| Average balance sheet and interest rates - Assets and Liabilities
Half Year March 2024 Full Year 2023 Full Year 2022
balance Interest
balance Interest
balance Interest
Consolidated $m $m % $m $m % $m $m %
Interest earning assets
Australia 627,150 18,381 5.9 607,154 30,164 5.0 582,456 17,694 3.0
New Zealand 92,358 3,016 6.5 90,130 5,028 5.6 87,236 3,203 3.7
Other overseas 6,084 201 6.6 6,548 390 6.0 6,362 199 3.1
Australia 435,130 12,096 5.6 424,427 19,640 4.6 411,950 11,851 2.9
New Zealand 60,916 1,715 5.6 59,319 2,702 4.6 57,050 1,796 3.1
Other overseas 425 8 3.8 468 18 3.8 492 19 3.9
Australia 10,993 525 9.6 11,954 1,001 8.4 13,910 1,084 7.8
New Zealand 1,084 49 9.0 1,094 102 9.3 1,126 115 10.2
Other overseas 8 - - 7 1 14.3 7 1 14.3
Australia 181,027 5,760 6.4 170,773 9,523 5.6 156,596 4,759 3.0
New Zealand 30,358 1,252 8.2 29,717 2,224 7.5 29,060 1,292 4.4
Other overseas 5,651 193 6.8 6,073 371 6.1 5,863 179 3.1
Trading securities and financial
assets measured at FVIS:
Australia 23,943 511 4.3 23,486 843 3.6 16,715 235 1.4
New Zealand 4,548 124 5.5 3,959 201 5.1 3,784 76 2.0
Other overseas 2,599 52 4.0 2,641 99 3.7 2,337 36 1.5
Investment securities:
Australia 80,025 1,467 3.7 66,631 1,822 2.7 70,804 985 1.4
New Zealand 6,619 92 2.8 6,164 148 2.4 4,950 85 1.7
Other overseas 2,297 36 3.1 2,082 67 3.2 2,027 56 2.8
Other interest earning assetsb
Australia 89,073 1,882 4.2 96,291 3,424 3.6 82,102 366 0.4
New Zealand 9,171 246 5.4 10,496 496 4.7 9,769 153 1.6
Other overseas 20,841 536 5.1 24,867 1,070 4.3 17,238 157 0.9
Assets held for sale:
Australia - - - - - - 425 6 1.4
Total interest earning assets and
interest income
964,708 26,544 5.5 940,449 43,752 4.7 886,205 23,251 2.6
Non-interest earning assets
Derivative financial instruments 16,947 23,423 23,395
Assets held for sale - - 2,444
All other assetsc 67,282 59,356 62,719
Total non-interest earning assets 84,229 82,779 88,558
Total assets 1,048,937 1,023,228 974,763
a. Certain portions of loans are non-interest bearing and are presented below in All other assets. The non-interest bearing portion
represents the impact of mortgage offset deposits which are taken into consideration when calculating interest charged on loans.
b. Interest income includes net ineffectiveness on qualifying hedges.
c. Includes property and equipment, intangible assets, deferred tax assets, non-interest earning loans relating to mortgage
offset accounts and all other non-interest earning assets. Mortgage offset balances were $55,324 million in Half Year 2024,
$49,702 million in Full Year 2023, and $47,328 million in Full Year 2022. |