RNS Number:9006A
Finders Resources Limited
26 July 2007
Finders Resources
Wetar Copper Project
* Heap leaching selected as the preferred process route for the Wetar Copper
Project due to comparable copper recoveries, lower capital and operating
costs than other process alternatives.
* Copper recoveries in excess of 80% have been attained in bench leach test
work for both the Kali Kuning and Lerokis deposits. Column testing at
elevated temperatures up to 50degree C is ongoing.
* Permitting process commenced for on-site test heaps and pilot SX-EW plant.
* Operations Manager appointed to execute project development strategy
* Full-scale production leach pad design, environmental, geotechnical and
social studies ongoing to support completion of a definitive Feasibility
Study in mid-2008.
* Exploration around known deposits within new tenements is underway.
Ojolali Gold-Silver Project
* Successful metallurgy test work of Jambi oxide gold samples with
indicative gold recoveries of around 90%.
* Tambang metallurgical test work underway, preliminary results indicate
high precious metal recoveries into low grade base metal concentrates
* Integrated modelling of resistivity and newly acquired magnetics data
provides basis for a revised exploration model.
* Prospect ranking continued with extensive soil and rock channel sampling
and limited drilling with encouraging results from Kencur and Jambi South.
* The Company was admitted to the ASX on 8 June 2007
* 10,999,998 new ordinary shares were issued during June to institutional
and retail investors to raise A$6 million before expenses. The funds will be
used to finance the Wetar and Ojolali Projects and business development
* 181,818 new ordinary shares and 500,000 options expiring on 13 June 2010
were issued in relation to advisory services for the ASX listing.
* Cash held at 30 June 2007 totalled A$5.16 million.
1. Wetar Copper Project, Indonesia
Finders Resources Limited 72% and earning through expenditure
Background Information
At the Wetar Copper Project, Finders has previously announced Measured,
Indicated and Inferred Resources at a 0.5% copper cut-off grade, of 9.8 million
tonnes at 2.5% copper for 248,000 tonnes contained copper in two deposits, Kali
Kuning and Lerokis.
For further information on results previously reported and a full resource
statement please visit our website www.findersresources.com
Process Selection
Following a positive scoping study in June 2006, Finders commenced a two stage
feasibility study targeting up to 25,000 tonnes per annum of copper commencing
in 2009. Finders completed extensive evaluation of the production of a copper
concentrate followed by off-site hydrometallurgical processing to produce copper
cathode. Concurrently, positive results from bacterial leach test work
suggested that on-site production of copper cathode by heap leaching and SX/EW
was a viable alternative.
Further encouraging results this quarter led the Directors to select bacterial
heap leaching as the preferred process route. Overall leach copper recoveries
approach those achieved by concentrate production/hydrometallurgy but with
significantly lower capital and operating costs, and potentially shorter lead
time to production.
The Directors' preliminary estimates indicate a 40% reduction in both capital
(US$65M) and operating costs (US$0.50c/lb) for a heap leach with on site SX/EW
plant, compared to the previously announced Scoping Study base case involving
concentrate production and off-site hydrometallurgical production of copper
Leach Test Work
Finders is conducting ongoing leach test work on Wetar ore samples (from both
the Kali Kuning and Lerokis deposits) using a variety of alternative leaching
Preliminary results received from a second stage of bench scale leaching tests
using BioHeapTM proprietary bacterial strains on pulverized representative
samples from the Kali Kuning and Lerokis deposits have yielded copper recoveries
into solution of 84.4% and 80.2% respectively. These encouraging results are
being followed up with 5m column tests.
Separately, an ongoing program of 1 and 2m column tests at HRL laboratories in
Brisbane, using a range of leaching media, including synthetic ferric sulphate
and non proprietary bacteria, has yielded recoveries up to 71% for Kali Kuning
ore and demonstrated good mechanical stability and percolation for the columns.
