Regulatory News:


LafargeHolcim (Paris:LHN):



Group (in million CHF)               H1 2020  H1 2019  +/-%   +/-% LfL 
Net sales                            10,693   13,059   -18.1  -10.8 
Recurring EBIT                       1,194    1,667    -28.4  -22.0 
Recurring EBIT margin                11.2     12.8 
Net income(2)                        347      1,009    -65.7 
Net income before impairment and 
 divestments(2)                      501      769      -34.8 
EPS                                  0.55     1.68 
EPS before impairment and 
 divestments                         0.80     1.28     -37.1 
Free cash flow(1)                    749      252      +198 
Net financial debt                   10,652   12,650   -15.8 

Jan Jenisch, CEO: "I'm very proud of our teams' rapid and agile response to the crisis since the beginning of January. We were quick to respond and take all necessary measures to protect the health of our people while supporting our communities, from donating materials to build emergency field hospitals all the way to supplying essential goods, touching the lives of over four million people around the world.


"Our half-year results demonstrate the great resilience of our business. I'm encouraged by our team's agility to weather the storm with the rapid execution of our "HEALTH, COST & CASH" action plan, effectively driving cost savings ahead of expectations, improving net working capital and delivering record free cash flow(1) .


"The peak of the crisis is behind us. We expect a solid second half of the year based on June's full recovery, the trend of our order book and upcoming government stimulus packages.


"As an essential sector to keep society running, we look forward to playing our part in driving the recovery. We are accelerating our sustainability efforts to ensure our green solutions are fully part of the recovery. I am confident LafargeHolcim will emerge stronger from this crisis."




Net sales of CHF 10,693 million decreased by 18.1% compared to the prior year, of which 10.8% was on a like-for-like basis, reflecting the severe impact of the implementation of strict lockdowns of construction sites in several major operating countries. The strong appreciation of the CHF against all currencies accounted for 6.2% of the absolute decrease. Following the easing of the lockdowns, net sales in all five regions resumed prior-year levels by the end of June.


Recurring EBIT reached CHF 1,194 million, a decrease of 22.0% like-for-like for the half year. Swift implementation of the "HEALTH, COST & CASH" action plan helped to offset the earnings impact of the crisis.


Tax and financial expenses have continued to reduce, allowing net income(2,3) to reach CHF 501 million.


Earnings per share(3) were CHF 0.80 for the first half of 2020 compared to CHF 1.28 in the prior-year period.


Free cash flow(1) reached a record CHF 749 million in the six-month period, up 198% compared to CHF 252 million in the first half of 2019.


Net debt amounted to CHF 10.7 billion as at 30 June 2020, down by 15.8% compared to CHF 12.7 billion as at 30 June 2019.




Since the beginning of the crisis, LafargeHolcim teams around the world have undertaken extraordinary measures to fight COVID-19 across their communities, touching the lives of more than four million people. Advancing access to health infrastructure for all, LafargeHolcim donated five million kilograms of material to build emergency field hospitals from Wuhan to Boston. Furthermore, the Group donated over two million relief and emergency kits, including personal protective equipment, food and water.


In the first half of 2020 LafargeHolcim achieved a number-one Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) ranking in the construction materials sector out of more than one-hundred peer companies, according to ESG research and ratings agency Sustainalytics. Playing its part in a green recovery, LafargeHolcim is advancing its leadership in sustainable and circular construction, notably with the worldwide rollout of ECOPact, its green concrete. Further accelerating the transition to renewable energy, LafargeHolcim leveraged 3D printing in an innovative partnership with GE Renewable Energy and COBOD to build more powerful wind turbines.




Based on the speed of June's rebound, the company expects a solid second half of the year and anticipates for full year 2020(4) :

   -- Fast demand recovery with an encouraging outlook for the second half of 
   -- Execution of action plan "HEALTH, COST & CASH" to continue ahead of 
   -- Free cash flow1 generation above CHF 2 billion 
   -- Debt leverage below 2x 
   -- Solid second half of the year expected 


