RNS Number : 6058T

Royal London

31 March 2016

Press Release

31 March 2016

Royal London reports strong trading performance and operating profits

Royal London, the UK's largest mutual life, pensions and investment company, presents its results for the year ended 31 December 2015.

Trading Highlights (figures in brackets show movement compared to 2014)

   --      New life and pensions business (on a PVNBP basis)(2) GBP6,774m (+40%). 

Excellent growth in new business sales reflects the strength of Royal London's pensions and insurance propositions.

-- Improved overall margin of 2% (+43%) on new life and pensions business has been achieved as operating efficiency initiatives are embedded across the business.

   --      EEV Operating profit before tax and exceptional items GBP244m (+11%). 

This increase is driven by the success of our pension and insurance businesses and the record new business figures. New business profits rose to GBP137m (2014: GBP85m).

-- Embedded value has exceeded the GBP3bn mark for the first time - GBP3.2bn (+6%) following good total profit performance.

   --      IFRS transfer to unallocated divisible surplus GBP218m (+63%) 

Our IFRS results also benefit from Royal London's strong trading performance and improved margins.

   --      Group funds under management GBP84.5bn (+3%). 

Increase due to net inflows and good underlying investment performance in difficult markets.

   --      Surplus regulatory (Insurance Groups Directive) capital GBP3,535m (+4%). 

Stronger capital position is a consequence of improved new business results and the GBP350m raised by a subordinated debt issue in November 2015.

   --      ProfitShare GBP70m (+17%) 

ProfitShare paid to eligible Policyholders increased by 17% in 2015 as a result of the improved new business results and strong capital position. This brings the cumulative ProfitShare paid to members to GBP536m since 2007.

Phil Loney, Group Chief Executive of Royal London, said:

"Our strategy of focusing on creating the best outcomes and the best experience for our customers reflects our position as the largest customer-owned company across our chosen markets. Our strategy continues to produce pleasing results and over the last four years Royal London has doubled its life and pension sales and has nearly doubled assets under management.

The last year saw a record breaking trading performance which brought with it a healthy increase in operating profit. New business growth was particularly strong, with sales of group pensions and income drawdown products going from strength to strength. The fourth quarter of the year saw pension sales reach new highs, which is particularly satisfying as it follows on from the announcement that we will in future be sharing part of our profits with pension customers through our unique ProfitShare arrangement.

It is also pleasing that following considerable investment in our protection proposition, sales of protection products through intermediaries are now surging ahead. Our direct-to-consumer division is now making significant headway in the market segments where it operates by providing better value for money and fairer products than the market incumbents. The strong growth in revenues has allowed a substantial increase in investment in the business at the same time as growing profits and strengthening the capital position of Royal London.

The main Royal London With-Profits fund again benefited from a positive investment return in 2015 and is ahead of its benchmark over one, three and five years. The total bonuses paid to policyholders have increased by 144% from those in 2014. In addition, the asset shares of qualifying With-Profits policyholders benefit from a ProfitShare; the asset shares have been uplifted by 1.4% (up from 1.15% in 2014) this year. Over the last decade our profit sharing approach has boosted the value of policies held by qualifying customers to the tune of GBP536m.

Royal London remains well capitalised, with surplus regulatory capital increasing to GBP3,535m (GBP3,390m in 2014)."

For further information please contact:

 Gareth Evans 
  Head of Corporate Affairs        0207 506 6715 
  Gareth.evans@royallondon.com      07919 170069 

Editor's notes:

1) Royal London is the largest mutual life, pensions and investment company in the UK, with Group funds under management of GBP84.5 billion. Group businesses serve around 9.1 million policies and employ 2,988 people. (Figures quoted are as at 31 December 2015).

2) Present value of new business premiums (PVNBP) is the total of new single premium sales received in the year plus the discounted value, at the point of sale, of the regular premiums the Group expects to receive over the term of the new contracts sold in the year.

3) Financial calendar

   31 March 2016           Financial results for 2015 and conference call 
   12 May 2016               Interim management statement and first quarter new business results 
   9 June 2016                Annual General Meeting 
   18 August 2016           Interim financial results and second quarter new business results 
   4 November 2016       Interim management statement and third quarter new business results 
   13 November 2016      RL Finance Bonds No 3 plc Subordinated debt interest payment date 
   30 November 2016     RL Finance Bonds No 2 plc Subordinated debt interest payment date 

3) Forward-looking statements

This document may contain forward-looking statements with respect to certain of Royal London's plans, its current goals and expectations relating to its future financial position. By their nature, forward-looking statements involve risk and uncertainty because they relate to future events and circumstances which are beyond Royal London's control. These include, among others, UK economic and business conditions, market-related risks such as fluctuations in interest rates, the policies and actions of governmental and regulatory authorities, the impact of competition, the timing, impact and other uncertainties of future mergers or combinations within relevant industries.

