals, and our potential
acquisition of BZ371B is an important element of that strategy,”
stated Robert Farrell, Claritas’ President and CEO. “With the
addition of BZ371B, we believe that Claritas will have the
strongest and most promising pipeline of nitric oxide
pharmaceuticals in development. Our nitric oxide-releasing
compound, R-107, has the ability to deliver supplemental nitric
oxide throughout the body for both the treatment of viral
infections, including vaccine-resistant COVID-19 infection, and as
a potential breakthrough product that could provide unrivalled
results in treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension (“PAH”).
With BZ371B, Claritas will be in the unique position of having a
second nitric oxide pharmaceutical that has the ability to cause
the patient’s own cells to generate nitric oxide gas inside the
body. No therapy in existence today, other than BZ371B, has such a
mechanism of action wherein the body itself is stimulated to
generate its own nitric oxide supply.”
“For the past three decades, numerous studies
have proven that nitric oxide gas is a potent vasodilator in the
blood vessels of the lungs, decreasing pulmonary artery pressure
and improving oxygen saturation. 2 However, when nitric oxide gas
is administered into the lung via inhalation therapy, its ability
to pass through the lung tissue to reach the pulmonary arteries is
quite limited. Consequently, the impact on pulmonary blood flow
resulting from administration of inhaled nitric oxide is
“Unlike the modest impact produced by inhaling
nitric oxide, the initial clinical data observed with nebulized
BZ371B showed a highly significant effect. The explanation for the
profound benefit of BZ371B vs. the modest impact of inhaled nitric
oxide is likely to relate to the difference in the concentration of
nitric oxide gas achieved in the blood vessels coursing through the
lung. In the case of inhaled nitric oxide, the gas is distributed
throughout the lung and only a small fraction reaches the periphery
of the lung where it is able to diffuse out of the lung and into
the adjacent muscular wall of the pulmonary arteries. In contrast,
in the case of nebulized BZ371B the drug reaches the lung cells and
induces them genetically to express nitric oxide synthase (“NOS”)
protein. NOS is an enzyme that causes cells to produce nitric oxide
naturally. When BZ371B is administered to the lungs via a
nebulizer, the drug enters the lungs, and causes the lung cells to
express NOS, which, in turn, results in those cells producing
nitric oxide. The lung cells producing nitric oxide are situated
directly adjacent to the pulmonary arteries, and therefore the
concentration of nitric oxide reaching the muscular wall of these
arteries is very high. Indeed, much higher than the concentration
of nitric oxide reaching the arteries from inhalation of nitric
oxide gas. The greater concentration of nitric oxide produced
naturally from administration of BZ371B causes the arteries to
dilate, thereby increasing blood flow. The resulting improvement in
blood flow increases the amount of oxygen in the bloodstream.”
“An additional benefit expected of BZ371B is its
ability to generate very elevated concentrations of nitric oxide
inside the lung epithelial cells where the COVID-19 virus is
located. Nitric oxide is well established to inhibit replication of
coronaviruses, such as COVID-193; hence it is expected that BZ371B,
by inducing expression of NOS, will have the additional action of
terminating viral replication.”
“Because nitric oxide is a readily diffusible
gas that passes across cell membranes, BZ371B is also anticipated
to generate high levels of nitric oxide surrounding the outside of
the cells in which NOS has been induced. Nitric oxide is well known
to block the structure of the spike protein which COVID-19 uses to
attach to the lung cells4. Hence, it is expected that BZ371B
therapy, in inducing the expression of NOS throughout the cells of
the lung, will also prevent COVID-19 from entering and infecting
healthy lung epithelial cells.”
“In summary, we expect that BZ371B will reveal a
trifecta effect in patients with life-threatening COVID-19
infection: (1) to improve blood flow in the COVID-19 infected lung,
thereby improving blood oxygen levels; (2) to halt viral
replication within cells already infected by COVID-19; and (3) to
prevent the spread of COVID-19 infection within the lung by
blocking the attachment and uptake of the virus into heathy
uninfected lung cells.”
Mr. Farrell went on to say, “Given the
expectation that BZ371B will be effective against COVID-19
infection, it is currently under evaluation in the Clinical Study.
The Clinical Study will enroll a total of ten intubated and
mechanically ventilated COVID-19 patients who have developed ARDS,
a potentially fatal respiratory condition. In ARDS, fluid
accumulates in the lungs, which in turn reduces blood oxygen to
dangerously low levels. ARDS constitutes a medical emergency, and
for patients with severe ARDS there are currently no available
approved treatments. The Clinical Study is being conducted in
critical care hospitals in Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Based on the exceptionally positive data from the first four
patients in this study, as well as the positive data seen in a
previous animal model of ARDS, we believe that BZ371B could become
a best-in-class, front-line therapy for ARDS.”
