RNS Number : 4991L 
Armour Group PLC 
10 May 2010 
                                Armour Group plc 
                          Unaudited Interim Statement 
                     For the six months to 28 February 2010 
Armour Group plc is the United Kingdom's leading consumer electronics group 
within the home and in-car communications and entertainment markets, committed 
to designing, manufacturing and distributing leading-edge audio and visual 
products and solutions. The Board is pleased to announce interim results for the 
six months to 28 February 2010. 
Financial Headlines 
·      Sales up 12% at GBP29.7 million (2009: GBP26.7 million). 
·      Profit from operations up 21% at GBP1.2 million (2009: GBP1.0 million). 
·      Profit after taxation up 55% at GBP0.8 million (2009: GBP0.5 million). 
·      Cash outflow from operating activities of GBP0.3 million (2009: inflow 
GBP3.0 million). 
·      Basic earnings per ordinary share up 63% at 1.3p (2009: 0.8p). 
Commenting on today's results, George Dexter, CEO, said: 
"The Group results for the six months to 28 February 2010 reflect a significant 
year-on-year improvement with sales up 12% at GBP29.7m and profit after tax up 
55% at GBP0.8m. Both of the Group's operating divisions have traded profitably 
and continue to make satisfactory progress in these early stages of the wider 
economic recovery. 
Our strategy to maintain investment in new product development throughout 2009 
has undoubtedly helped sales, with new products such as QTV driving sales 
The conditions in the markets we serve have improved and we expect this to 
continue going forward, although we do anticipate further volatility as there 
are a number of uncertainties that remain concerning the strength and speed of 
the wider economic recovery. The Group's business model and strategy continues 
to deliver new contracts, new customers and new products. This underlines the 
Board's confidence in the Group's prospects and its ability to prosper as the 
economic recovery strengthens." 
For further information please contact: 
Armour Group plc 
               Tel: 01892 502700 
George Dexter, Chief Executive 
John Harris, Finance Director 
FinnCap, Nominated Adviser and Broker 
Tel: 0207 600 1658 
Geoff Nash 
Stephen Norcross (Sales) 
Threadneedle Communications, Financial PR 
Tel: 0207 653 9850 
Trevor Bass, Alex White 
                          Unaudited Interim Statement 
                     For the six months to 28 February 2010 
Results and Dividend 
The Group results for the six months to 28 February 2010 reflect a significant 
year-on-year improvement with sales up 12% at GBP29.7m and profit after tax up 
55% at GBP0.8m. Both of the Group's operating divisions have traded profitably 
and continue to make satisfactory progress in these early stages of the wider 
economic recovery. 
·      Sales up 12% at GBP29.7 million (2009: GBP26.7 million). 
·      Profit from operations up 21% at GBP1.2 million (2009: GBP1.0 million). 
·      Profit after taxation up 55% at GBP0.8 million (2009: GBP0.5 million). 
·      Cash outflow from operating activities of GBP0.3 million (2009: inflow 
GBP3.0 million). 
·      Basic earnings per ordinary share up 63% at 1.3p (2009: 0.8p). 
The Board is not recommending an interim dividend. 
The Group's operations have benefited from the general improvement in the 
trading environment, which we started to see in August/September 2009. Our 
strategy to maintain investment in new product development throughout 2009 has 
undoubtedly helped sales, with new products such as QTV driving sales growth. 
The Group's performance in the run into Christmas was very pleasing, 
particularly in Armour Home where sales were buoyant. The poor weather in the UK 
in the important January sales period was a set back which left stock unsold 
with retailers, depressed our sales and caused stock to be held up in our supply 
chain. This in turn left the Group with higher than anticipated working capital 
at the half year stage resulting in a weaker cash performance. An improvement in 
working capital is expected during the second half of the year. Overall, whilst 
our results for the six months to 28 February 2010 have been tempered by the 
inclement weather, they are nevertheless very pleasing given the difficulties of 
Armour Home 
Armour Home has delivered a solid performance in the first six months of the 
year with sales growing by 15% to GBP23.5m. Market conditions have improved with 
the trading performance in the Christmas period well ahead of last year, 
although this out-performance has been partially offset by weaker trading in 
January and February caused by the heavy snow across the UK. 