As a result, Royal London's actual future financial condition, performance and results may differ materially from the plans, goals and expectations set forth in Royal London's forward-looking statements. Royal London undertakes no obligation to update the forward-looking statements.


Financial Review Performance Overview 5

Contribution from new business 6

   EEV Operating profit before expectional items                                             7 

Embedded Value 7

ProfitShare 7

IFRS Results 8

IFRS Balance Sheet 8

Investment Performance 8

   Movement in staff pension scheme surplus                                                    8 

Capital Strength 10

Other Matters

ProfitShare and Mutuality 11

Ratings agencies 12

Appendix 1 - EEV Consolidated income statement, consolidated balance

sheet and basis for preparation 13

Appendix 2 - IFRS Consolidated statement of comprehensive income,

consolidated balance sheet and consolidated statement of cash flows and

basis for preparation 16

Appendix 3 - Reconciliations of IFRS to EEV 23

   1.      Financial Review 

Performance Overview

We have delivered a strong operating performance in 2015, with strong new business results, particularly in our pensions business, and an increase in underlying operating profits.

On the EEV basis, our continuing operating profit before exceptional items for 2015 increased by 11% to GBP244m (2014: GBP220m). This was driven by strong new business profits that exceeded 2014 by 61% and good existing business profits that were broadly in line with 2014, offset by a number of one off costs from investment into the business, which we believe are important for our future competitiveness and we expect will deliver good returns.

Our total EEV profit was GBP181m which increased our Embedded Value to GBP3.2bn. This is the first time our Group Embedded Value has exceeded GBP3bn and is due to the strong operating performance and favourable economic variances, albeit lower than the variances seen in 2014 mainly due to the low gilt yield environment. The result also reflects a ProfitShare allocation of GBP70m (after tax), which is up 17% on 2014 ProfitShare of GBP60m.

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Our Asset Management and Administration businesses have continued to grow, with total Group funds under management increasing from GBP82.3bn as at 31 December 2014 to GBP84.5bn at 31 December 2015. Ascentric, our wrap platform administrator saw gross sales increase to GBP2.5bn (2014: GBP2.2bn) and has increased its assets under administration by 13% during 2015 to GBP10.1bn (31 December 2014: GBP8.9bn).

2015 was a busy year for Royal London not only in terms of attracting new business, but also in preparing for the new Solvency II regime that came into effect on 1 January 2016. Our Solvency II projects made tremendous progress in 2015 to ensure we had everything in place to report under Solvency II. For the last time, capital reporting for the period covered in this report comes under the Solvency I regime.

Planning for financial security in the future is an issue that's important to all of us, and at Royal London we're determined to play our full part in enabling new and existing members and customers to realise their savings goals and protection needs. In doing so, we must also generate a positive financial return to secure our own position as a stable and successful organisation with a long-term future. With this in mind, we completed a GBP350m subordinated debt issue in 2015, enabling us to maintain and enhance our strong capital position.

Contribution from new business

New business profits are up 61% on 2014 at GBP137m which was driven by a strong performance across all of our propositions but in particular our Pensions products.

Intermediary Pension volumes are up 37% on 2014 due to our success in the group pensions market following the introduction of auto-enrolment and the strength of our individual pensions and drawdown propositions. The increase in margin from 1.2% in 2014 to 1.8% in 2015 is largely attributed to a reduction in acquisition and maintenance unit costs resulting from the increase in volumes of business sold.

Intermediary Protection volumes have increased by 49% and margins have increased from 6.7% in 2014 to 8.4% in 2015. Sales were driven through changes to products to provide the right cover to our customers and through enhancing our digital and telephone based service propositions.

Consumer new business volumes more than quadrupled, up 385% to GBP165m on 31 December 2015 from GBP34m on 31 December 2014. There was strong recognition for the quality, fairness and value for money provided by our core direct to consumer products. The new business contribution and margin reflect the development investment leading to 2015 launch of the direct to consumer proposition.

Royal London Asset Management performed well in a year of turbulent market conditions. Gross new business inflows of GBP3.1bn were slightly down on the more buoyant period in 2014 (GBP3.8bn), but still a strong performance.

