RNS Number:9537X
Electra Kingsway VCT 3 Plc
07 June 2007

Electra Kingsway VCT 3 Plc ("the Company" or "the Fund")

Interim Results for the six months ended 31 March 2007

Financial Highlights (Unaudited)

Six months ended 31 March                                                                       2007       2006

Net Assets                                                                                    #39.7m     #23.3m
Net Asset Value per share                                                                    113.03p     94.19p

Percentage uplift since inception                                                              19.6%     (0.3)%

An interim dividend of 1.5p per share will be paid on 7 August 2007, to
shareholders on the Company's Register of Members at close of business on 6 July

A copy of the Chairman's Statement, Investment Manager's Report and Preliminary
Announcement are attached.

These unaudited interim results for the period ended 31 March 2007 do not
constitute the Statutory Financial Statements of the Company for the period
ended 31 March 2007 within the Meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985.

The figures and financial information in respect of the period ended 30
September 2006 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and included
the Auditors' Report which was unqualified and did not contain a statement under
either Section 237(2) or Section 237(3) of the Companies Act 1985.

Copies of the Interim Accounts to 31 March 2007 will be sent to shareholders
shortly and will thereafter be available from the Company's registered office.

For further information:

Nick Ross, Electra Kingsway VCT 3 Plc: 0207 214 4200

Chairman's Statement


I am pleased to be able to report that the Fund has enjoyed a strong period of
performance with the Net Asset Value per share rising to 113.0p. This is an
increase of 13.9% from the last published figure of 99.2p as at 30 September
2006. The Fund has made a very encouraging start, especially in view of the fact
that it is only in its second year of operation and is only partly invested.
Typically, in funds that specialise in unquoted investments, it takes up to
three years to become invested. It also takes a further period for the
investments themselves to mature, therefore the returns profile for Venture
Capital Trusts tends to be longer than for conventional quoted funds.

A key focus of the Investment Manager is to ensure that the Fund is invested in
a broadly diversified portfolio of unquoted and AIM listed companies. Progress
to date is encouraging, with the Fund having made five unquoted investments and
three AIM investments.

The majority of qualifying investments tend to be in profitable unquoted
companies, which tend to be sourced on lower earnings multiples than AIM listed
companies.  In addition, the Investment Manager uses loan stock instruments to
provide further downside protection.

As at 31 March 2007, the Fund had invested #7.1m in qualifying companies and
#5.7m in non-qualifying funds as set out in the Prospectus. The balance of the
investment monies were held in two liquidity funds which are currently paying
income primarily at a very small discount to base rates.


The Board has approved the payment of an interim dividend of 1.5p per ordinary
share, which will be paid on 7 August 2007 to shareholders on the Register of
Members at the close of business on 6 July 2007. This will be the Fund's first
dividend payment and I would like to remind shareholders of the tax free status
of dividend distributions from VCTs.

VCT Qualifying Status

The Fund is on track to meet the key test, which is to have 70% of its assets
invested in qualifying companies by 30 September 2008. The current pipeline of
potential transactions is good and the Investment Manager remains confident of
meeting this target.

Share Buyback policy

The Company operates a share buyback policy at a 10% discount to the last
published Net Asset Value, thus offering shareholders the opportunity to sell
their shares if required. During the period to 31 March 2007, the Company bought
back 5,137 ordinary shares for cancellation at an average price of 89.5p per

March 2007 Budget

The 2007 Budget contained further changes to the VCT regulations, which will
have some impact on funding in the industry. The two principal changes were the
introduction of two new conditions for investment in qualifying companies.
Firstly, an investee company may receive no more than #2 million from VCTs in a
12 month period.  Secondly, investee companies or groups may have no more than
50 full-time employees at the date of investment. These changes were implemented
to bring the industry into alignment with EEC legislation on state aid. The
important thing to note is that they only affect new monies raised after 6 April
2007 and will have no impact on the Fund as it stands.


The Fund has got off to a good start with the Net Asset Value per share rising
strongly, albeit that only a small percentage of the assets are invested in
qualifying companies. Given the Investment Manager's healthy deal pipeline, the
Fund is on track to meet its objectives.

