RNS Number : 1119E
First Tin PLC
28 June 2023
28 June 2023
First Tin Plc
("First Tin" or "the Company")
Tin Beetle tin discovery confirms hub and spoke potential at
Taronga tin project
First Tin PLC ("First Tin"), a tin development company with
advanced, low capex projects in Germany and Australia, is pleased
to confirm validation of its "Tin District" thesis in the Taronga
district, with the first drill hole from its Tin Beetle prospect
returning 7 metres @ 0.629% Sn within a broader intersection of 48
metres @ 0.183% Sn from 2 metres depth.
Tin Beetle is 9km from First Tin's Taronga tin deposit,
containing the fifth largest tin reserves globally (ITA ranking) of
23.2 million tonnes at 0.16% Sn.
Thomas Buenger, First Tin PLC CEO commented: "We are excited
that our Australian team have, with the first drill hole, proven
our thesis that Taronga is part of a tin district rather than a
singular occurrence. Tin Beetle, like Taronga, appears to benefit
from extremely favourable oxide-cassiterite metallurgy that starts
at surface and could therefore potentially be mined as an open pit.
We look forward to further results from the Tin Beetle drill
programme, one of six regional targets within trucking distance of
The project is owned by First Tin's 100% owned Australian
subsidiary, Taronga Mines Pty Ltd ("TMPL").
-- Initial assay results confirm wide intervals of tin
mineralisation with narrower zones of high grade mineralisation
-- Significant intercepts include:
o 48m @ 0.183% Sn from 2m incl. 21m @ 0.322% Sn from 2m and 3m @
0.281% Sn from 42m
o 5m @ 0.183% Sn from 64m
o 3m @ 0.116% Sn from 102m
-- Higher grade interval within main intercept includes 7m @ 0.629% Sn
-- Lower copper and silver content, and higher zinc content than Taronga mineralisation
-- Second hole oriented 180deg from initial hole has shown good
logged/panned cassiterite (tin oxide). Assay results are
-- The Tin Beetle prospect is located approximately 8-9km
southeast of the Taronga mineralisation, providing strong potential
for it to be taken by road to a central milling facility at Taronga
following on-site upgrading by crushing and jigging
-- If successful, this concept could add to annual tin
production and increase the overall mine life
All results are presented in Table 1. The true width of
intervals is around half the downhole width. Estimated true widths
are included in Table 1.
The drilling is targeting a broad area (3km x 0.6km) of
mineralisation that had been mined for alluvial and eluvial tin
during the 19(th) and 20(th) Centuries. It is defined by large
workings that have stripped the alluvial material and then
continued into weathered, clayey felsic volcanics with sheeted
greisen veins hosting cassiterite (tin oxide) mineralisation. Four
East-North-East trending zones of sheeted veining are interpreted
from the outlines of workings, tin geochemistry, mapped areas of
veining and limited previous drilling (Figure 2).
This is the first TMPL drilling into the prospect and confirms
and extends at depth, mineralisation identified by previous
explorers in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Mineralisation
intersected is wider and higher grade than the mineralisation
intersected by the previous explorers, and the Company anticipates
that this will lead to significant additional mineralisation in
this large area.
The location of the drillhole is shown on Figure 2. This figure
also shows that there are potentially multiple zones of
mineralisation, and several of these will be tested during the
current programme - drill collars are shown on Figure 2. Figure 3
illustrates the current interpretation of mineralisation at the
prospect. The northern extent will be tested by a second hole
drilled at 180deg to the first hole. Based on initial logging of
this hole, the Company believes that there is potential for a plus
50m wide zone of mineralisation and approximately 300m of strike
will be tested as part of the current programme.
TMPL considers this target as being one of several potential
satellite deposits for Taronga, with treatment via preconcentration
using simple crushing and jigging and then trucking the concentrate
approximately 8-9km to Taronga for final processing (Figure 1). If
successful, this concept could either add to annual tin production,
or increase the overall mine life after Taronga mineralisation has
been exhausted, or both.