”Subject to receiving TSXV approval for the
transaction, we will execute the Option to acquire the License for
this drug. Upon completion of the Clinical Study, if the data from
the remaining six patients are comparable with the results observed
in the first four patients, we will exercise the Option, and
acquire the License. We currently estimate that the Clinical Study
will be completed in early 2022.”
“We are currently developing our nitric
oxide-releasing compound, R-107, for both the treatment of viral
infections, including vaccine-resistant COVID-19 infection, and as
a potential breakthrough product that could provide unrivalled
results in treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension (“PAH”).
With the addition of BZ371B for treatment of ARDS, Claritas will
clearly be positioned as a leader in the development of nitric
oxide pharmaceuticals, with two nitric oxide compounds in
development, each of which will address distinct and large
commercial markets in the pulmonary space,” stated Mr. Farrell.
BZ371B Induces Expression of Nitric
Oxide Synthase and Combats Mismatch of Blood Flow and Ventilation
BZ371B is a novel patented 9-aminoacid peptide
drug, modeled after a natural venom found in an Amazonian spider
whose bite has been known for fifty years to increase blood flow.
Study of this venom has revealed that it induces NOS expression,
which is the critical enzyme responsible for the production of
nitric oxide. BZ371B is a chemical analogue of the spider venom.
When it is administered to the lung via a nebulizer, it dilates the
pulmonary blood vessels, bringing copious blood to those regions of
the lung that remain open to ventilation. This tight coupling of
blood flow and ventilation is critical in combatting diseases, such
as ARDS, where the lungs are clogged with inflammation and
If Claritas Exercises its Option and
Acquires the License, Claritas Will Develop BZ371B
as a Nitric Oxide Therapy for Treatment of ARDS
ARDS is a life-threatening lung disease that can
be caused by sepsis, pneumonia, trauma, and severe COVID-19
infection, and is characterized by fluid build-up in small air sacs
(alveoli) in the lungs. ARDS prevents the lungs from filling up
with air and causes dangerously low oxygen levels in the blood.
ARDS patients are typically put in an intensive care unit (“ICU”)
and on a ventilator to assist with breathing.
The Advantage of BZ371B
Over Inhalable Nitric Oxide Gas in Resuscitation of
Inhaled nitric oxide is used extensively
throughout the world as a rescue agent in patients with ARDS with
excellent results in many patients, but its efficacy is
inconsistent, and it has thus not been approved by the FDA for
this clinical indication. It appears that the level of inhaled
nitric oxide gas reaching the pulmonary blood vessels is limited,
and often insufficient to induce their dilation. The ideal solution
to overcome this local deficiency of nitric oxide would be to
trigger the lung cells to produce their own supply of nitric oxide,
which would be available locally in high concentrations, and be
more than ample to reach the adjacent pulmonary blood vessels.
Accordingly, it was logical to test BZ371B, a potent inducer of NOS
expression, as a nebulized agent in patients dying from ARDS, where
there is a severe deficiency of pulmonary nitric oxide.
To date, four patients have been studied to date
in Brazil, receiving doses of BZ371B administered by nebulization
to their lung via a mechanical ventilator. All four patients were
hospitalized in an intensive care unit, carrying a definitive
diagnosis of COVID-19 associated pneumonia and full respiratory
decompensation. All four patients presented with systemic COVID-19
infection, as evidenced by disease outside of the lung involving
other organs that had failed (so-called “multiple organ failure”).
All four patients had a breathing tube inserted into their trachea,
were placed into a therapeutic deep coma, and were ventilated by a
respiratory machine providing 100% oxygen under maximal pressures
in order to inflate their lungs in the setting of extreme stiffness
secondary to pulmonary inflammation and water accumulation
Under the terms of the experimental protocol
approved by the hospital ethics review board and consented to by
the families, only terminally ill patients in the most dire
condition were permitted to participate in the study. In the case
of the initial four patients studied, each was determined by their
physicians to have less than 2-3 hours to live. All four patients
were cyanotic (colored dark blue) due to minimal oxygen reaching
their tissues, and all four had loss of function in most organs
(kidney, liver, heart, brain, and lungs) which were in a terminal
state of shutdown and failure.
Patient #1
Patient #1 presented with COVID-19 pneumonia and
ARDS, associated with renal and cardiac failure. He experienced an
instantaneous response to nebulized BZ371B, as evidenced by a
tripling in airflow into the lung, a four-fold increase in oxygen
perfusion to tissues, and a 2.5-fold increase in lung oxygenation.