 31 Dec 2015                      Present    New business   New business 
                                 value of    contribution         margin 
                             new business 
                                     GBPm            GBPm              % 
    Pensions                        6,107           107.9            1.8 
    Protection                        502            42.3            8.4 
 Consumer                             165          (14.6)          (8.8) 
-------------------------  --------------  --------------  ------------- 
 Total life and pensions 
  business                          6,774           135.6            2.0 
-------------------------  --------------  --------------  ------------- 
 Wealth                             3,146            22.2            0.7 
-------------------------  --------------  --------------  ------------- 
 Total                              9,920           157.8            1.6 
-------------------------  --------------  --------------  ------------- 
 31 Dec 2014                      Present    New business   New business 
                                 value of    contribution         margin 
                             new business 
                                     GBPm            GBPm              % 
    Pensions                        4,454            55.6            1.2 
    Protection                        338            22.7            6.7 
 Consumer                              34          (12.9)         (37.9) 
-------------------------  --------------  --------------  ------------- 
 Total life and pensions 
  business                          4,826            65.4            1.4 
-------------------------  --------------  --------------  ------------- 
 Wealth                             3,755            29.9            0.8 
-------------------------  --------------  --------------  ------------- 
 Total                              8,581            95.3            1.1 
-------------------------  --------------  --------------  ------------- 

Notes: The new business contribution in the table represents the new business contribution grossed up for tax at 20% (2014: 21%). This is to aid comparability with proprietary companies which typically pay tax at the main corporation tax rate of 20% (2014: 21%).

The new business margin represents the ratio of the new business contribution to PVNBP.

EEV Operating profit before exceptional items

In 2015 the Group achieved an EEV operating profit from continuing operations before exceptional items of GBP244m (2014: GBP220m). This result reflects strong contributions from new business and good existing business profits, which were broadly in line with prior years. Existing business profits include benefits from operating efficiency projects to improve cost control across the business and improved persistency assumptions on GAO's following Pension Freedoms. The results also include additional non-recurring costs of investment into the business and costs in providing for remediation following the introduction of our Independent Governance Committee.

Embedded Value

Embedded value exceeded GBP3bn for the first time this year following total EEV profit after tax in the year of GBP181m (+13%). The increase is due to the strong operating performance and favourable economic variances, albeit lower than the variances seen in 2014 mainly due to the low gilt yield environment. The result also reflects a ProfitShare allocation of GBP70m (after tax), which is up 17% on 2014 ProfitShare of GBP60m.


In 2015, Royal London's Board exercised its discretion to allocate GBP70m (GBP74m gross of tax in EEV) of ProfitShare to qualifying policyholders (previously known as Mutual Dividend). In 2014, the corresponding figure was GBP60m (GBP64m gross of tax in EEV). This was due to the continued strong performance of the Group in the year and the stable capital position.

IFRS results

The main financial basis we use for assessing our results is the EEV basis. However, we also report our results on an IFRS basis. Our total transfer to Unallocated Divisible Surplus in the year was GBP218m, an increase of 63% on 2014. The increase is due to the same reasons as the increase in our EEV performance. The IFRS results has benefitted from a reduction in commission due to IFAs.

IFRS Balance sheet

As a result of our performance in the year, the Unallocated Divisible Surplus has increased from GBP3,139m at 31 December 2014 to GBP3,357m at 31 December 2015.

Our balance sheet remains robust and we experienced no significant asset impairments in the period. Our total investment portfolio (including investment property) was GBP65,165m at 31 December 2015, an increase on 31 December 2014 of 1.5%. Our financial investments portfolio remains high quality, with the majority (88%) of our bond investments in assets rated A or above. 51% (31 December 2014 53%) of our asset portfolio is in fixed income investments and cash.

The Group's exposure to sovereign debt from Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece and Spain amounted to less than 1.0% of the total assets of the total investment portfolio.

Investment performance

We measure our investment returns against benchmarks that we have constructed from market indices weighted to reflect the asset mix of each sub-fund. In 2015 the investments backing the asset shares of the Royal London with-profits Fund achieved a return of 4.1%, which was behind the return achieved in 2014 of 10.9% but slightly above our benchmark of 3.2%.

The Royal London with-profits investment performance for UK equities was 1.8% (benchmark 1.0%), overseas equities returned 6.1% (benchmark 6.6%), returns from corporate bonds were 1.2% (benchmark 0.5%), government bonds achieved a return of 0.5% (benchmark 0.0%), private equities 21.7% (benchmark 1.0%) and our property portfolio returned 15.3% (benchmark 13.8%).

Movement in staff pension scheme surplus

The Royal London Group Pension Scheme (RLGPS) had a surplus of GBP71m at the end of 2015, an increase of GBP23m on the previous year. This increase was mainly due to a rise in the rate used to discount the scheme liabilities, which reflects an increase in the yields available on high-quality corporate bonds, as well as lower-than-expected levels of inflation during 2015.

We also operate two schemes for ex-Royal Liver employees. The surpluses from these schemes are included as part of the valuation of the closed Royal Liver Sub-fund and therefore do not count towards the surplus position of the Royal London Open Fund. The combined Royal Liver scheme surplus as at 31 December 2015 was GBP104m (2014: GBP80m). The surplus increased over the year because of the impact of the increase in the discount rate.