Stuart Stradling, Chairman

7 June 2007

Investment Manager's Review


The Net Asset Value per share rose strongly in the period from 99.2p to 113.0p,
representing an uplift of 13.9%. The main drivers behind this performance were
the AIM stocks, Gyro International and Electra Private Equity. The largest
contributor was Worthington Nicholls, which specialises in the installation of
air conditioning. As at 31 March 2007, the company's shares had risen by 344%
since flotation. Given the strength of the shares, we took some profits during
the period. Jelf Group also continued to perform strongly, rising by a further
44.5%. The company recently reported encouraging results and the shares have
further upside potential. The Fund's holding in Electra Private Equity rose by
18.6% after the company reported good results and a positive outlook.

Investment Activity

Four new investments were added in the period, three of which were unquoted and
one was AIM listed. Gyro International is a brand management company in which
Electra Kingsway VCT Plc also has an investment. The company was seeking finance
for an acquisition and the investment was revalued to take into account peer
group valuations. Factory Media specialises in action sports magazines and is
seeking to bolt-on further titles and enhance its digital platform. Emote is a
publisher of games content and is working closely with Sony to establish a broad
gaming platform. Zamano operates a text messaging platform over which it seeks
to sell content for mobile phones. It floated on AIM in 2006 and recently
reported encouraging results.

Deal Flow

The key focus of our investment activity is to find profitable unquoted and AIM
listed companies which either have good growth potential and/or offer
opportunities for corporate development. A good example of the latter would be
Munro Global, a market research company, where a bolt-on acquisition has just
been completed with a further acquisition targeted. These acquisitions are
significantly value enhancing as they create scale in a fragmented market and
generate significant cost synergies. Given the long gestation period of unquoted
transactions, it is important to maintain an active deal pipeline of potential

Portfolio Summary

                                                                                 Performance in
                                                     Cost at    Valuation at       period ended          % of Portfolio
                                               31 March 2007   31 March 2007      31 March 2007                by Value
                                                       #'000           #'000              #'000                       %
Qualifying Investments:
Worthington Nicholls                                     887           3,053              1,820                   16.14
Defaqto (Find Portal)                                  1,150           2,192                  -                   11.58
Gyro International                                     1,000           1,983                983                   10.48
Factory Media                                          1,925           1,925                  -                   10.17
Munro Global                                             875           1,225                350                    6.47
Zamano                                                   750             898                148                    4.75
Jelf Group                                               250             614                189                    3.24
Emote Games                                              229             229                  -                    1.21
                                                       7,066          12,119              3,490                   64.04
Non-Qualifying Investments:
Electra Private Equity                                 5,151           6,324                991                   33.42
Electra Active Management                                500             481                 12                    2.54
                                                       5,651           6,805              1,003                   35.96

                                                      12,717          18,924              4,493                  100.00
Other Assets:
Liquidity Funds                                                       20,775
Cash                                                                     159
Total                                                                 39,858

Income Statement
                       For the six months ended      For the period 23 August  2005 to For the period 23 August 2005 to 
                                  31 March 2007                          31 March 2006                30 September 2006
                                    (unaudited)                            (unaudited)                        (audited)
                       Revenue  Capital   Total    Revenue       Capital         Total   Revenue      Capital     Total
                         #'000    #'000   #'000      #'000         #'000         #'000     #'000        #'000     #'000
Realised gains on            -      196     196          -             -             -         -            -         -
Unrealised gains on          -    4,493   4,493          -            82            82         -        1,757     1,757
Income                     734        -     734         94             -            94       668            -       668
                           734    4,689   5,423         94            82           176       668        1,757     2,425
Investment management    (109)    (328)   (437)       (27)          (81)         (108)     (115)        (343)     (458)
Other expenses           (144)        -   (144)      (144)             -         (144)     (307)            -     (307)
                         (253)    (328)   (581)      (171)          (81)         (252)     (422)        (343)     (765)
Return on Ordinary         481    4,361   4,842       (77)             1          (76)       246        1,414     1,660
Activities before
Tax on ordinary              -        -       -          -             -             -         -            -         -
Return on Ordinary         481    4,361   4,842       (77)             1          (76)       246        1,414     1,660
Activities after
Return to                1.37p   12.43p  13.80p    (2.12)p         0.03p       (2.09)p     1.38p        7.94p     9.32p
Shareholders per

The amounts dealt with in the Income Statement are all derived from continuing

No operations were acquired or discontinued in the period.