Although the duration of the protocol called for a limit of 3 days
of BZ371B therapy, his physicians elected to continue dosing for a
total of 9 days due to the apparently profound effect of the drug
on the patient’s well-being. His improvement in response to BZ371B
continued during the additional period of six days but his
physicians chose at that point to cease treatment with the drug
because other organs (kidney, heart) continued in failure. After
BZ7371B was discontinued, he died quickly thereafter.
Patient #2
Patient #2, who presented with COVID-19
pneumonia and ARDS, also responded immediately to nebulized BZ371B,
with results similar to those observed in Patient #1. Directly
following dosing there was an instant tripling of her airflow and a
doubling in lung oxygenation. This improvement persisted until the
physicians stopped the drug after three days, according to the
protocol. Shortly after withdrawal of BZ371B, she died from
respiratory failure.
Patient #3
Patient #3, who presented with COVID-19
pneumonia and ARDS, responded immediately to BZ371B nebulization,
as did the first two patients, with an instantaneous tripling in
airflow and a doubling in lung oxygenation. Despite this very
favorable response, she was taken off the experimental protocol on
Day 2 when it was realized that an infection had been present
before beginning BZ371B (the existence of an infection was an
exclusion criteria set by the hospital ethics review board). After
therapy with BZ371B was discontinued, she died within several
Patient #4
Patient #4 presented with life-threatening
COVID-19 pneumonia, uncontrollable bleeding, and renal failure. She
responded immediately to BZ371B nebulization, similarly to the
initial three patients, with an instantaneous tripling in airflow
and doubling in lung oxygenation. Despite this favorable and rapid
response to BZ371B, her bleeding could not be staunched, and she
exsanguinated from hemorrhagic shock, dying after 24 hours.
It should be noted that although the first
patient had previously received inhaled nitric oxide therapy, with
no apparent benefit, that nonetheless BZ371B therapy appeared to be
profoundly effective. This difference in response to production of
nitric oxide and external provision of nitric oxide, highlights the
importance of the mechanism of action of BZ371B, i.e., the drug’s
ability to induce nitric oxide production by the pulmonary cells.
Thus, the production of nitric oxide by the pulmonary cells induced
by administration of BZ371B was seen to be highly effective,
whereas the administration of nitric oxide into the ventilator
circuit was not. In sum, the endogenous production of nitric oxide
by the lung itself was superior to provisioning of artificial
nitric oxide into the gas circuit of the ventilator.
With BZ371B, Claritas will be in the unique
position of having the ability to generate nitric oxide gas inside
the patient. No therapy in existence today, other than BZ371B, has
such a mechanism of action wherein the body itself is stimulated to
generate its own nitric oxide supply.
The above four patients were all in terminal
respiratory failure and no therapy or medical intervention was
judged to have been able to provide any benefit. Hence, their
permission to be included in this experimental protocol was
granted. The fact that BZ371B appeared to provide immediate relief,
within minutes of its administration, is strongly indicative of a
causal benefit from the drug treatment. Additional patients will
need to be studied to statistically confirm the initial benefits of
BZ371B that have been observed.
The above improvements noted in air flow and
lung oxygenation produced in response to nebulized BZ371B are
clinically significant, because disturbances in these two
parameters are the principal cause of death in ARDS, as
- Air flow is impaired in ARDS
because the lungs are stiff, and it is necessary for the ventilator
to utilize massive pressure in order to inflate the lungs with each
breath. The use of such high pressure is itself damaging to the
lung, producing so-called barotrauma that is often irreversible and
incompatible with removal from mechanical ventilation. Patients
with end-stage barotrauma cannot oxygenate and invariably succumb.
The ability of BZ371B to improve air flow is expected to abort this
vicious cycle of high pressure ventilatory requirement and
worsening barotrauma, such that patients can be more easily
ventilated and survive.
- Lung oxygenation is impaired in
ARDS because ventilation and blood perfusion are poorly matched due
to: (1) over-constriction of the pulmonary blood vessels; and (2)
inadequate ventilation of certain lung segments. The lack of proper
matching of ventilation and perfusion results in arterial blood
leaving the lungs that is blue (i.e., low in oxygen). In the
absence of oxygen-rich arterial blood, critical organs in the body
(liver, brain, heart, kidneys) may not receive sufficient oxygen to
function or remain viable. The consequent loss of organ function,
so-called “multiple organ failure”, is typically fatal. The ability
of BZ371B to alleviate this mismatch of ventilation and blood flow
is expected to ensure that blood leaving the lungs is red (i.e.,
rich in oxygen) and peripheral organs can thereby receive
sufficient oxygen to function and remain viable.
Taken together, the profound improvement in
these two parameters which were noted in all of the first four
patients of this study, are highly encouraging evidence that this
drug may be able to increase survival if BZ371B therapy is
initiated at the first sign of respiratory failure, before
respiratory decompensation and multiple organ failure.
