RNS Number:9898Q
GMO Limited
09 February 2007

Press Release                                                    9 February 2007

                                  GMO Limited

                             ("GMO" or the "Group")

                            Unaudited Final Results

GMO Limited (AIM:GMO), a leading provider of wireless value-added services 
('WVAS') listed on AIM today announces its maiden unaudited Final Results, for 
the financial year ended 31st December 2006.


*   Raised #5.0 million during the IPO

*   Successfully completed the 20% acquisition of WCI for a consideration of 
    USD23.8 million financed in part by the issue of USD20.235 million 
    Murabahah Loan Notes

*   Achieved EBITDA of USD0.6 million (Pro forma: USD2.54 million)

*   Robust earnings per share of 2.47 US cents (Pro forma: 2.86 US cents)

Commenting on the results, Tan Sri Datuk Dr Omar Rahman, Chairman of GMO
Limited, said: "As demonstrated since joining AIM in September 2006, GMO has
strong fundamentals in place and will continue to grow in tandem with the
exponential growth of the telecommunications sector in China. GMO will continue
to grow utilizing a combination of organic and acquisitive growth as evidenced
through the recent acquisition of WCI."

Eugene Goh, Chief Executive Officer of GMO Limited, added: "We are always
confident of GMO's growth prospects in China. We are delighted that since the
half-year end, the Company has completed a 20% equity acquisition of WCI. WCI
has exceeded our expectations of its financial performance and we look forward
to benefiting from its revenue and cost synergies as well as the growth
opportunity for the Group to become a major media WVAS player in China. The
success of the complementary acquisition reinforces our strong belief and
confidence in the future development of GMO."

For further information:

GMO Limited
Eugene Goh, Chief Executive Officer                     Tel: + (0)7786 787 005
eugene@gmoglobal.com                                         www.gmoglobal.com

Corporate Synergy Plc
John Wakefield / Mike Coe, Corporate Finance         Tel: +44 (0) 117 933 0020
Jwakefield@corporatesynergy.co.uk                   www.corporatesynergy.co.uk

Media enquiries:
Chris Lane/ Georgina Bonham                          Tel: +44 (0) 20 7398 7700
georgina.bonham@abchurch-group.com                      www.abchurch-group.com

Chairman's Statement


2006 has been a successful year for GMO. On 6 September 2006, GMO successfully
made its maiden debut on the AIM of the London Stock Exchange, raising gross
proceeds of #5 million. Not resting on its laurels, GMO has made significant
progress by completing the acquisition of a 20% equity in WCI, the exclusive
service and technology provider for ColorComm Software Technology Group ("
ColorComm"), a market leader in the WVAS and interactive media services in

For the financial year ended 31 December 2006, GMO achieved an EBITDA of USD0.6
million (Pro forma: USD2.54 million) on the back of revenue of USD2.89 million
(Pro forma: USD4.92 million).

Basic earning per share ('EPS') was 2.47 US cents (Pro forma: 2.86 US cents).

Operational Review

The operating condition within the WVAS industry was difficult especially in the
second half of 2006 due to the full implementation of the new regulations
imposed by the Ministry of Information Industry of China.

Despite the regulatory changes above, GMO performed satisfactorily.

Current trading and prospects

The new regulatory requirements imposed on the WVAS industry has resulted in the
industry undergoing a challenging environment. Nevertheless, GMO will continue
to expand its range of products and services to increase its revenue base and to
improve its profitability margins.

GMO has penetrated the interactive media industry in China via its recent
acquisition of a 20% equity interest in WCI. WCI achieved audited EBITDA of
approximately USD11.9 million in respect of the two (2) financial periods of six
months ended 31 December 2005 and 30 June 2006.

It is expected that the acquisition of WCI will increase the product and
services offering of GMO and create synergistic benefits.


