RNS Number:1168Z
Conister Trust PLC
27 June 2007

Conister Trust PLC

27 June 2007

                      Conister Trust PLC Year-end results

        Audited results announcement for the year ended 31 December 2006

Chairman's statement


As your new chairman, I am very aware that Conister is a fundamental component
of the Manx financial scene, with a loyal and diverse local shareholder base.
Since its foundation in 1935, Conister has provided successive generations of
Island residents with fairly priced credit facilities.

However, in today's increasingly competitive marketplace, the provision of
consumer finance and related products provides an inadequate return on capital
employed for both the company and its shareholders. In recent years Conister has
struggled to maintain a reasonable level of profitability from its core
products. It became patently clear to the Board that the company required a
radical strategic re-think and re-capitalisation, whilst still maintaining the
important role of being the only truly independent Manx banking institution.
Your Board recognised that the Conister banking licence, held in a stable, well
regulated AAA rated domicile is an underutilised asset that could, and should,
provide greater shareholder value.

As part of the strategic review, Conister Trust PLC has implemented a number of
major developments in 2006. Firstly, we were able to strengthen our balance
sheet by injecting substantial new capital via Burnbrae Ltd, a Manx based
investment company with which I am connected. As a result, your Bank is now very
strongly capitalised. Secondly, this new capital has allowed us to create
TransBank, Conister's new E-commerce banking division, which has the ability to
generate a significant return. Our vision is to become the leading supplier of
prepaid card payment solutions through global business-to-business partnerships.
We are pleased to announce that we have six contracts signed for programs in
Australia, Canada, the Baltic States, the Isle of Man and the United Kingdom. In
addition, we have established a strong and healthy pipeline and we are
developing a significant number of new potential programs.

The performance of our traditional asset and personal finance business in the
Isle of Man has shown improvement due to focused management in this area. This
underlines our continued commitment both to the Isle of Man and to our
traditional customer and depositor base. We have also successfully launched a
new business stream - insurance premium financing.

The Bank is also focusing on attracting larger deposits from High Net Worth
Individuals and their enterprises. These individuals will provide us with an
opportunity to offer new and highly profitable products in the future.

Strategy - New Business

- Prepaid Cards

Conister Trust PLC has diversified into the E-commerce sector with the
establishment of TransBank, the new E-commerce division of Conister Trust PLC,
which will focus specifically on the prepaid card market.

The global opportunity for prepaid cards is estimated to be US$2.1 trillion+ and
the European market, whilst still in its infancy, has predicted annual growth of
110% till 2010. By this time, an estimated 360 million prepaid cards are
expected to have been issued in Europe, generating over 2.3 billion
transactions. The prepaid card market will only have reached 10% of its
potential by 2010.

We will develop business-to-business contracts with large global customers
seeking to deliver open-loop prepaid cards to their significant consumer bases.

+ Source: Visa (global prepaid market size across all segment types) - Personal
Consumption Expenditure

Our membership of MasterCard(TM)enables us to issue chip and pin prepaid cards,
branded with MasterCardTM, Maestro(TM)or Maestro InternationalTM, in # sterling,
Euro Euro and US$.

We have established partnerships with a number of proven processors and
operating companies. This model enables us to deliver tailor made programs to
our customers in a variety of market sectors.

This is a market which offers tremendous growth potential and I believe we will
build on the success we have already achieved.

- Premium Finance

A significant achievement in 2006 has been the launch of insurance premium
financing which has made a strong contribution to the Bank's results. This has
been achieved through an agreement with Group Direct.

Strategy - Existing Revenue Streams

- Asset and Personal Finance

The Bank's core business was focused on traditional hire purchase markets in the
Isle of Man and the UK. These markets are suffering from strong competition,
declining volumes and low profitability. Our strategy has been to focus on
improving performance and capitalising on new business opportunities following
the loss of a Manx competitor.

- Litigation Funding

Following a review of the litigation funding business, we have begun a planned
withdrawal from this market. There has been an increase in bad debt expenses and
costs associated with recovery; however we are making good progress collecting
outstanding receivables.

New Premises

Our current business premises in the Isle of Man are not suitable for a modern
operation. A new corporate head office is now under construction which will
better serve our future requirements. These leasehold premises should be
available for occupation towards the end of 2007. The current premises were
sold, realising a profit of #356,000.

Overview of Results

Our net operating income has declined to #3.9 million (2005: #4.2 million)
reflecting our withdrawal from litigation funding and the revenue generated by
litigation funding has reduced to #0.9 million (2005: #1.3 million).