An additional program of 2m columns has recently commenced at higher
temperatures which are similar to those expected in commercial heaps using both
Kali Kuning and Lerokis composite samples, and bacteria cultured from the Wetar
site; the program is planned to run for 90 days.
Trial Heaps and Pilot Plant
Design work has commenced for on site test heaps of sufficient scale to validate
the commercial production process, with construction to commence as soon as the
necessary permitting is complete.
Finders intend to replicate the full scale operations planned for the Kali
Kuning deposit by means of several staged 20-25,000t test heaps (to a maximum of
100,000t) and a 3-5 tonne per day pilot SX-EW plant to produce copper cathode
(Figure 1). The test heaps will allow Finders to optimise several key
parameters related to maximising copper recovery from the planned commercial
Feasibility Study Progress
The corporate target for the Wetar project remains the completion of a
definitive feasibility study for a 20-25,000 tonnes per annum copper cathode
operation at Wetar by mid 2008 and commercial production by 2009.
Finders' commitment to achieving the project milestones has been boosted by the
recent appointment of Grant Harding as Operations Manager. Mr. Harding, a
qualified extractive metallurgist, has over 25 years of extensive industry
experience in a range of roles incorporating copper leach operations,
commissioning and project development. His experience in Indonesia includes
positions with Avocet Mining, Straits Resources and Newcrest.
Pit Design
Revised pit optimisation studies by AMDAD of Brisbane were untaken to assess
constant metal and constant mining options for the development of the Wetar
Copper project using the current Resource Estimate block model (Hellman &
Schofield Pty Ltd, February 2007). Initial estimates indicate a lower strip
ratio of 0.57, equivalent to approximately 1 million tonnes less waste over the
life of the mine from both the Lerokis and Kali Kuning deposits.
Extraction of the copper deposits at Kali Kuning will require a deepening of the
current pit floor by approximately 15m. Concurrently SRK Consulting (Perth) has
completed the first stage of the geotechnical study of the Kali Kuning pit. From
the initial study the following conclusion are made:
* Berm widths of 2m will confine most modelled failures.
* A conservative bench face angle of 60degrees with a limiting bench
stack height of 9m
* A Limiting Overall Slope Angle of 45.5degrees.
Plant Site Geotechnical Study
SRK Consulting (Perth) has completed an initial study of the foundation
conditions for the selected plant site location. The results confirm that
founding conditions are generally very good for light and moderate structures
from 0.5m below ground level using conventional footings or pad foundations.
Depending upon settlement sensitivity, heavy structures could also be
constructed using relatively shallow pad, pier or raft foundations in selected
HLA-Envirosciences have completed water quality baseline studies and preliminary
studies assessing water management and flood risk assessments. The former gold
mining operations at Wetar have resulted in streams immediate to the old pits
having lower pH and higher Cu concentrations than undisturbed drainages in the
project area.
Social studies
PT ERM Indonesia has been appointed to assist with community development
During the period initial reconnaissance mapping and stream sediment sampling
was undertaken in the tenements on the southern coast of Wetar Island. The main
focus of the exploration program is to delineate the extent of mineralisation
systems around known deposits which have similar styles of mineralisation to the
Kali Kuning and Lerokis deposits.
During the quarter activities focussed around the following prospects:
W6 (Ilwaki) Prospect: 8 drill holes (777m) by previous explorer with best result
of 14m @ 0.55g.t Au and 95g/t Ag
J91 (Batu Duri) Prospect: 9 drill holes (602.5m) by previous explorer with best
results of 10m @ 4.5% Cu.