                           PERIOD FROM        PERIOD FROM          PERIOD FROM
                             20.6.2006           1.7.2006            20.6.2006
                          TO 30.6.2006        TO 31.12.06        TO 31.12.2006
                 Notes             USD                USD                  USD

Revenue                              -          2,888,385            2,888,385
Cost of sales                        -         (1,917,705)          (1,917,705)

Gross Profit                         -            970,680              970,680

expenses                        (5,319)          (363,853)            (369,172)

EBITDA*                         (5,319)           606,827              601,508

Other income                         -            108,218              108,218
Amortisation                         -           (333,909)            (333,909)

Profit before
taxation                        (5,319)           381,136              375,817

Excess of Group's 
interest in the 
net fair value of
liabilities and 
over cost                            -            475,057              475,057

Taxation                             -                  -                    -

Profit after 
taxation                        (5,319)           856,193              850,874

Minority interest                    -           (184,089)            (184,089)

(Loss) / Profit 
for the period                  (5,319)           672,104              666,785

Earnings per share 
attributable to 
equity holders of 
the parent
 - Basic (cent)      5              NA               2.48                 2.47

 - Diluted (cent)                   NA                 NA                   NA

*EBITDA - denotes "Earnings Before Interest, Taxation, Depreciation and 

This is the unaudited final report on the consolidated results for the financial
period from 20 June 2006 (Date of Incorporation) to 31 December 2006 announced
by the Company in compliance with AIM requirements. As this is the first
financial period, there are no comparative figures for the preceding year.

The unaudited consolidated income statement should be read in conjunction with
the companying explanatory notes attached to the interim financial statements.


                                                              31 DECEMBER 2006
Non - current assets
       Intellectual property                                        12,643,328

Current assets
       Trade and other receivables                                   3,708,368
       Deposit for acquisition                                       5,000,000
       Deferred expenses                                               190,068
       Cash and bank balances                                        6,322,610


Current liabilities
       Trade payables                                                1,851,464
       Accruals and provisions                                       2,594,541
       Amount owing to related parties                               4,019,193


Net current liabilities                                              6,755,848

Financed by:

Capital and reserves
       Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent
       Share capital                                                 7,541,655
       Share premium                                                 9,911,506
       Foreign exchange reserve                                         72,283
       Retained profits                                                666,785

       Minority Interest                                             1,206,947
       Total equity                                                 19,399,176              
Non-current liability                                                        -

Net assets per share attributable to ordinary equity
holders of the parent (cent)                                             45.37

This is the unaudited final report on the consolidated results for the financial
period from 20 June 2006 (Date of Incorporation) to 31 December 2006 announced
by the Company in compliance with AIM requirements. As this is the first
financial period, there are no comparative figures for the preceding year.

The unaudited consolidated balance sheet should be read in conjunction with the
companying explanatory notes attached to the interim financial statements.


                                                                   PERIOD FROM
                                                                 TO 31.12.2006

Cash flows from operating activities
    Profit before taxation                                             850,875

    Adjustments for non-cash item:
    Amortisation of intellectual property                              333,909
    Excess of Group's interest in the net fair value of acquiree's
    Identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities     
    over cost                                                         (475,057)
    Interest income                                                    (36,599)
    Other non-cash items                                               (71,619)

    Profit before working capital changes                              601,509

    Changes in working capital:
       Increase in trade and other receivables                      (1,681,441)
       Decrease in deferred expenses                                   180,415
       Increase in trade payables and accruals                       2,081,958
       Increase in amount owing by related parties                   1,388,571

    Cash generated from operations                                   2,571,012

    Net cash generated from operating activities                     2,571,012

Cash flows from investing activities
    Acquisition of subsidiary                                          629,457
    Acquisition of associate                                        (5,000,000)
    Interest received                                                   36,559

    Net cash used in investing activities                           (4,333,984)

Cash flows from financing activities
    Proceeds from issuance of shares                                 9,506,839
    Listing expenses                                                (1,565,199)
    Net cash generated from financing activities                     7,941,640

Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                            6,178,668

Cash and cash equivalents at 20 June 2006                                    -

Effect of foreign exchange rate changes                                143,942

Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                           6,322,610

This is the unaudited final report on the consolidated results for the financial
period from 20 June 2006 (Date of Incorporation) to 31 December 2006 announced
by the Company in compliance with AIM requirements. As this is the first
financial period, there are no comparative figures for the preceding year.