There have been strong sales performances from the Alphason brand of 
audio-visual furniture and Q Acoustics, particularly the new QTV discreet 
speaker system for flat screen televisions and the award winning Q 2000 series 
hi-fi speakers. 
Sales into the retail channel have performed well with year-on-year growth 
across both the independent retailer channel and the national accounts. A 
combination of new products and additional product listings, both with existing 
and new customers, has helped to drive sales in the first six months. 
The home automation sales channel has continued to be sluggish in terms of 
sales, caused by the subdued nature of the house building and renovation market. 
There are clear signs that market conditions are improving and we are seeing a 
significant increase in enquiries and specifications for our products. Whilst 
this is encouraging, the lead time on orders in this market is long, due to the 
build schedules, and consequently the positive impact of the improving market is 
unlikely to have a major effect in the current financial year. 
The second half of the financial year presents grounds for continued cautious 
optimism with the Football World Cup expected to be a driver of consumer demand 
for televisions and associated accessories, which in turn is expected to benefit 
Armour Home's sales. 
Armour Auto 
The automotive market remains a tough environment. Whilst there are signs that 
markets will improve, progress has proved slow with Armour Auto's sales in the 
first six months being in line with last year. 
In the retail market our sales performance has been mixed. We continue to see 
year-on-year improvement of sales into the independent retailer channel, which 
we believe comes from increased market share. Demand remains volatile from one 
month to another, but it is encouraging that the underlying trend with 
independent retailers is one of growth. In the national accounts channel, the 
trading performance has been more challenging with key customers continuing to 
reduce their stock levels and restrict new product listings. 
Sales into the non-retail channels are in line with last year. Given the decline 
suffered through 2009, we see this stable platform as a positive sign going 
forward. The new contracts won in 2009 are all now on stream and it is very 
encouraging to report that further contract wins have been secured in the first 
six months of the current financial year which should start to generate revenues 
in the second half of the year. We expect that by the end of the financial year, 
this channel will show respectable year-on-year sales growth. 
Our business in Scandinavia, Armour Nordic, which forms part of Armour Auto, has 
had a good first six months. The expansion of our operations into Norway 
continues to gather momentum which, when taken with the incorporation of our 
home product portfolio into the Swedish operations, have delivered strong 
incremental sales growth in the Nordic region. 
Looking forward to the second half of the financial year, we believe that Armour 
Auto will deliver a modest year-on-year improvement, although the general 
conditions in the automotive aftermarket are expected to remain relatively 
The Group has made good progress in the first six months of the year. The 
conditions in the markets we serve have improved and we expect this to continue 
going forward, although we do anticipate further volatility as there are a 
number of uncertainties that remain concerning the strength and speed of the 
wider economic recovery. The Group's business model and strategy continues to 
deliver new contracts, new customers and new products. This underlines the 
Board's confidence in the Group's prospects and its ability to prosper as the 
economic recovery strengthens. 