Observed mineralization, outside of the drilled prospect areas, mostly occurs as
limonite-hematite fracture fill in the dacitic tuffs or andesite rock units with
base metal veins observed adjacent to the W6 prospect area, consisting of
quartz-pyrite-galena veins within silicified andesites. Gossanous barite
mineralization, similar in style to the mine feed of the former Billiton gold
operations was observed in float in streams adjacent to the known prospect
2. Ojolai Project, Indonesia
Finders Resources Limited 72% with option
Background Information
At the Ojolali Project, Finders has previously announced Inferred Resources at
the Jambi Oxide gold deposit (3.2 Mt @ 1.0 g/t Au, 6.9 g/t Ag at a 0.5 g/t Au
cut-off, and including mining dilution) and Inferred Resources at the Tambang
Prospect (7.9 Mt @ 167g/t Ag and 0.7 g/t Au at a 1 g/t Au equivalent cut-off
using drilling data from a previous explorer).
Finders' believes that the Ojolali project has strong potential to generate
short-term cash flow through open pit CIL/CIP development of the gold resource
at the Jambi Oxide gold deposit. Other prospects have outstanding potential for
the discovery of additional resources using modern geophysical techniques to
optimize drill targeting.
For further information on results previously reported and a full resource
statement please visit our website www.findersresources.com
Jambi Oxide Gold Deposit: Metallurgical test work
Composite drill core samples were selected across a range of grades, depths and
oxidation states for test work at Independent Metallurgical Laboratory Pty (IML)
in Perth, Australia. The composite samples represent 90% of the domains used in
the current Inferred Resource model. Leach tests were conducted at a variety of
grind sizes to assess the suitability of heap leach and CIL/CIP process routes
for different ore types in the deposit.
Results from the test work are very encouraging (Appendix 1). Milled composite
samples representing CIP/CIL feed from representative of parts of the deposit
with full oxidation showed gold recoveries of around 90%. Around 70% silver
recovery was achieved from a silver-rich composite (15g/t Ag). Samples of
partially oxidised material averaged around 77% recovery for both gold and
silver. All samples were insensitive to the range of grind sizes tested,
suggesting that the Jambi deposit can be processed using relatively coarse grind
sizes and a simple grind circuit.
The 12mm crush size tests of fully oxidised material indicated average gold
recoveries of around 75%, although higher grade composites achieved better
recoveries of up to 81.5%. A partially oxidised composite sample gave lower
gold recovery of around 40%.
The test work indicates that acceptable gold recoveries are achievable at Jambi
and that there is scope to consider heap leach treatment of marginal ore.
Tambang Metallurgy
Metallurgical test work of core material from the Tambang deposit is underway at
G&T Metallurgical Services Ltd (Canada). Two composite samples are being tested
with differing silver/base metal ratios , namely a high silver (150 g/t Ag), low
base metal (0.7% combined) sample and high base metal (2.2% combined), moderate
silver (80 g/t Ag) sample.
The first stage of test work which assess lead and zinc rougher concentrate
production has resulted in approaximately 90% recovery of silver and gold into
low grade base metal concentrates.
Geophysical Surveys and Interpretation
The results of gradient array surveys within the tenement area have shown a
clear association between resistivity and chargeability and known mineralisation
within the project area. On this basis, two blocks were selected for follow-up
by means of offset dipole configurations, a technique which permits three
dimensional modelling. During the quarter over 40 line km of surveys was
In addition recently acquired airborne magnetics data for the project areas has
allowed an integrated assessment of mineralisation controls in the prospect area
for the first time (Figure 3.)
Known mineralisation is clearly within and at the margins of a pull-apart basin
bounded by blocks of more magnetic basalticbasement rocks. Priority prospects
such as Kencur, Lada and Tambang East are largely undrilled and show coherent
zones of high resistivity of similar magnitude to the drilled Tambang prospect.
Also highlighted is a one kilometer long zone of en echelon high resistivity
bands between the Chandra and B-1 prospects. Oxide mineralisation at the Jambi
deposit and the Cugah prospect (undrilled) has a typically subdued resistivity
Prospect Evaluation
Metallurgical and Scout drilling
During the quarter, assay results were received from a further twelve drill
holes (1,616m). Three of the holes TBG09, 11 and 12 were drilled primarily to
recover fresh sample for metallurgical test work. The remainder were scout holes
to test geophysical targets from the gradient geophysics survey and assess the
prospect stratigraphy based on the sequence known at the Tambang prospect.