Group Q2                             2020    2019    +/-%   +/-% LfL 
Net sales (CHFm)                     5,400   7,099   -23.9  -17.0 
Recurring EBIT (CHFm)                932     1,362   -31.6  -26.1 
Recurring EBIT margin (%)            17.3    19.2 
Group H1                             2020    2019    +/-%   +/-% LfL 
Net sales (CHFm)                     10,693  13,059  -18.1  -10.8 
Recurring EBIT (CHFm)                1,194   1,667   -28.4  -22.0 
Recurring EBIT margin (%)            11.2    12.8 
Operating profit (EBIT)              1,005   1,581   -36.4 
Net income2                          347     1,009   -65.7 
Net Income before impairment and 
 divestments(2)                      501     769     -34.8 
EPS before impairment and 
 divestments                         0.80    1.28    -37.1 
Cash flow from operating activities  1,330   1,067   24.7 
Free cash flow(1)                    749     252     198 
Net financial debt                   10,652  12,650  -15.8 
Group results by segment                    H1 2020  H1 2019  +/-%    +/-% LfL 
Sales of cement (mt)                        87.2     103.8    -16.0   -13.1 
Net sales of cement (CHFm)                  7,029    8,783    -20.0   -11.6 
Recurring EBIT of cement (CHFm)             1,131    1,441    -21.5   -14.0 
Recurring EBIT margin of cement (%)         16.1     16.4 
Sales of Aggregates (mt)                    113.8    121.7    -6.5    -6.0 
Net sales of Aggregates (CHFm)              1,699    1,907    -10.9   -5.5 
Recurring EBIT of Aggregates (CHFm)         101      174      -42.0   -40.1 
Recurring EBIT margin of Aggregates (%)     5.9      9.1 
Sales of Ready-Mix Concrete (m m(3) )       19.2     23.6     -18.6   -15.8 
Net sales of Ready-Mix Concrete (CHFm)      2,103    2,595    -19.0   -12.3 
Recurring EBIT of Ready-Mix Concrete 
 (CHFm)                                     -47      13       -475.6  -617.4 
Recurring EBIT margin of Ready-Mix 
 Concrete (%)                               -2.2     0.5 
Net sales of Solutions & Products (CHFm)    819      996      -17.8   -13.9 
Recurring EBIT of Solutions & Products 
 (CHFm)                                     6        39       -84.0   -94.9 
Recurring EBIT margin of Solutions & 
 Products (%)                               0.8      3.9 



Asia Pacific


The Asia Pacific region experienced the most severe COVID-19 related disruption yet delivered a resilient Recurring EBIT margin, led by India and supported by effective cost and price management as well as lower input costs. China delivered a full recovery over the second quarter with volumes closing at higher levels than in the prior-year period and activity was also resilient in Australia.

Asia Pacific                             H1 2020  H1 2019  +/-%   +/-% LfL 
Sales of cement (mt)                     28.0     38.9     -28.0  -21.0 
Sales of aggregates (mt)                 13.1     13.3     -1.4   2.2 
Sales of ready-mix concrete (m m(3) )    3.6      5.2      -31.0  -16.4 
Net sales to external customers (CHFm)   2,413    3,417    -29.4  -18.0 
Recurring EBIT (CHFm)                    437      682      -35.9  -29.6 
Recurring EBIT margin (%)                18.1     19.9 



Results for the Europe region were impacted by COVID-19 with full recovery in June. Markets in Germany, Central and Eastern Europe were resilient. Strict lockdown measures in the UK and France impacted the performance of the region. Volumes suggest a V-shaped recovery in June for the majority of markets, except in the UK.

Europe                                   H1 2020  H1 2019  +/-%   +/-% LfL 
Sales of cement (mt)                     20.9     22.5     -7.0   -7.0 
Sales of aggregates (mt)                 51.9     57.2     -9.3   -9.2 
Sales of ready-mix concrete (m m(3) )    8.3      9.6      -14.2  -14.6 
Net sales to external customers (CHFm)   3,274    3,796    -13.8  -9.4 
Recurring EBIT (CHFm)                    288      408      -29.4  -26.2 
Recurring EBIT margin (%)                8.7      10.6 

Latin America


The Latin America region showed an expanding Recurring EBIT margin amid COVID-19, with an especially strong contribution from Mexico. Performances in Ecuador, Colombia and El Salvador were significantly impacted by the pandemic. Most markets experienced a strong recovery in June.

