BULLETIN TYPE: Cease Trade Order
BULLETIN DATE: May 4, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Companies
A Cease Trade Order has been issued by the British Columbia Securities
Commission on May 4, 2009, against the following Companies for failing
to file the documents indicated within the required time period:
Symbol Company Failure to File Period Ending (Y/M/D)
("APK") Altek Power comparative financial 08/12/31
Corporation statement
management discussion 08/12/31
& analysis
("LPI") Landstar comparative financial 08/12/31
Properties statement
Inc. management discussion 08/12/31
& analysis
("MXM") Maxim comparative financial 08/12/31
Resources Inc. statement
management discussion 08/12/31
& analysis
("HUB.P") Terminal City comparative financial 08/12/31
Capital Inc. statement
management discussion 08/12/31
& analysis
("TSU") TransEuro comparative financial 08/12/31
Energy Corp. statement
management discussion 08/12/31
& analysis
("XCC") Xcel comparative financial 08/12/31
Consolidated statement
Ltd. management discussion 08/12/31
& analysis
("SMS") Yangtze comparative financial 08/12/31
Telecom Corp. statement
management discussion 08/12/31
& analysis
("ZR") Zoloto comparative financial 08/12/31
Resources Ltd. statement
management discussion 08/12/31
& analysis
Upon revocation of the Cease Trade Order, the Company's shares will
remain suspended until the Company meets TSX Venture Exchange
requirements. Members are prohibited from trading in the securities of
the company during the period of the suspension or until further notice.
BULLETIN DATE: May 5, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 1 Company
Effective at 6:00 a.m. PST, May 5, 2009, trading in the shares of the
Company was halted at the request of the Company, pending an
announcement; this regulatory halt is imposed by Investment Industry
Regulatory Organization of Canada, the Market Regulator of the Exchange
pursuant to the provisions of Section 10.9(1) of the Universal Market
Integrity Rules.
BULLETIN TYPE: Private Placement-Non-Brokered
BULLETIN DATE: May 5, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation with respect
to a Non-Brokered Private Placement announced March 19, 2009:
Number of Shares: 25,000,000 shares
Purchase Price: $0.10 per share
Warrants: 25,000,000 share purchase warrants to
purchase 25,000,000 shares
Warrant Exercise Price: $0.14 for a three year period
Number of Placees: 1 placee
Insider / Pro Group Participation:
Insider equals Y /
Name ProGroup equals P / # of Shares
AOG Holdings BV Y 25,000,000
Pursuant to Corporate Finance Policy 4.1, Section 1.11(d), the Company
has issued a news release announcing the closing of the private
placement and setting out the expiry dates of the hold period(s). Note
that in certain circumstances the Exchange may later extend the expiry
date of the warrants, if they are less than the maximum permitted term.
BULLETIN TYPE: Private Placement-Non-Brokered
BULLETIN DATE: May 5, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation with respect
to a Non-Brokered Private Placement announced April 22, 2009:
Number of Shares: 4,000,000 shares
Purchase Price: $0.05 per share
Warrants: 4,000,000 share purchase warrants to
purchase 4,000,000 shares
Warrant Exercise Price: $0.07 for a one year period
$0.10 in the second year
Number of Placees: 3 placees
Finder's Fee: $6,000 payable to Jones Gable & Company
Pursuant to Corporate Finance Policy 4.1, Section 1.11(d), the Company
has issued a news release announcing the closing of the private
placement and setting out the expiry dates of the hold period(s). Note
that in certain circumstances the Exchange may later extend the expiry
date of the warrants, if they are less than the maximum permitted term.