   2.      Capital Strength 

The Group's capital strength has continued to improve in 2015, as a result of the good operating profits and the subordinated debt issue in November 2015.

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In November we made a GBP350m subordinated debt issue of a 13-year subordinated notes guaranteed by the Royal London Mutual Insurance Society Ltd. The notes carry a coupon of 6 1/8(th) % and were issued at par. The issue was heavily oversubscribed, indicating strong investor support. This debt issue ensured that our capital position remained strong as we entered 2016 and absorbed the introduction of Solvency II, the European Union directive that will now regulate how we manage and report risk and capital. Our preparations for Solvency II have gone well and, as a Group, we are well positioned to cope with the increased reporting that this will necessitate. More importantly, we have the capital strength to support these disclosures. Solvency II transforms the way in which we report our capital - look out for further detail on this in our future press releases.

Our regulatory (Insurance Group Directive) capital position is summarised as follows:

                                 2015                        2014 
-------------------  ------  --------  --------  ------  --------  -------- 
 GBPm                  Open    Closed     Total    Open    Closed     Total 
                       Fund     Funds              Fund     Funds 
 Available capital 
  tier 2 capital)     4,007    10,276    14,283   3,917     9,449    13,366 
 Capital required     (472)     (750)   (1,222)   (527)     (814)   (1,341) 
-------------------  ------  --------  --------  ------  --------  -------- 
 Surplus              3,535     9,526    13,061   3,390     8,635    12,025 
  on surplus 
  of closed funds         -   (9,526)   (9,526)       -   (8,635)   (8,635) 
-------------------  ------  --------  --------  ------  --------  -------- 
 Excess capital       3,535         -     3,535   3,390         -     3,390 
-------------------  ------  --------  --------  ------  --------  -------- 
 Capital cover         849%      100%      133%    744%      100%      134% 
-------------------  ------  --------  --------  ------  --------  -------- 

Our total Group available regulatory capital increased from GBP13,366m at 31 December 2014 to GBP14,283m at 31 December 2015. Our IGD excess capital has increased by 4% and the Group has maintained a strong regulatory capital cover of 133% (31 December 2014 134%).

The available capital of the closed sub-funds is retained within those funds, as it is ultimately for the benefit of the closed sub-fund policyholders. Therefore only the surplus of the open fund counts towards our Group capital position. The excess regulatory capital of the Royal London Open Fund increased by 4% from GBP3,390m to GBP3,535m. The IGD capital cover for the Royal London Open Fund of 849% increased on 2014 (744%).

Our realistic capital position is summarised as follows:

                                   2015                         2014 
 GBPm                     Open    Closed     Total   Open     Closed     Total 
                          Fund     Funds              Fund     Funds 
 Available capital 
  (including tier 
  2 capital)             3,596     3,585     7,181   3,407     3,052     6,459 
 Capital required            -         -         -    (15)         -      (15) 
----------------------  ------  --------  --------  ------  --------  -------- 
 Surplus                 3,596     3,585     7,181   3,392     3,052     6,444 
 Closed fund transfer 
  commitments                    (3,585)   (3,585)       -   (3,052)   (3,052) 
----------------------  ------  --------  --------  ------  --------  -------- 
 Excess capital          3,596         -     3,596   3,392         -     3,392 
----------------------  ------  --------  --------  ------  --------  -------- 

Our excess realistic capital (the excess of assets over liabilities, as measured by the PRA's realistic reporting requirements) has increased from GBP3,392m to GBP3,596m. This increase is due to a strong operating result and the impact of the issue of the subordinated debt issue of GBP350m.

   3.      Other Matters 

ProfitShare and Mutuality

Whatever value we generate in the years ahead, the changes we made to our ProfitShare scheme recently will ensure that more of our customers benefit. With ProfitShare, we are using our status as a mutual to allow customers to share in our success - and last year we announced plans to significantly expand the number of customers who will benefit from our scheme.

Our growth over recent years has attracted many new customers, but many of these new customers don't have with-profits policies and therefore haven't qualified to share in our profits. That's all set to change, as we are converting the pensions policies to with-profits and hence broadening the base of those eligible to take part in ProfitShare to allow far more of our customers to become members - in effect part owners - of Royal London. It's important to note, however, that this is not being done at the expense of existing with-profits customers, who will continue to receive payouts and ProfitShare allocations determined in the same way as before. Bonuses increased significantly in 2015 as outlined later in this report.