Hole No. *Easting *Northing *Elevation *Dip *Azimuth Total From To Interval Estimated Grade
(GDA94 (GDA94 (m) (deg) (deg Depth (m) (m) (m) True (% Sn)
Z56) Z56) True) (m) Width
1 3 66450 6742 625 9 28 -60 18 0 31.0 2 50 48 24 0.183
--------- ---------- ----------- ------ --------- ------ ----- ---- --------- ---------- --------
incl. 2 23 21 10.5 0.322
--------- ---------- ----------- ------ --------- ------ ----- ---- --------- ---------- --------
incl. 11 18 7 3.5 0.629
--------- ---------- ----------- ------ --------- ------ ----- ---- --------- ---------- --------
and 42 50 8 4 0.147
--------- ---------- ----------- ------ --------- ------ ----- ---- --------- ---------- --------
64 69 5 2.5 0.183
--------- ---------- ----------- ------ --------- ------ ----- ---- --------- ---------- --------
102 105 3 1.5 0.116
--------- ---------- ----------- ------ --------- ------ ----- ---- --------- ---------- --------
TMGBRC002 366450 6742625 928 -60 360 139 awaited
--------- ---------- ----------- ------ --------- ------ ----- ---- --------- ---------- --------
TMGBRC003 366583 6742648 939 -60 180 30 awaited
--------- ---------- ----------- ------ --------- ------ ----- ---- --------- ---------- --------
TMGBRC004 366331 6742603 928 -60 180 109 awaited
--------- ---------- ----------- ------ --------- ------ ----- ---- --------- ---------- --------
TMGBRC005 366000 6742325 927 -60 180 111 awaited
--------- ---------- ----------- ------ --------- ------ ----- ---- --------- ---------- --------
TMGBRC006 366000 6742250 924 -60 180 137 awaited
--------- ---------- ----------- ------ --------- ------ ----- ---- --------- ---------- --------
TMGBRC007 367242 6742848 951 -60 180 90 awaited
--------- ---------- ----------- ------ --------- ------ ----- ---- --------- ---------- --------
TMGBRC008 367242 6742848 951 -60 360 90 awaited
--------- ---------- ----------- ------ --------- ------ ----- ---- --------- ---------- --------
TMGBRC009 365100 6742475 898 -60 180 126 awaited
--------- ---------- ----------- ------ --------- ------ ----- ---- --------- ---------- --------
TMGBRC010 365100 6742475 898 -60 360 TBD TBD
--------- ---------- ----------- ------ --------- ------ ----- ---- --------- ---------- --------
TMGBRC011 365100 6742325 899 -60 180 TBD TBD
--------- ---------- ----------- ------ --------- ------ ----- ---- --------- ---------- --------
TMGBRC012 365100 6742250 899 -60 180 TBD TBD
--------- ---------- ----------- ------ --------- ------ ----- ---- --------- ---------- --------
Table 1: Results of TMPL Tin Beetle RC Drilling (* = Estimated,
Survey Yet to be Undertaken; TBD = To be drilled; awaited = samples
despatched, assays awaited)
Figure 1: Tin Beetle Prospect Location Plan
Figure 2: Tin Beetle Summary Plan
Figure 3: Tin Beetle Hole 1 Cross Section
First Tin Via SEC Newgate below
Thomas Buenger - Chief Executive
Arlington Group Asset Management
Limited (Financial Advisor
and Joint Broker)
Simon Catt 020 7389 5016
WH Ireland Limited (Joint
Harry Ansell 020 7220 1670
SEC Newgate (Financial Communications)
Elisabeth Cowell / Molly FirstTin@secnewgate.co.uk
Notes to Editors
First Tin is an ethical, reliable, and sustainable tin
production company led by a team of renowned tin specialists. The
Company is focused on becoming a tin supplier in conflict-free, low
political risk jurisdictions through the rapid development of high
value, low capex tin assets in Germany and Australia.
Tin is a critical metal, vital in any plan to decarbonise and
electrify the world, yet Europe has very little supply. Rising
demand, together with shortages, is expected to lead tin to
experience sustained deficit markets for the foreseeable future.
Its assets have been de-risked significantly, with extensive work
undertaken to date.
First Tin's goal is to use best-in-class environmental standards
to bring two tin mines into production in three years, providing
provenance of supply to support the current global clean energy and
technological revolutions.
JORC Code, 2012 Edition - Table 1 Tin Beetle Tin Project
Section 1 Sampling Techniques and Data
(Criteria in this section apply to all succeeding sections.)
techniques * Nature and quality of sampling (eg cut channels, * Reverse Circulation (RC) drilling was used to obtain
random chips, or specific specialised industry 1m samples from a 4.5 inch diameter drill hole.
standard measurement tools appropriate to the Drilled material was split with an onboard riffle
minerals under investigation, such as down hole gamma splitter connected to the cyclone to obtain an
sondes, or handheld XRF instruments, etc). These approximately 3-5kg representative sub-sample that
examples should not be taken as limiting the broad was bagged and sent to the laboratory for assay. This
meaning of sampling. is industry standard work.