The unaudited consolidated cash flow should be read in conjunction with the
companying explanatory notes attached to the interim financial statements.


1.         Basis of Preparation

The preliminary final financial statements are unaudited and have been presented
in accordance to International Financial Reporting Standards and the
requirements of AIM rules for the financial period from the date of
incorporation to 31 December 2006.

2.         Accounting Convention

The financial statements are prepared under the historical cost convention and
on the going concern basis.

3.         Basis of Consolidation

The consolidated financial statements include the financial statement of the
Company and its subsidiary as at the balance sheet date.

A subsidiary is defined as a company in which the Group has the power, directly
or indirectly, to exercise control over the financial and operating policies so
as to obtain benefits from its activities.

All subsidiaries are consolidated using the acquisition method of accounting.
Under the acquisition method of accounting, the results of subsidiaries acquired
or disposed of are included from the date of acquisition or up to the date of
disposal.  At the date of acquisition, the fair values of the subsidiaries' net
assets are determined and these values are reflected in the consolidated
financial statements.

Intra-group transactions, balances and unrealized gains on transactions are
eliminated; unrealized losses are also eliminated unless cost cannot be
recovered.  Where necessary, adjustments are made to the financial statements of
subsidiaries to ensure consistency of accounting policies with those of the

Minority interest is measured at the minorities' share of the fair values of the
identifiable assets and liabilities of the acquired.

4.         Review of Performance

For the financial year ended 31 December 2006, GMOL registered revenue of
approximately USD2.89 million and achieved an EBITDA of approximately USD0.6

GMOL was principally set up as an investment holding company to facilitate the
listing of GMO Global and its subsidiaries ("GMO Global") on AIM. The
acquisition of GMO Global by GMOL was completed on 18.8.2006. Therefore,
approximately 4.5 months of GMO Global financial results were included in the
consolidated results of GMOL for the financial year ended 31 December 2006.

The proforma results of GMOL for the financial year ended 31 December 2006,
assuming the acquisition of GMO Global had been completed on 1 January 2006, are
as follows:-

                                  Proforma           Proforma         Proforma
                           First Half Year   Second Half Year   Financial Year
                                     Ended              Ended            Ended                 
                                 30.6.2006         31.12.2006       31.12.2006
                                       USD                USD              USD

Revenue                          1,621,135          3,294,177        4,915,312
Cost of sales                      (10,066)        (1,986,873)      (1,996,939)

Gross Profit                     1,611,069          1,307,304        2,918,373

expenses                           (11,709)          (368,864)        (380,573)

EBITDA*                          1,599,360            938,440        2,537,800

Other income                             -            108,218          108,218
Amortisation                      (453,336)          (453,336)        (906,672)

Profit before taxation           1,146,024            593,322        1,739,346

Taxation                                 -                  -                -

Profit after taxation            1,146,024            593,322        1,739,346

Minority interest                 (342,814)          (249,755)        (592,569)

Profit for the period              803,210            343,567        1,146,777

Earnings per share attributable
to equity holders of the parent
 - Basic (cent) #                     2.68               0.86             2.86

 - Diluted (cent)                       NA                 NA               NA

#  Basic EPS has been calculated based on the net profit attributable to
ordinary shareholders of GMO Limited divided by the number of ordinary shares of
10 pence each in issue for the year of 40,100,000.