The expansion of ProfitShare will allow our customers to get even more out of a scheme that has proved a big hit with members and has helped us secure our future as a mutual. Over the past decade we have given back more than GBP530m to our eligible with-profits policyholders - and we remain as committed as ever to basing our business model on our mutual status, so as many of our customers as possible can profit from our growth and have their say in how we run our business. We're also dedicated to meeting our responsibility to ensure we give our customers and members good value, high-quality products and services.

Ratings agencies

Our capital strength and financial stability are reflected in our financial ratings from external ratings agencies. Our credit ratings remain unchanged in 2015 at 'A - stable outlook' from Standard and Poor's and 'A2 - Good Financial Security' from Moody's.

APPENDIX 1 and APPENDIX 2 include the Group's IFRS and EEV primary financial statements and basis of preparation notes. The full set of IFRS and EEV results will be available on the Royal London Group website in April 2016.

Appendix 1

Consolidated income statement - EEV basis for the year ended 31 December 2015

                                                     2015     2014 
                                                     GBPm     GBPm 
 ------                                           -------  ------- 
 Continuing operating activities 
 Contribution from new business                       137       85 
 Profit from existing business 
 - Expected return                                     76       91 
 - Operating experience variances                       3       56 
 - Operating assumption changes                        74       12 
 Expected return on opening net 
  worth                                                27       42 
 Profit on uncovered business                           7        7 
 Strategic development costs and 
  other items                                        (80)     (73) 
------------------------------------------------  -------  ------- 
 Operating profit before tax from 
  continuing operations and exceptional 
  items                                               244      220 
 Gain arising on business combinations                           - 
 Exceptional cost arising from 
  regulatory change                                     -     (61) 
------------------------------------------------  -------  ------- 
 Total operating profit before tax 
  from continuing operations                          244      159 
     Operating profit/(loss) before tax                          - 
        from discontinued operations 
-------------------------------------------  ---  -------  ------- 
 Total operating profit before 
  tax                                                 244      159 
 Economic experience variances                         21      325 
 Economic assumption changes                           32    (143) 
 Movement in RLGPS pension scheme 
  surplus                                              23     (42) 
 Financing costs                                     (43)     (40) 
 ProfitShare                                         (74)     (64) 
   EEV profit before tax from continuing 
                 operations                           203      195 
 Attributed tax charge                                 22       35 
 EEV profit after tax from continuing 
  operations                                          181      160 
 EEV profit after tax from discontinued                 -        - 
------------------------------------------  ----  -------  ------- 
 Total EEV profit after tax                           181      160 
------------------------------------------------  -------  ------- 

Consolidated Balance Sheet - EEV basis as at 31 December 2015

                                               2015         2014 
                                               GBPm         GBPm 
------------------------------------------  -------  ----------- 
 Assets held in closed funds                 31,631       32,927 
 Assets backing non-participating 
  liabilities                                24,084       21,938 
 Reinsurance assets                           7,528        7,576 
 Assets backing participating liabilities 
  and net worth 
 - UK equities                                1,715        1,781 
 - Overseas equities                            775          687 
 - Land and buildings                           852          776 
 - Approved fixed interest securities         2,154        2,313 
 - Other fixed interest securities            1,432        1,332 
 - Other assets                                 738          669 
 Value of in-force business                   2,034        1,838 
 Royal London Group Pension scheme 
  (RLGPS) surplus                                71           48 

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 Total                                       73,014       71,885 
------------------------------------------  -------  ----------- 
 Liabilities in closed funds                 31,631       32,927 
 Non-participating liabilities               24,084       21,938 
 Reinsured liabilities                        7,528        7,576 
 Participating liabilities                    5,363        5,438 
 Current liabilities                          1,241        1,020 
 Total                                       69,847       68,899 
------------------------------------------  -------  ----------- 
 Embedded Value 
 Net worth                                    1,062        1,100 
 Value of in-force business                   2,034        1,838 
 Pension scheme surplus (RLGPS)                  71           48 
 Total                                        3,167        2,986 
------------------------------------------  -------  ----------- 

Value of in-force business - EEV basis as at 31 December 2015

                                                                                              2015    2014 
                                                                                              GBPm    GBPm 
-----------------------------------------  -------------------------------------------------------  ------ 
 Value of in-force business before 
  allowance for burn-through and capital 
  costs                                                                                      2,066   1,881 
 Burn-through cost                                                                             (3)     (9) 
 Cost of capital                                                                              (29)    (34) 
-----------------------------------------  -------------------------------------------------------  ------ 
 Value of in-force business                                                                  2,034   1,838 
-----------------------------------------  -------------------------------------------------------  ------ 
   (a)      Basis of preparation 

The EEV results presented in this document have been prepared in accordance with the EEV Principles and the Additional Guidance issued in 2005 by the CFO Forum. They provide supplementary information for the year ended 31 December 2015 and should be read in conjunction with the Group's IFRS results. These contain information regarding the Group's financial statements prepared in accordance with IFRS issued by the International Accounting Standards Board and adopted for use in the European Union.