Bob Morton      George Dexter 
                     Chief Executive 
10 May 2010 
For the six months to 28 February 2010 
|                                |       |         Six |         Six |   Twelve | 
|                                |       |      months |      months |   months | 
|                                |       |          to |          to |       to | 
|                                |Notes  |          28 |          28 |       31 | 
|                                |       |    February |    February |   August | 
|                                |       |       2010  |        2009 |     2009 | 
|                                |       | (Unaudited) | (Unaudited) |          | 
|                                |       |      GBP000 |      GBP000 |   GBP000 | 
|                                |       |             |             |          | 
|                                |       |             |             |          | 
| Revenue                        |  2    |      29,735 |      26,663 |   51,614 | 
|                                |       |             |             |          | 
| Profit from operations         |       |       1,225 |       1,010 |    1,528 | 
| Share of loss of associates    |       |           - |        (20) |     (16) | 
| Finance income                 |       |           4 |          12 |       17 | 
| Finance expense                |       |        (99) |       (271) |    (409) | 
| Profit before taxation         |       |       1,130 |         731 |    1,120 | 
| Taxation expense               |  3    |       (309) |       (201) |    (234) | 
| Profit for the financial       |       |         821 |         530 |      886 | 
| period                         |       |             |             |          | 
|                                |       |             |             |          | 
| Other comprehensive income     |       |             |             |          | 
| Exchange gain/(loss) arising   |       |          28 |        (23) |      (5) | 
| on translation of foreign      |       |             |             |          | 
| operations                     |       |             |             |          | 
| Total comprehensive income     |       |         849 |         507 |      881 | 
|                                |       |             |             |          | 
|                                |       |             |             |          | 
|                                |       |             |             |          | 
|                                |       |             |             |          | 
| Earnings per ordinary share    |  4    |             |             |          | 
|                                |       |             |             |          | 
| Basic                          |       |        1.3p |        0.8p |     1.4p | 
| Diluted                        |       |        1.3p |        0.8p |     1.4p | 
|                                |       |             |             |          | 
At 28 February 2010 
|                                |    |          28 |          28 |       31 | 
|                                |    |    February |    February |   August | 
|                                |    |        2010 |        2009 |     2009 | 
|                                |    | (Unaudited) | (Unaudited) |          | 
|                                |    |      GBP000 |      GBP000 |   GBP000 | 
|                                |    |             |             |          | 
| Non-current assets             |    |             |             |          | 
| Goodwill                       |    |      21,084 |      21,082 |   21,084 | 
| Other intangible assets        |    |       3,877 |       2,317 |    3,112 | 
| Property, plant and equipment  |    |       1,930 |       2,014 |    2,044 | 
| Investment in associates       |    |           - |         348 |      352 | 
| Total non-current assets       |    |      26,891 |      25,761 |   26,592 | 
|                                |    |             |             |          | 
| Current assets                 |    |             |             |          | 
| Inventories                    |    |      13,075 |      11,710 |   11,681 | 
| Trade and other receivables    |    |      10,247 |       9,185 |    9,876 | 
| Cash and cash equivalents      |    |          88 |         115 |       72 | 
| Total current assets           |    |      23,410 |      21,010 |   21,629 | 
| Total assets                   |    |      50,301 |      46,771 |   48,221 | 
|                                |    |             |             |          | 
|                                |    |             |             |          | 
| Current liabilities            |    |             |             |          | 
| Bank overdrafts and borrowings |    |     (5,459) |     (5,418) |  (3,521) | 
| Trade and other payables       |    |    (12,261) |     (8,898) | (12,465) | 
| Corporation taxation liability |    |       (652) |       (639) |    (580) | 
| Provisions                     |    |       (167) |       (120) |     (95) | 
| Total current liabilities      |    |    (18,539) |    (15,075) | (16,661) | 
|                                |    |             |             |          | 
| Non-current liabilities        |    |             |             |          | 
| Borrowings                     |    |       (957) |     (1,917) |  (1,438) | 
| Provisions                     |    |           - |       (197) |    (141) | 
| Deferred taxation liability    |    |       (806) |       (659) |    (656) | 
| Total non-current liabilities  |    |     (1,763) |     (2,773) |  (2,235) | 
