Positive Drilling Result


Greatly increased resource potential from new drill results
at Jambi Oxide Gold deposit, Ojolali Project


  * Final or preliminary gold assays have now been received for the
    96 hole, 8237m Jambi reverse circulation drilling program.  These

       * Confirm continuity of low grade gold mineralization in the
         central mineralized zone
       * Provide evidence of higher grade feeder vein systems at
         depth (e.g. BKJR 125, 4m of 8.34 g/t Au from 100m depth),
       * Define a coherent zone of high silver values through the
         south-eastern portion of the drilled area.

  * The resource remains open to the north-east, south and at depth.
    In particular, intercepts in hole BKJR126 (14m at 2.76 g/t Au
    from the surface and 6m at 2.2 g/t Au from 20m) are located
    approximately 80m north-east of any previously known
    mineralization at Jambi.
  * This drilling will form the basis for a new resource estimate to
    be undertaken by Hellman and Schofield Pty Ltd during April

The initial phase of resource drilling at the Jambi oxide gold-silver
project  has  been  completed.  Ninety   six  (96)  RC  drill   holes
(BKJR35-130) have been  completed at Jambi  for a total  of 8297m  of
drilling; these  complement 34  diamond  holes completed  by  Finders
during 2006.

Final or preliminary gold  assays have been  received for all  holes,
while silver assays are still awaited for holes 115-130. Results from
holes BKJR35-85 have been reported previously.
Key intercepts from new drilling include:

Hole          From (m) Width (m) + Au g/t Ag g/t AuEq(50)+ g/t
BKJR87             104           6   5.11      9          5.29
BKJR89             114          19   1.60     94          3.48
BKJR97              11          22   2.07      3          2.13
BKJR98               4           8   5.50      4          5.58
    Including        8           2   17.2      9         17.38
BKJR104             13          14   1.63      3          1.69
BKJR109              0           8   2.21      2          2.25
BKJR111              0          19   2.42      1          2.44
BKJR113             54          26   1.31     38          2.07
    Including       73           6   2.15    132          4.79
BKJR114            100          12   0.42    180          4.02
BKJR117             23           3   6.75   ANR+          6.75
    Including       23           1   16.9    ANR          16.9
BKJR124             27           8   2.03    ANR          2.03
BKJR125              4          18   1.62    ANR          1.62
                    26          33   1.70    ANR          1.70
                    99          10   4.05    ANR          4.05
    Including      100           4   8.34    ANR          8.34
BKJR126              0          14   2.76    ANR          2.76
                    20           6   2.28    ANR          2.28
BKJR130             14          30   1.34    ANR          1.34

+ Au equivalents are  calculated using Ag g/t  divided by 50 plus  Au
Intercepts quoted are down-hole widths, and will generally exceed the
true widths of mineralized zones.
 "ANR" denotes assays not received.

Hellman and Schofield Pty Ltd have  been retained to undertake a  new
resource estimate, which  is targeted  for completion  by early  May,
subject to timely receipt of outstanding silver assays.

Pending this review of  the resource potential  of the central  Jambi
zone, the drill rig has been transferred to Finders' Wetar project to
complete  a  two  month  sterilization  and  resource  upgrade  drill
programme.  Afterwards, Finders plan to initiate a follow up  program
at Jambi  to assess  the southern  and north-east  extensions of  the

Russell Fountain, Executive Chairman of Finders said:

"These results consolidate  the excellent results  reported from  the
initial part  of  this drill  program.  We anticipate  a  significant
increase in  the core  Jambi resource  from the  previously  reported
100,000 Oz gold Inferred Resource.  Furthermore, we consider that the
failure of this program to establish the limits to the Jambi  system,
laterally or  at  depth,  highlights the  significant  potential  for
additional discoveries."