* Include reference to measures taken to ensure sample * All RC samples were sent for assay after being logged
representivity and the appropriate calibration of any by the geologist.
measurement tools or systems used.
* The RC samples were sent to ALS Laboratories in
* Aspects of the determination of mineralisation that Zillmere QLD.
are Material to the Public Report.
* Samples were crushed to sub 6mm, split and pulverised
* In cases where 'industry standard' work has been done to sub 75um in order to produce a representative
this would be relatively simple (eg 'reverse sub-sample for analysis.
circulation drilling was used to obtain 1 m samples
from which 3 kg was pulverised to produce a 30 g
charge for fire assay'). In other cases more * Analysis of the diamond drill and RC samples
explanation may be required, such as where there is consisted of a four-acid digest and Inductively
coarse gold that has inherent sampling problems. Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry
Unusual commodities or mineralisation types (eg (ICP-OES) for the following elements: Ag, Al, As, Ba,
submarine nodules) may warrant disclosure of detailed Be, Bi, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ga, K, La, Li, Mg, Mn,
information. Mo, Na, Ni, P, Pb, S, Sb, Sc, Sn, Sr, Th, Ti, Tl, U,
V, W & Zn. The samples were also assayed for Nb, Sn,
Ta, and W using a lithium borate fusion and ICP-MS
technique. If over detection on the ICP was reached,
then the samples were assayed using XRF. Standards
and blanks were inserted at a rate of 10%.
* All drilling samples were analysed and hence no prior
determination of mineralisation was made.
Drilling Percussion drilling was undertaken by contractors
techniques * Drill type (eg core, reverse circulation, open-hole Schonknecht Drilling, using a face sampling
hammer, rotary air blast, auger, Bangka, sonic, etc) 4.5 inch "Black Diamond" hammer, 137mm PED
and details (eg core diameter, triple or standard (polycarbonate diamond) bit and a 4.5 inch,
tube, depth of diamond tails, face-sampling bit or 6m stainless steel rod. A tight shroud (3mm
other type, whether core is oriented and if so, by gap) ensured the holes remained as straight
what method, etc). as possible. A 350psi, 900cfm compressor was
used to keep holes dry and ensure all heavy
minerals such as cassiterite are recovered.
Drill sample
recovery * Method of recording and assessing core and chip * All RC samples are weighed. This gives a good idea as
sample recoveries and results assessed. to recovery for the 1m intervals sampled as the
density does not vary significantly. Recovery is
estimated to be very good in general. A high pressure
* Measures taken to maximise sample recovery and ensure and volume compressor is used to endure good sample
representative nature of the samples. return and to keep holes dry. No significant water
was encountered meaning sample quality is good. The
hole is cleaned out with compressed air after every
* Whether a relationship exists between sample recovery rod change and no significant volume of material is
and grade and whether sample bias may have occurred returned via this process.
due to preferential loss/gain of fine/coarse
* No relationship can be seen between recovery and
grade. No sample bias is noted.
* Whether core and chip samples have been geologically * All RC cuttings have been geologically logged to a
and geotechnically logged to a level of detail to level of detail to support appropriate mineral
support appropriate Mineral Resource estimation, estimation, mining, and metallurgical studies.
mining studies and metallurgical studies.
* All RC logging is semi-quantitative in nature,
* Whether logging is qualitative or quantitative in following a strict set of guidelines, with percentage
nature. Core (or costean, channel, etc) photography. estimates made. Representative sub-samples are
collected, sieved and generally panned to estimate
heavy mineral content. A sub-set of rock chips are
* The total length and percentage of the relevant kept in chip-trays for reference.
intersections logged.
techniques * If core, whether cut or sawn and whether quarter, * All RC cuttings are weighed then riffle split to
and sample half or all core taken. obtain between 3kg and 5kg of sample. All samples are
preparation dry. The sub-sample is sent to ALS laboratory in
* If non-core, whether riffled, tube sampled, rotary
split, etc and whether sampled wet or dry.
* Sample sizes are considered appropriate for the
material being sampled as the tin mineralisation
* For all sample types, the nature, quality and occurs as cassiterite (SnO(2) ) within sub-vertical
appropriateness of the sample preparation technique. veins that are between 0.05mm and 0.5cm wide (rarely
to 5cm) and cassiterite crystals are smaller than
vein width. Vein density varies from about 5/m to
* Quality control procedures adopted for all greater than 20/m and hence several veins are sampled
sub-sampling stages to maximise representivity of in each metre. This compares with sample size that is
samples. approximately 10,000 cm(3) for RC and 3,200cm(3) for
HQ Core before sub-sampling.