| Total liabilities              |    |    (20,302) |    (17,848) | (18,896) | 
| Total net assets               |    |      29,999 |      28,923 |   29,325 | 
|                                |    |             |             |          | 
|                                |    |             |             |          | 
|                                |    |             |             |          | 
| Equity                         |    |             |             |          | 
| Share capital                  |    |       6,848 |       6,848 |    6,848 | 
| Share premium                  |    |       8,513 |       8,513 |    8,513 | 
| Other reserves                 |    |         871 |         871 |      871 | 
| Retained earnings              |    |      14,248 |      13,218 |   13,602 | 
| Translation reserve            |    |          91 |          45 |       63 | 
| Share trust reserve            |    |       (572) |       (572) |    (572) | 
| Total equity                   |    |      29,999 |      28,923 |   29,325 | 
For the six months to 28 February 2010 (unaudited) 
|                |   Share |   Share |    Other | Retained | Translation |   Share |  Total | 
|                | capital | premium | reserves | earnings |     reserve |   trust | equity | 
|                |         |         |          |          |             | reserve |        | 
|                |  GBP000 |  GBP000 |   GBP000 |   GBP000 |      GBP000 |  GBP000 | GBP000 | 
| At 1 September |   6,848 |   8,513 |      871 |   13,602 |          63 |   (572) | 29,325 | 
| 2009           |         |         |          |          |             |         |        | 
| Total          |       - |       - |        - |      821 |          28 |       - |    849 | 
| comprehensive  |         |         |          |          |             |         |        | 
| income         |         |         |          |          |             |         |        | 
| Share-based    |       - |       - |        - |       20 |           - |       - |     20 | 
| payments       |         |         |          |          |             |         |        | 
| Dividend       |       - |       - |        - |    (195) |           - |       - |  (195) | 
| At 28 February |   6,848 |   8,513 |      871 |   14,248 |          91 |   (572) | 29,999 | 
| 2010           |         |         |          |          |             |         |        | 
For the six months to 28 February 2009 (unaudited) 
|                |   Share |   Share |    Other | Retained | Translation |   Share |  Total | 
|                | capital | premium | reserves | earnings |     reserve |   trust | equity | 
|                |         |         |          |          |             | reserve |        | 
|                |  GBP000 |  GBP000 |   GBP000 |   GBP000 |      GBP000 |  GBP000 | GBP000 | 
| At 1 September |   6,848 |   8,513 |      871 |   13,074 |          68 |   (572) | 28,802 | 
| 2008           |         |         |          |          |             |         |        | 
| Total          |       - |       - |        - |      530 |        (23) |       - |    507 | 
| comprehensive  |         |         |          |          |             |         |        | 
| income         |         |         |          |          |             |         |        | 
| Share-based    |       - |       - |        - |       37 |           - |       - |     37 | 
| payments       |         |         |          |          |             |         |        | 
| Dividend       |       - |       - |        - |    (423) |           - |       - |  (423) | 
| At 29 February |   6,848 |   8,513 |      871 |   13,218 |          45 |   (572) | 28,923 | 
| 2009           |         |         |          |          |             |         |        | 
For the twelve months ended 31 August 2009 
|                |   Share |   Share |    Other | Retained | Translation |   Share |  Total | 
|                | capital | premium | reserves | earnings |     reserve |   trust | equity | 
|                |         |         |          |          |             | reserve |        | 
|                |  GBP000 |  GBP000 |   GBP000 |   GBP000 |      GBP000 |  GBP000 | GBP000 | 
| At 1 September |   6,848 |   8,513 |      871 |   13,074 |          68 |   (572) | 28,802 | 
| 2008           |         |         |          |          |             |         |        | 
| Total          |       - |       - |        - |      886 |         (5) |       - |    881 | 
| comprehensive  |         |         |          |          |             |         |        | 
| income         |         |         |          |          |             |         |        | 
| Share-based    |       - |       - |        - |       65 |           - |       - |     65 | 
| payments       |         |         |          |          |             |         |        | 
| Dividend       |       - |       - |        - |    (423) |           - |       - |  (423) | 
| At 31 August   |   6,848 |   8,513 |      871 |   13,602 |          63 |   (572) | 29,325 | 
| 2009           |         |         |          |          |             |         |        | 
For the six months to 28 February 2010 
|                                |       |         Six |         Six |   Twelve | 
|                                |       |      months |      months |   months | 
|                                |       |          to |          to |       to | 
|                                |       |          28 |          28 |       31 | 
|                                |Notes  |    February |    February |   August | 