BULLETIN TYPE: Property-Asset or Share Purchase Agreement
BULLETIN DATE: May 5, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 1 Company
TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation pertaining to
a Purchase Agreement (the "Agreement") dated May 5, 2009, between Cash
Minerals Ltd. (the "Company") and Dynamite Resources Ltd. (the
"Vendor"), whereby the Company has agreed to acquire a 100% interest in
the Mike Lake Property, located in Yukon Territory, and an indirect 100%
interest in the Kokomeren, Barskaun, Arabelsu and Moldatau Properties,
located in the Kyrgyz Republic. The Kyrgyz Republic Properties are
indirectly held by a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Vendor, Tau Mining
Pursuant to the terms of the Agreement, the Company will acquire the
Mike Lake Property and all the issued and outstanding shares of Tau
Mining Ltd. and in consideration shall issue 22,750,000 common shares
and 11,375,000 common share purchase warrants to the Vendor. Each
common share purchase warrant entitles the holder to acquire one common
share at $0.10 for a two year period.
For further details, please refer to the Company's new release dated
March 12, 2009.
BULLETIN DATE: May 5, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 1 Company
Further to the news releases dated January 26, 2009, March 31, 2009 and
April 8, 2009, the common shares of CPVC Financial Corporation will be
delisted from TSX Venture Exchange effective at the close of business
May 5, 2009. The delisting of the Company's shares results from the
completion of a going-private transaction, as described in the Company's
Management Proxy Circular dated February 27, 2009.
TYPE DE BULLETIN: Retrait de la cote
DATE DU BULLETIN: Le 5 mai 2009
Societe du groupe 1 de TSX croissance
Suite aux communiques de presse emis le 26 janvier 2009, le 31 mars 2009
et le 8 avril 2009, les actions ordinaires de CPVC Financial Corporation
seront retirees de la cote de Bourse de croissance TSX a la fermeture
des affaires le 5 mai 2009. Le retrait de la cote des actions de la
societe survient suite a une transaction de privatisation, telle que
divulguee dans la circulaire de sollicitation de procurations par la
direction datee du 27 fevrier 2009.
BULLETIN DATE: May 5, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
Effective at the open, May 5, 2009, trading in the shares and warrants
of the Company was halted at the request of the Company, pending an
announcement; this regulatory halt is imposed by Investment Industry
Regulatory Organization of Canada, the Market Regulator of the Exchange
pursuant to the provisions of Section 10.9(1) of the Universal Market
Integrity Rules.
BULLETIN TYPE: Property-Asset or Share Disposition Agreement, Remain
BULLETIN DATE: May 5, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation pertaining to
a Purchase Agreement (the "Agreement") dated May 5, 2009, between
Dynamite Resources Ltd. (the "Company") and Cash Minerals Ltd. ("Cash"),
whereby the Company has agreed to sell its 100% interest in the Mike
Lake Property, located in Yukon Territory, and its indirect 100%
interest in the Kokomeren, Barskaun, Arabelsu and Moldatau Properties,
located in the Kyrgyz Republic. The Kyrgyz Republic Properties are
indirectly held by a wholly-owned subsidiary of the the Company, Tau
Mining Limited.
Pursuant to the terms of the Agreement, Cash will acquire the Mike Lake
Property and all the issued and outstanding shares of Tau Mining Ltd.
and in consideration shall issue 22,750,000 common shares and 11,375,000
common share purchase warrants to the Company. Each common share
purchase warrant entitles the holder to acquire one common share at
$0.10 for a two year period.
For further details, please refer to the Company's new release dated
March 12, 2009.
BULLETIN TYPE: Suspend-Failure to Maintain a Transfer Agent
BULLETIN DATE: May 5, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
Further to the TSX Venture Exchange Bulletin dated April 24, 2009,
effective at the opening Wednesday, May 6, 2009, trading in the shares
of the Company will be suspended, the Company having failed to maintain
the services of a transfer agent in accordance with Policy 3.1.
Members are prohibited from trading in the securities of the Company
during the period of the suspension or until further notice.
BULLETIN TYPE: Private Placement-Non-Brokered
BULLETIN DATE: May 5, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation with respect
to a Non-Brokered Private Placement announced April 27, 2009:
Number of Shares: 3,000,000 flow-through shares
Purchase Price: $0.07 per share
Number of Placees: 1 placee
Insider / Pro Group Participation: N/A
Pursuant to Corporate Finance Policy 4.1, Section 1.11(d), the Company
must issue a news release announcing the closing of the private
placement and setting out the expiry dates of the hold period(s). The
Company must also issue a news release if the private placement does not
close promptly.