Collar locations are provided in Appendix 2.
Core recovery in the mineralised sections was highly variable due to broken
ground and Hole TBG13, which was targeted along strike of the current Inferred
resource at Tambang, was abandoned and failed to hit target depths.
Finders has decided to postpone further drilling until a reverse circulation
(RC) rig can be sourced (due late September). The rig will also be used for the
Jambi Oxide deposit drill-out and this is expected in the final quarter of 2007.
Significant assay results using a 1g/t Au equivalent+ cut-off are tabulated
below and further confirm the width and mineralogical nature of the Tambang vein
Hole From (m) Width (m) Au g/t Ag g/t Au Eq* Pb Zn
BLD01 62.0 4.0 1.22 4 1.29 n/s n/s
BLD01 84.0 1.0 1.40 6 1.49 n/s n/s
BLD01 93.5 1.0 0.70 50 1.54 n/s n/s
CDR02 12.0 1.0 0.55 185 3.63 n/s n/s
CDR02 101.0 2.0 0.33 54 1.95 n/s n/s
SPR01 1.3 1.9 1.14 2 1.17 n/s n/s
SPR01 92.0 1.0 1.08 2 1.11 n/s n/s
TBG09 80.0 26.0 0.18 77 1.46 0.34% 0.78%
TBG09 129.0 2.0 0.11 94 1.67 0.10% 0.16%
TBG11 117.0 11.5 0.30 185 3.39 0.94% 1.39%
TBG11 138.0 3.0 0.49 170 3.32 0.16% 0.31%
TBG11 145.0 16.0 0.64 64 1.71 0.31% 0.65%
TBG12 15.0 2.0 0.63 45 1.38 n/s n/s
TBG12 57.0 16.0 0.24 139 2.55 0.18% 0.32%
TBG12 78.0 3.0 2.67 40 3.34 0.55% 0.24%
TBG12 85.0 4.0 0.25 49 1.07 0.07% 0.23%
TBG12 97.0 1.0 0.36 46 1.13 0.21% 2.14%
TBG13 62.0 1.0 0.95 39 1.60 n/s n/s
TBG13 74.0 1.0 0.91 7 1.03 0.09% 0.27%
TBG13 92.0 1.0 0.17 68 1.31 0.49% 1.33%
TBG13 96.3 2.0 2.09 94 3.66 2.13% 2.35%
+ Au equivalents are calculated using Ag g/t divided by 60 plus Au g/t
Geochemical Sampling
An extensive program of soil and rock channel sampling has begun in the priority
prospect areas. Intial results are encouraging with, at
1. Kencur; best channel samples of 12m @ 2.98 g/t Au and 6m @ 3.99 g/t Au
in oxide material similar in character to the Jambi oxide gold deposit,
2. Jambi; a 225m wide soil anomaly with an average gold grade of 0.6g/t Au
located approximately 100m south of the current drilling area
3. Corporate
The Company was admitted to the Australian Stock Exchange ("ASX") on 8 June 2007
when 10,999,998 new ordinary shares were issued to institutional and retail
investors to raise A$6 million before expenses. The funds will be used to
finance the Wetar and Ojolali Projects and business development activities.
181,818 new ordinary shares and 500,000 options expiring on 13 June 2010 were
issued in relation to advisory services for the ASX listing.
