By Christopher Whittall and Tommy Stubbington 

Bond investors are going long. The question is whether they will regret it.

The European Central Bank's colossal dose of monetary stimulus has crushed the returns available on bonds, encouraging investors to buy longer-term debt that offers higher rewards.

But that strategy comes with a risk: The longer the life of a bond, the higher its sensitivity to changes in interest rates. For debt that isn't due for decades, even a small rise in interest rate expectations can dramatically erode its value.

"Never in history have fixed income allocations been so risky," said Franck Dixmier, chief investment officer for European fixed income at Allianz Global Investors, which oversees EUR1.8 trillion ($1.96 trillion) in assets.

"Even a small rise in yields" could lead to heavy losses in investors' portfolios, he added. Bond yields rise when prices fall.

The ECB began buying government bonds between two and 30 years in length on March 9, in a program known as quantitative easing, or QE, that will take its monthly asset purchases to EUR60 billion. The market reaction has been most pronounced in longer-dated bonds.

The yield on 30-year German government bonds has plummeted from 2.49% a year ago to 0.61%. Investors buying these long-dated bonds only receive an extra 0.85 percentage point of yield over buying two-year bonds, compared with around 2.28 percentage points a year ago.

Piling into longer-dated bonds increases the duration of a bond portfolio--a measure of how sensitive it is to changes in interest rates.

High demand among investors for high-yielding bonds has encouraged countries to lock in record low borrowing costs for increasingly longer periods. As a result, over the past year, the average duration of the iBoxx Eurozone sovereign bond index has risen from 6.3 years to 7.34 years, its highest point since the euro was launched, according to Markit.

Investors are facing a conundrum. If inflation rebounds, which is the stated aim of the ECB's program, then long-term yields should rise. Meanwhile, though, the ECB's buying is forcing funds into riskier investments to earn decent returns.

"If QE works, investors could take substantial losses with the 30-year yield so low," said Philipp de Cassan, head of core euro rates trading at Nomura. "All traders need to know is when the ECB will stop buying: That is what's driving prices," he added.

Some analysts believe this could come to a head sooner rather than later. Justin Knight, a rates strategist at UBS, argues that the market has become fixated on ECB buying while ignoring the increasingly compelling reasons to sell bonds, such as a rise in investors' expected levels of inflation in the future.

Investors will also be tempted to sell given that euro area bond yields have fallen so far that they offer the least attractive returns of any government bonds across the globe after taking currency effects into account.

"At some point soon we expect investors to sell bonds and yields to rise, " said Mr. Knight.

Some investors aren't so sure, seeing any caution on buying bonds as an ill-fated fight against a powerful ECB program. Nick Gartside, head of fixed income at J.P. Morgan Asset Management, notes that the scarcity of German bonds should continue to drag yields down.

"[Duration] is a risk," he said. "But what would cause that [to materialize]? The ECB stops buying bonds. That seems unlikely right now."

Even so, some analysts and traders signal the sharp fall in bond yields could be overdone. Andrew Millward, European head of rates trading at Morgan Stanley, said that current yield levels look "stretched" as they imply that Europe's economic troubles will last for "decades".

"No one really believes that 30-year Germany bonds at 0.6% are a good investment," added Zoeb Sachee, head of European government bond trading at Citigroup.

Write to Christopher Whittall at and Tommy Stubbington at

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