Our overheads have increased by 28% to #4.1 million since 2005 reflecting the
strategy to transform the Bank and invest in new revenue streams. The increase
primarily comprises of the costs associated with the development of our prepaid
card offering. In addition, in order to drive the transformation of the Bank,
Conister Trust PLC has appointed a new Chief Executive and Senior Management
team. Severance payments were incurred with the departure of two directors and
additional costs have also been incurred associated with our withdrawal from
litigation funding.

In our traditional HP business net assets stand at #44.2 million (2005: #45.9
million). This generated income of #5.5 million (2005: #5.9 million). Looking
forward, trading conditions are expected to remain competitive in our
traditional markets.

Premium finance generated gross revenue in 2006 of #288,000 (2005: nil). It is
anticipated that the agreement with Group Direct will deliver lending of at
least #5 million annually over four years.

The Bank incurred a number of significant expenses during 2007. #300,000 was
incurred as part of a planned corporate restructuring which we expect to
complete in the latter part of 2007. A #262,000 loss was incurred due to aborted
acquisitions prior to our concentration on the prepaid card market. These have
been offset by a #356,000 profit generated from the sale of the premises in the
Isle of Man.

Thus the Bank incurred a loss on ordinary activities after tax of #815,000
(2005: #78,000 profit) in the year ending 31 December 2006. The results are in
line with the Board's expectations as we transform the Bank, building the
foundations for future success.

The underlying trading performance in the second six months of 2006, after
removing transformation costs and significant expenses, has shown an improvement
on the first six months.

Board and Executive Changes

During the year a number of non-executive directors have departed - Peter
Hammonds (former Chairman), Neil Kennedy, Simon Lee - and the executive director
Gareth Jones. I would like to express my, and the Board's, appreciation to all
for their service to Conister Trust PLC.

As previously announced Jerry Linehan joined Conister Trust PLC in March 2006 as
Chief Executive Officer. He has been joined by Ilyas Khan, Don McCrickard, Dr
Christopher Fay and Philip Stamp as non-executive directors. They have brought
to Conister considerable financial and banking expertise, supporting our new
strategy, providing strong leadership and creating an experienced Board.

International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS")

The results for the year ended 31 December 2006 are the last to be prepared
under UK Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. The 2007 interim results will
be the first prepared under IFRS.


The Board has resolved that a dividend will not be paid (2005: final dividend of
#nil and interim dividend of #0.3p per share).


I am pleased to report that the underlying trading performance is showing signs
of improvement.

We have made significant progress towards our strategic aim of establishing a
strong global position in the prepaid card market. The signing of six contracts
for programs in Australia, Canada, the Baltic States, the Isle of Man and the
United Kingdom is evidence of this ambition. Our pipeline is strong, with leads
being progressed in a number of different market sectors.

The Bank has been strongly recapitalised to support the strategic transformation
and during 2007 we will continue to invest strongly in our prepaid card division
and exploit the opportunities that we have generated.

Finally, I would like to express my personal thanks, and that of the Board, to
the staff at Conister Trust PLC who have worked extremely hard throughout the
year to ensure that the business is well positioned for the future.

For further information, please contact:

Conister Trust plc

Jeremiah Linehan

Tel +44 (0) 1624 694 694

Beaumont Cornish Limited

Roland Cornish

Tel +44 (0) 20 7628 3396

Consolidated Profit and Loss Account

for the year ended 31 December 2006

                                                    2006         2005
                                                    #000         #000

Interest receivable and similar income             7,082         7,461
Interest payable                                  (2,403)       (2,492)
                                                   ______       ______
Net interest income (gross income)                 4,679         4,969
Commissions                                         (843)         (848)
Other operating income                                75            56
                                                   ______       ______
Net operating income                               3,911         4,177
Operating expenses                                (4,106)       (3,210)
Project costs                                       (562)            -
Bad and doubtful debts - specific                   (496)         (586)
                              - general              (61)         (287)
Profit on sale of property                           356             -
                                                   ______       ______
(Loss)/profit on ordinary activities before         (958)           94
Taxation                                             143           (16)
                                                   ______       ______
(Loss)/profit on ordinary activities after          (815)           78
Dividends                                              -           (85)
                                                   ______       ______
Retained loss for the year                          (815)           (7)
                                                    =====        =====
Basic and fully diluted (loss)/earnings per        (2.27)p        0.28p
                                                    =====        =====

Balance Sheets

as at 31 December 2006

                                            Group               Company
                                        2006      2005      2006      2005
                                              Restated            Restated
                                        #000      #000      #000      #000

