1 October 2014

                           Continental Coal Limited

                    ("Continental Coal" or "the Company")


Please find attached extracts from the Company's Annual Report for the year
ended 30 June 2014, being the:

- Statement of Income;

- Statement of Other Comprehensive Income;

- Statement of Financial Position;

- Statement of Changes in Equity;

- Statement of Cashflow; and

- Reserve and Resource Statement.

A copy of the full Annual Report is available on the Company's website at
www.conticoal.com and also at the Australian Securities Exchange website,

Yours faithfully

Peter Landau
Executive Director


                       FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2014

                                         Note      Consolidated
                                                     2014       2013

                                                   A$'000     A$'000

Operating sales revenue                    2       68,706     62,230

Operating expenses                               (59,537)   (55,181)
Depreciation & amortisation                       (6,862)    (4,190)
Cost of sales                              3     (66,399)   (59,371)
Gross profit                                        2,307      2,859

Other income                               2        4,180      4,130
Administration expenses                    3     (11,595)   (11,533)
Finance expenses                           3     (26,939)   (13,888)
Impairment expenses                        3      (2,208)   (28,126)
Marketing expenses                                  (225)      (266)
Other expenses                             3      (1,384)    (2,618)
Loss before income tax                           (35,864)   (49,442)

Income tax benefit                         4        1,338      1,101
Loss after income tax from continuing
operations                                       (34,526)   (48,341)

Loss from discontinued operation          10            -    (1,147)
Loss for the year                                (34,526)   (49,488)

Net profit/(loss) is attributable to:
Owners of Continental Coal Limited               (30,295)   (35,720)
Non-controlling interests                         (4,231)   (13,768)
                                                 (34,526)   (49,488)

Loss per share for loss from continuing
operations attributable to the ordinary
equity holders of the Company:
Basic loss per share

(cents per share)                          6       (4.30)     (6.56)
Diluted loss per share

(cents per share)                          6       (4.30)     (6.56)

The above Consolidated Income Statement should be read in conjunction with the
Notes to the Financial Statements.


                  FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2014

                                         Note      Consolidated
                                                     2014       2013
                                                   A$'000     A$'000

Loss for the year                                (34,526)   (49,488)

Other Comprehensive Income/(Loss)
Items that may be reclassified to profit
or loss
Exchange differences on translation of
foreign operations                                (3,140)    (6,052)
Changes in the fair value of cashflow
hedges, net of tax                                  2,679      3,087
Other comprehensive loss for the year,
net of tax                                          (461)    (2,965)
Total comprehensive loss for the year            (34,987)   (52,453)

Total comprehensive income/(loss) is
attributable to:
Owners of Continental Coal Limited               (32,695)   (38,177)
Non-controlling interests                         (2,292)   (14,276)
                                                 (34,987)   (52,453)

Total comprehensive loss for the period
attributable to owners of Continental
Coal Limited arises from:
Continuing operations                            (32,695)   (37,030)
Discontinued operations                                 -    (1,147)
                                                 (32,695)   (38,177)

The above Consolidated Statement of Other Comprehensive Income should be read
in conjunction with the Notes to the Financial Statements.


                              AS AT 30 JUNE 2014

                                         Note      Consolidated
                                                     2014      2013
                                                   A$'000    A$'000
Cash and cash equivalents                  7        3,619     4,496
Trade and other receivables                8        4,527     7,744
Inventories                                9        1,166     4,862
                                                    9,312    17,102
Non-current assets classified as held     10
for sale                                                -         -
TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS                                9,312    17,102

Trade and other receivables                8        3,936     2,981
Other assets                              11        2,411     1,658
Derivative financial instruments          12        7,047     2,400
Exploration expenditure                   15       47,306    54,139
Development expenditure                   16       63,988    75,040
Property, plant and equipment             17       13,792    13,462
Deferred tax assets                       18        2,107     3,022
TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS                          140,587   152,701
TOTAL ASSETS                                      149,899   169,803

Trade and other payables                  19       10,713    12,459
Deferred revenue                          20           53     5,859
Income tax payable                         4          501     1,115
Provisions                                24a       7,610       296
Borrowings                                21       69,531    18,531
Derivative financial instruments          12           80       228
Other financial liabilities               22        4,594     3,633
Provision for rehabilitation              24b       3,480     3,759
TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES                          96,562    45,880

Deferred revenue                          20            -     5,467
Provisions                                24a       3,688         -
Borrowings                                21       22,792    52,141
Other financial liabilities               22        6,094     6,984
Deferred tax liability                    23       19,503    23,009
Provision for rehabilitation              24b       8,364     9,594
TOTAL NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES                      60,441    97,195
TOTAL LIABILITIES                                 157,003   143,075
NET ASSETS                                        (7,104)    26,728

Issued capital                            25      236,733   236,032
Reserves                                  26      (3,776)   (2,838)
Accumulated losses                              (229,282) (198,987)
Capital and reserves attributable to
owners of Continental Coal Limited                  3,675    34,207
Amounts attributable to non-controlling
interests                                        (10,779)   (7,479)
TOTAL EQUITY                                      (7,104)    26,728
The above Consolidated Statement of Financial Position should be read in
conjunction with the notes to the Financial Statements.