BULLETIN TYPE: Shares for Debt
BULLETIN DATE: May 5, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing the Company's proposal to
issue 10,334,466 shares to settle outstanding debt for $413,378.83.
Number of Creditors: 20 Creditors
Insider / Pro Group Participation:
Insider equals Y / Amount Deemed Price
Creditor Progroup equals P / Owing per Share # of Shares
Angelica Balderas-Lozano Y $5,863.00 $0.04 146,575
ARC Geobac Y $4,968.42 $0.04 124,210
James Lynch Y $20,526.18 $0.04 513,154
Pacifica Business
Management Solutions Y $12,500 $0.04 312,500
Pamela Lynch Y $9,375.42 $0.04 234,385
Peter K. Gummer Y $72,367.45 $0.04 1,809,186
The Company shall issue a news release when the shares are issued and
the debt extinguished.
BULLETIN TYPE: Private Placement-Non-Brokered
BULLETIN DATE: May 5, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation with respect
to a Non-Brokered Private Placement announced April 13, 2009:
Number of Shares: 10,722,000 shares
Purchase Price: $0.075 per share
Warrants: 10,722,000 share purchase warrants to
purchase 10,722,000 shares
Warrant Exercise Price: $0.15 for a five year period
Number of Placees: 53 placees
Insider / Pro Group Participation:
Insider equals Y /
Name ProGroup equals P / # of Shares
John Seaman Y 66,666
Jeffrey Scott Y 1,000,000
Jama Holdings Inc. P 70,000
Erik M. Dekker P 100,000
Arni Johansson Y 125,000
Pursuant to Corporate Finance Policy 4.1, Section 1.11(d), the Company
must issue a news release announcing the closing of the private
placement and setting out the expiry dates of the hold period(s). The
Company must also issue a news release if the private placement does not
close promptly.
BULLETIN TYPE: Private Placement-Non-Brokered
BULLETIN DATE: May 5, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation with respect
to a Non-Brokered Private Placement announced April 23, 2009:
Number of Shares: 1,200,000 shares
Purchase Price: $0.05 per share
Warrants: 600,000 share purchase warrants to purchase
Warrant Exercise Price: $0.10 for a two year period
Number of Placees: 2 placees
Insider / Pro Group Participation:
Insider equals Y /
Name ProGroup equals P / # of Shares
John Ryan Y 200,000
Pursuant to Corporate Finance Policy 4.1, Section 1.11(d), the Company
must issue a news release announcing the closing of the private
placement and setting out the expiry dates of the hold period(s). The
Company must also issue a news release if the private placement does not
close promptly. (Note that in certain circumstances the Exchange may
later extend the expiry date of the warrants, if they are less than the
maximum permitted term.)
BULLETIN TYPE: Regional Office Change
BULLETIN DATE: May 5, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
Pursuant to Policy 1.2, TSX Venture Exchange has been advised of, and
accepted the change of the Filing and Regional Office from Vancouver,
British Columbia to Toronto, Ontario.
BULLETIN TYPE: Private Placement-Non-Brokered
BULLETIN DATE: May 5, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation with respect
to a Non-Brokered Private Placement announced May 1, 2009:
Number of Shares: 3,938,781 common shares
Purchase Price: $0.10 per common share
Warrants: 1,969,390 share purchase warrants to
purchase 1,969,390 common shares
Exercise Price: $0.20 per share for a period of two years
Number of Placees: 22 placees
Insider / Pro Group Participation:
Insider equals Y /
Name ProGroup equals P / # of Units
Larry Lloyd P 100,000
Finders: Paul Andreiola
Phil D'Angelo
Canaccord Capital Corporation
Raymond James Ltd.
CIBC Wood Gundy
Jones Gable & Co. Ltd.