Cast at bank                         12,768     6,827    12,708    6,811
Customer accounts receivable         54,442    55,739    53,997   54,471
Current asset investment                446         -       446        -
Tangible fixed assets                   118       866        85      807
Investment in subsidiary                  -         -        10       10
Other debtors and prepayments           642       169       843      940
                                     ______    ______    ______    ______
Total assets                         68,416    63,601    68,089   63,039
                                      =====     =====     =====     =====
Deposit accounts                     52,398    52,884    52,398   52,884
Creditors and accrued charges           747       554     1,497    1,023
                                     ______    ______    ______    ______
                                     53,145    53,438    53,895   53,907
Capital resources
Called up share capital              10,486     7,111    10,486    7,111
Share premium account                 3,304       769     3,304      769
Share option reserve                    115        75       115       75
Profit and loss account                 992     1,724       (85)     693
                                     ______    ______    ______    ______
Equity shareholders' funds           14,897     9,679    13,820    8,648
                                     ______    ______    ______    ______
Total liabilites and equity          68,042    63,117    67,715   62,555
shareholders' funds excluding
pension liability
Pension liability                       374       484       374      484
                                     ______    ______    ______    ______
Total liabilities and equity         68,416    63,601    68,089   63,039
shareholders' funds including
pension liability
                                      =====     =====     =====     =====

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

for the year ended 31 December 2006

Reconciliation of (loss)/profit before               2006          2005
taxation to net operating cash flow                                Restated
                                                     #000          #000

(Loss)/profit before taxation                       (958)           94
Profit on sale of fixed assets                      (356)          (60)
Provision on fixed assets                              -           120
Depreciation charge                                   83           103
Share option expense                                  40            30
Pension scheme                                       (27)          (31)
Increase in trade debtors                           (361)          (32)
Increase/(decrease) in trade creditors               254          (206)
Loss on current asset investment                      25             -
                                                   ______        ______
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from trading            (1,300)           18
Decrease in customer accounts receivable           1,297         1,656
(Decrease)/increase in deposit accounts             (486)          183
                                                   ______        ______
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from operating            (489)        1,857
                                                   =====         =====

Cash flow statement                                  2006          2005
                                                     #000          #000

Net cash (outflow)/inflow from operating            (489)        1,857
Taxation                                              (1)          (49)
Management of liquid resources:
Purchase of investment                              (471)            -

Issue of share capital                             5,910             -

Capital Expenditure:
Purchase of tangible fixed assets                    (13)         (109)
Sale of tangible fixed assets                      1,034           150
                                                  ______        ______
                                                   5,970         1,849
Equity dividends paid                                  -          (222)
                                                  ______        ______
Increase in cash                                   5,970         1,627
                                                   =====         =====

Consolidated Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses

for the year ended 31 December 2006

                                                   2006       2005
                                                  #000        #000

(Loss)/profit for the financial year              (815)         78
Gain/(loss) on pension scheme                       95         (33)
Current tax associated with loss on pension          -           3
Deferred tax associated with loss on               (12)          -
pension scheme
                                               --------     -------
Total recognised gains and losses relating        (732)         48
to the year
Prior period adjustment
Adoption of Financial Reporting Standard 17          -        (482)

"Retirement Benefits"
Adoption of Financial Reporting Standard 20        (75)          -

"Share based payments"
                                              ---------     -------
Total gains and losses recognised since           (807)       (434)
last annual report
                                                  =====        ====

(Loss)/earnings per share

(Loss)/earnings per share figures are stated on the net basis, calculated on the
(loss)/profit on ordinary activities after taxation.
                                                       2006   2005

(Loss)/profit after tax for the year              #(815,000)        #78,000
                                                  =========        ========
Weighted average number of shares in issue       35,946,198      28,317,308
                                                  =========        ========

There is no difference between basic and fully diluted (loss)/earnings per

The adoption of Financial Reporting Standard 20 'Share based payment' ("FRS 20")
has required a change to the accounting treatment of share options and the prior
year Balance Sheet and results have been restated as shown.

The financial information set out in this statement is extracted from the
statutory financial statements which have been audited.

Report and Accounts

A copy of these results contained in the annual report and accounts for the year
ended 31 December 2006 will be posted to shareholders by 27 June 2007 and will
be available from that date from the Company's registered office, Conister
House, 16-18 Finch Road, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 2PT and will be posted on the
Company's web-site www.conistertrust.com.

                      This information is provided by RNS

            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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