                       FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2014

                    Share Accumulated     Foreign    Other Hedging  Option   Share  Shares    Total        Non-    Total
                  Capital      losses    Currency  Reserve Reserve Reserve   Based     and          Controlling
                 Ordinary             Translation                          Payment Options             Interest
                                          Reserve                          Reserve      to
                   A$'000      A$'000      A$'000   A$'000  A$'000  A$'000  A$'000  A$'000   A$'000      A$'000   A$'000
Balance at 1      220,015   (164,739)    (19,190)  (9,944)   (508)       -  30,798       -   56,433       8,089   64,522
July 2012
Loss for the            -    (35,720)           -        -       -       -       -       - (35,720)    (13,768) (49,488)
Exchange                -           -     (4,741)        -       -       -       -       -  (4,741)     (1,311)  (6,052)
differences on
translation of
Cashflow hedges,        -           -           -        -   2,284       -       -       -    2,284         803    3,087
net of tax
Total                   -    (35,720)     (4,741)        -   2,284       -       -       - (38,177)    (14,276) (52,453)
loss for the
with owners in
their capacity
as owners:
Shares issued      16,117           -           -        -       -       -       -       -   16,117           -   16,117
during the year
Transaction         (100)           -           -        -       -       -       -       -    (100)           -    (100)
Options issued          -           -           -        -       -       -     701       -      701           -      701
Transfers               -       1,472           -  (1,472)       -       -       -       -        -           -        -
Transactions            -           -           -    (766)       -       -       -       -    (766)     (1,026)  (1,792)
Dividends paid          -           -           -        -       -       -       -       -        -       (266)    (266)
Balance at 30     236,032   (198,987)    (23,931) (12,182)   1,776       -  31,499       -   34,207     (7,479)   26,728
June 2013

Loss for the            -    (30,295)           -        -       -       -       -       - (30,295)     (4,231) (34,526)
Exchange                -           -     (4,285)        -       -       -       -       -  (4,285)       1,145  (3,140)
differences on
translation of
Cashflow hedges,        -           -           -        -   1,885       -       -       -    1,885         794    2,679
net of tax
Total                   -    (30,295)     (4,285)        -   1,885       -       -       - (32,695)     (2,292) (34,987)
loss for the
with owners in
their capacity
as owners:
Shares issued         701           -           -        -       -       -       -       -      701           -      701
during the year
Transaction             -           -           -        -       -       -       -       -        -           -        -
Options issued          -           -           -        -       -       -       -       -        -           -        -
Transfers               -           -           -        -       -       -       -       -        -           -        -
Transactions            -           -           -    1,462       -       -       -       -    1,462           -    1,462
Dividends paid          -           -           -        -       -       -       -       -        -     (1,008)  (1,008)
Balance at 30     236,733   (229,282)    (28,216) (10,720)   3,661       -  31,499       -    3,675    (10,779)  (7,104)
June 2014

The above Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity should be read in
conjunction with the notes to the Financial Statements.


                       FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2014

                                             Note      Consolidated
                                                       2014      2013
                                                     A$'000    A$'000
Receipts from customers                              72,942    58,505
Payments to suppliers and employees                (70,782)  (70,488)
Interest received                                       358       249
Other income                                            196     2,196
Proceeds on settlement of commodity hedges   12a      1,026       336
Income tax paid                                     (1,978)   (1,080)
Net cash (used in)/provided by operating      30
activities                                            1,762  (10,282)

Payment for additional ownership interest in  13
subsidiary                                                -   (8,839)
Exploration expenditure                       15      (474)     (660)
Development costs                             16    (3,346)  (20,393)
Purchase of property, plant and equipment     17    (2,810)   (6,675)
Proceeds on disposal of property, plant and
equipment                                                96     1,092
Payments in relation to SIOC transaction                  -     (331)
Proceeds from sale of Vanmag                  10          -     8,696
Proceeds from release of restricted cash              1,937         -
Payments for purchase of other assets                 (957)     (642)
Net cash (used in) investing activities             (5,554)  (27,752)

Proceeds from issue of shares, net of
transaction costs                                         -     8,597
Interest and borrowing costs                          (380)   (1,227)
Payment of finance leases                              (63)         -
Proceeds from borrowings                              6,028    26,890
Repayment of borrowings                               (975)   (3,537)
Payment to fund Penumbra standby facility                 -   (1,930)
Payment of finance related royalty                     (56)     (533)
Dividends paid to non-controlling interest          (1,008)     (266)
Net cash provided by financing activities             3,546    27,994

Net (decrease)/increase in cash held                  (246)  (10,040)
Effect of the exchange rate changes on the
balance of cash held in foreign currencies
at the beginning of the financial year                (336)   (1,042)
Cash at beginning of financial year                   3,513    14,595

Cash at end of financial year                 7       2,931     3,513

The above Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows should be read in conjunction
with the Notes to the Financial Statements.