Reconciliation of Total Shareholders' Funds
                                     For the six months For the period 23 August For the period 23 August               
                                    ended 31 March 2007    2005 to 31 March 2006 2005 to 30 September 2006           
                                            (unaudited)               (unaudited)                (audited)
                                                  #'000                     #'000                    #'000
Total Return on ordinary                          4,842                      (76)                    1,660
activities after taxation
Repurchase of ordinary shares                       (4)                         -                        -
Ordinary shares issued                                -                    24,768                   35,089
Share issue expenses charged to                       -                   (1,362)                  (1,930)
Share Premium account
Preference shares issued                              -                         -                       50

Repurchase of preference shares                       -                         -                     (50)
Movements in Total Shareholders'                  4,838                    23,330                   34,819
Total Shareholders' Funds at                     34,819                         -                        -
start of period
Total Shareholders' Funds                                                  23,330                   34,819
Balance Sheet

                                 As at 31 March 2007    As at 31 March 2006   As at 30 September 2006
                                         (unaudited)            (unaudited)                 (audited)
                                  #'000        #'000        #'000     #'000        #'000        #'000

Fixed Assets
Investments held at fair                      18,924                  5,483                    10,683

Current Assets
Debtors                             176                       112                    101
Other investments                20,775                     9,200                 24,275
Cash at bank                        159                    14,528                    144
                                              21,110                 23,840                    24,520
Current Liabilities
Creditors: amounts falling
due within one year                 321                     5,868                    328
                                                 321                  5,868                       328
Net Current Assets                            20,789                 17,972                    24,192
Total assets less current                     39,713                 23,455                    34,875
Creditors: amounts falling
after more than one year                          56                    125                        56
Net Assets                                    39,657                 23,330                    34,819
Capital and Reserves
Called-up share capital                          351                    248                       351
Share premium                                 32,808                 23,158                    32,808
Realised capital reserve                       (431)                   (81)                     (343)
Unrealised capital reserve                     6,206                     82                     1,757
Revenue reserve                                  723                   (77)                       246
Total Equity Shareholders'
Funds                                         39,657                 23,330                    34,819
Net Asset Value per Share                    113.03p                 94.19p                    99.23p

                                 As at 31 March 2007     As at 31 March 2006      As at 30 September 2006

Number of shares in issue
at end of period                          35,083,698              24,768,196                   35,088,835

Cash Flow Statement

                                                                         For the period 23    For the period 23 August
                                                  For the six months           August 2005                        2005
                                                 ended 31 March 2007      to 31 March 2006        to 30 September 2006
                                                         (unaudited)           (unaudited)                   (audited)
                                                    #'000      #'000      #'000      #'000         #'000         #'000
Operating Activities
Investment income received                            655                    15                      512
Bank deposit interest received                          4                    52                       54
Investment management fees paid                     (407)                   (5)                    (254)
Other cash payments                                 (186)                  (78)                    (182)
Net Cash Inflow/(Outflow) from Operating                          66                  (16)                         130
Investing Activities
Purchases of investments                          (3,904)               (4,151)                  (8,926)
Sales of investments                                  353                     -                        -
Net Cash Outflow from Investing Activities                   (3,551)               (4,151)                     (8,926)
Cash Outflow before Financing
and Management of Liquid Resources                           (3,485)               (4,167)                     (8,796)
Management of Liquid Resources
Purchases of current asset investments                  -               (9,200)                 (24,275)
Sales of current asset investments                  3,500                     -                        -
Net Cash Inflow/(Outflow) from Management
of Liquid Resources                                            3,500               (9,200)                    (24,275)
Issue of shares                                         -                24,768                   35,089
Expenses of the issue of shares                         -               (1,362)                  (1,930)
Issue of loan notes                                     -                    26                       56
Cash held pending issue of shares                       -                 4,464                        -
Net Cash Inflow from Financing                                     -                27,896                      33,215
Increase in Cash for the Period                                   15                14,529                         144

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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