For further information please contact

Finders Resources Ltd:
Russell Fountain, Executive Chairman, +61 2 9211 8299
Chris Farmer, Managing Director, info@findersresources.com

Financial PR:
Doug Macdonald, +61 424 255 959, Capital Group (in Australia)
Paddy Blewer or Nick  Elwes, +44 20 7457  2020, College Hill (in  the

RFC Corporate Finance Ltd - Nomad and Corporate Adviser:
Rob Adamson, +61 2 9250 0000 or Stuart Laing, + 61 8 9480 2500

Detailed Information follows:

Reverse Circulation Drilling Program
The RC drilling program at Jambi was originally designed based on 25m
x 25m  drill  centres for  approximately  5,000m of  drilling.    The
objective was to  better define interpreted  high grade zones  within
the existing Inferred Mineral Resource estimate  of 3.2 Mt @ 1.0  g/t
Au, 6.9 g/t Ag  at a 0.5 g/t  Au cut-off (including mining  dilution)
and to  upgrade  the  Mineral  Resource  estimate  to  the  Indicated
category. The program commenced on 21st November 2007.

Results from detailed  mapping, geochemical  and geophysical  surveys
and drilling,  indicate  that  the  Jambi  system  is  controlled  by
intersecting northerly and north-easterly trending quartz and  pyrite
veinlet swarms, and the system  remains open to the west,  southwest,
north and north-east.

Assays from the drilling confirm  the continuity of high grade  zones
within a  broader  lower  grade oxide  gold  resource.    Previously,
Finders have reported high metallurgical recoveries from test work on
the Jambi Oxide ore, with  approximately 90% gold recoverable in  CIP
processing and 70% in heap  leach simulations.  Significant gold  and
silver intercepts are recorded from  almost all holes in the  current
program; a  more detailed  list of  significant assays  is  tabulated
below.  Reported   thicknesses   are   down-hole   intercepts.   True
thicknesses will be generally less than the apparent thickness.

Jambi drilling: significant assay results (Au equivalents use Ag g/t
                     divided by 50 plus Au g/t)