* Measures taken to ensure that the sampling is
representative of the in situ material collected, * Drilling is at an angle of -60deg or less and hence
including for instance results for field cuts across veins that are sub-vertical (-90deg).
duplicate/second-half sampling.
* At the ALS laboratory in Brisbane, the sample of RC
* Whether sample sizes are appropriate to the grain chips is crushed and split to less than 3kg if
size of the material being sampled. appropriate using method CRU-21. The entire sample or
sub-sample is then pulverized in a mill to 85% finer
than 75um using method PUL-23.
of assay * The nature, quality and appropriateness of the * Tin is a difficult element to analyse as cassiterite
data and assaying and laboratory procedures used and whether is not soluble in acid. Thus, a sub-sample of the
laboratory the technique is considered partial or total. pulverized and mixed material is taken and fused with
tests lithium borate. The fused bead is then analysed by a
mass spectrometer using method ME-MS85 which reports
* For geophysical tools, spectrometers, handheld XRF Sn, W, Ta and Nb. This returns a total tin content,
instruments, etc, the parameters used in determining including tin as cassiterite. Over limit assays of
the analysis including instrument make and model, tin are re-analysed using method ME-XRF15b which
reading times, calibrations factors applied and their involves fusion with lithium metaborate with a
derivation, etc. lithium tetraborate flux containing 20% NaNO(3) with
an XRF finish.
* Nature of quality control procedures adopted (eg
standards, blanks, duplicates, external laboratory * Other elements are analysed by method ME-ICP61. This
checks) and whether acceptable levels of accuracy (ie involves a 4 acid (HF-HNO(3) -HCLO(4) digest, HCl
lack of bias) and precision have been established. leach and ICP-AES finish). This is an industry
standard technique for Cu, Pb, Zn and Ag. A suite of
34 elements are reported, including tin, which is
only acid soluble tin in this case and thus can be
subtracted from the fusion tin assays to obtain tin
as cassiterite. The acid soluble tin is generally
associated with stannite and in the lattice of
silicates. It is generally insignificant is relation
to tin as cassiterite at Taronga.
* Prior to dispatch of samples, the following QaQc
samples are added:
o Certified standards representative of the
grades expected are added at the rate of 1
in 40 samples
o Blanks are added at the rate of 1 in 40 samples
o Duplicates are added at the rate of 1 in
20 samples for RC. These are riffle split from
the original sample on site.
o For diamond drilling, the half core is split
into two quarter cores every 1 in 20 samples
and these are sent as duplicates
* All QAQC data is within acceptable limits, with
re-assay of any out of specification batches
of sampling * The verification of significant intersections by * All data is recorded on site in Excel spreadsheets
and assaying either independent or alternative company personnel. and this is later transferred to an Access database -
the main data repository. Detailed protocols for data
recording, logging codes etc are used.
* The use of twinned holes.
* Documentation of primary data, data entry procedures,
data verification, data storage (physical and
electronic) protocols.
* Discuss any adjustment to assay data.
of data * Accuracy and quality of surveys used to locate drill * All drillholes are pre-planned and located by use of
points holes (collar and down-hole surveys), trenches, mine handheld GPS. Holes are sited using Devico gyro
workings and other locations used in Mineral Resource navigation. All hole collars are surveyed in
estimation. accurately post drilling with RTKGPS (+-0.1m).
* Specification of the grid system used. * All RC holes are surveyed using downhole magnetic
* Quality and adequacy of topographic control.
* All holes have surveys approximately every 30m
* The grid system used is GDA94, zone 56.
* Topography is obtained from government data.
Data spacing
and * Data spacing for reporting of Exploration Results. * Drill hole spacing is not designed to enable resource
distribution estimation and is only considered to be first pass
exploration at present.
* Whether the data spacing and distribution is
sufficient to establish the degree of geological and
grade continuity appropriate for the Mineral Resource
and Ore Reserve estimation procedure(s) and
classifications applied.
* Whether sample compositing has been applied.
of data * Whether the orientation of sampling achieves unbiased * The drilling is oriented at about 80-90deg to the
in relation sampling of possible structures and the extent to orientation of the sheeted veins.
to which this is known, considering the deposit type.
structure * The veins are sub-vertical and the drilling is angled
* If the relationship between the drilling orientation at -60deg to be as close as possible to cutting
and the orientation of key mineralised structures is across the veins at 90deg.
considered to have introduced a sampling bias, this
should be assessed and reported if material.