Latin America                            H1 2020  H1 2019  +/-%   +/-% LfL 
Sales of cement (mt)                     10.4     12.1     -14.3  -14.3 
Sales of aggregates (mt)                 2.2      2.0      7.8    7.8 
Sales of ready-mix concrete (m m(3) )    1.6      2.5      -34.7  -34.7 
Net sales to external customers (CHFm)   980      1,331    -26.4  -12.1 
Recurring EBIT (CHFm)                    275      358      -23.0  -12.0 
Recurring EBIT margin (%)                27.9     26.7 

Middle East Africa


The Middle East Africa region showed resilient margins and recovery from the impact of COVID-19 by June. Volumes declined in Algeria, Egypt, Iraq and South Africa due to government restrictions and curfews. Ramadan in May slowed down the recovery in the respective countries. Nigeria delivered a resilient performance.

Middle East Africa                       H1 2020  H1 2019  +/-%   +/-% LfL 
Sales of cement (mt)                     15.6     17.6     -11.6  -11.6 
Sales of aggregates (mt)                 1.4      3.4      -60.1  -60.1 
Sales of ready-mix concrete (m m(3) )    1.2      1.9      -35.7  -35.7 
Net sales to external customers (CHFm)   1,177    1,476    -20.3  -14.8 
Recurring EBIT (CHFm)                    137      193      -29.3  -27.0 
Recurring EBIT margin (%)                11.5     13.0 

North America


The North America region delivered a remarkable performance with a Recurring EBIT up 20 percent for the first half of 2020 over the prior-year period on a like-for-like basis. This leading performance amid COVID-19 was largely due to fast and effective cost management in the US, partly offset by the impact of lockdowns in Eastern Canada and the economic challenges facing Western Canada due to a slowdown in the oil & gas industry.

North America                            H1 2020  H1 2019  +/-%  +/-% LfL 
Sales of cement (mt)                     8.9      9.0      -1.4  -1.4 
Sales of aggregates (mt)                 45.2     45.7     -1.1  -0.6 
Sales of ready-mix concrete (m m(3) )    4.5      4.4      2.7   1.5 
Net sales to external customers (CHFm)   2,566    2,645    -3.0  0.8 
Recurring EBIT (CHFm)                    260      225      15.6  19.7 
Recurring EBIT margin (%)                10.1     8.5 



Reconciling measures of profit and loss to the LafargeHolcim Group's consolidated statement of income

                                                    H1 2020       H1 2019 
Million CHF                                          (Unaudited)   (Unaudited) 
Net sales                                           10,693        13,059 
Recurring operating costs                           (8,717)       (10,658) 
Share of profit of joint ventures                   176           272 
Recurring EBITDA after leases                       2,152         2,673 
Depreciation and amortization of property, plant 
 and equipment, intangible and long-term assets     (958)         (1,007) 
Recurring EBIT                                      1,194         1,667 
Restructuring, litigation and other non-recurring 
 costs                                              (39)          (71) 
Impairment of operating assets                      (151)         (14) 
Operating profit                                    1,005         1,581 
                                      H1 2020       H1 2019 
Million CHF                            (Unaudited)   (Unaudited) 
Recurring EBITDA after leases         2,152         2,673 
Depreciation of right-of-use assets   185           205 
Recurring EBITDA                      2,337         2,878 
                            H1 2020       H1 2019 
Million CHF                  (Unaudited)   (Unaudited) 
Recurring fixed costs       (2,922)       (3,436) 
Recurring variable costs    (5,795)       (7,222) 
Recurring operating costs   (8,717)       (10,658) 
                                                    H1 2020       H1 2019 
Million CHF                                          (Unaudited)   (Unaudited) 
Net income                                          447           1,128 
Impairment                                          (143)         (23) 
Profit/(loss) on divestments                        (11)          265 
Net income before impairment and divestments        601           886 
Net income before impairment and divestments Group 
 share                                              501           769 

Reconciliation of the Free Cash Flow after leases to the consolidated cash flows of the LafargeHolcim Group

                                            H1 2020       H1 2019 
Million CHF                                  (Unaudited)   (Unaudited) 
Cash flow from operating activities         1,330         1,067 
Purchase of property, plant and equipment   (442)         (647) 
Disposal of property, plant and equipment   30            41 
Repayment of long-term lease liabilities    (169)         (209) 
Free cash flow after leases                 749           252 

Reconciliation of Net financial debt to the consolidated statement of financial position of the LafargeHolcim Group

                                  H1 2020       H1 2019 
Million CHF                        (Unaudited)   (Unaudited) 
Current financial liabilities     2,736         2,862 
Long-term financial liabilities   11,697        12,886 
Cash and cash equivalents         3,736         3,045 
Short-term derivative assets      14            29 
Long-term derivative assets       31            25 
Net financial debt                10,652        12,650 



Some non-GAAP measures are used in this release to help describe the performance of LafargeHolcim. A full set of these non-GAAP definitions can be found on our website.

