Ekay PLC

Preliminary Announcement of Annual Results

for the year ended 30 June 2007

Ekay PLC ("Ekay" or the "Company") announces its results for the year ended 30
June 2007. Ekay is an advertising and marketing agency based in the UK and the
Channel Islands which specialises in advising clients on the use of television,
national and local press, magazines, the internet, direct mail and posters for
business development purposes.


  * Turnover increased by 35% to �49.3m (2006: �36.4m); Loss for the year of 
    �1.8m (2006: profit of �638,914), of which �1.7m was caused by exceptional
    items and discontinued activities, primarily in respect of specific bad
    debt provision
  * Profit on continuing operations, after adjusting for employee share option
  * Acquisitions of Wallace Barnaby and Campaign Management Associates
      + Ekay now a top ten regional advertising and marketing agency
  * Range of services continues to grow
      + With continued diversification into new industry groups to improve
        quality of earnings
  * Cash-generative in spite of loss; �1.6m of cash on balance sheet
  * Announced today: Appointment of Mike Lording, Finance Director, to the
Eddie Powell, Chief Executive, commented:

"The business has significantly grown over the last year through acquisition
and diversification into new industry sectors. Our plan is to become the
largest regional advertising agency in the UK.

"We look forward to the further development of the Group in terms of its aims
of growing its customer base through organic and acquisitive means."

                                                               26 November 2007


Ekay PLC                               Tel: 01474 334343                     
Eddie Powell, Chief Executive                                                
Daniel Stewart & Co Plc                Tel: 020 7776 6550                    
Oliver Rigby                                                                 
Nexus Financial Ltd                    Tel: 020 7451 7050                    
Nicholas Nelson/Kathy Boate                                                  

Ekay PLC

Chief Executive's and Chairman's Statement

Business Overview and Summary

This financial year, whilst problematic because of a number of bad debts
incurred by the Group, has been one of great change at Ekay, as we have seen it
grow substantially through acquisitions whilst implementing changes at the
operational level to ensure we are developing along with the changing market

More than ever, the Company is in a position to offer a full range of
advertising and marketing related services, and the growth we have seen in the
last year has allowed us to continue to invest in both geographical and
operational expansion.

The acquisition of Guernsey based Wallace Barnaby in November 2006 represented
a significant step for Ekay in terms of strengthening its regional offerings.
By adding Wallace Barnaby's impressive client list and strengths in both media
services and online offerings, the Group as a whole was able to realize its
objective of creating an enlarged regional agency with improved service

We are happy to report that Wallace Barnaby has successfully been integrated
with Ekay following the acquisition and has proved earnings enhancing It has
created cross-marketing opportunities for both and the appointment of Bruce
Wallace to the Board of Directors has allowed us to utilise his experience and
in-depth knowledge of the marketplace.

In June 2007 the Company acquired Campaign Management Associates Limited
("CMA") also based in Guernsey. CMA provides public relations, design and print
services and event management to the public and private sectors in the Channel
Islands and the UK, with the majority of business focused on the latter.

We identified several synergies with Wallace Barnaby and are pleased that CMA
is now fully integrated with Wallace Barnaby and has moved into their offices.
This will allow an improved offering to all clients of the enlarged group, as
Ekay as a whole can offer additional public relations and event management
services at a more in-depth level, with a dedicated team in place to provide
these services.

Financial Summary

Revenue for the Group increased by 35% to �49.3m (2006: �36.4m) reflecting the
consolidation of the Wallace Barnaby acquisition. However, the Group incurred a
number of bad debts and other exceptional costs which resulted in a loss for
the year of �1.8m (2006: profit of �638,914). No dividend is proposed (2006: �

The business has shown itself to be robust and, with the integration of both
Wallace Barnaby and CMA, with the resulting synergies the Group has returned to
profitability in the first quarter of the current financial year. The impact of
the acquisitions has now been fully realised, as the Group was able to
strengthen identified areas within the enlarged group and expand its offerings
and client list.

The move into online marketing and advertising, where client margins are
smaller, has reduced margins as a result. However the increasing marketing
spend in this area is seen as an investment for the future. Ekay is already
seeing improved margins through the improved client mix, an additional benefit
being the reduced reliance on the sub-prime financial sector.

A number of exceptional items, most notably the potential bad debts with APS as
previously announced, have had a significant bearing on this past financial
year. APS Jersey is in liquidation, and the Company awaits the liquidators'
report on the prospects for recovery of the �1.05m due to Ekay. APS UK has
recently gone into administration owing Ekay �0.66m. Litigation against APS UK
was underway before it went into administration and significant legal fees to
complete this process have been provided for.

