STOCKHOLM, Nov. 7, 2023
/PRNewswire/ -- The shareholders in Medivir AB (publ) reg. no.
556238-4361 (the "Company") are hereby convened to the
extraordinary general meeting, which will be held on Friday
1 December 2023, at 10.00 CET at
Helio GT30, Grev Turegatan 30, Stockholm,
Sweden. Registration starts at 09.30
am. and will stop when the general meeting starts.
Pursuant to ยง 11 of the Company's Articles of Association, the
board of directors has resolved that shareholders may exercise
their voting rights at the general meeting by post. Shareholders
may therefore choose to exercise their voting rights at the general
meeting, by proxy or through postal voting.
Shareholders who wish to exercise their voting rights at the
general meeting must:
- be recorded in the share register maintained
by Euroclear Sweden AB ("Euroclear")
on 23 November 2023; and
- give notice to the Company of their intention to attend
the annual general meeting according to the instructions under the
heading "Notification of attendance in person or by proxy",
alternatively cast a postal vote according to the instructions
under the heading "Instructions for postal voting" no later than
27 November 2023.
Nominee-registered shares
Shareholders whose shares are nominee-registered through a bank
or other authorised depositary, for example in a custody account,
must - in addition to giving notice of their attendance - request
that the shares to be temporarily re-registered in their own name
so that the shareholder is registered in Euroclear's share register
as of the record date on 23 November
2023. Re-registration may be temporary (so-called voting
rights registration) and is requested from the nominee in advance
in accordance with the nominee's routines. Voting right
registration that the shareholder has requested and has been issued
by the nominee no later than 27 November
2023 will be accepted in the preparation of the share
Please observe that this procedure may also apply for shares
that are held in a bank's custody account and on certain Swedish
investment savings accounts (ISK).
Notification of attendance in person or by proxy
Shareholders who wish to attend the general meeting in person or
by proxy must notify the Company of this no later than 27 November 2023 either:
- at the Company's website,;
- by e-mail
- by phone +46 8-402 97 37; or
- by post to Medivir AB, "Extraordinary general
meeting", c/o Euroclear Sweden AB, Box
191, 101 23 Stockholm.
In the notification, provide your name or company name, personal
or organisation ID number, address, phone number and, if
applicable, the number of persons attending with you (maximum
If attending by proxy or representative, authorisation documents
(a power of attorney and/or registration certificate) should be
sent to Company at the above address well in advance of the general
meeting and preferably by 27 November
2023. Power of attorney forms are available on the Company's
Instructions for postal voting
A special form shall be used for postal voting. Postal voting
form is available at Company's website,
Shareholders can vote by post in following ways:
- Completed and signed postal voting form can be sent by
post to Medivir AB, "Extraordinary general
meeting", c/o Euroclear Sweden AB, Box
191, 101 23 Stockholm, or by e-mail to The completed form must
be received by Euroclear no later than 27 November 2023.
- Shareholders may also, no later than 27 November 2023, cast a postal vote
electronically via verification with BankID
on Euroclear's website
The shareholder may not give instructions other than to mark one
of the alternative answers on the form. If the shareholder has
included special instructions or conditions on the form, or changed
or made amendments to the pre-printed text, the postal vote will be
considered invalid. Further instructions and conditions can be
found in the postal voting form.
If a shareholder casts a postal vote by proxy, a written and
dated power of attorney signed by the shareholder shall be enclosed
with the postal voting form. Power of attorney forms are available
on Company's website, If the shareholder is a legal
entity, a registration certificate or other authorisation document
must be enclosed with the form.
Those who wish to withdraw a submitted postal vote, and instead
cast their vote by participating in the general meeting in person
or by proxy, must notify the meeting's secretariat before the
general meeting is opened. For questions concerning the postal
voting procedure, please contact Euroclear, tel. +46 8-402 92 37
(Monday - Friday, between 9 a.m. - 4
Personal data
Personal data obtained from the share register, notices of
attendance at the general meeting and information on proxies will
be used for registration, preparation of the voting list for the
general meeting and, where applicable, the minutes of the general
For information about how your personal data is processed,
please refer to the Privacy Policy available on Euroclear's
Proposed agenda
1. Opening of the
2. Election of the chairperson for the
3. Approval of the
4. Establishment and
approval of the voting list
5. Election of one or two
persons to attest the minutes
6. Determination as to
whether the meeting has been duly convened
7. Resolution on approval of
the board of director's resolution on a rights issue of shares
8. Closing of the
Resolution proposal
Chairperson of the meeting (agenda item 2)
The nomination committee has proposed that Uli Hacksell shall be
elected chairperson of the meeting, or in the event of his absence,
the person appointed by the board of directors.