|                                |       |        2010 |        2009 |     2009 | 
|                                |       | (Unaudited) | (Unaudited) |          | 
|                                |       |      GBP000 |      GBP000 |   GBP000 | 
|                                |       |             |             |          | 
| Cash flow from operating       |       |             |             |          | 
| activities                     |       |             |             |          | 
| Cash generated from operations |  5    |       (321) |       2,999 |    7,171 | 
| Income taxes (paid)/recovered  |       |        (88) |         251 |      156 | 
| Net cash from operating        |       |       (409) |       3,250 |    7,327 | 
| activities                     |       |             |             |          | 
|                                |       |             |             |          | 
| Investing activities           |       |             |             |          | 
| Acquisition of subsidiary      |       |           - |           - |      (2) | 
| undertaking, net of cash       |       |             |             |          | 
| acquired                       |       |             |             |          | 
| Purchase of property, plant    |       |       (187) |       (229) |    (604) | 
| and equipment                  |       |             |             |          | 
| Sale of property, plant and    |       |           1 |          20 |       40 | 
| equipment                      |       |             |             |          | 
| Expenditure on intangible      |       |       (770) |       (608) |  (1,853) | 
| assets                         |       |             |             |          | 
| Interest received              |       |           4 |          12 |       17 | 
| Net cash used in investing     |       |       (952) |       (805) |  (2,402) | 
| activities                     |       |             |             |          | 
|                                |       |             |             |          | 
| Financing activities           |       |             |             |          | 
| Dividend paid                  |       |           - |       (423) |    (423) | 
| Repayment of bank loans        |       |       (500) |       (360) |    (720) | 
| Interest paid                  |       |        (89) |       (326) |    (475) | 
| Net cash used in financing     |       |       (589) |     (1,109) |  (1,618) | 
| activities                     |       |             |             |          | 
|                                |       |             |             |          | 
| Net (decrease)/increase in     |  6    |     (1,950) |       1,336 |    3,307 | 
| cash, cash equivalents         |       |             |             |          | 
|      and bank overdrafts       |       |             |             |          | 
| Currency variations            |       |          27 |        (23) |      (6) | 
| Cash, cash equivalents and     |       |     (2,491) |     (5,792) |  (5,792) | 
| bank overdrafts                |       |             |             |          | 
| at the start of the            |       |             |             |          | 
| period                         |       |             |             |          | 
| Cash, cash equivalents and     |       |     (4,414) |     (4,479) |  (2,491) | 
| bank overdrafts                |       |             |             |          | 
|  at the end of the period      |       |             |             |          | 
Notes to the Interim Financial Statements 
1.         Basis of Preparation 
These interim financial statements have been prepared using the recognition and 
measurement principles of International Accounting Standards, International 
Financial Reporting Standards and Interpretations adopted for use in the 
European Union (collectively "Adopted IFRS"). 
The principal accounting policies used in preparing these interim financial 
statements are those expected to apply to the Group's Consolidated Financial 
Statements for the year ending 31 August 2010 and are unchanged from those 
disclosed in the Group's Annual Report for the year ended 31 August 2009. 
As a result of the application of IAS1 (Amendment): Presentation of Financial 
Statements, the Group has elected to present a single Consolidated Statement of 
Comprehensive Income which replaces the previously published Consolidated Income 
The financial information for the six months ended 28 February 2010 and 28 
February 2009 is unaudited and does not constitute statutory financial 
statements for those periods. 
The comparative financial information for the twelve months ended 31 August 2009 
has been derived from the audited statutory financial statements for that year. 
These financial statements were approved by shareholders at the Annual General 
Meeting and have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The Auditors' 
Report on those financial statements was unqualified, did not include a 
reference to any matters to which the Auditors drew attention by way of emphasis 
without qualifying their report and did not include a statement under section 
498(2) or 498(3) of the Companies Act 2006. 
The Board of Directors approved this interim report on 10 May 2010. 
2.         Business Segments 
The Group operates in the following main business segments: 
Armour Auto:              The design, manufacture and supply of products for the 
in-car communications and entertainment market. 
Armour Home:            The design, manufacture and supply of products into the 
Hi-Fi, home theatre, home entertainment and office furniture markets. 