Reserve and Resource Statement

The Group's Coal Resource and Reserve Statements are as follows:-

(i) Group Resources Statement as at 31 July 2014:-

                                     (GTIS) (t)      (TTIS) (t)      INTEREST
Vlakvarkfontein                       8,703,480       6,803,316           44%
Penumbra                              8,421,911       7,134,875           74%
De Wittekrans       Measured         52,330,387      47,097,100           74%
Wesselton II                          4,201,199       3,570,800           74%
Leiden                                4,309,133       3,862,500           74%
                 Total Measured      77,966,110      68,468,591
Vlakplaats                           38,176,346      34,258,000           37%
Project X                             2,969,951       2,672,000           56%
Penumbra                              6,725,373       6,052,000           74%
De Wittekrans       Indicated        73,733,941      66,358,000           74%
Vaalbank                              8,809,511       7,928,000           52%
Wesselton II                          5,112,340       4,344,000           74%
Leiden                                1,996,754        179, 500           74%
                Total Indicated     137,524,217     121,791,500
Vlakplaats                           16,276,680      12,190,000           37%
Wolvenfontein                        36,725,119      31,200,000           74%
Project X                            11,687,034      10,517,000           56%
De Wittekrans                        66,618,671      59,940,000           74%
Knapdaar             Inferred        42,064,528      35,750,000           74%
Vaalbank                             13,937,555      12,540,000           52%
Wesselton II                          8,648,522       7,330,000           74%
Mooifontein                           3,092,970       2,620,000           74%
Leiden                               12,057,828      10,851,400           74%
Kweneng (1)                           2,159,000       2,051,050          100%
                 Total Inferred     213,267,906     184,989,450
          GRAND TOTAL RESOURCES     428,758,233     375,249,541

(1) JORC compliant.

(ii) Group Reserves Statement as at 31 July 2014:-

                                     SITU               RESERVE (t)  RESERVE (t)      INTEREST
                               (MTIS) (t)
Vlakvarkfontein    Proven       6,770,000    6,310,000    6,310,000            -           44%
Penumbra                        7,252,000    3,354,000    1,625,000      943,000           74%
De Wittekrans*                 47,097,100            -            -            -           74%
                Total Proved   61,119,100    9,664,000    7,935,000      943,000
Penumbra          Probable      5,399,400    4,828,000    2,637,000      939,000           74%
De Wittekrans*                 66,358,000   70,865,000   19,052,000   19,395,000           74%
              Total Probable   71,757,400   75,693,000   21,689,000   20,334,000
        GRAND TOTAL RESERVES  132,876,500   85,357,000   29,624,000   21,277,000
* The primary and secondary marketable coal reserves are subject to change in line with
results from the coal revenue optimisation exercise that is currently being undertaken.

These coal resources and coal reserves (excluding Kweneng) have been defined
in accordance with the 2007 South African Code for Reporting of Mineral
Resources and Mineral Reserves Code (SAMREC Code). The SAMREC Code requires
the use of the South African National Standard : South African Guide to the
Systematic Evaluation of Coal Resources and Coal Reserves (SANS10320:2004)
when classifying and reporting coal resources and reserves. SANS10320:2004
uses the principle of relative distances from boreholes with quality data for
the classification of coal resources. This standard was utilised by the
Company's consultants in calculating the project resources.

The above coal resource and coal reserve estimates are also in
compliance with and to the extent required by the 2012 Australasian Code for
Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves published
by the Joint Ore Reserves Committee of The Australasian Institute of Mining,
Metallurgy, Australian Institute of Geoscientists and Minerals Council of
Australia (JORC Code). Similarly to the SAMREC Code, the JORC Code uses the
principle of relative distances from boreholes with quality data for the
classification of coal resources. The SAMREC Code distances are narrower than
those required by the JORC Code, and hence, by reporting to SAMREC, the
requirements of the JORC Code have also been met.