Importantly, there was no clinical evidence of
any side-effect or toxicity from the dosing of B7371B to the four
patients. Admittedly, this is a small sample of subjects from which
to draw any meaningful conclusions about safety. Nonetheless, it
can be stated that there was no evidence of toxicity, and this is
encouraging, especially in patients with severe medical
Future Strategic Collaboration with
Following Claritas’ exercise of the Option and
execution of the License, Claritas and Biozeus intend to expedite
the development of BZ371B by entering into a Collaboration
Agreement (the “Collaboration Agreement”) under which they will
work together to design and complete clinical studies to
demonstrate the safety and efficacy of BZ371B in the treatment of
COVID-19 related ARDS, and other pulmonary diseases and
Under the Collaboration Agreement, Biozeus will
make available to Claritas the full capabilities of Biozeus,
including its expertise in working with nitric oxide synthase
inducing compounds. Biozeus will also provide a platform of
services, including expertise in the manufacture of BZ371B, and in
connection with Claritas’ interactions with the Brazilian Health
Regulatory Agency (“ANVISA”).
Terms of the LOI
The LOI provides that Biozeus will grant to
Claritas an option to acquire an exclusive, worldwide license to
develop and commercialize BZ371B for the treatment of ARDS and all
other pulmonary diseases and disorders (the
Under the terms of the LOI, Claritas has agreed
to provide the following payments to Biozeus in consideration for
the Option and the License:
- Following TSXV approval of the
transaction, Claritas and Biozeus will execute the Option, and
Claritas will pay to Biozeus an option fee of USD $50,000, which
will be paid through a cash payment to Biozeus of USD $25,000 and
the issuance to Biozeus of USD $25,0000 of Claritas Common
- If Claritas has not exercised the
Option by December 31, 2021, Claritas may extend the term of the
Option through February 28, 2022 upon payment of an additional
option fee to Biozeus of USD $25,000 in cash.
- Following Claritas’ exercise of the
Option and execution of the License, Claritas will pay a cash
license fee to Biozeus of USD $500,000;
- Claritas will also pay the
following cash milestone payments and royalties on net sales to
- USD $500,000 in cash and USD
$500,000 in Claritas Common Stock on completion of a Phase 1
clinical study;
- USD $1 million in cash on
successful completion of the first Phase 2 clinical study in
prevention and/or treatment of any pulmonary disease
- USD $1 million in Claritas Common
Stock on successful completion of the Phase 3 clinical study.
- USD $2 million in cash upon the
first approval of BZ371B in prevention and/or treatment of the
first pulmonary disease by the FDA.
- USD $2 million in cash upon the
first approval of BZ371B in prevention and/or treatment of the
first pulmonary disease by the EMEA or any regulatory authority
other than FDA
- USD $2 million in cash on approval
of BZ371B for prevention and/or treatment of each additional
indication of pulmonary disease approved by the FDA.
- USD $2 million in cash on approval
of BZ371B for prevention and/or treatment of each additional
indication of pulmonary disease approved by the EMEA or any
regulatory authority other than FDA
- USD $2 million in cash upon
worldwide revenues from sales of BZ371B for prevention and/or
treatment of pulmonary disease reaching USD $50 million
- Claritas will also pay royalties to
Biozeus on net sales sales as follows:
- On net sales for prevention and/or
treatment of for ARDS, Claritas will pay to Biozeus a royalty of
- On net sales for prevention and/or
treatment of any other pulmonary indication, Claritas will pay to
Biozeus a royalty of 10%.
____________________________1 Reports and Data,
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome ARDS Market, August 20202
McIntyre RC, Jr, Pulido EJ, Bensard DD, Shames BD, Abraham E.
Thirty years of clinical trials in acute respiratory distress
syndrome. Crit Care Med. 2000;28:3314–313 Sara Akerstrom,
Mehrdad Mousavi-Jazi, Jonas Klingstrom, Mikael Leijon, Ake
Lundkvist and Ali Mirazimi, Nitric Oxide Inhibits the Replication
Cycle of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus, Journal of
Virology, 2005 Feb; 79(3): 1966-19684 Wanyi Fang, Jingrui Jiang,
Lei Su, Tong Shu, Huan Liu, Shenghan Lai, Reza A. Ghiladi and Jun
Wang, Free Radic Biol Med, 2021 Feb 1; 163; 153-162
About Claritas
PharmaceuticalsClaritas Pharmaceuticals, Inc. is a
clinical stage biopharmaceutical company focused on developing and
commercializing therapies for patients with significant unmet
medical needs. Claritas leverages its expertise to find solutions
that will improve health outcomes and dramatically improve people's
- Website
- News and
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information, future events or otherwise.
Contact InformationRobert
FarrellPresident, CEO(888)
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