Resolution on approval of the board of director's resolution
on a rights issue of shares (agenda item 7)
On 7 November 2023, the board of
directors resolved (in italics), subject to the approval of the
general meeting, on a new issue of shares with pre-emption rights
for existing shareholders. The board of directors proposes that the
general meeting approves the board of directors' resolution.
The board of directors' resolves, subject to approval by an
extraordinary general meeting, to increase the Company's share
capital with a maximum of SEK
27,920,700,50 by an issue of 55,841,401 new ordinary shares
in accordance with the conditions below.
1. The right to subscribe for
ordinary shares with pre-emption rights shall belong to those who,
on the record date for the rights issue, are recorded as
shareholders of the Company, where one (1) share shall entitle to
one (1) subscription right.[1] One (1) subscription
right entitles to subscription of one (1) ordinary share.
2. The
shareholders of the Company will have preferential rights to
subscribe for ordinary shares in proportion to the number of shares
they already own as stated above. The board of directors of the
Company shall resolve on allocation of ordinary shares in
accordance with the following order: (i) firstly allocation shall
be made to those who have subscribed for ordinary shares with
subscription rights, regardless of whether they were shareholders
on the record date or not; (ii) secondly allocation shall be made
to those who have subscribed for ordinary shares without the
support of subscription rights and in the event that allotment to
these cannot be made in full, allotment shall be made pro rata in
relation to the total number of ordinary shares that the subscriber
has applied to subscribe for, and (iii) finally, in case the rights
issue is not subscribed up to the underwritten amount, the
guarantors that have entered into guarantee commitments shall
subscribe for the outstanding number of ordinary shares, up to the
underwritten amount and up to each guarantor's respective committed
amount, and in the event that allotment to such guarantors cannot
be made in full in relation to their respective committed amount,
allotment of ordinary shares shall be made pro rata in relation to
each guarantor's respective committed amount. To the extent that
allotment at any stage according to the above cannot be made pro
rata, allotment shall be made by drawing lots.
3. The record date
for participation in the new issue of shares shall be on Tuesday
5 December 2023.
4. The
subscription price for each ordinary share shall be SEK 2.65.
5. Subscription of
new ordinary shares with subscription rights shall be made by
simultaneous cash payment during the period from and including
7 December 2023 up to and including
21 December 2023. Subscription of new ordinary shares
without subscription rights shall be made during the same period on
a certain subscription list. Payment for new ordinary shares which
are subscribed for without subscription rights shall be made by
cash no later than two (2) banking days after information regarding
allotment of ordinary shares has been sent. The board of directors
shall have the right to extend the subscription and payment
6. Subscription,
as concerns possible subscription by issue guarantors, shall be
made on a certain subscription list no later than two
(2) banking days after the stated subscription period
in item 5 above. Payment for such ordinary shares that are
subscribed for and allotted shall be made by cash no later than on
the two (2) banking day after the contract note has been sent, on
which the allotted ordinary shares are set out. The board of
directors shall have the right to extend the subscription and
payment period.
7. The new
ordinary shares entitle to dividends for the first time on the
first record date for dividend that takes place after the issue of
new ordinary shares has been registered with the Swedish Companies
Registration Office and been recorded in the share register kept by
Euroclear Sweden AB.
8. The premium for
the ordinary shares shall be transferred to the
unrestricted premium reserve.
9. The CEO, or the
person appointed by the board of directors, shall have the right to
make the minor adjustments required to register the resolution with
the Swedish Companies Registration Office.
At the time of the issue of this notice, the total number of
shares in the Company amounts to 56,706,151, whereof 55,841,401
ordinary shares and 864,750 shares of class C, corresponding to a
total number of votes of 559,278,760. The Company holds 11,413 of
its own ordinary shares and 864,750 of its own shares of class C.
The Company may not vote for its own shares.
The board of directors' complete proposals and other
documentation pursuant to the Swedish Companies Act will be held
available at the Company and on the Company's website in accordance
with the Swedish Companies Act. The documents will on request be
sent to shareholders who provide their postal address. The
documents will also be available at the extraordinary general
Information at the Extraordinary General Meeting
Shareholders are reminded of their right to receive information
from the board of directors and at the extraordinary meeting in
accordance with Chapter 7. Section 32 of the Swedish Companies
Stockholm in November 2023
Medivir AB (publ)
The Board of Directors
[1] Shares held by the company do not
entitle to participation in the rights issue.
The following files are available for download:
Press release
View original
SOURCE Medivir