Interim Results
04 December 2001 - 9:18PM
UK Regulatory
RNS Number:0480O
1 December 2001
Unaudited Financial Results (Provisional) for the half year ended 30th
September, 2001
Six months Six months Three months Three months Year ended
ended ended ended ended
30.9.2001 30.9.2000 30.9.2001 30.9.2000 31.3.2001
(Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Rs. Crores
1.Net Sales 975 983 475 504 1757
2.Prior Period
Adjustment - - - - 57
3.Other Income 36 39 19 17 85
Total 1011 1022 494 521 1899
4.Total Expenditure
(a)Fuel Cost 325 310 178 161 571
(b)Personnel Cost 103 96 50 46 197
(c)Power Purchase 194 150 91 71 305
(d)Others 144 133 76 70 262
5.Interest 218 213 110 110 428
6.Profit before
Depreciation 27 120 (11) 63 136
7.Depreciation 160 153 82 81 308
8.Profit/(Loss)before tax (133) (33) (93) (18) (172)
9.Provision for Taxation 0 0 0 0 0
10.Net Profit/(Loss) (133) (33) (93) (18) (172)
11.Paid-up Equity
Share Capital 58 58 58 58 58
(Shares of Rs.10 each)
12.Net Reserves(excluding
Revaluation Reserve of
Rs.1372 Crores) as per
Balance Sheet as on
31 March, 2001 151
13.EPS (Rs.)
- Basic (23.03) (5.71) (16.10) (3.12) (29.78)
- Diluted (21.16) (5.25) (14.80) (2.86) (27.37)
14.Aggregate of Non-
No. of shares 363 Lakhs - - - -
% of shareholding 57.86% - - - -
1. Tariff revision awards for 2000-01 and 2001-02 were finalised by the West
Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission on 7 November, 2001 and accounts
for the year 2000-01 were approved by the Board of Directors on 24
November, 2001. In view of the limited time available and since full
implications of the award for 2001-02 likely to affect the entire tariff
structure are still being studied, the accounting information for the
half-year ended 30 September, 2001 have been complied on a reasonably
estimated basis and provision for deferred taxation, if any, could not
be made. Hence the above result for the said half-year might require
adjustments later.
2. Results for the previous periods appearing in Columns(2) and (4) have not
been recast on the basis of 2000-01 tariff revision award and hence
figures in the said columns are not strictly comparable.
3. The Company is engaged in generation and distribution of electricity and
does not operate in any other reportable segment. Pending leave of the
Hon'ble Supreme Court in SLP (C) No. 11810 of 2001, the Company has kept
in abeyance giving effect to the revised tariff in its consumer billing.
4. Auditors' Report on the latest audited accounts for the year 2000-01
included reference to some unprovided claims of Damodar Valley
Corporation/West Bengal State Electricity Board and shortfall in corpus
of gratuity fund. The Company has followed the same basis of accounting
in respect of these matters while compiling the above results.
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