5.         Earnings per share

Basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing the net profit for the period
by the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the financial

                                                      Period            Period
                                                        from              from
                                                 1.7.2006 to      20.6.2006 to
                                                  31.12.2006        31.12.2006

Net profit for the period (USD)                      672,104           666,785
Weighted average number of ordinary shares in
Issue                                             27,050,000        27,050,000
Basic earnings per share (cent)                         2.48              2.47

6.         Material Events during the Financial Year Ended 31 December 2006

Acquisition of GMO Global Limited ("GMO") and Share Exchange Agreement

On 18 August 2006, pursuant to the Share Exchange Agreement ("SEA"), GMOL
acquired the entire issued and paid-up share capital of GMO Global Limited ("GMO
"), a company incorporated in the British Virgin Islands, from the JV Partners
namely Green Packet Berhad ("GPB"), mTouche Technology Berhad ("MTB") and OSK
Ventures International Berhad ("OSKVI") for a total consideration of #5,069,830
("Consideration") to be satisfied by way of a share swap which will entail the
issuance of 2,999,900 ordinary shares of #1.00 each in GMOL ("GMOL Shares") at
an issue price of #1.69 per GMOL Share, to be credited as fully paid-up.

Subsequent to the SEA, the JV Partners acquired the remaining 100 GMOL Shares,
at par from the existing shareholders, namely Monitor Holdings Limited and
Primary Holdings Limited, in the proportion of their respective shareholdings in

On the same date, GMOL implemented a share split on the basis of every one (1)
ordinary share of #1.00 each in GMOL into ten (10) new shares of 10 pence each
("New GMOL Shares").

Listing of GMO Limited on Alternative Investment Market ("AIM") of the London
Stock Exchange

On 6 September 2006, GMOL undertook a public issue of 10,000,000 New GMOL
Shares, representing approximately 25% of the enlarged issued and paid-up share
capital of GMOL, at an indicative issue price of 50 pence each. The public issue
raised a total gross proceeds amounted to #5,000,000, and the issued and paid-up
share capital of GMOL increase from #3,000,000 comprising 30,000,000 New GMOL
Shares to #4,000,000 comprising 40,000,000 New GMOL Shares.

On the same date, the entire issued and paid-up share capital of GMO Limited 
("GMOL") of #4,000,000 comprising 40,000,000 ordinary shares of 10 pence each 
was admitted to the AIM of the London Stock Exchange.

Proposed conditional acquisition of 20% equity interest in Wisdom Choice
Investments Ltd ("WCI")

On 29 September 2006, GMOL entered into a Shares Sale Agreement ("SSA") with WCI
and conditionally agreed to acquire an interest in 20 per cent of WCI for a
total consideration of up to USD16.15 million to be satisfied by a mixture of
cash and debt.  WCI is the exclusive service and technology provider of
ColorComm, a market leader in wireless value-added services and interactive TV
communication in China.

In addition, GMOL has been granted a call option to acquire the remaining 80 per
cent shares in WCI.  The exercise period expires on 15 February 2007 and payment
on exercise is dependent on WCI having achieved an audited EBITDA of USD9.5m for
the year ending 31 December 2006.

Proposed acquisition of 20% equity interest in Wisdom Choice Investments Ltd 

On 22 January 2007, the Group announced that all the conditions precedent in the
SSA entered into between GMOL and WCI on 29 September 2006 has been fulfilled.
The remaining consideration (net of the USD5m deposit already paid) has been
funded via internally generated funds and the issuance of Murabahah loan notes
arranged in accordance with Islamic principles.

The subscribers of the Murabahah loan notes comprise, amongst others, Green
Packet Berhad, mTouche Technology Berhad, OSK Ventures International Berhad, ,
and Eugene Goh, Chief Executive Officer. The loan notes will be redeemed by GMOL
two years from the date of issue and may be redeemed earlier at GMOL's option.

Proposed extension of Call Option

On 8 February 2007, the Company and the Vendors of WCI have mutually agreed to
extend the exercise date of the call option from 15 February 2007 to 31 March

                                    - Ends -

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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