Fab Carella
All Group Financial Services
Finder's Fees: Paul Andreiola - $2,161.47 cash and 21,614
broker warrants
Phil D'Angelo - $ 20, 571.47 cash
Canaccord Capital Corporation - $1,050 cash
and 10,500 Broker warrants
Raymond James Ltd. - $5,460 cash and 54,600
broker Warrants
CIBC Wood Gundy - $3,500 cash and 35,000
broker warrants
Jones Gable & Co. Ltd. - $ 7,000 cash and
70,000 broker Warrants
Fab Carella - $1,400 cash and 14,000 broker
All Group Financial Services - $10,000 cash
and 70,000 Broker warrants
Each broker warrant is exercisable at a
price of $0.10 per share for a period of
two years
BULLETIN TYPE: Private Placement-Non-Brokered
BULLETIN DATE: May 5, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation with respect
to a Non-Brokered Private Placement announced March 31, 2009:
Number of Shares: 10,000,000 common shares
Purchase Price: $0.10 per common share
Warrants: 5,000,000 share purchase warrants to
purchase 5,000,000 common shares
Exercise Price: $0.20 per share for a period of two years
Number of Placees: 29 placees
Insider / Pro Group Participation:
Insider equals Y /
Name ProGroup equals P / # of Units
Bill Godson P 750,000
Christiaan ter Keurs P 100,000
Finders: Paul Andreiola
Ian Pederson
Paul Lopoth
Phil D'Angelo
Canaccord Capital Corporation
Raymond James
Finder's Fees; Paul Andreiola - $33,250 cash and 332,500
broker warrants
Ian Pedersen - $1,050 cash and 10,500
broker warrants
Paul Lopoth - $11,200 cash and 112,000
broker warrants
Phil D'Angelo - $70,000 cash
Canaccord Capital Corporation - $ 350 cash
and 3,500 broker warrants
Raymond James Ltd. - $24,150 cash and
241,500 broker Warrants
Each broker warrant is exercisable at a
price of $0.10 per Unit for a period of two
BULLETIN TYPE: New Listing-CPC-Shares
BULLETIN DATE: May 5, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
This Capital Pool Company's ('CPC') Prospectus dated April 15, 2009 has
been filed with and accepted by TSX Venture Exchange and the British
Columbia, Alberta and Saskatchewan Securities Commissions effective
April 16, 2009, pursuant to the provisions of the British Columbia,
Alberta and Saskatchewan Securities Act. The Common Shares of the
Company will be listed on TSX Venture Exchange on the effective date
stated below.
The Company has completed its initial distribution of securities to the
public. The gross proceeds received by the Company for the Offering
were $200,000 (2,000,000 common shares at $0.10 per share).
Commence Date: At the opening Wednesday, May 6, 2009, the
Common shares will commence trading on TSX
Venture Exchange.
Corporate Jurisdiction: British Columbia
Capitalization: unlimited common shares with no par value
of which 4,000,000 common shares are issued
and outstanding
Escrowed Shares: 2,040,000 common shares
Transfer Agent: Computershare Investor Services Inc.
Trading Symbol: KER.P
CUSIP Number: 49224T 10 3
Sponsoring Member: Canaccord Capital Corp.
Agent's Options: 200,000 non-transferable stock options. One
option to purchase one share at $0.10 per share up to 24 months.
For further information, please refer to the Company's Prospectus dated
April 15, 2009.
Company Contact: Jason Bloom
Company Address: 615 Discovery Street
Victoria, BC V8T 5G4
Company Phone Number: (250) 477-9969
Company Fax Number: (250) 477-9912
Company Email Address: jason@flexiblesolutions.com
BULLETIN TYPE: Private Placement-Non-Brokered, Convertible Debenture/s
BULLETIN DATE: May 5, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation with respect
to a Non-Brokered Private Placement announced March 27, 2009:
Convertible Debenture: $197,300
Conversion Price: Convertible into common shares consisting
of 20 common shares per $1 of principal at
a price of $0.05 per share in the first
year and $0.10 per share thereafter until
December 31, 2010
Maturity date: December 31, 2010
Interest rate: 15% per annum
Number of Placees: 9 placees
Insider / Pro Group Participation:
Insider equals Y /
Name ProGroup equals P / Principal Amount
600086 Alberta Ltd. (Desmond Smith) Y $18,900
769644 Alberta Ltd. (Lyle Wunderlich) Y $110,500
Randall S. Marshall Y $7,850
Finder's Fee: $4,690 payable to Wolverton Securities Inc.