Central operations:     The provision of finance and support services, including 
future product concepts and Hong Kong based quality control, to the other 
business segments within the Group. 
|                                |    |         Six |         Six |   Twelve | 
|                                |    |      months |      months |   months | 
|                                |    |          to |          to |       to | 
|                                |    |          28 |          28 |       31 | 
|                                |    |    February |    February |   August | 
|                                |    |        2010 |        2009 |     2009 | 
|                                |    | (Unaudited) | (Unaudited) |          | 
|                                |    |      GBP000 |      GBP000 |   GBP000 | 
| Revenue by business segment    |    |             |             |          | 
| Armour Auto                    |    |       6,217 |       6,264 |   13,092 | 
| Armour Home                    |    |      23,518 |      20,399 |   38,522 | 
| Total                          |    |      29,735 |      26,663 |   51,614 | 
| Revenue by location of         |    |             |             |          | 
| customers                      |    |             |             |          | 
| United Kingdom                 |    |      24,385 |      21,848 |   41,851 | 
| Hong Kong                      |    |         862 |         848 |    2,074 | 
| Sweden                         |    |         856 |         665 |    1,603 | 
| France                         |    |         681 |         560 |    1,025 | 
| Other countries                |    |       2,951 |       2,742 |    5,061 | 
| Total                          |    |      29,735 |      26,663 |   51,614 | 
3.         Taxation 
The taxation charge for the six months to 28 February 2010 is based on the 
effective taxation rate, which is estimated will apply to earnings for the year 
ending 31 August 2010. 
4.         Earnings per Ordinary Share 
Basic earnings per ordinary share are calculated using the weighted average 
number of ordinary shares in issue during the financial period of 65,056,067 (28 
February 2009: 65,056,067 and 31 August 2009: 65,056,067). 
Diluted earnings per ordinary share are calculated using the weighted average 
number of ordinary shares in issue during the financial period of 65,056,067 (28 
February 2009: 65,056,067 and 31 August 2009: 65,056,067). The effect of the 
exercise of options on the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue 
is nil for all periods. 
The weighted average number of ordinary shares held by the Armour Employees' 
Share Trust of 3,424,000 (28 February 2009: 3,424,000 and 31 August 2009: 
3,424,000) are not included in either the weighted average, or diluted weighted 
average, ordinary shares in issue during the financial period. 
Underlying earnings per ordinary share is also shown calculated by reference to 
earnings before share-based payments. The Directors consider that this gives a 
useful additional indication of underlying performance. 
|                             |     Six      |     Six      |    Twelve    | 
|                             |  months to   |  months to   |  months to   | 
|                             |      28      |      28      |  31 August   | 
|                             |  February    |  February    |    2009      | 
|                             |    2010      |    2009      |              | 
|                             | (Unaudited)  | (Unaudited)  |              | 
|                             | GBP000 |   p | GBP000 |   p | GBP000 |   p | 
|                             |        |     |        |     |        |     | 
| Basic earnings per ordinary |        |     |        |     |        |     | 
| share                       |        |     |        |     |        |     | 
| Profit for the financial    |    821 | 1.3 |    530 | 0.8 |    886 | 1.4 | 
| period                      |        |     |        |     |        |     | 
| Share-based payments        |     20 |   - |     37 | 0.1 |     65 | 0.1 | 
| Underlying earnings         |    841 | 1.3 |    567 | 0.9 |    951 | 1.5 | 
|                             |        |     |        |     |        |     | 
|                             |        |     |        |     |        |     | 
| Diluted earnings per        |        |     |        |     |        |     | 
| ordinary share              |        |     |        |     |        |     | 
| Profit for the financial    |    821 | 1.3 |    530 | 0.8 |    886 | 1.4 | 
| period                      |        |     |        |     |        |     | 
| Share-based payments        |     20 |   - |     37 | 0.1 |     65 | 0.1 | 
| Underlying earnings         |    841 | 1.3 |    567 | 0.9 |    951 | 1.5 | 
5.         Net Cash Inflow from Operations 
|                                     |         Six |         Six |   Twelve | 
|                                     |      months |      months |   months | 
|                                     |          to |          to |       to | 