Measures                                Definition 
Like-for-like                           Like-for-like information is 
                                        information factoring out changes in 
                                        the scope of consolidation (such as 
                                        divestments and acquisitions occurring 
                                        in 2020 and 2019) and currency 
                                        translation effects (2020 figures are 
                                        converted with 2019 exchange rates in 
                                        order to calculate the currency 
Recurring fixed costs                   Recurring fixed costs refer to all 
                                        recurring costs not directly related 
                                        to volumes such as Maintenance, 
                                        Personal costs in Production, 
                                        Administration, Marketing and Sales 
                                        Expenses, Third party services and 
                                        depreciation of right-of-use assets. 
Recurring variable costs                Recurring variable costs include 
                                        recurring operating costs directly 
                                        related to volumes such as raw 
                                        materials and finished goods 
                                        purchases, inventory variation, 
                                        energy, quarry outsourcing and 
                                        distribution costs. The addition of 
                                        variable and fixed recurring costs 
                                        equals the total recurring operating 
Recurring operating costs               The Recurring operating costs is an 
                                        indicator representing all recurring 
                                        costs. It is defined as: +/-- 
                                        Recurring EBITDA after leases; -- net 
                                        sales; and -- share of profit of joint 
Recurring EBITDA                        The Recurring EBITDA (earnings before 
                                        interest, tax, depreciation and 
                                        amortization) is an indicator to 
                                        measure the performance of the group 
                                        excluding the impacts of non-recurring 
                                        items. It is defined as: +/-- 
                                        Operating profit (EBIT) - 
                                        depreciation, amortization and 
                                        impairment of operating assets - 
                                        restructuring, litigation and other 
                                        non-recurring costs 
Recurring EBITDA Margin                 The Recurring EBITDA margin is an 
                                        indicator to measure the profitability 
                                        of the Group excluding the impacts of 
                                        non-recurring items. It is defined as 
                                        the Recurring EBITDA divided by net 
Recurring EBITDA after leases           The Recurring EBITDA after leases 
                                        (earnings before interest, tax, 
                                        depreciation and amortization) is an 
                                        indicator to measure the performance 
                                        of the Group including the impacts of 
                                        lease depreciation and excluding the 
                                        impacts of non-recurring items. The 
                                        Recurring EBITDA after leases is 
                                        defined as the Recurring EBITDA less 
                                        the depreciation of right-of-use 
Recurring EBIT                          The Recurring EBIT is defined as 
                                        Operating profit/loss (EBIT) adjusted 
                                        for restructuring, litigation and 
                                        other non-recurring costs and for 
                                        impairment of operating assets. 
Restructuring, litigation and other     Restructuring, litigation and other 
non-recurring costs                     non-recurring costs comprise 
                                        significant items that, because of 
                                        their exceptional nature, cannot be 
                                        viewed as inherent to the Group's 
                                        ongoing performance, such as strategic 
                                        restructuring, major items relating to 
                                        antitrust fines and other business 
                                        related litigation cases. 
Profit/loss on disposals and other      Profit/loss on disposals and other 
non-operating items                     non-operating items comprise capital 
                                        gains or losses on the sale of Group 
                                        companies and of material property, 
                                        plant and equipment and other 
                                        non-operating items that are not 
                                        directly related to the Group's normal 
                                        operating activities such as 
                                        revaluation gains or losses on 
                                        previously held equity interests, 
                                        disputes with non-controlling interest 
                                        and other major lawsuits. 
Net income/loss before impairment and   Net income/loss before impairment and 
divestments                             divestments excludes impairment 
                                        charges and capital gains and losses 
                                        arising on disposals of investments 
                                        which, because of their exceptional 
                                        nature, cannot be viewed as inherent 
                                        to the Group's ongoing activities. It 
                                        is defined as: +/- Net income/loss - 
                                        gains and losses on disposals of Group 
                                        companies - impairments of goodwill 
                                        and long-term assets 
EPS (Earnings Per Share) before         The EPS (Earnings Per Share) before 
impairment and divestments              impairment and divestments is an 
                                        indicator that measures the 
                                        theoretical profitability per share of 
                                        stock outstanding based on a net 
                                        income/loss before impairment and 
                                        divestments. It is defined as Net 
                                        income/loss before impairment and 
                                        divestments attributable to the 
                                        shareholders of LafargeHolcim divided 
                                        by the weighted average number of 
                                        shares outstanding. 
Capex or Capex Net (Net Maintenance     The Capex or Capex Net (Net 
and Expansion Capex)                    Maintenance and Expansion Capex) is an 
                                        indicator to measure the cash spent to 
                                        maintain or expand its asset base. It 
                                        is defined as: + Expenditure to 
                                        increase existing or create additional 
                                        capacity to produce, distribute or 
                                        provide services for existing products 
                                        (expansion) or to diversify into new 
                                        products or markets (diversification) 
                                        + Expenditure to sustain the 
                                        functional capacity of a particular 
                                        component, assembly, equipment, 
                                        production line or the whole plant, 
                                        which may or may not generate a change 
                                        of the resulting cash flow -- Proceeds 
                                        from sale of property, plant and 
Free Cash Flow after leases             The Free Cash Flow after leases is an 
                                        indicator to measure the level of cash 
                                        generated by the Group after spending 
                                        cash to maintain or expand its asset 
                                        base. It is defined as: +/-- Cash flow 
                                        from operating activities -- Net 
                                        Maintenance and Expansion Capex -- 
                                        Repayment of long-term lease 
Net financial debt ("Net debt")         The Net financial debt ("net debt") is 
                                        an indicator to measure the financial 
                                        debt of the Group after deduction of 
                                        the cash. It is defined as: + 
                                        Financial liabilities (short-term and 
                                        long-term) including derivative 
                                        liabilities -- Cash and cash 
                                        equivalents -- Derivative assets 
                                        (short-term and long-term) 
Debt Leverage                           The Net financial debt to Recurring 
                                        EBITDA ratio is used as an indicator 
                                        of financial risk and shows how many 
                                        years it would take the Group to pay 
                                        back its debt. 
Cash conversion                         The cash conversion is an indicator 
                                        that measures the Group's ability to 
                                        convert profits into available cash. 
                                        It is defined as Free Cash Flow after 
                                        leases divided by Recurring EBITDA 
                                        after leases. 