The EEV Principles and Guidance were designed for use by proprietary companies to assess the value of the firm to its shareholders. As a mutual, Royal London has no shareholders. Instead we regard our members as the nearest equivalent to shareholders and have interpreted the EEV Principles and Guidance accordingly. With-profits policies held by members do not generally contribute to the value of in-force business. However, the liabilities associated with these contracts are deducted from total assets to arrive at net worth. Hence, any movement in liabilities not matched by a corresponding movement in assets will change the net worth and flow through the income statement. The reported embedded value provides an estimate of Royal London's value to its members.

EEV Operating profit follows the same principles, in terms of items to include and exclude, as Operating Profit with the exception of certain items which are recognised under IFRS but are excluded from EEV. This is because the basis of preparing the Group EEV results, are prepared by reference to the Realistic Balance Sheet (RBS). Some items recognised under IFRS are inadmissible in the RBS and are therefore not recognised in our EEV reporting. Most notably, Operating Profit includes amortisation of intangibles (and impairment if relevant) whereas in our EEV reporting, we exclude goodwill or other intangible assets arising on the acquisition of a subsidiary or business (other than Value of In-Force business) because such items are not permitted to be recognised in the RBS.

The RBS is produced at the level of the Parent company. In order to present the EEV balance sheet as a group balance sheet, the RBS is grossed up to include the assets and liabilities of subsidiaries which are included in the RBS at the value of the Parent company's net investment.

A further presentation adjustment is made to the EEV balance sheet in respect of reinsurance. The RBS shows reinsured liabilities net of the related reinsurance asset. The EEV balance sheet is grossed up to show the reinsured liabilities and assets separately.

Appendix 2

IFRS consolidated statement of comprehensive income for the year ended 31 December 2015

                                                 2015      2014 
                                                 GBPm      GBPm 
 --------------------------------------------  ------  -------- 
 Gross earned premiums                          1,194     1,218 
 Premiums ceded to reinsurers                   (400)   (1,794) 
---------------------------------------------  ------  -------- 
 Net earned premiums                              794     (576) 
 Fee income from investment and fund 
  management contracts                            255       243 
 Investment return                              2,122     7,796 
 Other operating income                            44        47 
---------------------------------------------  ------  -------- 
 Total revenues                                 3,215     7,510 
---------------------------------------------  ------  -------- 
 Policyholder benefits and claims 
 Claims paid, before reinsurance                2,725     2,569 
 Reinsurance recoveries                         (470)     (432) 
---------------------------------------------  ------  -------- 
 Claims paid, after reinsurance                 2,255     2,137 
 Increase /(decrease) in insurance 
  contract liabilities, before reinsurance      (948)     3,749 
 Reinsurance ceded                                160   (1,515) 
---------------------------------------------  ------  -------- 
 Increase/(decrease) in insurance 
  contract liabilities, after reinsurance       (788)     2,234 
 Decrease / (increase) in non-participating 
  value of in-force business                    (237)         3 
 Increase in investment contract 
  liabilities                                     903     1,846 
---------------------------------------------  ------  -------- 
 Total policyholder benefits and 
  claims                                        2,133     6,220 
---------------------------------------------  ------  -------- 
 Operating expenses 
 Administrative expenses                          477       486 
 Investment management expenses                   238       190 
 Amortisation charges and impairment 
  losses on acquired PVIF and other 
  intangible assets                                40        72 
 Investment return attributable to 
  external unit holders                            22       101 
 Other operating expenses                          75        42 
---------------------------------------------  ------  -------- 
 Total operating expenses                         852       891 
---------------------------------------------  ------  -------- 
 Finance costs                                     44        43 
---------------------------------------------  ------  -------- 
 Result before tax from continuing 
  operations                                      186       356 
---------------------------------------------  ------  -------- 
 Tax charge                                        18       207 
---------------------------------------------  ------  -------- 
 Transfer to the unallocated divisible 
  surplus from continuing operations              168       149 
---------------------------------------------  ------  -------- 
 Profit for the year                                -         - 
---------------------------------------------  ------  -------- 

IFRS consolidated statement of comprehensive income for the year ended 31 December 2014


                                                 2015     2014 
                                                 GBPm     GBPm 
----------------------------------------------  -----  ------- 
 Other comprehensive income: 
----------------------------------------------  -----  ------- 
 Items that will not be reclassified 
  to profit or loss 
----------------------------------------------  -----  ------- 
 Remeasurements of defined benefit pension 
  schemes                                          50     (15) 
----------------------------------------------  -----  ------- 
 Transfer (from)/to the unallocated divisible 
  surplus                                          50     (15) 
----------------------------------------------  -----  ------- 
 Other comprehensive income for the period          -        - 
  net of tax 
----------------------------------------------  -----  ------- 
 Total comprehensive income for the year            -        - 
----------------------------------------------  -----  ------- 

As a mutual company, all earnings are retained for the benefit of participating policyholders and are carried forward within the unallocated divisible surplus. Accordingly, there is no profit for the year shown in the statement of total comprehensive income.