* As drilling was designed to cut the main sheeted
veins at as high an angle as possible. The potential
for any introduced sampling bias is considered minor.
security * The measures taken to ensure sample security. * A chain of custody was maintained for all TMPL
or reviews * The results of any audits or reviews of sampling * An initial review of sampling procedures whilst
techniques and data. drilling was in progress, with some recommendations,
was completed by Simon Tear of independent
consultants H&S Consultants Pty Ltd
============= ============================================================ ============================================================================
Section 2 Reporting of Exploration Results
(Criteria listed in the preceding section also apply to this
tenement * Type, reference name/number, location and ownership * The project is secured by one granted tenement:
and land including agreements or material issues with third EL8335 which is currently in good standing. This is
tenure status parties such as joint ventures, partnerships, held 100% by TMPL.
overriding royalties, native title interests,
historical sites, wilderness or national park and
environmental settings. * No joint ventures or other encumbrances are known.
The underlying properties are mainly Crown Land and
town common.
* The security of the tenure held at the time of
reporting along with any known impediments to
obtaining a licence to operate in the area. * These are subject to Native Title. No native title
claims existed at the time the tenements were granted
but a statewide native title claim on crown land is
believed to exist.
* No national parks, historical sites or environmental
constraints are known.
* The only royalty is the state of NSW royalty of 4% on
tin mined.
done by * Acknowledgment and appraisal of exploration by other * Mining was undertaken by Loloma during the 1970s and
other parties parties. 1980s. Limited exploration studies were undertaken b
EZ/Loloma, Billiton, Mineral Deposits and Base
Minerals between the 1970s and 1980s. This data
provides some guidance but location of drillholes is
inaccurate and can only be confirmed within +/-
10-20m. This has not, and will not, be used for any
future resource estimation work.
* Deposit type, geological setting and style of * The deposit is a sheeted vein style tin +/-
mineralisation. zinc-copper-silver deposit with horizontally and
vertically extensive veins of
occurring over a combined area of up to 3,000m by
* The veins vary in thickness from less than 0.5mm to
100mm but are generally between 1mm and 10mm thick
and average about 20 veins per metre.
* The host rock is a felsic volcanic or volcaniclastic
* The source of mineralising fluids is interpreted to
be an underlying intrusion of the Triassic Mole
Leucogranite, a reduced, highly fractionated, A to I
type granite. The metals of interest (Sn, Cu, Ag) are
interpreted to have been enriched in the late
magmatic fluid of this granite via enrichment of
incompatible elements during fractional
crystallisation. Breaching of the magma chamber
during brittle faulting in an ENE orientation has
tapped these enriched fluids which have subsequently
deposited the metals due to changing temperature and
pressure conditions and/or mixing with meteoric
Drill hole * See Attachment 1 - Drill Hole Details.
Information * A summary of all information material to the
understanding of the exploration results including a
tabulation of the following information for all
Material drill holes:
o easting and northing of the drill hole collar
o elevation or RL (Reduced Level - elevation
above sea level in metres) of the drill hole
o dip and azimuth of the hole
o down hole length and interception depth
o hole length.
* If the exclusion of this information is justified on
the basis that the information is not Material and
this exclusion does not detract from the
understanding of the report, the Competent Person
should clearly explain why this is the case.
aggregation * In reporting Exploration Results, weighting averaging * All intercepts shown are weighted averages of uncut
methods techniques, maximum and/or minimum grade truncations data. The intervals are based on a nominal lower
(eg cutting of high grades) and cut-off grades are cut-off of 0.05% Sn.
usually Material and should be stated.
* The only high grades are due to very thick veins with
* Where aggregate intercepts incorporate short lengths coarse cassiterite. These are shown in the table, as
of high grade results and longer lengths of low grade to leave them out would give an unrealistic view of
results, the procedure used for such aggregation grade variability.
should be stated and some typical examples of such
aggregations should be shown in detail.
* No metal equivalent grades are quoted.
* The assumptions used for any reporting of metal
equivalent values should be clearly stated.
between * These relationships are particularly important in the * As mineralisation is sub-vertical and holes dip at
mineralisation reporting of Exploration Results. -60deg, actual true widths are around 50% of interval
widths and widths.
lengths * If the geometry of the mineralisation with respect to
the drill hole angle is known, its nature should be * True widths are shown in the attached table.