The Directors hope that there will be partial recovery of the amounts owed, but
that the most prudent view is to provide for the whole of the debt. The total
provision in the year is �1.86m including future legal fees.

Other exceptional items included a bad debt for First Class Mortgages of �
230,000 which was disclosed at the time of the interim results.

The Board has reviewed the Group's policy for recognising the carrying values
of current assets, notably work-in-progress, and decided to write-off �204,000.

The Directors have also fully written off their investment in Docklands
Holdings Limited, based in Jersey which was the intermediary which traded with
APS Jersey. The carrying value of the investment was �62,000, and the entity
reported a loss in the period of �97,000 and there were a further �57,000 of
write-offs. The company no longer trades, and only remains in existence while
the process with the liquidator continues.

Cost control measures being put in place will also have a significant positive
impact on the current financial year's profit.


The business has grown substantially over the last year through acquisition and
diversification into new industry sectors. Our plan is to become the largest
regional advertising agency in the UK.

The acquisitions of Wallace Barnaby and CMA and their integration have
increased our presence and improved our ability to service clients across a
broader spectrum. Existing and potential clients now have a full range of
services on hand as well as qualified and experienced teams to help guide them.

We welcome Mike Lording to the Board and thank all staff for their valuable
contribution. We look forward to the further profitable development of the
Company in the current financial year and beyond.

Tony Sullivan                          Eddie Powell                          
Chairman                               Chief Executive Officer               

Ekay PLC
Consolidated income statement
for the year ended 30 June 2007

                                 Year ended                            Year ended 
                                  30 June                               30 June   
                                    2007                                  2006    
             Notes  Continued   Discontinued Exceptional    Total        Total    
                    operations   operations     items                             
Revenue        2     48,624,121      691,198               49,315,319   36,388,709
Direct costs        (46,439,863)    (672,529)             (47,112,392) (34,109,644)
Gross profit          2,184,258       18,669                2,202,927    2,279,065
Other                   111,841                               111,841       61,239
Operating           (2,135,319)    (216,947)   (433,700)  (2,785,966)  (1,274,841)
costs before                                                                      
provision &                                                                       
Share option                                                                      
APS Mortgages                                (1,884,796)  (1,884,796)             
Share option          (151,385)                             (151,385)    (110,000)
Total               (2,286,704)    (216,947) (2,318,496)  (4,822,147)  (1,384,841)
Depreciation           (93,497)                              (93,497)     (67,417)
Total                  (84,102)    (198,278) (2,318,496)  (2,600,876)      888,046
Interest                 65,974        1,725                   67,699       78,171
Profit /               (18,128)    (196,553) (2,318,496)  (2,533,177)      966,217
loss before                                                                       
Income tax     3          5,387       58,399     688,867      752,653    (327,303)
Profit/loss            (12,741)    (138,154) (1,629,629)  (1,780,524)      638,914
for the year                                                                      
to equity                                                                         
holders of                                                                        
the parent                                                                        
Earnings per                                                                      
Basic          4                                               -4.64p        1.77p
loss per                                                                          
Diluted        4                                               -4.64p        1.69p
loss per                                                                          

Ekay PLC
Consolidated balance sheet
As at 30 June 2007
                                               As at         As at
                                        30 June 2007  30 June 2006
                                                   �             �
Non-current assets                                                
Property, plant and equipment                443,715       313,180
Goodwill                                   2,386,462             -
                                      --------------  ------------
                                           2,830,177       313,180
Current Assets                                                    
Trade and other receivables                2,929,099     5,396,531
Corporate income tax receivable              449,823             -
Cash and short term deposits               1,843,985       921,104
                                       ------------- -------------
                                           5,222,907     6,317,635
                                       ------------- -------------
Total assets                               8,053,084     6,630,815
                                       ------------- -------------
Equity and liabilities                                            
Equity attributable to equity                                     
holders of the parent                                                     
Share capital                                391,309       371,888
Share premium                                718,579             -
Retained earnings                          (941,807)       804,725
                                       ------------- -------------
                                             168,081     1,176,613
Current liabilities                                               
Trade and other payables                   7,862,990     5,123,995
Corporate income tax payable                  22,013       330,207
                                       ------------- -------------
Total liabilities                          7,885,003     5,454,202
                                       ------------- -------------
Total equity and liabilities               8,053,084     6,630,815
                                       ------------- -------------

