3rd Quarter Results
10 February 2005 - 6:02PM
UK Regulatory
RNS Number:4457I
Nipro Corporation
10 February 2005
Summary Report of Consolidated Financial Results February 10, 2005
For the Nine Months Period ended December 31, 2004
(Fiscal Year ending March 31,2005)
Company name: NIPRO CORPORATION Code No.:8086 TSE/OSE-1st Section
(URL: http://www.nipro.co.jp/)
Representative: Minoru Sano, President and Representative Director
Contact: Akihiko Yamabe, Director, General Manager of Accounting &
Corporate Planning Division TEL (06) 6372-2331
1.Matters related to the preparation of quarterly financial summary
(1)Adoption of simplified accounting treatments: N/A
(2)Difference in the method of accounting recognition from the most recent
fiscal year: N/A
(3)Changes in the scope of consolidation and application of the
equity method:Adoption (Content: Consolidation (New) 1)
2.Business results and financial position for the nine months ended
December 31, 2004 of the Fiscal Year ending March 31,2005.
(From April 1, 2004 to December 31, 2004)
(1)Results of Operations
(Note: Amounts are rounded off per one million yen)
Net Sales Operating Recurring Net (Quarter)
Income Income Income
Millions % Millions % Millions % Millions %
of yen of yen of yen of yen
Nine months 145,732 2.4 9,158 (9.0) 7,964 (1.1) 4,684 20.4
December 31,
Nine months 142,256 - 10,066 - 8,049 - 3,889 -
December 31,
Fiscal Year 188,700 12,557 9,539 4,216
March 31,
Basic Earnings Diluted Earnings
per Share per Share
Yen Yen
Nine months ended 73.65 -
December 31, 2004
Nine months ended 61.13 -
December 31, 2003
Fiscal Year ended 64.90 -
March 31, 2004
(Note) Percentage for net sales, operating income, etc. represents the ratio
of change from the same period of the previous fiscal year.
(Supplementary information on the consolidated results of operations)
The Japanese economy for this nine months period generated the severe
management situation under the decelerating overseas economy that slowed
down the the exports and capital investments, as well as a jump in crude
oil price and appreciation of yen. Under such conditions, we have focused
on reinforcement of production capacity and sales capability to improve
business performance.
As a result, net sales for the nine months ended December 31, 2004 increased
by 2.4% from the same period of the previous fiscal year to 145,732 million
yen. On the other hand, operating income decreased by 9.0% from the same period
of the previous fiscal year to 9,158 million yen and recurring income decreased
by 1.1% from the same period of the previous fiscal year to 7,964 million yen,
due to the increase in selling, general and administrative expenses of the
Medical and Supermarket segments. Net (Quarter) income increased by 20.4% from
the same period of the previous fiscal year to 4,684 million yen, mainly due to
increase in extraordinary profits.
(2)Financial Position
Total Shareholders' Ratio of Shareholders' Shareholders'
Assets Equity Equity to Total Assets Equity per Share
Millions Millions % yen
of yen of yen
Nine 292,575 93,571 32.0| 1,471.63
31, 2004
Nine 272,347 90,573 33.3| 1,423.59
31, 2003
Fiscal 279,701 94,711 33.90 1,487.50
31, 2004
Cash Flows
Cash flows from Cash flows from Cash flows from Cash and cash
operating investing financing equivalents
activities activities activities
Millions Millions Millions Millions
of yen of yen of yen of yen
Nine 9,163 (9,512) 10,666 52,638
31, 2004
Nine 7,926 (9,867) 13,642 40,937
31, 2003
Fiscal 15,432 (12,786) 10,400 42,228|
31, 2004
(Supplementary information on the changes in the financial position)
(1)Changes in the financial position
Total assets increased by 12,874 million yen from the end of the fiscal year
ended March 31, 2004, mainly due to the increase of current assets by 13,917
million yen and the decrease of fixed assets by 1,043 million yen.
Current assets increased mainly due to the increase in cash and bank deposits
by 10,716 million yen and fixed assets decreased mainly due to the decrease in
investment securities by 4,705 million yen affected by fall in stock prices.
Shareholders's equity decreased by 1,140 million yen from the end of the fiscal
year ended March 31, 2004, primarily due to the increase in retained earnings
by 1,737 million yen and the decrease in net unrealized gains (losses) on
securities by 2,121 million yen.
(2)Cash flows
Net cash provided by operating activities was 9,163 million yen, net cash used
in investing activities was 9,512 million yen, net cash provided by financing
activities was 10,666 million yen. As a result, cash and cash equivalents at
the end of the period amounted to 52,638 million yen.
Consolidated Business Forecasts for the Fiscal Year ending March 31, 2005
(From April 1, 2004 to March 31, 2005)
Sales Recurring Net
Income Income
Millions Millions Millions
of yen of yen of yen
Fiscal Year ending 194,000 10,900 6,300
March 31, 2005
(Reference) Projected Earnings per Share for the Fiscal Year ending
March 31, 2005: 99.07 yen
(Supplementary information on the business forecasts)
The business enviroment is anticipated to remain severe, as the uncertainly
for the future is ever increasing, due to sluggish personal consumption
affected by the delayed recovery of individual income as well as concerns in
further appreciation in yen and rise in interest rate.
Under such circumstances, we will strive to strength production and sales
capability and to improve the business performance by focusing on quality,
safety, convenience and efficacy of our products and service of each division.
There is no amendment to the forecasts announced on November 25, 2004.
The above forecasts are based on the information available to the management
as of the date of this report. The actual results may be different from these
forecasts due to various factors occurring hereafter.
This information is provided by RNS
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