Yours faithfully

Peter Landau
Executive Director

For further information please contact:

Peter Landau                     Media (Australia)
Continental Coal Limited         David Tasker
T:+ 61 8 9488 5220               Professional Public Relations
                                 T: +61 8 9388 0944

Nominated Advisor                Brokers
Oliver Morse/Trinity McIntyre    Jonathan Williams
RFC Ambrian Limited              RFC Ambrian Ltd
T: +61 8 9480 2500               T: +44 203 440 6817

About Continental Coal Limited

Continental Coal Limited (ASX:CCC/AIM: COOL) is a South African
thermal coal producer with a portfolio of projects located in South Africa's
major coal fields including two operating mines, the Vlakvarkfontein and
Penumbra Coal Mines, producing approx. 2Mtpa of thermal coal for the export
and domestic markets. A Feasibility Study was also completed on a proposed
third mine, the De Wittekrans Coal Project with a mining right granted in
September 2013.

Competent Persons Statement

The information in this report that relates to the Coal Resources
and Reserves has been prepared in accordance with the Australian Code for
Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves as
published by the Joint Ore Reserves Committee (JORC Code). The Australasian
Joint Ore Reserves Committee (JORC) and the JORC Code requires that Competent
Persons must belong to the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
(AusIMM), or the Australian Institute of Geoscientists (AIG), or a Recognized
Overseas Professional Organisation (ROPO). ROPOs are professional
organisations that the ASX, acting on advice from JORC and its parent
organisations, accepts as bodies to which Competent Persons may belong to for
the purpose of preparing documentation on Exploration Results and Mineral
Resources, on which reports to the ASX are based. The South African Council
for Natural Scientific Professions (SACNASP) as well as the Geological Society
of South Africa are considered as ROPOs by JORC.

The information in this report that relates to Coal Resources on
Vlakvarkfontein and Vlakplaats is based on resource estimates completed by Dr.
Philip John Hancox. Dr. Hancox is a member in good standing of the South
African Council for Natural Scientific Professions (SACNASP No. 400224/04) as
well as a Member and Fellow of the Geological Society of South Africa. He is
also a member of the Fossil Fuel Foundation, the Geostatistical Association of
South Africa, the Society of Economic Geologists, and a Core Member of the
Prospectors and Developer Association of Canada. Dr. Hancox has more than 12
years' experience in the South African Coal and Minerals industries, holds a
Ph.D from the University of the Witwatersrand (South Africa), and has authored
a number of published and unpublished academic articles on the Karoo Basin and
its contained coal, as well as over 50 peer reviewed scientific papers on
various aspects of sedimentary geology and palaeontology. Dr. Hancox has
sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and
type of deposit under consideration and to the activity which he is
undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as defined by the 2004 Edition of
the Australasian Code of Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources
and the Ore reserves. Within the constraints mentioned above, all work
undertaken by Dr. Hancox and related to the resource estimate was carried out
following industry best practice standards using the South African Code for
Reporting of Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves (the SAMREC Code, 2007) in
conjunction with the South African guide to the systematic evaluation of coal
resources and coal reserves (SANS 10320:2004) as a basis. As such the resource
statements contained in this report may be considered compliant with the JORC
Code. Dr. Hancox consents to the inclusion in the ASX release of the matters
based on his information in the form and context in which it appears.

The information in this report that relates to Coal Resources and
Reserves on Penumbra, Ferreira, De Wittekrans, Knapdaar, Project X, Vaalbank,
Leiden and Wesselton II is based on coal resource estimates completed by Mr.
Nico Denner, a full time employee of Gemecs (Pty) Ltd. Mr. Denner is a member
in good standing of the South African Council for Natural Scientific
Professions (SACNASP No. 400060/98) as well as a Member and Fellow of the
Geological Society of South Africa. He has more than 15 years' experience in
the South African Coal and Minerals industries. Mr. Denner has sufficient
experience which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of
deposit under consideration and to the activity which he is undertaking to
qualify as a Competent Person as defined by the 2004 Edition of the
Australasian Code of Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and
the Ore reserves. Within the constraints mentioned above, all work undertaken
by Mr. Denner and related to the resource estimate was carried out following
industry best practice standards using the South African Code for Reporting of
Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves (the SAMREC Code, 2007) in conjunction
with the South African guide to the systematic evaluation of coal resources
and coal reserves (SANS 10320:2004) as a basis. As such the resource
statements contained in this report may be considered compliant with the JORC
Code. Mr. Denner consents to the inclusion in the ASX release of the matters
based on his information in the form and context in which it appears.

Forward Looking Statement

This communication includes certain statements that may be deemed
"forward-looking statements" and information. All statements in this
communication, other than statements of historical facts, that address future
production, reserve potential, exploration drilling, exploitation activities
and events or developments that the Company expects to take place in the
future are forward-looking statements and information. Although the Company
believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements and
information are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not
guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ
materially from those in the forward-looking statements and information.
Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in
forward-looking statements include market prices, exploitation and exploration
successes, drilling and development results, production rates and operating
costs, continued availability of capital and financing and general economic,
market or business conditions. Investors are cautioned that any such
statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or
developments may differ materially from those stated.

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