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IFRS Consolidated Balance Sheet as at 31 December 2015

                                                                           Group                                    Parent company 
                                  2015     2014     2015     2014 
 ASSETS                           GBPm     GBPm     GBPm     GBPm 
-----------------------------  -------  -------  -------  ------- 
 Property, plant 
  and equipment                     42       46        -        - 
 Investment property             5,036    4,727    4,936    4,633 
 Intangible assets                 832      931      777      893 
 Reinsurers' share 
  of insurance 
  contract liabilities           5,302    5,462    5,302    5,462 
 Pension scheme 
  asset                            177      128      177      128 
 Deferred tax                        -        -        -        - 
 Current tax asset                  19        -       22        - 
 Financial investments          60,129   59,492   42,629   44,231 
 Investments in 
  Group entities                     -        -   15,321   12,894 
 Trade and other 
  receivables                      546      412      383      285 
 Cash and cash 
  equivalents                    2,823    2,736    2,209    2,259 
-----------------------------  -------  -------  -------  ------- 
 Total assets                   74,906   73,934   71,756   70,785 
-----------------------------  -------  -------  -------  ------- 

IFRS Consolidated Balance Sheet as at 31 December 2015

                                                                           Group                                    Parent company 
                              2015      2014      2015      2014 
 LIABILITIES                  GBPm      GBPm      GBPm      GBPm 
------------------------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
  insurance contract 
  liabilities               28,874    29,607    28,949    29,682 
  investment contract 
  liabilities                2,326     2,308     2,326     2,308 
 Unallocated divisible 
  surplus                    3,357     3,139     3,402     3,183 
  value of in-force 
  business                 (1,569)   (1,332)   (1,569)   (1,332) 
------------------------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
                            32,988    33,722    33,108    33,841 
  insurance contract 
  liabilities                7,291     7,506     7,290     7,504 
  investment contract 
  liabilities               24,982    22,691    24,982    22,691 
------------------------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
                            32,273    30,197    32,272    30,195 
  liabilities                  743       640       743       640 
 Payables and 
  other financial 
  liabilities                5,156     5,544     5,107     5,486 
 Provisions                    224       250       219       237 
 Other liabilities             286       316       220       244 
 Liability to 
  external unit 
  holders                    3,145     3,122         -         - 
 Current tax liability           -        52         -        51 
 Deferred tax 
  liability                     91        91        87        91 
 Total liabilities          74,906    73,934    71,756    70,785 
------------------------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 

IFRS Consolidated Statement of cash flows for the period ended 31 December 2015

                                         Group                                      Parent 
                                       company                                     company 
                                          2015                                   2014 2015      2014 
                                          GBPm            GBPm                        GBPm      GBPm 
 ---------------------------------------------  --------------  --------------------------  -------- 
 Cash flows from operating 
 Transfer to the unallocated 
  divisible surplus                        218             134                         219       245 
 Adjustments for non-cash 
  items                                  1,717         (1,036)                       1,664   (2,711) 
 Adjustments for non-operating 
  items                                     44              43                         (8)         7 
 Acquisition of investment 
  property                               (211)           (277)                       (211)     (264) 
 Net acquisition of financial 
  investments                          (1,432)           (414)                     (1,530)   (1,777) 
 Proceeds from disposal 
  of investment property                   331              54                         331        50 
 Changes in operating receivables        (134)              96                        (98)        29 
 Changes in operational 
  payables                               (422)           1,646                       (407)     4,918 
 Change in liability to 
  external unit holders                     23             636                           -         - 
-----------------------------------  ---------  --------------  --------------------------  -------- 
 Net cash flows from operating 
  activities before tax                    134             882                        (40)       497 
 Tax (paid)/received                      (89)            (47)                        (64)         1 
-----------------------------------  ---------  --------------  --------------------------  -------- 
 Net cash flows from operating 
  activities                                45             835                       (104)       498 
 Cash flows from investing 
 Acquisition of property, 
  plant and equipment                      (6)            (15)                           -         - 
 Acquisition of intangibles               (15)               -                           -         - 
 Acquisition of Group entities               -           (180)                        (30)       (8) 
 Proceeds from disposal 
  of Group entities                          -               -                           -        10 
 Dividends received from 
  Group entities                             -               -                          20        31 
 Net cash flows from investing 
  activities                              (21)           (195)                        (10)        33 
-----------------------------------  ---------  --------------  --------------------------  -------- 
 Cash flows from financing 
 Proceeds on issue of debt                 348               -                         348         - 
 Repayments of other debt 
  and finance lease liabilities          (246)               -                       (246)        14 
 Interest paid                            (44)            (43)                        (43)      (41) 
-----------------------------------  ---------  --------------  --------------------------  -------- 
 Net cash flows from financing 
  activities                                58            (43)                          59      (27) 
 Net increase / (decrease) 
  in cash and cash equivalents              82             597                        (55)       504 
 Cash and cash equivalents 
  as at 1 January                        2,730           2,133                       2,253     1,749 
-----------------------------------  ---------  --------------  --------------------------  -------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents 
  at 31 December                         2,812           2,730                       2,198     2,253 
-----------------------------------  ---------  --------------  --------------------------  -------- 