The capital structure of the Company (AIM & ASX ticker FND) following its
successful listing on the ASX and its associated capital raising is as follows:
Type of Security Exercise Price Expiry Date Number in Issue
Fully Paid Ordinary Shares ("Shares")
Previous Shares in issue - - 54,393,220
New Shares issued at A$0.55 under Australian - - 10,999,998
prospectus to raise A$6m
New Shares issued to adviser in relation to the ASX - - 181,818
Total Shares now in issue - - 65,575,036
Unlisted Options (previously in issue) A$0.50 20 March 2009 3,201,867
Unlisted Options (previously in issue) 24p 22 March 2009 1,322,881
New Options issued to adviser in relation to the ASX A$0.6875 13 June 2010 500,000
Total Options now in issue 5,024,748
The Company's cash held at 30 June 2007 totalled A$5.16million. The mining
exploration entity quarterly report (Appendix 5b) is appended.
Chris Farmer
Managing Director
Further details for all projects including location maps, tenement schedules and
technical descriptions may be found on the Finders website at
4. Statements from Finders
The Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources
and Ore Reserves (the 'JORC Code') sets out minimum standards, recommendations
and guidelines for Public Reporting in Australasia of Exploration Results,
Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves. The information contained in this
announcement has been presented in accordance with the JORC Code and references
to "Indicated" and "Inferred Resources" are to those terms as defined in the
JORC Code.
Geological information in this announcement is based on information compiled by
Dr R Fountain who is a Fellow of the Australasian Institute of Geoscientists and
a Director of Finders. Dr Fountain has sufficient experience that is relevant to
the styles of mineralisation and types of deposits under consideration and to
the activity that he is undertaking to qualify as Competent Person as defined in
the JORC Code. He consents to the inclusion in this announcement of the matters
based on his information in the form and context in which they appear.
All assaying of Ojolali samples was undertaken by the ITS laboratory in Jakarta.
ITS is one of the world's largest product and commodity testing, inspection and
certification organizations. The Jakarta laboratory is ISO 17025 accredited and
employs a Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) for sample tracking,
quality control and reporting.
Statements in this document that are forward-looking and involve numerous risks
and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from
expected results are based on the Company's current beliefs and assumptions
regarding a large number of factors affecting its business. Actual results may
differ materially from expected results. There can be no assurance that (i) the
Company has correctly measured or identified all of the factors affecting its
business or the extent of their likely impact, (ii) the publicly available
information with respect to these factors on which the Company's analysis is
based is complete or accurate, (iii) the Company's analysis is correct or (iv)
the Company's strategy, which is based in part on this analysis, will be
For further information please contact:
Finders Resources Ltd:
Russell Fountain, Executive Chairman, +61 (0) 2 9211 8299
Chris Farmer, Managing Director, cbf@findersresources.com
Financial PR:
Doug Macdonald, +61 (0) 424 255 959, Capital Group (in Australia)
Paddy Blewer or Nick Elwes, 020 7457 2020, College Hill (in the UK)
RFC Corporate Finance Ltd - Nomad and Corporate Adviser:
Rob Adamson, +61 (0) 2 9250 0000 or Stuart Laing, + 61 (0) 8 9480 2500
Appendix 1: Jambi Metallurgy Results
Silver Gold
Calc Head (g/t) Residue (g/t) Recovery (%) Calc Head (g/t) Residue (g/t) Recovery (%)
Low Grade Gold Composites - Full oxidation (6 tests)
7.5 5.9 21.7 0.66 0.06 90.8
Medium Grade Gold Composites - Full oxidation (6 tests)
4.9 3.4 29.6 1.44 0.19 86.1
High Grade Gold Composite - Full oxidation (3 tests)
6.1 2.8 53.6 3.67 0.33 90.9