|                                     |          28 |          28 |       31 | 
|                                     |    February |    February |   August | 
|                                     |        2010 |        2009 |     2009 | 
|                                     | (Unaudited) | (Unaudited) |          | 
|                                     |      GBP000 |      GBP000 |   GBP000 | 
|                                     |             |             |          | 
| Profit from operations              |       1,225 |       1,010 |    1,528 | 
| Depreciation of property, plant and |         296 |         309 |      631 | 
| equipment                           |             |             |          | 
| Amortisation of intangible assets   |         453 |         332 |      782 | 
| Share-based payments                |          20 |          37 |       65 | 
| Gain on sale of property, plant and |        (92) |        (12) |      (9) | 
| equipment and fair value            |             |             |          | 
| adjustments                         |             |             |          | 
| (Increase)/decrease in inventories  |     (1,394) |       1,116 |    1,145 | 
| (Increase)/decrease in trade and    |       (372) |       1,035 |      344 | 
| other receivables                   |             |             |          | 
| (Decrease)/increase in trade, other |       (457) |       (828) |    2,685 | 
| payables and provisions             |             |             |          | 
| Net cash from operations            |       (321) |       2,999 |    7,171 | 
6.         Reconciliation of Net Cash Flow to Movement in Net Debt 
Net debt incorporates the Group's borrowings and bank overdrafts less cash and 
cash equivalents. A reconciliation of the movement in the net debt is shown 
|                                     |          Six |         Six |   Twelve | 
|                                     |       months |      months |   months | 
|                                     |           to |          to |       to | 
|                                     |           28 |          28 |       31 | 
|                                     |     February |    February |   August | 
|                                     |         2010 |        2009 |     2009 | 
|                                     |  (Unaudited) | (Unaudited) |          | 
|                                     |       GBP000 |      GBP000 |   GBP000 | 
|                                     |              |             |          | 
| Net (decrease)/increase in cash and |      (1,950) |       1,336 |    3,307 | 
| cash equivalents                    |              |             |          | 
| Net cash outflow from debt          |          500 |         360 |      720 | 
| financing                           |              |             |          | 
| Other non-cash movements            |            9 |        (42) |     (40) | 
| (Increase)/decrease in net debt in  |      (1,441) |       1,654 |    3,987 | 
| the financial period                |              |             |          | 
| Opening net debt                    |      (4,887) |     (8,874) |  (8,874) | 
| Closing net debt                    |      (6,328) |     (7,220) |  (4,887) | 
7.         Copies of Interim Report 
Copies of this interim report are being sent to shareholders and will also be 
made available upon request to members of the public at the Company's Registered 
Office, Lonsdale House, 7-9 Lonsdale Gardens, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, TN1 1NU. 
This interim report can also be viewed on the Group's website: 
                                  ABOUT ARMOUR 
Armour Group is the United Kingdom's leading consumer electronics group within 
the home and in-car communications and entertainment markets, committed to 
designing, manufacturing and distributing leading-edge audio and visual products 
and solutions. 
Armour Group has two principal operating divisions, Armour Home and Armour Auto, 
and employs over 300 people across eight operating sites in the UK, Scandinavia 
and Hong Kong. 
The Group possesses a strong brand portfolio, including more than 6,000 products 
and accessories, which is underpinned by innovative product development and 
investment in proprietary technology. 
An unrivalled distribution capability ensures that products are supplied direct 
to more than 6,000 retail outlets within the UK and to customers in 68 countries 
worldwide. Armour Group is also a leading supplier of audio and visual 
technology to a host of non-retail customers including vehicle manufacturers, 
hotel chains, house builders and custom installers. 
The Group's strength is based on 5 fundamentals: 
·      Strong recognised brands 
·      Quality product portfolio 
·      Structured programme of product innovation 
·      Unrivalled distribution into the UK's retail electronics market 
·      First class customer service 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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Armour Group (LSE:AMR)
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