An integral part of the operations of the Group is the management of a portfolio of investment assets. Cash flows relating to the purchase and sale of these assets have been treated as operating cash flows for the purposes of the statements of cash flows. In the Parent company, Open Ended Investment Companies (OEICs) and other investment funds that are classified for financial reporting purposes as subsidiaries are also part of this operating portfolio of investment assets and hence cash flows in relation to these assets are also classified as operating cash flows for the Parent company statement of cash flows.

   (a)      Basis of preparation 

The financial statements of the Group and the Parent company ('the financial statements') have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and Interpretations issued by the IFRS Interpretations Committee (IFRS IC) as adopted for use in the European Union. The financial statements have also been prepared in accordance with those parts of the Companies Act 2006 applicable to companies reporting under IFRS.

The financial statements have been prepared on the historical cost basis as modified by the inclusion of certain assets and liabilities at fair value as permitted or required by IFRS. The accounting policies set out below are reviewed for appropriateness each year. These policies have been applied consistently to all periods presented in these financial statements, unless otherwise stated.

All amounts in the financial statements are shown in pounds sterling, which is the presentational currency of the Group and the Parent company. Unless otherwise stated, amounts are shown in millions of pounds, rounded to the nearest million.

New and amended standards adopted by the Group

The following new and amended standards have been adopted by the Group for the first time in these financial statements:

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March 31, 2016 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)

-- IFRS 9, 'Financial Instruments', final version issued July 2014. This new standard was issued in several phases and will replace IAS 39, 'Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement' when it becomes effective on 1 January 2018. IFRS 9 covers the classification and measurement of financial instruments, impairment and hedge accounting. The impact on the financial statements will continue to be assessed and the Group will also take into account the interaction between IFRS 9 and the requirements of the replacement for IFRS 4, when the latter is issued.

-- IFRS 15, 'Revenue from contracts with customers', effective from 1 January 2018. This standard establishes a single comprehensive model for revenue arising from contracts with customers. The Group is considering how this standard will impact the reporting of investment contract revenue and has yet to complete its final assessment.

-- Amendments to IAS 1, 'Disclosure Initiative', effective from 1 January 2016. These amendments may result in some minor changes to the financial statements disclosures.

There are no other standards or interpretations that are not yet effective and that would be expected to have a material impact on the Group.

Appendix 3

Reconciliation of the IFRS unallocated divisible surplus to the European Embedded Value

                                                           2015    2014 
                                                           GBPm    GBPm 
-------------------------------------------------------  ------  ------ 
 IFRS unallocated divisible surplus                       3,357   3,139 
 Valuation differences between IFRS 
  and EEV 
 - Goodwill and intangible assets                         (277)   (273) 
 - Deferred tax valuation differences                         -       3 
 - Subordinated debt at market value                       (25)    (42) 
   *    Capital requirements of subsidiaries and other 
        valuation differences                              (18)    (46) 
 Add items only included on an embedded 
  value basis 
 - Valuation of asset management and 
  service subsidiaries                                      172     187 
 Other valuation differences                               (42)      18 
-------------------------------------------------------  ------  ------ 
 European embedded value                                  3,167   2,986 
-------------------------------------------------------  ------  ------ 

Reconciliation of the IFRS transfer to unallocated divisible surplus to EEV profit for the year

                                               GBPm     2014 
-------------------------------------------  ------  ------- 
 IFRS transfer to unallocated divisible 
  surplus                                       218      134 
 Amortisation of intangible assets              (3)       11 
 Differences in valuation of subsidiaries        13       17 
 Change in realistic value of subordinated 
  debt                                           17     (26) 
 Movement in valuation differences 
  for deferred tax assets                       (3)       24 
 Other movements in valuation bases            (61)        - 
 EEV profit for the year                        181      160 
-------------------------------------------  ------  ------- 

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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