Hole      From (m) Width (m) Au g/t Ag g/t AuE(50) g/t
BKJR86           0         7   0.94      2        0.98
Including       35         3   0.75      4        0.83
BKJR87           0         8   1.98      2        2.02
                13         5   0.66      5        0.76
                22         3   0.78      1         0.8
                56         3   0.77      1        0.79
               104         6   5.11      9        5.29
               117         4   1.22      4         1.3
BKJR88          15         1   1.57      2        1.61
                26         3   0.55      1        0.57
                36         1   0.87     12        1.11
                40         5   0.46     14        0.74
                56         1    4.2     17        4.54
                59        10   0.34     43         1.2
               114         1    0.5     40         1.3
BKJR89           0         1   0.55      1        0.57
                12         4   0.45     10        0.65
                19         5   0.76      3        0.82
                30         4   0.55     13        0.81
                42         3   0.71      5        0.81
                49         3   6.43      1        6.45
                59         2   0.78     29        1.36
                79         6   0.97    1.6        1.00
                98         1    0.5      1        0.52
               114        19    1.6     94        3.48
BKJR90           0        13   1.95      3        2.01
                54         3   1.19      6        1.31
BKJR91          20         1   2.69      2        2.73
                32        16   1.19      2        1.23
                50         1   0.69      1        0.71
                56         6   1.46      6        1.58
BKJR92           0         3   0.72      1        0.74
                12         6   0.69      2        0.73
                21         2    0.9      1        0.92
                26         1   1.01      1        1.03
                34         3   1.94      6        2.06
                40         6   0.75      4        0.83
                57        15   0.37     24        0.85
BKJR93           6        14   1.11      1        1.13
                70         8    0.7     54        1.78
BKJR94           0         3   0.87      1        0.89
                 6         3   0.88    0.2        0.88
                10         1   0.72      1        0.74
                56         4    1.2      6        1.32
BKJR95           7         5   0.67    0.2        0.67
                16         6   1.65      1        1.67
                27         1   0.49      5        0.59
                39         1   0.53      6        0.65
BKJR96          29         4   0.98      2        1.02
                35         1   0.63      2        0.67
BKJR97          11        22   2.07      3        2.13
BKJR98           4         8    5.5      4        5.58
Including        8         2   17.2      9       17.38
BKJR99           2         6   1.23      2        1.27
BKJR100          0         3   1.71      1        1.73
BKJR101          1         1   0.53      1        0.55
BKJR102          1         1   0.57      2        0.61
BKJR103          0         1   1.21      1        1.23
Hole      From (m) Width (m) Au g/t Ag g/t AuE(50) g/t
BKJR104          7         1   0.55    0.5        0.56
                13        14   1.63      3        1.69
                32         3   1.13      3        1.19
                44         1   0.84      1        0.86
                55         1   0.48     22        0.92
                65         2   1.55     13        1.81
                82         4   1.01     39        1.79
                93         1   0.55      3        0.61
BKJR105         21         1   1.76      1        1.78
                31         1   3.26      7         3.4
                33         2   2.25      6        2.37
                39         1   0.59     20        0.99
BKJR106          0         3   0.51     14        0.79
BKJR107          0         3   0.82      2        0.86
                12         1   4.44      4        4.52
                16         1   0.59    0.2        0.59
BKJR108          2         6   0.82      1        0.84
                21         1   0.94      2        0.98
                39         1   2.51      2        2.55
BKJR109          0         8   2.21      2        2.25
Including        3         2  12.57      2       12.61
BJKR110         45         4   1.49     54        2.57
BKJR111          0        19   2.42      1        2.44
                45         1   3.35      3        3.41
                60         8   1.17      5        1.27
                70         2    1.4     11        1.62
                74         5   1.22      8        1.38
BKJR112          0         1   2.21      1        2.23
                11         1   0.81      2        0.85
                14         3   1.59      2        1.63
                26         4   2.17      9        2.35
BKJR113          0         1   0.62      1        0.64
                10         3   2.51      1        2.53
                31         2   1.44      6        1.56
                44         2   0.54      1        0.56
                54        26   1.31     38        2.07
Including       73         6   2.15    132        4.79
                90         2   0.43     51        1.45
                94         3    0.6     12        0.84
               103         1   0.58     18        0.94
               139         6   0.33     61        1.55
BKJR114          0         7   0.78      1         0.8
                25         6   0.56     18        0.92
                33         6   0.72     14           1
                41         3   0.62     13        0.88
                63         2   0.44     32        1.08
                80         6   0.69     73        2.15
                88         8   0.72      9         0.9
               100        12   0.42    180        4.02
               115         2   0.19     48        1.15
BKJR115          5         1    0.8      1        0.82
                20         3   0.85      1        0.87
                25        11    1.4      4        1.48
                39        17   0.67      9        0.85
                58         2    0.2     33        0.86
                62         2   0.85     19        1.23
                67         1   0.93     89        2.71
               143         2   2.08     13        2.34
Hole      From (m) Width (m) Au g/t Ag g/t AuE(50) g/t
BKJR123          0         3   0.71    ANR        0.71
                12        10   1.86    ANR        1.86
                29         2   0.67    ANR        0.67
                53         2   0.82    ANR        0.82
BKJR124         21         1    0.7    ANR         0.7
                27         8   2.03    ANR        2.03
                37         1   0.86    ANR        0.86
                46         5   2.58    ANR        2.58
                66         1   0.79    ANR        0.79
                76         1   0.66    ANR        0.66
BKJR125          4        18   1.62    ANR        1.62
                26        33    1.7    ANR         1.7
                69         1   1.33    ANR        1.33
                75         2    0.8    ANR         0.8
                99        10   4.05    ANR        4.05
Including      100         4   8.34    ANR        8.34
               110         3   0.97    ANR        0.97
               121         4   0.91    ANR        0.91
BKJR126          0        14   2.76    ANR        2.76
                20         6   2.28    ANR        2.28
BKJR127          1         8   0.57    ANR        0.57
                11         2   0.53    ANR        0.53
                18         1   4.37    ANR        4.37
                50         7   0.82    ANR        0.82
BKJR128          0         1   0.78    ANR        0.78
                31         3   0.72    ANR        0.72
                44         4   0.54    ANR        0.54
BKJR129          1         3   0.95    ANR        0.95
BKJR130          0         9   0.92    ANR        0.92
                14        30   1.34    ANR        1.34