Pursuant to Corporate Finance Policy 4.1, Section 1.11(d), the Company
must issue a news release announcing the closing of the private
placement and setting out the expiry dates of the hold period(s). The
Company must also issue a news release if the private placement does not
close promptly.
BULLETIN TYPE: Suspend-Failure to Maintain Tier Maintenance
BULLETIN DATE: May 5, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
Further to the TSX Venture Bulletin dated April 16, 2009, effective at
the open, on Wednesday, May 6, 2009, trading in the shares of the
Company will be suspended, the Company having failed to maintain Tier
Maintenance Requirements in accordance with Policy 2.5.
Members are prohibited from trading in the securities of the Company
during the period of the suspension or until further notice.
BULLETIN DATE: May 5, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 1 Company
Effective at 6:00 a.m. PST, May 5, 2009, trading in the shares of the
Company was halted at the request of the Company, pending an
announcement; this regulatory halt is imposed by Investment Industry
Regulatory Organization of Canada, the Market Regulator of the Exchange
pursuant to the provisions of Section 10.9(1) of the Universal Market
Integrity Rules.
BULLETIN TYPE: Resume Trading
BULLETIN DATE: May 5, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
Further to TSX Venture Exchange Bulletin dated March 23, 2009 and the
Company's press release dated May 1, 2009, the Company's proposed
Qualifying Transaction has been terminated.
Effective at the opening May 6, 2009, trading will resume in the
Securities of the Company.
TYPE DE BULLETIN : Reprise de la negociation
DATE DU BULLETIN : Le 5 mai 2009
Societe du groupe 2 de TSX croissance
Suite au bulletin de Bourse de croissance TSX date du 23 mars 2009 et au
communique de presse de la societe date du 1er mai 2009, l'operation
admissible projetee par la societe a ete abandonnee.
La negociation des titres de la societe sera reprise a l'ouverture des
marches le 6 mai 2009.
BULLETIN DATE: May 5, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
Effective at the close of business Friday, May 15, 2009, the common
shares of the Company will be de-listed from TSX Venture Exchange at the
request of the Company.
BULLETIN TYPE: Private Placement-Non-Brokered
BULLETIN DATE: May 5, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation with respect
to a Non-Brokered Private Placement announced February 23, 2009:
Number of Shares: 3,805,000 shares
Purchase Price: $0.04 per share
Warrants: 3,805,000 share purchase warrants to
purchase 3,805,000 shares
Warrant Exercise Price: $0.05 for a one year period
$0.10 in the second year
Number of Placees: 15 placees
Insider / Pro Group Participation:
Insider equals Y /
Name ProGroup equals P / # of Shares
David Makepeace Y 50,000
Robert McMorron Y 300,000
Alan Raven Y 625,000
Pursuant to Corporate Finance Policy 4.1, Section 1.11(d), the Company
must issue a news release announcing the closing of the private
placement and setting out the expiry dates of the hold period(s). The
Company must also issue a news release if the private placement does not
close promptly. (Note that in certain circumstances the Exchange may
later extend the expiry date of the warrants, if they are less than the
maximum permitted term.)
BULLETIN TYPE: Remain Halted
BULLETIN DATE: May 5, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
Further to TSX Venture Exchange Bulletin dated March 26, 2009, effective
at the open, May 5, 2009 trading in the shares of the Company will
remain halted pending receipt and review of acceptable documentation
regarding the Qualifying Transaction pursuant to Listings Policy 2.4.
BULLETIN TYPE: Normal Course Issuer Bid
BULLETIN DATE: May 5, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
TSX Venture Exchange has been advised by the Company that pursuant to a
Notice of Intention to make a Normal Course Issuer Bid dated April 28,
2009, it may repurchase for cancellation, up to 1,225,547 Class A shares
and up to 49,335 Class B shares in its own capital stock. The purchases
are to be made through the facilities of TSX Venture Exchange during the
period May 6, 2009 to May 5, 2010. Purchases pursuant to the bid will
be made by Jennings Capital Inc. on behalf of the Company.