* If it is not known and only the down hole lengths are
reported, there should be a clear statement to this
effect (eg 'down hole length, true width not known').
Diagrams * Plan and section views provided.
* Appropriate maps and sections (with scales) and
tabulations of intercepts should be included for any
significant discovery being reported These should
include, but not be limited to a plan view of drill
hole collar locations and appropriate sectional
reporting * Where comprehensive reporting of all Exploration * All results obtained to date are reported.
Results is not practicable, representative reporting
of both low and high grades and/or widths should be
practiced to avoid misleading reporting of * The accompanying document is considered to represent
Exploration Results. a balanced report.
Other * No other exploration data is reported here.
substantive * Other exploration data, if meaningful and material,
exploration should be reported including (but not limited to):
data geological observations; geophysical survey results;
geochemical survey results; bulk samples - size and
method of treatment; metallurgical test results; bulk
density, groundwater, geotechnical and rock
characteristics; potential deleterious or
contaminating substances.
work * The nature and scale of planned further work (eg * RC exploration drilling is in progress and will be
tests for lateral extensions or depth extensions or reported separately when all results are to hand. It
large-scale step-out drilling). is intended that more detailed drilling of selected
targets will be undertaken in the next few years.
* Diagrams clearly highlighting the areas of possible
extensions, including the main geological
interpretations and future drilling areas, provided
this information is not commercially sensitive.
=============== =============================================================== ==============================================================
Attachment 1: Complete drilling data Table
Hole No. *Easting *Northing *Elevation *Dip *Azimuth Total From To Interval Estimated Grade
(GDA94 (GDA94 (m) (deg) (deg Depth (m) (m) (m) True (% Sn)
Z56) Z56) True) (m) Width
1 3 66450 6742 625 9 28 -60 18 0 31.0 2 50 48 24 0.183
--------- ---------- ----------- ------ --------- ------ ----- ---- --------- ---------- --------
incl. 2 23 21 10.5 0.322
--------- ---------- ----------- ------ --------- ------ ----- ---- --------- ---------- --------
incl. 11 18 7 3.5 0.629
--------- ---------- ----------- ------ --------- ------ ----- ---- --------- ---------- --------
and 42 50 8 4 0.147
--------- ---------- ----------- ------ --------- ------ ----- ---- --------- ---------- --------
64 69 5 2.5 0.183
--------- ---------- ----------- ------ --------- ------ ----- ---- --------- ---------- --------
102 105 3 1.5 0.116
--------- ---------- ----------- ------ --------- ------ ----- ---- --------- ---------- --------
TMGBRC002 366450 6742625 928 -60 360 139 awaited
--------- ---------- ----------- ------ --------- ------ ----- ---- --------- ---------- --------
TMGBRC003 366583 6742648 939 -60 180 30 awaited
--------- ---------- ----------- ------ --------- ------ ----- ---- --------- ---------- --------
TMGBRC004 366331 6742603 928 -60 180 109 awaited
--------- ---------- ----------- ------ --------- ------ ----- ---- --------- ---------- --------
TMGBRC005 366000 6742325 927 -60 180 111 awaited
--------- ---------- ----------- ------ --------- ------ ----- ---- --------- ---------- --------
TMGBRC006 366000 6742250 924 -60 180 137 awaited
--------- ---------- ----------- ------ --------- ------ ----- ---- --------- ---------- --------
TMGBRC007 367242 6742848 951 -60 180 90 awaited
--------- ---------- ----------- ------ --------- ------ ----- ---- --------- ---------- --------
TMGBRC008 367242 6742848 951 -60 360 90 awaited
--------- ---------- ----------- ------ --------- ------ ----- ---- --------- ---------- --------
TMGBRC009 365100 6742475 898 -60 180 126 awaited
--------- ---------- ----------- ------ --------- ------ ----- ---- --------- ---------- --------
TMGBRC010 365100 6742475 898 -60 360 TBD TBD
--------- ---------- ----------- ------ --------- ------ ----- ---- --------- ---------- --------
TMGBRC011 365100 6742325 899 -60 180 TBD TBD
--------- ---------- ----------- ------ --------- ------ ----- ---- --------- ---------- --------
TMGBRC012 365100 6742250 899 -60 180 TBD TBD
--------- ---------- ----------- ------ --------- ------ ----- ---- --------- ---------- --------
(* = Estimated, Survey Yet to be Undertaken; TBD = To be
drilled; awaited = samples despatched, assays awaited)
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(END) Dow Jones Newswires
June 28, 2023 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)
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