The analyst presentation of the results and our 2020 half-year report are available on our website at


The financial statements are based on IFRS can be found on the LafargeHolcim Group website.

Media conference: 09:00 CET     Analyst conference: 10:00 CET 
 Switzerland: +41 58 310 5000 
 France: +33 1 7091 8706 
 UK: +44 207 107 0613 
 US: +1 631 570 5613 

About LafargeHolcim


LafargeHolcim is the global leader in building materials and solutions and active in four business segments: Cement, Aggregates, Ready-Mix Concrete and Solutions & Products. Its ambition is to lead the industry in reducing carbon emissions and shifting towards low-carbon construction. With the strongest R&D organization in the industry, the company seeks to constantly introduce and promote high-quality and sustainable building materials and solutions to its customers worldwide - whether individual homebuilders or developers of major infrastructure projects. LafargeHolcim employs over 70,000 employees in over 70 countries and has a portfolio that is equally balanced between developing and mature markets.


More information is available on

Important disclaimer - forward-looking statements:


This document contains forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements do not constitute forecasts regarding results or any other performance indicator, but rather trends or targets, as the case may be, including with respect to plans, initiatives, events, products, solutions and services, their development and potential. Although LafargeHolcim believes that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions as at the time of publishing this document, investors are cautioned that these statements are not guarantees of future performance. Actual results may differ materially from the forward-looking statements as a result of a number of risks and uncertainties, many of which are difficult to predict and generally beyond the control of LafargeHolcim, including but not limited to the risks described in the LafargeHolcim's annual report available on its website ( and uncertainties related to the market conditions and the implementation of our plans. Accordingly, we caution you against relying on forward-looking statements. LafargeHolcim does not undertake to provide updates of these forward-looking statements.


(1) After leases

(2) Group share

(3) Before impairment and divestments


(4) Subject to pandemic-related uncertainties


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    SOURCE: LafargeHolcim 
Copyright Business Wire 2020 

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

July 30, 2020 00:45 ET (04:45 GMT)

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