High Grade Silver Composite - Full oxidation (3 tests)
45.8 14.3 68.9 1.24 0.16 86.8
Low Grade Gold Composite - Partial oxidation
12.7 3.0 76.4 1.01 0.25 75.2
Medium Grade Gold Composite - Partial oxidation
9.5 2.9 69.4 2.06 0.42 79.6
High Grade Silver Composite - Partial oxidation
63.1 15.8 75.0 2.50 0.77 69.2
Medium Grade Gold Composite - Partial oxidation (2 tests)
11.7 3.5 70 1.60 0.32 80.4
Results for Finer Grind Sizes P80 ((micro)m) at -75, -106 and -150 (24 hour leach)
Silver Gold
Calc Head (g/t) Residue (g/t) Recovery (%) Calc Head (g/t) Residue (g/t) Recovery (%)
Low Grade Gold Composite - Full oxidation
7.4 6.4 13.2 0.94 0.4 57.3
Medium Grade Gold Composite - Full oxidation
4.2 3.4 18.9 1.27 0.24 81.2
High Grade Gold Composite - Full oxidation
6.7 3.7 44.6 3.90 0.76 80.5
High Grade Silver Composite - Full oxidation
44.1 32.8 25.7 1.21 0.26 78.6
Medium Grade Gold Composite - Partial oxidation
18.1 14.1 22.0 2.45 1.46 40.5
Results for Coarser Crush Sizes 100% -12.5mm (72 hour leach)
Appendix 2: Ojolali Drilling Collar Locations
Hole Easting+ Northing+ Rl Dip Azimuth Depth (M)
TBG09 444060 9480520 170 -60 90 145.20
TBG10 444234 9481091 132 -60 90 90.90
TBG11 444011 9480515 161 -60 90 178.00
TBG12 444061 9480623 157 -60 90 104.50
TBG13 444083 9480849 147 -50 90 122.20
B1_01 444357 9482020 108 -50 90 160.20
B1_02 444290 9481783 108 -50 90 152.60
BLD01 445287 9482981 146 -50 90 121.30
CDR01 443986 9481263 113 -50 90 62.50
CDR02 443701 9480759 119 -50 90 152.60
SPR01 445711 9482473 161 -50 90 161.80
WSW01 445351 9481916 137 -50 90 164.05
+ UTM Zone 48S, WGS84
Rule 5.3
Appendix 5B
Mining exploration entity quarterly report
Introduced 1/7/96. Origin: Appendix 8. Amended 1/7/97, 1/7/98, 30/9/2001.
Name of entity
ABN Quarter ended ("current quarter")
82 108 547 413 30 JUNE 2007
Consolidated statement of cash flows
Current quarter Year to date (.12.months)
Cash flows related to operating activities $A'000 $A'000
1.1 Receipts from product sales and related
1.2 Payments for (a) exploration and
(1,014) (5,119)
(889) (2,042)
1.3 Dividends received
1.4 Interest and other items of a similar nature 11 124
1.5 Interest and other costs of finance paid
1.6 Income taxes paid
1.7 Other (provide details if material)
(1,892) (7,037)
Net Operating Cash Flows
Cash flows related to investing activities
1.8 Payment for purchases of: (a)prospects
(b)equity investments
(c) other fixed assets
(17) (125)
1.9 Proceeds from sale of: (a)prospects
(b)equity investments
(c)other fixed assets
1.10 Loans to other entities
1.11 Loans repaid by other entities
1.12 Other (provide details if material)
(17) (125)
Net investing cash flows
1.13 Total operating and investing cash flows (1,909) (7,162)
(carried forward)
1.13 Total operating and investing cash flows (brought (1,909) (7,162)
Cash flows related to financing activities
1.14 Proceeds from issues of shares, options, etc. 5,586 6,510
1.15 Proceeds from sale of forfeited shares
1.16 Proceeds from borrowings
1.17 Repayment of borrowings
1.18 Dividends paid
1.19 Other (provide details if material)
Net financing cash flows 5,586 6,510
Net increase (decrease) in cash held 3,677 (652)
1.20 Cash at beginning of quarter/year to date 1,480 5,809
1.21 Exchange rate adjustments to item 1.20
1.22 Cash at end of quarter 5,157 5,157
Payments to directors of the entity and associates of the directors
Payments to related entities of the entity and associates of the related
Current quarter
1.23 Aggregate amount of payments to the parties included in item 1.2
1.24 Aggregate amount of loans to the parties included in item 1.10
1.25 Explanation necessary for an understanding of the transactions
Non-cash financing and investing activities
2.1 Details of financing and investing transactions which have had a material effect on consolidated
assets and liabilities but did not involve cash flows
2.2 Details of outlays made by other entities to establish or increase their share in projects in which
the reporting entity has an interest
Financing facilities available
Add notes as necessary for an understanding of the position.