Ekay PLC
Statement of changes in equity
for the year ended 30 June 2007

Group                              Share       Share       Retained           Total
                                 Capital     Premium       Earnings                
                                       �           �              �               �
Balance as at 1 July 2006        371,888           -        804,725       1,176,613
Credit on charge for share             -           -        151,385         151,385
Loss for the year                      -           -    (1,780,524)     (1,780,524)
                             ----------- -----------  ------------- ---------------
Total recognised income and      371,888           -      (824,414)       (452,526)
expense for the year                                                               
Dividend paid                          -           -      (117,393)       (117,393)
Issue of share capital for        19,421     718,579              -         738,000
Issue cost                             -           -              -               -
                             ----------- ----------- -------------- ---------------
                                 391,309     718,579      (941,807)         168,081
                             ----------- ----------- -------------- ---------------

Ekay PLC
Consolidated cash flow statements
for the year ended 30 June 2007

                                                    Year ended      Year ended
                                                       30 June         30 June
                                                          2007            2006
                                                             �               �
Cash flows from operating activities                                          
Loss from operations                               (2,600,876)         888,046
Share option charge for the year                       151,385         110,000
Depreciation of property, plant and equipment           93,497          67,417
                                               --------------- ---------------
Operating cash flows before movement in            (2,355,993)       1,065,463
working capital                                                               
Decrease in receivables                              1,875,551     (2,956,604)
Increase in payables                                 2,079,897       1,985,531
                                               --------------- ---------------
Cash generated from operations                       1,599,455          94,390
Income taxes paid                                        (200)       (247,991)
                                               --------------- ---------------
Net cash from/(used in) operating activities         1,599,255       (153,601)
Cash flows from investing activities                                          
Interest received                                       65,036          78,171
Investments                                        (1,510,860)        (64,675)
Disposal of fixed assets                                     -               -
Acquisition of fixed assets                           (28,770)        (65,119)
                                               --------------- ---------------
Net cash used in investment activities             (1,474,594)        (51,623)
Cash flows from financing activities                                          
Proceeds from issues of shares                         738,000         297,000
Cost of share issue                                          -       (368,183)
Dividends paid                                       (117,393)       (550,000)
                                               --------------- ---------------
Net cash from/(used in) financing activities           620,607       (621,183)
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash               745,268       (826,407)
Cash and cash equivalents at 1 July 2006               921,104       1,747,511
                                               --------------- ---------------
Cash and cash equivalents at 30 June 2007            1,666,372         921,104
                                               --------------- ---------------

Ekay PLC

Notes to the consolidated financial statements

1. Basis of accounting
The financial information contained in this report does not constitute
statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985.

The financial information contained in this report has been extracted from the
audited accounts of the Company for the year to 30 June 2007 for which the
auditors have given an unqualified report.

The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost
convention and in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards
incorporating International Accounting Standards as issued by the International
Accounting Standards Board (IFRS) and with those parts of the Companies Act,
1985 applicable to companies reporting under IFRS.

2. Segmental reporting

Turnover and profit before tax are attributable to the one principal activity
of the Group, that of a full service advertising and marketing agency. Turnover
from this business originated in the markets shown

                                           Year ended      Year ended
                                              30 June         30 June
                                                 2007            2006
                                                    �               �
United Kingdom                             31,306,062      36,388,709
Channel Islands                            18,009,257               -
                                      --------------- ---------------
                                           49,315,319      36,388,709

3. Income tax expense

                                                    Year ended   Year ended
                                                       30 June      30 June
                                                          2007         2006
                                                             �            �
Current income tax                                                         
Current year                                                 -      327,303
Under/(over) provision last year                     (327,303)             
                                                  ------------  -----------
Taxation attributable to the Company and its                 -      327,303
Deferred tax asset                                   (425,350)            -
                                                  ------------  -----------
                                                     (752,653)      327,303
                                                  ------------  -----------

4. Earnings per share

Earnings                                            Year ended   Year ended
                                                       30 June      30 June
                                                          2007         2006
Basic EPS                                                                  
Reported earnings (�)                              (1,780,524)      638,914
Reported EPS                                            -4.64p        1.77p
Diluted EPS                                                                
Diluted reported earnings (�)                      (1,780,524)      638,914
Reported diluted EPS                                    -4.64p        1.69p


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