Hole      From (m) Width (m) Au g/t Ag g/t AuE(50) g/t
BKJR116         17         2   0.54    ANR        0.54
                47         1   1.19    ANR        1.19
                58         1   1.71    ANR        1.71
                61         1   2.45    ANR        2.45
                94         1   0.54    ANR        0.54
                98         1    0.5    ANR         0.5
BKJR117          0         3   1.91    ANR        1.91
                 9         3   0.75    ANR        0.75
                20         1    0.8    ANR         0.8
                23         3   6.75    ANR        6.75
Including       23         1   16.9    ANR        16.9
                30         5   0.73    ANR        0.73
                44         2   2.32    ANR        2.32
                52        19   1.32    ANR        1.32
                                       ANR           0
                73         1   0.73    ANR        0.73
BKJR118          0         2   0.76    ANR        0.76
                 6         1   0.74    ANR        0.74
                25         1   1.78    ANR        1.78
                29         3   0.81    ANR        0.81
                43         1   0.94    ANR        0.94
                96         1   0.67    ANR        0.67
BKJR119         66         1   0.56    ANR        0.56
BKJR120         73         8   1.25    ANR        1.25
BKJR121          0         1   0.65    ANR        0.65
                 8         3    0.7    ANR         0.7
                17         6   1.32    ANR        1.32
                27         1   0.86    ANR        0.86
BKJR122          9         1   0.71    ANR        0.71
                24         2   0.62    ANR        0.62
                35         1   0.78    ANR        0.78

Jambi drill hole collar  locations (+ UTM  Zone 48S, preliminary  GPS

Hole     East+  North+ RL (m) Depth (m) AZIM DIP
BKJR86  446499 9483050  244.5       103   90 -60
BKJR87  446485 9483025    258       133   90 -60
BKJR88  446415 9482972    240       127   90 -60
BKJR89  446392 9482902    227       133   90 -60
BKJR90  446357 9483052    208        60   90 -60
BKJR91  446384 9483025    223        85   90 -60
BKJR92  446373 9483005    219        85   90 -60
BKJR93  446358 9482975    204        91   90 -60
BKJR94  446341 9482950    198        70   90 -60
BKJR95  446333 9482975    197        70   90 -60
BKJR96  446428 9483050    224        85   90 -60
BKJR97  446466 9483100    224        91   90 -60
BKJR98  446485 9483125    223        67   90 -60
BKJR99  446500 9483150    214        60   90 -60
BKJR100 446480 9483200    190        85   90 -60
BKJR101 446530 9483200    188        55   90 -60
BKJR102 446580 9483200    182        43   90 -60
BKJR103 446630 9483200    178        43   90 -60
BKJR104 446563 9482950    241       103   90 -60
BKJR105 446580 9482875    210        49   90 -60
BKJR106 446555 9482875    209        37   90 -60
BKJR107 446530 9482875    209        40   90 -60
BKJR108 446455 9482875    221        55   90 -60

Hole     East+  North+ RL (m) Depth (m) AZIM
BKJR109 446480 9482875    212        43   90
BKJR110 446505 9482875    209        70   90
BKJR111 446404 9482871    226        91   90
BKJR112 446430 9482875    224        79   90
BKJR113 446376 9482875    215       145   90
BKJR114 446355 9482875    199       127   90
BKJR115 446367 9482925    214       163   90
BKJR116 446342 9482925    198       163   90
BKJR117 446338 9482900    194       169   90
BKJR118 446330 9482875    190       167   90
BKJR119 446305 9482875    182       149   90
BKJR120 446328 9482800    176        85   90
BKJR121 446325 9482850    185        97   90
BKJR122 446300 9482900    181        58   90
BKJR123 446462 9483150    211        73   90
BKJR124 446415 9483025    229        85   90
BKJR125 446515 9482978    266       157   90
BKJR126 446677 9483075    187        49    0
BKJR127 446355 9483025    205        65   90
BKJR128 446375 9482850    210        60   90
BKJR129 446400 9482850    215        32   90
BKJR130 446349 9482850    193       157   90