Amount available Amount used
$A'000 $A'000
3.1 Loan facilities NIL NIL
3.2 Credit standby arrangements NIL NIL
Estimated cash outflows for next quarter
4.1 Exploration and evaluation 1900
4.2 Development NIL
Total 1900
Reconciliation of cash
Reconciliation of cash at the end of the quarter (as Current quarter Previous quarter
shown in the consolidated statement of cash flows)
to the related items in the accounts is as follows. $A'000 $A'000
5.1 Cash on hand and at bank 5,157 1,480
5.2 Deposits at call
5.3 Bank overdraft
5.4 Other (provide details)
Total: cash at end of quarter (item 1.22) 5,157 1,480
Changes in interests in mining tenements
Tenement Nature of interest Interest at Interest at
reference beginning of end of
(note (2)) quarter quarter
6.1 Interests in mining No tenements disposal or
tenements relinquished, reduction
reduced or lapsed
6.2 Interests in mining No new tenements granted
tenements acquired or
Issued and quoted securities at end of current quarter
Description includes rate of interest and any redemption or conversion rights
together with prices and dates.
Total number Number quoted Issue price per Amount paid up per
security (see note security (see note 3)
3) (cents) (cents)
7.1 Preference N/A
7.2 Changes during N/A
(a) Increases
through issues
(b) Decreases
through returns
of capital,
7.3 +Ordinary
65,575,036 47,437,457
7.4 Changes during
(a) Increases
through issues 181,818
(b) Decreases
through returns
of capital, NIL
7.5 +Convertible debt N/A
7.6 Changes during N/A
(a) Increases
through issues
(b) Decreases
7.7 Options Exercise price Expiry date
(description and
conversion 3,201,867 NIL 50c 20.03.2009
1,322,881 NIL 24p 22.03.2009
7.8 Issued during 500,000 NIL 68.75c 13.06.2010
7.9 Exercised during NIL NIL
7.10 Expired during NIL NIL
7.11 Debentures
(totals only)
7.12 Unsecured notes
(totals only)
Compliance statement
1 This statement has been prepared under accounting policies which
comply with accounting standards as defined in the Corporations Act or other
standards acceptable to ASX (see note 4).
2 This statement does give a true and fair view of the matters
Sign here: ..Chris Farmer.........................................
Date: ....25..July..2007........
(Director/Company secretary)
Print name: ....Christopher Ben Farmer...........................
1 The quarterly report provides a basis for informing the market how
the entity's activities have been financed for the past quarter and the effect
on its cash position. An entity wanting to disclose additional information is
encouraged to do so, in a note or notes attached to this report.
2 The "Nature of interest" (items 6.1 and 6.2) includes options in
respect of interests in mining tenements acquired, exercised or lapsed during
the reporting period. If the entity is involved in a joint venture agreement
and there are conditions precedent which will change its percentage interest in
a mining tenement, it should disclose the change of percentage interest and
conditions precedent in the list required for items 6.1 and 6.2.
3 Issued and quoted securities The issue price and amount paid up is
not required in items 7.1 and 7.3 for fully paid securities.
4 The definitions in, and provisions of, AASB 1022: Accounting for
Extractive Industries and AASB 1026: Statement of Cash Flows apply to this
5 Accounting Standards ASX will accept, for example, the use of
International Accounting Standards for foreign entities. If the standards used
do not address a topic, the Australian standard on that topic (if any) must be
complied with.
This information is provided by RNS
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Finders Resources (LSE:FND)
Historical Stock Chart
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Finders Resources (LSE:FND)
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