BULLETIN TYPE: Delist - Failure to Complete a Qualifying Transaction
within the Prescribed Time
BULLETIN DATE: May 5, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
Effective at the close of business Wednesday, May 6, 2009, the common
shares will be delisted from TSX Venture Exchange for failing to
complete a Qualifying Transaction within the prescribed time.
In accordance with Exchange Policy 2.4, the Company has 90 days from the
date of delisting to, in accordance with applicable law, wind-up and
liquidate the Company's assets and distribute its remaining assets, on a
pro rata basis, to its shareholders unless, within that 90 day period,
the shareholders, pursuant to a majority vote, exclusive of the votes of
Non-Arm's Length Parties to the Company, approve another use of the
remaining assets. The Company is required to provide written
confirmation to the applicable Securities Commissions, with a copy to
the Exchange, no later than 90 days from the date of delisting, that
they have complied with the above requirement.
BULLETIN TYPE: Company Tier Reclassification
BULLETIN DATE: May 5, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
In accordance with Policy 2.5, the Company has met the requirements for
a Tier 1 company. Therefore, effective May 6, 2009 the Company's Tier
classification will change from Tier 2 to:
Tier 1
BULLETIN DATE: May 5, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
Effective at the open, May 5, 2009, trading in the shares of the Company
was halted at the request of the Company, pending an announcement; this
regulatory halt is imposed by Investment Industry Regulatory
Organization of Canada, the Market Regulator of the Exchange pursuant to
the provisions of Section 10.9(1) of the Universal Market Integrity
BULLETIN TYPE: Resume Trading
BULLETIN DATE: May 5, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
Effective at 8:00 a.m. PST, May 5, 2009, shares of the Company resumed
trading, an announcement having been made over Canada News Wire.
BULLETIN TYPE: Private Placement-Non-Brokered, Convertible Debenture/s
BULLETIN DATE: May 5, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation with respect
to a Non-Brokered Private Placement announced December 4, 2008:
Convertible Debenture: $850,000
Conversion Price: Convertible into units consisting of 1
common share and 1 common share purchase
warrant at $0.12 of principal outstanding,
subject to an accelerated conversion
provision where conversion into units will
occur if the closing price of the Company's
common shares on the TSX Venture Exchange
reaches $0.24 or more for a period of 10
consecutive trading days.
Maturity date: 1 year from closing
Warrants: Each warrant will have a term of 1 year
from the date of closing and entitles the
holder to purchase 1 common share. The
warrants are exercisable at the price of
$0.15 in the first 6 months and at $0.20 in
the next 6 months.
Interest rate: 12.5% per annum
Number of Placees: 3 placees
Insider / Pro Group
Participation: N/A
Finder's Fee: $42,500 in cash payable to Jim Dickinson.
Pursuant to Corporate Finance Policy 4.1, Section 1.11(d), the Company
must issue a news release announcing the closing of the private
placement and setting out the expiry dates of the hold period(s). The
Company must also issue a news release if the private placement does not
close promptly.
BULLETIN TYPE: Private Placement-Non-Brokered
BULLETIN DATE: May 5, 2009
NEX Company
TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation with respect
to a Non-Brokered Private Placement announced March 27, 2009:
Number of Shares: 5,700,000 shares
Purchase Price: $0.05 per share
Warrants: 5,700,000 share purchase warrants to
purchase 5,700,000 shares
Warrant Exercise Price: $0.10 for a one year period
Number of Placees: 38 placees
Insider / Pro Group Participation:
Insider equals Y /
Name ProGroup equals P / # of Shares
Charles Malette P 200,000
Sean Robert Duncan P 20,000
Mark Bolin P 100,000
Daniel Cruz P 50,000
Yasmin Gordon P 260,000
Duncan Gordon P 260,000
Pursuant to Corporate Finance Policy 4.1, Section 1.11(d), the Company
must issue a news release announcing the closing of the private
placement and setting out the expiry dates of the hold period(s). The
Company must also issue a news release if the private placement does not
close promptly.
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