Statements by Finders Resources Ltd
Geological information in this  announcement is based on  information
compiled by Dr R Fountain. Dr Fountain is a Director of Finders and a
Fellow of the  Australasian Institute of  Geoscientists. Dr  Fountain
has  sufficient  experience  that  is  relevant  to  the  styles   of
mineralisation and types of deposits  under consideration and to  the
activity that he  is undertaking  to qualify as  Competent Person  as
defined in  the JORC  Code.  He consents  to  the inclusion  in  this
announcement of the matters based on his information in the form  and
context in which they appear.
All assaying  of  drill  core  samples  was  undertaken  by  the  ITS
laboratory in Jakarta. ITS is one of the world's largest product  and
commodity testing,  inspection and  certification organizations.  The
Jakarta laboratory is ISO 17025  accredited and employs a  Laboratory
Information Management  System (LIMS)  for sample  tracking,  quality
control and reporting.
Statements in  this document  that  are forward-looking  and  involve
numerous risks and uncertainties that  could cause actual results  to
differ materially from  expected results are  based on the  Company's
current beliefs and assumptions regarding  a large number of  factors
affecting its  business. Actual  results may  differ materially  from
expected results. There can be no assurance that (i) the Company  has
correctly measured or  identified all  of the  factors affecting  its
business or  the extent  of their  likely impact,  (ii) the  publicly
available information  with respect  to these  factors on  which  the
Company's analysis  is  based  is complete  or  accurate,  (iii)  the
Company's analysis is correct or  (iv) the Company's strategy,  which
is based in part on this analysis, will be successful.


Finders, listed on AIM and ASX,  is the operator of the Wetar  Copper
(~73% and  earning),  and  Ojolali  Gold-Silver  Projects  (72%  with
option) in Indonesia, and holds an investment in Geopacific Resources
NL, an ASX-listed company with  active exploration programs for  gold
and copper in Fiji.
At  the  Wetar  Copper  Project,  Finders  has  previously  announced
Measured, Indicated and Inferred Resources  at a 0.5% copper  cut-off
grade, of  9.8  million tonnes  at  2.5% copper  for  248,000  tonnes
contained copper  in  two  deposits, Kali  Kuning  and  Lerokis.  The
company is planning to  develop an open cut  heap leach SX-EW  copper
mining operation to  produce 20-25,000 tonnes  of cathode copper  per
year from mid 2009. A key component of the feasibility study for this
project is the construction of a semi-commercial scale test heap  and
pilot plant, designed to produce 5  tonnes per day of copper  cathode
from July 2008, with an estimated capital cost of US$6.25 million.
At the  Ojolali Project,  Finders has  previously announced  Inferred
Resources at the Jambi Oxide gold deposit  (3.2 Mt @ 1.0 g/t Au,  6.9
g/t Ag at a  0.5 g/t Au cut-off,  and including mining dilution)  and
Inferred Resources at the  Tambang Prospect (7.9 Mt  @ 167g/t Ag  and
0.7 g/t Au at a 1 g/t Au equivalent cut-off using drilling data  from
a previous explorer). Finders' believes that the Ojolali project  has
strong potential to  generate short-term cash  flow through open  pit
CIL/CIP development  of the  gold resource  at the  Jambi Oxide  gold
deposit. Other prospects have outstanding potential for the discovery
of  additional  resources  using  modern  geophysical  techniques  to
optimize drill targeting.
For further information  on results  previously reported  and a  full
resource statement please v


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Finders Resources (LSE:FND)
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